Singularities and groups in bifurcation theory. Volume II

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zbMath0691.58003MaRDI QIDQ1210822

Martin Golubitsky, David G. Schaeffer, I. N. Stewart

Publication date: 5 June 1993

Published in: Applied Mathematical Sciences (Search for Journal in Brave)

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With an appendix by Jerrold Marsden, Reversing \(k\)-symmetries in dynamical systems, Heteroclinic cycles emanating from local bifurcations, Bifurcations of stationary, standing and travelling waves in triply diffusive convection, Remarks on the bifurcation of two-dimensional capillary-gravity waves of finite depth, Local bifurcations on the plane with reversing point group symmetry, A classification of degenerate Hopf bifurcations with O(2) symmetry, The limited effectiveness of normal forms: A critical review and extension of local bifurcation studies of the Brusselator PDE, Solutions of nonlinear planar elliptic problems with triangle symmetry, Robust heteroclinic cycles, Chaos and asymptotical stability in discrete-time neural networks, Patterns in square arrays of coupled cells, Hopf bifurcation near a double singular point, Classification and unifolding of degenerate Hopf bifurcations with 0(2) symmetry: No distinguished parameter, Pattern formation and bistability in flow between counterrotating cylinders, The dynamics of \(n\) weakly coupled identical oscillators, Lie-point symmetries and nonlinear dynamical systems, Symmetry-increasing bifurcation of chaotic attractors, Computational methods for bifurcation problems with symmetries - with special attention to steady state and Hopf bifurcation points, A price adjustment process with symmetry, Pulse-train solutions of a spatially heterogeneous amplitude equation arising in the subcritical instability of narrow gap spherical Couette flow, Stability of nonlinear waves in a ring of neurons with delays, A remark on \(O(3)\)-invariant bifurcations with a quadratic singularity, A mathematical framework for understanding four-dimensional heterogeneous differentiation of \(\mathrm {CD4}^{+}\) T cells, A Hamiltonian study of the stability and bifurcations for the satellite problem, Bifurcation method for computing the multiple positive solutions to \( p\)-Henon equation, Nonlinear waves in complex oscillator network with delay, Symmetric bifurcation analysis of synchronous states of time-delayed coupled phase-locked loop oscillators, Equivariant bifurcation theory and symmetry breaking, A torus bifurcation theorem with symmetry, Pattern selection in long-wavelength convection, Period-doubling mode interactions with circular symmetry, Bifurcation in a spherical reaction-diffusion system with imposed gradient, Degenerate \(O(2)\)-equivariant bifurcation equations and their applications to the Taylor problem, Attractor bifurcation of three-dimensional double-diffusive convection, Heteroclinic orbits in a spherically invariant system, Path following around corank-2 bifurcation points of a semi-linear elliptic problem with symmetry, Bifurcation and stability of homogeneous deformations of an elastic body under dead load tractions with \(Z_ 2\) symmetry, Local and global aspects of the (1,\(n\)) mode interaction for capillary- gravity waves, Normal forms for driven surface waves: Boundary conditions, symmetry, and genericity, Nonlinear dynamics and bifurcations of a coupled oscillator model for calling behavior of Japanese tree frogs (Hyla japonica), Unfolding of multiparameter equivariant bifurcation problems with two groups of state variables under left-right equivalent group, Stability of equivariant bifurcation problems with two types of state variables and their unfoldings in presence of parameter symmetry, Planforms in two and three dimensions, Symmetry and bifurcation of periodic solutions in Neumann boundary value problems, Codimension two bifurcations of symmetric cycles in Hamiltonian systems with an antisymplectic involution, An abstract theory for the domain reduction method, Symmetry-breaking and branching patterns in equivariant bifurcation theory. I, Spontaneous symmetry breaking in higher dimensional fixed point spaces, \(C^ p\) singularity theory and heteroclinic bifurcation with a distinguished parameter, Symmetry breaking and symmetry locking in equivariant circle maps, Dynamics of bifurcations for variational problems with \(O(3)\) equivariance: A Conley index approach, Heteroclinic cycles in dynamical systems with broken spherical symmetry, A Hopf bifurcation with spherical symmetry, Bifurcation analysis of symmetric structures using block-diagonalization, Hopf bifurcations in Langmuir circulations, Autonomous systems, dynamical systems, LPTI symmetries, topology of trajectories, and periodic solutions, Real Birkhoff normal forms and complex coordinates, Understanding the global solutions of the capillary-gravity wave problem, Dependence of magnetic field generation by thermal convection on the rotation rate: a case study, Vibration absorbers for a rotating flexible structure with cyclic symmetry: nonlinear path design, 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Nielsen model and the standard model as low-energy limit, Detecting the symmetry of attractors, Coupled nonlinear oscillators and the symmetries of animal gaits, On a numerical Lyapunov-Schmidt method for operator equations, Bifurcations on hemispheres, Asymptotic methods for reaction-diffusion systems: past and present, From canards of folded singularities to torus canards in a forced van der Pol equation, Equivariant normal forms for parameterized delay differential equations with applications to bifurcation theory, Coarse-grained clustering dynamics of heterogeneously coupled neurons, Mathematical frameworks for oscillatory network dynamics in neuroscience, Equivariant Hopf bifurcation in a time-delayed ring of antigenic variants, Steady bifurcating solutions of the Couette-Taylor problem for flow in a deformable cylinder, Pattern formation for the Swift-Hohenberg equation on the hyperbolic plane, Global symmetry-breaking bifurcation for the van der Waals-Cahn-Hilliard model on the sphere \(S^2\), Equivariant bifurcation and absolute irreducibility in \(\mathbb R^8\): a contribution to Ize conjecture and related bifurcations, Bifurcation in a reaction-diffusion model with nonlocal delay effect and nonlinear boundary condition, Stability switches, oscillatory multistability, and spatio-temporal patterns of nonlinear oscillations in recurrently delay coupled neural networks, Weakly nonlinear analysis of a hyperbolic model for animal group formation, Spatial discounting, Fourier, and racetrack economy: a recipe for the analysis of spatial agglomeration models, Cyclic feedback systems with quorum sensing coupling, \(hp\)-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods for bifurcation phenomena in open flows, Bifurcation analysis for 2:1 and 3:1 super-harmonic resonances of an aircraft cracked rotor system due to maneuver load, Delayed feedback control of a delay equation at Hopf bifurcation, Krylov methods and determinants for detecting bifurcations in one parameter dependent partial differential equations, Local bifurcation in symmetric coupled cell networks: linear theory, Pseudospectral methods for computing the multiple solutions of the Lane-Emden equation, Bifurcation and stability analysis of nonlinear waves in \(\mathbb {D}_n\) symmetric delay differential systems, Multiple solutions to implicit symmetric boundary value problems for second order ordinary differential equations (ODEs): Equivariant degree approach, Symmetry-breaking in a rate model for a biped locomotion central pattern generator, Zero singularities in a ring network with two delays, An Upper bound for validity limits of asymptotic analytical approaches based on normal form theory, \(Z_n\) equivariant in delay coupled dissipative Stuart-Landau oscillators, Multiple scales and normal forms in a ring of delay coupled oscillators with application to chaotic Hindmarsh-Rose neurons, Turing patterns with O(3) symmetry, A mathematical model of motorneuron dynamics in the heartbeat of the leech, Rotating waves in scalar equations with Neumann boundary conditions, Stability analysis for mutually delay-coupled semiconductor lasers system, Bifurcation in \(Z_{2}\)-symmetry quadratic polynomial systems with delay, Inflection, canards and excitability threshold in neuronal models, A new method to approximate the field of movements of 1-DOF linkages with lower-pairs, Bifurcation method for solving multiple positive solutions to boundary value problem of \(p\)-Henon equation on the unit disk, Resonance and fractal geometry, Bifurcation analysis to the Lugiato-Lefever equation in one space dimension, Analysis of bifurcation in a system of \(n\) coupled oscillators with delays, Equivariant normal forms for neutral functional differential equations, Radial and bifurcating non-radial solutions for a singular perturbation problem in the case of exchange of stabilities, Combined resonance of low pressure cylinder-generator rotor system with bending-torsion coupling, A short treatise on the equivariant degree theory and its applications, Organizational dynamics with symmetric responses of members, Spatial period-doubling agglomeration of a core-periphery model with a system of cities, Equivariant Hopf bifurcation for functional differential equations of mixed type, Spatio-temporal patterns of Hopf bifurcating periodic oscillations in a pair of identical tri-neuron network loops, Multiple periodic solutions in a delay-coupled system of neural oscillators, Supercritical and subcritical Hopf bifurcation and limit cycle oscillations of an airfoil with cubic nonlinearity in supersonic\(\backslash\)hypersonic flow, The discrete Markus-Yamabe problem for symmetric planar polynomial maps, Dynamics of coupled cell networks: synchrony, heteroclinic cycles and inflation, Adaptivity and a posteriori error control for bifurcation problems. II: Incompressible fluid flow in open systems with \(Z_{2}\) symmetry, Bifurcation of hyperbolic planforms, On anisotropic polynomial relations for the elasticity tensor, Simple bifurcation of coupled advertising oscillators with delay, Universal unfolding of symmetric resonances, Analysis of symmetries in models of multi-strain infections, Face-centered cubic crystallization of atomistic configurations, Symmetry methods in mathematical biology, Suppression of bursting, Homeostasis, singularities, and networks, Symmetry breaking Hopf bifurcations in equation with O(2) symmetry with application to the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, Mathematical analysis of sideband instabilities with application to Rayleigh-Bénard convection, Universal unfoldings of group invariant equations which model second and third harmonic resonant capillary-gravity waves, Convective instability and pattern formation in magnetic fluids, Traveling and standing waves in coupled pendula and Newton's cradle, Standing waves in near-parallel vortex filaments, Isotropy of angular frequencies and weak chimeras with broken symmetry, Theory of reentrant excitation in a ring of cardiac tissue, Hopf bifurcation with \(D_ 3\times D_ 3\)-symmetry, Planforms in three dimensions, Sliding Hopf bifurcation in interval systems, Symmetric Liapunov center theorem, Multiple Hopf bifurcations of three coupled van der Pol oscillators with delay, Design isotropic materials using anisotropic components via homogenization, Time-delayed feedback control of unstable periodic orbits near a subcritical Hopf bifurcation, Imperfection sensitive variation of critical loads at hilltop bifurcation point, Oscillation patterns in tori of modified FHN neurons, Generalized SPIN models for coupled cortical feature maps obtained by coarse graining correlation based synaptic learning rules, Bifurcation and symmetry breaking, From steady solutions to chaotic flows in a Rayleigh-Bénard problem at moderate Rayleigh numbers, Hopf bifurcation and spatio-temporal patterns in delay-coupled van der Pol oscillators, On certain weak phase transformations in multilattices, Symmetries in timed continuous Petri nets, Symmetry reduction in symplectic and Poisson geometry, Delay-induced primary rhythmic behavior in a two-layer neural network, Synchronization phenomena for coupled delay-line oscillators, Global branch from the second eigenvalue for a semilinear Neumann problem in a ball, Bifurcation of a three-unit neural network, Bifurcation diagrams and heteroclinic networks of octagonal H-planforms, Quasi-periodic states in coupled rings of cells, Symmetries constrain dynamics in a family of balanced neural networks, Graph fibrations and symmetries of network dynamics, Bifurcations in parametric nonlinear programming, Steady-state bifurcation with O(3)-symmetry, Symmetry and nodal properties in the global bifurcation analysis of quasi-linear elliptic equations, Bifurcations of a simplified buckling problem and the effect of discretizations, Globally coupled circle maps, Large rotating states of a conducting elastic wire in a magnetic field: Subtle symmetry and multiparameter bifurcation, Transversality for equivariant exact 1-forms and gauge theory on 3-manifolds, Generic movement of eigenvalues for equivariant self-adjoint matrices, Synchronization, symmetry and rotating periodic solutions in oscillators with Huygens' coupling, Bifurcations of Poiseuille flow between parallel plates: Three- dimensional solutions with large spanwise wavelength, The 2:1 steady/Hopf mode interaction in the two-layer Bénard problem, Optical morphogenesis: Pattern formation and competition in nonlinear optics, Trace maps as 3D reversible dynamical systems with an invariant, Amplitude expansions for instabilities in populations of globally-coupled oscillators, Bragg scattering of water waves by Green-Naghdi theory, Some remarks on period doubling in systems with symmetry, Time evolution of city distributions in Germany. Group-theoretic spectrum analysis, The effect of delay and diffusion on spontaneous symmetry breaking in functional differential equations, Resonant normal modes for time-reversible, equivariant vectorfields, Stratospheric planetary flows from the perspective of the Euler equation on a rotating sphere, A splitting lemma for equivariant dynamics, Crystallographic texture and group representations, Periodic solutions to reversible second order autonomous systems with commensurate delays, New planforms in systems of partial differential equations with Euclidean symmetry, Complex dynamics in the Hopf bifurcation with broken translation symmetry, Spatially heterogeneous discrete waves in predator-prey communities over a patchy environment, Euler-Poisson equations and existence of quasi-periodic motions of heavy tops, Counting symmetry-breaking solutions to symmetric variational problems, Dynamical symmetries and temporal segmentation, Semirotors in the Josephson junction equations, Semi-invariants, equivariants and algorithms, Multiple bifurcations in triple convection with non-ideal boundary conditions, A general reduction method for periodic solutions in conservative and reversible systems, Increasing flow complexity in time-dependent modulated ferrofluidic Couette flow, Heteroclinic cycles in bifurcation problems with \(O(3)\) symmetry and the spherical Bénard problem, Heteroclinic cycles in the three-dimensional postbifurcation motion of O(2)-symmetric fluid conveying tubes, Bifurcation revisited along footprints of Jürgen Scheurle, Complex dynamics in simple delayed two-parameterized models, Cluster synchronization in coupled systems with hub structure, The hyperbolic model for edge and texture detection in the primary visual cortex, Symmetry breaking in a model of antigenic variation with immune delay, Adaptivity and a posteriori error control for bifurcation problems. III: Incompressible fluid flow in open systems with \(O(2)\) symmetry, Hopf bifurcation in symmetric networks of coupled oscillators with hysteresis, The effects of symmetry on the dynamics of antigenic variation, Resonant tori, transport barriers, and chaos in a vector field with a Neimark-Sacker bifurcation, Computational stability investigations for a highly symmetric system: the pressurized spherical membrane, Unfolding the fold-Hopf bifurcation in piecewise linear continuous differential systems with symmetry, Numerical bifurcation analysis of a 3D Turing-type reaction-diffusion model, Dynamic properties of coupled maps, Path formulation for multiparameter \(\mathbb D_3\)-equivariant bifurcation problems, Reversible equivariant linear systems, Simple and superlattice Turing patterns in reaction-diffusion systems: Bifurcation, bistability, and parameter collapse, Symmetry and chaos in the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation. II: Translational symmetries, On the synchronization phenomenon of a parallel array of spin torque nano-oscillators, Space of 2D elastic materials: a geometric journey, Oscillation and pattern formation in a system of self-regulating cells, A modular network for legged locomotion., Degenerate \(1:2\) steady state mode interaction -- MHD flow in a vertical slot, Bursts in oscillatory systems with broken \(D_4\) symmetry, Sensitivity and control analysis of periodically forced reaction networks using the Green's function method, Bubbling of attractors and synchronisation of chaotic oscillators, Numerical Liapunov-Schmidt spectral method for \(k\)-determined problems, Bifurcation mechanism underlying echelon-mode formation, Resonant driving and \(k\)-symmetry, Equilibrium configurations for a system of \(N\) particles in the plane, Oscillating waves arising from \(\text{O}(2)\) symmetry., Bifurcation analysis of pattern formation in a two-dimensional hybrid reaction-transport model, Stable spatially localized configurations in a simple structure -- a global symmetry-breaking approach, The \(1:\sqrt 2\) Hopf/steady-state mode interaction in three-dimensional magnetoconvection, Exact solutions of Newell-Whitehead-Segel equations using symmetry transformations, A discrete and symmetric price adjustment process on the simplex, Stability, bifurcation and phase-locking of time-delayed excitatory-inhibitory neural networks, A new mechanism-based temperature-dependent viscoelastic model for unidirectional polymer matrix composites based on Cartan decomposition, Derived patterns in binocular rivalry networks, Feedforward networks: adaptation, feedback, and synchrony, Rotating and standing waves in a diffractive nonlinear optical system with delayed feedback under \(O(2)\) Hopf bifurcation, A random field formulation of Hooke's law in all elasticity classes, Multiple nonlinear oscillations in a \(\mathbb D_3\times\mathbb D_3\)-symmetrical coupled system of identical cells 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nonlinear wave equation on networks, Normal forms of bireversible vector fields, Spatial and color hallucinations in a mathematical model of primary visual cortex, \(Z_2 \times Z_3\) equivariant bifurcation in coupled two neural network rings, Selection of hexagonal buckling patterns by the elastic Rayleigh-Taylor instability, Synchrony patterns in gene regulatory networks, Theory and applications of equivariant normal forms and Hopf bifurcation for semilinear FDEs in Banach spaces, Symmetry-breaking bifurcations for free boundary problems modeling tumor growth, Analysis of pattern formation using numerical continuation., Stability and Hopf bifurcation in a Hutchinson model, Nonradial maximizers for a Hénon type problem and symmetry breaking bifurcations for a Liouville-Gel'fand problem with a vanishing coefficient, Effects of asymmetric coupling and self-coupling on metastable dynamical transient rotating waves in a ring of sigmoidal neurons, Rotational symmetry and rotating waves in 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symmetry in graphs with applications to finite and boundary elements analysis, Singularities of homogeneous deformations in finite elasticity, Symmetry-Breaking Bifurcations in Rings of Delay-Coupled Semiconductor Lasers, A dichotomy in area-preserving reversible maps, On the isotropic moduli of 2D strain-gradient elasticity, Symmetry-Breaking Bifurcations and Patterns of Oscillations in Rings of Crystal Oscillators, A Dynamical System for Prioritizing and Coordinating Motivations, Reduction to modified KdV and its KP-like generalization via phase modulation, The \(1:\sqrt 2\) mode interaction and heteroclinic networks in Boussinesq convection, Multiple solutions to symmetric boundary value problems for second order ODEs: equivariant degree approach, Bifurcation analysis of the Eckhaus instability, An ODE model of the motion of pelagic fish, Bifurcation analysis on a generalized recurrent neural network with two interconnected three-neuron components, Isotropic invariants of a completely symmetric third-order tensor, \(O(2)\) Hopf bifurcation of viscous shock waves in a channel, Normal form theory for reversible equivariant vector fields, Multiple periodic solutions for \(\Gamma\)-symmetric Newtonian systems, O(2)-lnvariant Hamiltonians on ℂ4, Equivariant bifurcations in a non-local model of ferromagnetic materials, Bifurcation of periodic solutions near a collision of eigenvalues of opposite signature, A minimal integrity basis for the elasticity tensor, An analysis of two-dimensional water waves based on O(2) symmetry, Hopf bifurcation in a reaction-diffusive two-species model with nonlocal delay effect and general functional response, Equivariant bifurcation in a coupled complex-valued neural network rings, Chevron folding patterns and heteroclinic orbits, Instability criterion for periodic solutions with spatio-temporal symmetries in Hamiltonian systems, Polyadic random fields, On the elasticities of quartz across the α–β phase transformation, Overdetermined ODEs and rigid periodic states in network dynamics, Tensor- and spinor-valued random fields with applications to continuum physics and cosmology, Equivariant Hopf-Pitchfork Bifurcation of Symmetric Coupled Neural Network with Delay, Equivariant Hopf bifurcation for neutral functional differential equations, Symmetry-Breaking Bifurcations in Laser Systems with All-to-All Coupling, Complex dynamics in discrete delayed models with \(\mathbb D _4\) symmetry, A bifurcation method for solving multiple positive solutions to the boundary value problem of the Hénon equation on a unit disk, A group-theoretic approach to the bifurcation analysis of spatial Cosserat-rod frameworks with symmetry, Synchrony and asynchrony for neuronal dynamics defined on complex networks, Symmetry, optima and bifurcations in structural design, Compound bifurcations in the buckling of a delaminated composite strut, Heteroclinic orbits for a system of amplitude equations for orthogonal domain walls, Practical computation of normal forms of the Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation, Stability and bifurcation analysis of delay coupled Van der Pol-Duffing oscillators, Multiple bifurcation analysis in a ring of delay coupled oscillators with neutral feedback, Bifurcation analysis of steady Rayleigh–Bénard convection in a cubical cavity with conducting sidewalls, Structured semidefinite programs for the control of symmetric systems, Bifurcation and stability of a Mimura-Tsujikawa model with nonlocal delay effect, An energy-momentum map for the time-reversal symmetric 1:1 resonance with \(\mathbb Z_2{\times}\mathbb Z_2\) symmetry, Direction reversal of a rotating wave in Taylor–Couette flow, Local attractors, degeneracy and analyticity: symmetry effects on the locally coupled Kuramoto model, Non-axial self-similar hole filling for the porous medium equation, Computational algebra for bifurcation theory, Computing wave functions of nonlinear Schrödinger equations: a time-independent approach, Diffuse mode bifurcation of soil causing convection-like shear investigated by group-theoretic image analysis, On the equivariance properties of self-adjoint matrices, Global mode interaction and pattern selection in the wake of a disk: a weakly nonlinear expansion, Algorithmization of computations on a symplectic basis, Spatial and temporal feedback control of traveling wave solutions of the two-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, Experimental observation of near-heteroclinic cycles in the von Kármán swirling flow, Models for turbulent plane Couette flow using the proper orthogonal decomposition, Dynamics in a delayed-neural network, On pattern formation in a class of traffic models, Modulational stability of travelling waves in 2D anisotropic systems, Reduction and reconstruction for symmetric ordinary differential equations, The Third-Harmonic Resonance for Capillary-Gravity Waves with O(2) Spatial Symmetry, Modelling instability \(ABC\) flow using a mode interaction 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I: Multiple Hopf and transcritical/multiple Hopf interaction, Low-dimensional modelling of turbulence using the proper orthogonal decomposition: A tutorial, Hopf Bifurcation with Tetrahedral and Octahedral Symmetry, Codimension one and two bifurcations in a symmetrical ring network with delay, Eliminating restrictions of time-delayed feedback control using equivariance, Anisotropy in large eddy simulations determined from SO(3) symmetry group, Bifurcation Sequences in the Symmetric 1:1 Hamiltonian Resonance, Coupled Oscillatory Systems with 𝔻4 Symmetry and Application to van der Pol Oscillators, Group-theoretic exploitations of symmetry in computational solid and structural mechanics, Bifurcation from codimension one relative homoclinic cycles, Resonant interactions in Bénard-Marangoni convection in cylindrical containers, Turing pattern formation in heterogeneous media, The radial problem in gauge field theory models, Hopf bifurcation from relative periodic solutions; secondary bifurcations from meandering spirals, Symmetry of attractors and the Perron-Frobenius operator, Determination of the branching equation by its group symmetry—Andronov—Hopf bifurcation, Bifurcation with a two-dimensional kernel, Spontaneous Symmetry-Breaking in a Network Model for Quadruped Locomotion, Symmetric Hopf bifurcation in implicit neutral functional differential equations: equivariant degree approach, Resonance and Singularities, Synchrony-Breaking Bifurcation at a Simple Real Eigenvalue for Regular Networks 2: Higher-Dimensional Cells, Hopf bifurcation from fronts in the Cahn-Hilliard equation, Dynamics and bifurcations in a \(\mathbb{D}_n\)-symmetric Hamiltonian network. application to coupled gyroscopes, Global–Local Spatial Platform for Economic Geography: Mechanism for Sustaining Bifurcation, Rotating waves in rings of coupled oscillators, Hopf bifurcations in three coupled oscillators with internal symmetries, Stability and Bifurcation of Homogeneous Deformations of a Compressible Elastic Body under Pressure Load, Heteroclinic cycles and wreath product symmetries, Automatic classification of normal forms, From Symmetric Networks to Heteroclinic Dynamics and Chaos in Coupled Phase Oscillators with Higher-Order Interactions, Bifurcation in the traction problem for a transversely isotropic material, Bifurcations of a Neural Network Model with Symmetry, Unnamed Item, Normal forms for linear Hamiltonian vector fields commuting with the action of a compact Lie group, Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Predator–Prey Model with Allee Effect and Constant Stocking Rate for Predator, Stability of Bifurcating Patterns of Spatial Economy Models on a Hexagonal Lattice, KINK-BRIGHT SOLITARY WAVE SOLUTIONS OF THE GENERALIZED KURAMOTO-SIVASHINSKY EQUATION, Versal unfoldings of equivariant linear Hamiltonian vector fields, Combinatorial dynamics, On the buckling of elastic rings by external confinement, Product normal forms for families of symplectic maps with symmetries, Handbook of bi-dimensional tensors: Part I: Harmonic decomposition and symmetry classes, Symmetry, Hopf bifurcation, and the emergence of cluster solutions in time delayed neural networks, Unveiling the competitive role of global modes in the pattern formation of rotating sphere flows, Bifurcation theory and nonlinear symmetries, Symmetry and pattern formation for a planar layer of nematic liquid crystal, Centralizers and normalizers of local analytic and formal vector fields, The Structure of a Nonlinear Elliptic Operator, Analysis of bifurcations in reaction–diffusion systems with no-flux boundary conditions: the Sel'kov model, Target patterns in a 2D array of oscillators with nonlocal coupling, Dynamics of a predator–prey system with nonlinear prey-taxis, Bistability in two simple symmetrically coupled oscillators with symmetry-broken amplitude- and phase-locking, Permissible symmetries of coupled cell networks, Algorithms for fundamental invariants and equivariants of finite groups, A linear theory of beams with deformable cross section, Geometric Aspects of Spatially Periodic Interfacial Waves, Periodic orbit analysis of a system with continuous symmetry—A tutorial, Synchronization of chaotic systems, Center Manifolds of Coupled Cell Networks, On the construction of inertial manifolds under symmetry constraints— I. abstract results, Stability of bifurcating solutions of equivariant equations, Fully nonlinear mode competition in magnetised Taylor–Couette flow, Ricocheting inclined layer convection states, Numerical Detection and Analysis of Strong Resonance Bifurcations with a Reflection Symmetry and Some Applications in Economics and Neural Networks, Long Time Dynamics and Coherent States in Nonlinear Wave Equations, Rigid patterns of synchrony for equilibria and periodic cycles in network dynamics, Symmetric Bifurcations in a Neural Field Model for Encoding the Direction of Spatial Contrast Gradients, Stability of Spiral Chimera States on a Torus, Hereditary automorphic Lie algebras, Hopf Bifurcation for Semilinear FDEs in General Banach Spaces, Origin Preserving Path Formulation for Multiparameter ℤ2-Equivariant Corank 2 Bifurcation Problems, Bifurcation Analysis and Spatiotemporal Patterns in Unidirectionally Delay-Coupled Vibratory Gyroscopes, BIFURCATION THEORY OF FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: A SURVEY, Path Instabilities of Axisymmetric Bodies Falling or Rising Under the Action of Gravity and Hydrodynamic Forces in a Newtonian Fluid, Group-Theoretic Spectrum Analysis of Population Distribution in Southern Germany and Eastern USA, Linear and weakly nonlinear analysis of Rayleigh–Bénard convection of perfect gas with non-Oberbeck–Boussinesq effects, Free nonlinear vibrations for a class of two-dimensional plate equations: standing and discrete-rotating waves, Dynamics and bifurcations in multistable 3-cell neural networks, Center Manifolds of Coupled Cell Networks, Symmetries in the Lorenz-96 Model, Exotic Patterns of Synchrony in Planar Lattice Networks, Normal Form Analysis of ℤ2-Equivariant Singularities, Flip-Flip Bifurcation in a Mathematical Cardiac System, On a One-Parameter Discrete-Time Z4-Equivariant Cubic Dynamical System, Stability of a heteroclinic network and its cycles: a case study from Boussinesq convection, Rescaled Objective Solutions of Fokker--Planck and Boltzmann equations, On neumann problems for semilinear elliptic equations with critical nonlinearity:existance and symmetry of multi—peaked solutions1, Unnamed Item, Generic Steady State Bifurcations in Monoid Equivariant Dynamics with Applications in Homogeneous Coupled Cell Systems, Stability and Hopf Bifurcation in a Reaction–Diffusion Model with Chemotaxis and Nonlocal Delay Effect, Discrete waves and phase-locked oscillations in the growth of a single-species population over a patchy environment, A Numerical Liapunov-Schmidt Method with Applications to Hopf Bifurcation on a Square, Unnamed Item, Towards a full higher order AD-based continuation and bifurcation framework, Numerical bifurcation analysis of double +1 multiplier in ℤ3-symmetric maps, Sensitivity to Imperfections in a Class of Nearly Double Bucklings, Heteroclinic cycles for reaction diffusion systems by forced symmetry-breaking, A Set-Oriented Path Following Method for the Approximation of Parameter Dependent Attractors, Unnamed Item, Applications of Nonlinear and Reconfigurable Electronic Circuits, Steady State Bifurcation and Patterns of Reaction–Diffusion Equations, Unnamed Item, Variation of bifurcations along a homotopy from Neumann to Dirichlet problems, Quiver Representations and Dimension Reduction in Dynamical Systems, Continuation of Double Hopf Points in Thermal Convection of Rotating Fluid Spheres, Global cusp maps in differential and integral equations, The traffic problem: Modeling of the overtaking, The effect of state dependence in a delay differential equation model for the El Niño Southern Oscillation, Consistency of local dynamics and bifurcation of continuous-time dynamical systems and their numerical discretizations, Symmetric functional differential equations and neural networks with memory, Balanced Colorings and Bifurcations in Rivalry and Opinion Networks, Resonance in rarefaction and shock curves: Local analysis and numerics of the continuation method, On Asymptotic Nonlocal Symmetry of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations, Symmetry and bifurcations of planar configurations of the N-body and other problems, Generic multiparameter bifurcation from a manifold, MIXED FOURIER-LEGENDRE SPECTRAL METHODS FOR THE MULTIPLE SOLUTIONS OF THE SCHRODINGER EQUATION ON THE UNIT DISK, On reduced variational equations of coupled systems, Bifurcations, symmetries and the notion of fixed subspace, Control of Bifurcation Structures using Shape Optimization, Hamiltonian symmetric groups and multiple periodic solutions of differential delay equations, Theory and applications of Hopf bifurcations in symmetric functional differential equations, Numerical detection of symmetry breaking bifurcation points with nonlinear degeneracies, Equivariant mappings and invariant sets on Minkowski space, Chaotic Dynamics in an Integro-Differential Reaction-Diffusion System in the Presence of 0:1:2 Resonance, Stability of orbits of solutions of O(2) × 2-equivariant bifurcation problems with variational structure, Harmonic decomposition, irreducible basis tensors, and minimal representations of material tensors and pseudotensors, Behaviour of trajectories near a two-cycle heteroclinic network, Equivariant Pyragas Control of Discrete Waves, Spatio-temporal patterns in a ring network with delay and square symmetry, Symmetry-breaking bifurcations in a delayed reaction-diffusion equation, Breaking Indecision in Multiagent, Multioption Dynamics, Bifurcation Phenomena in a Lotka–Volterra Model with Cross-Diffusion and Delay Effect, Noninvasive Stabilization of Periodic Orbits in O4-Symmetrically Coupled Systems Near a Hopf Bifurcation Point, Dynamics of circular oscillator arrays subjected to noise, Computation of minimal covariants bases for 2D coupled constitutive laws, Cyclic symmetry induced pitchfork bifurcations in the diblock copolymer model, Existence of non-radial solutions to semilinear elliptic systems on a unit ball in \({\mathbb{R}}^3\), A Common Lines Approach for Ab Initio Modeling of Molecules with Tetrahedral and Octahedral Symmetry, Stable Synchronous Propagation of Signals by Feedforward Networks, Invariant synchrony and anti-synchrony subspaces of weighted networks, Dispersive Friedmann universes and synchronization, Permutationally invariant 3-dimensional vector spaces of \(3\times 3\) symmetric matrices: a groupoid, Satellite city formation for a spatial economic model. Bifurcation mechanism in a hexagonal domain, Hidden Symmetry in a Kuramoto–Sivashinsky Initial-Boundary Value Problem, Faraday instability on a sphere: numerical simulation, Input-Output Networks, Singularity Theory, and Homeostasis, Kinetic Models for Pattern Formation in Animal Aggregations: A Symmetry and Bifurcation Approach, Bifurcation of Relative Equilibria in Infinite-Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems, Relative equilibria of point vortices on the sphere, Local Theory for Spatio-Temporal Canards and Delayed Bifurcations, Guaranteed Estimates for the Length of Branches of Periodic Orbits for Equivariant Hopf Bifurcation, Finite Characterization of the Coarsest Balanced Coloring of a Network, Reduced algebraic conditions for plane or axial tensorial symmetries, Smoothness ofO(N)-equivariant solutions of a polynomial-like iterative equation onRN, Breaking and Sustaining Bifurcations in SN-Invariant Equidistant Economy, On the Scaling Law of Phase Drift in Coupled Nonlinear Oscillators for Precision Timing, Global Heteroclinic Rebel Dynamics Among Large 2-Clusters in Permutation Equivariant Systems, Dynamics and Bifurcations in Networks Designed for Frequency Conversion, Global Bifurcation of Periodic Solutions in Symmetric Reversible Second Order Systems with Delays, Group-Theoretic Bifurcation Mechanism of Economic Agglomerations on a Square Lattice, Double Degeneracy in the Immiscible Wilton Ripple Phenomenon: A Three Perturbation Parameter Problem in Bifurcation Theory, Center cyclicity for some nilpotent singularities including the ℤ2-equivariant class, Pseudospectral Methods for Computing the Multiple Solutions of the Schrodinger Equation, Modified stiffness iteration to pinpoint multiple bifurcation points., On Invariants of Immersions of an n-Dimensional Manifold in an n-Dimensional Pseudo-Euclidean Space*, Symmetry-Breaking Global Bifurcation in a Surface Continuum Phase-Field Model for Lipid Bilayer Vesicles, Free nonlinear vibrations for plate equations on the equilateral triangle, Complete transversals of symmetric vector fields, Periodic orbits in \(k\)-symmetric dynamical systems, Multiple bifurcations generated by mode interactions in a reaction-diffusion problem, Forced symmetry-breaking via boundary conditions, On the mean value of probability measures on circular graphs, Spatial period-multiplying instabilities of hexagonal Faraday waves, Wrinkled tori and bursts due to resonant temporal forcing, Dynamical behavior in linearly coupled Oregonators., Double Hopf bifurcation in corotating spiral Poiseuille flow, Mode decomposition of global bifurcation diagram with Gröbner bases, Slow passage through homoclinic orbits for the unfolding of a saddle-center bifurcation and the change in the adiabatic invariant, Nonlinear evolution, travelling waves, and secondary instability of sheared-film flows with insoluble surfactants, Reversible relative periodic orbits., After 1952: the later development of Alan Turing's ideas on the mathematics of pattern formation, Bifurcation analysis of aero-engine's rotor system under constant maneuver load, A degenerate Hopf bifurcation in retarded functional differential equations, and applications to endemic bubbles, Symmetries of Quotient Networks for Doubly Periodic Patterns on the Hexagonal Lattice, Stability and Bifurcation in a Predator–Prey System with Prey-Taxis, Invariant Patterns for Replicator Dynamics on a Hexagonal Lattice, Nonlinear dynamics of networks: the groupoid formalism, Unnamed Item, Symmetries of Quotient Networks for Doubly Periodic Patterns on the Square Lattice, Coupled cell networks: Semigroups, Lie algebras and normal forms, In–Out Intermittency with Nested Subspaces in a System of Globally Coupled, Complex Ginzburg–Landau Equations, Pulsating and Rotating Spirals in a Delayed Feedback Diffractive Nonlinear Optical System, Oscillatory and Stationary Patterns in a Diffusive Model with Delay Effect, Stationary Coexistence of Hexagons and Rolls via Rigorous Computations, Unnamed Item, Patterns and Quasipatterns from the Superposition of Two Hexagonal Lattices, Equivariant bifurcation, quadratic equivariants, and symmetry breaking for the standard representation of S k , Transient dynamics around unstable periodic orbits in the generalized repressilator model, Characterization of the symmetry class of an elasticity tensor using polynomial covariants, Decomposition of third-order constitutive tensors, Instability of flows near the onset of convection in a rotating layer with stress-free horizontal boundaries, Magnetic field generation by convective flows in a plane layer: the dependence on the Prandtl numbers, Z 2 -equivariant standard bases for submodules associated with Z 2 -equivariant singularities, Lyapunov–Schmidt and Centre Manifold Reduction Methods for Nonlocal PDEs Modelling Animal Aggregations