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zbMath Open rogers.ericDBLP76/5634WikidataQ95990108 ScholiaQ95990108MaRDI QIDQ274277

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
State observer-based iterative learning control design for discrete systems using the heavy ball method2024-11-29Paper
Point-to-point iterative learning control with quantised input signal and actuator faults2024-07-19Paper
A new LMI-based controller design method for uncertain differential repetitive processes2024-04-09Paper
Alternating projection‐based iterative learning control for discrete‐time systems with non‐uniform trial lengths2024-03-12Paper
Terminal sliding mode‐based tracking control with error transformation for underwater vehicles2023-11-23Paper
Optimal iterative learning control design for continuous-time systems with nonidentical trial lengths using alternating projections between multiple sets2023-03-28Paper
David Wilson – an obituary2022-10-06Paper
New relaxed stability and stabilization conditions for both discrete and differential linear repetitive processes2022-04-14Paper
Disturbance observer-based predictive repetitive control with constraints2022-04-07Paper
Modeling and iterative learning control of spatially distributed parameter systems with sensing and actuation over a selected area of the domain2021-11-02Paper
Repetitive process based stochastic iterative learning control design for linear dynamics2020-04-22Paper
Equivalence of wave linear repetitive processes and the singular \(2-D\) Roesser state-space model2020-02-11Paper
Extended state observer based indirect-type ILC for single-input single-output batch processes with time- and batch-varying uncertainties2020-01-20Paper
Characterization of a class of spatially interconnected systems (ladder circuits) using two-dimensional systems theory2019-10-07Paper
Passivity based stabilization of repetitive processes and iterative learning control design2019-02-27Paper
Equivalent 2-D nonsingular Roesser models for discrete linear repetitive processes2019-01-21Paper
Two-dimensional (2D) systems approach to feedforward/feedback control of a class of spatially interconnected systems2019-01-21Paper
Control systems analysis for the Fornasini-Marchesini 2D systems model – progress after four decades2019-01-21Paper
Robustness and load disturbance conditions for state based iterative learning control2019-01-17Paper
Modified Newton method based iterative learning control design for discrete nonlinear systems with constraints2018-11-16Paper
Stabilization of Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Systems Described by Fornasini--Marchesini and Roesser Models2018-10-29Paper
Iterative Learning Control in Health Care: Electrical Stimulation and Robotic-Assisted Upper-Limb Stroke Rehabilitation2018-09-14Paper
Stability and stabilisation of acausal discrete linear repetitive processes2018-07-26Paper
Stochastic stability of some classes of nonlinear 2D systems2018-06-20Paper
Vector Lyapunov functions for stability and stabilization of differential repetitive processes2018-04-12Paper
Iterative learning control with applications in energy generation, lasers and health care2017-09-29Paper
Modelling and Control of Bi-Directional Discrete Linear Repetitive Processes2017-08-25Paper
Stability and controllability of a class of 2-D linear systems with dynamic boundary conditions2017-08-25Paper
On homomorphisms of n-D behaviors2017-08-25Paper
LMIs - a fundamental tool in analysis and controller design for discrete linear repetitive processes2017-08-25Paper
Failure identification for linear repetitive processes2017-08-10Paper
On the connection between discrete linear repetitive processes and 2-\(D\) discrete linear systems2017-06-30Paper
Parameter-dependent Lyapunov function-based robust iterative learning control for discrete systems with actuator faults2017-01-19Paper
Failure identification for 3D linear systems2016-11-10Paper
Addenda to the papers ``Stability of nonlinear 2D systems described by the continuous-time Roesser model and ``Stabilization of differential repetitive processes2016-04-27Paper
Dissipativity and stabilization of nonlinear repetitive processes2016-04-22Paper
Iterative learning control applied to a non-linear vortex panel model for improved aerodynamic load performance of wind turbines with smart rotors2016-03-14Paper
Stabilization of differential repetitive processes2015-10-23Paper
Progress and Open Questions in the Identification of Electrically Stimulated Human Muscle for Stroke Rehabilitation2015-07-02Paper
New results on strong practical stability and stabilization of discrete linear repetitive processes2015-05-15Paper
Stability of nonlinear discrete repetitive processes with Markovian switching2015-03-02Paper
Strong practical stability and stabilization of discrete linear repetitive processes2014-11-05Paper
Stability of nonlinear 2D systems described by the continuous-time Roesser model2014-10-16Paper
A gradient-based repetitive control algorithm combining ILC and pole placement2014-08-07Paper
Control law design for discrete linear repetitive processes with non-local updating structures2014-04-08Paper
Robustness analysis of an adjoint optimal iterative learning controller with experimental verification2014-04-03Paper
Robust ℋ︁ filtering for uncertain differential linear repetitive processes2014-04-01Paper
2D systems based robust iterative learning control using noncausal finite-time interval data2014-03-26Paper
PI output feedback control of differential linear repetitive processes2014-03-19Paper
Strong practical stability and stabilization of uncertain discrete linear repetitive processes2014-02-19Paper
Control of differential linear repetitive processes using strong practical stability and ℋdisturbance attenuation2014-01-09Paper
KYP lemma based stability and control law design for differential linear repetitive processes with applications2013-12-09Paper
A common setting for the design of iterative learning and repetitive controllers with experimental verification2013-11-04Paper
Linear-quadratic parametrization of stabilizing controls in discrete-time 2D systems2013-08-02Paper
Iterative learning control for spatio-temporal dynamics using Crank-Nicholson discretization2013-02-01Paper
Control of discrete linear repetitive processes using strong practical stability and \({\mathcal H}_{\infty }\) disturbance attenuation2013-01-21Paper
Robust Control of Discrete Linear Repetitive Processes with Parameter Varying Uncertainty2012-09-26Paper
ℋ︁2 /ℋ︁ output information-based disturbance attenuation for differential linear repetitive processes2012-08-04Paper
A 2D systems approach to iterative learning control for discrete linear processes with zero Markov parameters2011-11-17Paper
On the stability and control of discrete linear systems with clock synchronisation errors2011-11-17Paper
Model and experience-based initial input construction for iterative learning control2011-05-18Paper
An approach to iterative learning control for spatio-temporal dynamics using \(n\)D discrete linear systems models2011-03-15Paper
Norm-optimal iterative learning control with application to problems in accelerator-based free electron lasers and rehabilitation robotics2011-03-09Paper
Strong practical stability and stabilization of differential linear repetitive processes2010-12-01Paper
On control laws for discrete linear repetitive processes with dynamic boundary conditions2010-11-22Paper
Switched linear model predictive controllers for periodic exogenous signals2010-07-26Paper
On controllability and control laws for discrete linear repetitive processes2010-04-06Paper
Control and filtering for discrete linear repetitive processes with \({\mathcal H}_\infty\) and \(\ell_2-\ell_\infty\) performance2009-08-31Paper
On the Development of SCILAB Compatible Software for the Analysis and Control of Repetitive Processes2009-08-03Paper
Constrained Optimal Control Theory for Differential Linear Repetitive Processes2009-03-10Paper
Multi-machine operations modelled and controlled as switched linear repetitive processes2009-02-18Paper
Optimal control of wave linear repetitive processes2008-12-02Paper
Optimal control of non-stationary differential linear repetitive processes2008-04-11Paper
Decoupling and iterative approaches to the control of discrete linear repetitive processes2008-04-11Paper
P-type iterative learning control for systems that contain resonance2008-01-14Paper
Repetitive control of synchronized operations for process applications2007-06-11Paper
Further results on the experimental evaluation of iterative learning control algorithms for non-minimum phase plants2007-05-18Paper
PI control of discrete linear repetitive processes2007-04-16Paper
Control systems theory and applications for linear repetitive processes.2007-03-14Paper
Poles and zeros -- examples of the behavioral approach applied to discrete linear repetitive processes2007-01-24Paper
Stabilization of discrete linear repetitive processes with switched dynamics2007-01-24Paper
Relaxed pass profile controllability of discrete linear repetitive processes2006-10-11Paper
A behavioral approach to the control of discrete linear repetitive processes2006-09-21Paper
On invariant zeros of linear systems of PDEs2006-08-04Paper
Control and disturbance rejection for discrete linear repetitive processes2006-01-30Paper
\(\mathcal H_{\infty}\) and guaranteed cost control of discrete linear repetitive processes2005-12-27Paper
Experimental evaluation of iterative learning control algorithms for non-minimum phase plants2005-11-25Paper
Causal and Stable Input/Output Structures on Multidimensional Behaviors2005-02-28Paper
Universal adaptive control of satellite formation flying2005-02-24Paper
Output feedback control of discrete linear repetitive processes2005-01-26Paper
Control theory for a class of 2D continuous-discrete linear systems2004-10-25Paper
Iterative learning control — 2D control systems from theory to application2004-10-25Paper
Positive real control of two-dimensional systems: Roesser models and linear repetitive processes2004-03-25Paper
LMI based stability analysis and robust controller design for discrete linear repetitive processes2004-02-12Paper
\(z\)-transform and Volterra-operator based approaches to controllability and observability analysis for discrete linear repetitive processes2003-08-06Paper
Exponential stability of discrete linear repetitive processes2003-07-24Paper
Controllable and uncontrollable poles and zeros of \(n\)D systems2002-10-31Paper
Stability conditions for a class of 2D continuous-discrete linear systems with dynamic boundary conditions2002-10-16Paper
Kronecker product based stability tests and performance bounds for a class of 2D continuous-discrete linear systems2002-09-12Paper
One-dimensional equivalent model and related approaches to the analysis of discrete nonunit memory linear repetitive processes.2002-01-01Paper
Structure indices for multidimensional systems2000-10-03Paper
New 2D models and a transition matrix for discrete linear repetitive processes2000-06-12Paper
Matrix rank based conditions for reachability/controllability of dicrete linear repetitive processes2000-04-04Paper
A Behavioral Approach to the Pole Structure of One-Dimensional and Multidimensional Linear Systems2000-03-19Paper
Predictive optimal iterative learning control1999-08-22Paper
Stability analysis for a class of 2D continuous--discrete linear systems with dynamic boundary conditions1999-06-21Paper
Controllable and autonomous nD linear systems1999-05-18Paper
Minimum lag descriptions and minimal Gröbner bases1999-01-12Paper
A formal theory of matrix primeness1998-11-01Paper
Stability theory and performance bounds for a class of two-dimensional linear systems with interpass smoothing effects1998-10-06Paper
A new state-space model for linear discrete multipass processes1997-07-15Paper
AnH∞ approach to linear iterative learning control design1997-05-14Paper
Iterative learning control for discrete-time systems with exponential rate of convergence1997-05-14Paper
A polynomial matrix theory for a certain class of two-dimensional linear systems1997-03-12Paper
Frequency domain Lyapunov equations and performance bounds for differential linear repetitive processes1997-02-28Paper
Iterative learning control using optimal feedback and feedforward actions1997-02-26Paper
Stability of discrete non-unit memory linear repetitive processes—a two-dimensional systems interpretation1996-09-22Paper
Lyapunov stability theory and performance bounds for a class of 2D linear systems1996-09-22Paper
Stability of linear repetitive processes—a delay–differential systems interpretation1995-11-29Paper
Graph reversal and the design of parallel control and signal processing architectures1995-11-28Paper
Error actuated output feedback control theory for differential linear repetitive processes1995-11-09Paper
Signal‐processing‐based performance measures for differential linear repetitive processes1995-08-15Paper
Output-feedback control of discrete linear repetitive processes1994-09-13Paper
Stability tests and performance bounds for a class of 2D linear systems1993-12-10Paper
Stability analysis for linear repetitive processes1993-01-23Paper
Simulation-based stability tests and performance bounds for differential non-unit memory linear repetitive processes1993-01-16Paper
New stability tests and performance bounds for differential linear repetitive processes1993-01-16Paper
Simulation-based stability tests for differential unit memory linear multipass processes1990-01-01Paper
Modelling and stability analysis for a class of industrial repetitive processes1990-01-01Paper
2D-transfer functions and stability tests for differential non-unit memory linear multipass processes1989-01-01Paper
Axis positivity and the stability of linear multipass processes1989-01-01Paper
Stability Analysis for Discrete Linear Multipass Processes with Non-Unit Memory1989-01-01Paper

Research outcomes over time

This page was built for person: Eric Rogers