scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3261280

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zbMath0163.16603MaRDI QIDQ5547252

Branko Grünbaum

Publication date: 1967

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I, On Grünbaum's problem about inner illumination of convex bodies, On the distortion required for embedding finite metric spaces into normed spaces, Edge-Ramsey theory, Weights on polytopes, Generating the centrally symmetric 3-polyhedral graphs, Robust stability of convex and compact sets of complex polynomials, The exact fitting problem in higher dimensions, Resonance in elemental benzenoids, On yielding and jointly yielding entries of Euclidean distance matrices, PROMP: a sparse recovery approach to lattice-valued signals, On the shortness exponent of 1-tough, maximal planar graphs, Irreducible triangulations of the once-punctured torus, On the maximal number of Nash equilibria in an \(n\times n\) bimatrix game, The geometric cone relations for simplicial and cubical complexes, Shadow-boundaries of convex bodies, A new cubical \(h\)-vector, Realizability and inscribability for simplicial polytopes via nonlinear optimization, Untangling planar curves, Convex set symmetry measurement using Blaschke addition, Diophantine approximations and toric deformations, On eigenvalues induced by a cone constraint., Dimension in latent variable models., Boundary modeling in model-based calibration for automotive engines via the vertex representation of the convex hulls, Orbit spaces of small tori, A dimension-related metric on the lattice of knowledge spaces, A control problem for affine dynamical systems on a full-dimensional polytope., Total polynomials of uniform oriented matroids, Subpolytopes of cyclic polytopes, Fiber polytopes for the projections between cyclic polytopes, Cyclic polytopes and oriented matroids, Subgraphs with restricted degrees of their vertices in large polyhedral maps on compact two-manifolds, Overview and recent advances in natural neighbour Galerkin methods, Dual-antiprisms and partitions of powers of 2 into powers of 2, Metric projection and stratification of the Grassmannian, Discrete convexity and unimodularity. I., Bayesian analysis of binary sequences, Antipodality properties of finite sets in Euclidean space, Representing geometric structures in \(d\) dimensions: Topology and order, Nested cones and onion skins, Matrices in elimination theory, The construction of cubic and quartic planar maps with prescribed face degrees, On the existence of certain smooth toric varieties, Matchings and covers in hypergraphs, Diagonals of convex polytopes, Subdivision of simplices relative to a cutting plane and finite concave minimization, Gibb's phase rule revisited, Tessellations generated by hyperplanes, Signierte Zellenzerlegungen. II. (Signed cell decompositions. II.), Optimal computation of finitely oriented convex hulls, Triangulating point sets in space, New applications of random sampling in computational geometry, Facilities layout generalized model solved by n-boundary shortest path heuristics, On the coordinatization of oriented matroids, A parametric characterization and an \(\epsilon\)-approximation scheme for the minimization of a quasiconcave program, Voronoi diagrams with barriers and on polyhedra for minimal path planning, The plane with parallel coordinates, Some problems on polyhedra, The extended f-vectors of 4-polytopes, Convex polytopes whose projection bodies and difference sets are polars, A new view on some characterizations of simplices, The associahedron and triangulations of the \(n\)-gon, Geometry of the Gass-Saaty parametric cost LP algorithm, Convexity and unitary representations of nilpotent Lie groups, Counting polytopes via the Radon complex, Möbius function on cross-section lattices., Extending two theorems of A. 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IV, Universal rigidity of bar frameworks via the geometry of spectrahedra, On the existence of a combinatorial Schlegel diagram of a simplicial unstacked 3-polytope with a prescribed set of vertices, Planar graphs and greatest common subgraphs, Geometry, complexity, and combinatorics of permutation polytopes, Constructing a Pareto front approximation for decision making, One-point suspensions and wreath products of polytopes and spheres, Rigidity and the lower bound theorem. I, Über die j-ten Überdeckungsdichten konvexer Körper. (On the j-th covering densities of convex bodies), Neighborly 6-polytopes with 10 vertices, Almost cyclic polytopes, A new basis of polytopes, On the cut-complexes of the 5-cube, On quadrangular convex 3-polytopes with at most two types of edges, The complexity and construction of many faces in arrangements of lines and of segments, Neighborly polytopes and oriented matroids, Pointwise constraints in vector-valued Sobolev spaces. With applications in optimal control, Extending Kotzig's theorem, Polyhedral 2-manifolds in \(E^ 3\) with unusually large genus, Polyedrische 2-Mannigfaltigkeiten mit wenigen nichtkonvexen Ecken, Hamiltonian properties of polyhedra with few 3-cuts. A survey, Back faces of a face polytope, Upper bounds on geometric permutations for convex sets, Über die Symmetriegruppen von regulärseitigen Polytopen. (On the symmetry groups of regular faced polytopes), On hyperplanes and polytopes, Facets with fewest vertices, Bi-cyclic 4-polytopes, Inseparability graphs of oriented matroids, Constructions and complexity of secondary polytopes, Properties of systems of \(n\)-dimensional convex sets in finite-dimensional linear spaces, Combinatorial analogs of Brouwer's fixed-point theorem on a bounded polyhedron, A combinatorial Chern-Weil theorem for 2-plane bundles with even Euler characteristics, A dual approach to detect polyhedral intersections in arbitrary dimensions, An existence theorem for simple convex polyhedra, The existence on non-tiles and non-facets in three dimensions, Subdivisions from primal and dual cones and polytopes, The faces of the Grassmannian of 3-planes in \({\mathbb{R}}^ 7\) (calibrated geometries on \({\mathbb{R}}^ 7)\), Triangulated n-manifolds are determined by their \([n/2+1\)-skeletons], Inequalities for the Gini coefficient of composite populations, Necessary conditions for upper semicontinuity in parametric semi-infinite programming, On the simplicial 3-polytopes with only two types of edges, On a problem of J. Zaks concerning 5-valent 3-connected planar graphs, Finite platonic graphs, Posets, regular CW complexes and Bruhat order, An optimal algorithm for constructing the weighted Voronoi diagram in the plane, Polyhedra and symmetry, A decision procedure for optimal polyhedron partitioning, A convex characterization of the graphs of the dodecahedron and icosahedron, Generalized Dehn-Sommerville relations for polytopes, spheres and Eulerian partially ordered sets, Hamiltonicity in (0-1)-polyhedra, Gale diagrams of convex polytopes and positive spanning sets of vectors, Construction theorems for polytopes, On combinatorial and affine automorphisms of polytopes, Regular and semi-regular polytopes. II, The complexity of incremental convex hull algorithms in \(R^ d\), Über die minimalen Seitenzahlen von Polytopen ohne dreieckige 2-Seiten, Hamiltonian cycles in cubic 3-connected bipartite planar graphs, Inductive definition of two restricted classes of triangulations, On the definition and computation of rectilinear convex hulls, Toughness and Delaunay triangulations, P.l. homeomorphic manifolds are equivalent by elementary shellings, 15-vertex triangulations of an 8-manifold, Two-orbit convex polytopes and tilings, Stability versus speed in a computable algebraic model, n-connectedness in pure 2-complexes, Geometric realizations for Dyck's regular map on a surface of genus 3, The complexity of cells in three-dimensional arrangements, Extensions of Radstrom's lemma with application to stability theory of mathematical programming, An application of valuation theory to two problems in discrete geometry, On the sufficiency of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation for optimality of the controls in a linear optimal-time problem, A lower bound theorem for polytope pairs, Finite rank operators with large trace, Convex surfaces which intersect each congruent copy of themselves in a connected set, A simplicial 3-arrangement of 21 planes, Central and parallel projections of polytopes, The smallest non-Hamiltonian 3-connected cubic planar graphs have 38 vertices, Upper bounds for configurations and polytopes in \({\mathbb{R}}^ d\), Divisible points of compact convex sets, The number of extreme pairs of finite point-sets in Euclidean spaces, \(\epsilon\)-nets and simplex range queries, Determining a matroid polytope by non-Radon partitions, A polynomial-time linear decision tree for the traveling salesman problem and other NP-complete problems, Computing convolutions by reciprocal search, Approximation of convex bodies by polytopes with uniformly bounded valences, Gewisse einfache Polytope sind durch ihren Graph eindeutig bestimmt. (Certain simple polytopes are uniquely determined by their graphs), Volumes of complementary projections of convex polytopes, Invertible relations on polytopes, Many triangulated spheres, An algorithm for the characterization of the nonplanarity of a maximal graphical partition, Newton polyhedra and irreducibility, Balanced subdivision and enumeration in balanced spheres, Recognising polytopical cell complexes and constructing projection polyhedra, Combinatorial d-tori with a large symmetry group, Combinatorial behavior of extreme points of perturbed polyhedra, On the covering cuts of c d (d\(\leq 5)\), Ein Henkeltheorem für geschlossene semilineare Mannigfaltigkeiten. (A handle theorem for closed semilinear manifolds), Polytopal and nonpolytopal spheres. An algorithmic approach, A combinatorial result on points and circles on the plane, An infinite family of minor-minimal nonrealizable 3-chirotopes, Valuations and polarity, \(W_ v\) paths in the projective plane, An analog of Karmarkar's algorithm for inequality constrained liner programs, with a `new' class of projective transformations for centering a polytope, Nearly-neighborly families of tetrahedra and the decomposition of some multigraphs, A lower bound on the number of sharp shadow-boundaries of convex polytopes, A simple proof of the kinematic formula, Completely unimodal numberings of a simple polytope, Totally positive matrices and cyclic polytopes, On a class of Hamiltonian polytopes, Incidence-polytopes with toroidal cells, Intersection bodies and dual mixed volumes, Random triangulations of the plane, The face lattice of hyperplane arrangements, Facet-to-facet implies face-to-face, The complexity of cutting complexes, A classification of toric varieties with few generators, A non-involutory selfduality, Determining classes of convex bodies by restricted sets of Steiner symmetrizations, An embedding theorem for smooth projective toric varieties, The upper envelope of piecewise linear functions: Tight bounds on the number of faces, Some results on Ehrhart polynomials of convex polytopes, A relationship between Gale transforms and Voronoi diagrams, Combinatorial properties of incompatible systems of linear inequalities and polyhedra, All \(11_ 3\) and \(12_ 3\)-configurations are rational, Über das Kotziggewicht normaler Pflasterungen. (About the Kotzig weight of normal tilings.), Turán theorems and convexity invariants for directed graphs, Geometric realization of a triangulation on the projective plane with one face removed, Valuations on lattice polytopes, Bisecton by global optimization revisited, Forcing matching numbers of fullerene graphs, Nonrational configurations, polytopes, and surfaces, Projective re-normalization for improving the behavior of a homogeneous conic linear system, Coxeter polytopes with a unique pair of non-intersecting facets, A problem in enumerating extreme points, and an efficient algorithm for one class of polytopes, Interpretation of De Finetti coherence criterion in Łukasiewicz logic, On visualization scaling, subeigenvectors and Kleene stars in max algebra, New cases of Reay's conjecture on partitions of points into simplices with \(k\)-dimensional intersection, Isomorphism-free lexicographic enumeration of triangulated surfaces and 3-manifolds, Type-B generalized triangulations and determinantal ideals, Non-existence of super-additive solutions for 3-person games, All triangulations of the projective plane are geometrically realizable in \(E^ 4\)., Sets of finite order and (2,k)-divisibility, Unions of oriented matroids, Quotient polytopes of cyclic polytopes. II: Stability of the f-vector and the k-skeleton, A survey of the asymptotic behaviour of maps, Dual pairs of non-polynomial diagrams and spheres, A theorem about antiprisms, A combinatorial perspective on the non-Radon partitions, How many cyclic subpolytopes can a non-cyclic polytope have?, Polarity and inner products in oriented matroids, A problem of McMullen on the projective equivalences of polytopes, Neighborly combinatorial 3-manifolds with dihedral automorphism group, Real addition and the polynomial hierarchy, An extension of Jung's theorem, An inequality for 3-polytopes, A simple proof of the upper bound theorem, 5-connected 3-polytopes are refinements of octahedra, Finding extreme points in three dimensions and solving the post-office problem in the plane, Convex hulls of generalized moment curves, On the maximal number of edges of many faces in an arrangement, The Steiner point in infinite dimensions, Preassigning the shape of projections of convex polytopes, On the cuts and cut number of the 4-cube, Matrices satisfying a conjecture of G. N. de Oliveira on determinants, On weakly neighborly polyhedral maps of arbitrary genus, A simple way to tell a simple polytope from its graph, Support functions on ordinal products, Cell decomposition of polytopes by bending, A combinatorial result about points and balls in Euclidean space, An upper bound on the shortness exponent of inscribable polytopes, An intrinsic characterization of foldings of Euclidean space, Complexes whose boundaries cannot be pushed around, Circular planar graphs and resistor networks, A representation of an efficiency equivalent polyhedron for the objective set of a multiple objective linear program, On the intermediate area functions of convex bodies, Voronoi diagrams from convex hulls, An invertible 3-diagram with 8 vertices, Deltahedra are realizable as simplicial convex polyhedra, Thin sets and common transversals, On regular graphs and Hamiltonian circuits, including answers to some questions of Joseph Zaks, Convex 4-valent polytopes, Convexity in oriented matroids, Zur Eulerschen Charakteristik allgemeiner, insbesondere konvexer Polyeder, Non-Hamiltonian simple 3-polytopes having just two types of faces, The minimum number of faces of a simple polyhedron, A Steinitz-type theorem for the projective plane, Permanental polytopes of doubly stochastic matrices, Die Beleuchtung von Kugeln, Zur Einführung der Eulerschen Charakteristik und Begründung des Satzes von Euler-Schläfli, Complete subgraphs of the graphs of convex polytopes, A note on Hamiltonian cycles in bipartite plane cubic maps having connectivity 2, Linear decision trees are too weak for convex hull problem, Theory of cones, An invertible non-polyhedral diagram, Regularizing the abstract convex program, Quotient polytopes of cyclic polytopes. I: Structure and characterization, On total dual integrality, Linear algebraic semigroups, A finitely convergent procedure for facial disjunctive programs, Arrangements of planes in space, Integrals of production sets with restricted substitution, (d-3)-Skelette nicht-polytopaler (d-1)-Sphären, A proof of the sufficiency of McMullen's conditions for f-vectors of simplicial convex polytopes, Eine geometrische Interpretation einer Ringinvarianten, A triangulation of the n-cube, Bounds on the number of cycles of length three in a planar graph, The number of faces of polytope pairs and unbounded polyhedra, Extreme positive operators on minimal and almost minimal cones, A note on minimal triangulations of an n-cube, Über eine Ungleichung für die Oberfläche und den Umkugelradius eines konvexen Polyeders, A generalization of Caratheodory's theorem, Comparisons between linear functions can help, Equivelar polyhedral manifolds in \(E^ 3\)., Indecomposable polytopes, Upper and lower bounds of the valence-functional, The enumeration of stack polytopes and simplicial clusters, Restricted-oriented convex sets, A new index for polytopes, Bounding the number of \(k\)-faces in arrangements of hyperplanes, The expected value of some functions of the convex hull of a random set of points sampled in \(\mathbb{R}{}^ d\), The convex floating body and polyhedral approximation, The enumeration of four-dimensional polytopes, On valences of polyhedra, Some applications of algebra to combinatorics, Random projections of regular simplices, Shelling pseudopolyhedra, Generalizing the concept of binary choice systems induced by rankings: One way of probabilizing deterministic measurement structures, Geometric and combinatorial properties of the polytope of binary choice probabilities, A paradigm for robust geometric algorithms, A canonical form for generalized linear constraints, The Skorohod oblique reflection problem in domains with corners and application to stochastic differential equations, On the distribution of order types, The Gram-Sommerville and Gauss-Bonnet theorems and combinatorial geometric measures for noncompact polyhedra, The maximum number of complementary facets of a simplicial polytope, The use of domains in multicriteria decision making, Upper bounds for the diameter and height of graphs of convex polyhedra, A cone of inhomogeneous second-order polynomials, A generalization of Dehn-Sommerville relations to simple stratified spaces, A note on lower bounds for rectilinear Steiner trees, Vertex mobility of polyhedra, Modules of piecewise polynomials and their freeness, Icosahedral symmetry and the quintic equation, A property of graphs of convex polytopes, On the zone of a surface in a hyperplane arrangement, Submaps of maps. II: Cyclically \(k\)-connected planar cubic maps, On the uniqueness of kernels, 6-valent analogues of Eberhard's theorem, On the realization of convex polytopes, Euler's formula and Möbius functions, An upper bound for the diameter of a polytope, The projection of the f-vectors of 4-polytopes onto the (E,S)-plane, Five-valent convex polyhedra with prescribed faces, On parity patterns of even \(q\)-angulations, Strengthening of a theorem about 3-polytopes, On polyhedra with extremal Euler characteristic, Aggregation of equations in integer programming, The existence of certain planar maps, Polytope pairs and their relationship to linear programming, Pairs of Hamiltonian circuits in 5-connected planar graphs, An algorithm for enumerating all vertices of a convex polyhedron, Theorems on the dimensions of convex sets, Constructions for projectively unique polytopes, Bänder und Möbiusbänder in konvexen Polytopen, Oriented matroids, On the maximal volume of convex bodies with few vertices, A method in graph theory, Convexity and finite quantum logics, A combinatorial computation of the first Pontryagin class of the complex projective plane, Duality, sections and projections of certain euclidean tilings, Guarding rectangular art galleries, Gaps in the numbers of vertices of cubical polytopes. I, Spatial polyhedra without diagonals, Combinatorial face enumeration in convex polytopes, Some Erdős-Szekeres type results about points in space, Space fillers of higher genus, Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension and (pseudo-)hyperplane arrangements, The Blaschke-Steinhardt point of a planar convex set, A few applications of negative-type inequalities, On the Hodge structure of projective hypersurfaces in toric varieties, Pentagonal 3-polytopal graphs with edges of only two types and shortness parameters, Realizations with a cut-through Eulerian circuit, On the complexity of some basic problems in computational convexity. I. Containment problems, On the Steiner ratio in 3-space, Lattice-free polytopes and their diameter, On empty convex polytopes, Geometric sets of low information content, The critical point and related symmetry measures of a planar convex set, Vector majorization via positive definite matrices, Graph-theoretical conditions for inscribability and Delaunay realizability, Maximum and minimum toughness of graphs of small genus, How good are convex hull algorithms?, A proof of Kühnel's conjecture for \(n\geq k^ 2+3k\), Covariance identities for normal variables via convex polytopes, Gorenstein algebras of Veronese type, Linear conditions on the number of faces of manifolds with boundary, On the complexity of optimization problems for 3-dimensional convex polyhedra and decision trees, An approval-voting polytope for linear orders, The c--2d-index of oriented matroids, Fundamentals of restricted-orientation convexity, Ordinary \((2m+1)\)-polytopes, Neighborly cubical spheres and a cubical lower bound conjecture, Catalan triangulations of the Möbius band, On a class of convex polytopes, Maximal dissections of a simplex, Lototsky-Schnabl functions on compact convex sets, The ratio of black and white polygons of a map generated by general straight lines, Flache Einbettungen geschlossener Mannigfaltigkeiten der Kodimension 1 in Randkomplexe konvexer Polytope, Incidence numbers of complexes and polytopes, An \(R^d\) analogue of Valentine's theorem on 3-convex sets, Manifolds with few vertices, Sphären mit wenigen Ecken, An enumeration of combinatorial 3-manifolds with nine vertices, On a geometrical minimum problem, Convex polyhedra of doubly stochastic matrices. II: Graph of Omega sub(n), Convex polyhedra of doubly stochastic matrices. IV, Convex polyhedra of doubly stochastic matrices. I: Applications of the permanent function, Tiling convex sets by translates, Konvexe Realisierbarkeit symmetrischer Sphären, Über 3-realisierbare Folgen mit beliebigen Sechseckzahlen, Some results on the geometry of Choquet simplices, Geometric coloring theory, Dichte Klassen konvexer Polytope, Convex polyhedra of doubly stochastic matrices III. Affine and combinatorial properties of \(\Omega\), Stellare Abänderungen und Schälbarkeit von Komplexen und Polytopen, Intersecting all edges of convex polytopes by planes, Hamiltonian circuits in prisms over certain simple 3-polytopes, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the geometric realizability of a simple incidence graph, Hamilton-Flächen auf Prismen, Polytopes with prescribed contents of (n-1)-facets, Planar cubic hypohamiltonian and hypotraceable graphs, Unique winning policies for linear differential pursuit games, Über stellare Äquivalenz konvexer Polytope, On convergence of configurations, Die konvexen Polytope im \(\mathbb{R}^4\), bei denen alle Facetten reguläre Tetraeder sind, A combinatorial analysis of topological dissections, On the complexity of computations under varying sets of primitives, Equidecomposable and weakly neighborly polytopes, The polytope algebra, On spanning subgraphs of 4-connected planar graphs, A combined constraint-space, objective-space approach for determining high-dimensional maximal efficient faces of multiple objective linear programs, Constrained stabilization via smooth Lyapunov functions, Two finiteness theorems for periodic tilings of \(d\)-dimensional Euclidean space, Eulerian 2-strata spaces, Disjunctive programming: Properties of the convex hull of feasible points, Separable partitions, Arithmetical semigroups related to trees and polyhedra, Advances in the theory and practice of graph drawing, Light paths with an odd number of vertices in large polyhedral maps, Inner diagonals of convex polytopes, Triangles with restricted degrees of their boundary vertices in plane triangulations, Geometry of cut-complexes and threshold logic, A sharp nonconvexity bound for partition ranges of vector measures with atoms, Fuzzy distances for proximity characterization under uncertainty, On the recognition of \(S\)-systems, An invariant property of balls in arrangements of hyperplanes, Arrangements of oriented hyperplanes, A simple proof of an approximation theorem of H. Minkowski, A parallel algorithm for constructing projection polyhedra, Contracted \(k\)-tessellations of closed surfaces, Some minimal nonembeddable complexes, Representing polyhedra: Faces are better than vertices, Combinatorial formulae for multiple set-valued labellings, On simple polytopes, Solution of the Szökefalvi-Nagy problem for a class of convex polytopes, Faces and traces of the unit ball of a symmetric gauge function, Extending matchings in graphs: A survey, Antiprismlessness, or: reducing combinatorial equivalence to projective equivalence in realizability problems for polytopes, Constructive solution of inverse parametric linear/quadratic programming problems, Generic initial ideals and squeezed spheres, Convex polytopes without triangular faces, Klein polyhedra and lattices with positive norm minima, On the graph connectivity of skeleta of convex polytopes, Hermitian vector bundles and extension groups on arithmetic schemes. I: Geometry of numbers, Cycles through all finite vertex sets in infinite graphs, A characterization of homology manifolds with \(g_{2}\geq 2\), Outer normal transforms of convex polytopes, Connectivity and \(W_v\)-paths in polyhedral maps on surfaces, Putting convex \(d\)-polytopes inside frames, Two neighborly families of 3-pyramids and of 3-boxes in \(E^{3}\), Bracketing numbers of convex and \(m\)-monotone functions on polytopes, The numbers of edges of 5-polytopes with a given number of vertices, Polyhedral surfaces in wedge products, On affine motions and universal rigidity of tensegrity frameworks, Isocanted alcoved polytopes., Starshaped sets, Rational approximation of vertical segments, Matching edges and faces in polygonal partitions, On hyperbolic Coxeter polytopes with mutually intersecting facets, On the dual rigidity matrix, Pre-triangulations and liftable complexes, The minimum rank problem: A counterexample, Triangulating with high connectivity., Weighted skeletons and fixed-share decomposition, Stellar subdivisions of boundary complexes of convex polytopes, Neighborly 4-polytopes with 9 vertices, On generating planar graphs, Graph theorems for manifolds, Two combinatorial properties of a class of simplicial polytopes, An ordinal evaluation of categorical judgement data by random utilities and a corresponding correlation analysis, Geometric permutations for convex sets, G-majorization with applications to matrix orderings, Geometric visualization of clusters obtained from fuzzy clustering algorithms, Tough graphs and Hamiltonian circuits. (Reprint), A dimension series for multivariate splines, Quantization of the rolling-body problem with applications to motion planning, On representations of graphs as two-distance sets, Unifying parameter learning and modelling complex systems with epistemic uncertainty using probability interval, Ear decomposition and balanced neighborly simplicial manifolds, Stability of a reverse isoperimetric inequality, Equifacetted 4-polytopes, A comparison of primal and dual methods of linear programming, Facets and nonfacets of convex polytopes, On the upper-bound conjecture for convex polytopes, On M-decomposable sets, Some analogues of Eberhard's theorem on convex polytopes, Zur Charakterisierung konvexer Körper. Über einen Satz von Rogers und Shephard. II, Graßmann angles of convex polytopes, Dissections of a tetrahedron, On the extreme points of the sum of two compact convex sets, Nerves of simplicial complexes, On a problem of Klee concerning convex polytopes, Projections of 3-polytopes, Intermediate Christoffel-Minkowski problems for figures of revolution, On unit spherical Euclidean distance matrices which differ in one entry, Polytopes with centrally symmetric faces, A theorem on arrangements of lines in the plane, The lower bound conjecture for 3- and 4-manifolds, Automorphismen von polyedrischen Graphen, On Steiner points of convex bodies, The numbers of faces of simplicial polytopes, Hamiltonian paths on 3-polytopes, The graphs of polytopes with involutory automorphisms, On angle sums and Steiner points of polyhedra, On the number of hexagons in a map, Manifolds in stacked 4-polytopes, The minimum number of vertices of a simple polytope, The analogue of Eberhard's theorem for 4-valent graphs on the torus, A non-continuous Steiner point, On realizing symmetric 3-polytopes, On a conjecture by B. Grünbaum, Dense sets of polytopes in \(P^ 3\), Inequalities for f-vectors of 4-polytopes, A Helly-number for k-almost-neighborly sets, Polyhedral realization in \(R^ 3\) of triangulations of the torus and 2- manifolds in cyclic 4-polytopes, Unions of increasing and intersections of decreasing sequences of convex sets, Complete linear proofs of systems of linear inequalities, Minkowski decomposition of convex sets, Spheres with few vertices, The lattice of faces of a finite dimensional cone, Hamiltonian circuits on simple 3-polytopes, The triangulations of the 3-sphere with up to 8 vertices, The simplex algorithm with the pivot rule of maximizing criterion improvement, Eine Verallgemeinerung der Ungleichung vom arithmetischen und geometrischen Mittel, Tough graphs and Hamiltonian circuits., Regular-faced convex polyhedra, Circuits and paths through specified nodes, On the minimum leaf number of cubic graphs, Projections of f-vectors of four-polytopes, Analogues of Eberhard's theorem for 4-valent 3-polytopes with involutory automorphisms, Some thoughts on generalized Weber location models, Face counting formula for toric arrangements defined by root systems, A correction to ``The largest small \(n\)-dimensional polytope with \(n+3\) vertices [J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 102 (2003) 401-409], On the optimal worst-case experiment design for constrained linear systems, Simplicial neighbourly 5-polytopes with nine vertices, On the zone of the boundary of a convex body, \texttt{PAINT-SICon}: constructing consistent parametric representations of Pareto sets in nonconvex multiobjective optimization, Efficient realizations of closure systems, Generalized Heawood numbers, Dissections of convex sets and homotopy types of posets, Unnamed Item, Algunas variantes del problema de la duracion variable, Outerplanar Graphs and Delaunay Triangulations, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On the complexity of approximating and illuminating three-dimensional convex polyhedra, Hard Enumeration Problems in Geometry and Combinatorics, On the Structure of RNA Branching Polytopes, Ground states and zero-temperature measures at the boundary of rotation sets, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, l2 projection in bounded‐error estimation, Signierte Zellenzerlegungen. I, The graph of an abstract polytope, Unnamed Item, Geometria combinatoria e geometrie finite, Triangulations of Oriented Matroids and Convex Polytopes, On 3‐polytopes with non‐Hamiltonian prisms, Two-Colorings of Normed Spaces without Long Monochromatic Unit Arithmetic Progressions, 3D geo-graphs: efficient flip verification for the spherical zoning problem, Invariant $\varphi$-Minimal Sets and Total Variation Denoising on Graphs, Convex polyhedra with deltoidal vertices, 4-regular 4-connected Hamiltonian graphs with few Hamiltonian cycles, More on exposed points and extremal points of convex sets in $\mathbb{R}^n$ and Hilbert space, Gram's equation — A probabilistic proof, Matchings in polytopal graphs, Beyond the Borsuk–Ulam Theorem: The Topological Tverberg Story, P1–Nonconforming Polyhedral Finite Elements in High Dimensions, Word choice in mathematical practice: a case study in polyhedra, Unnamed Item, Multiplicités des valeurs propres et transformations étoile-triangle des graphes, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Faces for a linear inequality in 0–1 variables, Cyclic coloration of 3-polytopes, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, ON CLOSED SETS IN HILBERT SPACE WITH CONVEX PROJECTIONS UNDER SOMEWHERE DENSE SETS OF DIRECTIONS, On Face-Vectors and Vertex-Vectors of Cell-Decompositions of Orientable 2-Manifolds, Combinatorial reciprocity theorems, (p, q)-completability of disk-decompositions, I, On the delta-wye reduction for planar graphs, Noncommutative enumeration in graded posets, Ramsey-remainder for convex sets and the Erdős-Szekeres theorem, The bilinear programming problem, The complexity of linear programming, Polynomial bounds for probability generating functions. II, The Middle-Cut Triangulations of the n-Cube, The cut cone. III: On the role of triangle facets, Characteristic sequences, Face-regular bifaced polyhedra, Über einen Satz von Kruskal, Absolute irreducibility of polynomials via Newton polytopes, Geometric realization of a triangulation on the projective plane with one face removed, Identities linking volumes of convex hulls, A relationship between the finite groupSp =T2 = (ST)q = E and the (p,q)-completability of disk-decompositions, Topological recognition of polyhedral objects from multiple views, Bilinear programming: An exact algorithm, Complexity of the gravitational method for linear programming, Über einen Satz von Kruskal, Entering and leaving \(j\)-facets, The cut cone. III: On the role of triangle facets, Acyclic colorings of planar graphs, The adjacency relation on the traveling salesman polytope is NP-Complete, Existence of balanced simplices on polytopes., Crossing-free segments and triangles in point configurations, Unnamed Item, Two theorems on Euclidean distance matrices and Gale transform, Non Kählerian equivariant compactifications of an algebraic multiplicative group, A class of Hamiltonian polytopes, Unnamed Item, Tractable disjunctions of linear constraints: Basic results and applications to temporal reasoning, Una generalizacion de la caracterizacion de puntos extremos, Unnamed Item, Fully Inverse Parametric Linear/Quadratic Programming Problems via Convex Liftings, Implications of Inverse Parametric Optimization in Model Predictive Control, A finitely convergent algorithm for bilinear programming problems using polar cuts and disjunctive face cuts, How many cages midscribe an egg, Modélisation et optimisation numérique pour la reconstruction d'un polyèdre à partir de son image gaussienne généralisée, Three small cubic graphs with interesting hamiltonian properties, On a conjecture on maximal planar sequences, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The Erdős-Szekeres Problem, Unnamed Item, Alignments closed under a binary product, Hamiltonian cycles in planar triangulations with no separating triangles, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Über eine Klasse von Informationsmaßen für die Bewertung stochastischer (partieller) Informationen, Unnamed Item, Selected Open Problems in Discrete Geometry and Optimization, Mixture decompositions of exponential families using a decomposition of their sample spaces, Unnamed Item, Local, Dimensional and Universal Rigidities: A Unified Gram Matrix Approach, Random polytopes: Their definition, generation and aggregate properties, Every simple 3-polytope of order 32 or less is Hamiltonian, Separation index of a graph