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zbMath0639.14012MaRDI QIDQ4039743

Robert MacPherson, Mark Goresky

Publication date: 5 June 1993

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Regular cell complexes in total positivity., A complex in Morse theory computing intersection homology, Polynomial bound on the local Betti numbers of a real analytic germ, Real intersection homology, On the isotopic meshing of an algebraic implicit surface, A proof of the stratified Morse inequalities for singular complex algebraic curves using the Witten deformation, On the homology of the real complement of the \(k\)-parabolic subspace arrangement, Monodromy of codimension 1 subfamilies of universal curves, Stable cohomology of spaces of non-resultant polynomial systems in \(\mathbb{R}^3\), The Hodge structure of the coloring complex of a hypergraph, A tight bound for the Delaunay triangulation of points on a polyhedron, Intrinsic curvatures in analytic-geometric categories, Prisms and pyramids of shelling components, Asymptotics of multivariate sequences. III: Quadratic points, The Thom condition along a line, Divide and conquer roadmap for algebraic sets, Representing the big tilting sheaves as holomorphic Morse branes, The turnpike property in finite-dimensional nonlinear optimal control, Motivic fundamental groups and integral points, Euler flag enumeration of Whitney stratified spaces, Azumaya algebras without involution, Tight complexes in 3-space admit perfect discrete Morse functions, Pixelations of planar semialgebraic sets and shape recognition, Topological and Hodge L-classes of singular covering spaces and varieties with trivial canonical class, Mixed motives and geometric representation theory in equal characteristic, The local Yamabe constant of Einstein stratified spaces, Local structures on stratified spaces, Order and disorder in algebraic combinatorics, Lower bound on testing membership to a polyhedron by algebraic decision and computation trees, Homology and cohomology with compact supports for \(q\)-convex spaces, Multi-degree bounds on the Betti numbers of real varieties and semi-algebraic sets and applications, Morse inequalities for \({\mathbb{R}{}}\)-constructible sheaves, Calabi-Yau varieties with semi-stable fibre structures, Legendrian knots and constructible sheaves, Matroid shellability, \(\beta\)-systems, and affine hyperplane arrangements, 2-cycles on higher Fano hypersurfaces, Shellable complexes and topology of diagonal arrangements, ``What is a complex matroid?, Deformation of polar methods, Braid monodromy of algebraic curves, On trajectories of analytic gradient vector fields, Index formula for MacPherson cycles of affine algebraic varieties, The perverse filtration and the Lefschetz hyperplane theorem, Perverse sheaves on real loop Grassmannians, Quotients of the order complex \(\Delta (\overline \Pi _n)\) by subgroups of the Young subgroup \(S_{1}\times S_{n-1}\), Universal stratifications and a Bertini-type theorem, Parshin residues via coboundary operators, Spectral sequences in combinatorial geometry: cheeses, inscribed sets, and Borsuk-Ulam type theorems, The Witten deformation for even dimensional spaces with cone-like singularities and admissible Morse functions, Symmetric and quasi-symmetric functions associated to polymatroids, Lê cycles and Milnor classes, Noether-Lefschetz theory with base locus, Affine and toric hyperplane arrangements, Modules d'Alexander et \({\mathcal D}\)-modules. (Alexander modules and \({\mathcal D}\)-modules), \(\mathbb A^1\)-homotopy groups, excision, and solvable quotients, The Witten complex for algebraic curves with cone-like singularities, The fundamental group of the complement of the complexification of a real arrangement of hyperplanes, Combinatorics of topological posets. Homotopy complementation formulas, Isotopic triangulation of a real algebraic surface, Eulerian 2-strata spaces, Vanishing theorems for constructible sheaves. II, Whitney homology of semipure shellable posets, Loop products and closed geodesics, Horizontal gradient of polynomials, Michel theory of symmetry breaking and gauge theories, Two-sided space-time \(L^1\) polynomial approximation of hypographs within polynomial optimal control, Complexity of computing the local dimension of a semialgebraic set, Fundamental groups of open \(K3\) surfaces, Enriques surfaces and Fano 3-folds, Classical projective geometry and arithmetic groups, Numerical invariants of perverse sheaves, Cardinal-indexed classifying spaces for families of subgroups of any topological group, Orbits of families of vector fields on subcartesian spaces., Subanalytic bundles and tubular neighbourhoods of zero-loci, A generalization of Milnor's formula, Discrete stratified Morse theory. Algorithms and a user's guide, On Lyubeznik type invariants, Combinatorics of orbit configuration spaces, The local Euler obstruction and topology of the stabilization of associated determinantal varieties, Reaching generalized critical values of a polynomial, The polyhedral product functor: A method of decomposition for moment-angle complexes, arrangements and related spaces, Seshadri's criterion and openness of projectivity, Quadratic presentations and nilpotent Kähler groups, Cell decomposition of almost smooth real algebraic surfaces, A framework for differential calculus on persistence barcodes, A Fulton-Hansen theorem for almost homogeneous spaces, Singularities at infinity and their vanishing cycles, On the sheaf-theoretic \(\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{C})\) Casson-Lin invariant, Asymptotic topology of excursion and nodal sets of Gaussian random fields, Asymptotics of bivariate analytic functions with algebraic singularities, Global Łojasiewicz inequalities on comparing the rate of growth of polynomial functions, Stratification of singular hyperkähler quotients, Complex best \(r\)-term approximations almost always exist in finite dimensions, Topology of tropical moduli of weighted stable curves, Topological approach to mathematical programs with switching constraints, Convergence of spectra of uniformly fattened open book structures, Finite groups generated in low real codimension, Toric geometry of the regular convex polyhedra, Lipschitz-Killing curvatures and polar images, Deletion-restriction for subspace arrangements, Undecidability of \(c\)-arrangement matroid representations, Dirichlet fundamental domains and topology of projective varieties., Harmonic metrics on Higgs sheaves and uniformization of varieties of general type, Algebroidally integrable bodies, Images of analytic map germs and singular fibrations, Perverse sheaves on semi-abelian varieties -- a survey of properties and applications, Some remarks on the Hodge conjecture for abelian varieties, A covariance formula for topological events of smooth Gaussian fields, Lê-Greuel type formula for the Euler obstruction and applications, Parametric argument principle and its applications to CR functions and manifolds, Euclidean matchings and minimality of hyperplane arrangements, Manifold arrangements, Surfaces generating the even primal cohomology of an abelian fivefold, Perverse sheaves on rank stratifications, Torus fibrations of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in toric varieties, On the pseudo-manifold of quantum states, Hodge and signature theorems for a family of manifolds with fibre bundle boundary, Configuration spaces of disks in an infinite strip, Another look at recovering local homology from samples of stratified sets, Punctured holomorphic curves and Lagrangian embeddings, Homology of the complex of not 2-divisible partitions, Combinatorial rigidity of incidence systems and application to dictionary learning, Simultaneous confidence bands for functional data using the Gaussian kinematic formula, The complement of polyhedral product spaces and the dual simplicial complexes, On colored set partitions of type \(B_n\), Articulated estimator random field and geometrical approach applied in system identification, Singular cotangent bundle reduction \& spin Calogero-Moser systems, Recursive geometry of the flow complex and topology of the flow complex filtration, Stratified semiconcave control-Lyapunov functions and the stabilization problem, Arrangements of symmetric products of spaces, The Gauss-Bonnet defect of complex affine hypersurfaces, Toward the structure of fibered fundamental groups of projective varieties, Convex equipartitions via equivariant obstruction theory, Fibrations of highly singular map germs, Sheaf-theoretic stratification learning from geometric and topological perspectives, Equisingularity of families of hypersurfaces and applications to mappings, The \(h,k\)-equal partition lattice is EL-shellable when \(h \geq k\), Brasselet number and function-germs with a one-dimensional critical set, On the stable set of an analytic gradient flow, The local fundamental group of a Kawamata log terminal singularity is finite, Relative birational automorphisms of algebraic fiber spaces, Topological inference of manifolds with boundary, A stable \(\infty\)-category of Lagrangian cobordisms, Subspace arrangements of type \(B_ n\) and \(D_ n\), On irregularities of Fourier transforms of regular holonomic \(\mathcal{D}\)-modules, Brasselet number and Newton polygons, Local cohomology and stratification, Generalized cluster trees and singular measures, Persistent homology and microlocal sheaf theory, Combinatorics of toric arrangements, Residually finite lattices in \(\widetilde{\mathrm{PU}(2,1)}\) and fundamental groups of smooth projective surfaces, Stationary points at infinity for analytic combinatorics, Global asymptotics for multiple integrals with boundaries., The homotopy type of spaces of real resultants with bounded multiplicity, Parametrized topological complexity of collision-free motion planning in the plane, Norm minima in certain Siegel leaves, The momentum equation and the second-order differential equation condition, Cutkosky's theorem for massive one-loop Feynman integrals. I, Holomorphic Lagrangian branes correspond to perverse sheaves, Products and adjunctions of manifold stratified spaces, Perverse cohomology and the vanishing index theorem, Generalized billiard paths and Morse theory for manifolds with corners, A comparison of Vassiliev and Ziegler-Živaljević models for homotopy types of subspace arrangements, An algebraic compactification for spaces of holomorphic curves in complex Grassmann manifolds, On nondegenerate M-stationary points for sparsity constrained nonlinear optimization, Equivariant indices of vector fields and 1-forms, Local cohomology, arrangements of subspaces and monomial ideals., Support theorems for algebraic maps, Sub-Riemannian Engel sphere, Kac-Rice formula for transverse intersections, Principal kinematic formulas for germs of closed definable sets