On the Problem of Hidden Variables in Quantum Mechanics

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DOI10.1103/RevModPhys.38.447zbMath0152.23605WikidataQ55878602 ScholiaQ55878602MaRDI QIDQ5531708

John Stewart Bell

Publication date: 1966

Published in: Reviews of Modern Physics (Search for Journal in Brave)

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from the quantum pigeon conundrum, Isomorphism between the Peres and Penrose proofs of the BKS theorem in three dimensions, On the locality of hidden-variable theories in quantum physics, Contextuality and noncommutative geometry in quantum mechanics, Kochen-Specker theorem for eight-dimensional space, Is complex probability theory consistent with Bell's theorem?, A local hidden variable model of quantum correlation exploiting the detection loophole, Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem: a proof with \(18\) vectors., The Bell theorem and the problem of moments, New variants of the Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem, Information-theoretic aspects of Werner states, Classifying space for quantum contextuality, An ontology of nature with local causality, parallel lives, and many relative worlds, Homer nodded: von Neumann's surprising oversight, Bibliography on quantum logics and related structures, Quantum violation of the suppes-zanotti inequalities and ``contextuality, Can there be given any meaning to contextuality without incompatibility?, Quantum postulate vs. quantum nonlocality: on the role of the Planck constant in Bell's argument, Stable facts, relative facts, Bell non-locality and Kochen-Specker contextuality: how are they connected?, Generalised Kochen-Specker theorem in three dimensions, Von Neumann's theorem revisited, A note on Bell's theorem logical consistency, On the uncertainty of information in quantum space-time, Quantum mechanics is incomplete but it is consistent with locality, The missing history of Bohm's hidden variables theory: the Ninth Symposium of the Colston Research Society, Bristol, 1957, A game theoretical perspective on the quantum probabilities associated with a GHZ state, A new quantum random number generator certified by value indefiniteness, Quantum equilibrium and the origin of absolute uncertainty, Quantum value indefiniteness, Traces, dispersions of states and hidden variables, Generalized Lagrangian-path representation of non-relativistic 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