scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3219899

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zbMath0135.33803MaRDI QIDQ5508534

N. Achyeser

Publication date: 1965

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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II, Axiomatic characterizations of generalized values, Non-self-adjoint Jacobi matrices with a rank-one imaginary part, Zeros of entire functions and a problem of Ramanujan, Jacobi matrices with rapidly growing weights having only discrete spectrum, Structure of Stieltjes classes of moment-equivalent probability laws, On boundary Nevanlinna--Pick interpolation for Carathéodory matrix functions, Decompositions of the free additive convolution, Positive definite Hankel matrix completions and Hamburger moment completions, The Nevanlinna parametrization for \(q\)-Lommel polynomials in the indeterminate case, Convergence of the density of states and delocalization of eigenvectors on random regular graphs, On a decomposition problem for multivariate probability measures, Description of the solutions of a degenerate moment problem on the axis and the semiaxis, Concentrating a potential and its scattering transform for a discrete version of the Schrödinger and Zakharov-Shabat operators, On hermitian block Hankel matrices, matrix polynomials, the Hamburger moment problem, interpolation and maximum entropy, Entire functions admitting a special lower bound, Non-commutative moment problems, The arithmetic of distributions in free probability theory, Ladder operators for \(q\)-orthogonal polynomials, Bounded rank-one perturbations in sampling theory, An indeterminate rational moment problem and Carathéodory functions, Padé approximation for a multivariate Markov transform, Rates of convergence of multipoint rational approximants and quadrature formulas on the unit circle, Asymptotic properties of zeros of orthogonal rational functions, Hausdorff moment problem: Reconstruction of distributions, Generalized oscillator and its coherent states, Hausdorff moment problem: reconstruction of probability density functions, On isospectral sets of Jacobi operators, The boundary control method and de Branges spaces. 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Isospectral flows on a class of finite-dimensional Jacobi matrices, The characteristic function for Jacobi matrices with applications, On maximal weight solutions in a truncated trigonometric matrix moment problem, Growth properties of Nevanlinna matrices for rational moment problems, Generalized Steffensen type inequalities involving convex functions, Parameterization of the extrapolations in the Kreĭn-Schwartz theorem and the entropy maximizer: the scalar case, Weighted exponential approximation and non-classical orthogonal spectral measures, On the eigenvalue problem for a particular class of finite Jacobi matrices, Means for divided differences and exponential convexity, Matrix representations of split Bezoutians, The normal distribution is \(\boxplus\)-infinitely divisible, On analytic vectors for unitary representations of infinite dimensional Lie groups, Minimum \(w\)-entropy interpolants for matricial Carathéodory functions and maximum determinant completions of associated block Pick matrix, Lambert's \(W\), infinite divisibility and Poisson mixtures, The smallest eigenvalue of Hankel matrices, Nonself-adjoint second-order difference operators in limit-circle cases, The equivalence myth of quantum mechanics. II, The equivalence myth of quantum mechanics. I, Jost solution and the spectral properties of the matrix-valued difference operators, Necessary and sufficient conditions for realizability of point processes, The truncated Stieltjes moment problem solved by using kernel density functions, Generalized Bäcklund-Darboux transformations for Coxeter-Toda flows from a cluster algebra perspective, Fibonacci numbers and orthogonal polynomials, Symmetries of the Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov equation with a nonlocal nonlinearity in a semiclassical approximation, A fast adaptive model reduction method based on Takenaka-Malmquist systems, An extended Stein-type covariance identity for the Pearson family with applications to lower variance bounds, Freeness of linear and quadratic forms in von Neumann algebras, Reconstruction of conditional expectations from product moments with applications, Hamburger moment problem for powers and products of random variables, Probabilistic evolution approach to the expectation value dynamics of quantum mechanical operators. I: Integral representation of Kronecker power series and multivariate Hausdorff moment problems, Strict limit types for monotone convolution, Asymptotic behavior of the maximum and minimum singular value of random Vandermonde matrices, Some propositions on generalized Nevanlinna functions of the class \(\mathcal N_k\), On maximum mass measures in truncated matricial Hamburger moment problems and related interpolation problems, The rate of decrease of constants in Jackson type inequalities in dependence of the order of the continuity modulus, An existence criterion for the \(\mathcal{PT}\)-symmetric phase transition, Complete monotonicity for inverse powers of some combinatorially defined polynomials, The cubic complex moment problem, On an iteration leading to a \(q\)-analogue of the digamma function, Plancherel-Rotach asymptotic expansion for some polynomials from indeterminate moment problems, A moment problem for random discrete measures, Orthogonal polynomials of equilibrium measures supported on Cantor sets, Unimodality of Boolean and monotone stable distributions, Estimation of arbitrary order central statistical moments by the multilevel Monte Carlo method, On Szegő's theorem for a nonclassical case, Inheritance properties and sum-of-squares decomposition of Hankel tensors: theory and algorithms, Random matrices in non-confining potentials, Total positivity of sums, Hadamard products and Hadamard powers: results and counterexamples, Quantum fields in curved spacetime, 1-D Schrödinger operators with local interactions on a discrete set with unbounded potential, Complex positive definite functions on strips, Maps preserving moment sequences, Haydock's recursive solution of self-adjoint problems. Discrete spectrum, Quantizations from reproducing kernel spaces, Matrix inversion using orthogonal polynomials, The \(J\)-matrix method, Eigenfunction expansion associated with the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation on semi-infinite time scale intervals, Mean field propagation of Wigner measures and BBGKY hierarchies for general bosonic states, One-sided Cauchy-Stieltjes kernel families, The method of moments for some one-dimensional, non-local, non-convex variational problems, Expansions of one density via polynomials orthogonal with respect to the other, Exponentially convex functions on hypercomplex systems, The spectrum of eigenparameter-dependent discrete Sturm-Liouville equations, A characterization of random-coefficient AR(1) models, New Eulerian numbers of type \(D\), On simulation and properties of the stable law, A Lie-theoretic setting for the classical interpolation theories, Structure of exchangeable infinitely divisible sequences of Poisson random vectors, Fast matrix factorizations via discrete transmission lines, Géza Freud, orthogonal polynomials and Christoffel functions. A case study, A definiteness test for Hankel matrices and their lower submatrices, Weights on the real line that admit good relative polynomial approximation, with applications, Isometric operators in vector-valued \(L^ p\)-spaces, On Freud's equations for exponential weights, Harmonic analysis on the free product of two cyclic groups, Remarks on properties of probability distributions determined by conditional moments, Hill's matrices with some vanishing instability intervals, On the solution of moment problems by reproducing kernel methods, On potentials of measures in Banach spaces, On a generalization of the classical moment problem, A note on the Carleman condition for determinacy of moment problems, Sequences with finitely many negative squares, Stochastic Schrödinger operators and Jacobi matrices on the strip, Solution of the strong Hamburger moment problem by Laurent continued fractions, A generalization of classical orthogonal polynomials and the convergence of simultaneous Padé approximants, The ordinary and matrix continued fractions in the theoretical analysis of Hermitian and relaxation operators, On co-recursive orthogonal polynomials and their application to potential scattering, On the multiple Nevanlinna-Pick matrix interpolation in the class \(\mathcal C_p\) and the Carathéodory matrix coefficient problem, Eigenvector computation for almost unitary Hessenberg matrices and inversion of Szegö-Vandermonde matrices via discrete transmission lines, Classical foundations of algorithms for solving positive definite Toeplitz equations, On sums of powers of zeros of polynomials, Best approximation to an element in a banach space by a system of seminorms, Differential geometry of \(C^\infty\) helices in Hilbert space, The classical moment problem: Hilbertian proofs, Perturbation theory of odd anharmonic oscillators, Solvability criteria for certain N-dimensional moment problems, Lanczos method of tridiagonalization, Jacobi matrices and physics, Orthogonal polynomials on a family of Cantor sets and the problem of iterations of quadratic mappings, Polynomially positive definite sequences, Boundary conditions at infinity for difference equations of limit-circle type, Multiple precision computation of some zeros of Bessel functions by rigorous explicit formulae, Selfadjoint extensions of Jacobi matrices of limit-circle type, The \(L\) problem of moments in two dimensions, An exact estimate of the second derivative in \(L_ p\), On the structure of a the set of special subclasses in the solution of the one-dimensional and two-dimensional moment problems, The representation of the trilinear kernel in general orthogonal polynomials and some applications, ``Missing moment and perturbative methods for polynomial iterated function systems, Rotation invariant moment problems, Functional models in linear algebra, A maximum entropy approach to the classical moment problem, On determinacy notions for the two dimensional moment problem, On orthogonal polynomials transformed by the QR algorithm, Weak convergence using higher-order cumulants, Probability measures, Appell polynomials and polynomial approximation, The early history of the moment problem, Some remarks on stable stochastic processes and \(\alpha\)-superharmonic functions, Selbstadjungierte Differentialoperatoren erster Ordnung in \(A_2(\mathbb{C}_0)\), An inverse theorem for Jacobi matrices, Tchebyscheff bounds for the space of agent characteristics, Euclidean field theory. I: The moment problem, Characterization of a class of bivariate distribution functions, Metric projection into finitedimensional subspaces of C and L, Matrix moment methods in perturbation theory, boson quantum field models, and anharmonic oscillators, Weighted \(L^p\) closure theorems for spaces of entire functions, Computation of Padé approximants and continued fractions, Numerical analysis and orthogonal polynomials, More determinancy theory for the Livsic moments problem, The spectrum of Jacobi matrices, A generalization of the classical moment problem on \(^*\)-algebras with applications to relativistic quantum theory. I, A generalization of the classical moment problem on *-algebras with applications to relativistic quantum theory. II, The asymptotical spectrum of Jacobi matrices, Diverses données spectrales pour de problème inverse discret de Sturm- Liouville, The spectrum of Jacobi matrices in terms of its associated weight function, On the domain of convergence and poles of complex \(J\)-fractions, Discriminants and functions of the second kind of orthogonal polynomials, On Krein's theorem for indeterminacy of the classical moment problem, The classical moment problem as a self-adjoint finite difference operator, Nonuniversality and analytical continuation in moments of directed polymers on hierarchical lattices, The two-spectra inverse problem for semi-infinite Jacobi matrices in the limit-circle case, Quantum Hilbert matrices and orthogonal polynomials, \(q\)-difference operators for orthogonal polynomials, Logarithmic order and type of indeterminate moment problems. II., Elliptic polynomials orthogonal on the unit circle with a dense point spectrum, A generalized flat extension theorem for moment matrices, Discrete spectrum in a critical coupling case of Jacobi matrices with spectral phase transitions by uniform asymptotic analysis, Green's matrices, Almost periodic Jacobi matrices with homogeneous spectrum, infinite dimensional Jacobi inversion, and Hardy spaces of character-automorphic functions, On some indeterminate moment problems for measures on a geometric progression, Nevanlinna matrices for the strong Stieltjes moment problem, The Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problems and power moment problems for matrix-valued functions, Orthogonal Laurent polynomials and strong moment theory: A survey, A density problem for orthogonal rational functions, Regularity of orthogonal rational functions with poles on the unit circle, The truncated Hamburger matrix moment problems in the nondegenerate and degenerate cases, and matrix continued fractions, On the ill conditioning of locating transmission zeros in least squares ARMA filtering, Uniqueness theorems for measures in \(L_ r\) and \(C_ o(\Omega)\), The Schur algorithm and its applications, Weighted tight frames of exponentials on a finite interval, On the Hankel-norm approximation of upper-triangular operators and matrices, Orthogonal polynomials and extensions of Copson's inequality, Moment problems and orthogonal functions, Estimates of Freud-Christoffel functions for some weights with the whole real line as support, Orthogonal polynomials and rigged Hilbert space, An algebraic approach to the partial realization problem, Extensions and generalizations of a theorem of Widder and of the theory of symmetric local semigroups, On the matrix valued exponentially convex, totally positive functions and sequences, Stationary random fields with linear regressions, A few remarks on Bryc's paper on random fields with linear regressions, On occupation time functionals for diffusion processes and birth-and-death processes on graphs, Discrete Sturm-Liouville problems, Jacobi matrices and Lagrange interpolation series., Continued fractions and integrable systems, The double gamma function and related Pick functions., Necessary and sufficient condition that the limit of Stieltjes transforms is a Stieltjes transform, Centrosymmetric and centro-skewsymmetric Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrices and Bézoutians, Gaussian process regression for maximum entropy distribution, A possible definition of a stationary tangent., Deficiency indices of block Jacobi matrices and Miura transformation, New classes of strongly exponentially preinvex functions, A transformation from Hausdorff to Stieltjes moment sequences, The spectral measure of a Jacobi matrix in terms of the Fourier transform of the perturbation, Discrete spectra of certain co-recursive Pollaczek polynomials and its applications, Nevanlinna extremal measures for some orthogonal polynomials related to birth and death processes, Favard theorem for reproducing kernels, On completeness of orthogonal systems and Dirac deltas, Weak convergence of orthogonal polynomials, The inverse spectral problem for canonical systems, Estimation of model quality, Spectra, eigenvectors and overlap functions for representation operators of \(q\)-deformed algebras, Singularly positive definite sequences and parametrization of extreme points, Indeterminate moment problems and the theory of entire functions, Orthogonal polynomials, spectral measures, and absolute continuity, Extremal solutions of the strong Stieltjes moment problem, The impact of Stieltjes' work on continued fractions and orthogonal polynomials: Additional material, Zeroes of the spectral density of discrete Schrödinger operator with Wigner-von Neumann potential, Dust acoustic waves in complex plasmas at elevated pressure, Exponentially convex functions generated by Wulbert's inequality and Stolarsky-type means, The tracial moment problem and trace-optimization of polynomials, Exit times, moment problems and comparison theorems, Linear analysis of quadrature domains. III, Accurate recovery of recursion coefficients from Gaussian quadrature formulas, Nonlinear coherent states associated with conditionally exactly solvable problems, The Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problems and power moment problems for matrix-valued functions. III: The infinitely many data case, On computing Jacobi matrices associated with recurrent and Möbius iterated function systems, The Hamburger power moment problem as part of spectral theory of canonical systems, Commutators of free random variables, Idempotents and moment problem for discrete measure, Distributions for nonsymmetric monotone and weakly monotone position operators, Properties of exponentially \(m\)-convex functions, Interpolation by generalized exponential sums with equal weights, The Euler and Springer numbers as moment sequences, Dissipative extension theory for linear relations, Direct Cauchy theorem and Fourier integral in Widom domains, Extreme points in the isometric embedding problem for model spaces, The tracial moment problem on quadratic varieties, Density estimation for RWRE, On infinite Jacobi matrices with a trace class resolvent, An inverse eigenvalue problem for pseudo-Jacobi matrices, Shifted Darboux transformations of the generalized Jacobi matrices. I, On unbounded commuting Jacobi operators and some related issues, Hochstadt inverse eigenvalue problem for Jacobi matrices, Pick functions related to the triple gamma function, Application of a robust and efficient Lagrangian particle scheme to soot transport in turbulent flames, Exceptional Meixner and Laguerre orthogonal polynomials, Computing spectral measures and spectral types, A Schur-Nevanlinna type algorithm for the truncated matricial Hausdorff moment problem, Limits of radial multiple SLE and a Burgers-Loewner differential equation, Conditional positive definiteness as a bridge between \(k\)-hyponormality and \(n\)-contractivity, The truncated Hamburger moment problems with gaps in the index set, On strongly generalized preinvex fuzzy mappings, The multidimensional truncated moment problem: Carathéodory numbers from Hilbert functions, On generalization in moment-based domain adaptation, Gravity as an ensemble and the moment problem, Inverse problems for finite Jacobi matrices and Krein-Stieltjes strings, Inverse spectral problem for Jacobi operators and Miura transformation, Scattering theory for Laguerre operators, On series of orthogonal polynomials and systems of classical type polynomials, Line spectrum representation for vector processes with application to frequency estimation, On the continuous dual Hahn process, Limit theorems for Bessel and Dunkl processes of large dimensions and free convolutions, A Glazman-Povzner-Wienholtz theorem on graphs, Generalized Klauder-Perelomov coherent states in the frame of diagonal operators ordering technique, Numerical experience with a superfast real Toeplitz solver, Quantum-mechanical models in \(R_ n\) associated with extensions of the energy operator in a Pontryagin space, Spectral theory of Jacobi matrices on trees whose coefficients are generated by multiple orthogonality, Spectral problems for generalized Jacobi matrices, Solution of a multiple Nevanlinna--Pick problem via orthogonal rational functions, The Hilbert \(L\)-matrix, Szegő's theorem for canonical systems: the Arov gauge and a sum rule, Jacobi matrices on trees generated by Angelesco systems: asymptotics of coefficients and essential spectrum, Boundedness of the shift operator related to positive definite forms: An application to moment problems, On applications of Herglotz-Nevanlinna functions in material sciences. II: Extended applications and generalized theory, Differential operators commuting with convolution integral operators, On quasi-Herglotz functions in one variable, Inverse theorems for Jacobi matrices, Histogram tomography, A review of the parameter estimation problem of fitting positive exponential sums to empirical data, A rational Stieltjes moment problem., On some issues related to the moment problem for the band matrices with operator elements., Hessenberg-Sobolev matrices and Favard type theorem, Transformations of moment functionals, Boundary Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation for meromorphic functions., Five-diagonal matrices and zeros of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle, Homogeneous and nonhomogeneous linear trigonometric moment problem and recursiveness, Sharp estimates for Jacobi matrices and chain sequences, On the continuous analog of Rakhmanov's theorem for orthogonal polynomials., The moment problem associated with the Stieltjes-Wigert polynomials, Generalized coherent states associated with the \(C_ \lambda\)-extended oscillator., An update on orthogonal polynomials and weighted approximation on the real line, A duality proof of Tchakaloff's theorem, Inhomogeneous Jacobi matrices on trees, On the instability of the essential spectrum for block Jacobi matrices, On the order and type of the entire functions associated with an indeterminate Hamburger moment problem, Remarks on orthogonal polynomials and balanced realizations, Geometric aspects of the Carathéodory extension problem, The block Lanczos algorithm and the calculation of matrix resolvents, Algebraic description of the finite Stieltjes moment problem, On the orthogonal polynomials in several variables, Stability and convergence analysis of a class of continuous piecewise polynomial approximations for time-fractional differential equations, M-indeterminate distributions in quantum mechanics and the non-overlapping wave function paradox, Exponential convexity induced by Steffensen's inequality and positive measures, The classical moment problem and generalized indefinite strings, Permeability from microscopy: review of a dream, Generalized Szegö theory in frequency analysis, An efficient order recursive algorithm with a lattice structure for estimating continuous-time AR process parameters, A criterion for the nonuniqueness of the measure of orthogonality, Semigroups of moment functions, Jacobi polynomials, Bernstein-type inequalities and dispersion estimates for the discrete Laguerre operator, Orthogonal rational functions and nested disks, On summation formulas due to Plana, Lindelöf and Abel, and related Gauss-Christoffel rules. I, Extremal properties of strong quadrature weights and maximal mass results for truncated strong moment problems, Stochastic orders and the frog model, On the moment problems, On the heterogeneity of fecundability, Characterization by invariance under length-biasing and random scaling, Wave propagation in almost-periodic structures, Positivity and strict contractivity of functions of operators, The \(q\)-Laguerre polynomials and related moment problems, The general rational interpolation problem and its connection with the Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation and power moment problem, \(m\)-functions and inverse spectral analysis for finite and semi-infinite Jacobi matrices, On the completely indeterminate case for block Jacobi matrices, The characteristic function for complex doubly infinite Jacobi matrices, On three Klein extension problems and some generalizations, Killip-Simon problem and Jacobi flow on GMP matrices, Hausdorff moment problem: recovery of an unknown support for a probability density function, Smoothness of continuous state branching with immigration semigroups, Quasi-diagonalization of Hankel operators, New construction of coherent states for generalized harmonic oscillators, Recent developments on the moment problem, A generalization of Schur functions: applications to Nevanlinna functions, orthogonal polynomials, random walks and unitary and open quantum walks, The essential spectrum of some unbounded Jacobi matrices: a generalization of the Last-Simon approach, Cumulants, lattice paths, and orthogonal polynomials, On new relations between spectral properties of Jacobi matrices and their coefficients, Nonrelativistic limit for \(2p \times 2p\)-Dirac operators with point interactions on a discrete set, Generalizations of Sherman's inequality, Pseudospectral functions of various dimensions for symmetric systems with the maximal deficiency index, Embry truncated complex moment problem., Pick functions related to the gamma function., Binary bases of spaces of continuous functions., Spectral analysis of two doubly infinite Jacobi matrices with exponential entries, Global optimization in Hilbert space, Nevanlinna matrices for the strong Hamburger moment problem, Convergence of PPC-continued fraction approximants in frequency analysis, A unified treatment for the matrix Stieltjes moment problem., An iterative algorithm to bound partial moments, Jacobi operators and orthonormal matrix-valued polynomials. I, Jacobi operators and orthonormal matrix-valued polynomials. II, Factorization of \(J\)-unitary matrix polynomials on the line and a Schur algorithm for generalized Nevanlinna functions, On resolvent matrix, Dyukarev-Stieltjes parameters and orthogonal matrix polynomials via \([0, \infty)\)-Stieltjes transformed sequences, Some geometric properties of the subordination function associated to an operator-valued free convolution semigroup, The core variety of a multisequence in the truncated moment problem, Integral representations of positive definite functions on convex sets of certain semigroups of rational numbers, A new method for dissipative dynamic operator with transmission conditions, The singular bivariate quartic tracial moment problem, Wave propagation in linear viscoelastic media with completely monotonic relaxation moduli, Financial inverse problem and reconstruction of infinitely divisible distributions with Gaussian component, Spectral theory of Schrödinger operators with infinitely many point interactions and radial positive definite functions, The \((q, t)\)-Gaussian process, Cauchy-type integrals of algebraic functions, Indeterminate moment problems related to birth and death processes with quartic rates, New Nevanlinna matrices for orthogonal polynomials related to cubic birth and death processes, On the multiple Nevanlinna--Pick interpolation problems in some matrix-valued function classes, On the five-moment Hamburger maximum entropy reconstruction, Singular values of the attenuated photoacoustic imaging operator, New ``Verblunsky-type coefficients of block Toeplitz and Hankel matrices and of corresponding Dirac and canonical systems, The uniqueness question in the multidimensional moment problem with application to phase space observables., The Atiyah-Hitchin bracket and the open Toda lattice., Truncated trigonometric moment problems and determinate measures, Contractive Laurent fractions and nested discs, Generalized Hausdorff inverse moment problem, Interpolation type problem in the class of positive trigonometric polynomials of fixed order, Herglotz-Riesz type theorems, Real solvability of the equation \(\partial^2_{\overline z}\omega=\rho g\) and the topology of isolated umbilics, Positive operator measures determined by their moment sequences, \(N\)-extremal matrices of measures for an indeterminate matrix moment problem, Determinacy of bounded complex perturbations of Jacobi matrices, Center conditions. II: Parametric and model center problems, Hankel matrices, positive functions and related questions, On the combinatorics of cumulants, Bases in Sobolev weight spaces, Multipeakons and the classical moment problem, Absolute continuity for unbounded Jacobi matrices with constant row sums, Fourier transforms on the quantum \(\text{SU}(1,1)\) group. (With an appendix by Mizan Rahman)., Convergence conditions for vector Stieltjes continued fractions, Gaussian quadrature formulae on the unit circle, Special deformed exponential functions leading to more consistent Klauder's coherent states, Convolution in symmetric spaces, An explicit realization of a GNS representation in a Krein-space, Representation of measures with simultaneous polynomial denseness in \(L_p({\mathbf R},d\mu)\), \(1\leq p<\infty\)., Weyl--Titchmarsh theory for CMV operators associated with orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle, From random matrices to quasi-periodic Jacobi matrices via orthogonal polynomials, On the two spectra inverse problem for semi-infinite Jacobi matrices, Asymptotics of Plancherel-type random partitions, On Hahn-Banach theorem and some of its applications, A family of orthogonal polynomials corresponding to Jacobi matrices with a trace class inverse, Local spectral properties of reflectionless Jacobi, CMV, and Schrödinger operators, Moment-sequence transforms, A moment problem for pseudo-positive definite functionals, Inverse spectral problem for band operators and their sparsity criterion in terms of inverse problem data, On \(M\)-functions and operator theory for non-self-adjoint discrete Hamiltonian systems, A matrix-based approach to the image moment problem, On a solution of the multidimensional truncated matrix-valued moment problem, Transience and recurrence of sets for branching random walk via non-standard stochastic orders, When does a hypergeometric function \(_pF_q\) belong to the Laguerre-Pólya class \(LP^+\)?, Certifying the global optimality of quartic minimization over the sphere, The Weyl matrix balls corresponding to the matricial truncated Hamburger moment problem, Existence of a spectral measure for second-order delta dynamic equations on semi-infinite time scale intervals, Asymptotic expansions of the prime counting function, Discrete analytic functions, structured matrices and a new family of moment problems, A note on Wall's modification of the Schur algorithm and linear pencils of Jacobi matrices, The truncated moment problem on \(\mathbb{N}_0\), Asymptotic \(\ast\)-moments of some random Vandermonde matrices, Self-adjoint operators associated with Hankel moment matrices, Minkowski's question mark measure, A truncated indefinite Stieltjes moment problem, Closable Hankel operators and moment problems, An explicit version of the Chebyshev-Markov-Stieltjes inequalities and its applications, Schur analysis of matricial Hausdorff moment sequences, Spectral properties of polynomials in independent Wigner and deterministic matrices, Uniqueness of Banach space valued graphons, Polynomial birth-death processes and the second conjecture of Valent, Rigidity of the Hamburger and Stieltjes moment sequences, On powers of the Catalan number sequence, Numerical integration as a finite matrix approximation to multiplication operator, Limit theorems in free probability theory II, A statistical model of cluster stability, Fast algorithms for Toeplitz and Hankel matrices, On higher order boundary derivatives of an analytic self-map of the unit disk, Some remarks on a paper by L. Carlitz, Direct and inverse computation of Jacobi matrices of infinite iterated function systems, On a class of explicit Cauchy-Stieltjes transforms related to monotone stable and free Poisson laws, Transformations of matricial \({\alpha}\)-Stieltjes non-negative definite sequences, Stochastic differential calculus for Gaussian and non-Gaussian noises: a critical review, Multivariate truncated moments problems and maximum entropy, Stieltjes moment sequences for pattern-avoiding permutations, Functions of the second kind for classical polynomials, Asymptotics \((p\to\infty)\) of \(L_p\)-norms of hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials, A gPC-intrusive Monte-Carlo scheme for the resolution of the uncertain linear Boltzmann equation, Nonclassical Berry-Esseen inequalities and accuracy of the bootstrap, Optimal estimation of Gaussian mixtures via denoised method of moments, On the order of indeterminate moment problems, On the solutions of infinite systems of linear equations, Forward and inverse problems for a finite Krein-Stieltjes string. Approximation of constant density by point masses, Exceptional Charlier and Hermite orthogonal polynomials, Asymptotic behavior of orthogonal polynomials. Singular critical case, On compact perturbations of finite-zone Jacobi operators, On approximation of periodic functions by Fourier sums, A moment closure based on a projection on the boundary of the realizability domain: 1D case, Semiclassical asymptotic behavior of orthogonal polynomials, Compound model of the generalized oscillator. I, Hamburger-type weighted shifts: jumping flatness and Aluthge transforms, On the support of the free additive convolution, Universally starlike and Pick functions, Law of large numbers and central limit theorems through Jack generating functions, On superconvergence of sums of free random variables, Deficiency indices and discreteness property of block Jacobi matrices and Dirac operators with point interactions, Characterizations of Herglotz-Nevanlinna functions using positive semi-definite functions and the Nevanlinna kernel in several variables, On the truncated Hausdorff moment problem under Sobolev regularity conditions, Determinacy of a distribution with finitely many mass points by finitely many moments, Titchmarsh-Weyl formula for the spectral density of a class of Jacobi matrices in the critical case, Universal relations in asymptotic formulas for orthogonal polynomials, The cone of nonnegative polynomials with nonnegative coefficients and linear operators preserving this cone, An isospectral problem for global conservative multi-peakon solutions of the Camassa-Holm equation, Orthogonal polynomials associated with Coulomb wave functions, Spectral theory of the \(G\)-symmetric tridiagonal matrices related to Stahl's counterexample, The Kramer sampling theorem revisited, New Steffensen type inequalities involving convex functions, An operator approach to the inversion of certain Hankel matrices, On two-dimensional model representations of one class of commuting operators, Stieltjes integration and differential geometry: A model for enzyme recognition, discrimination, and catalysis, Appell polynomials and their relatives. III: Conditionally free theory, The indeterminate moment problem for the \(q\)-Meixner polynomials, Intertwining, excursion theory and Krein theory of strings for non-self-adjoint Markov semigroups, Smallest eigenvalue of large Hankel matrices at critical point: comparing conjecture with parallelised computation, Local law and Tracy-Widom limit for sparse sample covariance matrices, Random strict partitions and random shifted tableaux, Modified Radon transform inversion using moments, Catalan-like number sequences and Hausdorff moment sequences, Inverse problem for dynamical system associated with Jacobi matrices and classical moment problems, Regularization of the indefinite Stieltjes moment problem, Monochromatic subgraphs in randomly colored graphons, On square integrable solutions of a fractional differential equation, On asymptotic expansions of generalized Stieltjes functions, Holomorphic functions associated with indeterminate rational moment problems, On Dyukarev's resolvent matrix for a truncated Stieltjes matrix moment problem under the view of orthogonal matrix polynomials, Kolmogorov's problem on the class of multiply monotone functions, On the inversion of infinite moment matrices, Limiting laws of linear eigenvalue statistics for Hermitian matrix models, sl ( 2 , R ) symmetry and solvable multiboson systems, Moment density estimation for positive random variables, Stieltjes and other integral representations for functions of LambertW, Inference Problems Involving Moment Determinacy of Distributions, Darboux transformation with parameter of generalized Jacobi matrices, Moment problem in infinitely many variables, Joint Defect Index of a Cyclic Tuple of Symmetric Operators, On quasi-orthogonal polynomials: their differential equations, discriminants and electrostatics, Moment Problems for Compact Sets, SPECTRAL PROPERTIES OF OPERATORS USING TRIDIAGONALIZATION, The Logarithmic Skew-Normal Distributions are Moment-Indeterminate, Szegö polynomials associated with Wiener-Levinson filters, Universality of the Stochastic Airy Operator, Schur Analysis in an Indefinite Setting, Hilbert Spaces of Entire Functions: Early History, de Branges Spaces and Kreĭn’s Theory of Entire Operators, Jacobi Matrices and de Branges Spaces, Generalized q-deformed Tamm-Dancoff oscillator algebra and associated coherent states, Spectral analysis for linear semi-infinite mass-spring systems, Von Neumann indices and classes of positive definite functions, Lacunary polynomials in \(L^1\): geometry of the unit sphere, Can you compute the operator norm?, Moment-matching approximations for stochastic sums in non-Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models, Asymptotic properties of polynomials orthogonal with respect to varying weights, and related topics of spectral theory, On a uniqueness theorem of E. B. Vul, Superoscillations and analytic extension in Schur analysis, Explicit representations for multiscale Lévy processes and asymptotics of multifractal conservation laws, A generalization of the Poisson integral formula for the functions harmonic and biharmonic in a ball, The multidimensional truncated moment problem: Gaussian mixture reconstruction from derivatives of moments, The strong truncated Hamburger moment problem with and without gaps, Generating M-indeterminate probability densities by way of quantum mechanics, Principal Vectors of Matrix-Valued Difference Operators, Nonlocal in-time telegraph equation and telegraph processes with random time, On (conditional) positive semidefiniteness in a matrix-valued context, Airy point process via supersymmetric lifts, Solution of the Karlin problem for zero-diminishing sequences satisfying a Carleman condition, Lectures on the classical moment problem and its noncommutative generalization, On truncated \(t\)-free Fock spaces: spectrum of position operators and shift-invariant states, Factorization of the transition matrix for the general Jacobi system, On the convergence of Padé approximations for generalized Nevanlinna functions, A Survey of Semidefinite Programming Approaches to the Generalized Problem of Moments and Their Error Analysis, A Potapov-Type Approach to a Truncated Matricial Stieltjes-Type Power Moment Problem, Complexity Questions in Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation, The log-Lévy moment problem via Berg–Urbanik semigroups, Solution of the truncated moment problem with variety 𝑦=𝑥³, Approximations of Lovász extensions and their induced interaction index, A one-parameter family of Pick functions defined by the Gamma function and related to the volume of the unit ball in $n$-space, Limit theorems in free probability theory. I, Contractions with rank one defect operators and truncated CMV matrices, Plancherel-Rotach asymptotics for certain basic hypergeometric series, Recovery of time-dependent parameters of a Black-Scholes-type equation: an inverse Stieltjes moment approach, A moments based distribution bounding method, Approximations by convolutions and antiderivatives, \(K\)-moment problem for recursive sequences of order \(\infty\): application to the zeros of analytic functions, Hamburger and Stieltjes moment problems in several variables, On the Krein and Friedrichs extensions of a positive Jacobi operator, The Hausdorff entropic moment problem, Self-adjoint difference operators and classical solutions to the Stieltjes--Wigert moment problem, Bounds on linear PDEs via semidefinite optimization, When does \(E(X^{k}\cdot Y^{l})=E(X^{k})\cdot E(Y^{l})\) imply independence?, Szegö quadrature formulas for certain Jacobi-type weight functions, On sufficient conditions for the total positivity and for the multiple positivity of matrices, On the Titchmarsh–Weyl m -function, Wilson function transforms related to Racah coefficients, Moment problems in an infinite number of variables, On Some Recent Results on Asymptotic Behavior of Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle and Inserting Point Masses, Optimization-based computation of analytic interpolants of bounded complexity, Quadrature formulas associated with rational modifications of the Chebyshev weight functions, Axiomatic characterizations of probabilistic and cardinal-probabilistic interaction indices, Unbounded graph-Laplacians in energy space, and their extensions, The Approach of Moments for Polynomial Equations, Positivity and Optimization: Beyond Polynomials, Brittleness of Bayesian inference under finite information in a continuous world, New q -Hermite polynomials: characterization, operators algebra and associated coherent states, Optimized Particle Regeneration Scheme for the Wigner Monte Carlo Method, Iterated Function Systems, Moments, and Transformations of Infinite Matrices, Extremalpunktmethoden bei Koeffizientenproblemen, CONDITIONALLY MONOTONE INDEPENDENCE I: INDEPENDENCE, ADDITIVE CONVOLUTIONS AND RELATED CONVOLUTIONS, Interpolation with positive-real functions, An algorithm for Gaussian quadrature given modified moments, Determinancy theory for the Livshits moments problem, Approximate vacuums in \(( : \phi^{2m} : g(x))_ 2\) field theories and perturbation series, On the real multidimensional rational $K$-moment problem, Classes of \(C^ \infty\) vectors and essential self-adjointness, Radial exponentially convex functions, Free Infinitely Divisible Approximations of n-Fold Free Convolutions, Continuous hermitian-indefinite functions, Positive definite symmetric functions on linear spaces, On polynomials nonnegative on the unit circle and related questions, The truncated matrix-valued $K$-moment problem on $\mathbb {R}^d$, $\mathbb {C}^d$, and $\mathbb {T}^d$, Mapping properties of basic hypergeometric functions, Charges solve the truncated complex moment problem, Spectral properties of Jacobi matrices and sum rules of special form, Algebro-geometric solutions of the Baxter-Szegő difference equation, Carathéodory interpolation on the non-commutative polydisk, Extensions and spectral problems of 1D discrete Hamiltonian systems, On a Theorem of Karhunen and Related Moment Problems and Quadrature Formulae, On the Preservation of Determinacy under Convolution, Thermal resonating Hartree–Bogoliubov theory based on the projection method, The Life, Work, and Legacy of P. L. Chebyshev, Approximation of Free Convolutions by Free Infinitely Divisible Laws, New Integral Equations for the Monic Hermite Polynomials, Unnamed Item, Quasi-analyticity and Determinacy of the Full Moment Problem from Finite to Infinite Dimensions, A moment recursive formula for a class of distributions, Wick polynomials in noncommutative probability: a group-theoretical approach, Spectral analysis of Jacobi operators and asymptotic behavior of orthogonal polynomials, Scattering Theory and Polynomials Orthogonal on the Real Line, Codimension of polynomial subspace in $L_2(\mathbb {R},d\mu )$ for discrete indeterminate measure $\mu $, Schwinger–Dyson and loop equations for a product of square Ginibre random matrices, Spectral expansions of non-self-adjoint generalized Laguerre semigroups, Three-term recurrence relation coefficients and continued fractions related to orthogonal matrix polynomials on the finite interval [a, b], Stability of determinacy and inverse spectral problems for Jacobi operators, Correction to a paper by A. G. Pakes, Stieltjes classes for moment-indeterminate probability distributions, Jacobi polynomials from compatibility conditions, On an inequality for 3-convex functions and related results, Convergence of the conjugate gradient method with unbounded operators, On the similarity of complex symmetric operators to perturbations of restrictions of normal operators, Deficiency indices of operator polynomials in creation and annihilation operators, Unnamed Item, Any Random Variable with Finite Moments Is a Sum of Two Variables with Determinate Moment Problem, The Stieltjes Moment Problem with Complex Exponents, Scattering and characteristic functions of a dissipative operator generated by a system of equations, Moments of Balanced Measures on Julia Sets, Discrete impulsive Sturm-Liouville equation with hyperbolic eigenparameter, Technical Note—On Matrix Exponential Differentiation with Application to Weighted Sum Distributions, Laguerre–Hahn orthogonal polynomials on the real line, Nevanlinna Matrices of Entire Functions, Integral and series representations of q-polynomials and functions: Part I, On invariance and selectivity in representation learning, On Positivity Preserving, Translation Invariant Operators in $$ \mathit L^p (\mathbb R^n)^m $$, Analytic Scattering Theory for Jacobi Operators and Bernstein–Szegö Asymptotics of Orthogonal Polynomials, Positive multipoint Padé continued fractions, Condensed Julia Sets, with an Application to a Fractal Lattice Model Hamiltonian, Unnamed Item, Representation of measures with polynomial denseness in $\mathbf {L}_{p} (\mathbb {R}, d\mu )$, $0<p<\infty $, and its application to determinate moment problems, A consistent bridge for the construction of generalized nonclassical states for confined systems through the inclusion of inverse generators in the algebraic formalism, The zeros of determinants of matrix-valued polynomials that are orthonormal on a semi-infinite or finite interval, Heterogeneity versus duration dependence with competing risks: an application to the labor market, Passive Approximation and Optimization Using B-splines, Weak positive matrices and hyponormal weighted shifts, Random matrices, nonbacktracking walks, and orthogonal polynomials, Coherent state maps related to the bounded positive operators, A note on spectral properties of a Dirac system with matrix coefficient, Inverse Spectral Problems for Second-Order Difference Operators and Their Application to the Study of Volterra Type Systems, Dissipative operator and its Cayley transform, More accurate Jensen-type inequalities for signed measures characterized via Green function and applications, An algebraic approach toA-stable linear multistep-multiderivative integration formulas, Applications of the theory of moments in automatic control, Characterizations of the lebesgue measure and product measures related to holomorphic functions having non-negative imaginary or real part, Remarks on restricted Nevanlinna transforms, Lasserre Hierarchy for Large Scale Polynomial Optimization in Real and Complex Variables, On the Structure of Hausdorff Moment Sequences of Complex Matrices, On Conditions of Complete Indeterminacy for the Matricial Hamburger Moment Problem, A Closer Look at the Solution Set of the Truncated Matricial Moment Problem "Equation missing", WICK CALCULUS FOR THE SQUARE OF A GAUSSIAN RANDOM VARIABLE WITH APPLICATION TO YOUNG AND HYPERCONTRACTIVE INEQUALITIES, Orthogonality of the Dickson polynomials of the $(k+1)$-th kind, MONOTONE CONVOLUTION AND MONOTONE INFINITE DIVISIBILITY FROM COMPLEX ANALYTIC VIEWPOINT, On the moments of a multiple wiener-ito integral and the space induced by the polynomials of the integral, Inverses of Operator Convex Functions, Truncated Hamburger moment problem for an operator measure with compact support, On matrix‐valued Herglotz‐Nevanlinna functions with an emphasis on particular subclasses, A convexity theorem in the scattering theory for the Dirac operator, Vector moment problems for rapidly decreasing smooth functions of several variables, Conformal spectral theory for the monodromy matrix, EXPONENTIAL CONVEXITY FOR DIVIDED DIFFERENCES RELATED TO HERMITE–HADAMARD INEQUALITIES, Extreme self‐adjoint extensions of a semibounded ‐difference operator, Mixture models in hazard rates estimation, Positive Definite Operator Sequences, The Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for Real Symmetric Toeplitz Matrices, Trace formulas and a Borg‐type theorem for CMV operators with matrix‐valued coefficients, Existence of Smooth Solutions to the Classical Moment Problems, Asymptotics for Orthogonal Rational Functions, On properties of a deformed Freud weight, PROBABILISTIC IMPLICATIONS OF SYMMETRIES OF q-HERMITE AND AL-SALAM–CHIHARA POLYNOMIALS, The maximal probability that k‐wise independent bits are all 1, Toeplitz versus Hankel: semibounded operators, Linear algebra algorithms as dynamical systems, The truncated complex $K$-moment problem, Universal bounds on spectral measures of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators, Limiting eigenvalue distribution of random matrices of Ihara zeta function of long-range percolation graphs, On rank variation of block matrices generated by Nevanlinna matrix functions, On Rakhmanov’s theorem for Jacobi matrices, About the ergodic regime in the analogical Hopfield neural networks: Moments of the partition function, Elements of the q-Askey scheme in the algebra of symmetric functions, Maximum entropy and the moment problem, Escort mean values and the characterization of power-law-decaying probability densities, Generalized inverse spectral problem for pseudo-Jacobi matrices with mixed eigendata, Trigonometric moment problems for arbitrary finite subsets of $\mathbb Z^n$, Orthogonal Polynomials, Measures and Recurrences on the Unit Circle, Approximating integrals with respect to stationary probability measures of iterated function systems, ON THE SPECTRUM OF A SINGULAR HAMILTONIAN SYSTEM, On the Theory of Biorthogonal Polynomials, Padé approximation and orthogonal polynomials, On the Reconstruction of a String from Spectral Data, The Stieltjes Moments Problem for Rapidly Decreasing Functions, Penalized likelihood-ratio test for finite mixture models with multinomial observations, A generation method for completely monotone functions, Regularization method for the generalized moment problem in a functional reproducing kernel Hilbert space, Continued fraction expansions of Herglotz–Nevanlinna functions and generalized indefinite strings of Stieltjes type, On a cornerstone of bare-simulation distance/divergence optimization, Deficiency indices of block Jacobi matrices: survey, The \(k\)-adjacency operators and adjacency Jacobi matrix on distance-regular graphs, Maximizing Probability Bounds Under Moment-Matching Restrictions, A note on the rate of convergence in the Boolean central limit theorem, Truncated generalized coherent states, Recurrence relations for the moments of discrete semiclassical orthogonal polynomials, A point interaction for the discrete Schrödinger operator and generalized Chebyshev polynomials, Generalized maximum entropy estimation, Indeterminate moment problem associated with continuous dual q-Hahn polynomials, On position and momentum operators in the q-oscillator algebra, Generalizations of Chebyshev polynomials and polynomial mappings, Truncation error bounds for $\pi$-fractions, Capacity of a Single Spiking Neuron Channel, Non-linear transformations of stochastic processes associated with Fourier transforms of band-limited positive functions†, An inverse spectral problem for a special class of band matrices and Bogoyavlensky lattice, Regularity for free multiplicative convolution on the unit circle, Mod-\( \phi\) convergence of Stirling distributions and limit theorems for zeros of their generating functions, Constructing measures with identical moments, On a criterion for the determinate-indeterminate dichotomy of the moment problem, Optical Schrödinger cats with generalized coherent states, Non‐classical Tauberian and Abelian type criteria for the moment problem, Totally positive kernels, Pólya frequency functions, and their transforms, Explicit relation between two resolvent matrices of the truncated Hausdorff matrix moment problem, New characterizations of the (discrete) Lindley distribution and their applications, Superconvergence and regularity of densities in free probability, Generalized coherent states of light interacting with a nonlinear medium, quantum superpositions and dissipative processes, A note on the general moment problem, Solvability of an inverse spectral problem for Jacobi matrices with mixed given data, The Law of Multiplication of Large Random Matrices Revisited, A fully Bayesian sparse polynomial chaos expansion approach with joint priors on the coefficients and global selection of terms, Brown measures of free circular and multiplicative Brownian motions with self-adjoint and unitary initial conditions, Jacobi matrices generated by ratios of hypergeometric functions, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The close connection between the definition and construction of raised and decreased coherent states with the inverse generators in the algebraic description of quantum confined systems, An extension of the Chebyshev polynomials, INFINITE DIVISIBILITY FOR THE CONDITIONALLY FREE CONVOLUTION, Convergence of Padé approximants of Stieltjes-type meromorphic functions and the relative asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials on the real line, An algorithm for constructing a pseudo‐Jacobi matrix from given spectral data, THE NUMBER OF PURE CONVOLUTIONS ARISING FROM CONDITIONALLY FREE CONVOLUTION, ASSOCIATIVE CONVOLUTIONS ARISING FROM CONDITIONALLY FREE CONVOLUTION, Hankel vector moment sequences and the non-tangential regularity at infinity of two variable Pick functions, Birth and death processes and quantum spin chains, Some results for moment-empirical cumulative distribution functions, Complex symmetric operators and applications, Sequences of orthogonal Laurent polynomials, bi-orthogonality and quadrature formulas on the unit circle, A unified treatment for the matrix Stieltjes moment problem in both nondegenerate and degenerate cases, Convergence of Padé approximants of Stieltjes-type meromorphic functions and the relative asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials on the real line, Polynomial zerofinders based on Szegő polynomials, Complex Jacobi matrices, Multiple Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation with both interior and boundary data and its connection with the power moment problem, Solving the general truncated moment problem by the \(r\)-generalized Fibonacci sequences method, Some negative results on multiplier sequences of the first kind, Non-self-adjoint difference operators and their spectrum, Sequences of orthogonal Laurent polynomials, bi-orthogonality and quadrature formulas on the unit circle, Chebyshev-Hankel matrices and the splitting approach for centrosymmetric Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrices, A reproducing kernel condition for indeterminacy in the multidimensional moment problem, Dynamical Polynomial Chaos Expansions and Long Time Evolution of Differential Equations with Random Forcing, Probability distributions of line lattices in random media from the 1D Bose gas, On a completely non-unitary contraction and associated dissipative difference operator, Phenomenology of the term structure of interest rates with Padé approximants, Completeness of photon-added squeezed vacuum and one-photon states and of photon-added coherent states on a circle, A completely monotone function related to the gamma function, Determinacy of a rational moment problem, The discrete Kramer sampling theorem and indeterminate moment problems, Orthogonality and completeness of \(q\)-Fourier type systems, A note on Hermite-Fejér interpolation for the unit circle, Padé approximants of random Stieltjes series, Positive Carathéodory interpolation on the polydisc, Schur flow for orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and its integrable discretization, A multiple point Nevanlinna-Pick type interpolation problem with both interior and boundary data for Carathéodory matrix-valued functions, Some orthogonal polynomials related to elliptic functions, On the basic set of solutions of a high-order linear difference equation, Mehler-Heine type formulas for Charlier and Meixner polynomials, Quantum statistical properties of multiphoton hypergeometric coherent states and the discrete circle representation, Moment Information for Probability Distributions, Without Solving the Moment Problem. I: Where is the Mode?, Inverse spectral problem for normal matrices and the Gauss-Lucas theorem, MONOTONIC INDEPENDENCE ON THE WEAKLY MONOTONE FOCK SPACE AND RELATED POISSON TYPE THEOREM, Extension of the Lanczos-Phillips algorithm with Laurent biorthogonal polynomials and its application to the Thron continued fractions, Further improvement of an extension of Hölder-type inequality, Generalized Steffensen's inequality by Montgomery identities and Green functions, On Conditions for a Probability Distribution to Be Uniquely Determined by Its Moments, The quintic complex moment problem, On the construction of real non-selfadjoint tridiagonal matrices with prescribed three spectra, Spectral analysis and computation for homogenization of advection diffusion processes in steady flows, Solutions of the Al-Salam–Chihara and allied moment problems, On Rabier's result and nonbounded Montgomery's identity, The complex moment problem: determinacy and extendibility, On sequences of Hurwitz polynomials related to orthogonal polynomials, Spectral properties of generalized eigenparameter dependent discrete Sturm-Liouville type equation, Singular multiparameter dynamic equations with distributional potentials on time scales, Construction of photon-added spin coherent states and their statistical properties, Orthogonal polynomials, Laguerre Fock space, and quasi-classical asymptotics, Spectral theory of semibounded Sturm–Liouville operators with local interactions on a discrete set, Monotone increment processes, classical Markov processes, and Loewner chains, Quasiclassical asymptotics and coherent states for bounded discrete spectra, Orthonormality in Interpolation Schemes for Reconstructing Signals, Iterative Polynomial Approximation Adapting to Arbitrary Probability Distribution, Error Bounds for Lanczos-Based Matrix Function Approximation, Eigenvalues and scattering properties of difference operators with impulsive condition, Decoding algorithm as a moment problem related to the extended Lotka–Volterra system, An analytic characterization of the symmetric extension of a Herglotz-Nevanlinna function