zbMath0845.65001MaRDI QIDQ5287558
Brian P. Flannery, William T. Vetterling, Saul A. Teukolsky, William H. Press
Publication date: 15 July 1993
Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.
Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to statistics (62-04)
Numerical mathematical programming methods (65K05)
General theory of numerical methods in complex analysis (potential theory, etc.) (65E05)
Random number generation in numerical analysis (65C10)
Numerical methods for trigonometric approximation and interpolation (65T40)
Numerical approximation and computational geometry (primarily algorithms) (65Dxx)
Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to linear algebra (15-04)
Numerical linear algebra (65Fxx)
Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to numerical analysis (65-01)
Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations (65Lxx)
Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to partial differential equations (35-04)
Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to computer science (68-04)
Probabilistic methods, stochastic differential equations (65C99)
Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to special functions (33-04)
Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to operations research and mathematical programming (90-04)
Numerical methods for partial differential equations, initial value and time-dependent initial-boundary value problems (65Mxx)
Numerical methods for partial differential equations, boundary value problems (65Nxx)
Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to ordinary differential equations (34-04)
Nonlinear algebraic or transcendental equations (65Hxx)
Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to approximations and expansions (41-04)
Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-04)
A stochastic model of oscillatory blood testosterone levels,
Local system matrix compression for efficient reconstruction in magnetic particle imaging,
Neural networks with multiple general neuron models: a hybrid computational intelligence approach using genetic programming,
Spectral entropy, empirical entropy and empirical exergy for deterministic boundary-layer structures,
A linearly fourth order multirate Runge-Kutta method with error control,
MARLEDA: effective distribution estimation through Markov random fields,
Modelling the role of CtfA/B in reverse shift continuous culture experiments of \textit{Clostridium acetobutylicum},
Age-period-cohort models and the perpendicular solution,
Infomax strategies for an optimal balance between exploration and exploitation,
Exact numerical methods for a many-body Wannier-Stark system,
Using reinforcement learning to find an optimal set of features,
Continuous \((s,S)\) policy with MMPP correlated demand,
Constrained test in linear models with multivariate power exponential distribution,
Advantages of the Laplace transform approach in pricing first touch digital options in Lévy-driven models,
Fourier accelerated conjugate gradient lattice Gauge fixing,
High density packings of equal circles in rectangles with variable aspect ratio,
Numerical modeling of nonlinear acoustic waves in a tube connected with Helmholtz resonators,
Wave simulation in 2D heterogeneous transversely isotropic porous media with fractional attenuation: a Cartesian grid approach,
Chaos suppression via periodic change of variables in a class of discontinuous dynamical systems of fractional order,
Stability of the weighted splitting finite-difference scheme for a two-dimensional parabolic equation with two nonlocal integral conditions,
Holographic phase transition from dyons in an AdS black hole background,
Hybrid MPI + OpenMP parallelization of an FFT-based 3D Poisson solver with one periodic direction,
A numerical method for three-dimensional gas--liquid flow computations,
Global approximation for some functions,
Low-lying Wilson Dirac operator eigenvector mixing in dynamical overlap hybrid Monte Carlo,
Modelling capillary phenomena at a mesoscale: from simple to complex fluids,
Noise-induced oscillations in an actively mode-locked laser,
A least squares solution for camera distortion parameters,
Stability of differential inclusions: a computational approach,
Improved generalized belief propagation for vision processing,
An electron tomography algorithm for reconstructing 3D morphology using surface tangents of projected scattering interfaces,
On the efficient computation of high-order derivatives for implicitly defined functions,
Compensatory evolution in diploid populations,
Estimating nonstationary inputs from a single spike train based on a neuron model with adaptation,
Non-integrability of the dumbbell and point mass problem,
Numerical method for solving discontinuous initial/final-value problems,
The contact in the BCS-BEC crossover for finite range interacting ultracold Fermi gases,
On internally corrected and symmetrized kernel estimators for nonparametric regression,
Holography and AdSs\({}_{4}\) self-gravitating dyons,
A smooth estimator for MC/QMC methods in finance,
Learning bidirectional asymmetric similarity for collaborative filtering via matrix factorization,
An interval extension based on occurrence grouping,
Steady state analysis of towed marine cables,
Exact treatment of generalized modifications of finite-dimensional systems by the LRM approach,
Approximating the least hypervolume contributor: NP-hard in general, but fast in practice,
Spline-based boundaries: a first step towards generic geometric domain descriptions for efficient mid-frequency acoustic analysis using the wave based method,
Diffusional evolution of precipitates in elastic media using the extended finite element and the level set methods,
Alpha Markov measure field model for probabilistic image segmentation,
Efficient and accurate computation of upper bounds of approximation errors,
Analysis of a vaccine model with cross-immunity: when can two competing infectious strains coexist?,
A paradox of grid-based representation techniques: accurate eigenvalues from inaccurate matrix elements,
A general class of zero-or-one inflated beta regression models,
A scalable parallel Poisson solver for three-dimensional problems with one periodic direction,
Existence and stability of limit cycles in a delayed dry-friction oscillator,
Reliability and efficiency of algorithms for computing the significance of the Mann-Whitney test,
Finding attractors of continuous-time systems by parameter switching,
Updating kernel methods in spectral decomposition by affinity perturbations,
Mechanisms controlling the sensitivity of amperometric biosensors in flow injection analysis systems,
The equimaterial approach for the numerical solution of the one dimensional transient diffusion equation with zero flux boundary conditions,
Numerical aspects in the finite element simulation of the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect,
Optimal positioning of anodes and virtual sources in the design of cathodic protection systems using the method of fundamental solutions,
The stiffest designs of elastic plates: vector optimization for two loading conditions,
Explicit polynomial solutions of fourth order linear elliptic partial differential equations for boundary based smooth surface generation,
Pseudo-random number generation for Brownian dynamics and dissipative particle dynamics simulations on GPU devices,
A mathematical mechanism for instabilities in stripe formation on growing domains,
A sequential Monte Carlo approach to computing tail probabilities in stochastic models,
A class of fast and accurate deterministic trend decomposition in the spectral domain using simple and sharp diffusive filters,
A fast method for solving three-dimensional arbitrarily shaped inclusions in a half-space,
Fast numerical method for crack problem in the porous elastic material,
Summation through stochastic drawing of addends under steered morphing,
Pricing long-dated insurance contracts with stochastic interest rates and stochastic volatility,
Menzerath-Altmann law: statistical mechanical interpretation as applied to a linguistic organization,
Wave scattering from a rough surface: solution by an iterative method,
Coexistence of structured populations with size-based prey selection,
Features of electron transfer along heterogeneous atomic chains,
Implicit integrations for SPH in semi-Lagrangian approach: application to the accretion disc modeling in a microquasar,
Screening in strongly coupled \( \mathcal{N} = {2^*} \) supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma,
Path planning with divergence-based distance functions,
Phase diagram for the one-way quantum deficit of two-qubit X states,
Parameter estimation for an infiltration problem,
Fast calculation of boundary crossing probabilities for Poisson processes,
Tidal locking of habitable exoplanets,
Numerical computation of real or complex elliptic integrals,
Modeling shortest path selection of the ant \textit{Linepithema humile} using psychophysical theory and realistic parameter values,
Sequential design of computer experiments for the estimation of a probability of failure,
Viscous and inviscid matching of three-dimensional free-surface flows utilizing shell functions,
A Newton collocation method for solving dynamic bargaining games,
SLHAplus: a library for implementing extensions of the standard model,
Biased three-dimensional cell migration and collagen matrix modification,
Mass conservative finite volume discretization of the continuity equations in multi-component mixtures,
SU(2) lattice gauge theory simulations on Fermi GPUs,
Bias-corrected estimators for dispersion models with dispersion covariates,
A simple multigrid scheme for solving the Poisson equation with arbitrary domain boundaries,
A fast semi-implicit method for anisotropic diffusion,
Time domain numerical modeling of wave propagation in 2D heterogeneous porous media,
Exponential decay and scaling laws in noisy chaotic scattering,
Default Bayes factors for ANOVA designs,
Serial and parallel implementations of model-based clustering via parsimonious Gaussian mixture models,
Beta kernel estimators for density functions,
A criterion based on the Mahalanobis distance for cluster analysis with subsampling,
Multiplicative Runge-Kutta methods,
Accuracy of suboptimal solutions to kernel principal component analysis,
Nonlinear dynamics of oscillators with bilinear hysteresis and sinusoidal excitation,
Numerical solutions of the isotropic 3-wave kinetic equation,
On the use of physical spline finite element method for acoustic scattering,
Nonlinear time series analysis of jerk congenital nystagmus,
Parameter identification for nonlinear elastic and viscoelastic plates,
The prevalence of asymmetrical indirect effects in two-host-one-parasitoid systems,
Wavelet-based SPAI pre-conditioner using local dropping,
Analyses of mortgage-backed securities based on unobservable prepayment cost processes,
Affine and projective active contour models,
A branch and bound algorithm to minimize the total tardiness for \(m\)-machine permutation flowshop problems,
A special perturbation method in orbital dynamics,
A sublinear algorithm for the recovery of signals with sparse Fourier transform when many samples are missing,
Quiet direct simulation Monte-Carlo with random timesteps,
An explicit construction of interpolation nodes on the simplex,
Why Newton's method is hard for travelling waves: small denominators, KAM theory, Arnold's linear Fourier problem, non-uniqueness, constraints and erratic failure,
Reducing off-chip memory access via stream-conscious tiling on multimedia applications,
Coarse to over-fine optical flow estimation,
Corrigendum to ``The unimodal model for the classification of ordinal data, A finite-step construction of totally nonnegative matrices with specified eigenvalues, The metabolic network of \textit{Clostridium acetobutylicum}: comparison of the approximate Bayesian computation via sequential Monte Carlo (ABC-SMC) and profile likelihood estimation (PLE) methods for determinability analysis, Dealing with monotone likelihood in a model for speckled data, Semiparametric bivariate Archimedean copulas, Initial condition dependence and wave function confinement in the Schrödinger-Newton equation, A new long-term survival model with interval-censored data, Bootstrap-based model selection criteria for beta regressions, Tests of randomness by the gambler's ruin algorithm, Mathematical modeling of tumor growth in mice following low-level direct electric current, Facility location for market capture when users rank facilities by shorter travel and waiting times, Conservative arbitrary order finite difference schemes for shallow-water flows, Energy-efficient channel estimation in MIMO systems, Spectral and variational principles of electromagnetic field excitation in wave guides, Log-det approximation based on uniformly distributed seeds and its application to Gaussian process regression, Strong resonance and chaos in a single-species chemostat model with periodic pulsing of resource, Monte Carlo computation of optimal portfolios in complete markets, Convergence and biases of Monte Carlo estimates of American option prices using a parametric exercise rule, Optimal dynamic allocation of conservation funding among priority regions, Wave motions near a translating plate in a stratified fluid with infinite depth, European option pricing and hedging with both fixed and proportional transaction costs, Agglomerative hierarchical clustering of continuous variables based on mutual information, Distribution of mutual information from complete and incomplete data, Inverse boosting for monotone regression functions, Relevance measures for subset variable selection in regression problems based on \(k\)-additive mutual information, A recursive approach to detect multivariable conditional variance components and conditional random effects, Statistical functions and procedures in IDL 5.6 and 6.0, MCMC algorithms for constrained variance matrices, An integral equation representation for overlapping generations in continuous time, Intermediate rank lattice rules and applications to finance, Parameter estimation in a model for misclassified Markov data -- a Bayesian approach, Improved estimators for a general class of beta regression models, Improved likelihood inference in Birnbaum-Saunders regressions, Thermal and reflectance based personal identification methodology under variable illumination, Fast and accurate pricing of barrier options under Lévy processes, A numerical method to simulate radio-frequency plasma discharges, Soft computing based techniques for short-term load forecasting, Simulation of geometric stable and other limiting multivariate distributions arising in random summation scheme, Iterative maximum likelihood on networks, A fast numerical method for time-resolved photon diffusion in general stratified turbid media, Molecular dynamics simulations of the elastic moduli of polymer-carbon nanotube composites, Evolving interfaces via gradients of geometry-dependent interior Poisson problems: application to tumor growth, Conditional forecasts and uncertainty about forecast revisions in vector autoregressions, Large dimension forecasting models and random singular value spectra, Impact of the floating-point precision and interpolation scheme on the results of DNS of turbulence by pseudo-spectral codes, A fast and simple program for solving local Schrödinger equations in two and three dimensions, FFT-split-operator code for solving the Dirac equation in \(2+1\) dimensions, Semi-analytical solutions of a contaminant transport equation with nonlinear sorption in 1D, Obtaining the quantum Fourier transform from the classical FFT with QR decomposition, Multiple transmission pathways and disease dynamics in a waterborne pathogen model, tmLQCD: a program suite to simulate Wilson twisted mass lattice QCD, Comparison of different neuron models to conductance-based post-stimulus time histograms obtained in cortical pyramidal cells using dynamic-clamp in vitro, Exploring parallel capabilities of an innovative numerical method for recovering image velocity vectors field, An efficient numerical parameter estimation scheme for the space-dependent dispersion coefficient of a solute transport equation in porous media, Automatically finding clusters in normalized cuts, Computation of the solutions of the Fokker-Planck equation for one and two DOF systems, Fractional-order attractors synthesis via parameter switchings, Adaptive neural network model for time-series forecasting, Chaotic behavior of a class of discontinuous dynamical systems of fractional-order, Safe MBR-transformation in similar sequence matching, Higher-order brick-tetrahedron hybrid method for Maxwell's equations in time domain, Boundary conditions for arbitrarily shaped and tightly focused laser pulses in electromagnetic codes, Numerical implementation of the exact dynamics of free rigid bodies, Stationary mixture transition distribution (MTD) models via predictive distributions, Minimal Hodgkin-Huxley type models for different classes of cortical and thalamic neurons, Relative merits of random number generators: Indirect approach, A microscopic time scale approximation to the behavior of the local slope on the faceted surface under a nonuniformity in supersaturation, Local hybrid approximation for scattered data fitting with bivariate splines, Random walks for feature-preserving mesh denoising, Identifying the target mRNAs of microRNAs in colorectal cancer, Obtaining linguistic fuzzy rule-based regression models from imprecise data with multiobjective genetic algorithms, Lagrangian coherent structures in the planar elliptic restricted three-body problem, Dimensionality reduction and polynomial chaos acceleration of Bayesian inference in inverse problems, A semiparametric marginalized model for longitudinal data with informative dropout, An integrated model of \textit{Plasmodium falciparum} dynamics, Inference of signaling and gene regulatory networks by steady-state perturbation experiments: structure and accuracy, Monte Carlo estimates of natural variation in HIV infection, An order \(N \log N\) parallel solver for time-spectral problems, High-dimensional switches and the modelling of cellular differentiation, Parallelization strategies for rollout algorithms, Tuning evaluation functions by maximizing concordance, The voids kinetics during diffusion process, On the relationship between income, fertility rates and the state of democracy in society, Regulated transport as a mechanism for pattern generation: capabilities for phyllotaxis and beyond, Small-sample one-sided testing in extreme value regression models, Geometry, thermodynamics, and protein, Intrinsic time scaling in survival analysis: Application to biological populations, TMBETADISC-RBF: discrimination of \(\beta\)-barrel membrane proteins using RBF networks and PSSM profiles, Ribbon-based transfinite surfaces, A Petrov-Galerkin spectral element technique for heterogeneous porous media flow, Inverse modeling of a solar collector involving Fourier and non-Fourier heat conduction, OPTIMASS: a package for the minimization of kinematic mass functions with constraints, Commensurability effects in holographic homogeneous lattices, Computational simulation of the interactions between moving rigid bodies and incompressible two-fluid flows, Empirical study of the improved UNIRANDI local search method, Parallel algorithms for multinephron renal medullary models, Estimation and inference in nearly unbalanced nearly cointegrated systems, On the role of computation in economic theory, Approximate arbitrage-free option pricing under the SABR model, Accurate pairwise convolutions of non-negative vectors via FFT, Analysis of complex and chaotic patterns near a codimension-2 Turing-Hopf point in a reaction-diffusion model, Quantifying transport in numerically generated velocity fields, Matrix displacement decompositions and applications to Toeplitz linear systems, A spectral method for unbounded domains, Symmetric decomposition of exponential operators and evolution problems, Multiple-scale approximation of instabilities in unsteady boundary layers, Critical behaviour of random-bond Potts models: A transfer matrix study, Simulation of normal distributed smooth fields by Karhunen-Loève expansion in combination with kriging, Multiple parameter estimation in an adaptive psychometric method: MUEST, an extension of the QUEST method, Geometric construction by assembling solved subfigures, A robust method for simulating forward-looking models, Dark matter relic abundance and light sterile neutrinos, Interval solution of nonlinear equations using linear programming, Multi-GPU unsteady 2D flow simulation coupled with a state-to-state chemical kinetics, Joint optimization of condition-based opportunistic maintenance and spare parts provisioning policy in multiunit systems, Monte Carlo methods for security pricing, Optimal delta-hedging under transactions costs, Numerical modeling of the acoustic wave propagation across a homogenized rigid microstructure in the time domain, An MCMC approach to classical estimation., Gauge groups and data classification., Hermite filtering and form factors, Influence of the nutation angle in gravitational settling of particles near vortices and in turbulence., Integral-differential equations approach to atomic three-body systems., Estimation of resonant frequencies and quality factors from time domain computations., Boundary element methods for transient convective diffusion. II: 2D implementation., Boundary element methods for transient convective diffusion. III: Numerical examples., Effective boundary element methods in corrosion analysis., Simulating cellular dynamics through a coupled transcription, translation, metabolic model., Most recent common ancestor probability distributions in gene genealogies under selection., A correlation-based computational model for synthesizing long-range dependent data., A fast multi-level boundary element method for the Helmholtz equation., Improved point and interval estimation for a beta regression model, Application of hierarchical matrices for computing the Karhunen-Loève expansion, Deterministic Brownian motion in the hypermeander of spiral waves, Non-Poissonian claims' arrivals and calculation of the probability of ruin, The effect of selective sweeps on the variance of the allele distribution of a linked multiallele locus: Hitchhiking of microsatellites, Computational issues in the sequential probit model: a Monte Carlo study, Influence diagnostics in log-Birnbaum-Saunders regression models with censored data, The use of the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula to solve cyclic block tri-diagonal and cyclic block penta-diagonal linear systems of equations, Comparison and improvement of tangent estimators on digital curves, A theoretical result for processing signals that have unknown distributions and priors in white Gaussian noise, Boundary controllability of a stationary Stokes system with linear convection observed on an interior curve, On the spectra of certain graphs arising from finite fields, Quantifying the intrinsic transmission dynamics of tuberculosis, On improving the least squares Monte Carlo option valuation method, Frequency spectrum of the bispherical hollow system: The case of the nonuniform thickness human skull, An algorithm competition: First-order iterations versus Newton-based techniques, Monte Carlo configuration interaction, The newsvendor problem with an in-season price adjustment, The effects of the availability of waiting-time information on a balking queue, Estimated stochastic programs with chance constraints, Torus maps and the problem of a one-dimensional optical resonator with a quasiperiodically moving wall, Using singular classical solutions for calculating multiparticle cross sections in field theory, Bulk properties of anharmonic chains in strong thermal gradients: non-equilibrium \(\phi^4\) theory, Parameter identification of 1D fractal interpolation functions using bounding volumes, Experiments with new stochastic global optimization search techniques, Continuation of periodic solutions of dissipative and conservative systems: application to elastic pendulum, Glassy mean-field dynamics of the backgammon model, Automated segmentation of resistivity image logs using wavelet transform, Elastic properties of anisotropic vascular membranes examined by inverse analysis, Restabilization in structures susceptible to localized buckling: An approximate method for the extended post-buckling regime, Modified Sarhan-Balakrishnan singular bivariate distribution, The shape oscillations of a two-dimensional drop including viscous effects., COBRA: An optimized code for fast analysis of ideal ballooning stability of three-dimensional magnetic equilibria, An unified numerical approach of steady convection between two parallel plates, Rank estimators for monotonic index models, Multi-taper spectral analysis in gravitational wave data analysis, Optimal minimax designs for prediction in heteroscedastic models, Modeling the aggregative behavior of ants of the species Polyergus rufescens, Option pricing for a logstable asset price model, Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of classical lattice \(\Phi^4\) field theory, On the log-normal distribution of network traffic, An efficient and flexible mechanism for constructing membership functions, The Peierls stress in non-local elasticity, Enumerating a subset of the integer points inside a Minkowski sum, Large eddy simulation and ALE mesh motion in Rayleigh-Taylor instability simulation, Parameter estimation in nonlinear delayed feedback systems from noisy data, Multidimensional interpolation using osculatory radial basis functions, Micro- and macro-simulation of freeway traffic, On the isotonic range statistic for testing against an ordered alternative, The first return time test of pseudorandom numbers, Lattice Boltzmann model for free-surface flow and its application to filling process in casting., Two-dimensional method of moments modelling of lossless overmoded transverse magnetic cavities, Multilayer neural networks: an experimental evaluation of on-line training methods, Quantum dynamics of relativistic electrons, Prolate spheroidal wavefunctions as an alternative to Chebyshev and Legendre polynomials for spectral element and pseudospectral algorithms, Finite time singularities in ideal fluids with swirl, Truncation of wavelet matrices: Edge effects and the reduction of topological control, Dynamics control of semantic processes in a hierarchical associative memory, Nonparametric density estimation applied to population pharmacokinetics, A sex-structured delayed recruitment model, A dimension-reducing method for unconstrained optimization, Software needs in special functions, OPTAC: A portable software package for analyzing and comparing optimization methods by visualization, A general transformation class of semiparametric cure rate frailty models, The effect of the nugget on Gaussian process emulators of computer models, Optimal computation of 3-D similarity: Gauss-Newton vs. Gauss-Helmert, GARCH estimation and discrete stock prices: an application to low-priced Australian stocks, Body wave propagation and site effects, The unimodal model for the classification of ordinal data, Feeding currents of the upside down jellyfish in the presence of background flow, Multidimensional Hall magnetohydrodynamics with isotropic or anisotropic thermal pressure: numerical scheme and its validation using solitary waves, Dynamical phenomena occurring due to phase volume compression in nonholonomic model of the rattleback, pH-induced gene regulation of solvent production by \textit{Clostridium acetobutylicum} in continuous culture: parameter estimation and sporulation modelling, Fast state-space methods for inferring dendritic synaptic connectivity, Fast maximum likelihood estimation using continuous-time neural point process models, Spatial distribution multimedia fate model: numerical aspects and ability for spatial analysis, Filling gaps in chaotic time series, On modeling galaxy-scale strong lens systems, A new multiscale Bayesian algorithm for speckle reduction in medical ultrasound images, Geodesics on point clouds, Recurrence plots revisited, Finding all periodic orbits of maps using Newton methods: Sizes of basins, Parallelization of adaptive MC integrators, Watershed initial conditions for propagating waves in a system with bistability: a weight-function approach, Wave propagation in a fractional viscoelastic Andrade medium: diffusive approximation and numerical modeling, Are large complex ecosystems more unstable? A theoretical reassessment with predator switching, Double Fourier series on a sphere: Applications to elliptic and vorticity equations, Synergism analysis of biochemical systems. II: Tensor formulation and treatment of stoichiometric constraints, A geometric orthogonal projection strategy for computing the minimum distance between a point and a spatial parametric curve, Numerical modeling of exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein condensate in a microcavity, A computationally efficient fixed point approach to dynamic structural demand estimation, Mallows and generalized Mallows model for matchings, Lyapunov spectrum of chaotic maps with a long-range coupling mediated by a diffusing substance, Pipe roughness identification of water distribution networks: the full turbulent case, A finite element methodology to incorporate kinematic activation of discrete deformation twins in a crystal plasticity framework, Selective trunk with multiserver reservation, Real-time muscle state estimation from EMG signals during isometric contractions using Kalman filters, \( \mathcal{N} =2\) SUSY abelian Higgs model with hidden sector and BPS equations, Adaptive stratified Monte Carlo algorithm for numerical computation of integrals, Mathematical modeling and numerical simulations of Zika in Colombia considering mutation, Behavioral modeling of wireless power transfer system coils, Replacing the finite difference methods for nonlinear two-point boundary value problems by successive application of the linear shooting method, An adaptive procedure for the global minimization of a class of polynomial functions, A high order space-momentum discontinuous Galerkin method for the Boltzmann equation, Geographic and network surveillance via scan statistics for critical area detection, A stable tensor-based method for controlled fluid simulations, Efficiency test of pseudorandom number generators using random walks, Estimation of local volatilities in a generalized Black-Scholes model, Using machine learning to improve cylindrical algebraic decomposition, Analytic Hessian matrices and the computation of FIGARCH estimates, Variable dispersion beta regressions with parametric link functions, Testing neutrality at copy-number-variable loci under the finite-allele and finite-site models, NARMAX time series model prediction: feedforward and recurrent fuzzy neural network approaches, A Schur complement approach for computing subcovariance matrices arising in a road safety measure modelling, Automated rejection sampling from product of distributions, Solution of contaminant transport with equilibrium and non-equilibrium adsorption, The Kirkendall and Frenkel effects during 2D diffusion process, A model of the physiological basis of a multivariate phenotype that is mediated by Ca\(^{2+}\) signaling and controlled by ryanodine receptor composition, How to asses, visualize and compare the anisotropy of linear structures reconstructed from optical sections -- a study based on histopathological quantification of human brain microvessels, On supply function equilibria in a mixed duopoly, From individual to collective displacements in heterogeneous environments, Seasonal adjustment of daily time series, Interpolation-based condensation of algebraic semi-discrete models with frequency response application, Gradient projection and local region search for multiobjective optimisation, The PIM-simplex method: an extension of the PIM-triple method to saddles with an arbitrary number of expanding directions, Time series-based bifurcation diagram reconstruction, Generalized one-parameter bifurcation diagram reconstruction using time series, Enhancement of gamma oscillations in E/I neural networks by increase of difference between external inputs, Understanding long-range correlations in DNA sequences, Mapping input noise to escape noise in integrate-and-fire neurons: a level-crossing approach, Thermal hysteresis activity of antifreeze proteins: a model based on fractional statistics theory of adsorption, Path integral Monte Carlo method for option pricing, Fully hyperbolic convolutional neural networks, Approximate Ginsparg-Wilson fermions: a first test, Modeling arbitrarily oriented and reorienting multiscale cracks in composite materials with adaptive multiscale discrete damage theory, Model of blood rheology including hemolysis based on population balance, Improved estimation of clutter properties in speckled imagery., Intellectual property rights protection and endogenous economic growth, A new approach for numerical identification of free boundary, Discrete signal matching using coarse-to-fine wavelet basis functions, A block Jacobi method for complex skew-symmetric matrices with applications in the time-dependent variational principle, A discontinuous Galerkin method for transient analysis of wave propagation in unbounded domains, Euclidean reconstruction from contour matches, On the similarity of identical twin fingerprints, Which pivot to solve linear systems?, A study of the fractal character in electronic noise processes, Polynomial rooting-based DOA estimation algorithm for vector-sensor arrays using quaternions, Nonlinear analysis of the orbital motions of immersed rotors using a spectral/Galerkin approach., A finite volume code for meridional circulation in stars., Performance analysis and buffer allocations in some open assembly systems., Simple nonlinear models suggest variable star universality, Variational Bayesian inference for the latent position cluster model for network data, Solving nonlinear dynamic games via orthogonal collocation: An application to international commodity markets, 2-D Rayleigh autoregressive moving average model for SAR image modeling, Estimation of the steady-state characteristics of the Hodgkin-Huxley model from voltage-clamp data, Calculating spatial statistics for velocity jump processes with experimentally observed reorientation parameters, Efficient very high-order accurate polyhedral mesh finite volume scheme for 3D conjugate heat transfer problems in curved domains, An elliptically contoured exponential mixture model for wavelet based image denoising, Self-calibration of a stereo rig using monocular epipolar geometries, A brief and understandable guide to pseudo-random number generators and specific models for security, Maximum likelihood identification of Wiener models, Fast computation of multiphase flow in porous media by implicit discontinuous Galerkin schemes with optimal ordering of elements, A framelet algorithm for enhancing video stills, Generalized Cauchy model of sea level fluctuations with long-range dependence, Locating multiple optima using particle swarm optimization, An (almost) solvable model for bacterial pattern formation, Dynamics of the presidential veto: A computational analysis, Exploring the heterogeneity for node importance byvon Neumann entropy, A wavelet operational method for solving fractional partial differential equations numerically, Frequency domain analysis of elastic bounded domains using a new semi-analytical method, Moment fitted cut spectral elements for explicit analysis of guided wave propagation, Adaptively weighted numerical integration over arbitrary domains, Discrepancies between observational data and theoretical forecast in single field slow roll inflation, Topological classification of periodic orbits in the generalized Lorenz-type system with diverse symbolic dynamics, On dynamics of Jellet's egg. Asymptotic solutions revisited, Shape anisotropy of lipid molecules and voids, A fully coupled binary biochemical reactive-diffusion model with analytic solution, A numeric study of the noise-induced tremor in a mathematical model of the stretch reflex, Simulation of circadian rhythm generation in the suprachiasmatic nucleus with locally coupled self-sustained oscillators, Is the somitogenesis clock really cell-autonomous? A coupled-oscillator model of segmentation, Bootstrap-based testing inference in beta regressions, Concentration profiles of actin-binding molecules in lamellipodia, Mate choice when males are in patches: optimal strategies and good rules of thumb, Estimation of neurophysiological parameters from the waking EEG using a biophysical model of brain dynamics, Reconstructing parton distribution functions from Ioffe time data: from Bayesian methods to neural networks, Simulating transient wave phenomena in acoustic metamaterials using auxiliary fields, Robust formula for \(N\)-point Padé approximant calculation based on Wynn identity, Time-domain simulation of wave propagation across resonant meta-interfaces, Internodal Sodium channels ensure active processes under myelin manifesting in depolarizing afterpotentials, A mathematical model of hematopoiesis. I: Periodic chronic myelogenous leukemia, On the structure of acceleration in turbulence, Sustained turbulence in the three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii model, Discrete Davydov's soliton in \(\alpha\)-helical protein molecule with anharmonic hydrogen bond and thermal noise, Dynamic analysis of an offshore pipe laying operation using the reel method, Applications of the cosecant and related numbers, Mathematical models of the fate of lymphoma B cells after antigen receptor ligation with specific antibodies, Seed and pollen flow in expanding a species' range, A unified approach to portfolio optimization with linear transaction costs, Numerical approximation of a class of discontinuous systems of fractional order, Spectral method for numerical solution of the electric field envelope propagation equation, Optimally switched linear systems, Numerical implementation of a \(J_2\)- and \(J_3\)-dependent plasticity model based on a spectral decomposition of the stress deviator, Nonlinear self-organized population dynamics induced by external selective nonlocal processes, Sensitivity analysis of periodic matrix population models, CalcHEP 3.4~for collider physics within and beyond the standard model, Efficient almost-exact Lévy area sampling, Approximate inversion of the Black-Scholes formula using rational functions, An unscented particle filter for ground maneuvering target tracking, Analytical approximation schemes for solving exact renormalization group equations in the local potential approximation, Theoretical analysis and practical insights on importance sampling in Bayesian networks, Delta hedging strategies comparison, Spectral radial basis functions for full sphere computations, Iterative estimating equations: Linear convergence and asymptotic properties, Aggregating disparate estimates of chance, Solving a class of feature selection problems via fractional 0--1 programming, Numerical estimation of diffusivity in a nonhysteretic infiltration problem, Probabilistic approach for break-up and coalescence in bubbly flow and coupling with CFD codes, High order well-balanced finite volume methods for multi-dimensional systems of hyperbolic balance laws, Cost-function-based hypothesis control techniques for multiple hypothesis tracking, The efficient solution of electromagnetic scattering for inhomogeneous media, Parameter estimation approach to the free boundary for the pricing of an American call option, Nonmonotone projected gradient methods based on barrier and Euclidean distances, Numerical effectiveness of models and methods of integration of the equations of motion of a car, On the role of contrast and regularity in perceptual boundary saliency, Precise numerical solutions of potential problems using the Crank-Nicolson method, Variable selection and model choice in structured survival models, Comparison with a standard via all-pairwise comparisons, Finding all solutions of a class of nonlinear equations using an improved LP test, A hierarchical Bayesian statistical framework for response time distributions, Fitting psychometric models with methods based on automatic differentiation, Instabilities and spatiotemporal patterns behind predator invasions with nonlocal prey competition, Busy period analysis of the state dependent M/M/1/K queue, Invariant trajectory classification of dynamical systems with a case study on ECG, A class of semiparametric cure models with current status data, From fixation probabilities to \(d\)-player games: an inverse problem in evolutionary dynamics, The faster methods for computing Bessel functions of the first kind of an integer order with application to graphic processors, A general high order two-dimensional panel method, \( \delta\) gravity, \( \delta\) matter and the accelerated expansion of the Universe, Organization of spatially periodic solutions of the steady Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, A space decomposition-based deterministic algorithm for solving linear optimization problems, Adaptively weighted numerical integration in the finite cell method, On the Fokas method for the solution of elliptic problems in both convex and non-convex polygonal domains, Shape aware quadratures, Fits to non-supersymmetric $\mathrm{SO}(10)$ models with type I and II seesaw mechanisms using renormalization group evolution, Hybrid second order method for orthogonal projection onto parametric curve in \(n\)-dimensional Euclidean space, A new parameterization for the drift-free simulation in the Libor market model, Bounds for the critical speed of climate-driven moving-habitat models, On time-optimal trajectories in non-uniform mediums, The high-order Euler method and the spin-orbit model, An efficient numerical algorithm for the inversion of an integral transform arising in ultrasound imaging, Stability of a vortex in radial density stratification: role of wave interactions, A HYBRID-FORM MODEL FOR THE PREPAYMENT-RISK-NEUTRAL VALUATION OF MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES, Subspace inverse power method and polynomial chaos representation for the modal frequency responses of random mechanical systems, Variational integrators for orbital problems using frequency estimation, Competition between trees and grasses for both soil water and mineral nitrogen in dry savannas, S-wave superconductivity in anisotropic holographic insulators, Robust estimation of historical volatility and correlations in risk management, Analysis of adiabatic shear bands in heat-conducting elastothermoviscoplastic materials by the meshless local Bubnov-Galerkin method, Extraction of spectral functions from Dyson-Schwinger studies via the maximum entropy method, Approximate ordinary differential equations for the optimal exercise boundaries of American put and call options, Quasi-Monte Carlo Image Synthesis in a Nutshell, Models, Verification, Validation, Identification and Stochastic Eigenvalue Problems, On incorporating warping effects due to transverse shear and torsion into the theories of straight elastic bars, Estimating 2-cycle fixed points of henon map using backpropagation neural networks, Resolution of an inverse thermal problem using parallel processing on shared-memory multiprocessor architectures, Characteristic features of error in high-order difference calculation of 1D Poisson equation and unlimited high-accurate calculation under multi-precision calculation, Unnamed Item, A three-dimensional numerical scheme for modeling discontinuous pinning at sharp edges using the volume-of-fluid method, Looking for central tendencies in the conformational freedom of proteins using NMR measurements, Three-dimensional Skyrme Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov solver in coordinate-space representation, Transmission Valuation Analysis based on Real Options with Price Spikes, ACOUSTIC SCATTERING BY AN ELASTIC SPHERICAL SHELL NEAR THE SEABED, Subset selection algorithm based on mutual information, Calibration of a measuring robot: Experimental results on a 5 DOF structure, Dynamics of random graphs with bounded degrees, Mean-field treatment of exclusion processes with random-force disorder, A perturbative probabilistic approach to quantum many-body systems, An exact dual-integral formulation of the indentation of finite, free-standing, end-supported adhesive elastic layers, Generic pricing of FX, inflation and stock options under stochastic interest rates and stochastic volatility, On learning discontinuous human control strategies, COSMOLOGICAL CONSTRAINTS FOR THE COSMIC DEFECT THEORY, Several Generalizations of Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme, ANALYTICAL PRICING OF DOUBLE-BARRIER OPTIONS UNDER A DOUBLE-EXPONENTIAL JUMP DIFFUSION PROCESS: APPLICATIONS OF LAPLACE TRANSFORM, A Survey of Inverse Rendering Problems, ACCELERATING CONVERGENCE OF MOLECULAR DYNAMICS-BASED STRUCTURAL RELAXATION, Reformulation of the support set selection problem in the logical analysis of data, Adaptive metrics in the nearest neighbours method, Analysis of the multiplicative Lorenz system, Cosmic microwave background fluctuations from gravitational waves: an analytic approach, A trust-region method applied to parameter identification of a simple prey-predator model, Variance reduction in sample approximations of stochastic programs, A multi-level boundary element method for Stokes flows in irregular two-dimensional domains, A comprehensive numerical algorithm for solving service points location problems, Likelihood-look-ahead inference on the equilibrium distribution of Markov chains, A boundary element method for steady convective heat diffusion in three dimensions, Weighted average finite difference methods for fractional diffusion equations, Solving the multidimensional multiple-choice knapsack problem by constructing convex hulls, A systematic method for fingerprint ridge orientation estimation and image segmentation, Bayesian adaptive estimation: the next dimension, Geometric harmonics: a novel tool for multiscale out-of-sample extension of empirical functions, Spike propagation in dendrites with stochastic ion channels, Theoretical aspects of \({}^{13}\)C metabolic flux analysis with sole quantification of carbon dioxide labeling, Dimensionality of amino acid space and solvent accessibility prediction with neural networks, Stochastic analogues of deterministic single-species population models, FAST AND ACCURATE PRICING AND HEDGING OF LONG-DATED CMS SPREAD OPTIONS, Real-time signal processing for multiantenna systems: algorithms, optimization, and implementation on an experimental test-bed, A METHOD FOR QUASI-STATIC ANALYSIS OF TOPOLOGICALLY VARIABLE LATTICE STRUCTURES, PEMPIs: A new methodology for modeling and prediction of MPI programs performance, Accuracy and efficiency of higher-order boundary element methods for steady convective heat diffusion in three-dimensions, An improved three-dimensional full-vectorial finite-difference imaginary-distance beam propagation method, Theory and computation of non-RRKM lifetime distributions and rates in chemical systems with three or more degrees of freedom, Removing the remaining ridges in fingerprint segmentation, Colorimetric characterization of imaging device by total color difference minimization, Self-imaging and Discrete Paraxial Optics, Nonparametric Kernel Methods with Errors-in-Variables: Constructing Estimators, Computing them, and Avoiding Common Mistakes, Static hedging under maturity mismatch, The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem for Noncommutative Semirings, Mesoscopic Modeling of Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion Kinetics in the Subdiffusive Regime, Robust Estimation for Computer Vision Using Grassmann Manifolds, Trigonometric regression estimation for observations with additive and multiplicative errors, Stress focusing in elastic sheets, Transformations and seasonal adjustment, Numerical Analysis of Additive, Lévy and Feller Processes with Applications to Option Pricing, On the radial stability of ultra-compact Schwarzschild stars beyond the Buchdahl limit, Diffusive Approximation of a Time-Fractional Burger's Equation in Nonlinear Acoustics, Spectra of Short Pulse Solutions of the Cubic-Quintic Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation near Zero Dispersion, MOUNTAIN TRAIL FORMATION AND THE ACTIVE WALKER MODEL, The Performance of a Robust Multistage Estimator in Nonlinear Regression with Heteroscedastic Errors, A Note on the Factorization of a Matrix Inverse, Exact and Computationally Efficient Likelihood-Based Estimation for Discretely Observed Diffusion Processes (with Discussion), Linear PID Composite Controller and its Tuning for Flexible Link Robots, CHI-SQUARE SIMULATION OF THE CIR PROCESS AND THE HESTON MODEL, On an efficient splitting-based method for solving the diffusion equation on a sphere, Characterizing nonlinearity in invasive EEG recordings from temporal lobe epilepsy, On ladder height densities and Laguerre series in the study of stochastic functionals. I. Basic methods and results, On ladder height densities and Laguerre series in the study of stochastic functionals. II. Exponential functionals of Brownian motion and Asian option values, Fourier stability analysis of two-dimensional finite element schemes for shallow water equations, Inverse Problems and Parameter Identification in Image Processing, An evolutionary programming algorithm for continuous global optimization, Approximating conditional distribution functions using dimension reduction, BOOSTING-BASED FRAMEWORK FOR PORTFOLIO STRATEGY DISCOVERY AND OPTIMIZATION, A piecewise linear approach to volume tracking a triple point, Integrated decision and control of human-engineered complex systems, On design of continuous Lyapunov's feedback control, Functional programming framework for \textit{GRworkbench}, Comparative study between four classical spectral analysis methods, Splitting as an approach to constructing local exact artificial boundary conditions, On the necessity of low-effective dimension, On trend estimation under monotone Gaussian subordination with long-memory: application to fossil pollen series, ADVANCED METHODS IN BLACK-HOLE PERTURBATION THEORY, Identification of non-linear time series via kernels, Integrating deformations between bodies and clothes, A semi-Markov model for binary longitudinal responses subject to misclassification, On splitting-based mass and total energy conserving arbitrary order shallow-water schemes, A CONTINUUM MODEL OF THE WITHIN-ANIMAL POPULATION DYNAMICS OF E. COLI O157, Likelihood ratio test for simultaneous testing of the mean and the variance of a normal distribution, Measurements of flame-front curvature based on Fourier transformation, Misspecified asset price models and robust hedging strategies, Method of fundamental solutions: singular value decomposition analysis, The Three-Dimensional Gauss Algorithm Is Strongly Convergent Almost Everywhere, The Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering of a Conductor, Une approche hybride pour le sac à dos multidimensionnel en variables 0–1, Statistical bootstrapping methods in VaR calculation, Sequential and Parallel Implementation of Networks, The role of host population heterogeneity in the evolution of virulence, Tuned test problems for numerical methods in engineering, Proper orthogonal decomposition applied to turbulent flow in a square duct, A finite-volume method for deformation analysis of woven fabrics, Estimating Instantaneous Irregularity of Neuronal Firing, The method of fundamental solutions for eigenproblems in domains with and without interior holes, LABYRINTH CHAOS, Parameter Estimation Algorithms for Hierarchical Distributed Systems, Evidence of higher-order effects in thermally driven rapid granular flows, Generalized Likelihood Ratio Statistics and Uncertainty Adjustments in Efficient Adaptive Design of Clinical Trials, A tool for systematically comparing the power of tests for normality, Black holes in magnetic monopoles with a dark halo, Synchronization in nonidentical complex Ginzburg-Landau equations, Successive inverse polynomial interpolation to optimize Smagorinsky’s model for large-eddy simulation of homogeneous turbulence, Sample size determination for 2k−rexperiments with a binomial response, Direct Finite Element Computation of Periodic Adsorption Processes, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On the Localization and Computation of Zeros of Bessel Functions, Selection of Tree‐Biased Classifiers with the Bootstrap 632+ Rule, On the stability analysis of weighted average finite difference methods for fractional wave equation, Normal Theory and Bootstrap Confidence Interval Estimation in Assessing Diagnostic Performance Gain When Combining Two Diagnostic Tests, Solving non‐linear systems of equations involving non‐negative variables, Aggregated Negative Feedback in a Generalized Lorenz Model, Asymptotic and qualitative performance of non-parametric density estimators: a comparative study, Upper bounds on the coarsening rate of discrete, ill‐posed nonlinear diffusion equations, Imaging and quantifying mixing in a model droplet micromixer, Slowly-rotating neutron stars in massive bigravity, Eulerian and Lagrangian Langmuir circulation patterns, Labyrinthine instability of miscible magnetic fluids, Improving the pseudo-randomness properties of chaotic maps using deep-zoom, Three-Dimensional Free Vibration Analysis of Cross-Ply Laminated Rectangular Plates with Free Edges Through a Displacement-Based Approach, A logistic truncated normal mixture model for overdispersed binomial data, EFFICIENT, ALMOST EXACT SIMULATION OF THE HESTON STOCHASTIC VOLATILITY MODEL, Asymptotic Theory of the Least Squares Estimators of Sinusoidal Signal, NUMERICAL SIMULATION ON SEARCHING THE OPTIMUM SOURCE-DEPTH DISTRIBUTION FOR REVERBERATION INVERSION BY SIMULATED ANNEALING, Adaptive Cascade, Magnetoencephalography source localization using improved simplex method, Toward an autonomous platform for spatio‐temporal EEG‐signal analysis based on cellular nonlinear networks, An efficient algorithm for finding all DC solutions of piecewise-linear circuits, An artificial neural network based approach for online string matching/filtering of large databases, The skewed multifractal random walk with applications to option smiles, Out-of-Order Sigma-Point Kalman Filtering for Target Localization Using Cooperating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Modelling of stochastic fat-tailed auto-correlated processes: an application to short-term rates*, Statistical analysis of right‐censored failure‐time data with partially specified hazard rates, Equilibrium magnetohydrodynamic flows of liquid metals in magnetorotational instability experiments, Monte Carlo variance reduction in applications to Systems Reliability using Phase Space Splitting, Non-self-overlapping structured grid generation on ann-sided surface, A comparison of algorithms for exact goodness-of-fit tests for multinomial data, Statistical Methods in Cosmology, Some numerical methods for the study of the convexity notions arising in the calculus of variations, Spectral Method and High-Order Finite Differences for the Nonlinear Cable Equation, An Estimation Method for the Semiparametric Mixed Effects Model, Likelihood Models for Clustered Binary and Continuous Out comes: Application to Developmental Toxicology, SIMPLE CONSERVATIVE, AUTONOMOUS, SECOND-ORDER CHAOTIC COMPLEX VARIABLE SYSTEMS, Surrogate Testing by Estimating the Local Dispersions in Phase Space, The global modal parameterization for non-linear model-order reduction in flexible multibody dynamics, Control strategies for timestep selection in finite element simulation of incompressible flows and coupled reaction-convection-diffusion processes, Fuzzy rationality and parameter elicitation in decision analysis, Evaluation of methods for interval estimation of model outputs, with application to survival models, Application of the full approximation storage method to the numerical simulation of two-dimensional steady incompressible viscous multiphase flows, REFLECTOR DESIGN FROM RADIANCE DISTRIBUTIONS, Maximum quasi‐likelihood estimation for the near(2) model, Convergence Acceleration Scheme for Self-consistent Orthogonal-basis-set Electronic Structure Methods, A Nonlinear Model for Vertical Free-Flight Trajectory Planning, Comparative Speed Analysis of FastICA, Fractal Analysis of Pi Normality, Order Determination in Nonlinear Time Series by Penalized Least-Squares, Chemosensor-Driven Artificial Antennal Lobe Transient Dynamics Enable Fast Recognition and Working Memory, LOCALLY ADAPTIVE MULTISCALE BAYESIAN METHOD FOR IMAGE DENOISING BASED ON BIVARIATE NORMAL INVERSE GAUSSIAN DISTRIBUTIONS, Hyperlabyrinth chaos: From chaotic walks to spatiotemporal chaos, Increasing Memory Capacity and Reducing Spurious States in Neural Networks by Introducing Coherent and Collective Firing, A new scheme for efficient and direct shape optimization of complex structures represented by polygonal meshes, New Rollout Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, A wavelet approach to fast approximation of steady-state waveforms of power electronics circuits, Multiscale Methods, PRESSURE RATE DECONVOLUTION METHODS FOR WELL TEST ANALYSIS, Threshold optimization for weighted voting classifiers, Numerical Approximation of the Implied Volatility Under Arithmetic Brownian Motion, NONLINEAR SIGNAL CLASSIFICATION, On the dynamic version of the minimum hand jerk criterion, Interpolation Methods for Curve Construction, Accurate correction of surface noises of polygonal meshes, Comparison of adjoint-based and feature-based grid adaptation for functional outputs, An experimental study of the stability problem in discrete tomography, Numerical integration method in analysis of wire antennas, Unsupervised classification of eclipsing binary light curves throughk-medoids clustering, Unequal-mass boson-star binaries: initial data and merger dynamics, On Stratified Density Ratio Models, Nonparametric covariance estimation for mixed longitudinal studies, with applications in midlife women's health, Local continuity of angular momentum and noether charge for matter in general relativity, A range characterization of the single-quadrant ADRT, MINIMUM AREA CONVEX PACKING OF TWO CONVEX POLYGONS, Network meta-analysis: a statistical physics perspective, On estimation and diagnostics analysis in log-generalized gamma regression model for interval-censored data, Horndeski stars, Stokesian dynamics of close particles, Logistic map neural modelling: A theoretical foundation, A unified class of penalties with the capability of producing a differentiable alternative to l1 norm penalty, Adaptive refined descriptive sampling algorithm for dependent variables using Iman and Conover method in Monte Carlo simulation, Pricing electricity day-ahead cap futures with multifactor skew-t densities, New pseudo-random number generator based on improved discrete-space chaotic map, Bootstrap-based inferential improvements in beta autoregressive moving average model, Characterizing Responses of Translation-Invariant Neurons to Natural Stimuli: Maximally Informative Invariant Dimensions, Birnbaum–Saunders sample selection model, The galaxy power spectrum on the lightcone: deep, wide-angle redshift surveys and the turnover scale, Sparsity-Assisted Signal Smoothing, Viscous and electro-osmotic effects upon motion of an oil droplet through a capillary, Evolution of Athletic Records: Statistical Effects versus Real Improvements, Surjective Additive Rank-1 Preservers on Hessenberg Matrices, Identifying Functional Bases for Multidimensional Neural Computations, Dynamics of Multiple-Choice Decision Making, Strike from volatility and delta-with-premium, Macroeconomic fundamentals, jump dynamics and expected volatility, DOUBLE HASHING WITH MULTIPLE PASSBITS, Importance Sampling for Generalized Likelihood Ratio Procedures in Sequential Analysis, STATE-SPACE MODEL WITH TIME DELAYS FOR GENE REGULATORY NETWORKS, MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS THROUGH SYMBOLIC PROGRAMMING, Theoretical characterization of multilayer photonic crystals having a 2D periodicity, A General Class of Bayesian Survival Models with Zero and Nonzero Cure Fractions, Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease and Critical Illness Insurance, Computation of Hyperspherical Bessel Functions, Equilibrium Configurations of Classical Polytropic Stars with a Multi-Parametric Differential Rotation Law: A Numerical Analysis, Efficient Semiparametric Estimation of Short‐Term and Long‐Term Hazard Ratios with Right‐Censored Data, Regression methods in waveform modeling: a comparative study, Observed asymptotic differences in energies of stable and minimal point configurations on $\mathbb {S}^2$S2 and the role of defects, Coarsening and solidification via solvent-annealing in thin liquid films, Non-equilibrium steady states and transport in the classical lattice \(\phi^ 4\) theory., Two-phase flows on interface refined grids modeled with VOF, staggered finite volumes, and spline interpolants, Towards a Mathematical Theory of Super‐resolution, An approach to hierarchical clustering via level surfaces and convexity, Short-term projections for variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease onsets, A numerical scheme for Fokker-Planck wave-particle interaction equations in plasmas, Improved magnetic coordinate representation for ideal ballooning stability calculations with the COBRA code, Motion of an oil droplet through a capillary with charged surfaces, A new approach for motion capture using magnetic field : models, algorithms and first results, Numerical approaches to spacetime singularities, The Einstein-Vlasov system/kinetic theory, Nonlinear dynamics of discrete‐time circuits: A survey, Adaptive preconditioning of linear stochastic algebraic systems of equations, Estimation and Test for Multi-Dimensional Regression Models, Circuits and Systems for the Synthesis of Chaotic Signals in Engineering Applications, Numerical approaches to spacetime singularities, A Repetition Test for Pseudo-Random Number Generators, Estimating Stellar-Oscillation-Related Parameters and Their Uncertainties with the Moment Method, Propagation of Traveling Pulses in Cortical Networks, Small-scale reconstruction in three-dimensional Kolmogorov flows using four-dimensional variational data assimilation, Beta seasonal autoregressive moving average models, On bootstrap testing inference in cure rate models, Dynamics of knowledge-intensive production: An agency-structure framework, Nonlinear matter terms in general scalar–tensor braneworld cosmology, Principal differential analysis with a continuous covariate: low-dimensional approximations for functional data, Small-sample likelihood inference in extreme-value regression models, Geometric exponents, SLE and logarithmic minimal models, Foam front advance during improved oil recovery: similarity solutions at early times near the top of the front, Bidensity particle-laden exchange flows in a vertical duct, LOCAL ANALYSIS OF DISSIPATIVE DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS, Sequential Generalized Likelihood Ratios and Adaptive Treatment Allocation for Optimal Sequential Selection, ADSORPTION OF POLYATOMICS: THEORETICAL APPROACHES IN MODEL SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS, ADSORPTION OF POLYATOMICS: THEORETICAL APPROACHES IN MODEL SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, A Numerical Method to Solve Nonsymmetric Eigensystems Applied to Dynamics of Turbomachinery, Conservative random walks in confining potentials, Series Expansions and Direct Inversion for the Heston Model, Diffusion, super-diffusion and coalescence from a single step, Chaotic Dynamics in a Low-Energy Transfer Strategy to the Equilateral Equilibrium Points in the Earth–Moon System, Spatiotemporal system reconstruction using Fourier spectral operators and structure selection techniques, The multivariate Variance Gamma model: basket option pricing and calibration, Valuation of Mortgage-Backed Securities and Mortgage Derivatives: A Closed-Form Approximation, Why Monte Carlo Simulations Are Inferences and Not Experiments, Simple driven chaotic oscillators with complex variables, Modeling event cascades using networks of additive count sequences, Intrinsic Mode Function Selection and Statistical Information Analysis for Bearing Ball Fault Detection, ON THE ACCURACY OF SOME ABSORBING BOUNDARY CONDITIONS FOR THE SCHRODINGER EQUATION, Towards optimal extraction of cosmological information from nonlinear data, Higher Order Dynamic Mode Decomposition, Horndeski fermion–boson stars, Nonlinear evolution of initially biased tracers in modified gravity, Pressure and flow statistics of Darcy flow from simulated annealing, Constraining disformal couplings with Redshift Space Distortion, Accelerating a continuous-time analog SAT solver using GPUs, The axial Hartree-Fock + BCS code SkyAx, Computing an orthonormal basis of symmetric or antisymmetric hyperspherical harmonics, An analytical assessment of finite element and isogeometric analyses of the whole spectrum of Timoshenko beams, Inflated beta autoregressive moving average models, CNOK: a C++ Glauber model code for single-nucleon knockout reactions, Hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the muon \(g - 2\) from lattice QCD: semi-analytical calculation of the QED kernel, Non-Markovian trajectories involving future in semi-classical path integral expression, Reduced modelling and optimal control of epidemiological individual‐based models with contact heterogeneity, A fast Monte Carlo scheme for additive processes and option pricing, Bridging stylized facts in finance and data non-stationarities, Adaptive step size controllers based on Runge-Kutta and linear-neighbor methods for solving the non-stationary heat conduction equation, Forecasting the proportion of stored energy using the unit Burr XII quantile autoregressive moving average model, Fast calculation of p-values for one-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov type statistics, Levenberg-Marquardt method and partial exact penalty parameter selection in bilevel optimization, Analytic auto-differentiable ΛCDM cosmography, Mean‐standard deviation model for minimum cost flow problem, Closed-form solutions to the static transverse deformation of a spider orb-web, Coarsening of Thin Films with Weak Condensation, Patch area and uniform sampling on the surface of any ellipsoid, Vector operations for accelerating expensive Bayesian computations - a tutorial guide, Spectroscopy of discrete energy levels in ultrasmall metallic grains, Segmentation of macular fluorescein angiographies. A statistical approach, Identifying predator-prey processes from time-series, Discrete-time continuous-state interest rate models, Temporary stabilization: A stochastic analysis, Sensitivity bond graphs, Focusing of an elongated hole in porous medium flow, A Chebyshev quadrature rule for one sided finite part integrals, Operator matrices generation: Combinatorial structures in finite spin models, Accurate reduced-order models for a simple rotor blade model using nonlinear normal modes., Simulation of the postexposure bake process of chemically amplified resists by reaction-diffusion equations, Extending general processing tree models to analyze reaction time experiments., Applying evolutionary programming to structural optimization of atomic clusters, A novel morphological approach to volume extraction in 3D tomography, Convective wave front locking for a reaction-diffusion system in a conical flow reactor, Particle in the Brusselator model with flow, Determining the number of components in mixtures of linear models., Information-entropic stability bound for compact objects: application to \(Q\)-balls and the Chandrasekhar limit of polytropes, A variational approach to connecting orbits in nonlinear dynamical systems, Adaptive time discretization for retarded potentials