
From MaRDI portal

zbMath0232.02040MaRDI QIDQ5639713

Patrick Suppes, R. Duncan Luce, Amos Tversky, David. H. Krantz

Publication date: 1971

03-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to mathematical logic and foundations

03C65: Models of other mathematical theories

Related Items

Isotonic ordinal probabilistic models (ISOP), Several possible measures of risk, Some extensions of Luce's measures of risk, Behavioral models for complex decision analysis, Axiomatic structure of \(k\)-additive capacities, How many parameters can a model have and still be testable?, New axioms for the contrast model of similarity, A classification of all order-preserving homeomorphism groups of the reals that satisfy finite uniqueness, Subjectively weighted linear utility, Bi-scalable and difference representations for triadic judgments, Value functions, domination cones and proper efficiency in multicriteria optimization, Conjointness as a derived property, Reformulating classical and quantum mechanics in terms of a unified set of consistency conditions, Assessing non-additive utility for multicriteria decision aid, Some neglected problems in IRT, A simple axiomatization of binary rank-dependent utility of gains (Losses), Ambiguity made precise: A comparative foundation, The measurement of membership by comparisons, The measurement of membership by subjective ratio estimation, Conjoint axiomatization of Min, DiscriMin and LexiMin, Over-assignment of structure, Following the traces: an introduction to conjoint measurement without transitivity and additivity, Meaningfulness of conclusions from combinatorial optimization, Unique nontransitive additive conjoint measurement on finite sets, Measurable value functions for ranking and selection of groups of alternatives, Ordered sum and tensor product of linear utility structures, Tight and loose value automorphisms, Some open problems in the philosophy of space and time, Measurable multiattribute value functions defined on binary attributes, Archimedean qualitative probabilities, Utility functions on ordered convex sets, A uniqueness result for extending orders; with application to collective choice as inconsistency resolution, How we may have been misled into believing in the interpersonal comparability of utility, A model for the measurement of membership and the consequences of its empirical implementation, Some theory and results for metrics for bounded response scales, Cardinal coordinate independence for expected utility, The so-called expected utility theory is inadequate, On some axioms for ranking sets of alternatives, Extending an order on a set to the power set: Some remarks on Kannai and Peleg's approach, An axiomatic characterization of the lexicographic maximin extension of an ordering over a set to the power set, Market uncertainty and the process of belief formation, Additive representation for equally spaced structures, Decomposable threshold models, Representability of binary relations through fuzzy numbers, The rise of non-Archimedean mathematics and the roots of a misconception. I: The emergence of non-Archimedean systems of magnitudes, The generalized associative law in vague groups and its applications. I., Necessary and sufficient conditions for solving infinite-dimensional linear inequalities, Representation of preferences over a finite scale by a mean operator, An axiomatic approach to noncompensatory sorting methods in MCDM. I: The case of two categories, Biased extensive measurement: the general case, Further results on concordance relations, A compendium of fuzzy weak orders: representations and constructions, Axioms for unique subjective probability on finite sets, On the possible and stable psychophysical laws, The logical view of conditioning and its application to possibility and evidence theories, A multi-stage multi-attribute decision model for project selection, Van Lier sequences, Expression theory and the measurement of apparently labile values, Subjective expected utility with nonincreasing risk aversion, Deriving weights from pairwise comparison matrices: The additive case, Second-order preferences in group decision making, Utility of gambling. I: Entropy modified linear weighted utility, Purity, resistance, and innocence in utility theory, Ordinal regression revisited: Multiple criteria ranking using a set of additive value functions, Properties of goal systems: Consistency, conflict, and coherence, Stochastic applications of media theory: Random walks on weak orders or partial orders, Mathematical psychology: Prospects for the 21st century: A guest editorial, Combining additive representations on subsets into an overall representation, Empirical evaluation of a model of global psychophysical judgments. IV : Forms for the weighting function, Some problems of observability theory and its applications, Factorizable automorphisms in solvable conjoint structures. I, Interdependent additive conjoint structures, Decisions and evaluations by hierarchical aggregation of information, The behavioral function: An inquiry into the relation between behavior and utility, Psychometric functions theory, Scales and meaningfulness of quantitative laws, Foundations of risk measurement. II. Effects of gains on risk, An axiomatization of the ratio/difference representation, Measurement foundations for multiattribute psychophysical theories based on first order polynomials, Selecting a portfolio of nonhomogeneous R \& D proposals, Interpersonal level comparability does not imply comparability of utility differences -- a comment on Ng, Classification of concatenation measurement structures according to scale type, An axiomatic basis for multiattribute value functions defined on binary attributes, On the problem of weights in multiple criteria decision making (the noncompensatory approach), The repetitions approach to characterize cardinal utility, Principles of information structure common to six levels of the human cognitive system, An axiomatic theory of conjoint, expected risk, Some remarks on the notion of compensation in MCDM, A note on real measurement structures of scale type \((m,m+1)\), Uniqueness and homogeneity of ordered relational structures, Decision making with incomplete information, Noncompensatory and generalized noncompensatory preference structures, On scientific laws without dimensional constants, A new theoretical and algorithmical basis for estimation, identification and control, Generalized probabilistic independence and its implications for utility, Applications of the theory of meaningfulness to psychology, Recent developments in modelling preferences under risk, Measurement structures with Archimedean ordered translation groups, A verification theorem of preference separability for additive value functions, Thurstonian psychophysics: Case III, Subjective probabilities for state dependent continuous utility, Difference logics for preference, Some problems in testing the double cancellation condition in conjoint measurement, An interpretation of fuzzy measures and the Choquet integral as an integral with respect to a fuzzy measure, Continuous subjective expected utility with non-additive probabilities, Fuzzy sets, probability and measurement, The algebraic versus the topological approach to additive representations, A simple sufficient condition for the unique representability of a finite qualitative probability by a probability measure, Unique finite conjoint measurement, On the possible merging functions, Risk attitude under random utility, Solutions to some nonlinear equations from nonmetric data, Fundamental unit structures: A theory of ratio scalability, A note on Weber's law for conjoint structures, Conjoint Weber laws and additivity, Conditions under which Thurstone case III representations for binary choice probabilities are also Fechnerian, The mathematical foundations of dimensional analysis and the question of fundamental units, Goodness of fit tests for probabilistic measurement models, Some representation problems for semiorders, Lexicographic additive differences, Utility theory, A conditional expected utility model for myopic decision makers, Varieties of modal (classificatory) and comparative probability, A locus problem involving the three-dimensional city-block metric, Subjective expected utility: A review of normative theories, Psychological relations and psychophysical scales: On the status of direct psychophysical measurement, Folded additive structures: A nonpolynomial model of some factorial interactions, Efficient sets, decision heuristics, and single-peaked preferences, Generalized Gini inequality indices, Difference measurement spaces, Lukasiewicz logic and the foundations of measurement, A factorization procedure for finite algebras, Uniqueness properties in finite-continuous additive measurement, On the functional form of partial masking functions in psychoacoustics, Measurable triples and cardinal measurement, On the scales of measurement, A general theory of ratio scalability with remarks about the measurement- theoretic concept of meaningfulness, On JND representations of semiorders, Axioms for the averaging and adding representations of functional measurement, Nontransitive additive conjoint measurement, Necessary and sufficient conditions for existence and uniqueness of weak qualitative probability structures, Rank- and sign-dependent linear utility models for finite first-order gambles, Nonstandard nontransitive utility on mixture sets, Additive differences and simple preference comparisons, Measurement-free tests of a general state-space model of prototype learning, Additive representations on rank-ordered sets. I: The algebraic approach, Generalizing the concept of binary choice systems induced by rankings: One way of probabilizing deterministic measurement structures, Characterizing random variables in the context of signal detection theory, On nonstandard nontransitive additive utility, Norbert Wiener on the theory of measurement (1914, 1915, 1921), What do numbers measure? A new approach to fundamental measurement, Savage's theorem with a finite number of states, Singular points in generalized concatenation structures that otherwise are homogeneous, A multiattribute decision-theoretic approach for the layout design problem, Apriority and applied mathematics, Multiattribute expected utility without the Archimedean axiom, Multisymmetric structures and non-expected utility, Joint pseudo-utility representations, Utility functions on chains, On the extension of additive utilities to infinite sets, Similarity of rectangles: An analysis of subjective dimensions, Seven independence concepts and continuous multiattribute utility functions, Decision policies minimizing risk in a multistage betting game, Difference measurement and simple scalability with restricted solvability, Nondecomposable conjoint measurement for bisymmetric structures, Rational choice and polynomial measurement models, Alternative methods of constructing strict weak orders from interval orders, Minimal conditions for additive conjoint measurement and qualitative probability, Methods for describing ordinal data with cardinal models, A nonsimple conjoint measurement model, ORDMET: a general algorithm for constructing all numerical solutions to ordered metric structures, Some targets for mathematical psychology, The number of two-way tables satisfying certain additivity axioms, Rational belief change, Popper functions and counterfactuals, On the problem of imprecision, Utility-uncertainty trade-off structures, Unified theory of derived measurement, Algebraic representation in the physical and behavioral sciences, The algebra of measurement, The choice axiom after twenty years, Using conjoint-measurement models to investigate a theory about probabilistic information processing, On the theory of uniqueness in measurement, Welfare inequalities and Rawlsian axiomatics, Existence of a utility on a topological semigroup, How one gambles if one must: Effects of differing return rates on multistage betting decisions, Models of individual preference and choice, Positive-difference structures and bilinear utility functions, Nonstransitive multidimensional preferences: Theoretical analysis of a model, Multiattribute utility theory: A survey, On the relationship between additive conjoint and difference measurement, Qualitative independence in probability theory, Tree representations of ternary relations, Lexicographic tradeoff structures, Towards a revised probabilistic basis for quantum mechanics, Some counterexamples in multidimensional scaling, Choice probabilities and choice functions, On a class of probabilistic conjoint measurement models: Some diagnostic properties, Representing approximate ordering and equivalence relations, Preference relations, The axioms and algebra of ambiguity, MODELS IN GNOSTICAL THEORY, MEASUREMENT THEORY AND SIGNAL THEORY Part II. The Analysis of Digitized Signals, A decade of application of the Choquet and Sugeno integrals in multi-criteria decision aid, New approaches for the comparison of L-R fuzzy numbers: A theoretical and operational analysis, Constructing a monotonic quadratic objective function in \(n\) variables from a few two-dimensional indifferences., Meaningful and meaningless solutions for cooperative \(n\)-person games, Constructing membership functions using interpolation and measurement theory, An axiomatic approach to noncompensatory sorting methods in MCDM. II: M ore than two categories, A general concept of majority rule, Nontransitive decomposable conjoint measurement., The irony of measurement by subjective estimations., Axiomatic characterization of a general utility function and its particular cases in terms of conjoint measurement and rough-set decision rules, A model for ordinally constructing additive objective functions, Preferences for multi-attributed alternatives: traces, dominance, and numerical representations, Coherent decision analysis with inseparable probabilities and utilities, Comparing resemblance measures, A theory of coarse utility, Expected utility for decision making with subjective models, Nominal comparatives and generalized quantifiers, Signed orders in linear and nonlinear utility theory, On meaningfulness of means, Measurement-theoretic justification of connectives in fuzzy set theory, Decision theory and discrete mathematics, Symmetry, scale types, and generalizations of classical physical measurement, Nontransitive preferences in decision theory, Subjective expected utility with non-additive probabilities on finite state spaces, On deriving models in the social sciences, On the controversy over Huntington's equations. When are such equations meaningful?, Building a set of additive value functions representing a reference preorder and intensities of preference: GRIP method, A unified Bayesian decision theory, Enabling e-transactions with multi-attribute preference models, A review of methods for capacity identification in Choquet integral based multi-attribute utility theory: applications of the Kappalab R package, The representation of conditional relative importance between criteria, A theory of (relative) discounting, Reference-dependent utility with shifting reference points and incomplete preferences, Orders on multisets and discrete cones, A characterization of concordance relations, Generalized Choquet-like aggregation functions for handling bipolar scales, The generalized associative law in vague groups and its applications. II., An essay on inequalities and order-restricted inference, Illumination-invariance of plateau's midgray, Analytical methods in the theory of psychophysical discrimination. I: inequalities, convexity and integration of just noticeable differences, Symmetry, direct measurement, and Torgerson's conjecture, Transitive indistinguishability and approximate measurement with standard finite ratio-scale representations, Measurement theory and the foundations of utilitarianism, Homothetic interval orders, Consciousness and the Wigner's friend problem, Inferring latent class lexicographic rules from choice data, Extensive measurement with incomparability, A unified nonparametric IRT model for \(d\)-dimensional psychological test data (\(d\)-ISOP), Koopmans' constant discounting for intertemporal choice: A simplification and a generalization, Betweenness, orders and interval graphs, A note on additive conjoint measurement, A theory of magnitude estimation and cross-modality matching, Internal state models for magnitude estimation and related experiments, Choice by elimination, Conditional expected, extensive utility, Interval representations for interval orders and semiorders, Aggregation on finite ordinal scales by scale independent functions, Evaluating a model of global psychophysical judgments. I: Behavioral properties of summations and productions, Fundamental concepts of qualitative probabilistic networks, Aggregate item response analysis, Applying the principles of specific objectivity and of generalizability to the measurement of change, Continuous nontransitive additive conjoint measurement, Measurement of membership functions and their acquisition, Integer solutions to interval linear equations and unique measurement, Preorderings Compatible with Probability Measures, Qualitative information and comparative informativeness, Una aplicacion de la teoria de la utilidad de Von Neumann a la probabilidad subjetiva, A PRINCIPLE OF UNCERTAINTY AND INFORMATION INVARIANCE*, Likelihood as an index of fit, Decisiones en incertidumbre con multiatributos, Double Semiorders and Double Indifference Graphs, Necessary and sufficient qualitative axioms for conditional probability, Unnamed Item, Generic utility theory: Measurement foundations and applications in multiattribute utility theory, Canonical fuzzy numbers of dimension two and fuzzy utility difference for understanding preferential judgments, Complex predicates and logics for properties and relations, A measurement of the certainty effect, Weak extensive measurement without translation-invariance axioms., Associative joint receipts, Preference modelling by estimating local utility functions for multiobjective optimization, The hexagon condition and additive representation for two dimensions: an algebraic approach, A qualitative characterization of the exponential distribution, Functional equations in binocular space perception, Preference structures and their numerical representations, Characterization of ordered bilinear contexts, Bertrand Russell's 1897 critique of the traditional theory of measurement, Ordering orders, Collective judgement: combining individual value judgements, Tentative guidelines to help choosing an appropriate MCDA method, Hypercomparatives, Skew-symmetric additive representations of preferences, A unified derivation of classical subjective expected utility models through cardinal utility, Comonotonicity axioms and rank-dependent expected utility theory for arbitrary consequences, Quality-adjusted life years (QALY) utility models under expected utility and rank dependent utility assumptions, Combining sources of preference data, Risk-value models, An axiomatization of cumulative prospect theory, Empirical evidence of two-attribute utility dependence on probability, Separating marginal utility and probabilistic risk aversion, From local to global additive representation, A measure-theoretic axiomatization of fuzzy sets, A framework for explaining decision-theoretic advice, Risk seeking with diminishing marginal utility in a non-expected utility model, Polynomial utility, Additive utility, A theory of expected utility with nonadditive probability, On extending closure systems to matroids, Quasi-linear utility in a discrete choice model, Disagreement degree of multi-person judgemenets in an additive structure, Stochastic token theory, On the psychophysics of binocular space perception, The role of a synthetic geometry in representational measurement theory, Several unresolved conceptual problems of mathematical psychology, Effects of change of scale on optimality in a scheduling model with priorities and earliness/tardiness penalties, Aggregating ordinal probabilities on finite sets, Subjective probability under additive aggregation of conditional preferences, Optimization under ordinal scales: When is a greedy solution optimal?, Risk as a primitive: a survey of measures of perceived risk, Joint receipt and Thaler's hedonic editing rule, Bias-independent constructions from biased bisection and adjacency judgements, The axioms of quantity and the theory of measurement. (Translated from part II of Otto Hölders German text ``Die Axiome der Quantität und die Lehre vom Mass. ), Generalizations of semiorders: A review note, Separability of item and person parameters in response time models, Binary choice probabilities: on the varieties of stochastic transitivity, Additive utility without restricted solvability on every component., Functional equations arising in a theory of rank dependence and homogeneous joint receipts., The Choquet integral for the aggregation of interval scales in multicriteria decision making., The symmetric and asymmetric Choquet integrals on finite spaces for decision making, Signed difference analysis: theory and application., Reformulating decision theory using fuzzy set theory and Shafer's theory of evidence., Generalized factorizable automorphisms in \(n\)-component conjoint structures., Deriving quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) from constant proportional time tradeoff and risk posture conditions., Biased extensive measurement: the homogeneous case., Maxmin expected utility over Savage acts with a set of priors, Incompatible empirically equivalent theories: a structural explication., Two factor additive conjoint measurement with one solvable component, An \(n\)-dimensional Weber law and the corresponding Fechner law, On the qualitative/necessity possibility measure. I: Investigation in the framework of measurement theory, On ranking opportunity sets in economic environments, The measurement of qualitative probability, Cancellation conditions for finite two-dimensional additive measurement, Reduction invariance and Prelec's weighting functions, Time preference for health: a test of stationarity versus decreasing timing aversion, The normal distribution derived from qualitative conditions., \(n\)-variable bisection., Scale type \((N,N)\) and an order-based topology induced on the automorphism group, Linear measurement models -- axiomatizations and axiomatizability, Knock-out for descriptive utility or experimental-design error?, Numerical representation of transitive fuzzy relations, Random relations, random utilities, and random functions, Axiomatic characterization of partial ordinal relations, Maxmin expected utility through statewise combinations, `Additive difference' models without additivity and subtractivity, Functorial scaling of ordinal data, Preference modeling on totally ordered sets by the Sugeno integral, From outcomes to acts: a non-standard axiomatization of the expected utility principle, Testing \(n\)-stimuli bisymmetry, A counterexample to Fishburn's conjecture on finite linear qualitative probability, Ranked additive utility representations of gambles: Old and new axiomatizations, Decision-foundations for properties of nonadditive measures: general state spaces or general outcome spaces, The exchangeable multinomial model as an approach to testing deterministic axioms of choice and measurement, A functional equation that arises in problems of scheduling with priorities and lateness/earliness penalties, Ordinal decomposability and fuzzy connectives, The sure-thing principle and the comonotonic sure-thing principle: An axiomatic analysis, Statistical issues in measurement, Factual versus representational utilities and their interdimensional comparisons, Ordinal scales in the theory of measurement, A stochastic model for paired comparisons of social stimuli, Correlations with ordinal data, Loss aversion and scale compatibility in two-attribute trade-offs, Additive utilities on densely ordered sets., Consistency in ordinal data analysis. I., Dutch books: Avoiding strategic and dynamic complications, and a comonotonic extension