zbMath1245.57002MaRDI QIDQ3093928
Dan Margalit, Benson Farb
Publication date: 19 October 2011
Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.
The Markov gap for geometric reflected entropy,
Polygon decompositions of a surface and tight geodesics,
On the complexity of finite subgraphs of the curve graph,
Decorated marked surfaces: spherical twists versus braid twists,
Isomorphisms between curve graphs of infinite-type surfaces are geometric,
Injections of mapping class groups,
Irreducibility of quantum representations of mapping class groups with boundary,
Stein fillings of homology 3-spheres and mapping class groups,
The monodromy of T-folds and T-fects,
The holomorphic couch theorem,
The braided Thompson's groups are of type \(F_\infty\),
Singular levels and topological invariants of Morse-Bott foliations on non-orientable surfaces,
Hyperbolicity of 3-trip Lorenz knots,
On topological type of periodic self-homeomorphisms of closed non-orientable surfaces,
Mapping class group dynamics on \(\operatorname{Aff}(\mathbb{C})\)-characters,
The mathematics of taffy pullers,
On the geometry of graphs associated to infinite-type surfaces,
Geometric invariants for real quadratic fields,
Symplectomorphism group relations and degenerations of Landau-Ginzburg models,
The derived category of surface algebras: the case of the torus with one boundary component,
Linearly bounded conjugator property for mapping class groups,
Abelian subgroups of the homeomorphism group generated by Dehn twists,
Four-manifolds admitting hyperelliptic broken Lefschetz fibrations,
The orientability problem in open Gromov-Witten theory,
Uniform hyperbolicity of the graphs of curves,
Computing the shortest essential cycle,
Cohomology of the hyperelliptic Torelli group,
The proper geometric dimension of the mapping class group,
Bilateral self-amalgamation of a Heegaard splitting and Hempel distance,
Topological methods in moduli theory,
The anomaly line bundle of the self-dual field theory,
Factorizations of diffeomorphisms of compact surfaces with boundary,
Surface bundles over surfaces with arbitrarily many fiberings,
Small filling sets of curves on a surface,
On the topology of \(\mathcal{H}(2)\),
Convex cocompactness and stability in mapping class groups,
Arithmetic Veech sublattices of SL\((2,\mathbf {Z})\),
The Picard group of the moduli space of curves with level structures,
The Weil-Petersson geodesic flow is ergodic,
Lattice point asymptotics and volume growth on Teichmüller space,
Arithmetic quotients of the mapping class group,
Constructing group actions on quasi-trees and applications to mapping class groups,
The self-linking number in annulus and pants open book decompositions,
Algebraic entropy and the action of mapping class groups on character varieties,
Bredon cohomological dimensions for groups acting on CAT(0)-spaces,
Small generating sets for the Torelli group,
Artin relations in the mapping class group,
Mapping class groups of trigonal loci,
On train-track splitting sequences,
A Birman exact sequence for \(\Aut(F_n)\).,
Sieve methods in group theory. II: The mapping class group,
The entropy efficiency of point-push mapping classes on the punctured disk,
Homology of the curve complex and the Steinberg module of the mapping class group,
Floer cohomology and pencils of quadrics,
Realisation and dismantlability,
Large collections of curves pairwise intersecting exactly once,
The second rational homology group of the moduli space of curves with level structures,
Reducible braids and Garside theory.,
Representation stability for the cohomology of the moduli space \(\mathcal M_{g}^{n}\),
Asymptotic linearity of the mapping class group and a homological version of the Nielsen-Thurston classification,
Actions of solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups on surfaces with (pseudo)-Anosov elements,
Simplicial structures and normal forms for mapping class groups and braid groups,
Homotopical interpretation of link invariants from finite quandles,
Hofer's length spectrum of symplectic surfaces,
On the cohomology of pure mapping class groups as FI-modules,
The Chillingworth class is a signed stable length,
Transitivity degrees of countable groups and acylindrical hyperbolicity,
Coadjoint orbits of symplectic diffeomorphisms of surfaces and ideal hydrodynamics,
Partial periodic quotients of groups acting on a hyperbolic space,
Zero entropy subgroups of mapping class groups,
Abstract commensurability and quasi-isometry classification of hyperbolic surface group amalgams,
Zorich conjecture for hyperelliptic Rauzy-Veech groups,
The Johnson homomorphism and its kernel,
The level four braid group,
Finiteness properties of the Johnson subgroups,
Isometric disks are holomorphic,
Essential open book foliations and fractional Dehn twist coefficient,
The infinite topology of the hyperelliptic locus in Torelli space,
Symplectomorphisms and discrete braid invariants,
Unique fiber sum decomposability of genus 2 Lefschetz fibrations,
The geometric intersection number of simple closed curves on a surface and symplectic expansions of free groups,
Quasiconformal homogeneity of genus zero surfaces,
Automorphisms of the Torelli complex and the complex of separating curves,
A new cohomological formula for helicity in \(\mathbb R^{2k+1}\) reveals the effect of a diffeomorphism on helicity,
Tightness and computing distances in the curve complex,
On the irreducibility of the space of Galois covers of curves of a given numerical type for certain split metacyclic groups,
Arc complexes, sphere complexes, and Goeritz groups,
Symplectic structures on right-angled Artin groups: between the mapping class group and the symplectic group.,
Modification rule of monodromies in an \(R_{2}\)-move,
Chaotic expansive homeomorphisms on closed orientable surfaces of positive genus,
Existence of symmetric central configurations,
On the zeroes of the Alexander polynomial of a Lorenz knot,
Higher finiteness properties of braided groups,
Totally geodesic submanifolds of Teichmüller space,
Congruence subgroups of braid groups,
Connected components of strata of abelian differentials over Teichmüller space,
Holomorphic quadratic differentials in Teichmüller theory,
On the smallest non-trivial quotients of mapping class groups,
Finiteness of mapping class groups: locally large strongly irreducible Heegaard splittings,
Quadratic equations in the Grigorchuk group.,
On quasihomomorphisms with noncommutative targets.,
Unnamed Item,
Untangling two systems of noncrossing curves,
Frattini and related subgroups of mapping class groups,
On the length spectrum Teichmüller spaces of Riemann surfaces of infinite type,
Fully essential dynamics for area-preserving surface homeomorphisms,
Embeddings of non-positively curved compact surfaces in flat Lorentzian manifolds,
Convex cocompactness in mapping class groups via quasiconvexity in right-angled Artin groups,
Subgroups of mapping class groups related to Heegaard splittings and bridge decompositions,
Symplectic mapping class group relations generalizing the chain relation,
The geometry of the light-cone cell decomposition of moduli space,
Pseudo-Anosov stretch factors and homology of mapping tori,
OEandW* superrigidity results for actions by surface braid groups,
Holomorphic maps between moduli spaces,
Conjugacy class of homeomorphisms and distortion elements in groups of homeomorphisms,
Small intersection numbers in the curve graph,
Johnson homomorphisms,
Establishing strongly-coupled 3D AdS quantum gravity with Ising dual using all-genus partition functions,
Algorithmic aspects of branched coverings. II/V: Sphere bisets and decidability of Thurston equivalence,
Neighbors of Knots in the Gordian Graph,
Linear-central filtrations and the image of the Burau representation,
Positive factorizations of pseudoperiodic homeomorphisms,
A train track directed random walk on Out(Fr),
Fixed subgroups are compressed in surface groups,
Combinatorics of tight geodesics and stable lengths,
A transcendental invariant of pseudo-Anosov maps,
On a quadratic form associated with a surface automorphism and its applications to singularity theory,
Geometric realizations of cyclic actions on surfaces. II,
Systole length in hyperbolic \(n\)-manifolds,
On the bordism group for group actions on the torus,
Relative LF embeddings of 4-manifolds,
From braid groups to mapping class groups,
Twisted conjugacy in big mapping class groups,
Generating the extended mapping class group by three involutions,
Equivariant Picard groups of the moduli spaces of some finite abelian covers of the Riemann sphere,
Strong positivity for the skein algebras of the 4-punctured sphere and of the 1-punctured torus,
Unchaining surgery and topology of symplectic 4-manifolds,
On the existence of supporting broken book decompositions for contact forms in dimension 3,
A transfer principle: from periods to isoperiodic foliations,
Loxodromic elements in big mapping class groups via the Hooper-Thurston-Veech construction,
On the complex of separating meridians in handlebodies,
The relaxation normal form of braids is regular,
Hurwitz equivalence for Lefschetz fibrations and their multisections,
A Dehn function for Sp(2n, ℤ),
Pseudo-Anosov maps and continuum theory,
Categorical action of the extended braid group of affine type A,
Fast Nielsen-Thurston classification of braids.,
Mapping class group representations from Drinfeld doubles of finite groups,
Centers of subgroups of big mapping class groups and the Tits alternative,
Remarks on rational points of universal curves,
2-chains and square roots of Thompson’s group,
Pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms and the lower central series of a surface group,
Quantitative recurrence and large deviations for Teichmüller geodesic flow,
A family of non-injective skinning maps with critical points,
The action of the mapping class group on maximal representations.,
Uniform growth rate,
A note on Riemannian metrics on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces,
An analytic family of representations for the mapping class group of punctured surfaces,
Moduli spaces and macromolecules,
Ideal Whitehead graphs in Out(Fr) III: Achieved graphs in rank 3,
Upper bounds for the minimal number of singular fibers in a Lefschetz fibration over the torus,
Non-geometric Veering Triangulations,
A lower bound for Torelli-\(K\)-quasiconformal homogeneity,
Symmetry, isotopy, and irregular covers,
Lefschetz fibrations and Torelli groups,
Connectedness properties of the space of complete nonnegatively curved planes,
Generating the Johnson filtration,
Automorphisms of braid groups on orientable surfaces,
Quotients of surface groups and homology of finite covers via quantum representations,
Anomalous partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. II: Stably ergodic examples,
On the non-realizability of braid groups by diffeomorphisms,
An upper bound on the asymptotic translation lengths on the curve graph and fibered faces,
Double Affine Hecke Algebras and Congruence Groups,
Two questions on mapping class groups,
A Birman exact sequence for the Torelli subgroup of Aut(Fn),
A Survey of the Impact of Thurston’s Work on Knot Theory,
Big Mapping Class Groups: An Overview,
On higher holonomy invariants in higher gauge theory I,
Edge-preserving maps of the nonseparating curve graphs, curve graphs and rectangle preserving maps of the Hatcher–Thurston graphs,
Rigidity of the mod 2 families Seiberg–Witten invariants and topology of families of spin 4-manifolds,
Determination of the Homotopy Type of a Morse – Smale Diffeomorphism on a 2-torus by Heteroclinic Intersection,
Rigidity and characteristic classes of smooth bundles with nonpositively curved fibers,
On 2-bridge knots with differing smooth and topological slice genera,
Coverings of Open Books,
The homological content of the Jones representations at q = −1,
Spaces of graphs and surfaces: on the work of Søren Galatius,
Boundary values of the Thurston pullback map,
Nearly Euclidean Thurston maps,
Triviality of some representations of 𝑀𝐶𝐺(𝑆_{𝑔}) in 𝐺𝐿(𝑛,ℂ),𝔻𝕚𝕗𝕗(𝕊²) and ℍ𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕠(𝕋²),
On the topological 4-genus of torus knots,
Local geometry of the 𝑘-curve graph,
Book Review: Thurston’s work on surfaces,
Subgroups generated by two Dehn twists on a nonorientable surface,
Horocycle Dynamics: New Invariants and Eigenform Loci in the Stratum ℋ(1,1),
Edge Preserving Maps of the Curve Graphs in Low Genus,
Smooth generalized interval exchange transformations with wandering intervals, from explicit derived from pseudo-Anosov maps,
A Classification of Postcritically Finite Newton Maps,
Mapping class group representations from non-semisimple TQFTs,
Finite order elements in the integral symplectic group,
Bouquets of curves in surfaces,
The symplectic structure for renormalization of circle diffeomorphisms with breaks,
Braid groups, mapping class groups and their homology with twisted coefficients,
On multiplying curves in the Kauffman bracket skein algebra of the thickened four-holed sphere,
Classification of Punctures on Complete Flat Surfaces,
Small eigenvalues of random 3-manifolds,
On 3-manifolds that are boundaries of exotic 4-manifolds,
A note on the generating sets for the mapping class groups,
Separating subgroups of mapping class groups in homological representations,
The quantum trace as a quantum non-abelianization map,
Self-intersecting filling curves on surfaces,
The canonical ring of a stacky curve,
Subset currents on surfaces,
Algorithmic aspects of branched coverings IV/V. Expanding maps,
The cohomology class of the mod 4 braid group,
The Rohlin invariant and ℤ/2-valued invariants of homology spheres,
Exhausting pants graphs of punctured spheres by finite rigid sets,
Subgroup Decomposition in 𝖮𝗎𝗍(𝖥_{𝗇}),
Burghelea conjecture and asymptotic dimension of groups,
Some Remarks on Projective Anosov Flows in Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds,
Embeddings of $3$--manifolds via open books,
Morse structures on open books,
Contact structures on AR-singularity links,
Algorithmic aspects of branched coverings,
Graphs of curves on infinite-type surfaces with mapping class group actions,
A tour through Mirzakhani’s work on moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces,
Presentations of NET maps,
How large isotopy is needed to connect homotopic diffeomorphisms (of 𝕋2),
A condition that implies full homotopical complexity of orbits for surface homeomorphisms,
A {note on the generalized} M{atsumoto relation},
On the stabilization height of fiber surfaces in S3,
Elementary equivalence in Artin groups of finite type,
Cutting arcs for torus links and trees,
The complex geometry of Teichmüller spaces and bounded symmetric domains,
Pseudo-Anosovs optimizing the ratio of Teichmüller to curve graph translation length,
Handlebody subgroups in a mapping class group,
The topology of the zero locus of a genus 2 theta function,
On Open Book Embedding of Contact Manifolds in the Standard Contact Sphere,
Liftable mapping class groups of regular cyclic covers,
Counting Dirac braid relators and hyperelliptic Lefschetz fibrations,
Non-semi-simple TQFT of the sphere with four punctures,
Section problems for configuration spaces of surfaces,
The kernel of the monodromy of the universal family of degree d smooth plane curves,
Filling of closed surfaces,
Large-scale geometry of the saddle connection graph,
Abstract commensurators of surface groups,
Quasi-morphisms on surface diffeomorphism groups,
Spheres and projections for Out(Fn),
Quotient families of mapping classes,
The vanishing cycles of curves in toric surfaces I,
Quotients of mapping class groups from 𝑂𝑢𝑡(𝐹_{𝑛}),
Arithmeticity of the monodromy of some Kodaira fibrations,
Aspherical 4-manifolds of odd Euler characteristic,
Pseudo–Anosov mapping classes from pure mapping classes,
On the quotients of mapping class groups of surfaces by the Johnson subgroups,
A note on the curve complex of the 3-holed projective plane,
The vanishing cycles of curves in toric surfaces II,
Geometric realizations of cyclic actions on surfaces,
A discreteness algorithm for 4-punctured sphere groups,
Surface groups, infinite generating sets, and stable commutator length,
Roots of Dehn twists on nonorientable surfaces,
The normal closure of a power of a half-twist has infinite index in the mapping class group of a punctured sphere,
The universal n-pointed surface bundle only has n sections,
Is a typical bi-Perron algebraic unit a pseudo-Anosov dilatation?,
A local to global argument on low dimensional manifolds,
On hyperbolic surface bundles over the circle as branched double covers of the $3$-sphere,
A complete invariant for connected surfaces in the 3-sphere,
Many cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds do not bound geometrically,
On the entropy norm on the group of diffeomorphisms of closed oriented surface,
Bounds for several-disk packings of hyperbolic surfaces,
The Batalin–Vilkovisky Algebra in the String Topology of Classifying Spaces,
Stable subgroups and Morse subgroups in mapping class groups,
Thurston norms of tunnel number-one manifolds,
On the skein module of the product of a surface and a circle,
The geometry of flip graphs and mapping class groups,
The free splitting complex of a free group, II: Loxodromic outer automorphisms,
Big mapping class groups and rigidity of the simple circle,
Non-realizability of the pure braid group as area-preserving homeomorphisms,
Bilinear-form invariants of Lefschetz fibrations over the 2-sphere,
Relative homological representations of framed mapping class groups,
Hyperbolic structures for Artin-Tits groups of spherical type,
Extended TQFTs via generators and relations I: The extended toric code,
Braid groups and mapping class groups: The Birman–Hilden theory,
Dimension and Trace of the Kauffman Bracket Skein Algebra,
Right-angled Artin groups as normal subgroups of mapping class groups,
Two Recent p-adic Approaches Towards the (Effective) Mordell Conjecture,
Non-hyperbolic solutions to tangle equations involving composite links,
Symplectic (-2)-spheres and the symplectomorphism group,
Complements to Ample Divisors and Singularities,
Congruence subgroups of braid groups,
Arithmetic mirror symmetry for genus 1 curves with \(n\) marked points,
Teichmüller spaces and bounded symmetric domains do not mix isometrically,
Split metacyclic actions on surfaces,
Parabolicity of zero-twist tight flute surfaces and uniformization of the Loch Ness monster,
The Ruelle zeta function at zero for nearly hyperbolic 3-manifolds,
Generating the mapping class group of a nonorientable surface by three torsions,
Tête-à-tête twists, monodromies and representation of elements of mapping class group,
\(C^1\) actions on the circle of finite index subgroups of \(\mathrm{Mod}(\Sigma_g)\), \(\mathrm{Aut}(F_n)\), and \(\mathrm{Out}(F_n)\),
2-systems of arcs on spheres with prescribed endpoints,
InfoMod: a visual and computational approach to Gauss' binary quadratic forms,
Examples of non-minimal open books with high fractional Dehn twist coefficient,
Topological entropy and secondary folding,
The diameter of the thick part of moduli space and simultaneous Whitehead moves,
Factoring periodic maps into Dehn twists,
Cocycle superrigidity from higher rank lattices to \(\mathrm{Out}{(F_N)}\),
Proper affine deformations of the one-holed torus,
Riemann surfaces of second kind and effective finiteness theorems,
Representation stability in the level 4 braid group,
\(z\)-classes in the mapping class group,
Non-existence of natural states for abelian Chern-Simons theory,
Incompressible solvable representations of surface groups,
An Alexander method for infinite-type surfaces,
Classifying complex geodesics for the Carathéodory metric on low-dimensional Teichmüller spaces,
The high-dimensional cohomology of the moduli space of curves with level structures,
Fixed point sets of isotopies on surfaces,
Garside theory and subsurfaces: some examples in braid groups,
First cohomology of pure mapping class groups of big genus one and zero surfaces,
Harmonic tropical morphisms and approximation,
Distortion of surfaces in graph manifolds,
Categorical webs and \(S\)-duality in 4d \({\mathcal {N}} = 2\) QFT,
A construction of pseudo-Anosov braids with small normalized entropies,
Branched covers of elliptic curves and Kähler groups with exotic finiteness properties,
On a Nielsen-Thurston classification theory for cluster modular groups,
Topological equivalence of holomorphic foliation germs of rank $1$ with isolated singularity in the Poincaré domain,
Stability for product groups and property \(( \tau )\),
Abelianization and Nielsen realization problem of the mapping class group of a handlebody,
A remark on the action of the mapping class group on the unit tangent bundle,
On homeomorphism groups of non-compact surfaces, endowed with the Whitney topology,
Algebraic \(k\)-systems of curves,
Rank 2 affine manifolds in genus \(3\),
Centralizers in mapping class groups and decidability of Thurston equivalence,
Topological designs,
On the number of excursion sets of planar Gaussian fields,
RAAGs in diffeos,
High distance Heegaard splittings via Dehn twists,
Harmonic measures for distributions with finite support on the mapping class group are singular,
Testing graph isotopy on surfaces,
Higher genus mapping class group invariants from factorizable Hopf algebras,
Genus \(2\) Lefschetz fibrations with \(b^+_2=1\) and \(c_1^2=1,2\),
Laurent phenomenon algebras arising from surfaces. II: Laminated surfaces,
Systole growth for finite area hyperbolic surfaces,
The Gorenstein conjecture fails for the tautological ring of \(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{2,n}\),
Flat grafting deformations of quadratic differentials on surfaces,
Spaces of knots in the solid torus, knots in the thickened torus, and links in the 3-sphere,
Critical bridge spheres for links with arbitrarily many bridges,
Handle operators in string theory,
A signature formula for hyperelliptic broken Lefschetz fibrations,
Upper bound on distance in the pants complex,
Hyperbolic geometry and closed bosonic string field theory. II: The rules for evaluating the quantum BV master action,
Quasi-right-veering braids and nonloose links,
Involutions on surfaces,
Teichmüller polynomials of fibered alternating links,
Symplectic surgeries along certain singularities and new Lefschetz fibrations,
References to research literature in QA forums -- a case study of zbMATH links from MathOverflow,
On the nonrealizability of braid groups by homeomorphisms,
The Alexander method for infinite-type surfaces,
The parallelogram identity on groups and deformations of the trivial character in \(\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{C})\),
Aut-invariant norms and Aut-invariant quasimorphisms on free and surface groups,
A characterization of Fuchsian actions by topological rigidity,
All finitely generated Kleinian groups of small Hausdorff dimension are classical Schottky groups,
Genericity of contracting elements in groups,
The braid group for a quiver with superpotential,
Surjective homomorphisms between surface braid groups,
On the stable Andreadakis problem,
Unsmoothable group actions on compact one-manifolds,
Elliptic actions on Teichmüller space,
The marked length spectrum of Anosov manifolds,
Central stability for the homology of congruence subgroups and the second homology of Torelli groups,
Matrix group integrals, surfaces, and mapping class groups. I. \(\mathrm{U}(\mathrm{n})\),
Small asymptotic translation lengths of pseudo-Anosov maps on the curve complex,
Exotic limit sets of Teichmüller geodesics in the HHS boundary,
Graph duality in surface dynamics,
DAHA and skein algebra of surfaces: double-torus knots,
Modular group representations in combinatorial quantization with non-semisimple Hopf algebras,
Hyperbolic structures on groups,
Negative curvature in automorphism groups of one-ended hyperbolic groups,
Simple closed curves, finite covers of surfaces, and power subgroups of \(\mathrm{Out}(F_n)\),
\(\mathrm{W}^\ast\)-superrigidity for arbitrary actions of central quotients of braid groups,
Earle slices associated with involutions for once punctured torus,
Tagged mapping class groups: Auslander-Reiten translation,
Generators for the hyperelliptic Torelli group and the kernel of the Burau representation at \(t=-1\),
The centered dual and the maximal injectivity radius of hyperbolic surfaces,
A collection of nonfilling multicurve complexes,
Quasiconformal homogeneity and subgroups of the mapping class group,
Minimally intersecting filling pairs on surfaces,
Metric description of singular defects in isotropic materials,
On visualization of the linearity problem for mapping class groups of surfaces,
FI-modules and stability for representations of symmetric groups,
Genus-two trisections are standard,
Relations among characteristic classes of manifold bundles,
Intersection numbers in the curve complex via subsurface projections,
Some topological properties of surface bundles,
Elimination of cusps in dimension 4 and its applications,
The 2-width of embedded 3-manifolds,
Infinite presentations for fundamental groups of surfaces,
Moduli spaces of flat Riemannian metrics on 3- and 4-dimensional closed manifolds,
Low-slope Lefschetz fibrations,
Polynomial growth and subgroups of \(\mathrm{Out}(F_N)\),
Pseudo-Anosov subgroups of general fibered 3–manifold groups,
Mutation invariant functions on cluster ensembles,
Perverse sheaves on Riemann surfaces as Milnor sheaves,
On the 6d origin of non-invertible symmetries in 4d,
Some properties of Pin\({}^\pm\)-structures on compact surfaces,
Masur's criterion does not hold in the Thurston metric,
Big-bang limit of 2 + 1 gravity and Thurston boundary of Teichmüller space,
Large \(N\) limit of Yang-Mills partition function and Wilson loops on compact surfaces,
Instanton homology and knot detection on thickened surfaces,
Low‐dimensional linear representations of mapping class groups,
The computational complexity of knot genus in a fixed 3‐manifold,
Morphisms in low dimensions. Abstracts from the workshop held January 22--28, 2023,
On a Classification of Periodic Maps on the 2-Torus,
Laminations and \(2\)-filling rays on infinite type surfaces,
Braid groups and symplectic Steinberg groups,
Boundedness results for 2‐adic Galois images associated to hyperelliptic Jacobians,
Working session: Higher rank Teichmüller theory. Abstracts from the working session held October 9--14, 2022,
Conditions on the monodromy for a surface group extension to be CAT(0),
On volumes and filling collections of multicurves,
Classification of doubly periodic untwisted (p,q)-weaves by their crossing number and matrices,
Non-invertible symmetries of class S theories,
Agol cycles of pseudo-Anosov 3-braids,
An introduction to the algebraic geometry of the Putman-Wieland conjecture,
Braids, metallic ratios and periodic solutions of the \(2n\)-body problem,
A new boundary of the mapping class group,
Finite image homomorphisms of the braid group and its generalizations,
Motion groupoids and mapping class groupoids,
Effective mapping class group dynamics. I: Counting lattice points in Teichmüller space,
Approximate rigidity of the marked length spectrum,
Applications of quantum representations of mapping class groups,
Surgery equivalence relations for 3-manifolds,
Crossed homomorphisms and low dimensional representations of mapping class groups of surfaces,
Bers' simultaneous uniformization and the intersection of Poincaré holonomy varieties,
GOE statistics on the moduli space of surfaces of large genus,
Counterexamples to the nonsimply connected double soul conjecture,
One dimensional equisymmetric strata in moduli space with genus 1 quotient surfaces,
Unexpected Stein fillings, rational surface singularities and plane curve arrangements,
Determination of the homotopy type of a Morse-Smale diffeomorphism on an orientable surface by a heteroclinic intersection,
On the involution generators of the mapping class group of a punctured surface,
A construction of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms using positive twists,
Tangles, relative character varieties, and holonomy perturbed traceless flat moduli spaces,
Small exotic 4-manifolds and symplectic Calabi-Yau surfaces via genus-3 pencils,
On uniqueness of symplectic fillings of links of some surface singularities,
Meromorphic functions without real critical values and related braids,
Factoring in the hyperelliptic Torelli group,
Homotopy Hubbard trees for post-singularly finite exponential maps,
Convex-compact subgroups of the Goeritz group,
Pseudo-Kähler geometry of properly convex projective structures on the torus,
On stable commutator lengths of Dehn twists along separating curves,
Incompleteness of the pressure metric on the Teichmüller space of a bordered surface,
The Casson–Walker invariant of 3-manifolds with genus one open book decompositions,
Links and cycles in Dehn quandle homology I: Torus links,
A note on mapping class group actions on derived categories,
Complete flat cone metrics on punctured surfaces,
Rigidity of Teichmüller space,
Two-generator subgroups of the pure braid group.,
Constructive geometrization of Thurston maps and decidability of Thurston equivalence,
Mapping class groups of non-orientable surfaces for beginners,
Notes on Topological Quantum Field Theories,
Johnson-Morita theory in mapping class groups and monoids of homology cobordisms of surfaces,
On the arithmetic and the geometry of skew-reciprocal polynomials,
Normal subgroups of mapping class groups and the metaconjecture of Ivanov,
Borromean rays and hyperplanes,
Any Baumslag–Solitar action on surfaces with a pseudo-Anosov element has a finite orbit,
Non-contractible orbits for Hamiltonian functions on Riemann surfaces,
Rational points of universal curves in positive characteristics,
Taut foliations in branched cyclic covers and left-orderable groups,
Ping-ponging between relations in groups and relations in quandles,
Categorified invariants and the braid group,
Two mod-p Johnson filtrations,
Nielsen realization for infinite-type surfaces,
Topological Entropy of Surface Braids and Maximally Efficient Mixing,
Parametrised moduli spaces of surfaces as infinite loop spaces,
Platonic Solids and High Genus Covers of Lattice Surfaces,
Central charge from adiabatic transport of cusp singularities in the quantum Hall effect,
A Garside-theoretic analysis of the Burau representations,
Parabolic subgroups of large-type Artin groups,
Planar Algebras in Braided Tensor Categories,
Canonical embeddings of pairs of arcs,
Tamely ramified covers of the projective line with alternating and symmetric monodromy,
Complete families of indecomposable non-simple abelian varieties,
An infinite presentation for the mapping class group of a non-orientable surface with boundary,
Teichmüller theory and collapse of flat manifolds,
Generating mapping class groups with elements of fixed finite order,
Bad irreducible subgroups and singular locus for character varieties in \(\mathrm{PSL}(p,\mathbb {C})\),
A normal generating set for the Torelli group of a compact non-orientable surface,
The \(p\)-curvature conjecture and monodromy around simple closed loops,
On sections of hyperelliptic Lefschetz fibrations,
\(\epsilon\)-regularity for shrinking Ricci solitons and Ricci flows,
A note on 8-division fields of elliptic curves,
Burnside problem for groups of homeomorphisms of compact surfaces,
Computing the Teichmüller polynomial,
Right-angled Artin groups and a generalized isomorphism problem for finitely generated subgroups of mapping class groups,
Embedded surfaces for symplectic circle actions,
Algebraic degrees of pseudo-Anosov stretch factors,
Shortest path embeddings of graphs on surfaces,
RAAGs in Ham,
Homomorphisms between mapping class groups,
Phases of \(\mathcal{N} = 2\) necklace quivers,
Braid groups and Hodge theory,
Embeddability between right-angled Artin groups..,
A note on stable Teichmüller quasigeodesics,
Roots of crosscap slides and crosscap transpositions,
An algebraic formulation of Thurston's characterization of rational functions,
Centralizers of finite subgroups of the mapping class group.,
Mapping class group orbits of curves with self-intersections,
Minimally intersecting filling pairs on the punctured surface of genus two,
A note on T-folds and \(T^3\) fibrations,
Algebraic and topological properties of big mapping class groups,
The mapping class group of a shift of finite type,
Counting closed geodesics in strata,
The Farrell-Jones conjecture for mapping class groups,
Mini-workshop: Interactions between low-dimensional topology and complex algebraic geometry. Abstracts from the mini-workshop held October 22--28, 2017,
Determining the finite subgraphs of curve graphs,
Modular groups, Hurwitz classes and dynamic portraits of NET maps,
Nonholomorphic Lefschetz fibrations with \((-1)\)-sections,
Classification of Rauzy-Veech groups: proof of the Zorich conjecture,
Monodromy and vanishing cycles in toric surfaces,
Translation lengths of parabolic isometries of CAT(0) spaces and their applications,
On the geography and botany of knot Floer homology,
Some lower bounds on Shelah rank in the free group,
Presentations of cluster modular groups and generation by cluster Dehn twists,
Characteristic classes of fiberwise branched surface bundles via arithmetic groups,
Mixed tête-à-tête twists as monodromies associated with holomorphic function germs,
Equidistribution of families of expanding horospheres on moduli spaces of hyperbolic surfaces,
The maximal injectivity radius of hyperbolic surfaces with geodesic boundary,
Hyperbolic-parabolic deformations of rational maps,
The mapping class group is generated by two commutators,
Least dilatation of pure surface braids,
The geometry of maximal components of the \(\mathsf{PSp}(4, \mathbb{R})\) character variety,
Hopf bands in arborescent Hopf plumbings,
On branched minimal immersions of surfaces by first eigenfunctions,
Open conformal cobordisms,
\(C\)-vectors and non-self-crossing curves for acyclic quivers of finite type,
Counting square-tiled surfaces with prescribed real and imaginary foliations and connections to Mirzakhani's asymptotics for simple closed hyperbolic geodesics,
The minimally displaced set of an irreducible automorphism of \(F_N\) is co-compact,
Isotopic tiling theory for hyperbolic surfaces,
Genus-3 Lefschetz fibrations and exotic 4-manifolds with \(b_2^+=3\),
Orientable quadratic equations in free metabelian groups,
The congruence subgroup problem for the free metabelian group on \(n\geq 4\) generators,
Classification of pro-\(p\mathrm{PD}^2\) pairs and the pro-\(p\) curve complex,
Random veering triangulations are not geometric,
Origami edge-paths in the curve graph,
Promoting circular-orderability to left-orderability,
Arcs on punctured disks intersecting at most twice with endpoints on the boundary,
Generic free subgroups and statistical hyperbolicity,
Short geodesic loops and \(L^p\) norms of eigenfunctions on large genus random surfaces,
Automorphisms of symmetric groups are toy examples for mapping class groups,
Mapping class groups, multiple Kodaira fibrations, and CAT(0) spaces,
On the Morse index of branched Willmore spheres in 3-space,
A conjecture on the lengths of filling pairs,
Rationality is decidable for nearly Euclidean Thurston maps,
Stars at infinity in Teichmüller space,
Simplifying triangulations,
Orbifolds having Euler number zero Heegaard decomposition,
The universal surface bundle over the Torelli space has no sections,
Meta-nilpotent quotients of mapping-torus groups and two topological invariants of quadratic forms,
Higher spin mapping class groups and strata of abelian differentials over Teichmüller space,
Artin groups of types \(F_4\) and \(H_4\) are not commensurable with that of type \(D_4\),
Unknotting annuli and handlebody-knot symmetry,
Some evidence for the Coleman-Oort conjecture,
One can't hear orientability of surfaces,
Embeddings and the (virtual) cohomological dimension of the braid and mapping class groups of surfaces,
Automorphisms of character varieties,
Generating the spin mapping class group by Dehn twists,
Uniformizing surfaces via discrete harmonic maps,
Infinitely many Lagrangian fillings,
Mapping class groups with the Rokhlin property,
Bourgeois contact structures: tightness, fillability and applications,
Topological inductive constructions for tight surface graphs,
Abstract homomorphisms from some topological groups to acylindrically hyperbolic groups,
The volume of the black hole interior at late times,
On the surjectivity of the symplectic representation of the mapping class group,
Recognizing topological polynomials by lifting trees,
Generating the mapping class group by two torsion elements,
Geometric structures related to the braided Thompson groups,
Counting mapping class group orbits under shearing coordinates,
Coarse density of subsets of moduli space