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zbMath0608.05001MaRDI QIDQ3748279

Richard P. Stanley

Publication date: 1986

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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VI. Square lattice with extra-vertex boundary conditions, On the sub-permutations of pattern avoiding permutations, On \(\lambda\)-invariants associated to linear extensions of the product ordering on \(\mathbb{N}^d\), Colored posets and colored quasisymmetric functions, The Tchebyshev transforms of the first and second kind, Nonattacking queens in a rectangular strip, The computation of generalized Ehrhart series in normaliz, Finite Eulerian posets which are binomial, Sheffer or triangular, Non-matchable distributive lattices, Stabilization of monomial maps in higher codimension, Set partition asymptotics and a conjecture of Gould and Quaintance, Antichain toggling and rowmotion, Combinatorics of tableau inversions, The degree of point configurations: Ehrhart theory, Tverberg points and almost neighborly polytopes, Numerical methods for estimating approximate solutions of multicriteria optimization problems, Mellin transforms and asymptotics: Harmonic sums, Probabilistic analysis of bucket recursive trees, Combinatorial families of multilabelled increasing trees and hook-length formulas, Finite free resolutions and 1-skeletons of simplicial complexes, A ``Fourier transform for multiplicative functions on non-crossing partitions, A note on the spectrum of linearized Wenger graphs, Flat \({\delta}\)-vectors and their Ehrhart polynomials, Computing the volume, counting integral points, and exponential sums, Alternating-sign matrices and domino tilings. II, A rational-function identity related to the Murnaghan-Nakayama formula for the characters of \(S_ n\), Basic derivations for subarrangements of Coxeter arrangements, The Möbius function of factor order, On \(xD\)-generalizations of Stirling numbers and Lah numbers via graphs and rooks, The Matrix Ansatz, orthogonal polynomials, and permutations, The asymptotics of almost alternating permutations, Enumeration of ad-nilpotent \({\mathfrak b}\)-ideals for simple Lie algebras, Restricted partitions and \(q\)-Pell numbers, Rook placements in Young diagrams and permutation enumeration, A note on the Landau constants, Intersecting antichains and shadows in linear lattices, Rooted trees and iterated wreath products of cyclic groups, Harmonic analysis on the infinite symmetric group, Statistics on wreath products, perfect matchings, and signed words, The algebra of binary search trees, The Banzhaf power index for ternary bicooperative games, Shifted symmetric \(\delta \)-vectors of convex polytopes, Rigidity and the lower bound theorem. I, A formula for the characteristic polynomial of an arrangement, Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, tight quotients and Dyck superpartitions., Descent sets of cyclic permutations, Dyck paths of knight moves, A new basis of polytopes, Gaussian limiting distributions for the number of components in combinatorial structures, A recurrence for linear extensions, On prefix normal words and prefix normal forms, Special matchings in Coxeter groups, Amenability constants for semilattice algebras, Recurrence relations for graph polynomials on bi-iterative families of graphs, A \(q\)-queens problem. I: General theory, Perturbative renormalisation for not-quite-connected bialgebras, Further combinatorial properties of two Fibonacci lattices, Blocks in weight spaces in the root lattice, On the location of fixed points of G-deformations, Generalized Dyck paths, Lattice points in orthotopes and a huge polynomial Tutte invariant of weighted gain graphs, Combinatorial statistics on non-crossing partitions, A note on the binomial drop polynomial of a poset, A computer-aided study of the graded Lie algebra of a local commutative noetherian ring. -- Appendix A: Some technical details about how the computer was used. -- Appendix B (by Clas Löfwall): The Lie algebra structure of a ring satisfying \({\mathcal M}_ 3\) and variants, Union-closed families, An application of Burnside rings in elementary finite group theory, Total positivity of Hadamard products, Partition statistics on permutations, Mahonian statistics on labeled forests, Eulerian numbers, tableaux, and the Betti numbers of a toric variety, Polynomial identities for partitions, Divisor class groups of affine semigroup rings associated with distributive lattices, Enumeration of functions from posets to chains, Random walks with absorbing points, Congruence properties of \(q\)-analogs, Arranging \(n\) distinct numbers on a line or a circle to reach extreme total variations, Birthday paradox, coupon collectors, caching algorithms and self- organizing search, The \(k\)-orbit reconstruction and the orbit algebra, Generalized finite differences and Bayesian conditioning of Choquet capacities, On equivariant generalization of Dehn-Sommerville equations, Alternating-sign matrices and domino tilings. I, The convex hull of antichains in posets, Prime ideals in skew polynomial rings and quantized Weyl algebras, Gröbner bases and multiplicity of determinantal and Pfaffian ideals, Primes, irreducibles and extremal lattices, Some \(q\)-analogues of the Schröder numbers arising from combinatorial statistics on lattice paths, Enumeration of skew Ferrers diagrams and basic Bessel functions, On pairs of non-crossing generalized Dyck paths, The enumeration of integer sequences with a given number of colored records, On estimating the number of order ideals in partial orders, with some applications, Direct proof of the determinant expression for flagged skew tableaux, Variations of the mixed Hodge structure of affine hypersurfaces in algebraic tori, Symmetric functions, formal group laws, and Lazard's theorem, The capacity of monotonic functions, On the Neggers-Stanley conjecture and the Eulerian polynomials, Rook theory and \(t\)-cores, On the distribution of the area enclosed by a random walk on \(\mathbb{Z}^2\), The partial order of dominant weights, Complex representations of finite monoids. II: Highest weight categories and quivers, Generalized binomial coefficients and the subset-subspace problem, Enumerative questions on rooted weighted necklaces, Eulerian stratification of polyhedra, A partial order for the set of meanders, Coproducts and the cd-index, Combinatorial statistics on alternating permutations, New Schur function series, Representation of symmetric functions as Gram determinants, Generating functions of circular codes, The zeta function of a simplicial complex, Eulerian 2-strata spaces, Hermite reciprocity for the regular representations of cyclic groups, On the probabilistic zeta function for finite groups, The combinatorics of a class of representation functions, Dynkin diagram classification of \(\lambda\)-minuscule Bruhat lattices and of \(d\)-complete posets, Minuscule elements of Weyl groups, the numbers game, and \(d\)-complete posets, Log-concavity and the exponential formula, Coalescent random forests, Diagram rules for the generation of Schubert polynomials, Enumeration of cubic graphs by inclusion-exclusion, Log-concavity of Whitney numbers of Dowling lattices, The polytope of win vectors, General lexicographic shellability and orbit arrangements, Séries de croissance et polynômes d'Ehrhart associés aux réseaux de racines. (Growth series and Ehrhart polynomials associated to root lattices), An interruptible algorithm for perfect sampling via Markov chains, Gauss sums, Jacobi sums, and \(p\)-ranks of cyclic difference sets, Generating functions for actions on handlebodies with genus zero quotient, Posets in which every interval is a product of chains, and natural local actions of the symmetric group, \(q\)-analogs of the binomial coefficient congruences of Babbage, Wolstenholme and Glaisher, Reduced decompositions of permutations in terms of star transpositions, generalized Catalan numbers and \(k\)-ary trees, Homotopy of non-modular partitions and the Whitehouse module, Higher dimensional Aztec diamonds and a \((2^d+2)\)-vertex model, Descent identities, Hessenberg varieties, and the Weil conjectures, A construction of weighted parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials., Hopf algebras and edge-labeled posets, Maximizing the descent statistic, Classical distance-regular graphs of negative type, Inversion relations, reciprocity and polyominoes, Restricted random walks on a graph, Some combinatorial properties of Schubert polynomials, Conjectures on the quotient ring by diagonal invariants, Computing values of a polynomial with only few multiplications, The combinatorics and the homology of the poset of subgroups of \(p\)-power index, The theory of compositionals, Factoring distance matrix polynomials, The number of nonisomorphic posets having 12 elements, Exponential sums and integrals over convex polytopes, On the average rank of an element in a filter of the partition lattice, Spherical containment and the Minkowski dimension of partial orders, Gray codes from antimatroids, Order series of labelled posets, Compositional calculus, Counting permutations with given cycle structure and descent set, A connection between alternating sign matrices and totally symmetric self- complementary plane partitions, Descent classes of permutations with a given number of fixed points, Maximizing Möbius functions on subsets of Boolean algebras, A note on the homotopy type of posets, Chains in the lattice of noncrossing partitions, Covering algebras and \(q\)-binomial generating functions, Shuffling lattices, On minuscule representations, plane partitions and involutions in complex Lie groups, On the nilpotent representations of \(GL_ n({\mathcal O})\), Partition lattice \(q\)-analogs related to \(q\)-Stirling numbers, Computing the Ehrhart polynomial of a convex lattice polytope, The \(r\)-multipermutations, Perfect matchings and perfect squares, A calculus for the random generation of labelled combinatorial structures, Families of sets with locally bounded width, \(P\)-partitions and \(q\)-Stirling numbers, Inverse descents of \(r\)-multipermutations, Invertible modules and generic subintegrality, Duality of graded graphs, Some hidden relations involving the ten symmetry classes of plane partitions, A decomposition of 2-weak vertex-packing polytopes, Algebraic nonlinearity and its applications to cryptography, A combinatorial formula for Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, Interpretation of a basic hypergeometric identity with Lie characters and Young tableaux, The homology of partitions with an even number of blocks, On a generalization of index series of species, Equivariant homotopy of posets and some applications to subgroup lattices, Partial order complementation graphs, Manifold structures on abstract regular polytopes, Chiral polytopes from hyperbolic honeycombs, Buchsbaum and Eulerian complexes, Lattice paths: Vicious walkers and friendly walkers, Multivariate discrete distributions induced by an urn scheme, linear Diophantine equations, unbiased estimating, testing and applications, Combinatorial properties of the Kazhdan-Lusztig \(R\)-polynomials for \(S_ n\), Möbius functions of lattices, Free resolutions of simplicial posets, \(J\)-chains and multichains, duality of Hecke modules, and formulas for parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, On the Möbius number of the subgroup lattice of the symmetric group, A bijection between maximal chains in Fibonacci posets, Chromatic polynomials of partition systems, Invariant subspaces of the ring of functions on a vector space over a finite field, The number of Hamiltonian paths in a rectangular grid, Parametric Möbius inversion formulas, On Smith's determinant, Generalized tree inversions and \(k\)-parking functions, Random set partitions: Asymptotics of subset counts, An algebraic approach to convolutions and transform methods, Subspace arrangements over finite fields: Cohomological and enumerative aspects, Lê numbers of arrangements and matroid identities, The c--2d-index of oriented matroids, Note on a combinatorial application of Alexander duality, Generalized bibasic hypergeometric series and their \(U(n)\) extensions, The combinatorics of discrete self-similarity, Polynomial invariants of groups associated to configurations of hyperplanes over finite fields, A suspension lemma for bounded posets, Maximal subgroups of direct products, Kinematic formulas for finite vector spaces, Non-crossing partitions for classical reflection groups, Formal group-theoretic generalizations of the necklace algebra, including a \(q\)-deformation, Mixed volumes and slices of the cube, An interpretation for Garsia and Remmel's \(q\)-hit numbers, Hopf algebras of set systems, Stirling partitions of the symmetric group and Laplace operators for the orthogonal Lie algebra, A chromatic partition polynomial, Permutations with one or two 132-subsequences, Characteristic and Ehrhart polynomials, Hilbert polynomials in combinatorics, Minimal paths between maximal chains in finite rank semimodular lattices, Semimodular lattices and semibuildings, Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials of parabolic type, On valuations, the characteristic polynomial, and complex subspace arrangements, Factorization of the cover polynomial, Automaticity of double sequences generated by one-dimensional linear cellular automata, An involution for the Gauss identity, A simple definition for the universal Grassmannian order, (--1)-enumeration of plane partitions with complementation symmetry, Farrell polynomials on graphs of bounded tree width, On quotients of Coxeter groups under the weak order, Tile invariants: New horizons., On the matrix powers and exponential by the \(r\)-generalized Fibonacci sequences methods: The companion matrix case, Extremal properties of bases for representations of semisimple Lie algebras, Enumeration of permutations containing a prescribed number of occurrences of a pattern of length three, Recurrent sequences and Schur functions, Major and descent statistics for the even-signed permutation group, Discrete truncated powers and lattice points in rational polytope., Finite subset spaces of graphs and punctured surfaces, The Bruhat order on the involutions of the hyperoctahedral group., Relative volumes and minors in monomial subrings., A blossoming algorithm for tree volumes of composite digraphs, Computing the average parallelism in trace monoids., The Catalan matroid, Topology of subgroup lattices of symmetric and alternating groups., Qsym over Sym is free, Lattice-theoretic properties of MPR-posets in phylogeny, Ideals of quasi-symmetric functions and super-covariant polynomials for \(\mathcal S_n\), Waiting time problem for an almost perfect match., Lyndon words, permutations and trees., Ancestor ideals of vector spaces of forms, and level algebras., Structural decompositions of multivariate distributions with applications in moment and cumulant., Finite lattices and lexicographic Gröbner bases, The Shapley value on convex geometries, Explicit formulae for some Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, Counting structures in the Möbius ladder, The number of elements in a generalized partition semilattice, Modular elements in the lattice \(L(A)\) when \(A\) is a real reflection arrangement., Kazhdan-Lusztig and \(R\)-polynomials from a combinatorial point of view., Graph colorings and related symmetric functions: ideas and applications: A description of results, interesting applications, and notable open problems., A characterization of inverse relations., The partition algebra revisited, A characterization of the words occurring as factors in a minimum number of words, Another refinement of the Bender-Knuth (ex-)conjecture, Trees, forests, and total positivity. I: \(q\)-trees and \(q\)-forests matrices, On permutation polytopes, Grid graphs, Gorenstein polytopes, and domino stackings, The Dilworth lattice of Artinian rings, A generalization of Sylow's third theorem, Cumulants in noncommutative probability theory. IV: Noncrossing cumulants: de Finetti's theorem and \(L^{p}\)-inequalities, MacWilliams-type identities for fragment and sphere enumerators, On the combinatorial invariance of Kazhdan--Lusztig polynomials, On existence and number of orthogonal arrays, Graph polynomials from principal pivoting, The \(q\)-exponential generating function for permutations by consecutive patterns and inversions, Multiple zeta functions and asymptotic structure of free Abelian groups of finite rank., Posets of shuffles, Bruhat order on the involutions of classical Weyl groups., Generalized Eulerian numbers and the topology of the Hessenberg variety of a matrix, Rational generating functions for enumerating chains of partitions, On the number of local minima for the multidimensional assignment problem, Classification of the factorial functions of Eulerian binomial and Sheffer posets, Tableaux and chains in a new partial order of \(S_ n\), Linear extensions and order polynomials of finite partially ordered sets, More on the combinatorial invariance of Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, On Whitney numbers of Dowling lattices, Generalized Stirling and Lah numbers, The skew, relative, and classical derangements, Combinatorial families enumerated by quasi-polynomials, Finitary topos for locally finite, causal and quantal vacuum Einstein gravity, Combinatoric enumeration of two-dimensional proper arrays, Analytical depoissonization and its applications, Generalized Stirling permutations and forests: higher-order Eulerian and Ward numbers, Walks, partitions, and normal ordering, On the \(E\)-polynomials of a family of \({\mathrm {Sl}}_n\)-character varieties, The journey of the union-closed sets conjecture, Structure coefficients and strategy selection in multiplayer games, Studying the various properties of MIN and MAX matrices -- elementary vs. more advanced methods, Some new characterizations of Hamiltonian cycles in triangular grid graphs, A bijection from ordered trees to binary trees that sends the pruning order to the Strahler number, Random variables related to a class of ordered structures, A new derivation of the generating function for the major index, Some results on Ehrhart polynomials of convex polytopes, Counting finite subsets of an immune set, The Shapley value for bicooperative games, Hilbert polynomials and geometric lattices, Automatic average-case analysis of algorithms, The discrete fundamental group of the order complex of \(B_n\), Bounding the number of \(k\)-faces in arrangements of hyperplanes, The local Kostant-PBW ordering, Using Rota's Umbral calculus to enumerate Stanley's \(P\)-partitions, Hilbert functions of Cohen-Macaulay integral domains and chain conditions of finite partially ordered sets, On the Hilbert function of a graded Cohen-Macaulay domain, Permutation statistics and linear extensions of posets, PI degree parity in \(q\)-skew polynomial rings., Log-concavity and combinatorial properties of Fibonacci lattices, Multidimensional hypergeometric distribution and characters of the unitary group, Generalized flags in finite abelian \(p\)-groups, Linear and nonlinear inequalities concerning a certain combinatorial sequence which arises from counting the number of chains of a finite distributive lattice, Some applications of algebra to combinatorics, Weighted derivations and the cd-index, The major index polynomial for conjugacy classes of permutations, On the structure of the lattice of noncrossing partitions, Groups of linear isometries on poset structures, On a duality in Coxeter groups., Lattice polytopes having \(h^*\)-polynomials with given degree and linear coefficient, An algorithm for the difference between set covers, Biprobabilistic values for bicooperative games, Schubert varieties, linear codes and enumerative combinatorics., Higher derivations of Ore extensions by \(q\)-skew derivations., Enumerative properties of shifted-Dyck partitions, Eigenvalues of the derangement graph, Lattice polytopes of degree 2, A history and a survey of lattice path enumeration, The cd-index of the poset of intervals and \(E_{t}\)-construction, Direct sum of distributive lattices on the perfect matchings of a plane bipartite graph, On a zeta function associated with automata and codes, On the arithmetic product of combinatorial species, Cyclotomic factors of the descent set polynomial, Affine and toric hyperplane arrangements, Commutation relations and Markov chains, On averaging Frankl's conjecture for large union-closed-sets, Word representations of \(m\times n\times p\) proper arrays, Trees, set compositions and the twisted descent algebra, Successions in integer partitions, Parity patterns associated with lifts of Hecke groups., Signed permutations and the four color theorem, Algebras on subintervals of pseudo-hoops, Distributive lattices of small width. II: A problem from Stanley's 1986 text \textsl{Enumerative combinatorics}, Explicit expressions for the extremal excedance set statistics, The kernel of chromatic quasisymmetric functions on graphs and hypergraphic polytopes, The active bijection in graphs, hyperplane arrangements, and oriented matroids, 1: the fully optimal basis of a bounded region, Axiomatizations of the Shapley value for games on augmenting systems, Note: Combinatorial Alexander duality -- a short and elementary proof, The maximal-inversion statistic and pattern-avoiding permutations, f-vectors and h-vectors of simplicial posets, A simple and relatively efficient triangulation of the n-cube, Flawless O-sequences and Hilbert functions of Cohen-Macaulay integral domains, \(p,q\)-Stirling numbers and set partition statistics, Finarity substitute for continuous topology, Some asymptotic properties of discrete means, Which scoring rule maximizes condorcet efficiency under IAC?, Generalized Dold sequences on partially-ordered sets, On a divisor of the central binomial coefficient, Locally finiteness and convolution products in groupoids, Universal Tutte polynomial, A broken circuit model for chromatic homology theories, Quasi-varieties, congruences, and generalized Dowling lattices, Minor summation formula of pfaffians and Schur function identities, Character polynomials and the Möbius function, On \(q\)-analogues of partially ordered sets, Combinatorics and total positivity, A combinatorial correspondence for walks in Weyl chambers, Universal expansion of the powers of a derivation, Cohen-Macaulay types of subgroup lattices of finite abelian \(p\)-groups, A linear-algebraic and lattice-theoretical look at the Cleaning Lemma of quantum coding theory, The structure of generic subintegrality, Statistical enumeration of groups by double cosets, A generalization of semimodular supersolvable lattice, Schur operators and Knuth correspondences, Conway's influence on the study of random tilings, Matrix \(q\)-hypergeometric series, Pattern Hopf algebras, A harmonic mean inequality for the \(q\)-gamma function, Martingales and descent statistics, The combinatorial power of the companion matrix, Explicit diagrammatic solution of normalised, nondegenerate Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbation theory, An application of singular traces to crystals and percolation, Lexicographically first reduced words, Nonnegativity results for generalized \(q\)-binomial coefficients, Noncommutative lattices as finite approximations, Some congruences for generalized binomial coefficients, Signable posets and partitionable simplicial complexes, Singularities of toric varieties associated with finite distributive lattices, A remarkable \(q,t\)-Catalan sequence and \(q\)-Lagrange inversion, Factor-powers of finite symmetric groups, Linear cellular automata, finite automata and Pascal's triangle, Analytic methods in asymptotic enumeration, The number of complements of a topology on \(n\) points is at least \(2^ n\) (except for some special cases), Genetic algorithms in constrained optimization, A new cubical \(h\)-vector, Juggling and applications to \(q\)-analogues, Reduced words in affine Coxeter groups, Recursive statistics on words, Crossings and embracings of set-partitions and \(q\)-analogues of the logarithm of the Fourier transform, Some results on Betti numbers of Stanley-Reisner rings, The energy of a simplicial complex, Non-Koszulness of operads and positivity of Poincaré series, Counting and computing the Rand and block distances of pairs of set partitions, \(k\)-indivisible noncrossing partitions, Enumeration of bounded lecture hall tableaux, Hankel determinants, Hahn polynomials, and a formula of Krattenthaler, Two-row \(W\)-graphs in affine type \(A\), Reflexive polytopes arising from bipartite graphs with \(\gamma\)-positivity associated to interior polynomials, Counting and enumerating tree-child networks and their subclasses, Graph weights arising from statistical mechanics, Groups generated by involutions of diamond-shaped graphs, and deformations of Young's orthogonal form, Binary cumulant varieties, Direct bijective computation of the generating series for 2 and 3-connection coefficients of the symmetric group, The intrinsic hyperplane arrangement in an arbitrary irreducible representation of the symmetric group, The \(r\)-signed Birkhoff transform, A geometric approach to counting norms in cyclic extensions of function fields, An Euler relation for valuations on polytopes, Descents, quasi-symmetric functions, Robinson-Schensted for posets, and the chromatic symmetric function, Quotient sets and subset-subspace analogy, Greedy balanced pairs in \(N\)-free ordered sets, Rooks on Ferrers boards and matrix integrals, On representations of the infinite symmetric group, Finite approximations to quantum physics: quantum points and their bundles, Twisted incidence algebras and Kazhdan-Lusztig-Stanley functions, An exponential formula for polynomial vector fields. II: Lie series, exponential substitution, and rooted trees, Values and potential of games with cooperation structure, Multibasic and mixed hypergeometric Gosper-type algorithms, An improved upper bound for the \(3\)-dimensional dimer problem, A combinatorial description of the spectrum for the Tsetlin library and its generalization to hyperplane arrangements, Weighted-inversion statistics and their symmetry groups, Quasi-differential posets and cover functions of distributive lattices. I: A conjecture of Stanley, Skills first -- an alternative approach to construct knowledge spaces, Parabolically induced functions and equidistributed pairs, Loop homology of bi-secondary structures, Solving the Cauchy problem for a two-dimensional difference equation at a point using computer algebra methods, Parameterized counting of partially injective homomorphisms, Duality of graded graphs through operads, Noncrossing arc diagrams, Tamari lattices, and parabolic quotients of the symmetric group, A geometric and combinatorial exploration of Hochschild lattices, The \(r\)-Stirling numbers of the first kind in terms of the Möbius function, Generalized \(F\)-signatures of Hibi rings, Reconstruction theorem for monoid schemes, Weakly increasing trees on a multiset, Fixed points of a random restricted growth sequence, Modulus of continuity and modulus of smoothness related to the deformed Hankel transform, Shift-plethystic trees and Rogers-Ramanujan identities, P-flag spaces and incidence stratifications, An order on circular permutations, Nonexistence of bigeodesics in planar exponential last passage percolation, On the regularity of join-meet ideals of modular lattices, Two bijections on weakly increasing trees, Operator growth in 2d CFT, Combinatorial solution of the eclectic spin chain, Transport of patterns by Burge transpose, Burnside chromatic polynomials of group-invariant graphs, Rank-metric lattices, Internally perfect matroids, Power series with coefficients from a finite set, On the relationship between combinatorial functions and representation theory, Mutually complementary partial orders, Haruspicy 2: The anisotropic generating function of self-avoiding polygons is not D-finite, The positive Bergman complex of an oriented matroid, Arithmetic into geometric progressions through Riordan arrays, Ehrhart series for connected simple graphs, Rational lecture hall polytopes and inflated Eulerian polynomials, The topology of restricted partition posets, The \(C\)-finite ansatz, Hilbert depth of graded modules over polynomial rings in two variables, Decomposition theorem on matchable distributive lattices, Modeling, analyzing and slicing periodic distributed computations, On a symbolic representation of non-central Wishart random matrices with applications, Circular codes, loop counting, and zeta-functions, Enumeration of algebras close to absolutely free algebras and binary trees, The computational complexity of rules for the character table of \(S_n\)., Special matchings and permutations in Bruhat orders., Combinatorial identities by way of Wilf's multigraph model, Transfer matrices and partition-function zeros for antiferromagnetic Potts models. V. Further results for the square-lattice chromatic polynomial, Generalized Dyck shifts, On the combinatorics of symmetrized poly-Bernoulli numbers, Double ramification cycles on the moduli spaces of curves, Asymptotics of the Jordan normal form of a random nilpotent matrix, Markov chains on graded posets. Compatibility of up-directed and down-directed transition probabilities, Profile of random exponential recursive trees, The Jones-Wenzl idempotent of a generalized Temperley-Lieb algebra, The lattice of worker-quasi-stable matchings, How many Fourier coefficients are needed?, Total positivity of some polynomial matrices that enumerate labeled trees and forests. I: Forests of rooted labeled trees, Orbits of rational \(n\)-sets of projective spaces under the action of the linear group, Parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig \(R\)-polynomials for tight quotients of the symmetric groups., Sign insertion and Kazhdan-Lusztig cells of affine symmetric groups, Euler classes and Bredon cohomology for groups with restricted families of finite subgroups., The absolute order of a permutation representation of a Coxeter group, Computing the degree of a lattice ideal of dimension one, On the positive definiteness and eigenvalues of meet and join matrices, Convex polytopes all of whose reverse lexicographic initial ideals are squarefree, On symmetric polynomials with only real zeros and nonnegative \(\gamma\)-vectors, Bruhat order on plane posets and applications, Towards a generic view of primality through multiset decompositions of natural numbers, Lattice paths and branched continued fractions. II: Multivariate Lah polynomials and Lah symmetric functions, Counting and locating the solutions of polynomial systems of maximum likelihood equations. I., A graphical calculus for integration over random diagonal unitary matrices, Artin group injection in the Hecke algebra for right-angled groups, Quantum spectrum testing, Discrete path integral approach to the Selberg trace formula for regular graphs, A new \(q\)-analogue of the sum of cubes, Orientation-reversing actions on Lens spaces and Gaussian integers, The Möbius function of partitions with restricted block sizes, Parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig \(R\)-polynomials for Hermitian symmetric pairs., Relative one-weight linear codes, Profinite groups in which the probabilistic zeta function coincides with the subgroup zeta function., Convergence rates of random walk on irreducible representations of finite groups, Enumeration of \(m\)-tuples of permutations and a new class of power bases for the space of symmetric functions, Regulating functions on partially ordered sets, A note on a value with incomplete communication, The topology of the independence complex, Noncrossing normal ordering for functions of boson operators, Special matchings and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, Solitary and edge-minimal bases for representations of the simple Lie algebra \(G_2\), On the enumeration of positive cells in generalized cluster complexes and Catalan hyperplane arrangements., Equi-distribution over descent classes of the hyperoctahedral group, Two enumerative results on cycles of permutations, Posets with maximal Möbius function, Combinatorial construction of logarithmic differential forms, A dimension series for multivariate splines, Algorithmic combinatorics based on slicing posets, Generating modular lattices of up to 30 elements, Lattice paths, lexicographic correspondence and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials., Posets related to the connectivity set of Coxeter groups., The \(h,k\)-equal partition lattice is EL-shellable when \(h \geq k\), On the Markov-Dyck shifts of vertex type, Totally frustrated states in the chromatic theory of gain graphs, Exponential Dowling structures, A short note on integral transformations and conversion formulas for sequence generating functions, Birational antichain toggling and rowmotion, Asymptotics of the number of geodesics in the discrete Heisenberg group, Kazhdan-Lusztig \(R\)-polynomials for pircons, Hopping from Chebyshev polynomials to permutation statistics, On meet matrices on posets, \(q\) and \(q, t\)-analogs of non-commutative symmetric functions, Alternate transition matrices for Brenti's \(q\)-symmetric functions and a class of \((q,t)\)-symmetric functions on the hyperoctahedral group, Periodic de Bruijn triangles: exact and asymptotic results, Antithetic and Monte Carlo kernel estimators for partial rankings, Lattices of lattice paths, Computing possible and certain answers over order-incomplete data, The depth of powers of an ideal, Optimal systolic array algorithms for tensor product, Distributive lattices, bipartite graphs and Alexander duality, Advanced determinant calculus: a complement, Complexes of discrete Morse functions, Multiplicities of edge subrings, Representation theory, dynamical systems, combinatorial and algorithmic methods. Part 9. Transl. from the Russian, Linear extensions and order-preserving poset partitions, Poset edge-labellings and left modularity, The Bergman complex of a matroid and phylogenetic trees, The pre-WDVV ring of physics and its topology, Recursion over partitions, On signed multiplicities of Schur expansions surrounding Petrie symmetric functions, About an extension of the Davenport-Rado result to the Herzog-Schonheim conjecture for free groups, Unnamed Item, Proof of a conjecture of Klopsch-Voll on Weyl groups of type 𝐴, Lattice Paths and Branched Continued Fractions: An Infinite Sequence of Generalizations of the Stieltjes–Rogers and Thron–Rogers Polynomials, with Coefficientwise Hankel-Total Positivity, Fundamental weight systems are quantum states, The number of ribbon tilings for strips, Algebraic and arithmetical properties of Mahler infinite products generated by the second degree polynomials, Matching points in compositions and words, ROhAN: row-order agnostic null models for statistically-sound knowledge discovery, Partition coefficients of acyclic graphs, An inversion statistic on the generalized symmetric groups, Very well-covered graphs by Betti splittings, Log-concavity of the restricted partition function \(p_{\mathcal{A}}(n, k)\) and the new Bessenrodt-Ono type inequality, Lattice conditional independence models and Hibi ideals, Linear extensions and shelling orders, Immanant varieties, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Enriched 𝑃-Partitions, Explicit constructions of the fundamental representations of the symplectic Lie algebras, Noncommutative enumeration in graded posets, Nielsen fixed point theory for partially ordered sets, A characterization of \((3+1)\)-free posets, Catalan numbers revisited, The Yuri Manin ring and its \({\mathcal B}_n\)-analogue, A statistic on involutions, Explicit expressions of Smith's determinant on a poset, On mixing of certain random walks, cutoff phenomenon and sharp threshold of random matroid processes, A homotopy equivalence for partition posets related to liftings of \(S_{n-1}\)-modules to \(S_n\), Generating functions for computing power indices efficiently, Union-closed families of sets, Explicit formulae for some Kazhdan-Lusztig \(R\)-polynomials., On computing Hilbert bases via the Elliot--MacMahon algorithm, Some properties of inverse weighted parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, Enumeration of Lozenge tilings of hexagons with a central triangular hole, Angular momentum theory, umbral calculus, and combinatorics, Spectral sequences on combinatorial simplicial complexes, MacMahon's partition analysis: The Omega package, Polynomial properties in unitriangular matrices, Proof of Chapoton's conjecture on Newton polygons of \(q\)-Ehrhart polynomials, An equipartition property for the distribution of multiset permutation inversions, Descent numbers and major indices for the hyperoctahedral group, Permutations with restricted patterns and Dyck paths, Generalized parking functions, tree inversions, and multicolored graphs, Superpositional quantum network topologies, Symmetric magic squares and multivariate splines, Research problems, The facial weak order on hyperplane arrangements, Connectivity properties of factorization posets in generated groups, Augmenting and Decreasing Systems, The monomial ideal of a finite meet-semilattice, Monomial Ideals Arising From Distributive Lattices, Ascending runs in permutations and valued Dyck paths, Level Rings Arising from Meet-Distributive Meet-Semilattices, Unnamed Item, Coin-Flipping, Ball-Dropping, and Grass-Hopping for Generating Random Graphs from Matrices of Edge Probabilities, Asymptotics for the time of ruin in the war of attrition, Integer partitions into Diophantine pairs, The extension theorem for bi-invariant weights over Frobenius rings and Frobenius bimodules, Tree expansion in time-dependent perturbation theory, A simple sorting algorithm for compositions, Unnamed Item, Periods of iterated rational functions, On the topology of nested set complexes, Stable branching rules for classical symmetric pairs, Special values of multiple polylogarithms, G-Vertex Colored Partition Algebras as Centralizer Algebras of Direct Products, An Approach to the Herzog-Schönheim Conjecture Using Automata, Dominance method for plane partitions. IV: Enumeration of flagged skew tableaux, Unnamed Item, Partitions for Semi-magic Squares of Size Three, Longest increasing subsequences: from patience sorting to the Baik-Deift-Johansson theorem, Introduction aux polyèdres en combinatoire d'après E. Ehrhart et R. Stanley, Ranking/Unranking of Lambda Terms with Compressed de Bruijn Indices, The combinator M and the Mockingbird lattice, Cell complexes, poset topology and the representation theory of algebras arising in algebraic combinatorics and discrete geometry, On a Multidimensional Version of the Principal Theorem of Difference Equations with Constant Coefficients, On a Partial Order Related to Divisibility, q-Catalan Identities, Common Complements of Linear Subspaces and the Sparseness of MRD Codes, Whitney Numbers of Combinatorial Geometries and Higher-Weight Dowling Lattices, Isometry groups of additive codes over finite fields, The cubical matching complex revisited, Discrete Morse functions from lexicographic orders, Unnamed Item, Some Explanations of Dobinski's Formula, Cyclic Tableaux and Symmetric Functions, Euler and the Strong Law of Small Numbers, On evaluating permanents and a matrix of contangents, The Corners of Core Partitions, Inverse relations and reciprocity laws involving partial Bell polynomials and related extensions, Oriented matroid polytopes and polyhedral fans are signable, $d-$Fibonacci and $d-$Lucas polynomials, Surjections, Differences, and Binomial Lattices, Pell Walks, Large antichains in the partition lattice, There Are a Lot of Magic Squares!, Об алгебре и арифметике биномиальных и гауссовых коэффициентов, On Partitioning and Packing Products with Rectangles, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Cubillages of cyclic zonotopes, Stanley's Lemma and Multiple Theta Functions, Unnamed Item, Finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras at roots of unity, Spectral Gap Properties of the Unitary Groups: Around Rider’s Results on Non-commutative Sidon Sets, On the poset of conjugacy classes of subgroups of π-power index, Unnamed Item, Growth Functions and Automatic Groups, Calculating genus polynomials via string operations and matrices, On Geometric Complexity Theory: Multiplicity Obstructions Are Stronger Than Occurrence Obstructions, Non-degenerate 2 × k × (k + 1) hypermatrices, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Edge Conflicts do not Determine Geodesics in the Associahedron, Comonotonic proper scoring rules to measure ambiguity and subjective beliefs, Unnamed Item, Two Decompositions in Topological Combinatorics with Applications to Matroid Complexes, Decomposition numbers for finite Coxeter groups and generalised non-crossing partitions, Unnamed Item, Multivariate Discrete Splines and Linear Diophantine Equations, The zeta functions of renewal systems, Combinatorics of Polymer-Based Models of Early Metabolism, Codimension Growth of Strong Lie Nilpotent Associative Algebras, Herzog–Schönheim conjecture, vanishing sums of roots of Unity and convex polygons, Lattice paths and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, On the centralizer algebra of the unitary reflection group G(m,p,n), A Matrix Related to Stern Polynomials and the Prouhet-Thue-Morse Sequence, Unnamed Item, Descent representations and multivariate statistics, GROWTH OF SOLVABLE LIE SUPERALGEBRAS, The enumeration of simultaneous higher-order contacts between plane curves, Unnamed Item, Special matchings and parabolic Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials, Closed product formulas for extensions of generalized Verma modules, Analytic analysis of algorithms, Homogeneous functions on light cones: the infinitesimal structure of some degenerate principal series representations, The möbius function of the lattice of closed subsystems of a root system, Definitions and properties of entropy and distance for regular languages, Unnamed Item, Parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials for Hermitian symmetric pairs, Coexistence in interval effect algebras, On the Okounkov-Olshanski formula for standard tableaux of skew shapes, Boundary partitions in trees and dimers, On the computational complexity of the Jones and Tutte polynomials, Untying the Gordian Knot via Experimental Mathematics, Distributive coset graphs of finite Coxeter groups, Rook theory, compositions, and zeta functions, Congruence properties for the trinomial coefficients, Improved Bounds on Induced Acyclic Subgraphs in Random Digraphs, Murnaghan-Nakayama rules for characters of Iwahori-Hecke algebras of classical type, Finitary Incidence Algebras, Roots of Ehrhart polynomials of Gorenstein Fano polytopes, Enumerating Types of Boolean Functions, Unnamed Item, Weighted First-Order Model Counting in the Two-Variable Fragment With Counting Quantifiers, Unnamed Item, Counting Restricted Homomorphisms via Möbius Inversion over Matroid Lattices, Recurrence relations with two indices and even trees, Extremal Bases for the Adjoint Representations of the Simple Lie Algebras, Group actions on arrangements of linear subspaces and applications to configuration spaces, LINEAR EXTENSIONS OF DIAMOND POSETS, A Combinatorial Proof of Bass’s Evaluations of the Ihara-Selberg Zeta Function for Graphs