One-parameter semigroups of positive operators

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DOI10.1007/BFb0074922zbMath0585.47030MaRDI QIDQ1071240

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Publication date: 1986

Published in: Lecture Notes in Mathematics (Search for Journal in Brave)

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theory, Spectral gap of positive operators and applications, Stability results on age-structured SIS epidemic model with coupling impulsive effect, Matrix multiplication operators on Banach function spaces, SPECTRAL PROPERTIES OF TRANSPORT EQUATIONS FOR SLAB GEOMETRY IN L1WITH REENTRY BOUNDARY CONDITIONS, Spectral properties of a class of positive semigroups on Banach lattices and streaming operators, Order-bounded operators in vector lattices and in spaces of measurable functions, Polynomial operator matrices as generators: The general case, Towards an \(L^p\) potential theory for sub-Markovian semigroups: kernels and capacities, Remarks on the feedback stabilization of system affine in control, On \(L^1\) exponential trend to equilibrium for conservative linear kinetic equations on the torus, Spectral gaps for hyperbounded operators, On subordination of holomorphic semigroups, Convergence rates for quantum evolution and entropic continuity bounds in infinite dimensions, Dirichlet parabolic problems involving Schrödinger type operators with unbounded diffusion and singular potential terms in unbounded domains, Monotone iterative technique for neutral fractional differential equation with infinite delay, Delay independent stability for some partial functional differential equations with infinite delay under the light of positivity, Cyclic asymptotic behaviour of a population reproducing by fission into two equal parts, Robin-type boundary conditions in transition from reaction-diffusion equations in 3D domains to equations in 2D domains, Mathematical analysis of an age structured problem modelling phenotypic plasticity in mosquito behaviour, Positive semigroups and perturbations of boundary conditions, On a size-structured population model with infinite states-at-birth and distributed delay in birth process, The heat and Poisson equations for the Jacobi-Dunkl generalized Laplacian, The Chapman -- Enskog procedure for an age-structured population model: initial, boundary and corner layer corrections, NONLINEAR MARKOV SEMIGROUPS ON C*-ALGEBRAS, The spectral analysis ofkout ofN:Gredundant system, On Markov operators preserving polynomials, A nonlinear age-dependent model with spatial diffusion, Exotic one-parameter semigroups of endomorphisms of a symmetric cone, Asymptotic behavior of Markov semigroups on preduals of von Neumann algebras, Singular perturbations involving fast diffusion, Exponential stability of positive semigroups in Banach spaces, On Schrödinger type operators with unbounded coefficients: generation and heat kernel estimates, On the sectoriality of a class of degenerate elliptic operators arising in population genetics, On singular mono-energetic transport equations in slab geometry, Embeddability of real and positive operators, On the asymptotics of solutions of parabolic equations on unbounded domains, Degenerate elliptic operators, Feller semigroups and modified Bernstein‐Schnabl operators, Dynamic and generalized Wentzell node conditions for network equations, FLOWS AND INVARIANCE FOR DEGENERATE ELLIPTIC OPERATORS, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The Evolution of Operator Semigroups, Some Remarks on the Krein-von Neumann Extension of Different Laplacians, Semigruppi fortemente continui in algebre di Banach ed in sistemi di spin, A refinement of Baillon’s theorem on maximal regularity, Flows in networks with delay in the vertices, Generalized Hopf Bifurcation of Semilinear FDEs in General Banach Spaces, Analysis of two components parallel repairable system with vacation, Operator matrices and reaction-diffusion systems, Unnamed Item, Quelques applications de la positivité en théorie du transport, On some normalized evolution equations, Stochastic Operators and Semigroups and Their Applications in Physics and Biology, Spectral Theory for Neutron Transport, On some approximation processes and their associated parabolic problems, Change of stability for Schrödinger semigroups, Mathematical aspects of physiologically structured populations: the contributions of J. A. J. Metz, Hopf Bifurcation for Semilinear FDEs in General Banach Spaces, THE ROLE OF DOMINATION AND SMOOTHING CONDITIONS IN THE THEORY OF EVENTUALLY POSITIVE SEMIGROUPS, Spectral Properties of a Multiplication Operator, Positivity and time behavior of a linear reaction-diffusion system, non-local in space and time, Net reproduction functions for nonlinear structured population models, On the peripheral spectrum of positive operators, Asymptotic behavior of a Feller evolution family involved in the Fisher-Wright model, Long-Time Behavior of Spatially and Size-Structured Population Dynamics with Delayed Birth Process, Regularity of solutions of abstract retarded functional differential equations with unbounded delay, Unnamed Item, A semigroup approach to the strong ergodic theorem of the multistate stable population process, Asymptotic properties of the inhomogeneous Lotka‐Von Foerster system, IDENTIFICATION OF EXTRAPOLATION SPACES FOR UNBOUNDED OPERATORS, Multiple steady-state solutions of 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improving property, Geometric eigenspace of the generator of \(C_0\)-semigroup of positive operators, Trajectory analysis of nonisothermal tubular reactor nonlinear models, On the spectrum of the free streaming operator in the three‐dimensional case, Dirichlet operators and the positive maximum principle, Perturbation of linear m-accretive operators in Hilbert spaces, On a diffusion-kinetic equation arising in extended kinetic theory, Hermite–Hadamard’s inequality and Cauchy-type mean operators for positive -semigroups, SEMIGROUP METHODS FOR A PARALLEL MAINTENANCE SYSTEM WITH TWO COMPONENTS, Fractional Retarded Differential Equations Involving Mixed Nonlocal Plus Local Initial Conditions, Unnamed Item, STATIONARY SOLUTIONS OF A SELECTION MUTATION MODEL: THE PURE MUTATION CASE, Fractional Fokker--Planck Equation with General Confinement Force, Asymptotic behavior of the powers of composition operators on Banach spaces of holomorphic functions, Lower bounds and the asymptotic behaviour 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The case of null upper Lyapunov exponent, Time dependent transport equation with continuous solutions (II) asymptotic behavior, The spectrum of the transport operator with generalized boundary conditions, State Constrained Control Problems in Banach Lattices and Applications, Existence of positive S-asymptotically periodic solutions of the fractional evolution equations in ordered Banach spaces, Holomorphic continuations of \(C_ 0\)-groups on Banach spaces, Two simple models of almost the same population with very different dynamics, A remark on nonlinear cosine functions, Asymptotic behaviour of positive semigroups, On the geometry of normal state trajectories generated by dynamical semigroups, The projection into the center of operators in a Banach lattice, Asymptotic behaviour of integrated semigroups, Age-size structure in populations with quiescence, Exponential stabilization of Volterra integrodifferential equations in Hilbert space, On the modulus of one-parameter semigroups, Vector-valued Laplace transforms and Cauchy problems, Diffusion approximation for the linear Boltzmann equation of semiconductor theory with analysis of the initial layer, Existence of spectral values for irreducible \(C_ 0\)-semigroups, Sous-potentiels d'un opérateur nonlinéaire. (Subpotentials of a nonlinear operator), Polynomial operator matrices as semigroup generators: The \(2\times 2\) case, Spectral properties of weakly asymptotically almost periodic semigroups, On an unbounded linear operator arising in the theory of growing cell population, Parabolic evolution equations and nonlinear boundary conditions, Stability radii of infinite-dimensional positive systems, Diagonals of positive semigroups, Qualitative properties of solutions of Volterra equations in Banach spaces, Weak \(L^ p\)-stability of a linear semigroup on a Hilbert space implies exponential stability, On some degenerate differential operators on weighted function spaces, Necessary and sufficient conditions for asynchronous exponential growth in age structured cell populations with quiescence, On exponential stability of \(C_0\) semigroups, Individual asymptotics of \(C_0\)-semigroups: Lower bounds and small solutions, A representation formula for strongly continuous resolvent families, On small solutions of delay equations in infinite dimensions, Time-dependent operator matrices and inhomogeneous Cauchy problems, Well-posedness of an infinite system of partial differential equations modelling parasitic infection in an age-structured host., Time asymptotic behaviour for unbounded linear operators arising in growing cell populations., Ostrowski's inequality for vector-valued functions and applications., Well-posedness of M/G/1 queueing model with single vacations., Trotter--Kato theorems for bi-continuous semigroups and applications to Feller semigroups., An analytic semigroup setting for a class of Volterra equations, The mesa problem for Neumann boundary value problem., Filter products of \(C_{0}\)-semigroups and ultraproduct representations for Lie groups., Matrix multiplication operators generating one parameter semigroups, Topological chaos: When topology meets medicine, Asymptotically almost-periodic solutions of abstract differential equations, Growth estimates for semigroups generated by \(2\times 2\) operator matrices, Weak spectral mapping theorems for functional differential equations, Boundary conditions for one-dimensional positive semigroups, Some properties of the spectral radius of a monic operator polynomial with nonnegative compact coefficients, A spectral mapping theorem for perturbed strongly continuous semigroups, Reduction of a mean ergodic Markov semigroup on \(C(X)\) into its irreducible components, Positive perturbations of linear Volterra equations and sine functions of operators, Asynchronous exponential growth of semigroups of nonlinear operators, Semigroups and resolvents of bounded variation imaginary powers and \(H^ \infty\) functional calculus, Asymptotic stability of Schrödinger semigroups on \(L^ 1(\mathbb{R}^ N)\), Properties of semigroups generated by first order differential operators, Incomplete iterated Cauchy problems, Finite-dimensional compensators for linear distributed control systems with delays in outputs, \(C\)-semigroups and the abstract Cauchy problem, Lototsky-Schnabl operators on compact convex sets and their associated limit semigroups, Dyson-Phillips expansion and unbounded perturbations of linear \(c_ 0\)- semigroups, The semigroup approach to transport processes in networks, Deterministic models for rumor transmission, Regularized semigroups, iterated Cauchy problems and equipartition of energy, \(C\)-semigroups and strongly continuous semigroups, On resolvent positive operators and positive \(C_ 0\)-semigroups on AL- spaces, \(\alpha\)-and \(\beta\)-curves, sister-sister and mother-daughter correlations in cell population dynamics, The operator equation \(AX-XB=C\), admissibility, and asymptotic behavior of differential equations, Extrapolation and inhomogeneous retarded differential equations on infinite dimensional spaces, Periodic points and non-wandering points of continuous dynamical systems, Equilibria of a predator prey model of phenotype evolution, A class of linear partial neutral functional differential equations with nondense domain, Robust stability of \(C_0\)-semigroups and an application to stability of delay equations, Existence results for partial neutral functional differential equations with unbounded delay, Existence of periodic solutions of partial neutral functional differential equations with unbounded delay, Eigenvalues and eigenspaces of quantum dynamical systems and their tensor products, Balanced exponential growth of operator semigroups, On the evolution of spatially distributed urban populations: Modelling and mathematical analysis, Asymptotic stabilization of infinite-dimensional systems which cannot be exponentially stabilized, Conservative perturbations of conservative operators, Parabolic systems with coupled boundary conditions, On the infinite product of \(C_0\)-semigroups, On the spectrum of cosine functions, Existence and uniqueness of nonnegative solution of \(M/G^B/1\) queueing model, \(B\)-convexity, the analytic Radon-Nikodým property, and individual stability of \(C_0\)-semigroups, Duality theory for solutions to Volterra integral equations, Uniqueness of pre-generators on locally convex spaces, The critical spectrum of a strongly continuous semigroup., A local version of Gearhart's theorem, Criterions for detecting the existence of the exponential dichotomies in the asymptotic behavior of the solutions of variational equations, Existence and stability of almost periodic solutions for quasilinear delay systems and the Halanay inequality, Composition of pseudo almost-periodic functions and Cauchy problems with operator of nondense domain, Almost periodicity of mild solutions of inhomogeneous periodic Cauchy problems, Generalized Bernstein-Durrmeyer operators and the associated limit semigroup, Existence and uniqueness of \(C_0\)-semigroup in \(L^\infty\): A new topological approach, Asynchronous exponential growth in an age structured population of proliferating and quiescent cells, Stability 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