zbMath0743.65107MaRDI QIDQ4001523
Dimitri P. Bertsekas, John N. Tsitsiklis
Publication date: 18 September 1992
Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.
A method of bi-coordinate variations with tolerances and its convergence,
An incremental decomposition method for unconstrained optimization,
A generalized forward-backward splitting method for solving quasi inclusion problems in Banach spaces,
Extended Lorentz cones and variational inequalities on cylinders,
Simultaneous routing and flow rate optimization in energy-aware computer networks,
On the rate of convergence of the proximal alternating linearized minimization algorithm for convex problems,
Distributed synthesis and stability of cooperative distributed model predictive control for linear systems,
Distributed continuous-time approximate projection protocols for shortest distance optimization problems,
An implementable splitting algorithm for the \(\ell_1\)-norm regularized split feasibility problem,
A game-theoretic approach to computation offloading in mobile cloud computing,
A fast dual proximal-gradient method for separable convex optimization with linear coupled constraints,
Selective bi-coordinate variations for resource allocation type problems,
A parallel implementation of an \(O^\ast(n^4)\) volume algorithm,
An integrative cooperative search framework for multi-decision-attribute combinatorial optimization: application to the MDPVRP,
Master problem approximations in Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition of variational inequality problems with applications to two energy market models,
Benchmarking the clustering algorithms for multiprocessor environments using dynamic priority of modules,
Combining Lagrangian decomposition and excessive gap smoothing technique for solving large-scale separable convex optimization problems,
Linearized alternating direction method with adaptive penalty and warm starts for fast solving transform invariant low-rank textures,
On approximations with finite precision in bundle methods for nonsmooth optimization,
Dynamics of global supply chain supernetworks,
On the \(O(1/t)\) convergence rate of the parallel descent-like method and parallel splitting augmented Lagrangian method for solving a class of variational inequalities,
Analysis and stability of consensus in networked control systems,
Q-learning and policy iteration algorithms for stochastic shortest path problems,
A parallel projection method for a system of nonlinear variational inequalities,
A parallel splitting method for separable convex programs,
An improved method for solving multiple-sets split feasibility problem,
A modified projection method for solving co-coercive variational inequalities,
On the performance of a retransmission-based synchronizer,
Distributed coordination strategies for wide-area patrol,
Proximal alternating linearized minimization for nonconvex and nonsmooth problems,
A class of distributed optimization methods with event-triggered communication,
Distributed stochastic subgradient projection algorithms for convex optimization,
Alternating direction augmented Lagrangian methods for semidefinite programming,
Finding solutions of implicit complementarity problems by isotonicity of the metric projection,
Limit dynamics for stochastic models of data exchange in parallel computation networks,
Parallel asynchronous iterations for the solution of a 3D continuous flow electrophoresis problem,
Parallel SSLE algorithm for large scale constrained optimization,
An improved two-step method for solving generalized Nash equilibrium problems,
Proximal-like contraction methods for monotone variational inequalities in a unified framework. I: Effective quadruplet and primary methods,
Proximal-like contraction methods for monotone variational inequalities in a unified framework. II: General methods and numerical experiments,
Dual decomposition method for optimal and fair congestion control in ad hoc networks: algorithm, implementation and evaluation,
Modified Lagrangian methods for separable optimization problems,
Optimization architecture for joint multi-path routing and scheduling in wireless mesh networks,
Solving nonlinear complementarity problems by isotonicity of the metric projection,
An asymmetric proximal decomposition method for convex programming with linearly coupling constraints,
Distributed multi-agent optimization with state-dependent communication,
Continuous-time consensus with discrete-time communications,
Common solutions to variational inequalities,
An inexact parallel splitting augmented Lagrangian method for monotone variational inequalities with separable structures,
On the \(O(1/t)\) convergence rate of the projection and contraction methods for variational inequalities with Lipschitz continuous monotone operators,
A new alternating direction method for solving variational inequalities,
The 2-coordinate descent method for solving double-sided simplex constrained minimization problems,
Inexact alternating-direction-based contraction methods for separable linearly constrained convex optimization,
A dynamical model for solving degenerate quadratic minimax problems with constraints,
A class of linearized proximal alternating direction methods,
Clock synchronization in symmetric stochastic networks,
Parallel algorithms for large-scale linearly constrained minimization problem,
Algorithms for the split variational inequality problem,
Dobrushin's ergodicity coefficient for Markov operators on cones,
mReno: a practical multipath congestion control for communication networks,
Consensus proximal support vector machine for classification problems with sparse solutions,
Decentralised minimum-time consensus,
A relaxed projection method for split variational inequalities,
An augmented Lagrangian method for distributed optimization,
A parallel quadratic programming method for dynamic optimization problems,
Improved parallel QR method for large least squares problems involving Kronecker products,
Distributed resource allocation on dynamic networks in quadratic time,
A convergence theorem for chaotic asynchronous relaxation,
Supply chain performance assessment and supplier and component importance identification in a general competitive multitiered supply chain network model,
Stochastic compositional gradient descent: algorithms for minimizing compositions of expected-value functions,
The decomposition of a communication network considering traffic demand interrelations,
Near-optimal stochastic approximation for online principal component estimation,
Computing the generalized eigenvalues of weakly symmetric tensors,
Cooperative \(\mathcal H_\infty\) output regulation of heterogeneous parameter-dependent multi-agent systems,
On the linear convergence of the alternating direction method of multipliers,
On a conjugate directions method for solving strictly convex QP problem,
An efficient algorithm for multiple simultaneous broadcasts in the hypercube,
Distance vector-based advance reservation with delay performance guarantees,
Remarks on the generalized Newton method,
Distributed randomized algorithms for opinion formation, centrality computation and power systems estimation: a tutorial overview,
Adaptive smoothing algorithms for nonsmooth composite convex minimization,
On the convergence of the exponential multiplier method for convex programming,
Optimal parameters for load balancing using the diffusion method in \(k\)- ary \(n\)-cube network,
Iteration complexity analysis of block coordinate descent methods,
Mutual visibility by luminous robots without collisions,
An alternating direction algorithm for matrix completion with nonnegative factors,
Four encounters with system identification,
An efficient simultaneous method for the constrained multiple-sets split feasibility problem,
Average consensus on general strongly connected digraphs,
On the convergence of a Jacobi-type algorithm for singly linearly-constrained problems subject to simple bounds,
Korpelevich's method for variational inequality problems in Banach spaces,
An improved proximal alternating direction method for monotone variational inequalities with separable structure,
Modified self-adaptive projection method for solving pseudomonotone variational inequalities,
An approximate proximal-extragradient type method for monotone variational inequalities,
The Borkar-Meyn theorem for asynchronous stochastic approximations,
Control of large-scale systems in a multiprocessor environment,
Asynchronous finite-difference schemes for partial differential equations,
Non-cooperative games with minmax objectives,
New mathematical problems arising in the context of information technology,
An inexact dual fast gradient-projection method for separable convex optimization with linear coupled constraints,
Financial networks with intermediation: risk management with variable weights,
Managing randomization in the multi-block alternating direction method of multipliers for quadratic optimization,
New trends in general variational inequalities,
Adaptive routing with stale information,
Interior-point Lagrangian decomposition method for separable convex optimization,
Gap functions and global error bounds for set-valued variational inequalities,
A decentralized computational infrastructure for Grid-based parallel asynchronous iterative applications,
An improved extra-gradient method for minimizing a sum of \(p\)-norms -- a variational inequality approach,
Computing aviation sparing policies: solving a large nonlinear integer program,
The charges on the paths,
Dual coordinate step methods for linear network flow problems,
Analysis of iterative waterfilling algorithm for multiuser power control in digital subscriber lines,
A proximal bundle method with inexact data for convex nondifferentiable minimization,
Distributed computation of fixed points of \(\infty\)-nonexpansive maps,
Two parallel distribution algorithms for convex constrained minimization problems,
A fast splitting method tailored for Dantzig selector,
Neural network for solving Nash equilibrium problem in application of multiuser power control,
Numerical methods for parameter estimation in Poisson data inversion,
Adaptive joint bandwidth and power allocation in heterogeneous wireless access environment,
Distributed communication-aware coverage control by mobile sensor networks,
AAR-based decomposition algorithm for non-linear convex optimisation,
Multiple regular graph embeddings into a hypercube with unbounded expansion,
Matrix scaling, entropy minimization, and conjugate duality. II: The dual problem,
A comparison of Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel parallel iterations,
The auction algorithm for the transportation problem,
Partial sum problem mapping into a hypercube,
Solution of large dense transportation problems using a parallel primal algorithm,
Parallel computation of large-scale dynamic market network equilibria via time period decomposition,
Finite termination of the proximal point algorithm,
Distributed robust \(H_\infty \) consensus control in directed networks of agents with time-delay,
Decomposition algorithm for convex differentiable minimization,
Parallel asynchronous connected components in a mesh,
Inexact operator splitting methods with selfadaptive strategy for variational inequality problems,
A modified inexact operator splitting method for monotone variational inequalities,
Orders of convergence for superlinearly convergent chaotic iterations,
Risk-sensitive reinforcement learning algorithms with generalized average criterion,
Parallel information-based complexity,
An affine scaling interior trust region method via optimal path for solving monotone variational inequality problem with linear constraints,
Computationally efficient algorithms for on-line optimization of Markov decision processes,
Total exchange algorithms on 'sandwich graphs',
Human migration networks,
A parallel algorithm for solving the inverse scattering moment problem,
Optimal algorithms for total exchange without buffering on the hypercube,
On the convergence of the affine-scaling algorithm,
Tight estimates for convergence of some non-stationary consensus algorithms,
Parallel algorithms for variational inequalities over the Cartesian product of the intersections of the fixed point sets of nonexpansive mappings,
Fast linear system solution by neural networks,
Ordinal optimization of DEDS,
On the Douglas-Rachford splitting method and the proximal point algorithm for maximal monotone operators,
A diagonal quadratic approximation method for large scale linear programs,
Systems of generalized nonlinear variational inequalities and its projection methods,
Chaotic phenomena in desynchronized systems and stability analysis,
A parallel algorithm for exact solution of linear equations via congruence technique,
Radiation therapy treatment planning: An \(\mathcal L^ 2\) approach,
An improved prediction-correction method for monotone variational inequalities with separable operators,
New extragradient-type methods for solving variational inequalities,
Exploring parallel capabilities of an innovative numerical method for recovering image velocity vectors field,
New parallel descent-like method for solving a class of variational inequalities,
Convergence rate for consensus with delays,
Numerical solution for linear and quadratic programming problems using a recurrent neural network,
An operator splitting method for variational inequalities with partially unknown mappings,
Parallel Lagrange interpolation on \(k\)-ary \(n\)-cubes with maximum channel utilization,
Distributed randomized algorithms for probabilistic performance analysis,
A modified projection method with a new direction for solving variational inequalities,
On the convergence of asynchronous parallel algorithm for large-scale linearly constrained minimization problem,
Optimal sequential gossiping by short messages,
Games with coupled propagated constraints in optical networks with multi-link topologies,
Interval-constrained matrix balancing,
A fixed point approach to parallel discrete event simulation,
Communication complexity of fault-tolerant information diffusion,
Extended projection methods for monotone variational inequalities,
Proximal point algorithms for general variational inequalities,
Parallel multigrid preconditioning of the conjugate gradient method for systems of subsurface hydrology,
An interior point method with Bregman functions for the variational inequality problem with paramonotone operators,
A variable-penalty alternating directions method for convex optimization,
Theoretical and numerical investigation of the D-gap function for box constrained variational inequalities,
Rapid convergence of a local load balancing algorithm for asynchronous rings,
An exact method for minimizing the makespan of an application processed on a master slave bus oriented multiprocessor system,
Natural actor-critic algorithms,
A general asynchronous block iterative model with related convergence conditions,
Convergence of partially asynchronous block quasi-Newton methods for nonlinear systems of equations,
Projection methods for monotone variational inequalities,
Nonsmooth optimization methods for parallel decomposition of multicommodity flow problems,
Variational inequalities in the analysis and computation of multi-sector, multi-instrument financial equilibria,
Error bounds and convergence analysis of feasible descent methods: A general approach,
Some aspects of parallel and distributed iterative algorithms - a survey,
Asynchronous block-iterative methods for almost linear equations,
A Krylov multisplitting algorithm for solving linear systems of equations,
The communication complexity of computing differentiable functions in a multicomputer network,
Applying the progressive hedging algorithm to stochastic generalized networks,
The auction algorithm: A distributed relaxation method for the assignment problem,
Descent methods for convex essentially smooth minimization,
On the convergence of the coordinate descent method for convex differentiable minimization,
Asymptotic properties of the Fenchel dual functional and applications to decomposition problems,
Proximal minimization algorithm with \(D\)-functions,
A parallel asynchronous Newton algorithm for unconstrained optimization,
Epsilon-Ritz method for solving optimal control problems: Useful parallel solution method,
Controlling the learning process of real-time heuristic search,
Management of knowledge intensive systems as supernetworks: modeling, analysis, computations, and applications,
The improvement with relative errors of He et al.'s inexact alternating direction method for monotone variational inequalities,
Convergence results of iterative algorithms for the sum of two monotone operators in reflexive Banach spaces.,
Block-coordinate and incremental aggregated proximal gradient methods for nonsmooth nonconvex problems,
An accelerated coordinate gradient descent algorithm for non-separable composite optimization,
Asymptotic properties of dual averaging algorithm for constrained distributed stochastic optimization,
Parallel and distributed computing for stochastic dual dynamic programming,
A variational method for Abel inversion tomography with mixed Poisson-Laplace-Gaussian noise,
Solutions of two minmax recurrences in parallel processing with variable recombination overhead,
Asynchronous gradient algorithms for a class of convex separable network flow problems,
On finite termination of an inexact proximal point algorithm,
Network games; adaptations to Nash-Cournot equilibrium,
Solving linear programs with multiple right-hand sides: Pricing and ordering schemes,
On augmented Lagrangian decomposition methods for multistage stochastic programs,
Solving multistage stochastic network programs on massively prallel computers,
A parallel algorithm for functions of triangular matrices,
Distributed algorithms for convex problems with linear coupling constraints,
A distributed conjugate gradient online learning method over networks,
The primal Douglas-Rachford splitting algorithm for a class of monotone mappings with application to the traffic equilibrium problem,
Tchebychef-like method for the simultaneous finding zeros of analytic functions,
On parallel asynchronous high-order solutions of parabolic PDEs,
Convergence analysis of the extragradient method for equilibrium problems in Hadamard spaces,
Nonstationary parallel relaxed multisplitting methods,
Scaled consensus of multi-agent systems with switching topologies and communication noises,
An alternating direction method for finding Dantzig selectors,
Tracking-ADMM for distributed constraint-coupled optimization,
Distributed containment control of multi-agent systems with velocity and acceleration saturations,
An inexact alternating directions algorithm for constrained total variation regularized compressive sensing problems,
An inexact interior-point Lagrangian decomposition algorithm with inexact oracles,
Randomness and permutations in coordinate descent methods,
Two consensus problems for discrete-time multi-agent systems with switching network topology,
3D fluid flow estimation with integrated particle reconstruction,
Robustness and fragility of Boolean models for genetic regulatory networks,
Accelerated linearized Bregman method,
An efficient algorithm for \(\ell_{0}\) minimization in wavelet frame based image restoration,
Primal and dual alternating direction algorithms for \(\ell _{1}\)-\(\ell _{1}\)-norm minimization problems in compressive sensing,
Tensor factorization with total variation and Tikhonov regularization for low-rank tensor completion in imaging data,
Asynchronous parallel algorithms for nonconvex optimization,
Asynchronous level bundle methods,
Distributed control of multi-agent systems with pulse-width-modulated controllers,
A proximal analytic center cutting plane algorithm for solving variational inequality problems,
Randomized registers and iterative algorithms,
Splitting and linearizing augmented Lagrangian algorithm for subspace recovery from corrupted observations,
Prediction-correction alternating direction method for a class of constrained min-max problems,
Dynamic programming on a functional memory computer,
Optimization for deep learning: an overview,
Parallel asynchronous algorithms for the \(K\) shortest paths problem,
A class of projection and contraction methods for asymmetric linear variational inequalities and their relations to Fukushima's descent method,
Decomposition in derivative-free optimization,
Alternating minimization methods for strongly convex optimization,
On the convergence of the block nonlinear Gauss-Seidel method under convex constraints,
Fully asynchronous stochastic coordinate descent: a tight lower bound on the parallelism achieving linear speedup,
MinMax algorithms for stabilizing consensus,
The nearest polynomial to multiple given polynomials with a given zero: a unified optimization approach,
Upper and lower bounds for the synchronizer performance in systems with probabilistic message loss,
Parametrized inexact-ADMM based coordination games: a normalized Nash equilibrium approach,
A concentration bound for contractive stochastic approximation,
A tri-level optimization model for a private road competition problem with traffic equilibrium constraints,
Existence and approximation of solutions for system of generalized mixed variational inequalities,
Path-following gradient-based decomposition algorithms for separable convex optimization,
A parallel resolvent method for solving a system of nonlinear mixed variational inequalities,
An asynchronous distributed and scalable generalized Nash equilibrium seeking algorithm for strongly monotone games,
Asynchronous iterative sub-structuring methods,
Learning with tensors: a framework based on convex optimization and spectral regularization,
Incrementally updated gradient methods for constrained and regularized optimization,
Weakly interacting particle systems on inhomogeneous random graphs,
Distributed robust optimization (DRO). I: Framework and example,
Alternating direction multiplier method for matrix \(l_{2,1}\)-norm optimization in multitask feature learning problems,
Convergence analysis of the generalized alternating direction method of multipliers with logarithmic-quadratic proximal regularization,
Self-adaptive projection-based prediction-correction method for constrained variational inequalities,
Gradient-free method for nonsmooth distributed optimization,
A new delayed projection neural network for solving quadratic programming problems subject to linear constraints,
Stochastic approximation on Riemannian manifolds,
Asynchronous substructuring method with alternating local and global iterations,
The distance between convex sets with Minkowski sum structure: application to collision detection,
Time scale-induced asynchronous discrete dynamical systems,
Variational inequality type formulations of general market equilibrium problems with local information,
Convergent inexact penalty decomposition methods for cardinality-constrained problems,
Decentralized optimization over tree graphs,
Inductive matrix completion with feature selection,
Distributed linear regression by averaging,
Asynchronous Richardson iterations: theory and practice,
Decentralized and parallel primal and dual accelerated methods for stochastic convex programming problems,
Multi-block Bregman proximal alternating linearized minimization and its application to orthogonal nonnegative matrix factorization,
An effective procedure for feature subset selection in logistic regression based on information criteria,
A block inertial Bregman proximal algorithm for nonsmooth nonconvex problems with application to symmetric nonnegative matrix tri-factorization,
Distributed decision-coupled constrained optimization via proximal-tracking,
Distributed optimization for degenerate loss functions arising from over-parameterization,
A new look at distributed optimal output agreement of multi-agent systems,
Fully asynchronous policy evaluation in distributed reinforcement learning over networks,
Iteration complexity of generalized complementarity problems,
Distributed gradient tracking methods with finite data rates,
Iterative pre-conditioning for expediting the distributed gradient-descent method: the case of linear least-squares problem,
A note on network games with strategic complements and the Katz-Bonacich centrality measure,
Non-Sturmian sequences of matrices providing the maximum growth rate of matrix products,
On the convergence properties of scaled gradient projection methods with non-monotone Armijo-like line searches,
On the uniqueness of quantal response equilibria and its application to network games,
Resilient asynchronous primal Schur method.,
Passivity-based analysis of the ADMM algorithm for constraint-coupled optimization,
On the convergence of a block-coordinate incremental gradient method,
Synchronous and asynchronous optimized Schwarz methods for Poisson's equation in rectangular domains,
Tensor completion via a generalized transformed tensor t-product decomposition without t-SVD,
Parallel block coordinate minimization with application to group regularized regression,
On non-ergodic convergence rate of the operator splitting method for a class of variational inequalities,
Massively parallel computation of large-scale spatial price equilibrium models with discriminatory ad valorem tariffs,
A globally convergent Newton method for solving strongly monotone variational inequalities,
Dual coordinate ascent methods for non-strictly convex minimization,
Projection-proximal methods for general variational inequalities,
Closed-loop supply chain network equilibrium under legislation,
Application of projection neural network in solving convex programming problems,
Sparse representation on graphs by tight wavelet frames and applications,
Parallel solution of American option derivatives on GPU clusters,
Parallel variable distribution algorithm for constrained optimization with nonmonotone technique,
Block decomposition methods for total variation by primal-dual stitching,
Global optimization issues in deep network regression: an overview,
Solving complementarity and variational inequalities problems using neural networks,
An efficient graph technique based dual-type algorithm for NMNF problems with large capacity constraints,
Solving H-horizon, stationary Markov decision problems in time proportional to log (H),
Online calibrated forecasts: memory efficiency versus universality for learning in games,
Reachability analysis of uncertain systems using bounded-parameter Markov decision processes,
Comparison of two approximal proximal point algorithms for monotone variational inequalities,
Optimal allocation of heterogeneous resources in cooperative control scenarios,
Consensus based overlapping decentralized estimation with missing observations and communication faults,
On the iteration complexity of some projection methods for monotone linear variational inequalities,
Forcing strong convergence of Korpelevich's method in Banach spaces with its applications in game theory,
Alternating proximal gradient method for convex minimization,
Asynchronous optimized Schwarz methods with and without overlap,
Subgradient averaging for multi-agent optimisation with different constraint sets,
Error bounds for stochastic shortest path problems,
Resilient consensus of second-order agent networks: asynchronous update rules with delays,
On the probabilistic feasibility of solutions in multi-agent optimization problems under uncertainty,
Resilient coordinated movement of connected autonomous vehicles,
Incremental gradient-free method for nonsmooth distributed optimization,
An alternating trust region algorithm for distributed linearly constrained nonlinear programs, application to the optimal power flow problem,
Performance analysis of asynchronous parallel Jacobi,
Red light green light method for solving large Markov chains,
Selective bi-coordinate method for limit non-smooth resource allocation type problems,
Evaluation of finite difference based asynchronous partial differential equations solver for reacting flows,
Asynchronous sequential inertial iterations for common fixed points problems with an application to linear systems,
Spatially distributed sampling and reconstruction,
Perturbed proximal primal-dual algorithm for nonconvex nonsmooth optimization,
A linearly convergent doubly stochastic Gauss-Seidel algorithm for solving linear equations and a certain class of over-parameterized optimization problems,
A self-adaptive projection method with improved step-size for solving variational inequalities,
Near-linear convergence of the random Osborne algorithm for matrix balancing,
Solving linear variational inequalities by projection neural network with time-varying delays,
Proximal alternating direction-based contraction methods for separable linearly constrained convex optimization,
Distributed estimation of algebraic connectivity of directed networks,
Single-step algorithm for variational inequality problems in 2-uniformly convex Banach spaces,
Consensus of high-order multi-agent systems with switching topologies,
On the \(O(1/t)\) convergence rate of the LQP prediction-correction method,
Quantized consensus over directed networks with switching topologies,
A customized Douglas-Rachford splitting algorithm for separable convex minimization with linear constraints,
A syncro-parallel nonsmooth PGD algorithm for nonsmooth optimization,
A survey on the continuous nonlinear resource allocation problem,
A network equilibrium framework for internet advertising: models, qualitative analysis, and algorithms,
The complexity of fixed point models of trust in distributed networks,
A new generalized APPA for maximal monotone operators,
Comparison of two proximal point algorithms for monotone variational inequalities,
A discrete-time neural network for solving nonlinear convex problems with hybrid constraints,
A general projection method for a system of relaxed cocoercive variational inequalities in Hilbert spaces,
Pipeline implementation of cellular automata for structural design on message-passing multiprocessors,
A convergent decomposition algorithm for support vector machines,
A new class of projection and contraction methods for solving variational inequality problems,
A new parallel algorithm for Lagrange interpolation on a hypercube,
A two-stage prediction-correction method for solving monotone variational inequalities,
Superlinear convergence of asynchronous multi-splitting waveform relaxation methods applied to a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations,
Convergent Lagrangian heuristics for nonlinear minimum cost network flows,
Multiprocessor scheduling under precedence constraints: polyhedral results,
Second-order consensus in multi-agent dynamical systems with sampled position data,
Minimum concave-cost network flow problems: Applications, complexity, and algorithms,
Further applications of a splitting algorithm to decomposition in variational inequalities and convex programming,
Partially and totally asynchronous algorithms for linear complementarity problems,
Synchronous and asynchronous solution of a 3D transport model in a grid computing environment,
Error bounds for non-polyhedral convex optimization and applications to linear convergence of FDM and PGM,
A Petri net approach to consensus in networks with joint-agent interactions,
Douglas-Rachford splitting and ADMM for pathological convex optimization,
An alternating direction method for general variational inequalities,
Monte Carlo and Las Vegas randomized algorithms for systems and control. An introduction,
Partition-based multi-agent optimization in the presence of lossy and asynchronous communication,
Mass-spring-damper networks for distributed optimization in non-Euclidean spaces,
A convergent and efficient decomposition method for the traffic assignment problem,
Consensus in asynchronous multiagent systems. I: Asynchronous consensus models,
Modeling logistics service providers in a non-cooperative supply chain,
Iterative methods for nonlinear complementarity problems on isotone projection cones,
A fully distributed ADMM-based dispatch approach for virtual power plant problems,
A unified convergence framework for nonmonotone inexact decomposition methods,
A variational proximal alternating linearized minimization in a given metric for limited-angle CT image reconstruction,
A Gauss-Seidel type inertial proximal alternating linearized minimization for a class of nonconvex optimization problems,
A proximal point algorithm with asymmetric linear term,
An augmented Lagrangian decomposition method for block diagonal linear programming problems,
Consensus in asynchronous multiagent systems. II: Method of joint spectral radius,
An inertial parallel and asynchronous forward-backward iteration for distributed convex optimization,
Distributed coordination for nonsmooth convex optimization via saddle-point dynamics,
Parallel chaotic extrapolated Jacobi-like methods,
Alternating direction splittings for block angular parallel optimization,
The incremental subgradient methods on distributed estimations in-network,
A collective neurodynamic optimization approach to bound-constrained nonconvex optimization,
A new criterion for an inexact parallel splitting augmented Lagrangian method,
Distributed weighted least-squares estimation with fast convergence for large-scale systems,
Extended Lorentz cones and mixed complementarity problems,
Consensus of second-order multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamics and switching topology,
On the convergence of inexact block coordinate descent methods for constrained optimization,
A fast algorithm for scalar Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation,
Dynamic programming and graph optimization problems,
Multidimensional dynamic programming on massively parallel computers,
Two schemes for information acquisition: An entropic assessment,
Data parallel computing for network-structured optimization problems,
A modified augmented Lagrangian method for a class of monotone variational inequalities,
A proximal-based deomposition method for compositions method for convex minimization problems,
The effect of start-up delays in scheduling divisible loads on bus networks: an alternate approach,
Some developments in general variational inequalities,
Optimal load sharing in soft real-time systems using likelihood ratios,
The invisible hand algorithm: solving the assignment problem with statistical physics,
Broadcasting multiple messages in simultaneous send/receive systems,
Data-level parallel solution of min-cost network flow problems using \(\varepsilon\)-relaxations,
Parallel tree contraction and prefix computations on a large family of interconnection topologies,
Approximations in proximal bundle methods and decomposition of convex programs,
Optimal and suboptimal motion planning for collision avoidance of mobile robots in non-stationary environments,
A new Gaussian elimination-based algorithm for parallel solution of linear equations,
Massively parallel computation of spatial price equilibrium problems as dynamical systems,
Distributed multi-task classification: a decentralized online learning approach,
Consensus-based modeling using distributed feature construction with ILP,
Distributed computation of Pareto solutions in \(n\)-player games,
Scheduling divisible loads in bus networks with arbitrary processor release times,
On the convergence of projection methods: Application to the decomposition of affine variational inequalities,
Alternating direction method for generalized Sylvester matrix equation \(AXB + CYD = E\),
Asynchronous parallel methods for enclosing solutions of nonlinear equations,
A parallel relaxation method for quadratic programming problems with interval constraints,
On linear convergence of iterative methods for the variational inequality problem,
Asynchronous iterations of parareal algorithm for option pricing models,
OpTIX-II: A software environment for the parallel solution of nonlinear optimization problems,
Recursive relaxation identification of linear multivariable systems with its parallel algorithm,
Parallel asynchronous label-correcting methods for shortest paths,
Iterative methods for solving quasi-variational inclusion and fixed point problem in \(q\)-uniformly smooth Banach spaces,
A parallel descent algorithm for convex programming,
Feature-based methods for large scale dynamic programming,
A partially isochronous splitting algorithm for three-block separable convex minimization problems,
Stochastic mirror descent method for distributed multi-agent optimization,
Efficient parallel algorithms for the minimum cost flow problem,
Parallel algorithm for unconstrained optimization based on decomposition techniques,
Asymptotic stability in probability for stochastic Boolean networks,
Dual decomposition for multi-agent distributed optimization with coupling constraints,
Optimal communication algorithms for Manhattan Street networks,
An adaptive partial linearization method for optimization problems on product sets,
A partially parallel prediction-correction splitting method for convex optimization problems with separable structure,
Sparse and low-rank matrix regularization for learning time-varying Markov networks,
Distributed optimal day-ahead scheduling in a smart grid: a trade-off among consumers, power suppliers, and transmission owners,
Extragradient methods for pseudomonotone variational inequalities,
On the convergence of the discretized parallel chaotic waveform relaxation method.,
First-order algorithms for convex optimization with nonseparable objective and coupled constraints,
On the partial synchronization of iterative methods,
On stochastic mirror-prox algorithms for stochastic Cartesian variational inequalities: randomized block coordinate and optimal averaging schemes,
Price of anarchy in electric vehicle charging control games: when Nash equilibria achieve social welfare,
Detection and mitigation of biasing attacks on distributed estimation networks,
Sensitivity analysis of the proximal-based parallel decomposition methods,
Distributed adaptive dynamic programming for data-driven optimal control,
Asynchronous parallel primal-dual block coordinate update methods for affinely constrained convex programs,
Distributed optimization over directed graphs with row stochasticity and constraint regularity,
A distributed asynchronous method of multipliers for constrained nonconvex optimization,
Cauchy noise removal by nonconvex ADMM with convergence guarantees,
Two-level primal-dual proximal decomposition technique to solve large scale optimization problems,
Asynchronous iterations with flexible communication: contracting operators,
An upper bound for the largest Lyapunov exponent of a Markovian product of nonnegative matrices,
Iterative solution of elliptic collocation systems on a cognitive parallel computer,
Efficient parallel algorithm for quasi pentadiagonal systems on a hypercube,
Rate of convergence analysis of dual-based variables decomposition methods for strongly convex problems,
Adaptive Monte Carlo methods for solving hyperbolic telegraph equation,
Distributed extremum-seeking control over networks of dynamically coupled unstable dynamic agents,
ROML: a robust feature correspondence approach for matching objects in a set of images,
Parallel decomposition of multistage stochastic programming problems,
A comparison of two algorithms for the assignment problem,
A unified approach to parallel space decomposition methods,
A modified projection method for monotone variational inequalities,
Further results on convergence of asynchronous linear iterations,
On the use of random numbers in asynchronous simulation via rollback,
Fast algorithms for fair dynamic load redistribution in heterogeneous environments,
Projection-splitting algorithms for monotone variational inequalities,
Self-adaptive projection algorithms for general variational inequalities,
Efficient collective communciation in optical networks,
A parallel adaptive coupling algorithm for systems of differential equations,
On the communication complexity of Lipschitzian optimization for the coordinated model of computation,
On asynchronous iterations,
Design and analysis of load distribution strategies with start-up costs in scheduling divisible loads on distributed networks,
Accelerated diffusion algorithms for dynamic load balancing.,
Nonlinear proximal decomposition method for convex programming,
A hybrid method for solving variational inequality problems,
Highly efficient parallel algorithm for finite difference solution to Navier-Stokes equation on a hypercube.,
A dual neural network for convex quadratic programming subject to linear equality and inequality constraints,
Convergence of the parallel chaotic waveform relaxation method for stiff systems,
Modified projection method for pseudomonotone variational inequalities,
Optimal gray-code labeling and recognition algorithms for hypercubes,
A class of projection methods for general variational inequalities,
Learning the optimum as a Nash equilibrium,
The shortest path in parallel,
Parallel interior-point method for linear and quadratic programs with special structure,
Parallel alternating direction multiplier decomposition of convex programs,
Upper and lower bounds for stochastic marked graphs,
A unified description of iterative algorithms for traffic equilibria,
New extragradient-type methods for general variational inequalities.,
Optimal data exchange algorithms on star graphs,
A probabilistic analysis of asynchronous iteration,
On a second order parallel variable transformation approach.,
Globally convergent block-coordinate techniques for unconstrained optimization,
Dynamic decentralised balancing of CONWIP production systems,
Convergence rate analysis of an asynchronous space decomposition method for convex Minimization,
A characterization of the optimal set of linear programs based on the augmented lagrangian,
Parallel asynchronous algorithms for optimal control of large-scale dynamic systems,
Approximate Consensus in Highly Dynamic Networks: The Role of Averaging Algorithms,
An Accelerated Randomized Proximal Coordinate Gradient Method and its Application to Regularized Empirical Risk Minimization,
Inertial Proximal ADMM for Linearly Constrained Separable Convex Optimization,
Decomposition Methods for Sparse Matrix Nearness Problems,
Inertial Proximal Alternating Linearized Minimization (iPALM) for Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Problems,
Sequential threshold control in descent splitting methods for decomposable optimization problems,
Distributed Block Coordinate Descent for Minimizing Partially Separable Functions,
Lattice-like Subsets of Euclidean Jordan Algebras,
An augmented Lagrangian based parallel splitting method for separable convex minimization with applications to image processing,
Asynchronous Parareal Time Discretization For Partial Differential Equations,
On the convergence rate of scaled gradient projection method,
An improved projection method for solving generalized variational inequality problems,
Distributed Stochastic Approximation with Local Projections,
Smoothing Techniques-Based Distributed Model Predictive Control Algorithms for Networks,
Dynamics of quality as a strategic variable in complex food supply chain network competition: The case of fresh produce,
Colouring paths in directed symmetric trees with applications to WDM routing,
The Unified Frame of Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Three Classes of Matrix Equations Arising in Control Theory,
A Consensus Protocol over Noisy Two‐Layered Networks with Cooperative and Antagonistic Interactions,
On asynchronous iterations in partially ordered spaces,
Benchmarking large-scale distributed convex quadratic programming algorithms,
Designing broadcasting algorithms in the postal model for message-passing systems,
A new parallel algorithm for optimal control problems of interconnected systems,
Perturbed Iterate Analysis for Asynchronous Stochastic Optimization,
Asynchronous Stochastic Coordinate Descent: Parallelism and Convergence Properties,
A Smooth Primal-Dual Optimization Framework for Nonsmooth Composite Convex Minimization,
Achieving Geometric Convergence for Distributed Optimization Over Time-Varying Graphs,
Alternating direction methods for solving a class of Sylvester-like matrix equations,
Determination of Clock Synchronization Errors in Distributed Networks,
Image Restoration: A General Wavelet Frame Based Model and Its Asymptotic Analysis,
Numerical Structure of the Hessian of the Lagrange Dual Function for a Class of Convex Problems,
A survey on operator splitting and decomposition of convex programs,
Accelerated Uzawa methods for convex optimization,
Convergence rate of a proximal multiplier algorithm for separable convex minimization,
Dynamics of international financial networks with risk management,
Proximal nested primal-dual gradient algorithms for distributed constraint-coupled composite optimization,
Parallel algorithm for householder transformation with applications to Ill-conditioned problems,
The viscosity approximation forward-backward splitting method for the implicit midpoint rule of quasi inclusion problems in Banach spaces,
Feasibility vs. Optimality in Distributed AC OPF: A Case Study Considering ADMM and ALADIN,
The viscosity approximation forward-backward splitting method for solving quasi inclusion problems in Banach spaces,
Alternating Direction Method for a Class of Sylvester Matrix Equations with Linear Matrix Inequality Constraint,
Optimization Methods for Large-Scale Machine Learning,
A new class of asynchronous iterative algorithms with order intervals,
Consensus in Networks of Multiagents with Stochastically Switching Topologies and Time-Varying Delays,
A variant of korpelevich’s method for variational inequalities with a new search strategy,
Solution of Lyapunov and Riccati equations in a multiprocessor environment,
Fast gossiping by short messages,
A Coordinate-Descent Primal-Dual Algorithm with Large Step Size and Possibly Nonseparable Functions,
Financial networks with electronic transactions: modelling, analysis and computations,
Parallel Solution Methods for Vehicle Routing Problems,
Börsch-supan-like methods: point estimation and parallel implementation,
Efficient Learning with a Family of Nonconvex Regularizers by Redistributing Nonconvexity,
Unnamed Item,
A job shop distributed scheduling based on Lagrangian relaxation to minimise total completion time,
Fast inexact decomposition algorithms for large-scale separable convex optimization,
A proximal multiplier method for separable convex minimization,
Braess's Paradox in large random graphs,
Mixed coordination method for long-horizon optimal control problems,
Parallel algorithms for nevanlinna-pick interpolation:the scalar case∗,
Résolution parallèle de problèmes aux limites non linéaires,
Stochastic First-Order Methods with Random Constraint Projection,
Linear Convergence of the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for a Class of Convex Optimization Problems,
Ultra-fast consensus of discrete-time multi-agent systems with multi-step predictive output feedback,
A Sparse Linear System Solver Used in a Distributed and Heterogenous Grid Computing Environment,
Partial regularization of the sum of two maximal monotone operators,
Block Coordinate Descent Methods for Semidefinite Programming,
An Augmented Lagrangian Based Algorithm for Distributed NonConvex Optimization,
Computational Methods for Solving Nonconvex Block-Separable Constrained Quadratic Problems,
A hybrid Josephy — Newton method for solving box constrained variational equality roblems via the D-gap function,
Improved asynchronous parallel optimization analysis for stochastic incremental methods,
Bipartite output consensus in networked multi-agent systems of high-order power integrators with signed digraph and input noises,
ARock: An Algorithmic Framework for Asynchronous Parallel Coordinate Updates,
Management of Variable Data Streams in Networks,
On Symmetric Continuum Opinion Dynamics,
Unnamed Item,
Achievability of Efficient Satisfaction Equilibria in Self-Configuring Networks,
Robust shortest path planning and semicontractive dynamic programming,
Iteration grain sized asynchronous parallel algorithms in optimization,
Random test problems and parallel methods for quadratic programs and quadratic stochastic programs∗,
An inertial alternating minimization with Bregman distance for a class of nonconvex and nonsmooth problems,
A class of modified accelerated proximal gradient methods for nonsmooth and nonconvex minimization problems,
Distributed forward-backward methods for ring networks,
The structure and dynamics of networks with higher order interactions,
Inducing sparsity via the horseshoe prior in imaging problems,
A review of decentralized optimization focused on information flows of decomposition algorithms,
A customized two-stage parallel computing algorithm for solving the combined modal split and traffic assignment problem,
Convergence of an asynchronous block-coordinate forward-backward algorithm for convex composite optimization,
An inertial Popov extragradient projection algorithm for solving multi-valued variational inequality problems,
A partially inertial customized Douglas-Rachford splitting method for a class of structured optimization problems,
Mixed-integer quadratic programming reformulations of multi-task learning models,
Independent learning in stochastic games,
Brief Announcement: Efficient Computation in Congested Anonymous Dynamic Networks,
Recent theoretical advances in decentralized distributed convex optimization,
Near-Optimal Decentralized Algorithms for Saddle Point Problems over Time-Varying Networks,
Asynchronous time-parallel method based on Laplace transform,
An inertial proximal alternating direction method of multipliers for nonconvex optimization,
A new randomized primal-dual algorithm for convex optimization with fast last iterate convergence rates,
The Walrasian equilibrium and centralized distributed optimization in terms of modern convex optimization methods on the example of resource allocation problem,
WONDER: Weighted one-shot distributed ridge regression in high dimensions,
Decentralized multi-agent optimization based on a penalty method,
Distributed smooth optimisation with event-triggered proportional-integral algorithms,
Primal-dual algorithms for multi-agent structured optimization over message-passing architectures with bounded communication delays,
Scalable algorithms for bichromatic line segment intersection problems on Coarse Grained Multicomputers,
Faster Lagrangian-Based Methods in Convex Optimization,
An asynchronous inertial algorithm for solving convex feasibility problems with strict pseudo-contractions in Hilbert spaces,
Global Consensus Monte Carlo,
Unnamed Item,
Macro-Hybrid Variational Formulations of Constrained Boundary Value Problems,
Unnamed Item,
Asynchronous iterations of HSS method for non-Hermitian linear systems,
Quantifying Statistical Interdependence by Message Passing on Graphs—Part II: Multidimensional Point Processes,
Asynchronous Multiplicative Coarse-Space Correction,
Sparse canonical correlation analysis algorithm with alternating direction method of multipliers,
Asynchronous multisplitting relaxed iterations for weakly nonlinear systems,
Cyclic Coordinate-Update Algorithms for Fixed-Point Problems: Analysis and Applications,
Local deal-agreement algorithms for load balancing in dynamic general graphs,
Regular Policies in Abstract Dynamic Programming,
Best-response dynamics in directed network games,
Graph-theoretic approaches for analyzing the resilience of distributed control systems: a tutorial and survey,
Augmented Lagrangian tracking for distributed optimization with equality and inequality coupling constraints,
Composite optimization with coupling constraints via dual proximal gradient method with applications to asynchronous networks,
Cooperative distributed state estimation: resilient topologies against smart spoofers,
Beyond the worst-case bisection bound: Fast sorting and ranking on meshes,
Asynchronous domain decomposition methods for nonlinear PDEs,
A new Lagrangian-based first-order method for nonconvex constrained optimization,
An integrated multitiered supply chain network model of competing agricultural firms and processing firms: the case of fresh produce and quality,
On Synchronous, Asynchronous, and Randomized Best-Response Schemes for Stochastic Nash Games,
A divide-and-conquer algorithm for distributed optimization on networks,
An Alternating Augmented Lagrangian method for constrained nonconvex optimization,
A Privacy-Preserving Method to Optimize Distributed Resource Allocation,
Recent advances in optimization and game theoretic control for networked systems,
Solving Highly Detailed Gas Transport MINLPs: Block Separability and Penalty Alternating Direction Methods,
Causal memory: definitions, implementation, and programming,
A Differential Privacy Mechanism that Accounts for Network Effects for Crowdsourcing Systems,
The Spatial Smoothing Method of Clock Synchronization in Wireless Networks,
Multiple message broadcasting in communication networks,
An Algorithm for Solving the Variational Inequality Problem Over the Fixed Point Set of a Quasi-Nonexpansive Operator in Euclidean Space,
Scalable Asynchronous Domain Decomposition Solvers,
Extragradient methods for nonsmooth equilibrium problems in Banach spaces,
Unnamed Item,
Concurrent multicast in weighted networks,
The impact of randomization in smoothing networks,
Concurrent multicast in weighted networks,
Augmented Lagrangian alternating direction method for matrix separation based on low-rank factorization,
Structured neural networks for constrained model predictive control,
Stability of asynchronous two-dimensional Fornasini-Marchesini dynamical systems,
On terminating Markov decision processes with a risk-averse objective function,
An analysis of transient Markov decision processes,
Large matrix-vector products on distributed bus networks with communication delays using the divisible load paradigm: Performance analysis and simulation,
Communication complexity of gossiping by packets,
A tutorial survey of reinforcement learning,
Managing interprocessor delays in distributed recursive algorithms,
The actor-critic algorithm as multi-time-scale stochastic approximation.,
Structure theorems for partially asynchronous iterations of a nonnegative matrix with random delays.,
Stochastic approximation algorithms: overview and recent trends.,
Improvements of some projection methods for monotone nonlinear variational inequalities,
Modified Goldstein--Levitin--Polyak projection method for asymmetric strongly monotone variational inequalities,
Convergence of discrete asynchronous iterations,
Parallel multilevel iterative methods,
Fast Convergence for Consensus in Dynamic Networks,
A distributed Douglas-Rachford splitting method for multi-block convex minimization problems,
Fast Convergence for Consensus in Dynamic Networks,
A Coordinate Wise Variational Method with Tolerance Functions,
Towards price-based predictive control of a small-scale electricity network,
Distributed Learning with Sparse Communications by Identification,
Tensor variational inequalities: theoretical results, numerical methods and applications to an economic equilibrium model,
Forest resampling for distributed sequential Monte Carlo,
Randomized Gradient Boosting Machine,
Nonconvex Lagrangian-Based Optimization: Monitoring Schemes and Global Convergence,
A Distributed Flexible Delay-Tolerant Proximal Gradient Algorithm,
A robust multi-batch L-BFGS method for machine learning,
A randomized incremental primal-dual method for decentralized consensus optimization,
Computing over Unreliable Communication Networks,
Power Control in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: Stability and Convergence Under Uncertainties,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Privacy Aware Learning,
Ghost Penalties in Nonconvex Constrained Optimization: Diminishing Stepsizes and Iteration Complexity,
On the Global Linear Convergence of the ADMM with MultiBlock Variables,
Stochastic proximal linear method for structured non-convex problems,
On Componental Operators in Hilbert Space,
Self-Adaptive Inertial Projection and Contraction Algorithm for Monotone Variational Inequality,
Unnamed Item,
Ultra-fast consensus of discrete-time multi-agent systems under a unified framework,
Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for a Class of Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Problems with Applications to Background/Foreground Extraction,
ADMM in Krylov Subspace and Its Application to Total Variation Restoration of Spatially Variant Blur,
Distributed Bregman-Distance Algorithms for Min-Max Optimization,
Concentration of Contractive Stochastic Approximation and Reinforcement Learning,
Distributed primal–dual interior-point methods for solving tree-structured coupled convex problems using message-passing,
On the convergence of exact distributed generalisation and acceleration algorithm for convex optimisation,
Control analysis and design via randomised coordinate polynomial minimisation