scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3086604
From MaRDI portal
zbMath0054.07103MaRDI QIDQ5825483
Publication date: 1951
Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.
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I, A canonical form for compact nonpositively curved manifolds whose fundamental groups have nontrivial center, A second Lefschetz theorem for general manifold sections in complex projective space, Submanifolds in Euclidean space with simple geodesics, Alcune osservazioni riguardanti i gruppi di Lie \(G_ 2\) e Spin(7), candidati a gruppi di olonomia, Realization of cohomology classes in arbitrary exact categories, An equivariant extension theorem and G-retracts with a finite structure, Connections with \(L^ p \)bounds on curvature, Topological dynamics and linear differential systems, Real stable ranks, On the connection among three classical mechanical problems via the hypercomplex KS-transformation, The semiclassical limit for gauge theory on \(S^ 2\), The geometry of compact Lie groups, Combinatorial handles and manifolds with boundary, On the continuity of the boosts for each orbit, Holomorphic fiberings and multivalued functions of elements of a Banach algebra, On the topology of quaternion Kähler manifolds, Some remarks on conformal invariant theories on four-Lorentz manifolds, Line bundles and harmonic analysis on compact groups, Characteristic classes of fiber bundle with involution, On the geometry of Lorentz orbit spaces, Über die isometrische Fortsetzbarkeit isometrischer Immersionen der Standard-\(m\)-Sphäre \(S^m(\subset\mathbb{R}^{m+1})\) in \(\mathbb{R}^{m+2}\), Beispiele von Sphärenbündeln über \(S^2\), On the tangent sphere bundle of a 2-sphere, K-theory obstructions to the existence of vector fields, Riemannian spaces of diameter \(\pi\), Holomorphic fiber bundles whose fibers are bounded Stein domains with zero first Betti number, A class of subnormal operators related to multiply-connected domains, A theorem on Runge problem for analytic curves, Considerations sur les structures spinorielles, On compact spacelike submanifolds, Classifying Hilbert bundles. II, Global spinor fields in space-time, Monodromy groups and linearly polymorphic functions, Foncteurs isomorphes des categories d'actions à des categories de fibrations, Topology and cosmology, A classification of space-time structures, On the fundamental groups of space-times in general relativity, Magnetic charge, holonomy and characteristic classes: Illustrations of the methods of topology in relativity, On Poincaré 3-complexes with binary polyhedral fundamental group, Le problème de Levi dans les fibres à base de Stein et à fibre une courbe compacte, Sur la théorie des objets geométriques transitifs, de classe r, d'une variété différentielle arbitraire, Some bundles of non-negative curvature, Sui fibrati con struttura quaternionale generalizzata, Geometric coloring theory, Operatori pseudo-differenziali anisotropi su varieta fogliettate, Halbeinfache Automorphismengruppen von vierdimensionalen stabilen Ebenen sind quasi-einfach, On the Martin compactification of a bounded Lipschitz domain in a Riemannian manifold, On the kernel and the nuclei of 8-dimensional locally compact quasifields, Äquivariante Homotopie. I, Embedding finite covering spaces into trivial bundles, Real analytic maps of manifolds into manifolds of one lower dimension, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the geometric realizability of a simple incidence graph, K-theory doesn't exist, Maps between classifying spaces. II, Generalized higher order cohomology operations induced by the diagonal mapping, The structure of semitopological monoids on compact connected manifolds, Generalized cohomological index theories for Lie group actions with an application to bifurcation questions for Hamiltonian systems, On non-compact complex nil-manifolds, Classification of SO(3)-actions on five manifolds, When is an ideal generated by a regular sequence?, Theory of curves in smooth kinematics, Domains of stationary communications in space-time, Torus sum formula of simple invariants for 4-manifolds, Crossed products by \(C_0(X)\)-actions, Bundle-connection pairs and loop group representations, Non-Abelian holonomy of BCS and SDW quasiparticles, Almost complex and complex structures on real projective Stiefel manifolds, Joint torsion of Toeplitz operators with \(H^{\infty}\) symbols, A geometric quadratic form of \(3\)-dimensional normal maps, Hypercomplex structures associated to quaternionic manifolds, Manifolds of almost nonnegative curvature, Examples of Riemannian manifolds with positive curvature almost everywhere, Stability of \(B\)-incompleteness, Classification theorem for principal fibre bundles, Berry's phase, and exact cyclic evolution, A nonlinear elliptic system for maps from Hermitian to Riemannian manifolds and rigidity theorems in Hermitian geometry, On the determination of PL-manifolds by handles of lower dimension, Neutral structures on even-dimensional manifolds, Continuous vector bundles over topological algebras. II, The Mergelyan-Bishop theorem in the case of mappings into homogeneous manifolds. II: Proof of the theorem and application, Representations of simple Lie groups, Cardinal-indexed classifying spaces for families of subgroups of any topological group, The proportionality principle for Osserman manifolds, Exotic differentiable structures and general relativity, Near coverings and cosystolic expansion, A note on the \(\mathbb Z_2\)-cohomology algebra of oriented Grassmann manifolds, Gromov's Oka principle, fiber bundles and the conformal module, Horizontal lift problems in a pull-back bundle of tensor bundles defined by projection of the cotangent bundles, Smooth 1-dimensional algebraic quantum field theories, On fiber bundles and quaternionic slice regular functions, Cohomology of solvable Lie algebras and solvmanifolds, The tangent direction bundle of an algebraic variety and generalized Jacobians of linear systems, Theory of connections, Some differential geometric remarks on complex homogeneous manifolds, Zur Einbettung einer differenzierbaren Mannigfaltigkeit in einem euklidischen Raum, The elimination of critical points of a non-degenerate function on a differentiable manifold, Über holomorphe \(P_ n\)-Bündel über \(P_ 1\), Moduli space of non-negative sectional or positive Ricci curvature metrics on sphere bundles over spheres and their quotients, On k-parallelizable manifolds, Anheften von Kugelbündeln an Faserräume, Remarks on 4-dimensional differentiable manifolds, Riemann surfaces of second kind and effective finiteness theorems, Non-commutativity of the exponential spectrum, Siegel-Satake cross and associated Clifford algebras, A journey through loop braid groups, Compact stable surfaces with constant mean curvature in Killing submersions, The use of action functionals within the quantum-like paradigm, A characterization of \(G\)-ANR and \(G\)-AR spaces for proper actions of Lie groups, Maximal extensions and classification of Lorentzian tori with a Killing field, Moduli spaces of framed \(G\)-Higgs bundles and symplectic geometry, Hamiltonian unknottedness of certain monotone Lagrangian tori in \(S^2\times S^2\), On geometric objects, the non-existence of a gravitational stress-energy tensor, and the uniqueness of the Einstein field equation, Background potentials and superselection sectors, Geometric phase curvature statistics, On deformations of D-manifolds and CR D-manifolds, Canonical coordinates for a class of solvable groups, Curvature properties of \(\varphi\)-null Osserman Lorentzian \(\mathcal S\)-manifolds, On LS-category and topological complexity of some fiber bundles and Dold manifolds, The set of paths in a space and its algebraic structure. A historical account, Embedded spaces and wavelets on a manifold, The geometry of synchronization problems and learning group actions, A geometric interpretation of the homotopy groups of the cobordism category, Partially integrable almost complex structures, Fermionic quantization and configuration spaces for the Skyrme and Faddeev-Hopf models, Generalised \(G_2\)-manifolds, Constructions in Sasakian geometry, Lie group structures on symmetry groups of principal bundles, On the Fredholm Lagrangian Grassmannian, spectral flow and ODEs in Hilbert spaces, Homogeneous and inhomogeneous isoparametric hypersurfaces in rank one symmetric spaces, On the theory of algebraic invariants of vector spaces of Killing tensors, Classification of real Nash fibre bundles, On the topology of the space of invertible pseudodifferential operators of order 0, Operator calculus of differential chains and differential forms, Local Lagrangian formalism and discretization of the Heisenberg magnet model, Superintegrable Hamiltonian systems: Geometry and perturbations, Principal bundles and group extensions with applications to Hopf algebras, Classifying Hilbert bundles, A GKM description of the equivariant cohomology ring of a homogeneous space, \(K\)-cosymplectic manifolds, On the Euler characteristic of measured foliations, Symmetries in quantum field theory and quantum gravity, On the realization of Riemannian symmetric spaces in Lie groups. II, Nonexistence of homotopy equivalences which are \(C^{\infty}\) stable or of finite codimension, Topological invariants of eigenvalue intersections and decrease of Wannier functions in graphene, Weak continuity of the Cartan structural system and compensated compactness on semi-Riemannian manifolds with lower regularity, Some mathematical, epistemological, and historical reflections on the relationship between geometry and reality, space-time theory and the geometrization of theoretical physics, from Riemann to Weyl and beyond, Curves von 2-manifolds and isotopies, Manifolds admitting continuous field of frames, Immersions and embeddings of tangent bundles, Zum Begriff des linearen Zusammenhanges, Maximale eindeutige Lösungen (Riemannsche Flächen) für Cauchysche Anfangswertaufgaben bei partiellen Differentialgleichungssystemen erster Ordnung für eine gesuchte Funktion auf \(C^ \infty\)-Mannigfaltigkeiten. I--III, Über Jordan-Algebren und kompakte Riemannsche symmetrische Räume vom Rang 1, The Euler class of generalized vector bundles, A fiber bundle over the quaternionic slice regular functions, Special coordinate coverings of Riemann surfaces, Über die Anzahl geschlossener Geodätischer in gewissen Riemannschen Mannigfaltigkeiten, Faserstabile Mikrobündel und stabile Faserbündel, The holonomy covering space in principal fibre bundles, Immersions of lens spaces, Derivations and automorphisms of operator algebras, Obstruction et transgression cohomologique dans les espaces fibrés, Okasche Paare von Garben nichtabelscher Gruppen, Analytische Modulgarben und Endromisbündel, Obstruction class for the existence of a conformal spin structure in a strict sense, Equivalence: an attempt at a history of the idea, Generalized vector cross products and Killing forms on negatively curved manifolds, Nijenhuis geometry, Matrix bundles and operator algebras over a finitely bordered Riemann surface, On global invertibility of semi-algebraic local diffeomorphisms, Countable approximation of topological \(G\)-manifolds. III: Arbitrary Lie groups, Coexistence of absolutely continuous and pure point spectrum for kicked quasiperiodic potentials, Bounds on spectral norms and barcodes, Geometric analysis of the Yang-Mills-Higgs-Dirac model, On the restricted conformal group of the \((1 + n)\)-Einstein static universe, Differential geometry of collective models, Constructions of round fold maps on smooth bundles, Higher-power harmonic maps and sections, Spherical T-duality. II: An infinity of spherical T-duals for non-principal \(\mathrm{SU}(2)\)-bundles, Indices of collections of equivariant 1-forms and characteristic numbers, Classical Higgs fields, Classification of couplings for transitive Lie algebroids, Finite dimensional de Branges spaces on Riemann surfaces, A bundle view of boundary-value problems: Generalizing the Gardner--Jones bundle, Homotopy and homology of fibred spaces, Existence of foliations on 4-manifolds, Non-orientable surfaces and electric-magnetic duality, A vector-bundle version of a theorem of V. Doležal, Smooth maps having only singularities with Boardman symbol (1,0), An equivariant version of Grauert's Oka principle, Equivariant frame fields on spheres with complementary equivariant complex structures, On JB\(^*\)-triples defined by fibre bundles, The Ricci tensor of almost Parahermitian manifolds, Roots of iterates of maps, On a problem of Osserman in Lorentzian geometry, On the fibre product of incidence structures, Notes on a study of vector bundle dynamical systems. I, Total bending of vector fields on Riemannian manifolds, The simple invariant and differentiable structures on the Horikawa surface, Local formulae for Stiefel-Whitney classes, Fibre singularities of functions on principal \(S^ 1\)-bundles, On invariant domains in certain complex homogeneous spaces, Bundle of quantizations of a symplectic torus, Scattering states of plektons (particles with braid group statistics) in \(2+1\) dimensional quantum field theory, A remark on bifurcation of Fredholm maps, Holomorphic realization of \(\overline{\partial}\)-cohomology and constructions of representations, Pin structures and the modified Dirac operator, The minimal Morse components of translations on flag manifolds are normally hyperbolic, Quantizable forms, On locally trivial \(G_\alpha\)-actions, Approximating vertical vector fields for feedforward neural networks, An invitation to fiberwise topology: The general framework for multicolored images in pattern recognition and some of its artificial intelligence aspects, A few comments on the Clifford algebra \(C\ell_2\) of the standard Euclidean plane, Anosov representations: domains of discontinuity and applications., Parametric pseudo-manifolds, On the arithmetic 4-orbifolds associated to integral quaternary quadratic forms of index 2, Fixed point free involutions on homotopy spheres, Parallelizability of proper actions, global K-slices and maximal compact subgroups, Excision in algebraic obstruction theory, Embeddings of the base and bundle isomorphisms, On the cusped fan in a planar portrait of a manifold, On the history of the Hopf problem, Metric fibrations from simply connected rank-one projective spaces, Bell inequality, nonlocality and analyticity, On Lorentzian compact surfaces without conjugate points, Resolutions of \(p\)-stratifolds with isolated singularities, Crosscap stability, Betti numbers of finite volume orbifolds, An explicit retraction of symplectic flag manifolds onto complex flag manifolds, Codimension two transcendental submanifolds of projective space, Generalized semilocal theories and higher Hopf maps, On the configuration space of gauge theories., New linear systems for \(2\)d Poincaré supergravities, Homotopy types of gauge groups related to \(S^{3}\)-bundles over \(S^{4}\), Volumes of compact manifolds, On the contribution of Wu Wen-Tsün to algebraic topology, Isotropic Kähler structures on Engel 4-manifolds, A mod 2 index theorem for the twisted signature operator, Group actions on \(S^6\) and complex structures on \(\mathbb{P}_3\), Quantum Wilson surfaces and topological interactions, Milnor numbers and classes of local complete intersections, Oriented robot motion planning in Riemannian manifolds, On the isometric conjecture of Banach, Germs of fibrations of spheres by great circles always extend to the whole sphere, Degrees of maps between \(S^3\)-bundles over \(S^5\), A note on parallelizable dynamical systems, On the o-minimal LS-category, Lorentzian causality theory, Oscillating-decaying solutions, Runge approximation property for the anisotropic elasticity system and their applications to inverse problems, Topological invariants of principal \(G\)-bundles with singularities, Chiral vector bundles, Spin structures on real projective quadrics, Chern numbers, quaternions, and Berry's phases in Fermi systems, On the existence and the structure of the pseudo-equilibrium manifold, Connected sum of compact analytic hypersurfaces, Mass and dual mass: A gravitational analogue of the Dirac quantization rule and its physical implications, Hermitian K-theory over topological *-algebras, Covariant representations in a fibre bundle framework, Extendability of certain maps, The geometry of gauge fields, Homotopically nontrivial solutions for a spherically symmetric gravitational field, The global structure of simple space-times, Conjugacy classes of groups of bundle automorphisms, Stiefel-Whitney currents., Group actions on sphere bundles over spheres, Some results for SU(N) gauge-fields on the hypertorus, Locally-operating realizations of groups and superequivalence of factor systems, Note on nilpotent spaces and localization, Concordance and bordism of line fields, Decomposition in the large of two-forms of constant rank, Urysohn operators in the space of homogeneous harmonic polynomials, Canonical isotopies in Euclidean space, Lifting graph automorphisms by voltage assignments, Codimension one minimal cycles with coefficients in \(Z\) or \(Z_p\), and variational functionals on fibered spaces, The fundamental group of the automorphism group of a noncommutative torus, Ehresmann connections and feedforward neural networks, Exponential radicals of solvable Lie groups, The absolute degree and Nielsen root number of a fibre-preserving map, Partial ordering of gauge orbit types for SU\(_n\)-gauge theories, Central extensions of infinite-dimensional Lie groups, An exotic sphere with positive curvature almost everywhere., Antipodal vector bundle monomorphisms, First-quantized theory of expanding universe from field quantization in mini-superspace, \(\mathbb Z_2\) invariants of topological insulators as geometric obstructions, On the stability of a generalized additive functional equation, Geometry and symmetric coherent states of three qubits systems, Conceptual foundations of soliton versus particle dualities toward a topological model for matter, On de Rham and Dolbeault cohomology of solvmanifolds, Path-connectedness of the moduli spaces of metrics with positive isotropic curvature on four-manifolds, Dirac-harmonic maps from index theory, Locally convex surfaces immersed in a Killing submersion, On regular polytopes, The Sturm-Liouville group, Contact elements, contact correspondences, and contact invariants, Twisted submersions in nonnegative sectional curvature, Witten spinors on nonspin manifolds, An infinite family of tight triangulations of manifolds, Remarks on global sub-Lorentzian geometry, Spline-wavelet decompositions on manifolds, The homotopy type of the cobordism category, Braid groups in complex Grassmannians, Divisors in global analytic sets, Generalised spin structures on 2-dimensional orbifolds, When strictly locally convex hypersurfaces are embedded, A dual geometric theory for bundle shifts, A geometric approach to boundaries and surface defects in Dijkgraaf-Witten theories, On the geometry of flat pseudo-Riemannian homogeneous spaces, The Calabi construction for compact flat orbifolds, Quantum geons and noncommutative spacetimes, Algebraicity of cycles on smooth manifolds, Constraints on heterotic M-theory from s-cobordism, Concurrent normals to convex bodies and spaces of Morse functions, Families of finite coverings of the Riemann sphere, On smooth foliations with Morse singularities, Topology, and (in)stability of non-abelian monopoles, Controllability properties of nonlinear systems induced by lifting, Extensions of maps to Moore spaces, Differentiable classification of 4-manifolds with singular Riemannian foliations, The Calabi complex and Killing sheaf cohomology, The monotone wrapped Fukaya category and the open-closed string map, Algebraic cycles representing cohomology operations, Invariants of three-manifolds from finite group cohomology, Characteristic classes of transformation groups, Approximation of biholomorphic mappings by automorphisms of \(\mathbb{C}^ n\), Principal bundles over tori and maps which induce the identity on homotopy, Topological geon black holes in Einstein-Yang-Mills theory, On Walkup's class \(\mathcal K(d)\) and a minimal triangulation of \((S^3 \utimes S^1)^{\#3}\), Motion of test rigid bodies in Riemannian spaces., An introduction to the Abelian Reidemeister torsion of three-dimensional manifolds, On the gauge orbit types for theories with classical compact gauge group, Chern-Simons topological Lagrangians in odd dimensions and their Kaluza-Klein reduction, When D-branes break, Desuspension of splitting elliptic symbols. II, Note on the existence of almost complex structures on compact manifolds, Courbure de Ricci et géométrie conforme. (Ricci curvature and conformal geometry), A topological investigation of the quantum adiabatic phase, Geometrical phase factors and higher-order adiabatic approximations, Embedding almost-complex manifolds in almost-complex Euclidean spaces, Certain ergodic properties of a differential system on a compact differentiable manifold, On \(C^ 1\)-stability and \(C^ 1\)-determinacy, On Lie supergroups and superbundles defined via the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula, Winding numbers for SU(3) lattice gauge fields, On homogeneous spaces with two ends, Approximation by positive mean curvature immersions: frizzing, Bundle structure of the Green classes in \(M_n(\mathbb K)\)., Problèmes aux limites sur des espaces fibrés, Zur Differentialgeometrie der komplexen Strukturen, Campi di elementi lineari complessi sopra una varieta complessa compatta, On the reducibility of an affinely connected manifold, Homotopie und Homologie in abelschen Gruppen- und Monoidkomplexen. I, II, Einige Bemerkungen über komplex-analytische Vektorraumbündel, Approximationssaetze für holomorphe Funktionen mit Werten in komplexen Räumen, Holomorphe Funktionen mit Werten in komplexen Lieschen Gruppen, Analytische Faserungen über holomorph-vollständigen Räumen, Über meromorphe Schnitte komplex-analytischer Vektorraumbündel und Anwendungen auf Riemannsche Klassen. I, II, Die geometrische Realisierung eines schiefen kartesischen Produktes, Some new conservation laws, A note on fractional intersection multiplicities, Felder von Flächenelementen in 4-dimensionalen Mannigfaltigkeiten. (Plane element fields in 4-dimensional manifolds), Étude de quelques algèbres tayloriennes, Homotopiemengen und ihre induzierten Abbildungen. I.-II.: Sphärenähnliche Mannigfaltigkeiten, Quelques propriétés des fibrés au sens de Kan, Bemerkungen zur Homotopietheorie der Koinzidenzen mehrerer Abbildungen, Topologische Doppelloops und topologische Halbgruppen, The structure of a Riemannian manifold admitting a parallel field of tangent vector subspaces, Sur la géométrie différentielle des \(G\)-structures, The winding number on two-manifolds, Homologie nicht-additiver Funktoren. Anwendungen, The structure of algebras of operator fields, Zur Topologie der Abbildungen dreidimensionaler Mannigfaltigkeiten, Über die endliche Erzeugung der Fundamentalgruppe einer komplex- algebraischen Mannigfaltigkeit, Sur des invariants intégraux de champs enclacés, Sur la structure projective d'espace fibre, Characters and cohomology of finite groups, On Schauder's paper on linear elliptic differential equations, On the realization of the Stiefel-Whitney characteristic classes by submanifolds, Gauss map and the topology of constant mean curvature hypersurfaces of \(\mathbb{S}^7\) and \(\mathbb{CP}^3 \), Intersection homology. II, Homotopy classification of connected sums of sphere bundles over spheres. III, Homotopy construction of a spinor wave functional, Division algebras, fibrations of spheres by great spheres and the topological determination of space by the gross behavior of its geodesics, Two-dimensional stable planes with non-solvable automorphism group, The aetiology of sigma model anomalies, Lattice gauge fields, principal bundles and the calculation of topological charge, Topological charge of (lattice) gauge fields, Transversality and the index theorem, A grand superspace for unified field theories, Desuspension of splitting elliptic symbols. I, Non-time-orientable Lorentzian cobordism allows for pair creation, Contractibility of geometric structures, Spin(8) gauge field theory, Spinors and diffeomorphisms, Intersection R-torsion and analytic torsion for pseudomanifolds, Computer graphics and the geometry of \(S^ 3\), Invariant dissipative operators on locally compact groups, About the extension problem for proper maps, Extendable cohomologies for complex analytic varieties, Handles in graphs and sphere bundles over \(S^ 1\), The homotopy type of the group of automorphisms of a UHF-algebra, Invariant functions on Lie groups and Hamiltonian flows of surface group representations, Bernstein theorems for harmonic morphisms from \({\mathbb R}\) 3 and S 3, The Chern character on the odd spinor groups, Description of geometric spaces as fibered structures, Some properties of topological geons, Intersection Whitehead torsion and the s-cobordism theorem for pseudomanifolds, Local coefficients and Euler class groups, Connections on discrete fibre bundles, Some differential-geometric remarks on a method for minimizing constrained functionals of matrix-valued functions, Real points on complex plane curves, Symmetries on compact pseudo-Hermitian manifolds, The evaluation map in field theory, sigma-models and strings. II, Topological components of spaces of representations, The monodromy representations of projective structures, Relative Inversion in der Störungstheorie von Operatoren und \(\Psi\)- Algebren. (Relative inversions in perturbation theory of operators and \(\Psi\)-algebras), Lie algebroids, Lie groupoids and TFT, The Lefschetz-Hopf theorem for Q-simplicial maps, The evaluation subgroup of a fibre inclusion, Continuous approximate solutions in parametric optimization, Generalized handles in graphs and connected sums of manifolds, Classifications of bundle connection pairs by parallel translation and lassos, Harmonic morphisms and circle actions on 3- and 4-manifolds, A rough logic formalism for fuzzy controllers: A hard and soft computing view, The Kustaanheimo-Stiefel map, the Hopf fibration and the square root map on \(\mathbb R^{3}\) and \(\mathbb R^{4}\), Sous-groupes commutatifs et torsion des groupes de Lie compacts connexes, Lokalkompakte zusammenhängende topologische Halbgruppen mit dichter Untergruppe, Global boundary behavior of meromorphic functions, Symmetries in Lagrangian field theory, Topological methods in moduli theory, Higher dimensional quantum Hall effect as A-class topological insulator, Homogeneous Einstein-like metrics on spheres and projective spaces, Cauchy boundaries of space-times, Connection metrics of nonnegative curvature on vector bundles, Self-maps of sphere bundles. II, Einstein metrics on \(S^ 3\), \(R^ 3\) and \(R^ 4\) bundles, Vector fields and framings on isolated complete intersection singularities, A Suppes predicate for general relativity and set-theoretically generic spacetimes, Connection theory on differentiable fibre bundles: A concise introduction, Minimal triangulations of sphere bundles over the circle, Convex foliated projective structures and the Hitchin component for \({\text{PSL}}_4(\mathbf{R})\), Dolbeault cohomology groups of compact pseudo-Kähler homogeneous manifolds, Configuration spaces of \(n\) lines in affine \((n + k)\)-space, A theory of bundles over posets, The local Euler obstruction of a function, Dynamics of relativistic solitons due to pseudo Sine-Gordon equation, Quotients of bounded homogeneous domains by cyclic groups, Intersection theory of algebraic obstructions, Continuous spectrum of the 3D Euler equation is a solid annulus, Instanton-like solutions in chiral models, Homotopy type of gauge groups of quaternionic line bundles over spheres, Orthogonal complex structures on domains in \(\mathbb R^4\), Torsion cycles as non-local magnetic sources in non-orientable spaces, Cobordisms of maps with singularities of given class, Construction of invariant whiskered tori by a parameterization method. I: Maps and flows in finite dimensions, Isomonodromic deformations and SU\(_2\)-invariant instantons on \(S^4\), The Cauchy problem for the O(N). CP(N-1), and GC(N,p) models, Flat bundles and holonomy homomorphisms, Classical Lie group actions on \(\pi\)-manifolds, Generalized energy representations for current groups, Great circle fibrations of the three-sphere, Locally stable price mechanisms, Integrality of the monopole number in SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs theory on \({\mathbb{R}}^ 3\), A family of quadratic forms associated to quadratic mappings of spheres, Inverse limits of arcs and of simple closed curves with confluent bonding mappings, The symplectic nature of fundamental groups of surfaces, Homotopy groups of some homogeneous spaces and some remarks on their sections over spheres, Differential geometry of spaces of relatively regular operators, An algorithm for detecting abelian monopoles in \(SU_ 2\)-valued lattice gauge-Higgs systems, Weakly maximal submodules of some S(V)-modules. Geometric applications, Solutions to Yang-Mills field equations in eight dimensions and the last Hopf map, Global properties of supermanifolds, Geometric methods for the classification of linear feedback systems, Cauchy boundary and b-incompleteness of space-time, Characteristic numbers of \(U_ 1\)-valued lattice gauge fields, Charakterisierung der kompakten, zusammenhängenden Moufang-Hughes- Ebenen anhand ihrer Kollineationen, Homogeneous quantization and multiplicities of group representations, Connections and effective S-matrix in triangle representation for quantum scattering, A 2-colimit characterization of internal categories of torsors, Analytic disks with boundaries in a maximal real submanifold of \({\mathbb C}^ 2\), Yang-Mills equations on the two-dimensional sphere, Quotient space solutions of 11-dimensional supergravity, Complex structures on \(S^ 3\times S^ 3\), Classical solutions of \({\mathbb{C}}P^ n\) non linear \(\sigma\)-models; an algebraic geometrical description, Approximation von holomorphen Schnittflächen in Faserbündeln mit homogener Faser, Homotopietheorie relativer Faserungen, Linear connections and quasi-connections on a differentiable manifold, Ein Beitrag zur globalen Tensoranalyse, Über das Riemann-Privalovsche Randwertproblem, On the parallelisability under Riemannian metrics of direction fields over 3-dimensional manifolds, Eine Kennzeichnung der Riemannschen sowie der Hermiteschen Mannigfaltigkeiten, Über Rungesche Paare komplexer Mannigfaltigkeiten, On realizations of some Whitehead products, Seifertsche Faserräume, CMC foliations of closed manifolds, On bundles that admit fiberwise hyperbolic dynamics, Wilson surface observables from equivariant cohomology, General perversities and \(L^2\) de Rham and Hodge theorems for stratified pseudomanifolds, Diffeomorphism type of six-dimensional cohomogeneity one manifolds, The computation of characteristic classes of lattice gauge fields, The point space of 4-dimensional Laguerre planes, When is a Riemannian submersion homogeneous?, On spinning particles, On covering homotopy theorems, On mappings from complexes into the complex projective space, Retraction and extension of mappings of metric and nonmetric spaces, Über die Abbildungen vom Komplexen auf den ungerade dimensionalen reellen projektiven Raum, Über die Konstruktion von Fundamentalbereichen, Zur Homotopie von Abbildungen eines Polzeders, Formes et vecteurs pseudo-analytiques, Formules apparentées à la formule de Gauss-Bonnet pour certaines applications d'une variété à \(n\) dimensions dans une autre, Fibred Riemannian spaces with isometric parallel fibres, An algebraic framework for noncommutative bundles with homogeneous fibres, Notes on equivariant bundles, Clifford systems, harmonic maps and metrics with nonnegative curvature, Two-root Riemannian manifolds, Embedding snowflakes of Carnot groups into bounded dimensional Euclidean spaces with optimal distortion, Fold maps on small dimensional manifolds with prescribed singular set, Point-pushing actions for manifolds with boundary, Hypertangent bundles \(W(M_{2n})\) with \((H,\xi,\eta,G)\)-structure, Relations between a manifold and its focal set, Homotopieklassen von Idealbasen in Steinschen Algebren, Du prolongement des espaces fibrés et des structures infinitésimales, Group extensions of p-adic and adelic linear groups, Über die Anzahl der Erzeugenden von projektiven Steinschen Moduln, Fields of tangent k-planes on manifolds, The induced representations of inhomogeneously completed unitary symmetry groups, On deformations of discontinuous groups, Stetige und holomorphe Schnitte in Bündeln mit homogener Faser, Le probléme de Riemann-Hilbert sur une variété analytique complexe, Extending regular foliants, Anwendung von Fixpunktsätzen auf nichtlineare Eigenwertaufgaben, Topological aspects of the Bel-Petrov classification, Factorizations and induced homomorphisms, Algebraic invariants and the projective geometry of spinors, Die Nicht-Existenz von Schnittflächen komplexer Stiefel- Mannigfaltigkeiten, Feuilletages ayant la propriété du prolongement des homotopies, On the geometric structures of simple bodies, a mathematical foundation for the theory of continuous distributions of dislocations, Essais de géométrie riemannienne hyperbolique globale. Applications à la relativité générale, Neighborhoods of hyperbolic sets, On the homotopy type of the group of regular elements of semifinite von Neuman algebras, On tensor products of n-plane bundles, On non-linear realizations of the group SU(2), Index theory for skew-adjoint Fredholm operators, Some examples of vector fields on the 3-sphere, Über multiplikative Eigenschaften von spektralen Sequenzen, On the Whitney-Mahowald theorem concerning the normal numbers of smooth embeddings, Ganzzahligkeitssätze und Immersionen von Sphärenbündeln über Sphären, Über parallelisierbare Ebenenfelder, Some topology of the three body problem, Higher order twisted cohomology operations, Equivariant imbeddings of compact Abelian Lie groups of transformations, Über indefinite hermitesche Formen auf Hilbertraumbündeln, Symplectic manifolds and their Lagrangian submanifolds, Über globale Verallgemeinerungen des \(\Pi\)-Theorems der Dimensionsanalysis, Algebraische Operationen auf Faserbündeln, Winding numbers on surfaces. I, Obstruction theory in fiber spaces, Deformations of some \(\Gamma\)-structures, Algebraic vector bundles over the 2-sphere, A classification theory for quantizable dynamical systems, Projektive Ebenen, die Mannigfaltigkeiten sind. (Projective planes, which are manifolds), Lorentz cobordism, The periodicity theorem for the classical groups and some of its applications, Fourier integral operators. II, Killing vectors on contact Riemannian manifolds and fiberings related to the Hopf fibration, On the homotopy type of principal classical group bundles over spheres, Cohomology operations, and obstructions to extending continuous functions, On framed cobordism classes representable on a fixed manifold, An asymptotic expansion for the heat equation, Vector fields tangent to foliations. I: Reeb foliations, Almost tangent manifolds of second order, Restklassenräume kompakter zusammenhängender Gruppen mit Schnitt, Singularities and periodic solutions which do not attract, The space of Lorentz metrics, Gauge invariant unified field structures, quantizable dynamical systems, charge, and spin structures, A characterization of a class of semigroups, Analytic subgroups of GL(n,R), The surgery obstruction groups of C.T. C. Wall, The contact structures on \(\{SU(n + 1) \times R/SU(n) \times R\}_\alpha\) and \(\{Sp(n) \times SU(2)/Sp(n - 1) \times SU(2)\}_\alpha\) of Berger, Homotopie für Okasche Paare von Garben homogener Räume, Semi-free circle actions on spheres, Geometrical origin of the \(\ast\)-product in the Fedosov formalism, Global Euler obstruction and polar invariants, Unnamed Item, Handle Attaching on Generic Maps, A note on open 3-manifolds supporting foliations by planes, The Homotopy Obstructions in Complete Intersections, On the Existence of Cross Sections in Locally Flat Bundles, Unnamed Item, The Homology of Twisted Cartesian Products, On Linearization of Lie Group Extensions, On Homogeneous Spaces of Metric Groups, Pseudo-Pontrjagin Classes, Aposyndetic Continua as Bundle Spaces, Magnetic monopoles in quantum adiabatic dynamics and the immersion property of the control manifold, Seifert Matrices and Boundary Link Cobordisms, Splitting definably compact groups in o-minimal structures, On Lusternik–Schnirelmann category of ${\bf SO}(10)$, Maximizing measures for partially hyperbolic systems with compact center leaves, Variational Invariants of Riemannian Manifolds, Geodesic Rigidity in Compact Nonpositively Curved Manifolds, An application of descent to a classification theorem for toposes, Zum Einbettungssatz von J. Nash, A decomposition theorem for lie algebra bundles, K-theory of real algebraic surfaces and threefolds, On singular cross sections, Axiomatic approach to the homotopy groups, Unnamed Item, Generic Transversality for Unbranched Covers of Closed Pseudoholomorphic Curves, Intersection de sous-variétés lagrangiennes, fonctionnelles d'action et indice des systèmes hamiltoniens, Cohomologie non abélienne et espaces fibrés, Ueber einen Homomorphismus bei der Transformation von Sphären, Homogeneous Sphere Bundles and the Isotropic Riemann Manifolds, A Note On Umbilics of a Closed Surface, Geometry of quantum active subspaces and of effective Hamiltonians, Supercoset space geometry, A topological criterion for group decompositions, On the topology of foliations with a first integral, Topologie de certains espaces de plongements, The equivalence of fiber spaces and bundles, Holomorphic fiber bundles over Riemann surfaces, Fixed point free involutions and equivariant maps, Integrable almost-symplectic Hamiltonian systems, Hermitian Forms and the Fibration of Spheres, Duality Theorems in Deformation Theory, Non-self-dual Stably Free Modules, Poisson manifolds in generalised Hamiltonian biomechanics, Completely Unstable Dynamical Systems, Collective branch regularization of simultaneous binary collisions in the 3D N-body problem, Prescribed holonomy for projective structures on compact surfaces, The homotopy theory of projective modules, Fifty years of homotopy theory, Grassmannian spectral shooting, Approximation Theorems for Nash Mappings and Nash Manifolds, THE FUNDAMENTAL GROUP IN FIBRATIONS, Algebraic cycles and algebraic models of smooth manifolds, The diffeomorphism type of certain 𝑆³-bundles over 𝑆⁴, Milnor classes of local complete intersections, On loop spaces of configuration spaces, Geodesic flows on manifolds of negative curvature with smooth horospheric foliations, Maximally symmetric homogeneous metrics on manifolds, Abelian BF theory and Turaev-Viro invariant, Unitary equivalence of normal matrices over topological spaces, Mean-convex Alexandrov embedded constant mean curvature tori in the 3-sphere, Une nouvelle preuve de la concordance des classes définies par M.-H. Schwartz et par R. MacPherson, STABILITY OF ANOSOV HAMILTONIAN STRUCTURES, Pseudo-Chern Classes of an Almost Pseudo-Hermitian Manifold, Unnamed Item, Finite Group Actions on the Moduli Space of Self-Dual Connections. I, Nonexistence of Equivariant Degree One Maps, Visualizing Local Minima in Multi-robot Motion Planning Using Multilevel Morse Theory, Differential geometric invariants for time-reversal symmetric Bloch-bundles: The “Real” case, Homotopy Resolutions of Semi-Simplicial Complexes, On Curvature in Finsler Geometry, Real-Valued Mappings of Spheres, A Study of Function Spaces by Spectral Sequences, Rigidity and characteristic classes of smooth bundles with nonpositively curved fibers, Chain Homotopy and the de Rham Theory, The Covering Homotopy Theorem, Compact Homogeneous Almost Complex Spaces of Positive Characteristic, Continuous Mappings Into Nonsimple Spaces, CONTINUOUS TRACE C*-ALGEBRAS, GAUGE GROUPS AND RATIONALIZATION, Kreck-Stolz invariants for quaternionic line bundles, Harmonic Integrals on Almost Product Manifolds, On Fiber Spaces, The G-invariant implicit function theorem in infinite dimensions, Cohomology of Equivariant Maps, One-Parameter Transformation Groups in the Plane, Classical Differential Equations on Manifolds, A homotopy principle for maps with prescribed Thom-Boardman singularities, Normal Vector Fields on Manifolds, Local Cross Sections in Locally Compact Groups, On Groups of Diffeomorphisms, Obstruction Theory of Principal Fibre Bundles, A degree formula for equivariant cohomology, Note on Fibrations ofU(2) overS2, A Fiber Homotopy Extension Theorem, Principal bundle structure of quantum adiabatic dynamics with a Berry phase which does not commute with the dynamical phase, Equivariant Morse Theory for Starshaped Hamiltonian Systems, Unnamed Item, $S\sp 3$-bundles and exotic actions, Unnamed Item, Harmonic morphisms with one-dimensional fibres on Einstein manifolds, Vector Bundles and Projective Modules, A Sufficient Condition that a Mapping of Riemannian Manifolds be a Fibre Bundle, Transformation Groups on Cohomology Projective Spaces, Immersions of Manifolds, Homeotopy Groups, Some James numbers of Stiefel manifolds, Cours sur les Variétés Complexes, Unnamed Item, Defining Lagrangian Immersions by Phase Functions, Classification of $k$-forms on ${\bf R}^n$ and the existence of associated geometry on manifolds, Homogeneous weak solenoids, Characteristic Classes, Milnor Number and Chern Classes for Singular Varieties: An Introduction, Residues and Hyperfunctions, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On holomorphic maps with only fold singularities, Blakers-Massey elements and exotic diffeomorphisms of 𝑆⁶ and 𝑆¹⁴ via geodesics, Topological Examples of Projective Modules, Puiseux parametric equations of analytic sets, Covariant hydrodynamics of Hamiltonian systems, Unnamed Item, Flows on Fibre Bundles, icard groups for line bundles with connections, Smooth foliations by circles of with unbounded periods and nonlinearizable multicentres, Horizontal lifts of projectable linear connection to semi-tangent bundle, Irrational Connected Sums and the Topology of Algebraic Surfaces, On structurally stable diffeomorphisms with codimension one expanding attractors, Selfcoincidences in higher codimensions, Projective Modules over Laurent Polynomial Rings, Unnamed Item, Decomposition of topological Azumaya algebras, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Approximate Torus Fibrations of High Dimensional Manifolds can be Approximated by Torus Bundle Projections, Some results on higher order immersions of manifolds, Global linearization and fiber bundle structure of invariant manifolds, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Orthogonal complex structures in $\mathbb{R}^4$, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Geometry of $2$-step nilpotent groups with a left invariant metric, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Dehn fillings of Klein bottle bundles, Differential structure of certainC(X) xα Z, The Equivariant Extension Theorem, Differential structure of certainC(X) xα Z, Uniformly trivial maps into spheres, Flat Bundles with Solvable Holonomy. II. Obstruction Theory, Counterexamples to Goldberg Conjecture with Reversed Orientation on Walker 8-Manifolds of Neutral Signature, On the singularities of harmonic $1$-forms on a Riemannian manifold, Diagonal lift in the semi-cotangent bundle and its applications, A new family of complex, compact, non-symplectic manifolds, Unnamed Item, KLEIN–GORDON SOLUTIONS ON NON-GLOBALLY HYPERBOLIC STANDARD STATIC SPACETIMES, Differentiable maps of S3 into S2 with given inverse images, Unnamed Item, Fibre bundles over subspaces of partition space, Factorizations of Generic Mappings between Surfaces, ON MULTICORNS AND UNICORNS I: ANTIHOLOMORPHIC DYNAMICS, HYPERBOLIC COMPONENTS AND REAL CUBIC POLYNOMIALS, Unnamed Item, Les espaces de Finsler et certaines de leurs généralisations, $K$-théorie algébrique et représentations de groupes, Irreducibility of moduli space of harmonic 2-spheres in S4, Testfunctions for elliptic systems and maximum principles, Sub-bundles of the complexified tangent bundle, Über Homologiegruppen von Faserbündeln, Failure of Cancellation for Direct Sums of Line Bundles, On the motion planning of rolling surfaces, Characteristic Principal Bundles, On the Topology of Configurations of Gauge Fields and Higgs Fields, On the monodromy at infinity of a polynomial map, II, Moduli and canonical forms for linear dynamical systems II: The topological case, On topological approaches to the Jacobian conjecture in ℂn, Holonomy and Metric Properties of Foliations in Higher Codimension, On the singularities of foliations and of vector bundle maps, A classifying space for the contact pseudogroup, Unnamed Item, On the Fixed Point Indices and Nielsen Numbers of Fiber Maps on Jiang Spaces, Involutions on Homotopy Spheres and their Gluing Diffeomorphisms, Semigroups With a Dense Subgroup, Orbifolding Frobenius Algebras, Power Maps and Principal Bundles, Decomposability of Homotopy Lens Spaces and Free Cyclic Group Actions on Homotopy Spheres, Unnamed Item, Classifying Open Principal Fibrations, Symmetric Overmaps, Four-dimensional topology: an introduction, Unnamed Item, Applied holography of the AdS5–Kerr space–time, Unnamed Item, Almost-Complex Substructures on the Sphere, A continuity property and surface topology, Unnamed Item, Über die normale Auflösbarkeit kompakt gestörter singulärer Integraloperatoren, Unnamed Item, Extensions of Minimal Flows on Manifolds, Intersection Homology, On diffeomorphisms of the $n$-disk, Cobordism of group actions, Généralisation du groupe fondamental, On the nonexistence of elements of Hopf invariant one, A Note on Tangential Equivalences, Vector fields on manifolds, On sphere-bundles. I, Obstructions to the existence of almost complex structures, Prolongations of G-Structures to Tangent Bundles of Higher Order, The ℋ-equivalence in a compact semigroup II, The Geometry of Immersions. I, Foliations of codimension one, ON THE BV QUANTIZATION OF GAUGE GRAVITATION THEORY, Inverse Limit Sequences with Covering Maps, Linear Connexions With Zero Torsion and Recurrent Curvature, Higher Obstructions to Sectioning a Special Type of Fibre Bundles, Connection of topological manifolds, Differentiable Actions on Homotopy Seven Spheres, On Embedding Manifolds Which are Bundles Over Spheres, On the Homotopy Groups of the Exceptional Lie Groups, A Numerical Study of Topological Features of Certain Hilbert Fundamental Domains, Cones in Complex Affine Space are Topologically Singular, Circumscribing Cubes of a Hyperellipsoid, A Note on Holonomy, Conley indexes and stable sets for flows on flag bundles, Boundary Images of Meromorphic Functions, Note on a Whitehead Product, Distribution and critical curves in Riemannian manifold, An Integral Formula for the Chern from of a Hermitian Bundle, Twistorial cohomotopy implies Green–Schwarz anomaly cancellation, Fasci di fibre, fasci multipli e problemi di geometria differenziale in grande, Lifting the action of a group in a fibre bundle, On the characteristic homomorphism of a discrete uniform subgroup of a nilpotent Lie group, Geometry of Immersions. II, Integral Geometry in Homogeneous Spaces, Du côté de chez Pu, Some results on differentiable actions, On the Existence of Immersions and Submersions, Contribution à une théorie de Smale à un paramètre dans le cas non simplement connexe, A Remark on Transitivity in Bundles, Relations between Non-Compact Transformation Groups and Compact Transformation Groups, A Note on Topological Parallelizability, Picard-Lefschetz Theorem for Families of Nonsingular Algebraic Varieties Acquiring Ordinary Singularities, Vector Cross Products on Manifolds, Groups of invertible elements of Banach algebras, Stability implies normal and disc bundles, Semigroups on a Half-Space, On Detecting Open Collars, Unnamed Item, Completely Regular Mappings with Locally Compact Fiber, Comparison of stratified-algebraic and topological K-theory, The Hasse Invariant of a Vector Bundle, ON SIKORA'S SPECTRAL SEQUENCES, Complex Structures on Real Product Bundles with Applications to Differential Geometry, Applications of Homotopy in Sheaf Theory, Unnamed Item, Real Vector Bundles and Spaces with Free Involutions, Unnamed Item, On braid groups, Abstract Homotopy Theory, Delta-structures on mapping class groups and braid groups, Unnamed Item, On Obstruction Theory in Orientable Fiber Bundles, Unnamed Item, On Embedding Highly Connected Manifolds in Euclidean Space, Kaluza–Klein wormholes with the compactified fifth dimension, Templates for geodesic flows, Group Actions on Spin Manifolds, A Note on the Bockstein Operator, Unnamed Item, Topological field theory on r-spin surfaces and the Arf-invariant, Banach algebras, Samelson products, and the Wang differential, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Applications of Bundle Map Theory, Unnamed Item, Almost free actions on manifolds, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Frobenius n-homomorphisms, transfers and branched coverings, CONNECTIONS FOR GENERAL GROUP ACTIONS, Navier–Stokes regularization of multidimensional Euler shocks, The Capacity of Some Classes of Polyhedra, Topological rigidity for closed hypersurfaces of elliptic space forms, Immersions of 3-sphere into 4-space associated with Dynkin diagrams of typesAandD, Geometric phase for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians and its holonomy interpretation, CONNECTIONS, PARALLEL TRANSPORTS AND TRANSPORTS ALONG PATHS, The geometry of $G$-structures, Calculation of Some Homology Groups Relevant to Sixth-Order Feynman Diagrams, Chern Classes of Projective Modules, $\Gamma$-bundles and almost $\Gamma$-structures, Nonexistence of Almost Complex Structures on Grassmann Manifolds, On flat bundles, Connection of topological vector bundles, A Note on Homotopy Invariance of Tangent Bundles, On the total absolute curvature of manifolds immersed in Riemannian manifold, Complex Stiefel Manifolds, some homotopy groups and vector fields, Prolongations of G-Structures to Tangent Bundles, Development of an Extended Exterior Differential Calculus, Approximate and discrete Euclidean vector bundles, Complex Parallisable Manifolds, Unnamed Item, Microbundles are fibre bundles, An index theorem for quarter-plane Toeplitz operators via extended symbols and gapped invariants related to corner states, Equivariant formality of corank-one isotropy actions and products of rational spheres, Classical and quantized Maxwell fields deduced from algebraic many-photon theory, Real logarithms of semi-simple matrices, Non-trivial smooth families of \(K3\) surfaces, Aubry set on infinite cyclic coverings, Geodesic complexity via fibered decompositions of cut loci, Borsuk-Ulam property and sectional category, On the structure theory of cubespace fibrations, On the Bauer–Furuta and Seiberg–Witten invariants of families of 4‐manifolds, Some properties of diagonal lifts in semi-cotangent bundles, Topology and curvature of isoparametric families in spheres, Conjugate plateau constructions in product spaces, A note on boundary components of arithmetic quotients of the group SL2 over an algebraic number field, Space of quantum states built over metrics of fixed signature, Weakly 1‐completeness of holomorphic fiber bundles over compact Kähler manifolds, On pull-back bundle of tensor bundles defined by projection of the cotangent bundle, An extension of slice regular functions in terms of fiber bundle theory, Birman-Hilden bundles. I, Fiber preserving cellular decompositions, Cobordisme fibré et approximation d'une sous-variété singuliére par des sous-variétés \(C^\infty\), Unnamed Item, Homotopical variations and high-dimensional Zariski-van Kampen theorems, NONPERTURBATIVE APPROACH TO YANG–MILLS THERMODYNAMICS, LINKS BETWEEN CONNECTIONS, PARALLEL TRANSPORTS AND TRANSPORTS ALONG PATHS IN DIFFERENTIABLE FIBER BUNDLES, A bordism theory for actions of an abelian group, Abelian monopoles in \(\text{SU}_2\)-valued lattice gauge-Higgs systems, Algebraic differential calculus for gauge theories., Lectures on \(2\)D Yang-Mills theory, equivariant cohomology and topological field theories, The winding number of three complexes in \(\text{SU}(3)\), The deformation theory of representations of fundamental groups of compact Kähler manifolds, Cellular morphism and bivariant Chern classes, Long exact sequences in the first variable for algebraic cohomology theories, Complete intersections in Stein manifolds, Monopole Chern-Simons term: charge-monopole system as a particle with spin., Fibrations spinorielles et twisteurs généralises, Fibrations spinorielles et twisteurs généralises, Classifying overlay structures of topological spaces, Equivariant self equivalences of principal fibre bundles, Commutative Twisted Group Algebras, Computing Lyapunov exponents on a Stiefel manifold, On \(\text{Spin}(8)\) and triality: A topological approach, Invariants of a quadratic form attached to a tame covering of schemes., On the geometry of spin 1/2, Absolute points of continuous and smooth polarities, Smooth Embeddings of Homologically Similar Manifolds, Obstructions to the smoothing of piecewise-differentiable homeomorphisms, Exotic spheres with lots of positive curvatures, The Stiefel bundle of a Banach algebra, Bihomogeneity of solenoids, The topological completion of a bilinear form, Gödel kink spacetime, Quaternions and matrices of quaternions, Construction of real-valued localized composite Wannier functions for insulators, The existence and classification of couplings between Lie algebra bundles and tangent bundles, Unnamed Item, Existence in the Large of Parallelism Homomorphisms, On Obstructions in Sphere Bundles and Immersion of Manifolds, On the Passage to Equilibrium of Gibbsian Ensembles, Neighborhood Extensions of Continuous Selections, Some Calculations of Homotopy Groups of Symmetric Spaces, Homotopy Equivalence of Fiber Bundles, On linear matrix differential equations, Holomorph-vollständige Faserbündel, Submersions with \(p\)-connected fibers, Topology of Lie groups, Espaces fibrés en sphères et carrés de Steenrod, Tucker-Ky Fan Colorings, Note on the fibering of an $\left( {n -1} \right)$-connected space by spheres, SUPERMETRICS ON SUPERMANIFOLDS, SUPERMETRICS ON SUPERMANIFOLDS, Formules apparentées à celles de Nevanlinna-Ahlfors pour certaines applications d'une variété à $n$ dimensions dans une autre, Sur les structures presque complexes et autres structures infinitésimales régulières, Topology of Lie groups and characteristic classes, Unnamed Item, Holomorph-vollständige Faserbündel, Submersions with \(p\)-connected fibers