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zbMath0949.14001MaRDI QIDQ3836535

Hiraku Nakajima

Publication date: 7 December 1999

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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I: Stable envelopes, Recurrence relation for instanton partition function in SU(N) gauge theory, Deformations of instanton metrics, On categories 𝒪 of quiver varieties overlying the bouquet graphs, Black hole entropy from quantum mechanics, Categorical Chern character and braid groups, Blowups in BPS/CFT correspondence, and Painlevé VI, On automorphisms of Hilbert squares of smooth hypersurfaces, Parabolic sheaves on surfaces and affine Lie algebra, Remarks on Cohomological Hall Algebras and Their Representations, TOROIDAL q-OPERS, Limiting Betti distributions of Hilbert schemes on n points, Computing the R-matrix of the quantum toroidal algebra, Double nested Hilbert schemes and the local stable pairs theory of curves, 4-Manifold topology, Donaldson–Witten theory, Floer homology and higher gauge theory methods in the BV-BFV formalism, Intersection forms of toric hyperkähler varieties, Gromov–Witten invariants of Hilbert schemes of two points on elliptic surfaces, Stringy instanton counting and topological strings, Exact results for boundaries and domain walls in 2d supersymmetric theories, Character formulas on cohomology of deformations of Hilbert schemes ofK3 surfaces, Generalized punctual Hilbert schemes and 𝔤-complex structures, On Symbolic Computation of Ideal Projectors and Inverse Systems, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Singular loci of instanton sheaves on projective space, Instantons and framed sheaves on Kähler Deligne–Mumford stacks, LEHN’S FORMULA IN CHOW AND CONJECTURES OF BEAUVILLE AND VOISIN, The regularity of almost-commuting partial Grothendieck--Springer resolutions and parabolic analogs of Calogero--Moser varieties, Tautological sheaves on Hilbert schemes of points, On Partition Functions of Hyperbolic Three-Geometry and Associated Hilbert Schemes, Subregular representations of 𝔰𝔩_{𝔫} and simple singularities of type 𝔄_{𝔫-1}. II, The topological symmetric orbifold, Birational geometry of moduli spaces of perverse coherent sheaves on blow-ups, On the algebraicity about the Hodge numbers of the Hilbert schemes of algebraic surfaces, Distributions on partitions arising from Hilbert schemes and hook lengths, Symplectic resolutions, symplectic duality, and Coulomb branches, Super-Schur polynomials for affine super Yangian \(\mathsf{Y}(\widehat{\mathfrak{gl}}_{1|1})\), W$W$‐algebras associated to surfaces, Spectral theory of the Nazarov-Sklyanin Lax operator, Perverse filtrations, Chern filtrations, and refined BPS invariants for local \(\mathbb{P}^2\), Superconformal quantum mechanics and growth of sheaf cohomology, BPS states meet generalized cohomology, Reflective prolate‐spheroidal operators and the adelic Grassmannian, Algebra and geometry of link homology: Lecture notes from the IHES 2021 Summer School, Mutually annihilating matrices, and a Cohen-Lenstra series for the nodal singularity, An introduction to Hilbert schemes of points on ADE singularities, 3D TQFT and HOMFLYPT homology, A CATEGORICAL QUANTUM TOROIDAL ACTION ON THE HILBERT SCHEMES, The local categorical DT/PT correspondence, Towards geometric Satake correspondence for Kac-Moody algebras --- Cherkis bow varieties and affine Lie algebras of type $A$, Symplectic involutions of K3[n$K3^{[n]}$ type and Kummer n$n$ type manifolds], Hilbert schemes, commuting matrices and hyperkähler geometry, Affine Laumon spaces and iterated \(\mathcal{W}\)-algebras, Moment maps and cohomology of non-reductive quotients, Atiyah-Drinfeld-Hitchin-Manin construction of framed instanton sheaves, Bow varieties and ALF spaces, AGT and the Segal-Sugawara construction, Framed symplectic sheaves on surfaces, On the birational geometry of Hilbert schemes of points and Severi divisors, Categorification and Higher Representation Theory, The Brauer loop scheme and orbital varieties, A class of perverse sheaves on framed representation varieties of the Jordan quiver, 2d-4d connection between \(q\)-Virasoro/\(W\) block at root of unity limit and instanton partition function on ALE space, Quantization of Drinfeld Zastava in type \(A\), Introduction to Quiver Varieties, Proving the AGT relation for \(N_{f} = 0, 1, 2\) antifundamentals, Combinatorial constructions of derived equivalences, GRADED UNIPOTENT GROUPS AND GROSSHANS THEORY, Universal formulas for characteristic classes on the Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces, Involutions on the Affine Grassmannian and Moduli Spaces of Principal Bundles, Stratifications of Marsden-Weinstein reductions for representations of quivers and deformations of symplectic quotient singularities, Magnificent four, Lagrangian matching invariants for fibred four-manifolds. I., Autoduality of compactified Jacobians for curves with plane singularities, \(K\)-theory of crepant resolutions of complex orbifolds with \(SU(2)\) singularities, Multigraded Hilbert schemes, On blowup formulae for the S-duality conjecture of Vafa and Witten III: relations with vertex operator algebras, The variety of pairs of commuting nilpotent matrices is irreducible, Rational Cherednik algebras and Hilbert schemes. II: Representations and sheaves, Integrable many-body systems and gauge theories, On the monodromy of moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 surfaces, Virasoro algebra and wreath product convolution, Nilpotent slices, Hilbert schemes, and the Jones polynomial, Unnamed Item, Quantum cohomology of the Hilbert scheme of points on 𝒜_{𝓃}-resolutions, Cherednik algebras and Hilbert schemes in characteristic 𝑝, String orbifolds and quotient stacks, Limit shapes, real and imagined, Ideals of the cohomology rings of Hilbert schemes and their applications, Hilbert-Chow morphism for non commutative Hilbert schemes and moduli spaces of linear representations, Double affine Hecke algebras at roots of unity, On the quasi-asymptotically locally Euclidean geometry of Nakajima's metric, Perverse coherent sheaves on blow-up. II. Wall-crossing and Betti numbers formula, MODULI SPACES OF FRAMED PERVERSE INSTANTONS ON ℙ3, Equivariant volumes of non-compact quotients and instanton counting, Morita equivalence of Cherednik algebras, HIGHER GENUS GROMOV–WITTEN THEORY OF AND ASSOCIATED TO LOCAL CURVES, The decomposition theorem, perverse sheaves and the topology of algebraic maps, Quasimaps and stable pairs, Moduli Space of Non-Abelian Vortices, From partitions to Hodge numbers of Hilbert schemes of surfaces, A note on the ADHM description of Quot schemes of points on affine spaces, Weighted Projective Lines as Fine Moduli Spaces of Quiver Representations, Instanton counting on blowup. I: 4-dimensional pure gauge theory, Rational Cherednik algebras and Hilbert schemes, BPS Wilson loops and quiver varieties