Éléments de géométrie algébrique. IV: Étude locale des schémas et des morphismes de schémas. (Séconde partie)
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zbMath0135.39701MaRDI QIDQ2521161
Publication date: 1965
Published in: Publications Mathématiques (Search for Journal in Brave)
Full work available at URL: http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1965__24__5_0
Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to algebraic geometry (14-02) Foundations of algebraic geometry (14Axx)
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II), Vanishing of Euler class groups, An elliptic \(K3\) surface associated to Heron triangles, On irreducible representations of compact \(p\)-adic analytic groups, Chains of prime ideals in tensor products of algebras, Modules with reducible complexity, On the number of compatibly Frobenius split subvarieties, prime \(F\)-ideals, and log canonical centers, Parameterized Picard-Vessiot extensions and Atiyah extensions, The index of vector fields over Cohen-Macaulay curves, Symplectic standard tableaux, Asymptotic multiplicities of graded families of ideals and linear series, The algebraic structure and deformation of Pfaffian schemes, Fibers of flat morphisms and Weierstrass preparation theorem, Stably reflexive modules and a lemma of Knudsen, Chains of prime ideals in Noetherian domains, Short Koszul modules, Zur Komplettierung ausgezeichneter Ringe, Irreducibility and integrity of schemes, One-dimensional affine group schemes, Effectivity of Brauer-Manin obstructions on surfaces, Finiteness theorems for the shifted Witt and higher Grothendieck-Witt groups of arithmetic schemes, On the Grothendieck-Lefschetz theorem for a family of varieties, An example of the Langlands correspondence for irregular rank two connections on \(\mathbb P^1\), A Jacobian criterion for smoothness, Heights in families of abelian varieties, Six notes on chains of prime ideals, The basic geometry of Witt vectors. 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II: Continuity and finiteness on Berkovich curves, Differential operators on rational projective curves, Complex-analytic quotients of algebraic \(G\)-varieties, The local-global principle for symmetric determinantal representations of smooth plane curves in characteristic two, Moduli spaces for principal bundles in arbitrary characteristic, The characteristic cycle and the singular support of a constructible sheaf, Factorial henselian rings with non-factorial completions, Test module filtrations for unit \(F\)-modules, A Lefschetz formula in equivariant algebraic \(K\)-theory, Weierstrass points as singularities of maps in arbitrary characteristic, The fundamental group scheme of a non-reduced scheme, Inverse systems and regular representations, Intersection sheaves over normal schemes, The cancellation problem, Comparison between the fundamental group scheme of a relative scheme and that of its generic fiber, Universal covering spaces and fundamental groups in algebraic geometry as schemes, Effective motives with and without transfers in characteristic \(p\), The quotient map on the equivariant Grothendieck ring of varieties, Perverse coherent sheaves and the geometry of special pieces in the unipotent variety., Berkovich spaces are excellent, Integral closure of ideals and equisingularity, Irreducible components of special loci in moduli spaces of curves, Galois action in general genus, Existence of rational points on smooth projective varieties, A non-triangular action of \({\mathbb{G}}_ a\) on \({\mathbb{A}}^ 3\), A moving lemma for relative 0-cycles, Pushforwards of pluricanonical bundles under morphisms to abelian varieties, Unlikely intersections with isogeny orbits in a product of elliptic schemes, Diophantine problems and \(p\)-adic period mappings, On the liftings of the Frobenius correspondences of algebraic curves of genus two over finite fields, On the Cohen-Macaulay and Buchsbaum property for unions of planes in affine space, Branches of a variety along a subvariety from topological point of view, F-isocrystals and de Rham cohomology. II: Convergent isocrystals, \(\mathbb A^1\)-connectivity on Chow monoids versus rational equivalence of algebraic cycles, Remarks on a conjecture of Nakai, HECKE OPERATORS AND THE COHERENT COHOMOLOGY OF SHIMURA VARIETIES, RECIPROCITY SHEAVES AND THEIR RAMIFICATION FILTRATIONS, Geometric quadratic Chabauty over number fields, A uniform treatment of Grothendieck's localization problem, Bounding ramification by covers and curves, On the number of generators of an algebra over a commutative ring, Specialization for the pro-étale fundamental group, Applications of Differential Graded Algebra Techniques in Commutative Algebra, Overdetermined systems of linear partial differential equations, On the distribution of rational points on ramified covers of abelian varieties, Étude de l'assassin du complété d'un anneau local noethérien, The Hilbert property for arithmetic schemes, Anneaux henséliens et conditions de chaînes, Singularities of general fibers and the LMMP, Réduction en famille d'espaces affinoïdes, Log canonical models for the moduli space of curves: The first divisorial contraction, Extensions of primes, flatness, and intersection flatness, Torsion points on isogenous abelian varieties, Fine compactified Jacobians of reduced curves, Deformations of Log Terminal and Semi Log Canonical Singularities, The six-functor formalism for rigid analytic motives, Remarks on the small Cohen-Macaulay conjecture and new instances of maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules, UNIRATIONALITY AND GEOMETRIC UNIRATIONALITY FOR HYPERSURFACES IN POSITIVE CHARACTERISTICS, On the cohomology of reciprocity sheaves, Degeneration of torsors over families of del Pezzo surfaces, Equidimensionality of universal pseudodeformation rings in characteristic p for absolute Galois groups of p-adic fields, Tate algebras and Frobenius non-splitting of excellent regular rings, On maximal ideals of the polynomial ring and some conjectures on Ext-index of rings, Gelfand-Kirillov dimension and mod \(p\) cohomology for \(\mathrm{GL}_2 \), Orbifold Chern classes inequalities and applications, Essentially finite generation of valuation rings in terms of classical invariants, Ramified covers of abelian varieties over torsion fields, Bertini theorems revisited, Vanishing of (co)homology of Burch and related submodules, Rationality of Fano threefolds over non-closed fields, Spaces of generators for matrix algebras with involution, On some permanence properties of (derived) splinters, Bernstein-Sato theory for singular rings in positive characteristic, Bloch’s cycle complex and coherent dualizing complexes in positive characteristic, Various instances of Harish-Chandra pairs, The center of the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra in characteristic $p$, Iteration of Cox rings of klt singularities, Purity and quasi-split torsors over Prüfer bases, Deligne-Riemann-Roch and intersection bundles, Cohomological Descent for Faltings Ringed Topos, Completions of affine spaces into Mori fiber spaces with non‐rational fibers, Products of normal subsets, Saw varieties, On generalized deformation problems, Artin's theorems in supergeometry, Axiomatizing the existential theory of \(\mathbb{F}_q((t))\), Bertini theorems admitting base changes, Openness of splinter loci in prime characteristic, Reductions towards a characteristic free proof of the Canonical Element Theorem, Openness of various loci over Noetherian rings, ZERO-CYCLES ON NORMAL PROJECTIVE VARIETIES, A BETTER COMPARISON OF - AND -COHOMOLOGIES, Finite type epimorphisms of rings, Invariance of the tame fundamental group under base change between algebraically closed fields, The Grothendieck–Serre conjecture over valuation rings, Finiteness of leaps in the sense of Hasse-Schmidt of unibranch curves in positive characteristic, On behavior of conductors, Picard schemes, and Jacobian numbers of varieties over imperfect fields, On the weakly arf \((S_2)\)-ifications of Noetherian rings, Bott-Samelson-Demazure-Hansen varieties for projective homogeneous varieties with nonreduced stabilizers, Generic freeness of modules over non-commutative domains, Para-abelian varieties and Albanese maps, Quasi-isogeny groups of supersingular abelian surfaces via pro-étale fundamental groups, Filtrations and Buildings, On rational fixed points of finite group actions on the affine space, On subadditivity of Kodaira dimension in positive characteristic over a general type base, Vanishing cycles for non-archimedean analytic spaces, The Ohm–Rush content function II. Noetherian rings, valuation domains, and base change, Constructing Fano 3-folds from cluster varieties of rank 2, Adelic double cosets over semi-global fields, An Extension of the Noether-Deuring Theorem, Unnamed Item, Quadratic-monomial generated domains from mixed signed, directed graphs, Stable limits of log surfaces and Cohen-Macaulay singularities, The -cohomology in the semistable case, Hasse principles for higher-dimensional fields, A Kleiman–Bertini theorem for sheaf tensor products, Diagonalisable $p$-groups cannot fix exactly one point on projective varieties, Effective equidistribution and property (𝜏), Del Pezzo surfaces and Mori fiber spaces in positive characteristic, SERRE WEIGHTS AND BREUIL’S LATTICE CONJECTURE IN DIMENSION THREE, MODELS OF TORSORS OVER AFFINE SPACES, On Deformations of Hyperbolic Varities, BETTI NUMBER ESTIMATES IN -ADIC COHOMOLOGY, The relationship between the Picard groups and \(SK_1\) of some algebraic curves, Book Review: Resolution of singularities; Lectures on resolution of singularities, Patching over Berkovich curves and quadratic forms, Formal constructions in the Brauer group of the function field of a 𝑝-adic curve, Automorphy lifting for residually reducible 𝑙-adic Galois representations, Dévisser, découper, éclater et aplatir les espaces de Berkovich, Central elements in affine modpHecke algebras via perverse -sheaves, Versality of algebraic group actions and rational points on twisted varieties, The resolution property holds away from codimension three, The Jordan–Chevalley decomposition for 𝐺-bundles on elliptic curves, ANALYTIC SPREAD OF FILTRATIONS ON TWO-DIMENSIONAL NORMAL LOCAL RINGS, Le théorème de Bertini en famille, Unnamed Item, On the completeness of factor rings, Linear groups with Borel's property, Split subvarieties of group embeddings, Finite subgroups of algebraic groups, A self-dual integral form of the moonshine module, On the Clifford algebra of a binary form, Perverse, Hodge and motivic realizations of étale motives, Tropical Skeletons, Spherical Spaces, Unnamed Item, A decomposition theorem for smoothable varieties with trivial canonical class, Motivic realizations of singularity categories and vanishing cycles, Unnamed Item, Local dimension theory of tensor products of algebras over a ring, Homological Algebra on a Complete Intersection, with an Application to Group Representations, A sufficient condition for the almost Cohen–Macaulayness of the absolute integral closure in dimension 4, Positivity of the CM line bundle for families of \(K\)-stable klt Fano varieties, Universal secant bundles and syzygies of canonical curves, Rational points of rationally simply connected varieties over global function fields, Counting multiplicities in a hypersurface over a finite field, Operator theory and algebraic geometry, Logarithmic \(p\)-bases and arithmetical differential modules, Toric Kato manifolds, On the finiteness of Ext-indices of ring extensions, Rational actions associated to the adjoint representation, K-groups of reciprocity functors, Higher Chow groups with modulus and relative Milnor $K$-theory, Unnamed Item, Unramified \(F\)-divided objects and the étale fundamental pro-groupoid in positive characteristic, Picard groups of algebraic groups and an affineness criterion, On the plane section of an integral curve in positive characteristic, Binomial expansion for saturated and symbolic powers of sums of ideals, FROM THE FUNCTION-SHEAF DICTIONARY TO QUASICHARACTERS OF -ADIC TORI, Open sets of points with good stabilizers, On an inductive approach to the standard conjecture for a fibred complex variety with strong semistable degeneracies, Derived invariance of the Albanese relative canonical ring, Hitchin pairs on reducible curves, CHARACTERIZATION OF PROJECTIVE SPACES AND -BUNDLES AS AMPLE DIVISORS, Sur les anneaux universellement japonais, K-théorie algébrique négative et K-théorie topologique de l'algèbre de fréchet des opérateurs régularisants, An Introduction to Resolution of Singularities via the Multiplicity, Cohomology of presheaves with oriented weak transfers, Resolution of singularities and modular Galois theory, Flatness of the linked Grassmannian, Chow-Witt rings of split quadrics, TORSION OF ABELIAN VARIETIES OVER LARGE ALGEBRAIC EXTENSIONS OF, 𝐹-divided sheaves trivialized by dominant maps are essentially finite, Schémas en groupes de type $(p,\ldots,p)$, Embedding Dimension and Codimension of Tensor Products of Algebras over a Field, Toward a theory of monomial preorders, Milnor 𝐾-theory of local rings with finite residue fields, Topology of spaces of valuations and geometry of singularities, Formal Fibers and Complete Homomorphic Images, Remarks on the non-Cohen-Macaulay locus of Noetherian schemes, Autoduality of compactified Jacobians for curves with plane singularities, Construction géométrique de la correspondance de McKay, Functorial structure of units in a tensor product, Linearizing Certain Reductive Group Actions, Cycle Classes of the E-O Stratification on the Moduli of Abelian Varieties, A pure subalgebra of a finitely generated algebra is finitely generated, Log-terminal singularities and vanishing theorems via non-standard tight closure, Principal bundles over a projective scheme, Fibered stable varieties, Sheaf cohomology and free resolutions over exterior algebras, Linked determinantal loci and limit linear series, Simply connected varieties in characteristic, Normal ideals of graded rings, Upper semi-continuity of the Hilbert–Kunz multiplicity, Étale motives, Good formal structures for flat meromorphic connections, II: Excellent schemes, On the simplication of singularities by blowing up at equimultiple centers, On genus change in algebraic curves over imperfect fields, Bernstein-Sato theory for arbitrary ideals in positive characteristic, Unnamed Item, Word maps and Waring type problems, Singularities of the isospectral Hilbert scheme, Geometric idealizer rings, $3$-Manifold Groups are Virtually Residually $p$, Foliations in moduli spaces of abelian varieties, Unnamed Item, Local topological algebraicity of analytic function germs, Decent intersection and Tor-rigidity for modules over local hypersurfaces, THE GAMMA CONSTRUCTION AND ASYMPTOTIC INVARIANTS OF LINE BUNDLES OVER ARBITRARY FIELDS, Über Cohen-Macaulay Punkte, A DESCENT THEOREM FOR FORMAL SMOOTHNESS, MODELS OF TORSORS AND THE FUNDAMENTAL GROUP SCHEME, THE LMMP FOR LOG CANONICAL 3-FOLDS IN CHARACTERISTIC, Open loci of graded modules, Diagrams in the mod p cohomology of Shimura curves, Preservation of defect sub-schemes by the action of the tangent sheaf, De Rham–Witt sheaves via algebraic cycles, Smoothing toroidal crossing spaces, Sur le groupe des classes d’un schéma arithmétique, Characteristic cycles and the conductor of direct image, 𝐾-theory and topological cyclic homology of henselian pairs, Resolution of Singularities: An Introduction, On the Grothendieck–Serre conjecture on principal bundles in mixed characteristic, Fermeture intégrale et changement de base, On the flatness of local models for the symplectic group., The Brauer group of torsors and its arithmetic applications., Curves with only triple ramification., Arithmetic of linear algebraic groups over 2-dimensional geometric fields, Moduli spaces of sheaves in mixed characteristic, Involutions of varieties and Rost's degree formula, Asymptotic prime ideals of \(S_{2}\)-filtrations, Heights and Tamagawa measures on Fano varieties, Frobenius semisimplicity for convolution morphisms, Periods of \(t\)-motives and transcendence, Relative singular support and the semi-continuity of characteristic cycles for étale sheaves, Equisingular stratifications associated to families of planar ideals, On the Frobenius direct image of the structure sheaf of a homogeneous projective variety, Motivic cohomology of fat points in Milnor range, Theory of tubular neighborhood in étale topology, Trace of abelian varieties over function fields and the geometric Bogomolov conjecture, Maximality of Galois actions for compatible systems, Noetherian rings between a semilocal domain and its completion, On Roberts' counterexample to the fourteenth problem of Hilbert, Cohen-Macaulay properties of ring homomorphisms, Derived equivalences and Kodaira fibers, Wild ramification and \(K(\pi , 1)\) spaces, Geometric criteria for tame ramification, \(G\)-torsors over a Dedekind scheme, Non-rational centers of log canonical singularities, Cohen-Macaulay approximation in fibred categories, Dagger closure in regular rings containing a field, Pushout of quasi-finite and flat group schemes over a Dedekind ring, Tensor products of some special rings., On some foliations arising in \(\mathcal D\)-module theory, Blocks in flat families of finite-dimensional algebras, Mather discrepancy and the arc spaces, Factorizations in numerical semigroup algebras, Elliptic fibers over non-perfect residue fields., \(p\)-bases and differential operators on varieties defined over a non-perfect field, Néron models of Jacobians over base schemes of dimension greater than 1, Vectorial group schemes of Picard functor. (Groupes vectoriels et schéma de Picard), Ramification groups of coverings and valuations, Saturated morphisms of logarithmic schemes, The symplectic structure on the moduli space of line bundles on a noncommutative Azumaya surface, Extended eigenvarieties for overconvergent cohomology, Projective regular models for abelian varieties, semistable reduction, and the height pairing, Residues and differential operators on schemes, Separation properties of theta functions, The class of Eisenbud-Khimshiashvili-Levine is the local \(\mathbb{A}^1\)-Brouwer degree, Triangulated categories of relative 1-motives, Functorial factorization of birational maps for qe schemes in characteristic 0, The real cycle class map, Preservation of semistability under Fourier-Mukai transforms, Reductivity properties over an affine base, Logarithmic structures of Fontaine-Illusie. II: Logarithmic flat topology, Perfectoid multiplier/test ideals in regular rings and bounds on symbolic powers, Notes on the local \(p\)-adic Simpson correspondence, Lagrangian fibrations on symplectic fourfolds, Kobayashi hyperbolicity of the complements of general hypersurfaces of high degree, Purity for the Brauer group, Isotropic reductive groups over discrete Hodge algebras, Product formulas for periods of CM abelian varieties and the function field analog, Untergruppen formeller Gruppen von endlichem Index, A \(p\)-adic Jacquet-Langlands correspondence, Semifactoriality and Muhly's condition (N) in two dimensional local rings, Some properties of graded local cohomology modules, Coefficient fields and scalar extension in positive characteristic, Gorenstein sequences and \(G_n\) condition, Su una condizione di fattorialita debole e l'annullamento del gruppo di Picard, Sur les anneaux tels que tout produit de copies d'un module quasi- injectif soit un module quasi-injectif. - II, Differential algebra of cubic planar graphs, A particular class of regular domains, A new Weyl group action related to the quasi-classical Gelfand-Graev action, A variety that cannot be dominated by one that lifts, Macaulayfication of Noetherian schemes, Residues on affine Grassmannians, Spherical tropicalization, Symmetry on rings of differential operators, Ordinary varieties with trivial canonical bundle are not uniruled, On sheaf cohomology and natural expansions, Linear systems on weakly normal varieties (in positive characteristic), Discrete valuation rings and modules of differentials, Stacks of stable maps and Gromov-Witten invariants, Universally defining finitely generated subrings of global fields, Vanishing theorems of Kodaira type for Witt canonical sheaves, Comparison of equivariant algebraic and topological K-theory, Roth's theorem over arithmetic function fields, On supersingular loci of Shimura varieties for quaternionic unitary groups of degree 2, Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity of fibers and Bertini theorems, Riemann-Roch for equivariant Chow groups, Tensor structures in the theory of modulus presheaves with transfers, Quiver gauge theories and symplectic singularities, Étale realization on the \(\mathbb A^1\)-homotopy theory of schemes, A formula for the Voevodsky motive of the moduli stack of vector bundles on a curve, Density of automorphic points in deformation rings of polarized global Galois representations, Motivic cohomology of fat points in Milnor range via formal and rigid geometries, Quasi Cohen-Macaulay properties of local homomorphisms, Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity and an inequality between multiplicity and colength, Rings of invariants of reductive groups acting on regular rings are Cohen-Macaulay, Tensor products of Cohen-Macaulay rings: Solution to a problem of Grothendieck, Smooth curves on generic rational surfaces: a differential Horace lemma, Cofiniteness and associated primes of local cohomology modules., Periodic resolutions over exterior algebras., Visibility of Shafarevich-Tate groups of abelian varieties., On Lie algebra modules which are modules over semisimple group schemes, Cohomology and geometry of Deligne-Lusztig varieties for \(\mathrm{GL}_n\), Examples of non-commutative crepant resolutions of Cohen Macaulay normal domains, A locally Nagata PID that is not Nagata, The Picard group of the forms of the affine line and of the additive group, Problems about torsors over regular rings, On a variety related to the commuting variety of a reductive Lie algebra, Additive decompositions for rings of modular forms, Cotangent bundle and microsupports in the mixed characteristic case, A note on non-uniform points for projections of hypersurfaces, Absolutely integral homomorphisms, Gorenstein ring of sections and complete intersections in codimension two, Evaluation of Brauer elements over local fields, The Drinfeld modular Jacobian \(J_1 (N)\) has connected fibers, Exponentiable Grothendieck categories in flat algebraic geometry, On the topologies on ind-varieties and related irreducibility questions, The stack of formal groups in stable homotopy theory, Extension of torsors and prime to \(p\) fundamental group scheme, Spreading envelope of flat morphisms, Small irreducible components of arc spaces in positive characteristic, Japanese Dedekind domains are excellent, Atiyah classes and closed forms on moduli spaces of sheaves, Patching over analytic fibers and the local-global principle, Generic vanishing in characteristic \(p>0\) and the geometry of theta divisors, Analytic functions on tubes of nonarchimedean analytic spaces, Finite morphisms to projective space and capacity theory, Dimensional homotopy t-structures in motivic homotopy theory, A remark on the Gersten complex for Milnor \(K\)-theory, Smooth varieties with torus actions, Analytic Bertini theorem, Local cohomology of binomial edge ideals and their generic initial ideals, The minimal regular model of a Fermat curve of odd squarefree exponent and its dualizing sheaf, The Nori fundamental gerbe of tame stacks, Essential dimension of group schemes over a local scheme, Flat morphisms of finite presentation are very flat, Resolution of singularities of arithmetical threefolds, Special groups, versality and the Grothendieck-Serre conjecture, The \(p\)-radical closure of local Noetherian rings, Openness results for uniform K-stability, Functors of liftings of projective schemes, Ramification theory and formal orbifolds in arbitrary dimension, The universal family of semistable \(p\)-adic Galois representations, On the group of purely inseparable points of an abelian variety defined over a function field of positive characteristic. II, On the flat cohomology of binary norm forms, Generic character sheaves on reductive groups over a finite ring, A short exact sequence, Most words are geometrically almost uniform, The Brauer group of the moduli stack of elliptic curves, Quantization of Drinfeld Zastava in type \(A\), Strong \((\delta,n)\)-complements for semi-stable morphisms, Deformation theory of Cohen-Macaulay approximation, A comparison of the real and non-Archimedean Monge-Ampère operator, The Kraft-Russell generic equivalence theorem and its application, The tame site of a scheme, On \(p\)-adic lattices and Grassmannians, Notes on a Grothendieck-Serre conjecture in mixed characteristic case, On the vanishing of (co)homology over local rings, Rado's theorem for rings and modules, Ideal-adic completion of quasi-excellent rings (after Gabber), A minimal set of generators for the ring of multisymmetric functions, Reduction type of smooth plane quartics, On the coherence conjecture of Pappas and Rapoport, Equimultiplicity, algebraic elimination, and blowing-up, Characteristic polyhedra of singularities without completion, Real geometry of dessins d'enfant, Kolchin's irreducibility theorem., Generically algebraic Jordan algebras over commutative rings, Generic fiber rings of mixed power series/polynomial rings, Drinfeld modular curve and Weil pairing, Probabilistic Waring problems for finite simple groups, Rational points on log Fano threefolds over a finite field, Moduli of stable maps in genus one and logarithmic geometry. I, Chevalley groups of polynomial rings over Dedekind domains, A note on rational curves on general Fano hypersurfaces, Singularities appearing on generic fibers of morphisms between smooth schemes, Characterization of generic projective space bundles and algebraicity of foliations, Symbolic powers of sums of ideals, On the integral Hodge conjecture for real varieties. II, Normalization of complex analytic spaces from a global viewpoint, Coherent Tannaka duality and algebraicity of Hom-stacks, Continuity of plurisubharmonic envelopes in non-Archimedean geometry and test ideals. With an appendix by José Ignacio Burgos Gil and Martín Sombra., Local-global principles for constant reductive groups over semi-global fields, Fourier-Mukai and autoduality for compactified Jacobians. II, Fourier-Mukai and autoduality for compactified Jacobians. I, Regularity and related properties in tensor products of algebras over a field, Bounds on the torsion subgroup schemes of Néron-Severi group schemes, A local model for the trianguline variety and applications, An Abel map to the compactified Picard scheme realizes Poincaré duality, Éz fields, There is no Enriques surface over the integers, A logarithmic interpretation of Edixhoven's jumps for Jacobians, Local uniformization of Abhyankar valuations, On rational connectedness of globally \(F\)-regular threefolds, Failure of the Brauer-Manin principle for a simply connected fourfold over a global function field, via orbifold Mordell, On the Beilinson fiber square, Relative dimension of morphisms and dimension for algebraic stacks, Diophantine problems over tamely ramified fields, Characterization of log del Pezzo pairs via anticanonical models, A note on semiorthogonal decompositions for Fano fibrations, On the bad points of positive semidefinite polynomials, Real cohomology and the powers of the fundamental ideal in the Witt ring, Embeddings of quotient division algebras of rings of differential operators