Interpolation of spatial data. Some theory for kriging

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zbMath0924.62100MaRDI QIDQ1294781

Michael L. Stein

Publication date: 12 August 1999

Published in: Springer Series in Statistics (Search for Journal in Brave)

60G60: Random fields

62M40: Random fields; image analysis

62-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to statistics

86A32: Geostatistics

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models using ensemble copula coupling, Discussion of: ``A statistical analysis of multiple temperature proxies: are reconstructions of surface temperatures over the last 1000 years reliable?, Asymptotic learning curves of kernel methods: empirical data versus teacher–student paradigm, Representing Model Discrepancy in Bound-to-Bound Data Collaboration, Latin hypercube designs based on strong orthogonal arrays and Kriging modelling to improve the payload distribution of trains, Computer Model Calibration with Time Series Data Using Deep Learning and Quantile Regression, Joint Online Parameter Estimation and Optimal Sensor Placement for the Partially Observed Stochastic Advection-Diffusion Equation, Shape-constrained Gaussian process regression for surface reconstruction and multimodal, non-rigid image registration, Asymptotic Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Covariance Parameters for Gaussian Processes: An Introduction with Proofs, Lagrangian Spatio-Temporal Nonstationary Covariance Functions, The Need for More Emphasis on Prediction: A “Nondenominational” Model-Based Approach, Penalized Projected Kernel Calibration for Computer Models, Nonparametric estimation of isotropic covariance function, Performance of the supervised generative classifiers of spatio-temporal areal data using various spatial autocorrelation indexes, Bayesian Estimation and Optimization for Learning Sequential Regularized Portfolios, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Mixed Domain Asymptotics for Geostatistical Processes, Extending the Gneiting class for modeling spatially isotropic and temporally symmetric vector random fields, Principal Component Analysis of Spatially Indexed Functions, Multivariate geometric anisotropic Cox processes, Deep Gaussian process for multi-objective Bayesian optimization, Bayesian latent variable co-kriging model in remote sensing for quality flagged observations, Asymptotic Bounds for Smoothness Parameter Estimates in Gaussian Process Interpolation, Beta spatial linear mixed model with variable dispersion using Monte Carlo maximum likelihood, Small Area Estimation for Disease Prevalence Mapping, Model-independent reconstruction of growth index via Gaussian process, Multivariate spatial prediction based on Andrews curves and functional, Dissecting Chilean surveys: The missing outcomes case, A Bayesian detection of structural changes in autoregressive time series models, The Mc-Donald Chen distribution: A new bimodal distribution with properties and applications, The arctan family of distributions: New results with applications, On the Topp-Leone log-normal distribution: properties and applications in astronomy and cancer data, Bootstrap inference under cross‐sectional dependence, Bayesian nonstationary spatial modeling for very large datasets, Strong local nondeterminism and exact modulus of continuity for isotropic Gaussian random fields on compact two-point homogeneous spaces, Inference for low‐ and high‐dimensional inhomogeneous Gibbs point processes, Beyond Matérn: On A Class of Interpretable Confluent Hypergeometric Covariance Functions, NONPARAMETRIC PREDICTION WITH SPATIAL DATA, Discrimination between Gaussian process models: active learning and static constructions, Modeling Temporally Evolving and Spatially Globally Dependent Data, On Some Characteristics of Gaussian Covariance Functions, A Statistical Review of Template Model Builder: A Flexible Tool for Spatial Modelling, Covariate‐based cepstral parameterizations for time‐varying spatial error covariances, Quasi-uniform designs with optimal and near-optimal uniformity constant, Gradient and uncertainty enhanced sequential sampling for global fit, Multi-scale reconstruction of turbulent rotating flows with proper orthogonal decomposition and generative adversarial networks, Estimating the parameters of some common Gaussian random fields with nugget under fixed-domain asymptotics, Crop Yield Prediction Using Bayesian Spatially Varying Coefficient Models with Functional Predictors, Linear-Cost Covariance Functions for Gaussian Random Fields, A Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Approach to Functional Calibration of Computer Models, Functional principal component analysis for partially observed elliptical process, Fitting Matérn smoothness parameters using automatic differentiation, Spatial 3D Matérn priors for fast whole-brain fMRI analysis, A scalable Matérn Gaussian process for learning spatial curves distributions, Analysis of a Computational Framework for Bayesian Inverse Problems: Ensemble Kalman Updates and MAP Estimators under Mesh Refinement, Stacking Designs: Designing Multifidelity Computer Experiments with Target Predictive Accuracy, Pairwise interaction function estimation of stationary Gibbs point processes using basis expansion, Confidence regions for the level curves of spatial data, Computationally efficient spatial modeling of annual maximum 24‐h precipitation on a fine grid, Modeling Massive Highly Multivariate Nonstationary Spatial Data with the Basis Graphical Lasso, Spatial Linear Regression with Covariate Measurement Errors: Inference and Scalable Computation in a Functional Modeling Approach, Maximum Likelihood Algorithm for Spatial Generalized Linear Mixed Models without Numerical Evaluations of Intractable Integrals, Spatiotemporal local interpolation of global ocean heat transport using argo floats: a debiased latent Gaussian process approach, The Zero Problem: Gaussian Process Emulators for Range-Constrained Computer Models, New decouplers of fractal dimension and Hurst effects, Asymptotic spectral theory for spatial data, Scalable computations for nonstationary Gaussian processes, A spatial‐dependent model for climate emulation, A competitive design‐based spatial predictor, Gaussian process regression in the flat limit, Stochastic PDE representation of random fields for large-scale Gaussian process regression and statistical finite element analysis, Parameter Selection in Gaussian Process Interpolation: An Empirical Study of Selection Criteria, Matrix-valued isotropic covariance functions with local extrema, Identifying Nonlinear Dynamics with High Confidence from Sparse Data, A flexible Clayton-like spatial copula with application to bounded support data, Nonparametric Bayesian modeling and estimation of spatial correlation functions for global data, Characteristic kernels on Hilbert spaces, Banach spaces, and on sets of measures

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