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zbMath0203.23301MaRDI QIDQ5602063

Alexander Grothendieck, Jean A. Dieudonné

Publication date: 1971

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Opérateurs différentiels de niveau fini, Catégories structurées, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The first de Rham cohomology group and Dieudonné modules, The Lefschetz-Riemann-Roch formula, Fibrés vectoriels sur un polydisque ultramétrique, Fibres formelles d'un anneau local noethérien, Sous-groupes algébriques de rang maximum du groupe de Cremona, Henselization of a Ring with Respect to an Ideal, Complete Ideals and Monoidal Transforms, Central Separable Algebras with Purely Inseparable Splitting Rings of Exponent One, Deforming Cohomology Classes, A Functor to Ringed Spaces, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Théorème de Riemann-Roch par désingularisation, Groupes de Picard et problèmes de Skolem. 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(Geometric Langlands correspondence for function fields), Codisjunctors and singular epimorphisms in the category of commutative rings, A proper base change theorem for non-torsion sheaves in étale cohomology, Compactifying the Picard scheme, Orbits in higher singular subvarieties of a hypersurface of a form, Limite inductive plate de P-anneaux, Multiplicity sequences and the modules of higher differentials, Un modello riducibile per somma diretta d'un dato A-modulo localmente libero, con \(A\in P.E\), Algebraic cycles and algebraic K-theory, Seminormality and quasinormality of group rings, Topologically defined classes of commutative rings, Sulla seminormalità delle superficie algebriche, Composition of oriented binary quadratic form-classes over commutative rings, Algebraic and algebro-geometric interpretations of Weitzenböck's problem, Résolution de Nash des points doubles rationnels, A Jacobian criterion for separability, On certain distinguished spectral sets, On the quasi-affine scheme of a differential ring, On the conormal bundle of the determinantal variety, Derivativewise unramified infinite integral extensions, Flat polynomial endomorphisms, On the deformations of Witt groups to tori. II, Generalized local cohomology and quasicoherent sheaves, Cohen-Macaulayness of modules of invariants for \(SL_ 2\), Higher \(K\)-theory of the category of weakly equivariant \({\mathcal D}\)- modules, Zero cycles in \(\mathbb{P}^n\), Ranks of indecomposable modules over one-dimensional rings. II, The prime spaces as spectral spaces, Catenarity of formal power series rings over a pullback, Rings of formal power series with homeomorphic prime spectra, One dimensional local rings of maximal and almost maximal length, Abelian étale coverings of generic curves and ordinarity, Progress in free associative algebras, Modifications des espaces complexes. I, Analytically trivial families of local rings, Ideali di definizione e morfismi di schemi henseliani, The geometry of algebraic groups, On the separable and algebraic closedness of a Hensel couple in its completion, A criterion for a point to be geometrically unibranched, r-special subschemes and an argument of Severi's. - Appendix by Dan Laksov, Acceptable rings and homomorphic images of Gorenstein rings, Cohen-Macaulay quotients of polynomial rings, Affine Quotientenschemata nach affinen, algebraischen Gruppen und induzierte Darstellungen, Cohomology of an affine group scheme over a Hensel ring, The cohomology of Boolean rings, Linear \(G_a\) actions on affine spaces and associated rings of invariants, On the projectively almost-factorial varieties, Reduction of projective modulus in ring extensions, Reflexive modules, Homeomorphism versus isomorphism for varieties, Le lieu singulier des variétés de Schubert. (The singular locus of Schubert varieties), Local rings of finite Cohen-Macaulay type, Discrete valuation rings and modules of differentials