scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3108589

From MaRDI portal

zbMath0064.06302MaRDI QIDQ5847356

Arthur Erdélyi, Fritz Oberhettinger, Wilhelm Magnus, Francesco Giacomo Tricomi

Publication date: 1955

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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II, On fractional diffusion and continuous time random walks, Integral representations and asymptotic behaviour of a Mittag-Leffler type function of two variables, Addition formula and \(\gamma\)-factors for local fields, Novel polarization index evaluation formula and fractional-order dynamics in electric motor insulation resistance, Interaction of a breather with a magnetization wave in a ferromagnet with light-axis anisotropy, Wiener-Hopf factorization and distribution of extrema for a family of Lévy processes, Finite series representation of the inverse Mittag-Leffler function, Existence results for a Michaud fractional, nonlocal, and randomly position structured fragmentation model, Random matrices with complex Gaussian entries, On the separating variables method for Markov death-process equations, Resonance excitation and cooling of electromagnetic modes in a cavity with an oscillating wall, The periodic Schur process and free fermions at finite temperature, Two generator subgroups of \(\text{SL}(2,\mathbf C)\) and the hypergeometric, Riemann, and Lamé equations, Fundamental solutions for the Tricomi operator, Function approximation with zonal function networks with activation functions analogous to the rectified linear unit functions, Differential equations satisfied by the components with respect to the cyclic group of order \(n\) of some special functions, Higher derivatives of Airy functions and of their products, Ultraviolet phenomena in AdS self-interacting quantum field theory, Well-posedness of the two-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation with concentrated nonlinearity, Eigenvalue problems for Lamé's differential equation, Heterogeneous diffusion in comb and fractal grid structures, Certain results for the 2-variable Apostol type and related polynomials, Remarks on some relationships between the Bernoulli and Euler polynomials., Generalized Volterra functions, its integral representations and applications to the Mathieu-type series, An eigenvalue relation in spheroidal wave functions related to potential theory and its applications to contact problems, Stabilization of fractional evolution systems with memory, Sufficient condition for strongly starlikeness of normalized Mittag-Leffler function, Langevin equation for a free particle driven by power law type of noises, Kronecker limit formulas for parabolic, hyperbolic and elliptic Eisenstein series via Borcherds products, Asymptotic stability of fractional resolvent families, Approximate calculation of the Caputo-type fractional derivative from inaccurate data. Dynamical approach, Fractional diffusive waves in the Cauchy and signalling problems, Series representations of the Volterra function and the Fransén-Robinson constant, Mutual integrability, quadratic algebras, and dynamical symmetry, Combinatorics of necklaces and ``Hermite reciprocity, A dynamic contact problem for an elastic half-plane in the case of high frequency oscillations, Circular orbits, ISCO, periastron shift, and gravitomagnetic clock effect in Kerr field: a study using effective one-body approach, Harmonic oscillator and Darboux transformations in many dimensions, Novel summability methods generalizing the Borel method, First passage time distribution for anomalous diffusion, Investigation into nonperiodic Lame functions and application to electromagnetic problems, The asymptotic behavior of solutions of the sine-Gordon equation with singularities zero, Fractional divided differences and the solution of differential equations of fractional order, Waiting-times and returns in high-frequency financial data: An empirical study, Aging properties of an anomalously diffusing particle, Some families of generating functions associated with the Stirling numbers of the second kind, Saturation of the approximation by spectral decompositions., Analytical approximate solutions for nonlinear fractional differential equations, Response characteristics of a fractional oscillator, Asymptotic representations for hypergeometric-Bessel type function and fractional integrals, Black-Scholes model under subordination, Dynamics of a rod made of generalized Kelvin-Voigt viscoelastic material, Second-grade fluid model with Caputo-Liouville generalized fractional derivative, SIR epidemic model with Mittag-Leffler fractional derivative, Sarason's Toeplitz product problem for a class of Fock spaces, On Mittag-Leffler type Poisson distribution, Remarks on the convergence properties of the conformal block expansion, Quantum kicked rotor and its variants: chaos, localization and beyond, Anomalous diffusion in umbrella comb, A class of time-fractional Dirac type operators, Numerical approximations on the transient analysis of bioelectric phenomena at long time scales via the Mittag-Leffler function, Space-time fractional stochastic equations on regular bounded open domains, Some results on function \({}_pR_q(\alpha, \beta; z)\), Boundary layer expansions for initial value problems with two complex time variables, The entropy production paradox for fractional master equations, Tangent nonlinear equation in context of fractal fractional operators with nonsingular kernel, Controllability of linear fractional systems with delay in control, A probabilistic proof of an asymptotic formula for the modified Bessel function, A practical guide to Prabhakar fractional calculus, Law of the first passage triple of a spectrally positive strictly stable process, Law of two-sided exit by a spectrally positive strictly stable process, Hermite-based hybrid polynomials and some related properties, A numerical method with a control parameter for integro-differential delay equations with state-dependent bounds via generalized Mott polynomial, Differential and integral equations for the Laguerre-Gould-Hopper-based Appell and related polynomials, Series solution of a ten-parameter second-order differential equation with three regular singularities and one irregular singularity, Time discretization of fractional subdiffusion equations via fractional resolvent operators, Asymptotic profile and optimal decay of solutions of some wave equations with logarithmic damping, Computational solutions of unified fractional reaction-diffusion equations with composite fractional time derivative, Matrix Mittag-Leffler distributions and modeling heavy-tailed risks, A hybrid algorithm for Caputo fractional differential equations, Constrained quantum motion in \(\delta\)-potential and application of a generalized integral operator, Generalized theory of diffusive stresses associated with the time-fractional diffusion equation and nonlocal constitutive equations for the stress tensor, On predefined-time consensus protocols for dynamic networks, Numerical solution of Caputo fractional differential equations with infinity memory effect at initial condition, Can we split fractional derivative while analyzing fractional differential equations?, Exploring the impact of fractional-order capacitive behavior on the hysteresis effects of perovskite solar cells: a theoretical perspective, About families of orthogonal polynomials satisfying Heun's differential equation, Time-fractional equations with reaction terms: fundamental solutions and asymptotics, On mutually diagonal nets on (confocal) quadrics and 3-dimensional webs, Efficient quadrature rules for the singularly oscillatory Bessel transforms and their error analysis, Accurate boundary treatment for Riesz space fractional diffusion equations, Resolvent positive operators and positive fractional resolvent 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full modular group from the Farey transfer operators, Anomalous diffusion approach to non-exponential relaxation in complex physical systems, Differential and integral equations associated with some hybrid families of Legendre polynomials, A pendulum with an elliptic-type parametric excitation: stability charts for a damped and undamped system, On some families of new constructed polynomials, Differential and integral equations for Legendre-Laguerre-based hybrid polynomials, A direct approach for function approximation on data defined manifolds, On the Poincaré expansion of the Hurwitz zeta function, Integral transforms and probability distributions involving a generalized hypergeometric function, Some properties of the Hermite polynomials, Transition distribution amplitudes and hard exclusive reactions with baryon number transfer, The need for the fractional operators, Stability of steady states with complex behavior in time, Certain integrals involving multivariate Mittag-Leffler function, Boundary behavior of the Bergman kernel for generalized Fock-Bargmann-Hartogs domains, On the instability tongues of the Hill equation coupled with a conservative nonlinear oscillator, Product of two hypergeometric functions with power arguments, Uniform pointwise estimates for ultraspherical polynomials, New summation formulas of Fox-Wright-type series containing the polygamma functions, Conformal field theory in momentum space and anomaly actions in gravity: the analysis of three- and four-point function, Large deviations and Wschebor's theorems, Fractional integral inequalities for generalized convexity, Evolution of Aharonov-Berry superoscillations in Dirac \(\delta\)-potential, A new class of Hermite-Apostol type Frobenius-Euler polynomials and its applications, Construction of dynamic Green's function for an infinite acoustic field with multiple prolate spheroids, Lozenge tilings and the Gaussian free field on a cylinder, Sequences with minimal time-frequency uncertainty, A fractional-order model for MINMOD millennium, Space-time fractional reaction-diffusion equations associated with a generalized Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative, Algebraic twists of modular forms and Hecke orbits, Differentiation identities for hypergeometric functions, Existence results for semilinear fractional differential equations via Kuratowski measure of noncompactness, Multi-parametric Mittag-Leffler functions and their extension, The M-Wright function as a generalization of the Gaussian density for fractional diffusion processes, Controllability of fractional order system with nonlinear term having integral contractor, The zeros of the solutions of the fractional oscillation equation, Discrete-space time-fractional processes, Discontinuous Galerkin method for a distributed optimal control problem governed by a time fractional diffusion equation, Bounds for Turánians of modified Bessel functions, The projective translation equation and unramified 2-dimensional flows with rational vector fields, Determinantal martingales and correlations of noncolliding random walks, Integral representation of the Mittag-Leffler function, Computational solutions of distributed order reaction-diffusion systems associated with Riemann-Liouville derivatives, Variance-optimal data approximation using the Abel-Jacobi functions, The action of Volterra integral operators with highly singular kernels on Hölder continuous, Lebesgue and Sobolev functions, Unnamed Item, ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSIONS FOR THE GAUSSIAN UNITARY ENSEMBLE, Erzeugende Funktionen von zugeordneten Kugelfunktionen, Erzeugende Funktionen von Besselschen Funktionen, Optimal control for hereditary processes, Fractional integration operator on some radial rays and intertwining for the Dunkl operator, Spectral multipliers on 2-step groups: topological versus homogeneous dimension, Numerical scheme for calculating of the fractional two-power relaxation laws in time-domain of measurements, Evolution of cooperation in a multidimensional phenotype space, Generalized hypergeometric functions: product identities and weighted norm inequalities, Monotonicity of quotients of theta functions related to an extremal problem on harmonic measure, Fractional derivatives of products of Airy functions, Fractional extensions of some boundary value problems in oil strata, A New, Rearrangement-free Proof of the Sharp Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev Inequality, A formula for polynomials with Hermitian matrix argument, General recurrence and ladder relations of hypergeometric-type functions, The role of the Fox-Wright functions in fractional sub-diffusion of distributed order, Series expansions for the third incomplete elliptic integral via partial fraction decompositions, Self-dual electromagnetism, On combinatorics of Schrödinger perturbations, Function-theoretic properties of the discriminant of Hill's equation, Time-dependent Schrödinger-like equation with nonlocal term, Some inequalities for Bernoulli's polynomials and related functions, On integral equations of Volterra type, Exact discretization of fractional Laplacian, Periods of second kind differentials of $(n,s)$-curves, Sommerfeld-type integrals for discrete diffraction problems, On a non-periodic modified Euler equation : Well-posedness and quasi-invariant measures, Affine relation between an infinitely divisible distribution function and its Lévy measure, Reaction front propagation of actin polymerization in a comb-reaction system, Quantum continuous time random walk in nonlinear Schrödinger equation with disorder, Random process theory approach to geometric heterogeneous surfaces: effective fluid-solid interaction, Nonequilibrium fractional correlation functions and fluctuation-dissipation in linear viscoelasticity, Three classes of fractional oscillators, Construction and application of exact solutions of the diffusive Lotka-Volterra system: a review and new results, Nonlinear multiparameter eigenvalue problems: linearised and nonlinearised solutions, Complete ionization for a non-autonomous point interaction model in \(\mathrm{d}=2\), Aspects of higher-abelian gauge theories at zero and finite temperature: topological Casimir effect, duality and Polyakov loops, Love symmetry, An integral recursive inequality and applications, Spectral Expansion of Three-Dimensional Elasticity Tensor Random Fields, The associated operator Legendre function and the incomplete Cauchy problem, Dirichlet problems for mixed-type equations with fractional derivatives, The time-fractional radiative transport equation—Continuous-time random walk, diffusion approximation, and Legendre-polynomial expansion, Local approximation of operators, On polynomials defined by the discrete Rodrigues formula, Limit laws for UGROW random graphs, Cauchy-Laguerre two-matrix model and the Meijer-\(G\) random point field, Fundamental solutions to the fractional heat conduction equation in a ball under Robin boundary condition, Algebraic special functions and \(\mathrm{SO}(3,2)\), The uniformization of certain algebraic hypergeometric functions, The mean values of the Weierstrass elliptic function \(\wp\): theory and application, Valiron-Titchmarsh theorem for subharmonic functions in \(\mathbb R^{n}\) with masses on a half-line, Dixmier classes on generalized Segal-Bargmann-Fock spaces, DKP equation with smooth potential and position-dependent mass, Stochastic quantization of nonlocal fields, Periodic Schur process and cylindric partitions, Fundamental solutions to three-dimensional diffusion-wave equation and associated diffusive stresses, Analytical solution of the linear fractional differential equation by Adomian decomposition method, On the theory of convolution equations of the third kind. II, Nonlinear reaction with fractional dynamics, Electron self-trapping on a nanocircle, Some Mathieu-type series for generalizedH-function associated with a certain class of Feynman integrals, Analytic continuation of eigenvalues of the Lamé operator, Some relationships between the Apostol-Bernoulli and Apostol-Euler polynomials, Riemann-Liouville abstract fractional Cauchy problem with damping, Some families of generating functions for a certain class of three-variable polynomials, Certain geometric properties of the Mittag-Leffler functions, A nonlocal boundary-value problem with the Bitsadze-Samarskii conditon for a parabolic-hyperbolic equation of the second kind, Local solvability of a linear system with a fractional derivative in time in a boundary condition, Diffusion and Fokker-Planck-Smoluchowski equations with generalized memory kernel, Hermite-based Appell polynomials: Properties and applications, From conformal group to symmetries of hypergeometric type equations, Uniform bounds on sup-norms of holomorphic forms of real weight, Inversion of a heat transform by use of series, Bergman's kernel function on a class of elliptic partial differential equations in four variables, Fractional integration and certain dual integral equations, On Ince's equation, Inversion of a convolution transform by use of series, Resonances in the two-center Coulomb systems, Some families of hypergeometric polynomials and associated multiple integral representations, Integral and computational representations of the extended Hurwitz–Lerch zeta function, Thermodynamic influences on the propagation and the growth of acceleration waves in elastic materials, De La Vallé Poussin means of Fourier-Gegenbauer series, Time series models associated with Mittag-Leffler type distributions and its properties, Expansions for Bessel difference systems of zero order, INTEGRO-DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH CONTINUOUS-TIME RANDOM WALK, Nonnegativity of a discrete Poisson kernel for the Hahn polynomials, On the foundations of combinatorial theory. VIII: Finite operator calculus, Solution of the Cauchy Problem for Generalized Euler-Poisson-Darboux Equation by the Method of Fractional Integrals, A note on the Lagrange polynomials in several variables, Generalized hyperbolic functions, circulant matrices and functional equations, Stabilization of Wave Equation Using Standard/Fractional Derivative in Boundary Damping, The pulsrodon in 2+1-dimensional magneto-gasdynamics: Hamiltonian structure and integrability, On some properties of the α-Exponential function, Fundamental solutions of the Tricomi operator. III, Algorithms for the fractional calculus: a selection of numerical methods, Harmonic number identities and Hermite-Padé approximations to the logarithm function, Matrix representation of the time operator, Psi-series method for equality of random trees and quadratic convolution recurrences, On Mittag-Leffler type function and applications, Complex periodic potentials with a finite number of band gaps, Map of discrete system into continuous, A class of abstract fractional relaxation equations, Growing the Digital Repository of Mathematical Formulae with Generic LaTex Sources, A New Treatment for Some Periodic Schrödinger Operators I: The Eigenvalue, Approximate solutions of time and time-space fractional wave equations with variable coefficients, Analog of the Peter-Weyl expansion for Lorentz group, Distributed order reaction-diffusion systems associated with Caputo derivatives, Singular points in the solution trajectories of fractional order dynamical systems, Unnamed Item, Series solutions of Heun-type equation in terms of orthogonal polynomials, Global symmetries of time-dependent Schrödinger equations, Analytical Solutions and a Numerical Algorithm for the Gauss's Hypergeometric Function 2F1 (a, b; c; z), Infinitely divisible sequences, The Mittag-leffler and related functions, Iterated elliptic and hypergeometric integrals for Feynman diagrams, Elliptic basis for the Zernike system: Heun function solutions, Ruin probabilities in classical risk models with gamma claims, Magnetohydrodynamical model of pulsar rotation. Exact periodic solutions, Asymptotic Expansions for Second-Order Linear Difference Equations, II, Integrability in dipole-deformed $\boldsymbol{\mathcal{N}=4}$ super Yang–Mills, Two-Weight Mixed Norm Estimates for a Generalized Spherical Mean Radon Transform Acting on Radial Functions, Whitham equations for one-phase solutions of Volterra lattice, The Two Forms of Fractional Relaxation of Distributed Order, Smoothing of weights in the Bernstein approximation problem, Capacities of certain plane condensers and sets under simple geometric transformations, On Mittag-Leffler Moments for the Boltzmann Equation for Hard Potentials Without Cutoff, New Soluble Energy Band Problem, Comb Model with Slow and Ultraslow Diffusion, The neutral-fractional telegraph equation, Time independent fractional Schrödinger equation for generalized Mie-type potential in higher dimension framed with Jumarie type fractional derivative, On the interbasis expansion for the Kaluza‐Klein monopole system, Chaotic and pseudochaotic attractors of perturbed fractional oscillator, The Lamé equation in shell membrane theory, Diffraction by an elliptic cone, Identification of Weakly Singular Memory Kernels in Heat Conduction, Identification of Weakly Singular Memory Kernels in Heat Conduction, Some properties of Prabhakar-type fractional calculus operators, Improved mathematical results and simplified pedagogical approaches for Gronwall's inequality for fractional calculus, Über die Anwendung der Operatorenrechnung auf lineare Integralgleichungen vom Faltungstypus, Invariant and Quasi-invariant Measures for Equations in Hydrodynamics, Certain Fractional Integral and Differential Formulas Involving the Extended Incomplete Generalized Hypergeometric Functions, On a Geometric Formula for the Fundamental Solution of Subelliptic Laplacians, Controllability result of nonlinear higher order fractional damped dynamical system, Fractal and generalized Fokker–Planck equations: description of the characterization of anomalous diffusion in magnetic resonance imaging, Autoconvolution equations of the third kind with power-logarithmic coefficients, Exact evaluation of the integral involved in Doi-Edwards constitutive equations, Unnamed Item, Autoconvolution equations and special functions II, Fast-slow asymptotic for semi-analytical ignition criteria in FitzHugh-Nagumo system, The difference operators and extended Laguerre polynomials, Rational and elliptic solutions of the korteweg-de vries equation and a related many-body problem, Unnamed Item, Summation identities involving certain classes of polynomials, The BC-method in Multidimensional Spectral Inverse Problem: Theory and Numerical Illustrations, Universal and Integrable Aspects of an Elliptic Vortex Representation in 2+1‐Dimensional Magneto‐Gasdynamics, The numerical evaluation of a class of singular, oscillatory integrals, EXACT SOLUTION TO THE SCALAR DKP EQUATION IN (1+3)-DIMENSIONAL ROBERTSON–WALKER SPACE–TIME, On uniformization of Burnside’s curve y2=x5−x, Generalized Fourier transform associated with the differential operator in the complex domain, Fractional Negative Binomial and Polya Processes, The lagrange polynomials in several variables, Hobson's formula for Dunkl operators and its applications, Monotonicity properties and functional inequalities for the Volterra and incomplete Volterra functions, Elliptic perturbations of dynamical systems with a proper node, A note on Bernoulli polynomials and solitons, Topological charge of the real periodic finite‐gap Sine‐Gordon solutions, Zur Birkhoff-Interpolation ganzer Funktionen, Generalized solutions of an equation with fractional derivatives, PATH INTEGRAL TREATMENT OF SINGULAR PROBLEMS AND BOUND STATES, О двух специальных функциях, обобщающих функцию типа Миттаг - Леффлера, их свойствах и применении, Fractional radial diffusion in an infinite medium with a cylindrical cavity, Multivariate Umbral calculus, Predefined-time stabilisation of a class of nonholonomic systems, Bilateral generating functions for the Lagrange polynomials and the Lauricella functions, Multivariate analogue of generalized Mittag-Leffler function, Covariant derivatives of the Berezin transform, Bessel potentials, hitting distributions and Green functions, Unnamed Item, MULTIPOLE MATRIX ELEMENTS <nl|rβ|n'l' >ν FOR H-LIKE ATOMS, THEIR ASYMPTOTICS AND APPLICATIONS (AS β=1, n ≤ 4, n' ≤ 10), Generalized mittag-leffler function and generalized fractional calculus operators, Chan–Chyan–Srivastava multivariable polynomials associated with a certain family of partial differential operators, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Models for characterizing the transition among anomalous diffusions with different diffusion exponents, Unnamed Item, Aircraft routing under the risk of detection, A Theoretical Treatment of Lifting Surface Theory of an Elliptic Wing, Generating Functions for Relatives of Classical Polynomials, A generalization of the prolate spheroidal wave functions, Generalized time-dependent Schrödinger equation in two dimensions under constraints, Minimum Riesz energy problem on the hyperdisk, THE MASTER EQUATIONS IN THE EUCLIDEAN SCHWARZSCHILD–TANGHERLINI METRIC OF A SMALL STATIC PERTURBATION, PT-invariant periodic potentials with a finite number of band gaps, Uniform Error Estimates of Galerkin Methods for Monotone Abel-Volterra Integral Equations on the Half-Line, Exact and quasiexact solvability of second-order superintegrable quantum systems: I. Euclidean space preliminaries, Generalized paley–wiener theorem and generalized convolution associated with the differential operator in the complex domain, New inequalities for generalized m-convex functions via generalized fractional integral operators and their applications, Sojourn functionals for spatiotemporal Gaussian random fields with long memory, Elementary integral series for Heun functions: Application to black-hole perturbation theory, THE COMPOSITION OF HURWITZ-LERCH ZETA FUNCTION WITH PATHWAY INTEGRAL OPERATOR, On the fractional Bessel operator, Limit theorems for occupation times of Markov processes, Extension of Huygens type inequalities for Bessel and modified Bessel Functions, FOUR REMARKS ON EIGENVALUES OF LAMÉ'S EQUATION, Investigation of the squeezing out of the current in some flows in coastal water-bearing layers, Exact solutions of the Boltzmann—Maxwell kinetic equation, Some Integrals of Ramanujan and Related Contour Integrals, On new formulae for cumulative distribution function for McKay Bessel distribution, Unnamed Item, Regularized Prabhakar Derivative Applications to Partial Differential Equations, On the convergence of quadratic variation for compound fractional Poisson processes, On generalization of Fejér type inequalities via fractional integral operators, Propriétés analytiques de l’amplitude de diffusion de deux particules chargées interagissant par un potentiel du type de yukawa, Random walk on spheres, Unnamed Item, Connections between generalized singular functions and Bessel functions, Unnamed Item, Specific cases of one general inverse problem for abstract differential equations, Fractional calculus and families of generalized Legendre-Laguerre-Appell polynomials, On the inverse gamma subordinator, Non-Markovian process with variable memory functions, Рассеяние звуковых волн упругим эллипсоидом с неоднородным покрытием в полупространстве с идеальной поверхностью, Monotonicity of Solutions of Volterra Integral Equations in Banach Space, The Solvability and Fractional Optimal Control for Semilinear Stochastic Systems, On the dynamics of the angular momentum of a quantum pendulum, Macdonald's identities and integral representations of products of Airy functions, Unnamed Item, The Lauricella hypergeometric function $F_D^{(N)}$, the Riemann–Hilbert problem, and some applications, Fractional oscillator noise and its applications, Eigenvalues of fractional Sturm-Liouville problems by successive method, Unnamed Item, Solution of fractional kinetic equation by a class of integral transform of pathway type, Sparse-grid polynomial interpolation approximation and integration for parametric and stochastic elliptic PDEs with lognormal inputs, Vector bundles on degenerations of elliptic curves and Yang–Baxter equations, On the generalized Euler-Maclaurin formula, Some New Generating Functions for the Modified Laguerre Polynomials, On the extended Appell-Lauricella hypergeometric functions and their applications, Some new analytical techniques and their application to irregular cases for the third order ordinary linear boundary-value problem, Quadratic divisors of harmonic polynomials in \(\mathbb{R}^n\), Berechnung einiger Laplace‐ und Fourier‐Integrale, Asymptotic Formulae for the Eigenvalues of a Two-Parameter Ordinary Differential Equation of the Second Order, On the determination of a Hill's equation from its spectrum, Unnamed Item, Harmonic functions associated with some polynomials in several variables, Dynamics of the fractional oscillator, Some \(q\)-genrating functions and associated generalized hypergeometric polynomials, On the determination of a Hill's equation from its spectrum, Complex Whitham deformations in problems with ``integrable instability, New coherent string states and minimal uncertainty in WZWN models, Construction of doubly periodic solutions via the Poincaré-Lindstedt method in the case of massless \(\varphi^4\) theory, On the Bessel functions, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The phenomenon of Darboux displacements, Analysis of fractional differential equations, The two-state model for anomalous stochastic motion, Three notes on Ser's and Hasse's representations for the zeta-functions, Mittag-Leffler analysis. II: Application to the fractional heat equation., О задаче со смещением для одного уравнения в частных производных, Brownian motion under dynamic disorder: effects of memory on the decay of the non-Gaussianity parameter, On the numerical computation of the Mittag-Leffler function, Universal bounds and monotonicity properties of ratios of Hermite and parabolic cylinder functions, Dynamics of the zeros of analytic continued polynomials and differential equations associated with q-tangent polynomials, Lie theory and difference equations. II, On a multivariable extension of the Lagrange–Hermite polynomials, A unified presentation of some families of multivariable polynomials, Families of linear generating functions for polynomials in two variables, Lie theory and difference equations. II, The Mittag-Leffler function in the thinning theory for renewal processes, Subordination principles for the multi-dimensional space-time-fractional diffusion-wave equation, Rosenhain-Thomae formulae for higher genera hyperelliptic curves, CERTAIN NEW FAMILIES FOR BI-UNIVALENT FUNCTIONS DEFINED BY A KNOWN OPERATOR, On the determination of a Hill's equation from its spectrum, On Pointwise Exponentially Weighted Estimates for the Boltzmann Equation, A note on polylogarithms and incomplete gamma function, The local universality of Muttalib–Borodin ensembles when the parameter θ is the reciprocal of an integer, Unnamed Item, Digital Repository of Mathematical Formulae, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, An operator theoretical approach to Riemann-Liouville fractional Cauchy problem, Über gewisse singuläre Volterrasche Integralgleichungen vom Faltungstypus, Unnamed Item, A Riordan array approach to Apostol type-Sheffer sequences, Relative controllability results for nonlinear higher order fractional delay integrodifferential systems with time varying delay in control, Another Alternating Analogue of Euler’s Constant, On certain solutions of an integral equation of the theory of a linearly deformable foundation, Weak self-similarity of the Mittag–Leffler relaxation function, Invariant manifolds and separation of the variables for integrable chains, Distributed-order wave equations with composite time fractional derivative, Anomalous diffusion, dilation, and erosion in image processing, Predefined-time integral sliding mode control of second-order systems, SU(1, 1) covariant s-parametrized maps, Factorization of Ising correlations C(M, N) for ν = −k and M + N odd, M ⩽ N, T < T c and their lambda extensions, Certain Laguerre-based Generalized Apostol Type Polynomials, A semi-analytical approach for the computation of ellipsoidal harmonics, Spectral properties of the symmetry generators of conformal quantum mechanics: A path-integral approach, Applying periodic and anti-periodic boundary conditions in existence results of fractional differential equations via nonlinear contractive mappings, Sharp estimates for the hypergeometric functions related to root systems of type $A$ and of rank $1$, Nonlinear interference of solitons and waves in the magnetic domain structure, Mittag-Leffler-type function of arbitrary order and their application in the fractional kinetic equation, GENERALIZED LAPLACE TRANSFORM AND TEMPERED Ψ-CAPUTO FRACTIONAL DERIVATIVE, Classical orthogonal polynomials revisited, Modification exponential Euler type splines derived from Apostol-Euler numbers and polynomials of complex order, On the status of DELL systems, MULTIPLE EULER TYPE INTEGRAL REPRESENTATIONS FOR THE KAMP´E DE F´ERIET FUNCTIONS, Non‐vanishing of symmetric cube L$L$‐functions, Formulas for computing Euler-type integrals and their application to the problem of constructing a conformal mapping of polygons, A class of fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes mixed with a Gamma distribution, Tempered space fractional negative binomial process, On the number of necklaces whose co-periods divide a given integer, Asymptotic expansions in the local limit theorem for a branching Wiener process, Extracting discontinuity using the probe and enclosure methods, Certain convexity properties of Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta and Mittag-Leffler functions, Volterra-Prabhakar function of distributed order and some applications, Elliptic finite-band potentials of a non-self-adjoint Dirac operator, Weyl time evolution operator in planar Bianchi-type-I universes, Rough Heston Models with Variable Vol-of-Vol and Option Pricing, Multivariate stable approximation by Stein's method, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Preface, Enumeration of skew Ferrers diagrams