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zbMath0618.22011MaRDI QIDQ3754832

Andrew Pressley, Graeme B. Segal

Publication date: 1986

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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A filtration of algebraic loops, On Fredholm index, transversal approximations and Quillen's geometric complex cobordism of Hilbert manifolds with some applications to flag varieties of loop groups, Projective families of Dirac operators on a Banach Lie groupoid, A loop group method for affine harmonic maps into Lie groups, Evolution of smooth shapes and integrable systems, Wall-crossings in toric Gromov-Witten theory. I: Crepant examples, Cheeger-Chern-Simons theory and differential string classes, Dirac operators on quasi-Hamiltonian \(G\)-spaces, Total positivity, Schubert positivity, and geometric Satake, Segal-Wilson approach to integrable systems and Riemann-Hilbert problems, AKSZ models of semistrict higher gauge theory, An integral structure in quantum cohomology and mirror symmetry for toric orbifolds, Moduli space of complex structures, Third group cohomology and gerbes over Lie groups, Geometric interpretation of second elliptic integrable systems, Modified regular representations of affine and Virasoro algebras, VOA structure and semi-infinite cohomology, Conformal nets associated with lattices and their orbifolds, Homotopy moment maps, Horizontal supersymmetry and Weyl character formulae, Littelmann paths for the basic representation of an affine Lie algebra, On the relationship of gerbes to the odd families index theorem, Geometry of Higgs bundles over elliptic curves related to automorphisms of simple Lie algebras, Calogero-Moser systems, and KZB equations, Connectivity properties of moment maps on based loop groups, On a Lagrangian reduction and a deformation of completely integrable systems, Heisenberg groups and noncommutative fluxes, Moduli spaces and Grassmannian, Duality for the general isomonodromy problem, Quantum cohomology of the infinite-dimensional generalized flag manifolds, Nonlinear oscillators and solitons of Maxwell-Bloch equations, On differentiable vectors for representations of infinite dimensional Lie groups, Connectedness of levels for moment maps on various classes of loop groups, Differential algebras with Banach-algebra coefficients. I: From \(C^*\)-algebras to the \(K\)-theory of the spectral curve, All harmonic 2-spheres in the unitary group, completely explicitly, Some analytical and geometrical aspects of stable partial indices, Infinite-dimensional Lie groups and algebras in mathematical physics, Close-to-optimal bounds for loop approximation, Geometry of the analytic loop group, Final group topologies, Kac-Moody groups and Pontryagin duality, Geometric structures on loop and path spaces, The compatible Grassmannian, The module structure of the equivariant \(K\)-theory of the based loop group of \(SU(2)\), New constructions of twistor lifts for harmonic maps, On intermediate subfactors of Goodman-de la Harpe-Jones subfactors, The two-sided infinite extension of the Mallows model for random permutations, Harmonic maps of finite uniton number into \(G _{2}\), An invitation to higher gauge theory, Geometric approach to Kac-Moody and Virasoro algebras, Loop groups and twisted \(K\)-theory. III, Categorified central extensions, étale Lie 2-groups and Lie's third theorem for locally exponential Lie algebras, Construction of wedge-local nets of observables through Longo-Witten endomorphisms, Explicit construction of harmonic two-spheres into the complex Grassmannian, Bundle gerbes and moduli spaces, The phase of the scattering operator from the geometry of certain infinite-dimensional groups, Timelike constant mean curvature surfaces with singularities, A spectral curve approach to Lawson symmetric CMC surfaces of genus 2, Essentially commuting projections, The Frobenius-Virasoro algebra and Euler equations, Filtrations, factorizations and explicit formulae for harmonic maps, String geometry vs. spin geometry on loop spaces, The Riemann-Hilbert problem in loop spaces, Partial indices of analytic discs attached to Lagrangian submanifolds of \({\mathbb{C}}^ N\), \(S^1\)-equivariant Chern-Weil constructions on loop space, The strict AKNS hierarchy: its structure and solutions, Global aspects of gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten models, Some unitary representations of Thompson's groups \(F\) and \(T\), Harmonic spheres in outer symmetric spaces, their canonical elements and Weierstrass-type representations, An integrable hierarchy including the AKNS hierarchy and its strict version, Semi-infinite cohomology in conformal field theory and 2D gravity, The geometric nature of the Flaschka transformation, Convexity theorem for infinite-dimensional isoparametric submanifolds, Models in boundary quantum field theory associated with lattices and loop group models, Isometric embeddings of infinite-dimensional Grassmannians, Lax equations, singularities and Riemann-Hilbert problems, Completing Verlinde algebras, Ground state representations of loop algebras, Timelike minimal surfaces via loop groups, The trigonometric Casimir connection of a simple Lie algebra, On rational solutions of multicomponent and matrix KP hierarchies, A generalization of Weyl's identity for \(D_{n}\), Extensions of Banach Lie-Poisson spaces, Perverse sheaves on real loop Grassmannians, Fractional loop group and twisted \(K\)-theory, The quaternionic KP hierarchy and conformally immersed 2-tori in the 4-sphere, Kac-Moody groups, topology of the Dirac determinant bundle, and fermionization, Conjugacy classes in affine Kac-Moody groups and principal \(G\)-bundles over elliptic curves, Tensor factorization and spin construction for Kac-Moody algebras, In memoriam: Andrei Zelevinsky (1953--2013), Extensions of current groups on \(S^3\) and the adjoint representations, Littlewood-Richardson coefficients for Hecke algebras at roots of unity, Conformal field algebras with quantum symmetry from the theory of superselection sectors, Universal Schwinger cocycles of current algebras in \((D+1)\)-dimensions: Geometry and physics, An application of Lie superalgebras to affine Lie algebras, Extended super-Kac-Moody algebras and their super-derivation algebras, Affine Kac-Moody algebras and semi-infinite flag manifolds, SU(2) Chern-Simons theory at genus zero, The supersymmetric sigma model, topological quantum mechanics and knot invariants, Deformation of current algebras in \(3+1\) dimensions, The moment mapping for unitary representations, Algebras almost commuting with Clifford algebras in a \(II_{\infty}\) factor, String structures and the path fibration of a group, New unitary representations of loop groups, A new family of irreducible, integrable modules for affine Lie algebras, String quantization on group manifolds and the holomorphic geometry of Diff \(S^ 1/S^ 1\), Coadjoint orbits of the Virasoro group, Temperature states on loop groups, theta functions and the Luttinger model, Quantum field theory, Grassmannians, and algebraic curves, Formal group laws for affine Kac-Moody groups and group quantization, The nil Hecke ring and cohomology of \(G/P\) for a Kac-Moody group \(G\), Spectra of Wess-Zumino-Witten models with arbitrary simple groups, Current algebra representation for the \(3+1\) dimensional Dirac-Yang-Mills theory, On fermionic gauge groups, current algebras and Kac-Moody algebras, Moduli spaces of curves and representation theory, Current algebras in \(d+1\)-dimensions and determinant bundles over infinite-dimensional Grassmannians, The action functional in non-commutative geometry, Isospectral Hamiltonian flows in finite and infinite dimensions. I: Generalized Moser systems and moment maps into loop algebras, String structures and the index of the Dirac-Ramond operator on orbifolds, Stationary phase approximation and quantum soliton families, Geometric structures of super-(Diff\((S^ 1)/S^ 1)\), Solvability of the super KP equation and generalized of the Birkhoff decomposition, Holomorphic curves in loop groups, Examples of odd index theorems, String structures on loop bundles, Geometrical interpretation of the bilinear equations of the KP hierarchy, The group of local biholomorphisms of \({\mathbb{C}}^ 1\) and conformal field theory in the operator formalism, Classifications of bundle connection pairs by parallel translation and lassos, Holomorphic dynamics in loop spaces, Generalized particle statistics in two-dimensions: Examples from the theory of free massive Dirac field, Mirror extensions of local nets, On symmetric Willmore surfaces in spheres. I: The orientation preserving case., Crossed modules of Hopf algebras and of associative algebras and two-dimensional holonomy, The Hilbert-Schmidt Lagrangian Grassmannian in infinite dimension, Classical and quantum conformal field theory, Noncommutative geometry and theoretical physics, On the topology of spaces of holomorphic maps, Pfaffian bundles and the Ising model, Kac-Moody monopoles and periodic instantons, A quantum group structure in integrable conformal field theories, Loop groups and Yang-Mills theory in dimension two, Commutator anomalies and the Fock bundle, Index formulas for generalized Wiener-Hopf operators and Boson-Fermion correspondence in 2N dimensions, Gaussian random fields, infinite dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, and symmetric Markov processes, Twisted Diff \(S^ 1\)-action on loop groups and representations of the Virasoro algebra, Determinants of Cauchy-Riemann operators as \(\tau\)-functions, Monopoles and their spectral data, Construction of convergent simplicial approximations of quantum fields on Riemannian manifolds, Super loop groups, Hamiltonian actions and super Virasoro algebras, The Toda lattice, Dynkin diagrams, singularities and Abelian varieties, The \(C^*\)-algebra of bosonic strings, Bosonic and fermionic realizations of the affine algebra \(\widehat {gl_ n}\), Automorphisms of the KdV-subvariety, The path group construction of Lie group extensions, Sato's universal Grassmannian and group extensions, Block Toeplitz determinants, constrained KP and Gelfand-Dickey hierarchies, Adiabatic limits of the \(\eta\)-invariants. The odd-dimensional Atiyah- Patodi-Singer problem, Higher-order polarizations on the Virasoro group and anomalies, Deformations of groups of gauge transformations, Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities on loop groups, Pfaffians on Banach spaces, Differentiable structure for direct limit groups, Boundary value problems for Yang-Mills fields, The linear system for self-dual gauge fields in a spacetime of signature 0, Harmonic maps into loop spaces of compact Lie groups, The instanton moduli spaces as algebraic sets, The construction of the sh-Lie-algebra of closed bosonic strings, Wess-Zumino-Witten conformal field theory for simply laced groups at level one, \(\mathbb Z\)-graded loop Lie algebras, loop groups, and Toda equations, Quantum affine algebras and holonomic difference equations, Hopf-Rinow theorem in the Sato Grassmannian, Symplectic dynamics on the universal Grassmannian, Integration on loop groups. III: Asymptotic Peter-Weyl orthogonality, On the cohomology of vector fields on parallelizable manifolds, The basic bundle gerbe on unitary groups, Pre-quantization of the moduli space of flat \(G\)-bundles over a surface, An extension of the Borel-Weil construction to the quantum group \(U_ q(n)\), Loop group decompositions in almost split real forms and applications to soliton theory and geometry, The Pfaffian line bundle, Definite affine spheres and loop groups, Hierarchy of Hamilton equations on Banach Lie-Poisson spaces related to restricted Grassmannian, Multiplicative bundle gerbes with connection, Generalized twistors and geometric quantization, Twistor quantization of the space of half-differentiable vector functions on the circle revisited, The caloron correspondence and higher string classes for loop groups, The group of unimodular automorphisms of a principal bundle and the Euler-Yang-Mills equations, Raising operators for the Whittaker wave functions of the Toda chain and intertwining operators, On gauge fields -- string duality as an integrable system, Towards a Lie theory of locally convex groups, Twistor quantization of loop spaces of compact Lie groups, On representing some lattices as lattices of intermediate subfactors of finite index, Generalized DPW method and an application to isometric immersions of space forms, Poisson-Lie \(T\)-duality and non-trivial monodromies, Differential twisted K-theory and applications, Dominant \(K\)-theory and integrable highest weight representations of Kac-Moody groups, On harmonic tori in compact rank one symmetric spaces, The order of curvature operators on loop groups, Central extensions of groups of sections, Splitting methods for SU\((N)\) loop approximation, An application of mirror extensions, On affine orbifold nets associated with outer automorphisms, Instantons in two and four dimensions, Loop groups and equations of KdV type, String equations for the unitary matrix model and the periodic flag manifold, Zeta determinants on manifolds with boundary, Principal fiber bundle interpretation of the KP-hierarchy, On the classical origin of the fermionic Schwinger term, Borsuk-Ulam theorem for the loop space of a sphere, Affine Gelfand-Dickey brackets and holomorphic vector bundles, Representations of affine Lie algebras, parabolic differential equations, and Lamé functions, Infinite Grassmannians and moduli spaces of \(G\)-bundles, Central extensions of current groups in two dimensions, Connections on the path bundle of a principal fiber bundle, The geometry of degree-four characteristic classes and of line bundles on loop spaces. I, The structure of Hilbert flag varieties, The twistor theory of equations of KdV type. I, Tau functions for the Dirac operator on the Poincaré disk, The equivariant de Rham theorem on Fréchet \(S^ 1\)-manifolds, Group actions and deformations for harmonic maps into symmetric spaces, Grassmann manifold of a JH-algebra, Groupoid equivariant prequantization, BPS/CFT correspondence: non-perturbative Dyson-Schwinger equations and \(qq\)-characters, Higher bundle gerbes and cohomology classes in gauge theories, On the meromorphic potential for a harmonic surface in a \(k\)-symmetric space, De Rham-Hodge-Kodaira operator on loop groups, Projective representations of the loop group and the Boson-Fermion correspondence, Localization for Chern-Simons on circle bundles via loop groups, A Bose-Fock space quantization of the Witt algebra, A shallow water equation as a geodesic flow on the Bott-Virasoro group, Quasi-bosons approximate bosons, Irreducible representations of current algebras in two dimensions, On the complete integrability of the periodic quantum Toda lattice, Log TQFT, Quasi-isometric vector bundles and bounded factorization of holomorphic matrices, A polytope calculus for semisimple groups., Little strings, quasi-topological sigma model on loop group, and toroidal Lie algebras, Affine coordinates and Virasoro unitarizing measures., On two geometric problems arising in mathematical physics, Banach-Lie groupoids and generalized inversion, Coherent state transforms and vector bundles on elliptic curves., Loop groups and diffeomorphism groups of the circle as colimits, Affine Grassmannians in \(\mathbb{A}^1\)-homotopy theory, Real holomorphic sections of the Deligne-Hitchin twistor space, The crepant transformation conjecture for toric complete intersections, The index map in algebraic \(K\)-theory, Geometric significance of Toeplitz kernels, A note on the spectral deformation of harmonic maps from \({S}^{2}\) into the unitary group, Riemann-Hilbert problems on a cut plane, The Schur function realization of vertex operators, The Frobenius-Virasoro algebra and Euler equations. II: Multi-component cases, The periodic defocusing Ablowitz-Ladik equation and the geometry of Floquet CMV matrices, Symmetry in mathematics, A Cameron-Martin type quasi-invariance theorem for Brownian motion on a compact Riemannian manifold, Lie algebras graded by finite root systems and the intersection matrix algebras of Slodowy, Affine Stanley symmetric functions for classical types, Conformal field theory and elliptic cohomology, Solitons in affine and permutation orbifolds, Generalized theta functions, Drinfeld modules and some arithmetic consequences, Isomonodromic deformations, Liouville form, \(\tau \) function., Hermite interpolation in loop groups and conjugate quadrature filter approximation, Relative entropy in CFT, The Landau-Lifshitz equation, elliptic curves and the Ward transform, On enlargability of infinite-dimensional Lie superalgebras, Adiabatic connection and Schwinger term for two-dimensional Majorana-Weyl fermions in static background geometries, On the Mickelsson-Faddeev extension and unitary representations, A global operator formalism on higher genus Riemann surfaces: \(b\)-\(c\) systems, Almost unramified automorphic representations for split groups over \(\mathbb F_{q}(t)\)., The sigma orientation for analytic circle-equivariant elliptic cohomology, The fermion determinant in two dimensional Minkowski space: Zeros and related properties, Classification and construction of quasisimple Lie algebras, The convenient setting for real analytic mappings, Thermodynamics of handles, Sheaves on a loop group and Langlands duality, Unitary highest weight representations in Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions on infinite dimensional domains, Conformal internal symmetry of 2d \(\sigma \)-models coupled to gravity and a dilaton, Unitary mappings between multiresolution analyses of \(L^2(R)\) and a parametrization of low-pass filters, A filtration of the loops on SU\((N)\) by Schubert varieties, Pseudo-differential projections and the topology of certain spaces of elliptic boundary value problems, The Lie algebra of homeomorphisms of the circle, Integrating unitary representations of infinite-dimensional Lie groups, Multiloop calculations in p-adic string theory and Bruhat-Tits trees, Ricci tensors on some infinite dimensional Lie algebras, BFV approach to geometric quantization, A study of fermions coupled to gauge and gravitational fields on a cylinder., Twisted self-duality of dimensionally reduced gravity and vertex operators, Deformations of \(W\)-algebras associated to simple Lie algebras, On isomorphism classes of gauge groups, Extended affine root system. IV: Simply-laced elliptic Lie algebras, Universal Teichmüller space in geometry and physics, Boundary conformal field theories, limit sets of Kleinian groups and holography, Hidden hierarchies of KdV type on Birkhoff strata, Stochastic gauge transform of the string bundle, A remark on the boson-fermion correspondence, Sugawara construction for higher genus Riemann surfaces, Cohomology and topological anomalies, The operator quantization of the open bosonic string: Field algebra, Birkhoff decompositions and Iwasawa decompositions for loop groups, Holomorphic maps from compact manifolds into loop groups as Blaschke products, Representations of affine Lie algebras, elliptic \(r\)-matrix systems, and special functions, A new view of the Virasoro algebra, Generalized prequantization on principal bundles over homogeneous spaces and its applications, Limit matrices for the Toda flow and periodic flags for loop groups, Semi-infinite homological algebra, Representations of involutory subalgebras of affine Kac-Moody algebras, Metrics \(\mathcal H_s\) and behaviours as \(s\downarrow \frac {1} {2}\) on loop groups, Fusion of implementers for spinors on the circle, On quasifree representations of infinite dimensional symplectic group, The non-commutative Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy and combinatorial Pöppe algebra, Geometric \(K\)-homology and the Freed-Hopkins-Teleman theorem, Symplectic geometries on \(T^*\widetilde {G}\), Hamiltonian group actions and integrable systems, Kac-Moody groups and integrability of soliton equations, Timelike minimal surfaces in the three-dimensional Heisenberg group, Infinite-dimensional flag manifolds in integrable systems, WZW models of general simple groups, A realization of the modular functor in the space of differentials and the geometric approximation of the moduli space of \(G\)-bundles, Asymptotic analysis of von Neumann entropy in conformal field theory, On diagonalization in map(\(M\),G), Spherical functions on affine Lie groups, A Duistermaat-Heckman type formula for the based loop group, Schwinger terms and cohomology of pseudodifferential operators, Dressing orbits of harmonic maps, Discretizing constant curvature surfaces via loop group factorizations: The discrete sine- and sinh-Gordon equations, Perturbing analytic discs attached to maximal real submanifolds of \(\mathbb{C}^ N\), The super Mumford form and Sato Grassmannian, An overview of generalised Kac-Moody algebras on compact real manifolds, Infinite dimensional groups and Riemann surface field theories, The geometry of degree-4 characteristic classes and of line bundles on loop spaces. II, The Hermitian matrix model and homogeneous spaces, \(LT\)-equivariant index from the viewpoint of \(KK\)-theory. A global analysis on the infinite-dimensional Heisenberg group, Rigidity of higher elliptic genera, Canonical generators of the cohomology of moduli parabolic bundles on curves, Four dimensional realization of two dimensional current groups, The conformal spin and statistics theorem, Well-posedness of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy, Mulase factorization, and Frölicher Lie groups, On a relation between potentials for pluriharmonic maps and para-pluriharmonic maps, Higher finiteness properties of reductive arithmetic groups in positive characteristic: the rank theorem., Ind-varieties of generalized flags: a survey, Bott periodicity and stable quantum classes, Regularity of mappings into classical domains, \(\eta \) forms and determinant lines, Realizing the braided Temperley-Lieb-Jones C*-tensor categories as Hilbert C*-modules, Classical \(r\)-matrices and the four-wave interaction equation, The KP hierarchy in Miwa coordinates, Tau functions and the twistor theory of integrable systems., The character of the infinite wedge representation, A de Rham model for complex analytic equivariant elliptic cohomology, The Berezin calculus, Supercurves, their Jacobians, and super KP equations, Drinfel'd-Sokolov construction and exact solutions of vector modified KdV hierarchy, Fundamental groups of moduli of principal bundles on curves, Symmetric shift-invariant subspaces and harmonic maps, Gromov-Witten invariants of local \(\mathbb{P}^2\) and modular forms, Loop groups and QNEC, A low-energy limit of Yang-Mills theory on de Sitter space, Characters, coadjoint orbits and Duistermaat-Heckman integrals, Some results on relative entropy in quantum field theory, Solitons and nonsmooth diffeomorphisms in conformal nets, Poisson-Lie T-duality of WZW model via current algebra deformation, Landau-Ginzburg/Calabi-Yau correspondence, global mirror symmetry and Orlov equivalence, Mirror extensions of vertex operator algebras, Maps from a surface into a compact Lie group and curvature, Survey on real forms of the complex \(A_2^{(2)}\)-Toda equation and surface theory, Projective unitary representations of infinite-dimensional Lie groups, Twisted \(K\)-theory, \(K\)-homology, and bivariant Chern-Connes type character of some infinite dimensional spaces, Splitting strings on integrable backgrounds, A 2-group construction from an extension of the 3-loop group \(\varOmega ^3G\), Diffeomorphism groups of compact convex sets, On initial data of the monopole equation, Harmonic maps into the orthogonal group and null curves, Transgressive loop group extensions, Volume-preserving mappings between Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact type, On Kähler geometry of infinite-dimensional complex manifolds \(\operatorname{Diff}_+(S^1)/S^1\) and \(\operatorname{Diff}_+(S^1)/\text{Möb}(S^1)\), The Fermi gerbe of Weyl semimetals, Norm-square localization and the quantization of Hamiltonian loop group spaces, Willmore surfaces in spheres via loop groups. IV: On totally isotropic Willmore two-spheres in \(S^6\), Isomonodromy aspects of the \(tt^*\) equations of Cecotti and Vafa. III: Iwasawa factorization and asymptotics, Representation formula for discrete indefinite affine spheres, Constant mean curvature surfaces based on fundamental quadrilaterals, Families of spherical surfaces and harmonic maps, Generalized Whitham flow and its applications, Kostant, Steinberg, and the Stokes matrices of the tt*-Toda equations, Kinematic space and the orbit method, Opening nodes in the DPW method: co-planar case, On the splitting type of holomorphic vector bundles induced from regular systems of differential equation, Willmore surfaces in spheres: the DPW approach via the conformal Gauss map, On the integration of transitive Lie algebroids, An analytic \(LT\)-equivariant index and noncommutative geometry, Discrete constant mean curvature surfaces on general graphs, The geometry of differential difference equations, Continuous deformations of harmonic maps and their unitons, Canonical sphere bundles of the Grassmann manifold, Multiplets of representations and Kostant's Dirac operator for equal rank loop groups, Completed \(K\)-theory and equivariant elliptic cohomology, Kähler geometry of the universal Teichmüller space and coadjoint orbits of the Virasoro group, Dirac families for loop groups as matrix factorizations, A geometric model for odd differential \(K\)-theory, Minimal surfaces with non-trivial geometry in the three-dimensional Heisenberg group, Central extensions of infinite-dimensional Lie groups, Lie group structures on quotient groups and universal complexifications for infinite-dimensional Lie groups, Sketch of a program for automorphic functions from universal Teichmüller theory to capture monstrous moonshine, The Dirac-Ramond operator on loops in flat space, Grassmannian flows and applications to non-commutative non-local and local integrable systems, Equivariant gerbes over compact simple Lie groups., Merits and demerits of the orbit method, Formal loops II: A local Riemann–Roch theorem for determinantal gerbes, Actions de groupes de Kazhdan sur le cercle, Discretizations of the generalized AKNS scheme, Quantum groups, the loop Grassmannian, and the Springer resolution, Partial differential systems with non-local nonlinearities: generation and solutions, QUASITRIANGULAR WZW MODEL, Wave maps and constant curvature surfaces: singularities and bifurcations, Regularity of loop group factorization, Some connections between inverse scattering and solution hierarchies, Stochastic Wess–Zumino–Novikov–Witten model on the torus, Virasoro algebra with central charge c=1 on the horizon of a two-dimensional-Rindler space–time, Heisenberg algebras and rational double affine Hecke algebras, Bosonic and Fermionic Realizations of The Affine Algebra sˆo2n, On diffeological principal bundles of non-formal pseudo-differential operators over formal ones, Generalized positive energy representations of groups of jets, Fuchsian DPW potentials for Lawson surfaces, Wiener-Hopf factorization approach to a bulk-boundary correspondence and stability conditions for topological zero-energy modes, Painlevé equations, integrable systems and the stabilizer set of Virasoro orbit, Symmetries, sato theory, and tau functions, Area estimates for high genus Lawson surfaces via DPW, The Dixmier-Douady class, the action homomorphism, and group cocycles on the symplectomorphism group, On diffeologies from infinite dimensional geometry to PDE constrained optimization, Quantum \(K\)-theory Chevalley formulas in the parabolic case, Higher chromatic Thom spectra via unstable homotopy theory, Nilpotent orbits of Kac-Moody algebras and its parameterization for $\mathfrak{sl}_n^{(1)}(\mathbb C)$, Geometric actions for three-dimensional gravity, HILBERT STRATIFOLDS AND A QUILLEN TYPE GEOMETRIC DESCRIPTION OF COHOMOLOGY FOR HILBERT MANIFOLDS, Loop groups and noncommutative geometry, Negative Flows of the potential KP-hierarchy, Completeness of Infinite-dimensional Lie Groups in Their Left Uniformity, Lie groupoids of mappings taking values in a Lie groupoid, Gromov-Witten invariants for $G/B$ and Pontryagin product for $ΩK$, Quantization of the universal Teichmüller space, The symmetries of solitons, Elliptic Integrable Systems: a Comprehensive Geometric Interpretation, Poisson geometry of differential invariants of curves in some nonsemisimple homogeneous spaces, Minimal n -noids in hyperbolic and anti-de Sitter 3-space, On the classical and quantum Geroch group, Michael Atiyah’s work in algebraic topology, From coadjoint orbits to scale invariant WZNW type actions and \(2\)D quantum gravity action, Some applications of Kac Moody algebras defined on a super manifold, Gauge fixing and Gribov copies in pure Yang-Mills on a circle, Lectures on \(2\)D Yang-Mills theory, equivariant cohomology and topological field theories, The current algebra on the circle as a germ of local field theories, The Wess-Zumino-Witten model in the Schrödinger representation, On spinor representation of the infinite-dimensional Grassmannian, Weyl's character formula for non-connected Lie groups and orbital theory for twisted affine Lie algebras, Superspace geometrical realization of the \(N\)-extended super Virasoro algebra and its dual, On the quasi-Hamiltonian formalism of the KdV equation, Loop groups and twisted $K$-theory II, The generalized Fock implementation of complex orthogonal transformations., Boundary currents and Hamiltonian quantization of fermions in background fields, Schubert polynomials for the affine Grassmannian, Supergravitons interacting with the super-Virasoro group\(^{\star{}}\), Minimality of the data in wavelet filters (with an appendix by Brian Treadway), Pfaffian identities: A combinatorial approach, Lie group representations and quantization, Commuting matrix differential operators and loop algebras, Riemann–Roch for Real Varieties, Generalized KP hierarchy: Möbius symmetry, symmetry constraints and Calogero-Moser system, Hilbert \(C^*\)-systems for actions of the circle group, The symplectic and twistor geometry of the general isomonodromic deformation problem, Fusion rules and logarithmic representations of a WZW model at fractional level, The Stiefel bundle of a Banach algebra, Local cocycles and central extensions for multipoint algebras of Krichever-Novikov type, A symplectic approach to certain functional integrals and partition functions, Generators for rational loop groups, Generating varieties for affine Grassmannians, Chiral supergravitons interacting with a 0-brane \(N\)-extended NSR super-Virasoro group, Non-abelian vortices, Hecke modifications and singular monopoles, An infinite genus mapping class group and stable cohomology, Tau function and Virasoro action for the \(n\times n\) KdV hierarchy, Tau functions and Virasoro actions for soliton hierarchies, Factorizations of invertible operators and 𝐾-theory of 𝐶*-algebras, Quasi-periodic paths and a string 2-group model from the free loop group, Loops in SL(2, ℂ) and root subgroup factorization, On Some Geometric Aspects of Coherent States, On spin and modularity in conformal field theory, An explicit realization of spinor spaces and its application to clifford analysis, On representations of affine Kac-Moody groups and related loop groups, AN ALGEBRAIC APPROACH TO LOGARITHMIC CONFORMAL FIELD THEORY, Massey products, A-algebras, differential equations, and Chekanov homology, The Cauchy problem of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy with arbitrary coefficient algebra, Classification of unitary vertex subalgebras and conformal subnets for rank-one lattice chiral CFT models, Realizations of the Witt and Virasoro Algebras and Integrable Equations, Back stable Schubert calculus, ON THE GEOMETRY OF STAR-SHAPED CURVES IN R<i><sup>n </sup></i>, On the geometry of $Diff(S^1)$-pseudodifferential operators based on renormalized traces., Harmonic surfaces in the Cayley plane, Integrability-preserving regularizations of Laplacian Growth, Splitting the curvature of the determinant line bundle, Harmonic Spheres Conjecture, Stochastic Cohomology of the Frame Bundle of the Loop Space, Classical and Stochastic Löwner–Kufarev Equations, Unnamed Item, Power operations in elliptic cohomology and representations of loop groups, Lie algebra fermions, Double affine Hecke algebras and 2-dimensional local fields, The topology and geometry of self-adjoint and elliptic boundary conditions for Dirac and Laplace operators, Construction by bosonization of a fermion-phonon model, Generalized reciprocity laws, Actions of Loop Groups on Harmonic Maps, On the Cachazo-Douglas-Seiberg-Witten conjecture for simple Lie algebras, On the origin and development of subfactors and quantum topology, Coarse classification of constant mean curvature cylinders, Bihamiltonian Equations on Polynomial Virasoro, Higher-Order Sugawara Operators for Affine Lie Algebras, Pseudospherical surfaces with singularities, Integral homology of loop groups via Langlands dual groups, Factorization and the dressing method for the Gel'fand-Dikii hierarchy, Simple WZW superselection sectors, The Krichever map, vector bundles over algebraic curves, and Heisenberg algebras, Vacuum expectation values of products of chiral currents in \(3+1\) dimensions, Property \((T)\) and rigidity for actions on Banach spaces, Kac-Moody Geometry, Supersymmetric harmonic maps into symmetric spaces, On examples of intermediate subfactors from conformal field theory, Multiplicative structure in the stable splitting of \(\Omega S L_n(\mathbb{C})\), Convex polytopes for the central degeneration of the affine Grassmannian, On a canonical quantization of 3D anti de Sitter pure gravity, Toda equations associated with loop groups of complex classical Lie groups, Pfaffians on Hilbert space, Flat twistor spaces, conformally flat manifolds and four-dimensional field theory, Twistor spaces and spinors over loop spaces, Families index theorem in supersymmetric WZW model and twisted \(K\)-theory: the \(\mathrm{SU}(2)\) case, Curved flats, pluriharmonic maps and constant curvature immersions into pseudo-Riemannian space forms, On the ubiquitous Gelfand-Levitan-Marčenko (GLM) equation, Special issue: Selected papers based on the presentation at the summer school ``Geometric and topological methods for quantum field theory, Villa de Leyva, Colombia, July 7--25, 2003., Representation of a gauge group as motions of a Hilbert space, Dirac approach to constrained submanifolds in a double loop group: From Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten to Poisson-Lie σ-model, A generalization of Cachazo-Douglas-Seiberg-Witten conjecture for symmetric spaces, Holomorphic representation of constant mean curvature surfaces in Minkowski space: consequences of non-compactness in loop group methods, Infinite-dimensional (dg) Lie algebras and factorization algebras in algebraic geometry, Harmonic maps and shift-invariant subspaces, Schwarzian quantum mechanics as a Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction of \textit{BF} theory, Construction of the unitary free fermion Segal CFT, Fluxes, bundle gerbes and 2-Hilbert spaces, Examples of subfactors from conformal field theory, Geometric realization of algebraic conformal field theories, Non-commutative NLS-type hierarchies: dressing \& solutions, Shifted symplectic higher Lie groupoids and classifying spaces, The worldsheet dual of the symmetric product CFT, Quantization of Hamiltonian loop group spaces, Conversations with Flaschka: Kac-Moody groups and Verblunsky coefficients, Codes, vertex operators and topological modular forms, Affine nil-Hecke algebras and quantum cohomology, Ground state representations of topological groups, Non-existence of infinitesimally invariant measures on loop groups, The transport Oka-Grauert principle for simple surfaces, A generalized 4d Chern-Simons theory, Loops in \(SU(2)\) and factorization, Differential geometric invariants for time-reversal symmetric Bloch bundles. II: The low-dimensional ``quaternionic case, Inhomogeneous conformal field theory out of equilibrium, The Clifford algebra bundle on loop space, Loops in \(SU(2)\) and factorization. II, Associative cones and integrable systems, A Banach algebra version of the Sato Grassmannian and commutative rings of differential operators, Diagrams and harmonic maps, revisited, Real projective structures on Riemann surfaces and new hyper-Kähler manifolds, Equivariant, string and leading order characteristic classes associated to fibrations, Exact Lagrangian immersions with one double point revisited, A finiteness theorem for harmonic maps into Hilbert Grassmannians, THE SMOOTH STRUCTURE OF THE SPACE OF PIECEWISE-SMOOTH LOOPS, New Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces, Unnamed Item, Differential equations with meromorphic coefficients, The uncertainty of fluxes, Some computations in the cyclic permutations of completely rational nets, On \(\mathbb{Z}\)-gradations of twisted loop Lie algebras of complex simple Lie algebras, Jordan Structures and Non-Associative Geometry, Lie Groups of Bundle Automorphisms and Their Extensions, Heat Kernel Measures and Critical Limits, Lie group structures on symmetry groups of principal bundles, Periodicity and the determinant bundle, Invariant measures on polarized submanifolds in group quantization, Combinatorial integers \(\binom{m,n}{j}\) and Schubert calculus in the integral cohomology ring of infinite smooth flag manifolds, An infinite-dimensional Evans function theory for elliptic boundary value problems, Construction of constant mean curvature \(n\)-noids from holomorphic potentials, Twisted K-theory of differentiable stacks, Stability on the Sato Grassmannian. Applications to the moduli of vector bundles, Relative zeta determinants and the geometry of the determinant line bundle, Initial value problems of the sine-Gordon equation and geometric solutions, The Wess-Zumino term for a harmonic map, INTEGRABLE SYSTEMS AND LOCAL FIELDS, An invariant measure for the loop space of a simply connected compact symmetric space, The geometry of Kato Grassmannians, Hamiltonian loop group actions and T-duality for group manifolds, Infinite-dimensional Evans function theory for elliptic eigenvalue problems in a channel, Central extensions of gauge transformation groups of higher Abelian gerbes, Affine insertion and Pieri rules for the affine Grassmannian, Integrability criterion for abelian extensions of Lie groups, On infinite-dimensional Grassmannians and their quantum deformations, Orbifold quantum D-modules associated to weighted projective spaces, Algebraic Conformal Quantum Field Theory in Perspective, Twisted chiral de Rham complex, generalized geometry, and T-duality, The \(\xi\)-stability on the affine Grassmannian, Magnetic monopoles on manifolds with boundary, The construction of a representation of loop algebras, Tau functions for the Dirac operator on the cylinder, Computation of generalized equivariant cohomologies of Kac--Moody flag varieties, Differential calculus over general base fields and rings., Closed and open conformal field theories and their anomalies, A Morse complex for infinite dimensional manifolds. I., Hilbert--Schmidt groups as infinite-dimensional Lie groups and their Riemannian geometry, New integrable hierarchies from vertex operator representations of polynomial Lie algebras, Local anyonic quantum fields on the circle leading to cone-local anyons in two dimensions, Harmonic maps of finite uniton number and their canonical elements