scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3404329

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zbMath0256.12001MaRDI QIDQ5670687

Jean-Pierre Serre

Publication date: 1973

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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II, \(K3\) surfaces with \(\mathbb{Z}_2^2\) symplectic action, Self-dual codes better than the Gilbert-Varshamov bound, Conformal field theory and elliptic cohomology, Higher-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory in Weitzenböck space, The spectrum of positive elliptic operators and periodic bicharacteristics, Elliptic curves and automorphic representations, The Hecke correspondences for G(qsup(1/2)); q prime; Eisenstein series and modular invariants, On isometries of finite Euclidean planes, A simple proof of the transformation formula for \(\log \eta(z)\), Codes over GF(4) and complex lattices, Eigenvalues of Hecke operators on \(\text{SL}(2, \mathbb Z)\), An algorithm for the representation of zero by a quadratic form, Finite groups of automorphisms of locally soluble groups, Calabi-Yau manifolds with large Picard number, Some identities and asymptotics for characters of the symmetric group, Graded Lie superalgebras and the superdimension formula, Congruences for certain theta series, Existence of rational points on smooth projective varieties, An equivalence relation on a set of words of finite length, Point counting on reductions of CM elliptic curves, A strong coupling test of \(S\)-duality, Chaotic coupling constants, Group theoretical derivation of Liouville action for Regge surfaces, Super-Liouville action for Regge surfaces, On the Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture of elliptic curves \(E_D:y^2 = x^3-D^2 x\), Quotients of theta series as rational functions of \(j_{1,4}\), Secret-sharing with a class of ternary codes, Theta series of ternary and quaternary quadratic forms, On ad-semisimple Lie algebras, The digit principle, On the p-adic zeros of polynomials with Bernoulli coefficients, Convolution of the Fourier coefficients of the Eisenstein-Maass series, On Enriques surfaces in characteristic \(p\). I, On minima of rational indefinite quadratic forms, On Gouvêa's conjecture on controlling the conductor, Limit periodic arithmetic functions, Dimension formula for graded Lie algebras and its applications, A computational approach to Hilbert modular group fixed points, Phase Operator on $$L^2(\mathbb {Q}_p)$$ and the Zeroes of Fisher and Riemann, A mass formula for unimodular lattices with no roots, On some estimates and topological properties of relative orbits of subsets, An extension of Maass theory to general Dirichlet series, Unifying discrete and integral transforms through the use of a Banach algebra, Surface Singularities, Seiberg–Witten Invariants of Their Links and Lattice Cohomology, A Note on Steinberg Symbols on Algebraic Curves, HTP-COMPLETE RINGS OF RATIONAL NUMBERS, Rational lines on cubic hypersurfaces, Unnamed Item, k-Involutions of SL(n,k) over fields of characteristic 2, Unnamed Item, Non-slice 3-stranded pretzel knots, Analytic computing methods for precision calculations in quantum field theory, Prenilpotent pairs in the E10 root lattice, Unnamed Item, Iterated elliptic and hypergeometric integrals for Feynman diagrams, Refinements of Lagrange’s Four-Square Theorem, Unnamed Item, Rational points on hyperelliptic curves having a marked non-Weierstrass point, The Korselt set of a power of a prime, Rational double points on a normal quinticK3 surface, On Supercuspidal Representations of the Metaplectic Group, Commensurability and Arithmetic Equivalence for Orthogonal Hypergeometric Monodromy Groups, Lateral Movement in Undergraduate Research: Case Studies in Number Theory, On the sign changes of coefficients of general Dirichlet series, Families of even non-congruent numbers with prime factors in each odd congruence class modulo eight, A canonical basis of two-cycles on a $K3$ surface, Modular forms which behave like theta series, Fractional powers of the generating function for the partition function, Operations on Integral Lifts of K(n), Enumerati ve geometry of triangles, 111, Effective virtual and residual properties of some arithmetic hyperbolic 3–manifolds, Multiplicative series, modular forms, and Mandelbrot polynomials, Values of indefinite quadratic forms at integral points and flows on spaces of lattices, Galois representations and modular forms, Brauer–Manin obstruction for Erdős–Straus surfaces, A Jensen–Rohrlich type formula for the hyperbolic 3-space, The split torsor method for Manin’s conjecture, The Algebra of the Finite Fourier Transform and Coding Theory, Small Zeros of Quadratic Forms, Group Representations and Lattices, On the integral and globally irreducible representations of finite groups, Explicit doubling integrals for ̃𝑆𝑝₂(ℚ₂) using “good test vectors”, Modular forms and $k$-colored generalized Frobenius partitions, Arithmetic of K3 Surfaces, Orthogonal desingns, A characterization of the P-adic integers, Quantum variance for Hecke eigenforms☆, The role of the Ramanujan conjecture in analytic number theory, Unnamed Item, Detecting perfect powers in essentially linear time, Unnamed Item, Theta functions and modular jets, Generation of ring class fields by eta-quotients, Weights in codes and genus 2 curves, The smallest hyperbolic 6-manifolds, Unnamed Item, Hilbert’s Tenth Problem and Mazur’s Conjecture for large subrings of $\mathbb {Q}$, Unnamed Item, Quadratic solutions of quadratic forms, The algebraist’s upper half-plane, On Base Change for Odd Orthogonal Groups, On Lucas-balancing zeta function, The automorphism group of the derived category for a weighted projective line, Incoherent Definite Spaces and Shimura Varieties, Unnamed Item, On the Classification of Orbits of Symmetric Subgroups Acting on Flag Varieties of SL(2,k), On the Schertz Conjecture, Arboreal Cantor actions, Modular forms on the double half-plane, Riemann’s zeta function and beyond, Polynomial identities between Hecke eigenforms, Construction of automorphisms of hyperkähler manifolds, The size of the primes obstructing the existence of rational points, Typical irreducible characters of generalized quantum groups, Dynamical invariants of monomial correspondences, Kirillov's Orbit Method forp-Groups and Pro-pGroups, Unnamed Item, Hecke Operators and Systems of Eigenvalues on Siegel Cusp Forms, Kloosterman sums on number fields, Olympic links in a Chebotarev link, Eulerianity of Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms, Rational approximation to real points on quadratic hypersurfaces, On the orthogonal basis of the symmetry classes of tensors associated with the dicyclic group, Unnamed Item, Self-dual connections and the topology of smooth 4-manifolds, Examples of genus two CM curves defined over the rationals, Branched coverings of CP2 and other basic 4‐manifolds, The classification of free algebras of orthogonal modular forms, Quadratic Minima and Modular Forms, Linear algebraic groups and countable Borel equivalence relations, Signatures Through Approximate Representations by Quadratic Forms, Analytic Integration Methods in Quantum Field Theory: An Introduction, ON A PROBLEM OF RICHARD GUY, The equation x1 x2 + x2 x3 + x3 x4 + x4 x1 = n, On the image of the 𝑙-adic Abel-Jacobi map for a variety over the algebraic closure of a finite field, On the zeros of certain weakly holomorphic modular forms for ${\varGamma }_0^+(5)$ and ${\varGamma }_0^+(7)$, An approach to p-adic qubits from irreducible representations of SO(3)p, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, From sum of two squares to arithmetic Siegel–Weil formulas, Mean square value of \(L\)-functions at \(s=1\) for non-primitive characters, Dedekind sums and bounds on relative class numbers, Square-tiled tori, The Steinberg representation is irreducible, Second moment of the light-cone Siegel transform and applications, Geometry of the \(p\)-adic special orthogonal group \(\mathrm{SO}(3)_p \), On the parity conjecture for abelian surfaces, Algebraic aspect of certain admissible maps for classifying spaces, KRONECKER LIMIT FUNCTIONS AND AN EXTENSION OF THE ROHRLICH–JENSEN FORMULA, Spherical designs and modular forms of the \(D_4\) lattice, Intermediate prime factors in specified subsets, Reduction cohomology of Riemann surfaces, Mean square values of L-functions over subgroups for nonprimitive characters, Dedekind sums and bounds on relative class numbers, Torsors for finite group schemes of bounded height, Linnik's problem in fiber bundles over quadratic homogeneous varieties, Trace class operators and states in p-adic quantum mechanics, Jordan property for the Cremona group over a finite field, On distance graphs in rational spaces, Cosimplicial meromorphic functions cohomology on complex manifolds, Rankin–Cohen brackets of Eisenstein series, Some infinite families of congruences for \(t\)-core partition functions, The work of Maryna Viazovska, Most odd-degree binary forms fail to primitively represent a square, Higher reciprocity law and an analogue of the Grunwald-Wang theorem for the ring of polynomials over an ultra-finite field, On the interlacing of the zeros of certain Poincaré cusp forms, Kneser's method of neighbors, JACOBIAN ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS IN SIGNATURE FOUR, On the divergence of two subseries $\ldots$ {on the divergence of two subseries of $\sum\frac{1}{p}$, and theorems of de La Vall\'{e}e Poussin and Landau-Walfis], Non-invariance of the Hasse principle with Brauer-Manin obstruction, Linear independence of odd periods of modular forms, Maximal theta functions universal optimality of the hexagonal lattice for Madelung-like lattice energies, Lattice isometries and K3 surface automorphisms: Salem numbers of degree 20, Bergman space zero sets, modular forms, von Neumann algebras and ordered groups, The inverse Mellin transform via analytic continuation, The fourth moment of Dirichlet \(L\)-functions along a coset and the Weyl bound, Densities on Dedekind domains, completions and Haar measure, Densities of integer sets represented by quadratic forms, Rational equivalence for enveloping algebras of three-dimensional Lie algebras, Invariants of quadratic forms and applications in design theory, Fermat’s Last Theorem over and, Combinatorics of Euclidean spaces over finite fields, Congruences between modular forms, Constants for Artin-like problems in Kummer and division fields, Elliptic genera from classical error-correcting codes, Finite quadratic modules and lattices, On the computation of modular forms on noncongruence subgroups, Distribution of shapes of orthogonal lattices, Hyperbolic metric, punctured Riemann sphere, and modular functions, CLASSIFICATION OF THE SUBLATTICES OF A LATTICE, The action of the canonical involution on modular forms of weight 2 on \(\Gamma_0(M)\), The Farrell-Jones Conjecture for cocompact lattices in virtually connected Lie groups, Construction of modular function bases for Γ0(121) related to p(11n+6), On (2,3)-generation of matrix groups over the ring of integers, II, On polynomial-factorial diophantine 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derangements, Hecke eigenform and double Eisenstein series, Evaluation of Spannenintegrals of the product of zeta-functions, From Laplace to Langlands via representations of orthogonal groups, MEASURABLE REALIZATIONS OF ABSTRACT SYSTEMS OF CONGRUENCES, Vanishing and non-vanishing of traces of Hecke operators, Classification of cyclic braces, II, The Schwarzian equation for completely replicable functions, An overview of complex fractal dimensions: from fractal strings to fractal drums, and back, Some results in study of Kronecker limit formula and Dedekind sums, Cubic Twin Prime Polynomials are Counted by a Modular Form, Reflection groups in algebraic geometry, Cluster algebras based on vertex operator algebras, Zeros of certain weakly holomorphic modular forms for the Fricke group ${\varGamma }_0^+(3)$, Inverse Heat Source Problem and Experimental Design for Determining Iron Loss Distribution, DUALIZING INVOLUTIONS ON THE METAPLECTIC GL(2) à la TUPAN, Counterexamples to the local-global principle for non-singular plane curves and a cubic analogue of Ankeny-Artin-Chowla-Mordell conjecture, On Secret Sharing with Nonlinear Product Reconstruction, Cyclic codes over the ring of 4-adic integers of lengths 15, 17 and 19, General quantum theory—unification of classical and modal quantum theories, Galois symmetry induced by Hecke relations in rational conformal field theory and associated modular tensor categories, On the profinite rigidity of lattices in higher rank Lie groups, On ternary quadratic forms over the rational numbers, Representations of integers by certain \(2k\)-ary quadratic forms, A critical case of Rallis inner product formula, Counting commensurability classes of hyperbolic manifolds, The Weierstrass-Stone theorem in absolute valued division rings, Reduction of bivariate polynomials from convex-dense to dense, with application to factorizations, Recent progress on the quantum unique ergodicity conjecture, On the non-amenability of the reflective quotient, Reciprocity laws and Galois representations: recent breakthroughs, \(p\)-adic quotient sets. II: Quadratic forms, Characterization of special points of orthogonal symmetric spaces, Simultaneous Kummer congruences and \({\mathbb {E}}_\infty \)-orientations of KO and tmf, Generalizing a theorem of Richard Brauer, A More General Framework for CoGalois Theory, Automorphisms of projective K3 surfaces with minimum entropy, Strict ergodicity of affine \(p\)-adic dynamical systems on \(\mathbb Z_p\), The Geometry and Moduli of K3 Surfaces, Stretching and welding indecomposable quadratic forms, A discretization of p-adic quantum mechanics, Hecke operators with respect to the modular group of quaternions, Explicit construction of a Ramanujan \((n_1,n_2,\dots,n_{d-1})\)-regular hypergraph, Evaluating Igusa functions, Quaternion extensions with restricted ramification, Minimal algebras and 2-step nilpotent Lie algebras in dimension 7, Complex dimensions of fractals and meromorphic extensions of fractal zeta functions, Dancing samba with Ramanujan partition congruences, Unitary monodromy implies the smoothness along the real axis for some Painlevé VI equation. I., Minimum positive entropy of complex Enriques surface automorphisms, Some nonexistence and asymptotic existence results for weighing matrices, Constacyclic and quasi-twisted Hermitian self-dual codes over finite fields, Constructions of optimal Hermitian self-dual codes from unitary matrices, Higher central charges and Witt groups, Dirichlet, Sierpiński, and Benford, The Hilbert's-tenth-problem operator, The p-adic Integers as Final Coalgebra, Simultaneous supersingular reductions of CM elliptic curves, An example of a Brauer-Manin obstruction to weak approximation at a prime with good reduction, On holomorphic theta functions associated with rank \(r\) isotropic discrete subgroups, Unconditional construction of \(K3\) surfaces over finite fields with given \(L\)-function in large characteristic, Towards quantized number theory: spectral operators and an asymmetric criterion for the Riemann hypothesis, Applications of Kronecker's limit formula for elliptic Eisenstein series, Clique numbers of finite unit-quadrance graphs, Rational points on the intersection of three quadrics, Quaternion lattices and quaternion fields, On the extension of even families of non-congruent numbers, Kodaira dimension of moduli of special \(K3^{[2}\)-fourfolds of degree 2], Double coset operators and eta-quotients, Isodual constacyclic codes, Rapoport–Zink spaces for spinor groups, Modular differential equations for characters of RCFT, Brauer groups of diagonal quartic surfaces, Weighted short-interval character sums, Counting dihedral and quaternionic extensions, Stably extendible tangent bundles over lens spaces, On the Beauville form of the known irreducible symplectic varieties, The maximum number of singular points on rational homology projective planes, On normal \(K3\) surfaces, Probability laws related to the Jacobi theta and Riemann zeta functions, and Brownian excursions, Lattices of Simplex Type, Distribution of closed geodesics on the modular surface and quadratic irrationals, Cogalois and strongly Cogalois actions., A formula for the central value of certain Hecke \(L\)-functions, Symmetric Square L-Functions and Shafarevich-Tate Groups, Benford’s Law for coefficients of newforms, A framework for deterministic primality proving using elliptic curves with complex multiplication, Statistical properties of zeta functions' zeros, Heights of Kudla-Rapoport divisors and derivatives of \(L\)-functions, Classification of non-symplectic automorphisms of order 3 onK3 surfaces, Convolution Dirichlet Series and a Kronecker Limit Formula for Second-Order Eisenstein Series, Fractal Zeta Functions and Complex Dimensions: A General Higher-Dimensional Theory, Polyharmonic Maass forms for \(\mathrm{PSL}(2,\mathbb Z)\), Large Scale Analytic Calculations in Quantum Field Theories, On logarithmically Benford Sequences, From Quantum Systems to L-Functions: Pair Correlation Statistics and Beyond, The Hauptmodul at elliptic points of certain arithmetic groups, Refined configuration results for extremal {Type II} lattices of ranks $40$ and $80$, Equivariant Euler characteristics of subspace posets, A 40-dimensional extremal type II lattice with no 4-frames, Unnamed Item, An extremal property of the hexagonal lattice, Pieces of \(2^d\)\,: existence and uniqueness for Barnes-Wall and Ypsilanti lattices, Proof of a conjecture by Ahlgren and Ono on the non-existence of certain partition congruences, The Markoff-Hurwitz equations over number fields, On self-similarity of \(p\)-adic analytic pro-\(p\) groups of small dimension, Steinhaus tiling problem and integral quadratic forms, Discriminants of classical quasi-orthogonal polynomials with application to Diophantine equations, The mass of unimodular lattices, Renormalization group properties of the conformal mode of a torus, Failure of the Hasse principle on general surfaces, On certain complex projective manifolds with Hodge numbers \(h^{10}=4\) and \(h^{20}=5\), Closed manifolds coming from Artinian complete intersections, On the degree five $L$-function for $\mathrm {GSp}(4)$, Teichmüller curves in genus two: Discriminant and spin, Equidistribution in \(S\)-arithmetic and adelic spaces, Gorenstein \(\mathbb{Q}\)-homology projective planes, Bounds for Rankin–Selberg integrals and quantum unique ergodicity for powerful levels, Generic positivity and foliations in positive characteristic, \(p\)-adic affine dynamical systems and applications, Quadratic forms in normal open induction, Nonvanishing of Koecher-Maass series attached to Siegel cusp forms, Infinite series involving hyperbolic functions