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zbMath0423.47001MaRDI QIDQ3857325

Barry Simon

Publication date: 1979

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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I: Cone surface, Inequalities involving Berezin norm and Berezin number, Some algebraic structures in KPZ universality, Some Gröss' type inequalities for trace of operators in Hilbert spaces, On the spectral properties of non-selfadjoint discrete Schrödinger operators, Numerical radius inequalities for tensor product of operators, Explicit eigenvalue estimates for transfer operators acting on spaces of holomorphic functions, Norm inequalities for sector block matrices, On the continuous frame quantum detection problem, Some inequalities for powers of positive definite matrices, Choi-Davis-Jensen's type trace inequalities for convex functions of self-adjoint operators in Hilbert spaces, Eigenvalue bounds for non-self-adjoint Schrödinger operators with nontrapping metrics, Comparison of singular numbers of composition operators on different Hilbert spaces of analytic functions, Derivation of Hartree's theory for generic mean-field Bose systems, Density and location of resonances for convex co-compact hyperbolic surfaces, Non linear Schrödinger limit of bosonic ground states, again, Asymptotics of a Fredholm determinant corresponding to the first bulk critical universality class in random matrix models, Compact operators whose real and imaginary parts are positive, Advances in Dixmier traces and applications, A weak-type \((\infty,\infty)\) inequality for the triangular projection, A Hopf bundle over a quantum four-sphere from the symplectic group, Schatten classes for Toeplitz operators with Hilbert space windows on modulation spaces, An optimal Wegner estimate and its application to the global continuity of the integrated density of states for random Schrödinger operators, Evans functions, Jost functions, and Fredholm determinants, The spectral shift function and spectral flow, Measures on Banach manifolds and supersymmetric quantum field theory, Geometric interpolation in \(p\)-Schatten class, Nonpositive curvature: A geometrical approach to Hilbert-Schmidt operators, Universality for orthogonal and symplectic Laguerre-type ensembles, Clarkson-McCarthy inequalities for \(l_p\)-spaces of operators in Schatten ideals, Traces on operator ideals and related linear forms on sequence ideals. II, Learning sets with separating kernels, Schatten classes on compact manifolds: kernel conditions, Lieb-Thirring type inequalities for non-self-adjoint perturbations of magnetic Schrödinger operators, \(\lambda\)-Aluthge transforms and Schatten ideals, The Hartree equation for infinitely many particles. I: Well-posedness theory, Extensions of three matrix inequalities to semisimple Lie groups, Schrödinger semigroups, Matrix versions of some classical inequalities, Norm inequalities for sums of positive operators. II, Dixmier traces on noncompact isospectral deformations, Algebras almost commuting with Clifford algebras, The positronium and the dipositronium in a Hartree-Fock approximation of quantum electrodynamics, Expressions in Fredholm determinants for solutions of the strict KP hierarchy, Minimizing the ground state energy of an electron in a randomly deformed lattice, Banach Poisson-Lie groups and Bruhat-Poisson structure of the restricted Grassmannian, Topological and dynamical properties of composition operators, Optimal ℓ 1 Rank One Matrix Decomposition, Complex Powers of the Laplace Operator on the Circle, Matrix inequalities from a two variables functional, Positive definiteness of functions with applications to operator norm inequalities, Clarkson-McCarthy inequalities for several operators and related norm inequalities for \(p\)-modified unitarily invariant norms, On the Strichartz estimates for orthonormal systems of initial data with regularity, Unnamed Item, Dirichlet Laplacian in a thin twisted strip, Traces of Commutators of Integral Operators – the Aftermath, On the Hartree-Fock equations of the electron-positron field, On the analyticity of the Fredholm determinant, Existence of a stable polarized vacuum in the Bogoliubov-Dirac-Fock approximation, Equality of the bulk and edge Hall conductances in a mobility gap, Existence of global-in-time solutions to a generalized Dirac-Fock type evolution equation, Trace class criteria for bilinear Hankel forms of higher weights, Uniqueness and existence of the integrated density of states for Schrödinger operators with magnetic field and electric potential with singular negative part, Determinants and periodic solutions of delay equations, Some inequalities for trace class operators via a Kato’s result, Discrétisation de zeta-déterminants d’opérateurs de Schrödinger sur le tore, Gibbsianness of fermion random point fields, Universality at the edge of the spectrum for unitary, orthogonal, and symplectic ensembles of random matrices, The spectral shift function and Levinson's theorem for quantum star graphs, A geometric approach to the Landauer-Büttiker formula, A survey on determinantal point processes, Nonlinear eigenvalues and analytic hypoellipticity, Kneading operators, sharp determinants, and weighted Lefschetz zeta functions in higher dimensions, Compactness of composition operators on a Hilbert space of Dirichlet series, Continuous integral kernels for unbounded Schrödinger semigroups and their spectral projections, Spectral distributions for long range perturbations, Another version of Maher's inequality, Prediction theory for stationary functional time series, Regularity results for free Lévy processes, Mass generation in the large \(N\) Gross-Neveu-model, On a theorem of Weiss, \(p\)-Schatten norm sequential generalized fractional Ostrowski and Grüss type inequalities for several functions, Trace norm convergence of exponential product formula, Trace norm estimates for products of integral operators and diffusion semigroups, \(L^ 2\)-analytic torsion functions for semifinite von Neumann algebras, Continuity properties for Born-Jordan operators with symbols in Hörmander classes and modulation spaces, Determinants of Dirac boundary value problems over odd-dimensional manifolds, Stationary phase method in infinite dimensions by finite dimensional approximations: Applications to the Schrödinger equation, Asymptotic analysis of von Neumann entropy in conformal field theory, Restriction theorem for the Fourier-Hermite transform and solution of the Hermite-Schrödinger equation, Noncommutative lattices as finite approximations, Fourier multipliers, symbols, and nuclearity on compact manifolds, On boundedness and \(\|\centerdot\|_ p\) continuity of second quantisation, Derivation of the magnetic Euler-Heisenberg energy, Heisenberg relation for locally measurable operators, Stability of weighted Laplace-Beltrami operators under \(L^ p\)-perturbation of the Riemannian metric, Sharp determinants, Trace inequalities of Shisha-Mond type for operators in Hilbert spaces, The exit from a metastable state: concentration of the exit point distribution on the low energy saddle points. I, The Hölder inequality for KMS states, Rigorous effective bounds on the Hausdorff dimension of continued fraction Cantor sets: A hundred decimal digits for the dimension of \(E_{2}\), Some singular value and unitarily invariant norm inequalities for Hilbert space operators, Singular value inequalities involving convex and concave functions of positive semidefinite matrices, Unitarily invariant norm inequalities for operators, A positive density analogue of the Lieb-Thirring inequality, On positive Hilbert-Schmidt operators, Precise Arrhenius law for \(p\)-forms: the Witten Laplacian and Morse-Barannikov complex, A mathematical formulation of the random phase approximation for crystals, Construction of the Pauli-Villars-regulated Dirac vacuum in electromagnetic fields, A trace formula and application to Stark Hamiltonians with nonconstant magnetic fields, Delocalization and limiting spectral distribution of Erdős-Rényi graphs with constant expected degree, Quadratic actions, semi-classical approximation, and delta sequences in Gaussian analysis., Global existence versus finite time blowup dichotomy for the system of nonlinear Schrödinger equations, On a class of anharmonic oscillators, Some results on relative entropy in quantum field theory, Tosio Kato's work on non-relativistic quantum mechanics. I, Some characterizations of minimal compact normal operators, Rigorous computation of diffusion coefficients for expanding maps, Schatten properties, nuclearity and minimality of phase shift invariant spaces, New upper bounds for the numerical radius of Hilbert space operators, Continuous generalization of Clarkson-McCarthy inequalities, Von Neumann-Schatten frames in separable Banach spaces, Some properties of block-radial functions and Schrödinger type operators with block-radial potentials, About small eigenvalues of the Witten Laplacian, Mixed-state localization operators: Cohen's class and trace class operators, Quantum differentiability on noncommutative Euclidean spaces, Cauchy--Schwarz norm inequalities for weak*-integrals of operator valued functions, Quantum differentiability on quantum tori, Dirichlet forms and diffusion processes for fermion random point fields, Janossy densities of coupled random matrices, Transportation of measure, Young diagrams and random matrices, Absolutely continuous spectrum of Schrödinger operators with slowly decaying and oscillating potentials, A new method for bounding rates of convergence of empirical spectral distributions, Orthonormal expansions of invariant densities for expanding maps, Convolutions for localization operators, Classical field theory limit of many-body quantum Gibbs states in 2D and 3D, Scaling limits of bosonic ground states, from many-body to non-linear Schrödinger, On some inequalities for the approximation numbers in Banach algebras, Von Neumann's trace inequality for Hilbert-Schmidt operators, Norm inequalities for fractional powers of positive operators, Spectral estimates of Cauchy's transform in \(L^ 2(\Omega{})\), Proper improvement of well-known numerical radius inequalities and their applications, New inequalities for Davis-Wielandt radius of Hilbert space operators, Some properties of the potential-to-ground state map in quantum mechanics, Range-kernel orthogonality and elementary operators on certain Banach spaces, Range-kernel weak orthogonality of some elementary operators, Clarkson inequalities related to convex and concave functions, YM\(_ 2\): Continuum expectations, lattice convergence, and lassos, Characterization of symmetrically \(\Delta\)-normed operator ideals which are interpolation spaces between Schatten-von Neumann ideals, On the Clarkson-McCarthy inequalities, Resonance theory in atom-surface scattering, On the Kähler geometry of the Hilbert-Schmidt Grassmannian, On a conjecture of Barry Simon an trace ideals, Norm inequalities for sums and differences of positive operators, Compact embeddings of \(p\)-Sobolev-like cones of nuclear operators, The Hilbert \(L\)-matrix, Schatten classes and commutators of singular integral operators, Exponential bounds and absence of positive eigenvalues for N-body Schrödinger operators, The Wightman axioms for the fermionic Federbush model, On the absence of positive eigenvalues for one-body Schrödinger operators, Resonances in one dimension and Fredholm determinants, On a class of anharmonic oscillators. II: General case, Noncommutative Schwarz lemma and Pick-Julia theorems for generalized derivations in norm ideals of compact operators, The divisor of Selberg's zeta function for Kleinian groups. Appendix A by Charles Epstein, Differentiation in star-invariant subspaces. II: Schatten class criteria, Norm inequalities involving the weighted numerical radii of operators, Schrödinger operators with slowly decaying potentials, The integrated density of states for some random operators with nonsign definite potentials, Numerical radius inequalities of \(2\times 2\) operator matrices, Small eigenvalues of the Witten Laplacian with Dirichlet boundary conditions: the case with critical points on the boundary, Particle-hole transformation in the continuum and determinantal point processes, Noncommutative Pick-Julia theorems for generalized derivations in \(\mathrm{Q}, \mathrm{Q}^\ast\) and Schatten-von Neumann ideals of compact operators, Development of the Berezin number inequalities, Davis-Wielandt-Berezin radius inequalities of reproducing kernel Hilbert space operators, Stabilization of the statistical solutions for large times for a harmonic lattice coupled to a Klein-Gordon field, Further refinements of Davis-Wielandt radius inequalities, Dirac cones for a mean-field model of graphene, Functional determinants for the second variation, On a New Norm on the Space of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Operators and Berezin Radius Inequalities, Restriction theorem for the Fourier-Dunkl transform and its applications to Strichartz inequalities, Asymptotics of singular values for quantised derivatives on noncommutative tori, Singular limits of relative entropy in two dimensional massive free fermion theory, Geometric quantum speed limits: a case for Wigner phase space, A class of norm inequalities for operator monotone functions and hyponormal operators, Norm Equalities for Derivations, Generalized Cartesian decomposition and numerical radius inequalities, On the negative discrete spectrum of a periodic elliptic operator in a waveguide-type domain, perturbed by a decaying potential., Subalgebras to a Wiener type algebra of pseudo-differential operators, Regularity of the surface density of states, Norm inequalities for weighted power means of operators, An infinite genus mapping class group and stable cohomology, On moments of negative eigenvalues for the Pauli operator, Spectral approximation in L(H), Inequalities for the Schatten P-norm, A calculus for magnetic pseudodifferential super operators, Some Trace Inequalities for Operators in Hilbert Spaces, Birkhoff–James orthogonality and algebraic maximal numerical range in C*-algebras, An approach to the spectrum structure of Dirac operators by the local-compactness method, Stability of precise Laplace's method under approximations; Applications, On zero-trace commutators, Global minimum and orthogonality inCp-classes, Spectral analysis of Jacobi operators and asymptotic behavior of orthogonal polynomials, On the normality of operator products, On the generalized Wannier functions, Amalgams of 𝐿^{𝑝} and 𝑙^{𝑞}, Counting Function of Magnetic Eigenvalues for Non-definite Sign Perturbations, On a problem by Hans Feichtinger, Necessary conditions for Schatten class localization operators, Unnamed Item, Fast approximation of the affinity dimension for dominated affine iterated function systems, Relative phase shifts for metaplectic isotopies acting on mixed Gaussian states, Unnamed Item, Central limit theorem for a system of Markovian particles with mean field interactions, SOME ASPECTS OF THE THEORY OF SYMMETRIC OPERATOR SPACES, Entropy Numbers in Weighted Function Spaces and Eigenvalue Distributions of Some Degenerate Pseudodifferential Operators I, Convergence in Trace Ideals, Quantum speed limits: from Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle to optimal quantum control, The flat-trace asymptotics of a uniform system of contractions, Uniform asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal with respect to varying exponential weights and applications to universality questions in random matrix theory, Inequalities for the Schatten p-norm II, Moments of the Distance Between Independent Random Vectors, Hilbert Space Embeddings for Gelfand–Shilov and Pilipović Spaces, Matrix Parameterized Pseudo-differential Calculi on Modulation Spaces, Cwikel type estimates for the bordered Airy transform, K-théorie algébrique négative et K-théorie topologique de l'algèbre de fréchet des opérateurs régularisants, Negative Flows of the potential KP-hierarchy, Binding of atoms in Müller theory, 2-convexity and 2-concavity in Schatten ideals, A Schatten–von Neumann class criterion for the magnetic Weyl calculus, Inequalities for Contraction Matrices, Inequalities for accretive-dissipative matrices, The noncommutative index theorem and the periodic table for disordered topological insulators and superconductors, Khinchin's inequality for operators, Maximum likelihood estimation in Skorohod stochastic differential equations, Some inequalities associated with the Hermite-Hadamard inequalities for operator h-convex functions, Strichartz estimates for orthonormal families of initial data and weighted oscillatory integral estimates, Gibbs measures based on 1d (an)harmonic oscillators as mean-field limits, Traces of Hilbert space operators and their recent history, Unnamed Item, An Inequality of Araki-Lieb-Thirring (Von Neumann Algebra Case), Some Trace Class Commutators of Trace Zero, Multiplication Properties in Gelfand–Shilov Pseudo-differential Calculus, LOCAL EXPONENTS AND INFINITESIMAL GENERATORS OF CANONICAL TRANSFORMATIONS ON BOSON FOCK SPACES, A Structure Theorem for the Polars of Unitarily Invariant Norms, A remark on the Dirichlet-Neumann decoupling and the integrated density of states, Unnamed Item, Measurement uncertainty relations, An algorithm for the evaluation of certain Fredholm determinants, Normal Derivations in Norm Ideals, Gateaux derivative of 𝐵(𝐻) norm, On residualities in the set of Markov operators on 𝒞₁, On moments of negative eigenvalues for the Pauli operator, On some operator inequalities, Universal low-energy behavior in three-body systems, Unnamed Item, Semiclassical analysis of a nonlinear eigenvalue problem and nonanalytic hypoellipticity, Stability Estimates for Resolvents, Eigenvalues, and Eigenfunctions of Elliptic Operators on Variable Domains, Unnamed Item, A matrix subadditivity inequality for symmetric norms, Kernels of Trace Class Operators, Asymmetric fermi surfaces for magnetic schrödinger operators, Unnamed Item, Spectral averaging for trace compatible operators, Asymptotics of Plancherel measures for symmetric groups, Global solutions of approximation problems in Hilbert spaces, On some inequalities for sector matrices, On spin and modularity in conformal field theory, SOME TRACE INEQUALITIES FOR CONVEX FUNCTIONS OF SELFADJOINT OPERATORS IN HILBERT SPACES, A reduced Hartree–Fock model of slice-like defects in the Fermi sea, The Trace Formula for Schrödinger Operators from Infinite Dimensional Oscillatory Integrals, Asymptotics of Gaussian integrals in infinite dimensions, Unnamed Item, Adiabatic charge pumping in open quantum systems, The Kohn-Sham equation for deformed crystals, Norm inequalities involving convex and concave functions of operators, Unnamed Item, Inequalities for certain powers of positive definite matrices, Adiabatic charge transport and the Kubo formula for Landau-type Hamiltonians, Tosio Kato’s work on non-relativistic quantum mechanics, Part 2, Wave operators for the matrix Zakharov–Shabat system, Asymptotics of a cubic sine kernel determinant, Une formule de traces pour l'opérateur de Schrödinger dans $\mathbb{R}^3$, On the p-numerical radii of Hilbert space operators, Unnamed Item, Inequalities for accretive-dissipative block matrices involving convex and concave functions, Fast Approximation of the $p$-Radius, Matrix Pressure, or Generalized Lyapunov Exponent for Positive and Dominated Matrices, Triangle inequalities in operator algebras, Schatten class generalized Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space, The mean-field approximation in quantum electrodynamics: The no-photon case, On Clarkson-McCarthy inequalities for $n$-tuples of operators, A simple proof of Lieb concavity theorem, Continuity and compactness for pseudo-differential operators with symbols in quasi-Banach spaces or Hörmander classes