Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
---| | 2023-08-28 | Paper |
The two-step average tree value for graph and hypergraph games | 2023-07-13 | Paper |
The average tree value for hypergraph games | 2022-02-11 | Paper |
The average covering tree value for directed graph games | 2020-02-03 | Paper |
The Shapley value for directed graph games | 2018-09-28 | Paper |
Extended antipodal theorems | 2018-08-02 | Paper |
Supermodular NTU-games | 2018-02-06 | Paper |
Cooperative games with restricted formation of coalitions | 2016-12-28 | Paper |
A convergent price adjustment process | 2016-01-01 | Paper |
An efficient multi-item dynamic auction with budget constrained bidders | 2015-09-15 | Paper |
The average tree permission value for games with a permission tree | 2015-02-23 | Paper |
Tree, web and average web values for cycle-free directed graph games | 2015-02-19 | Paper |
A competitive partnership formation process | 2014-06-19 | Paper |
Equivalence and axiomatization of solutions for cooperative games with circular communication structure | 2014-06-06 | Paper |
Solution concepts for games with general coalitional structure | 2014-06-05 | Paper |
Sets in excess demand in simple ascending auctions with unit-demand bidders | 2014-05-08 | Paper |
On a parameterized system of nonlinear equations with economic applications | 2013-02-11 | Paper |
A dynamic auction for differentiated items under price rigidities | 2013-01-29 | Paper | | 2011-12-01 | Paper |
Solving discrete systems of nonlinear equations | 2011-08-19 | Paper |
A model of partnership formation | 2011-07-27 | Paper |
A characterization of the average tree solution for tree games | 2011-05-05 | Paper |
Competitive equilibria in economies with multiple divisible and indivisible commodities and without money | 2011-04-13 | Paper |
Combinatorial integer labeling theorems on finite sets with applications | 2010-04-13 | Paper |
The average tree solution for cooperative games with communication structure | 2010-03-10 | Paper |
Characterization of the Walrasian equilibria of the assignment model | 2010-02-05 | Paper |
Matching models with a conservation law: The existence and global structure of the set of stationary equilibria | 2009-06-24 | Paper |
A constructive proof of Ky Fan's coincidence theorem | 2009-05-04 | Paper |
A discrete multivariate mean value theorem with applications | 2009-04-08 | Paper |
Equilibria with coordination failures | 2009-02-10 | Paper |
A fixed point theorem for discontinuous functions | 2008-05-29 | Paper |
Computing integral solutions of complementarity problems | 2008-05-14 | Paper |
The average tree solution for cycle-free graph games | 2008-04-28 | Paper |
A Vector Labeling Method for Solving Discrete Zero Point and Complementarity Problems | 2008-02-25 | Paper |
The socially stable core in structured transferable utility games | 2007-06-29 | Paper |
Socially structured games | 2007-06-21 | Paper |
Competitive equilibria in economies with multiple indivisible and multiple divisible commodities | 2006-06-30 | Paper |
Solving discrete zero point problems | 2006-06-28 | Paper |
Computing Normal Form Perfect Equilibria for Extensive Two-Person Games | 2006-06-16 | Paper |
Existence of equilibrium and price adjustments in a finance economy with incomplete markets | 2006-06-09 | Paper |
Refinements of Stationary Points with Applications to Noncooperative Games and Economics | 2006-05-30 | Paper |
The positional power of nodes in digraphs | 2005-12-09 | Paper |
Continuum of Zero Points of a Mapping on a Compact, Convex Set | 2005-02-23 | Paper | | 2004-09-06 | Paper |
General existence theorem of zero points | 2004-08-06 | Paper | | 2002-08-19 | Paper |
Existence and welfare properties of equilibrium in an exchange economy with multiple divisible and indivisible commodities and linear production technologies | 2002-06-26 | Paper |
Existence of balanced simplices on polytopes. | 2002-03-11 | Paper | | 2001-12-16 | Paper |
Variational Inequality Problems with a Continuum of Solutions: Existence and Computation | 2001-06-21 | Paper |
Intersection theorems on polytopes. | 2000-07-21 | Paper |
An algorithmic approach toward the tracing procedure for bi-matrix games | 2000-06-04 | Paper |
A better triangulation for Wright's \(2^n\)-ray algorithm | 2000-03-20 | Paper | | 2000-03-08 | Paper |
Existence and Approximation of Robust Solutions of Variational Inequality Problems over Polytopes | 1999-06-24 | Paper |
Intersection theorems with a continuum of intersection points | 1998-06-11 | Paper |
A globally convergent price adjustment process for exchange economies | 1998-03-11 | Paper |
Existence of an equilibrium in a competitive economy with indivisibilities and money | 1998-02-19 | Paper |
Cooperative games in permutational structure | 1998-02-01 | Paper |
Equilibrium adjustment of disequilibrium prices | 1997-07-28 | Paper | | 1997-03-06 | Paper |
The Computation of a Continuum of Constrained Equilibria | 1996-12-01 | Paper |
A new variable dimension simplicial algorithm for computing economic equilibria on \(S^ n \times \mathbb{R}_ +^{m1}\) | 1996-01-07 | Paper |
A new pivoting algorithm for the linear complementarity problem allowing for an arbitrary starting point | 1995-03-28 | Paper |
An Adjustment Process for an Economy with Linear Production Technologies | 1994-08-21 | Paper |
Finding a Nash equilibrium in noncooperativeN-person games by solving a sequence of linear stationary point problems | 1994-08-15 | Paper |
Linear Stationary Point Problems on Unbounded Polyhedra | 1994-03-21 | Paper |
A Simplicial Algorithm for the Nonlinear Stationary Point Problem on an Unbounded Polyhedron | 1992-09-27 | Paper |
Simplicial Algorithm to Find Zero Points of a Function with Special Structure on a Simplotope | 1992-06-27 | Paper |
A procedure for finding Nash equilibria in bi-matrix games | 1991-01-01 | Paper | | 1990-01-01 | Paper | | 1990-01-01 | Paper | | 1990-01-01 | Paper | | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
An algorithm for the linear complementarity problem with upper and lower bounds | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
A Simplicial Algorithm for Stationary Point Problems on Polytopes | 1989-01-01 | Paper | | 1987-01-01 | Paper | | 1987-01-01 | Paper | | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
Simplicial approximation of solutions to the nonlinear complementarity problem with lower and upper bounds | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
The (2 n+1−2)-ray algorithm: A new simplicial algorithm to compute economic equilibria | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
Simplicial Variable Dimension Algorithms for Solving the Nonlinear Complementarity Problem on a Product of Unit Simplices Using a General Labelling | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
A Continuous Deformation Algorithm on the Product Space of Unit Simplices | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
A new simplicial variable dimension algorithm to find equilibria on the product space of unit simplices | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
Simplicial zero-point algorithms: A unifying description | 1986-01-01 | Paper | | 1986-01-01 | Paper | | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
Note on the path following approach of equilibrium programming | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
Interpretation of a Variable Dimension Fixed Point Algorithm with an Artificial Level | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
On the Computation of Fixed Points in the Product Space of Unit Simplices and an Application to Noncooperative N Person Games | 1982-01-01 | Paper |
A class of simplicial restart fixed point algorithms without an extra dimension | 1981-01-01 | Paper | | 1981-01-01 | Paper |
An improvement of fixed point algorithms by using a good triangulation | 1980-01-01 | Paper |
A new subdivision for computing fixed points with a homotopy algorithm | 1980-01-01 | Paper | | 1980-01-01 | Paper | | 1980-01-01 | Paper |
A simple proof of the optimality of the best N-policy in the M/G/l queueing control problem with removable server | 1979-01-01 | Paper | | 1979-01-01 | Paper |
A restart algorithm for computing fixed points without an extra dimension | 1979-01-01 | Paper |
A Production-Inventory Control Model with a Mixture of Back-Orders and Lost-Sales | 1978-01-01 | Paper | | 1978-01-01 | Paper |