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zbMath0080.19702MaRDI QIDQ3247767

E. Lifshitz, L. Landau

Publication date: 1958

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Correlation inequalities., Supersonic effects and shock waves in a Bose-Einstein condensate, Exactly solvable model with an unusual phase transition: the rolling transition of a pinned Gaussian chain, Generalization of quantum statistics in statistical mechanics, Modelling the nonlinear viscoelastic behavior of amorphous glassy polymers., Modelling structural recovery in amorphous polymers., On the Hagedorn behaviour of \(pp\)-wave strings and \(N=4\) SYM theory at finite \(R\)-charge density, A thermodynamically self-consistent quantum statistical theory of the crystalline state, Quantum gravity influences the black hole physics, On the mechanism for the origin of irreversibility and unlimited energy growth in a model of statistical mechanics, Internal pulsations in flows of finely dispersed suspensions, Scaling relations in the spherically symmetric Landau-Ginzburg model and a possible connection with self-organized criticality, Entropy of an `arbitrarily accelerating' Kinnersley black hole, Fluctuation of energy in the generalized thermostatistics, Statistical error in particle simulations of hydrodynamic phenomena., The spatial and momentum distribution of Bose-Einstein condensation in harmonic traps, Extremal Reissner-Nordström black hole in thermal equilibrium: The back-reaction-change of entropy, Numerical modeling of phase separation on dynamic surfaces, Lie-Poincaré transformations and a reduction criterion in Landau theory, The measurement problem on classical diffusion process: inverse method on stochastic processes, Modeling soft interface dominated systems: a comparison of phase field and Gibbs dividing surface models, Statistical mechanics of choice: MaxEnt estimation of population heterogeneity, Vortex dynamics in U(1) Ginzburg-Landau models, Catastrophe theory enables moves to be detected towards and away from self-organization: the example of epileptic seizure onset, Positive heat capacity in the microcanonical ensemble, Crowd behavior dynamics: entropic path-integral model, Propagation and interaction of moving fronts in polymer crystallization, Generalized parametric model for phase transitions in the presence of an intermediate metastable state and its application, Critical matter and geometric phase transitions, The Blume-Capel model for spins \(S = 1\) and 3/2 in dimensions \(d = 2\) and 3, Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a near-critical fluid in the neighborhood of the stability threshold, A generalization of Haldane's state-counting procedure and \(\pi \)-deformations of statistics, How to build master equations for complex systems, From inflation to Friedmann regime in \(R^ 2\) cosmology, Vortex phase transitions in \(2\frac 12\) dimensions, Evolution equations for phase separation and ordering in binary alloys, Theory of fluctuations in a plasma, The statistical thermodynamics of equilibrium, Application of the Monte Carlo method to systems of nonlinear algebraic equations, Equilibrium states of thermodynamic systems in a small vicinity of the equilibrium values of parameters: bifurcation, stability and sensitivity analyses, Kinetic approach to fractional exclusion statistics, A non-abelian quasi-particle model for gluon plasma, Braiding statistics and link invariants of bosonic/fermionic topological quantum matter in 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions, To the memory of A. A. Logunov: general relativity theory and the relativistic theory of gravity, Classical global solutions for compressible radiative flow in a slab under semi-reflexive boundary conditions, Geometric ``quantization of thermodynamics and statistical corrections at critical points, Thermodynamics of the two-dimensional Heisenberg ferromagnet in the framework of the renormalization-group approach, Critical behavior of extremal Kerr-Newman black holes, On the entropy minimization problem in statistical mechanics, Remarks on Bernoulli constants, gauge conditions and phase velocities in the context of water waves, Ion-acoustic shock waves and their head-on collision in a dense electron-positron-ion quantum plasma, Seebeck effect in silicon semiconductors, Gravitational-Coulomb interaction in celestial mechanics, A Bose condensate in the \(D\)-dimensional case, in particular, for \(D = 2\) and 1, Entropy excess in strongly correlated Fermi systems near a quantum critical point, Fracture analysis of an infinite 1D hexagonal piezoelectric quasicrystal plate with a penny-shaped dielectric crack, The symmetries of octupolar tensors, Thermodynamic substantiation of heuristic expressions for the heat of transition of first order phase transformations, Quantum states of matter of simple bosonic systems: BECS, superfluids and quantum solids, Charge fluctuations of a dust grain embedded in a weakly ionized gas: a Brownian dynamics study, Haldane's instanton in 2D Heisenberg model revisited: Along the avenue of topology, Randomness in classical mechanics and Quantum mechanics, Vacuum particle creation under action of a strong external field: an example of irreversible behavior of a system with time reversal symmetry, Statistical physics analysis of maximum a posteriori estimation for multi-channel hidden Markov models, Prediction from partial data, renormalization, and averaging, Statistical inference for disordered sphere packings, Critical theories of phase transition between symmetry protected topological states and their relation to the gapless boundary theories, Kinetic theory of jet dynamics in the stochastic barotropic and 2D Navier-Stokes equations, Action at distance along the DNA: a random jump model on enhancer action, On approximate mathematical modeling of the vapor-liquid coexistence curves by the Van der Waals equation of state and non-classical value of the critical exponent, Jump relations for magnetohydrodynamic shock waves in non-ideal gas flow, Thermodynamic fluctuations as a probe for the study of gravitational galaxy clustering, Statistics of strong turbulence in large assemblies driven by long-wave random forcing, Controlling turbulence in the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation. II: Two-dimensional systems, Self-synchronization of populations of nonlinear oscillators in the thermodynamic limit., Discontinuity of the magnetization in one-dimensional \(1/| x-y| ^ 2\) Ising and Potts models., The kinetic boundary layer for the linearized Boltzmann equation around an absorbing sphere., Localized excitations in discrete nonlinear Schrödinger systems: Effects of nonlocal dispersive interactions and noise, Jump relations across a shock in non-ideal gas flow, Statistical mechanics of vortices, Interactions between normal modes in nonlinear dynamical systems with discrete symmetry. Exact results, The fourth law of black-hole thermodynamics, Transformations of the Burnett components of transport relations in gases, Two alternative descriptions of second order phase transitions: Landau theory and the self-consistent approach., The entropy of a quantum field in a charged Kerr black hole., Two results on the Hubbard model, An optimal model identification for oscillatory dynamics with a stable limit cycle, Connecting theory to experiment in poroelasticity, Thermostats for ``slow configurational modes, Thermal effects of phase transformations: A review, High-order numerical method for the nonlinear Helmholtz equation with material discontinuities in one space dimension, Universality in turbulence using turbulent energy concepts in moving and stationary plasmas, Exact similarity solution for the propagation of spherical shock wave in a Van der Waals gas with azimuthal magnetic field, radiation heat flux, radiation pressure and radiation energy under gravitational field, Generalized stochastic resonance for a fractional noisy oscillator with random mass and random damping, Different Bell inequalities as probes to detect quantum phase transitions, Two-fluid picture of supercritical phenomena, Analysis of a three-dimensional phase-field model for solidification under a magnetic field effect, Thermodynamics of continua with adsorbing interface, Singularities of multivalued solutions of nonlinear differential equations, and nonlinear phenomena, Asymptotic behavior of a sequence of conditional probability distributions and the canonical ensemble, The stability of serpentization due to the water flow in a kimberlite pipe, Similarity solution for the flow behind a shock wave in a non-ideal gas with heat conduction and radiation heat-flux in magnetogasdynamics, Phenomenological determinism in Hamiltonian dynamical systems, A comparison of Cahn-Hilliard and Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard models on manifolds, Quantum statistics and spacetime topology: quantum surgery formulas, On the integral law of thermal radiation, Igor Dzyaloshinskii's contribution to our understanding of the physics of one-dimensional interacting electron systems, From equilibrium to nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. phase transitions and the Fourier law, Thermodynamics and geometry of strange quark matter, Neutrino flavor oscillations in a curved space-time, Cosmic evolution of (anti-)de Sitter superfluids, Relativistic like structure of classical thermodynamics, Variation of Gini and Kolkata indices with saving propensity in the kinetic exchange model of wealth distribution: an analytical study, Critical behavior for scalar nonlinear waves, The problem of the optimum rapid braking of an axisymmetric solid rotating around its centre of mass, Gas-liquid phase transition and singularities, Quantum statistics and spacetime surgery, Superspace groups and representations of ordinary space groups: Alternative approaches to the symmetry of incommensurate crystal phases, On the Langevin formalism for nonlinear and nonequilibrium hydrodynamic fluctuations, Asymptotic thermodynamic criteria for the persistency of metastable states, An analysis of a phase field model of a free boundary, A microfluidic pumping mechanism driven by non-equilibrium osmotic effects, Micromechanical definition of an entropy for quasi-static deformation of granular materials, Decay of BCC-structure and of bond-orientational order in a fluid, Thermodynamic stability of transition states in nanosystems, A new approach to the energy theorems for many-particle systems, Cellular automaton fluids. I: Basic theory, The kinetic theory of gases in dispersed media, On numerical realizability of thermal convection, Bayesian approach to thermostatistics, Statistical aspects of flow in a random network of channels, On the microscopic validity of the Wulff construction and of the generalized Young equation, One- and two-particle bound states in the Landau-Khalatnikov Bose-liquid model, On the distribution of the wave function for systems in thermal equilibrium, A note on the correspondence of an immersed boundary method incorporating thermal fluctuations with Stokesian-Brownian dynamics, Deep-water internal solitary waves near critical density ratio, The maximum entropy principle: A tool to define new entropies, Relation between multidimensional representations of the Fedorov groups and the groups of color symmetry, The principle of material frame-indifference and cylindrical Couette flow of a rarefied gas, Onsager-Machlup theory for nonequilibrium steady states and fluctuation theorems, The phase transition in the one-dimensional Ising model with \(1/r^2\) interaction energy, Tentative equations for the propagation of stress, strain and temperature fields in viscoelastic solids, A stochastic immersed boundary method for fluid-structure dynamics at microscopic length scales, Similarity solutions for unsteady flow behind an exponential shock in an axisymmetric rotating non-ideal gas, Active inference for binary symmetric hidden Markov models, Statistical systems with phantom scalar interaction in gravitation theory. II. Macroscopic equations and cosmological models, Logit dynamics with concurrent updates for local interaction potential games, Energy-pressure relation for low-dimensional gases, On the properties of a Bose gas in spaces with dimensions \(n = 1, 2, 4\) within the framework of the general theory of a space with \(N\) dimensions, On the symmetry of deformable crystals, Derivation of Stokes' law from Kirkwood's formula and the Green-Kubo formula via large deviation theory, Strong shock in a uniformly expanding universe, Canonical formulation of the biochemical cell cycle and its statistical prediction of cellular parameters, Radiation and the structure of space-time, An introduction to infinite particle systems, Symmetry and reversibility in materials with hidden variables, A perturbed mean field model of an interacting Boson gas and the large deviation principle, The pressure in the Huang-Yang-Luttinger model of an interacting Boson gas, On heterogeneous equilibrium of nonlinear elastic phases and chemical potential tensors, Analysis of medullated axon exposed to radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation, Some remarks on the stability of shock waves, Stefan-Boltzmann law for black bodies and black holes, Phase of a weakly interacting Bose system with a time spontaneous \(U (1)\) symmetry breaking, Random close packing of granular matter, Extremal criteria of the stability of certain motions, Condensation of a one-dimensional lattice gas, The selfconsistent problem of the vibrations of an infinite string loaded with a moving point mass, A generalization of the concept of adiabatic index for non-adiabatic systems, Couette flow in channels with wavy walls, Gauge theory of ``plastically incompressible medium. II: Dispersion relations with dissipation, Spectral theory of root transfer matrices and its application to statistical models on a triangular lattice, On new erosion models of Savage-Hutter type for avalanches, Numerical aspects in modelling phase transitions by rate-type constitutive equations, The equator map and the negative exponential functional, Asymptotic behavior of the magnetization near critical and tricritical points via Ginzburg-Landau polynomials, A sufficient condition for a riskless distribution of investments, Quasipotentials for simple noisy maps with complicated dynamics, Spatially adaptive stochastic numerical methods for intrinsic fluctuations in reaction-diffusion systems, Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of the first and second kind: averages and fluctuations, The equilibrium limit of a constitutive model for two-phase granular mixtures and its numerical approximation, Equilibrium thermodynamics and thermodynamic processes in nonlinear systems, 1D stability analysis of filtering and controlling the solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates, Quark-hadron phase transitions in brane-world cosmologies, Slaving principle revisited, From thermodynamics to the bound on viscosity, Rigorous results concerning a generalized mean-field theory of dilute disordered Ising magnets, Temperature fluctuations for a finite system of classical spin-1/2 particles, Stokes flows under random boundary velocity excitations, The characteristic noise connected with continuous measurement in classical system without memory, Determination of the critical parameter with system size in a 2D classical XY-model, A symmetry principle for topological quantum order, A novel atomistic approach to determine strain-gradient elasticity constants: tabulation and comparison for various metals, semiconductors, silica, polymers and the (ir)relevance for nanotechnologies, Adaptive kernel estimation and SPH tensile instability, Gravitation, thermodynamics, and the bound on viscosity, History of the Lenz-Ising model 1950-1965: from irrelevance to relevance, Spin-orbit coupling and semiclassical electron dynamics in noncentrosymmetric metals, Small h asymptotics for quantum partition functions associated to particles in external Yang-Mills potentials, Structure of weak shock waves with phase transitions of the first kind, Wave adiabatic curves for media with arbitrary state equation, Temperature fields in the case of unsteady flow in porous media, Qualitative investigation of dynamical equation system of hemoglobin (or allosteric enzymes), Reconciliation of local and global symmetries of crystals, The influence of gas solubility on the stability of a layer of liquid with bubbles and an immobile filling, Quantum mechanics as a stochastic process with a U(1) degree of freedom, Probability distributions of thermodynamic intensive variables, Motion of vortex lines in the Ginzburg-Landau model, Parametric instability of a conducting liquid drop with respect to its stochastically time-varying self-charge, The Monte Carlo method for the study of phase transitions: A review of some recent progress, Equilibrium statistics of a vortex filament with applications, Path integral approach to quantum Brownian motion, A model for twinning, On the thermodynamics of phase transitions in the crystals, Random waves in a classical nonlinear Grassmann field. II. Scattering by zero point noise and the transition to Fermi statistics, Virtual mass in two-phase bubbly flow, Magnetic Groups and Their Corepresentations, Inelastic electron scattering from fluctuations in the nuclear charge distribution, The thermodynamics of phase equilibrium, One-dimensional fluids with positive potentials, Dispersion relation for sound in rarefied polyatomic gases based on extended thermodynamics, Brownian Motion in the Fluids with Complex Rheology, Exact asymmetric Skyrmion in anisotropic ferromagnet and its helimagnetic application, Quantum statistical mechanics of vortices, Simulation of surface tension in 2D and 3D with smoothed particle hydrodynamics method, Theory of metastable state relaxation in a gravitational field for non-critical binary systems with non-conserved order parameter, Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of gravitational screens, A Rigorous Derivation of a Boltzmann System for a Mixture of Hard-Sphere Gases, Symmetry Considerations on Martensitic Transformations: "Ferroelectric" Metals?, Unnamed Item, Fluctuations from the Nonequilibrium Steady State, Theory of Slow Neutron Scattering by Liquids. I, Electrothermal Transport in Silicon Carbide Semiconductors via a Hydrodynamic Model, Poincaré-like approach to Landau theory. I. General theory, Poincaré-like approach to Landau theory. II. Simplifying the Landau-deGennes potential for nematic liquid crystals, A NEW METHOD TO DETECT COHERENCE LENGTH IN A SUPERCONDUCTOR, Compatibility between the Ginzburg–Landau model and finite-temperature quantum field theory, The phases of large networks with edge and triangle constraints, Relativistic thermodynamics, a Lagrangian field theory for general flows including rotation, Quantum thermodynamics and canonical typicality, Quantum fluctuation relations, Analysis and simulation of a new multi-component two-phase flow model with phase transitions and chemical reactions, Accounting of the influence of temperature dependant transient thermodynamic processes on gas laws, Mode coupling in critical phenomena and supercooled liquids, Transport Coefficients from Dissipation in a Canonical Ensemble, The statistical thermodynamics of a gas with long and short-range forces, Statistical Mechanics of Transport in Fluids, Linked-Diagram Expansions for Quantum Statistical Mechanics, Unravelling Topological Determinants of Excitable Dynamics on Graphs Using Analytical Mean-field Approaches, Electromagnetic Properties of Insulators. II, Dielectric Formulation of Quantum Statistics of Interacting Particles, A theory of the electrical properties of liquid metals. I: The monovalent metals, Bloch Wall Excitation. Application to Nuclear Resonance in a Bloch Wall, Complex heat capacity and entropy production of temperature modulated systems, Unnamed Item, Velocity-Dependent Correlations in the Statistical Distribution of the Electric Microfield in a Plasma, Quantum Brownian motion with large friction, Spectral energy density and radiation pressure in a Kerr nonlinear blackbody, Influence of superconductivity on a positronium in void, Resonances and adiabatic invariance in classical and quantum scattering theory, A model for the deformations and thermodynamics of liquids involving a dislocation kinetics, A complex-valued resonance model for axisymmetric screech tones in supersonic jets, A wave theory of heat transport with applications to Kapitsa resistance and thermal rectification, Relativistic Corrections in the Statistical Mechanics of Interacting Particles, Kinetic theory of turbulent compressible flows and comparison with classical theory, Sampson-Seitz Procedures and the Static Responses of Normal Fermion Systems, Density-dependent expressions for photoionization cross-sections, A mean-field monomer-dimer model with attractive interaction: Exact solution and rigorous results, Statistical Theory of Magnetoelectric Effects in Antiferromagnetics, Phase transitions in one dimension: are they all driven by domain walls?, Unnamed Item, The classical limit of non-integrable quantum systems, a route to quantum chaos, QUANTUM THERMAL EFFECT OF ARBITRARILY ACCELERATING KERR BLACK HOLE, Equilibrium distributions of a three-dimensional hard-sphere system under gravity, Quantum phase transitions without thermodynamic limits, Irreversible thermodynamics of thermoviscous solids with microstructures, DYNAMIC CRACK PROPAGATION IN FIVE-FOLD SYMMETRY QUASICRYSTALS, On the motion of an iron-alloy core containing a slurry: I. general theory, New class of multiplicative algorithms for solving of entropy-linear programs, Self-similar power transforms in extrapolation problems, Nonlinear electrostatics: the Poisson–Boltzmann equation, Thermodynamic analysis of universes with the initial and final de Sitter eras, The Riemann problem for fluid flow of real materials, Thermodynamics of universe with a varying dark energy component, Nonlinear plasma waves in an electron gas, A THEORY OF SYSTEM COMPLEXITY, Unnamed Item, Nucleation and growth dynamics of vapour bubbles, COLLAPSING NEUTRON STARS DRIVEN BY CRITICAL MAGNETIC FIELDS AND EXPLODING BOSE–EINSTEIN CONDENSATES, Functional stochastic classical mechanics, An unstable solution of hydromagnetic equations in a plasma cylinder and pulsar magnetic fields, Bundles and geometric structures associated with gyroscopic systems, Atomic order in the spinel structure – a group-theoretical analysis, Partial order among the 14 Bravais types of lattices: basics and applications, BUILDING A CASE FOR A PLANCK-SCALE-DEFORMED BOOST ACTION: THE PLANCK-SCALE PARTICLE-LOCALIZATION LIMIT, Universality in the stock exchange market, Hall viscosity, topological states and effective theories, Fluctuation effects in metastable states near first-order phase transitions, A new method for the solution of the transport equation in slab geometry, Energy of waves in a plasma, Unnamed Item, Phase structure of binary Bose–Einstein condensates at finite temperature, Fluctuation sound absorption in quark matter, 1/f noise and slow relaxations in glasses, Semi-classical approximation description of static properties of nuclei, Conservation of integrals of motion for small changes of Hamilton's function in some cases of integrability of the equations of motion of a gyrostat, Extended ensemble theory, spontaneous symmetry breaking, and phase transitions, Early Work on Defect Driven Phase Transitions, Minimalist approach to the classification of symmetry protected topological phases, A similar change in the kinetic-energy components of longitudinal continuous motion of magnetized electrons within the Landau levels and determination of the characteristics of a degenerate system, The Boltzmann equation for Bose-Einstein particles: velocity concentration and convergence to equilibrium, Application of finite-difference methods to membrane-mediated protein interactions and to heat and magnetic field diffusion in plasmas, ON THE SUPERSTRING HAMILTONIAN IN THE FRIEDMANN SPACE–TIME, FERMION CONDENSATION IN A RELATIVISTIC DEGENERATE STAR: ARRESTED COLLAPSE AND MACROSCOPIC EQUILIBRIUM, Statistical Mechanics for the Nonideal Bose Gas, Collective Motion in Simple Classical Fluids, On the RH relations across weak and strong shocks in van der Waals gases, Justifying the classical partition function for bosonic and fermionic systems using computer based experiments, Bulk–edge correspondence for unbounded Dirac–Landau operators, Structure‐Induced Phase Transitions in Classic Systems of Dipoles: Unequal Kagome, Truncated Square, and Prismatic Pentagonal Lattices, Measurement of random operators, jet geometry and high-order phase 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quantum Hall and related systems, A generalized Navier-Stokes equation near the liquid-glass transition, Entropy production in relativistic hydrodynamics, Quantum measurement and entropy production, A quantum field theory of entropy and specific heat near the liquid-glass transition, Phase structure of non-commutative scalar field theories, Molecular dynamic simulations of gases using a split-Hamiltonian method, On local thermal equilibrium given by an energy eigenstate in isolated quantum mechanical system, Structure-entropy relationship in repulsive glassy systems, Dissipation and quantization, On the semiclassical limit of the general modified NLS equation, A thermodynamically self-consistent statistical theory of the crystalline state, Thermodynamics of nonequilibrium radiation. I: General theory, Rotating class of parametric resonance processes in coupled oscillators, On the phase transition of conformal field theories with holographic duals, Squeezed thermal radiation state in a Kerr-nonlinear black body, Nucleation as a local subsystem fluctuation, The imprints of nonextensive statistical mechanics in high-energy collisions, A mathematical theorem as the basis for the second law: Thomson's formulation applied to equilibrium, Perturbations in a superfluid liquid in the Kaluza-Klein theory in the absence of the cylindricity condition, Properties of nonequilibrium steady states: a path integral approach, Acoustic emission due to the interaction between shock and instability waves in two-dimensional supersonic jet flows