zbMath0555.05019MaRDI QIDQ3218140
Eiichi Bannai, Tatsuro Ito
Publication date: 1984
Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.
Finite automorphism groups of algebraic, geometric, or combinatorial structures (20B25)
Ordinary representations and characters (20C15)
Orthogonal polynomials and functions of hypergeometric type (Jacobi, Laguerre, Hermite, Askey scheme, etc.) (33C45)
Graphs and abstract algebra (groups, rings, fields, etc.) (05C25)
Other designs, configurations (05B30)
Combinatorial aspects of finite geometries (05B25)
Spherical harmonics (33C55)
Finite geometry and special incidence structures (51E99)
On T-amorphous association schemes,
A survey of partial difference sets,
On computation complexity problems concerning relation algebras,
Spin models on finite cyclic groups,
The edge-forwarding index or orbital regular graphs,
Spectral characterization of odd graphs \(O_ k, k\leq 6\),
A new inequality for distance-regular graphs,
On splitting the Clebsch graph,
An easy linear algebra approach to the eigenvalues of the Bernoulli- Laplace model of diffusion,
Quotients of association schemes,
A characterization of two classes of strongly regular graphs,
Class 3 association schemes whose symmetrizations have two classes,
Non-abelian Hadamard difference sets,
A four-class subscheme of the association of scheme coming from the action of \(\text{PGL} (2,4^f)\),
Combinatorial algebras and multivalued involutive groups,
On spin models, modular invariance, and duality,
Distance-regular graphs with strongly regular subconstituents,
Rational functions and association scheme parameters,
A characterization of some \(\{ 3v_ 1+v_ 3,3v_ 0+v_ 2; 3,3\}\)-minihypers and its applications to error-correcting codes,
Zeros and orthogonality of the Askey-Wilson polynomials for \(q\) a root of unity,
On maximal closed subsets in association schemes,
On homogeneous integral table algebras,
Imprimitive Q-polynomial association schemes,
Association schemes with multiple Q-polynomial structures,
On distance-regular graphs with height two. II,
The structure of nonthin irreducible \(T\)-modules of endpoint 1: Ladder bases and classical parameters,
Fusion rules for admissible representations of affine algebras: the case of \(A_2^{(1)}\),
Parallelogram-free distance-regular graphs,
On Jackson's theorem in the space \(\ell_2(\mathbb{Z}_2^n)\),
The cut-off phenomenon for random walks on Hamming graphs with variable growth conditions,
Width and dual width of subsets in polynomial association schemes,
The last subconstituent of a bipartite \(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graph,
The decomposition of the permutation character \(1^{\text{GL}(2n,q)}_{\text{GL}(n,q^2)}\),
Irreducible representations of wreath products of association schemes,
Actions of finite hypergroups.,
Sparse orthogonal matrices.,
Leonard pairs from 24 points of view.,
Symmetric association schemes attached to finite upper half planes over rings.,
Directed strongly regular graphs obtained from coherent algebras,
A new inequality for bipartite distance-regular graphs.,
On classifying finite edge colored graphs with two transitive automorphism groups.,
Weakly distance-regular digraphs.,
Commutative weakly distance-regular digraphs of girth 2.,
Designs in a coset geometry: Delsarte theory revisited.,
Finite analogues of non-Euclidean spaces and Ramanujan graphs.,
Spherical 5-designs obtained from finite unitary groups.,
Distance-regular graphs, pseudo primitive idempotents, and the Terwilliger algebra.,
The shape of a tridiagonal pair.,
On topological spin models and generalized \(\Delta - Y\) transformations,
On distance transitive graphs whose automorphism groups are affine,
Once again on polyhedral groups and Dynkin graphs,
The generating groups of geometrically uniform spherical signal sets,
A combinatorial approach to the character theory of split metabelian groups,
Classification of a class of distance-regular graphs via completely regular codes,
On the diameter of a Cayley graph of a simple group of Lie type based on a conjugacy class,
Algebras in Plancherel duality and algebraic combinatorics,
Distance-regular graphs with \(c_i=b_{d-i}\) and antipodal double covers,
Bose-Mesner algebras related to type II matrices and spin models,
On symmetric association schemes with \(k_1=3\),
Orthogonal arrays, primitive trinomials, and shift-register sequences,
On Nakayama automorphisms of double Frobenius algebras,
Tight 2-designs and perfect 1-codes in Doob graphs,
Boundary conditions in rational conformal field theories,
Distance-regular graphs of valency 6 and \(a_1=1\),
On four-weight spin models and their gauge transformations,
Distance-regular graphs which support a spin model are thin,
Equivalence of Delsarte's bounds for codes and designs in symmetric association schemes, and some applications,
Modular invariance property of association schemes, type II codes over finite rings and finite abelian groups and reminiscences of François Jaeger (a survey),
Metric coset schemes revisited,
The distance-regular graphs of valency four,
Tight graphs and their primitive idempotents,
Three-class association schemes,
The Terwilliger algebras of bipartite \(P\)- and \(Q\)-polynomial schemes,
2-homogeneous bipartite distance-regular graphs,
On graphs with three eigenvalues,
On designs in compact metric spaces and a universal bound on their size,
Association schemes of small order,
Integral standard table algebras with a faithful nonreal element of degree 3,
Integral table algebras and Bose-Mesner algebras with a faithful nonreal element of degree three,
Eigenvalue interlacing and weight parameters of graphs,
Almost 2-homogeneous bipartite distance-regular graphs,
A distance regular graph of type \(E_1\circ E_d\),
An improvement of the Ivanov bound,
Classical distance-regular graphs of negative type,
Some formulas for spin models on distance-regular graphs,
Bipartite \(Q\)-polynomial quotients of antipodal distance-regular graphs,
On primitive commutative association schemes with a nonsymmetric relation of valency 4,
Tight distance-regular graphs,
Geometric construction of association schemes from non-degenerate quadrics,
Cyclotomic schemes over finite, commutative, admissible rings,
Cyclotomic schemes over finite rings,
Association schemes and fusion algebras. (An introduction),
The generalized Terwilliger algebra and its finite-dimensional modules when \(d=2\),
The parameters of bipartite \(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graphs,
On the rigidity of spherical \(t\)-designs that are orbits of finite reflection groups,
Association schemes on the set of antiflags of a projective plane,
Two families of strongly regular graphs with the 4-vertex condition,
An application of intersection diagrams of high rank,
A distance-regular graph with strongly closed subgraphs,
Subconstituents of dual polar graph in finite classical space. III,
On class dimension of flat association schemes in affine and affine-symplectic spaces,
Weakly distance-regular digraphs of valency three. I,
On Mitchell's embedding theorem for a quasi-schemoid,
The quantum superalgebra \(\mathfrak{osp}_q(1| 2)\) and a \(q\)-generalization of the Bannai-Ito polynomials,
Polynomial properties on large symmetric association schemes,
Hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials with respect to Newtonian bases,
Standard Majorana representations of the symmetric groups,
The Schur-Wielandt theory for central \(S\)-rings,
Modular adjacency algebras, standard representations, and \(p\)-ranks of cyclotomic association schemes,
Modular representation theory of BIB designs,
Homogeneity of a distance-regular graph which supports a spin model,
Computing isomorphisms of association schemes and its application,
Bipartite \(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graphs and uniform posets,
Character tables of association schemes based on attenuated spaces,
The \(Q\)-polynomial idempotents of a distance-regular graph,
On bipartite distance-regular graphs with a strongly closed subgraph of diameter three,
On the existence of tight relative 2-designs on binary Hamming association schemes,
Three-class association schemes from cyclotomy,
A new characterization of taut distance-regular graphs of odd diameter,
Incidence matrices of finite attenuated spaces and class dimension of association schemes,
A Cheeger inequality of a distance regular graph using Green's function,
Nonexistence of exceptional imprimitive \(Q\)-polynomial association schemes with six classes,
On \(p\)-covalenced association schemes,
Bipartite distance-regular graphs: the \(Q\)-polynomial property and pseudo primitive idempotents,
Classification of commutative association schemes with almost commutative Terwilliger algebras,
Morphisms of naturally valenced association schemes and quotient schemes,
New families of \(Q\)-polynomial association schemes,
Some remarks on Euclidean tight designs,
Irreducible characters of wreath products in reality-based algebras and applications to association schemes.,
Tensor rank: matching polynomials and Schur rings,
Difference sets with few character values,
A spectral equivalent condition of the \(P\)-polynomial property for association schemes,
On semisimple varietal Terwilliger algebras whose non-primary ideals are 1-dimensional,
TD-pairs of type II with shape \(1,2,\dots,2,1\),
A generalization of the formulas for intersection numbers of dual polar association schemes and their applications,
Krawtchouk polynomials, the Lie algebra \(\mathfrak{sl}_2\), and Leonard pairs,
Some structure theory of table algebras and applications to association schemes,
Links between two semisymmetric graphs on 112 vertices via association schemes,
On pseudocyclic table algebras and applications to pseudocyclic association schemes,
A characterization of Leonard pairs using the notion of a tail,
An excess theorem for spherical 2-designs,
Nomura algebras of nonsymmetric Hadamard models,
Singular linear space and its applications,
A Higman inequality for regular near polygons,
A characterization of \(Q\)-polynomial association schemes,
New parameters of subsets in polynomial association schemes,
A new approach to the bipartite fundamental bound,
Bounds on three- and higher-distance sets,
The Terwilliger polynomial of a \(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graph and its application to pseudo-partition graphs,
Modular adjacency algebras of Grassmann graphs,
There are only finitely many distance-regular graphs of fixed valency greater than two,
Association schemes related to Delsarte-Goethals codes,
The local eigenvalues of a bipartite distance-regular graph,
Relation graphs of an association scheme based on attenuated spaces,
Suborbits of a point stabilizer in the orthogonal group on the last subconstituent of orthogonal dual polar graphs,
An action of the tetrahedron algebra on the standard module for the Hamming graphs and Doob graphs,
On bipartite \(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graphs with \(c_2 \leqslant 2\),
Characterizations of regularity for certain \(Q\)-polynomial association schemes,
Association schemes based on the subspaces of type \((2, 1, 0)\) in singular symplectic space over finite fields,
Leonard triples, the Racah algebra, and some distance-regular graphs of Racah type,
Nonexistence of a class of distance-regular graphs,
Complex Hadamard matrices contained in a Bose-Mesner algebra,
A survey on tight Euclidean \(t\)-designs and tight relative \(t\)-designs in certain association schemes,
New pseudo-planar binomials in characteristic two and related schemes,
Isomorphism classes of association schemes induced by Hadamard matrices,
On Lee association schemes over \(\mathbb{Z}_4\) and their Terwilliger algebra,
Leonard pairs and quantum algebra \(U_q(sl_{2})\),
Leonard triples of \(q\)-Racah type and their pseudo intertwiners,
On bipartite distance-regular graphs with exactly two irreducible T-modules with endpoint two,
Nonsymmetric Askey-Wilson polynomials and \(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graphs,
An algebra associated with a spin model,
Simplicity of \(p\)-blocks of modular adjacency algebras of association schemes,
An upper bound for the order of primitive permutation groups,
Cartan coherent configurations,
Cyclic tridiagonal pairs, higher order Onsager algebras and orthogonal polynomials,
\((s,r;\mu )\)-nets and alternating forms graphs,
On \(Q\)-polynomial regular near \(2d\)-gons,
The subconstituent algebra of an association scheme. I,
Askey-Wilson polynomials, kernel polynomials and association schemes,
Pseudocyclic and non-amorphic fusion schemes of the cyclotomic association schemes,
On structures of modular adjacency algebras of Johnson schemes,
The Terwilliger algebra of the hypercube,
Zeons, permanents, the Johnson scheme, and generalized derangements,
Characterizations of wreath products of one-class association schemes,
Automorphisms of the quadratic forms graph over a finite field of characteristic two II,
Construction of association schemes from difference sets,
A classification of sharp tridiagonal pairs,
Mock tridiagonal systems,
The non-existence of certain skew-symmetric amorphous association schemes,
Structure of thin irreducible modules of a \(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graph,
Schur rings and non-symmetric association schemes on 64 vertices,
On distance-regular graphs with fixed valency,
Zeros of generalized Krawtchouk polynomials,
On the Terwilliger algebra of bipartite distance-regular graphs with \(\Delta_2 = 0\) and \(c_2 = 2\),
On morphisms of association schemes,
A bilinear form relating two Leonard systems,
Association schemes based on maximal totally isotropic subspaces in singular pseudo-symplectic spaces,
The subconstituent algebra of strongly regular graphs associated with a Latin square,
On the distance spectra of graphs,
Completely regular clique graphs. II,
Characterization of association schemes by equitable partitions,
The geometric girth of a distance-regular graph having certain thin irreducible modules for the Terwilliger algebra,
On quantum adjacency algebras of Doob graphs and their irreducible modules,
Suborbits of subspaces of type \((m,k)\) under finite singular general linear groups,
Tridiagonal pairs of \(q\)-Racah type,
A modular absolute bound condition for primitive association schemes,
Trees, wreath products and finite Gelfand pairs,
On the number of irreducible modular representations of a \(P\) and \(Q\) polynomial scheme,
On strongly closed subgraphs with diameter two and the \(Q\)-polynomial property,
A characterization of the odd graphs and the doubled odd graphs with a few of their intersection numbers,
Almost-bipartite distance-regular graphs with the \(Q\)-polynomial property,
New upper bounds for nonbinary codes based on the Terwilliger algebra and semidefinite programming,
On non-symmetric commutative association schemes with exactly one pair of non-symmetric relations,
Distance-regular Cayley graphs on dihedral groups,
A class of amply regular graphs related to the subconstituents of a dual polar graph,
On bipartite \(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graphs with \(c_{2}=1\),
The pseudo-cosine sequences of a distance-regular graph,
Constructing cell data for diagram algebras.,
Twisted boundary states and representation of generalized fusion algebra,
Three-class association schemes on Galois rings in characteristic 4,
The Terwilliger algebra of the Johnson schemes,
Generalized characters of the symmetric group.,
Imprimitive cometric association schemes: constructions and analysis,
Normally regular digraphs,
Dual bent functions on finite groups and \(C\)-algebras,
Modular adjacency algebras of dual polar schemes,
The Erdős-Ko-Rado property for some 2-transitive groups,
Linear programming bounds for regular graphs,
Double covers of symplectic dual polar graphs,
Tight relative 2-designs on two shells in Johnson association schemes,
On relative \(t\)-designs in polynomial association schemes,
Totient-numbers of the rectangular association scheme,
Completely regular codes and completely transitive codes,
A remark on association schemes with two P-polynomial structures,
Schur rings and cyclic association schemes of class three,
Inversive planes of odd order,
Coherent algebras and the graph isomorphism problem,
Characters of finite quasigroups. VI: Critical examples and doubletons,
Non rank 3 strongly regular graphs with the 5-vertex condition,
On a new family of (P and Q)-polynomial schemes,
Random walks on highly symmetric graphs,
A construction of non-isomorphic amorphous association schemes from pseudo-cyclic association schemes,
Inheritance of hyper-duality in imprimitive Bose-Mesner algebras,
Eigenvalues of association schemes of quadratic forms,
The last subconstituent of the Hemmeter graph,
A combinatorial approach to doubly transitive permutation groups.,
A characterization of \(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graphs,
Commutativity of association schemes of prime square order having non-trivial thin closed subsets,
Sharp tridiagonal pairs,
Towards a classification of the tridiagonal pairs,
Uniqueness of certain association schemes,
Authentication codes and bipartite graphs,
Fourier expansions of complex-valued Eisenstein series on finite upper half planes,
Equitable partitions of flat association schemes,
Finite Gel'fand pairs and their applications to probability and statistics,
A characterization of the Hamming graph by strongly closed subgraphs,
3-bounded property in a triangle-free distance-regular graph,
On the multiplicity-free actions of the sporadic simple groups.,
The structure of a tridiagonal pair,
Permutation modules over table algebras and applications to association schemes.,
Character tables of the association schemes coming from the action of \(G_{2}(q)\) on hyperplanes of type \(O_{6} \epsilon (q)\),
The character values of commutative quasi-thin schemes,
Lattices generated by join of strongly closed subgraphs in \(d\)-bounded distance-regular graphs,
The Terwilliger algebra of a distance-regular graph of negative type,
Characters of table algebras and applications to association schemes,
Association schemes based on maximal isotropic subspaces in singular classical spaces,
A note on the span of Hadamard products of vectors,
Suborbits of \((m,k)\)-isotropic subspaces under finite singular classical groups,
Some implications on amorphic association schemes,
Terwilliger algebras of wreath products of one-class association schemes,
A duality between pairs of split decompositions for a Q-polynomial distance-regular graph,
Suborbits of a point-stabilizer in the unitary group on the last subconstituent of Hermitean dual polar graphs,
Association schemes, fusion rings, C-algebras, and reality-based algebras where all nontrivial multiplicities are equal,
Schur rings over a Galois ring of odd characteristic,
On the equivalence between real mutually unbiased bases and a certain class of association schemes,
Pseudocyclic association schemes and strongly regular graphs,
Cyclotomy over products of finite fields and combinatorial applications,
Distance-regular graphs with light tails,
Separation cut-offs for birth and death chains,
A new proof of the Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem for intersecting families of permutations,
The subconstituent algebra of a Latin square,
Optimality and uniqueness of the \((4,10,1/6)\) spherical code,
Classification of Ryser graphs,
A characterization of strongly regular graphs in terms of the largest signless Laplacian eigenvalues,
Examples of rank 3 product action transitive decompositions,
The graphs induced by maximal totally isotropic flats of affine-unitary spaces,
New examples of Euclidean tight 4-designs,
Non-existence of imprimitive \(Q\)-polynomial schemes of exceptional type with \(d=4\),
Distance-regular graphs and the \(q\)-tetrahedron algebra,
New strongly regular decompositions of the complete graphs with prime power vertices,
Finite-dimensional irreducible modules of the universal Askey-Wilson algebra,
Tight t-designs and squarefree integers,
Distance-transitive representations of groups G with \(PSL_ 2(q)\trianglelefteq G\leq P\Gamma L_ 2(q)\),
Directed distance regular graphs with the Q-polynomial property,
The graphs G(n,k) of the Johnson schemes are unique for n\(\geq 20\),
Dunkl shift operators and Bannai-Ito polynomials,
Parameters of association schemes that are both P- and Q-polynomial,
The classification of distance-regular graphs of type IIB,
Totient numbers of an arithmetic progression in a hypercube: The coprime case,
Canonical equation sets for classes of concordant polytopes,
A survey of some problems in combinatorial designs - a matrix approach,
A remark on the intersection arrays of distance-regular graphs,
On the nonexistence of nontrivial perfect e-codes and tight 2e-designs in Hamming schemes H(n,q) with e\(\geq 3\) and q\(\geq 3\),
Distance-transitive representations of the symmetric groups,
A new feasibility condition for distance-regular graphs,
The classification of finite connected hypermetric spaces,
On local structure of a distance-regular graph of Hamming type,
Root system graphs,
Certain distance-regular digraphs and related rings of characteristic 4,
Distance-regular digraphs of girth 4,
Balanced sets and Q-polynomial association schemes,
First distribution invariants and EKR theorems,
W-complement d-spreads, singleton systems,
Sharp sets of permutations,
An analogue of the Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem for the distance-regular graphs of bilinear forms,
t-designs in classical association schemes,
Association schemes and quadratic transformations for orthogonal polynomials,
An analogue of t-designs in the association schemes of alternating bilinear forms,
A local characterization of the Johnson scheme,
Constructions of ranked posets,
A characterization of \(P\)- and \(Q\)-polynomial association schemes,
On distance transitive graphs in which the stabilizer of a point contains an alternating group,
Characters of finite quasigroups. IV: Products and superschemes,
The large cliques in the graph of quadratic forms,
The association schemes of dual polar spaces of type \(^ 2A_{2d- 1}(p^ f)\) are characterized by their parameters if \(d\geq 3\),
Duality in coherent configurations,
Tight 4 and 5-designs in projective spaces,
P and Q polynomial schemes with \(q=-1\),
A characterization of the association schemes of bilinear forms,
Characterization of the association schemes of Hermitian forms over \(GF(2^ 2)\),
On distance-regular graphs with fixed valency. III,
On distance-regular graphs with fixed valency. IV,
A remark on association schemes on finite groups,
A geometric condition for incidence-matrix nullvectors,
Constructing trees with given eigenvalues and angles,
Feasibility conditions for non-symmetric 3-class association schemes,
\(h\)-space structure in matrix displacement formulas,
Minimal subschemes of the group association schemes of Mathieu groups,
Galois correspondence between permutation groups and cellular rings (association schemes),
Diameter, covering index, covering radius and eigenvalues,
On table algebras and applications to finite group theory,
Table algebras and applications to products of characters in finite groups,
Non-symmetric, metric, cometric association schemes are self-dual,
On nonsymmetric \(P\)- and \(Q\)-polynomial association schemes,
Character table of a controlling association scheme defined by the general orthogonal group \(O(3,q)\),
Partitions in matrices and graphs,
Splitting fields of association schemes,
On the parameters of codes for the Lee and modular distance,
On pseudo-automorphisms and fusions of an association scheme,
Subschemes of some association schemes,
Character tables of certain association schemes coming from finite unitary and symplectic groups,
A spectral method for concordant polyhedral faces,
Bounding the diameter of a distance regular graph by a function of \(k_ d\),
On distance-transitive graphs and involutions,
Amorphous association schemes over the Galois rings of characteristic 4,
On a theorem of Ikuta, Ito and Munemasa,
On the \(G\)-matrices with entries and eigenvalues in \(Q(i)\),
Duality in partially balanced block designs,
A new family of distance-regular graphs and the \(\{ 0,1,2 \}\)-cliques in dual polar graphs,
Character tables of association schemes of affine type,
Subschemes of the Johnson scheme,
Connectivity, persistence and fault diagnosis of interconnection networks based on \(O_ k\) and \(2O_ k\) graphs,
The covering radius of Hadamard codes in odd graphs,
Latin square determinants II,
Designs as maximum codes in polynomial metric spaces,
Subschemes of Hamming association schemes \(H(n,q)\), \(q\geq{}4\),
Skew-symmetric association schemes with two classes and strongly regular graphs of type \(L_{2n-1}(4n-1)\),
Polynomial time algorithms for recognizing and isomorphism testing of cyclic tour-naments,
Distance regular covers of the complete graph,
There are finitely many \(Q\)-polynomial association schemes with given first multiplicity at least three,
A wedge product of association schemes,
New proofs of the Assmus-Mattson theorem based on the Terwilliger algebra,
Suborbits of \(m\)-dimensional totally isotropic subspaces under finite singular classical groups,
Strongly closed subgraphs in a distance-regular graph with \(c_{2} > 1\),
Leonard triples and hypercubes,
Pseudo 1-homogeneous distance-regular graphs,
Linear programming bounds for codes via a covering argument,
A characterization of some distance-regular graphs by strongly closed subgraphs,
The mathematics of Donald Gordon Higman,
Distance-regular graphs of \(q\)-Racah type and the \(q\)-tetrahedron algebra,
Higmanian rank-5 association schemes on 40 points,
A survey on spherical designs and algebraic combinatorics on spheres,
Table algebras,
Permutation group approach to association schemes,
Representations of finite association schemes,
Commutative association schemes,
Schur rings.,
Association schemes based on attenuated spaces,
Exploiting group symmetry in truss topology optimization,
Distance-regular graph with \(c_{2} > 1\) and \(a_{1} = 0 < a_{2}\),
On the shape of a tridiagonal pair,
Finite Euclidean graphs and Ramanujan graphs,
A generalization of dual polar graph of orthogonal space,
Fourier-invariant pairs of partitions of finite Abelian groups and association schemes,
Algebraic decompositions of commutative association schemes,
A class of distance-regular graphs that are \(\phi\)-polynomial,
Orthogonal polynomials - Constructive theory and applications,
Hadamard graphs. I,
Distance-regular graphs with girth 3 or 4: I,
An inequality between intersection numbers of a distance-regular graph,
A distance-regular graph with bipartite geodetically closed subgraphs.,
Introduction to Leonard pairs.,
Tamaschke's results on Schur rings and a generalization of association schemes,
A construction of amorphous association scheme from a pseudo-cyclic association scheme,
Algebraic Heun operator and band-time limiting,
Characters of central piques.,
Thin weakly distance-regular digraphs,
On standard integral table algebras generated by an element of width 2.,
Balancedly splittable Hadamard matrices,
\(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graphs with \(a_1=0\),
Perfect codes in \(\mathrm{SL}(2,2^f)\),
The dual pair \(Pin(2n) \times \mathfrak{osp}(1|2)\), the Dirac equation and the Bannai-Ito algebra,
A new approach to the excess problem of Hadamard matrices,
Distance-regular graphs of large diameter that are completely regular clique graphs,
An \(A\)-invariant subspace for bipartite distance-regular graphs with exactly two irreducible \(T\)-modules with endpoint 2, both thin,
Eigenvalues of the matching derangement graph,
Foundations of finite group theory for a (future) computer.,
The complete list of maximal cliques of Quad\((n,q)\), \(q\) odd,
On strongly closed subgraphs of highly regular graphs,
Non-commutative association schemes and their fusion association schemes,
A matrix equation for association schemes,
Kite-free \(P\)- and \(Q\)-polynomial schemes,
Kite-free distance-regular graphs,
Butson-type complex Hadamard matrices and association schemes on Galois rings of characteristic 4,
Distance-regular graphs with \(\Gamma(x) \simeq 3* K_{a+1}\),
Generalized quadrangles with a regular point and association schemes,
Computing distance distributions of spherical designs,
On M. G. Krein's works in the theory of representations and harmonic analysis on topological groups,
Twice Q-polynomial distance-regular graphs are thin,
An embedding of the Bannai-Ito algebra in \(\mathcal U(\mathfrak{osp}(1,2))\) and \(-1\) polynomials,
Weakly distance-regular digraphs of valency three, II,
The number of ideals of \(\mathbb{Z} [x\) containing \(x(x-\alpha)(x-\beta)\) with given index],
On the connectivity of graphs in association schemes,
Nonexistence of certain pseudogeometric graphs,
A graph with fractional revival,
A topos associated with a colored category,
Double centralizers of association schemes,
Exceptional Bannai-Ito polynomials,
Intersection patterns of linear subspaces with the hypercube,
An Assmus-Mattson theorem for codes over commutative association schemes,
Linked systems of symmetric group divisible designs,
Partially metric association schemes with a multiplicity three,
On bipartite \(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graphs with diameter 9, 10, or 11,
The folded \((2D+1)\)-cube and its uniform posets,
Varietal Terwilliger algebras arising from wreath products of rank two association schemes,
Association schemes on the Schubert cells of a Grassmannian,
A geometrical characterization of strongly regular graphs,
Character products of association schemes.,
A generalization of an inequality of Brouwer--Wilbrink,
An inequality for regular near polygons,
1-homogeneous, pseudo-1-homogeneous, and 1-thin distance-regular graphs,
A Higman-Haemers inequality for thick regular near polygons,
The regular near polygons of order \((s,2)\),
Semidirect products of association schemes,
Two linear transformations each tridiagonal with respect to an eigenbasis of the other: comments on the split decomposition,
The Terwilliger algebra of an almost-bipartite \(P\)- and \(Q\)-polynomial association scheme,
Spectral bounds and distance-regularity,
On modular standard modules of association schemes,
The Terwilliger algebra of a distance-regular graph that supports a spin model,
Characters of finite permutation groups and Krein parameters,
The Terwilliger algebra of the incidence graph of the Hamming graph,
Radicals of \(S_n\)-invariant positive semidefinite Hermitian forms,
On spin models, triply regular association schemes, and duality,
On upper bounds for code distance and covering radius of designs in polynomial metric spaces,
Geometric construction of some families of two-class and three-class association schemes from nondegenerate quadrics in characteristic two,
A universal bound for a covering in regular posets and its application to pool testing,
Polynomial spaces,
On the character table of the association scheme \(Sp(4,q)/Sz(q)\),
Classification of the maximal cliques of size \(\geq q+4\) in the quadratic forms graph in odd characteristic,
Association schemes on triples and a ternary algebra,
The structure of Schur rings over cyclic groups,
Character tables of the association schemes of finite orthogonal groups acting on the nonisotropic points,
Characterization of the group association scheme of PSL(2, 7),
Root systems and the Johnson and Hamming graphs,
Characters of finite quasigroups. V: Linear characters,
Induced class functions are conditional expectations,
Linear groups and distance-transitive graphs,
Flag algebras of symmetric design,
Current research on algebraic combinatorics. Supplements to our book, Algebraic combinatorics I,
Zonal spherical functions on the complex reflection groups and (\(n+1,m+1\))-hypergeometric functions,
An inequality involving the local eigenvalues of a distance-regular graph,
Taut distance-regular graphs of even diameter,
On the construction of the finite simple groups with a given centralizer of a 2-central involution,
Tabular algebras and their asymptotic versions.,
Strong hypergroups of order three,
The Terwilliger algebra of a 2-homogeneous bipartite distance-regular graph,
Chromatic polynomials and representations of the symmetric group,
The subconstituent algebra of a distance-regular graph; thin modules with endpoint one,
On automorphisms of circulant digraphs on \(p^{m}\) vertices, \(p\) an odd prime,
Tight distance-regular graphs and the subconstituent algebra,
Spin models, association schemes and the Nakanishi--Montesinos conjecture,
On the multiplicities of the primitive idempotents of a \(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graph,
On the natural representation of \(S({\Omega})\) into \(L ^{2}(\mathcal{P}({\Omega)})\) : Discrete harmonics and Fourier transform,
A characterization of the doubled Grassmann graphs, the doubled Odd graphs, and the Odd graphs by strongly closed subgraphs,
Spin models of index 2 and Hadamard models,
Type II matrices and their Bose-Mesner algebras,
Taut distance-regular graphs of odd diameter,
Association schemes of quadratic forms and symmetric bilinear forms,
On even generalized table algebras,
Strongly regular decompositions of the complete graph,
\(Q\)-polynomial coherent configurations,
Cerny's conjecture for automata with simple idempotents,
Rationality of the inner products of spherical \(s\)-distance \(t\)-designs for \(t \geq 2s - 2\), \(s \geq 3\),
Weakly distance-regular digraphs of one type of arcs,
Reconstructing a generalized quadrangle with a hemisystem from a 4-class association scheme,
On the spectrum and linear programming bound for hypergraphs,
Remarks on pseudo-vertex-transitive graphs with small diameter,
The space of Dunkl monogenics associated with \(\mathbb{Z}_2^3\),
Racah algebras, the centralizer \(Z_n(\mathfrak{sl}_2)\) and its Hilbert-Poincaré series,
Distance-regular subgraphs in a distance-regular graph. I,
Distance-regular subgraphs in a distance-regular graph. II,
The \(2\)-characters of a group and the group determinant,
Explicit construction of exact unitary designs,
Lattices and association schemes: a unimodular example in dimension 28,
Commutative association schemes whose symmetrizations have two classes,
On distance-regular graphs with height two,
Structure of algebras of commutative matrices,
On distance-regular graphs with \(k_ i= k_ j\). II,
From CFT to graphs,
A constant bound on the number of columns \((1,k-2,1)\) in the intersection array of a distance-regular graph,
The Terwilliger algebras of certain association schemes over the Galois rings of characteristic 4,
Jordan schemes,
Quasi-balanced weighing matrices, signed strongly regular graphs and association schemes,
Modular invariance property and spin models attached to cyclic group association schemes,
Association schemes of symmetric matrices over a finite field of characteristic two,
Some enumeration theorems in pseudo-symplectic geometry over a finite field of characteristic two and the construction of association schemes,
Finite analogues of Euclidean space,
Grassmann graphs, degenerate DAHA, and non-symmetric dual \(q\)-Hahn polynomials,
A series of identities for the coefficients of inverse matrices on a Hamming scheme,
Graphs and reflection groups,
Decomposition algebras and axial algebras,
A characterization of the Hamming graphs and the dual polar graphs by completely regular subgraphs,
Dual polar graphs, the quantum algebra \(U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_{2})\), and Leonard systems of dual \(q\)-Krawtchouk type,
Association schemes based on singular symplectic geometry over finite fields and its application,
Clifford type theorems for association schemes and their algebraic fusions,
A characterization of Leonard pairs using the parameters \(\{a_i\}^d_{i=0}\),
Partial difference sets and amorphic group schemes from pseudo-quadratic bent functions,
On bipartite distance-regular graphs with intersection numbers \(c_{i} = (q^{i}-1)/(q-1)\),
On the characters of nilpotent association schemes,
On \(p\)-schemes of order \(p^3\),
Symmetric bilinear forms over finite fields of even characteristic,
Coherent configurations and triply regular association schemes obtained from spherical designs,
A category of association schemes,
Symmetric versus non-symmetric spin models for link invariants,
Two results on the bit extraction problem,
Two inequalities for parameters of a cellular algebra,
Graph rings and integrable perturbations of \(N=2\) superconformal theories.,
Generalized table algebras,
The local structure of a bipartite distance-regular graph,
Strongly closed subgraphs in a regular thick near polygon,
Speed's orbit problem: Variations on themes of Burnside,
Semisimplicity of adjacency algebras of association schemes,
The \(L\)-sharp permutation groups,
Character products and \(Q\)-polynomial group association schemes,
Primitive commutative association schemes with a non-symmetric relation of valency 3,
Nilpotency property in table algebras,
Idempotent systems and character algebras,
Optimal line packings from nonabelian groups,
Bannai-Ito algebras and the universal \(R\)-matrix of \(\mathfrak{osp}(1\!\!\mid\!\!2)\),
Complex spherical codes with three inner products,
Divisible design digraphs and association schemes,
Deterministic polynomial factoring over finite fields: a uniform approach via \(\mathcal{P}\)-schemes,
Relative \(t\)-designs in Johnson association schemes for P-polynomial structure,
Leonard pairs, spin models, and distance-regular graphs,
Connectivity concerning the last two subconstituents of a \(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graph,
On the isomorphism of certain primitive \(Q\)-polynomial not \(P\)-polynomial association schemes,
A Laplace-Dunkl equation on \(S^2\) and the Bannai-Ito algebra,
Scaffolds: a graph-theoretic tool for tensor computations related to Bose-Mesner algebras,
Double lowering operators on polynomials,
On some recent progress in the classification of (\(P\) and \(Q\))-polynomial association schemes,
Pseudo-ovals of elliptic quadrics as Delsarte designs of association schemes,
Idempotent systems,
A combinatorial basis for Terwilliger algebra modules of a bipartite distance-regular graph,
The Norton algebra of a \(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graph,
Extension theorems and a connection to the Erdős-Falconer distance problem over finite fields,
On association schemes with multiplicities 1 or 2,
Non-existence and construction of pre-difference sets, and equi-distributed subsets in association schemes,
Antipodal sets and designs on unitary groups,
Notes on the Leonard system classification,
Relative \(t\)-designs in nonbinary Hamming association schemes,
Balanced weighing matrices,
Some constructions of quasi-strongly regular digraphs,
Scaling limits for the Gibbs states on distance-regular graphs with classical parameters,
A survey of semisimple algebras in algebraic combinatorics,
The Terwilliger algebra of the halved \(n\)-cube from the viewpoint of its automorphism group action,
Characterization of \(p\)-ary functions in terms of association schemes and its applications,
A duality of scaffolds for translation association schemes,
Book review of: E. Bannai et al., Algebraic combinatorics,
Book review of: H.-H. Wu, Understanding numbers in elementary school mathematics,
Cayley theorems for Loday algebras,
Imprimitive symmetric association schemes of classes 5 and 6 arising from ternary non-weakly regular bent functions,
Circular Hessenberg pairs,
Constructions of linear codes with small hulls from association schemes,
Thin \(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graphs have bounded \(c_2\),
Entanglement of inhomogeneous free fermions on hyperplane lattices,
A note on modular Terwilliger algebras of association schemes,
Alternating sign property of the perfect matching derangement graph,
Partial geometric designs arising from association schemes,
Disjoint weighing matrices,
Thick weakly distance-regular digraphs,
On bipartite distance-regular graphs with exactly one non-thin \(T\)-module with endpoint two,
Design theory from the viewpoint of algebraic combinatorics,
An observation on Leonard system parameters for the Terwilliger algebra of the Johnson scheme \(J(N, D)\),
Relative \(t\)-designs in binary Hamming association scheme \(H(n,2)\),
Distance mean-regular graphs,
Godsil-McKay switching and twisted Grassmann graphs,
A non-Schurian coherent configuration on 14 points exists,
Symmetric association schemes of class 2,
More zeros of Krawtchouk polynomials,
On NP-hardness of the clique partition -- independence number gap recognition and related problems,
Tridiagonal pairs and the quantum affine algebra \(U_q(\widehat{\text{sl}}_2)\).,
Spin Leonard pairs,
Lattices generated by strongly closed subgraphs in \(d\)-bounded distance-regular graphs,
Closed subsets in duals of commutative table algebras,
Enumerating big orbits and an application: \(B\) acting on the cosets of \(Fi_{23}\).,
The subconstituent algebra of a strongly regular graph,
Modular data: the algebraic combinatorics of conformal field theory,
Designs, groups and lattices,
Erdős-Ko-Rado for perfect matchings,
Schur rings over the elementary abelian group of order 64,
A strongly regular decomposition of the complete graph and its association scheme,
Indecomposable decompositions of modular standard modules for two families of association schemes,
On generalized strongly regular graphs,
Great antipodal sets on complex Grassmannian manifolds as designs with the smallest cardinalities,
The perfect matching association scheme,
On structures of quasi-thin table algebras and applications to association schemes,
Subspaces in \(d\)-bounded distance-regular graphs and their applications,
Fissioned triangular schemes via sharply 3-transitive groups,
Perfect state transfer on weighted graphs of the Johnson scheme,
Finite-dimensional irreducible modules of the Bannai-Ito algebra at characteristic zero,
Maximal 2-distance sets containing the regular simplex,
Association schemes arising from bent functions,
Tridiagonal matrices with nonnegative entries,
Association schemes coming from minimal flats in classical polar spaces,
Spatial circulants, with applications,
Four-class skew-symmetric association schemes,
A family of weakly distance-regular digraphs of girth 2,
Linking systems in nonelementary abelian groups,
The classification of Leonard triples that have Bannai/Ito type and odd diameter,
\(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graphs and a double affine Hecke algebra of rank one,
Association schemes based on the subspaces of type \((m, s, 0)\) in singular symplectic space over finite fields,
Computation of irreducible decompositions of permutation representations of wreath products of finite groups,
The Terwilliger algebras of Johnson graphs,
The Terwilliger algebra of the twisted Grassmann graph: the thin case,
An algorithm for constructing irreducible decompositions of permutation representations of wreath products of finite groups,
A new proof for the Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem for the alternating group,
Tight relative 2- and 4-designs on binary Hamming association schemes,
Nonexistence of exceptional 5-class association schemes with two \(Q\)-polynomial structures,
Totally bipartite Leonard pairs and totally bipartite Leonard triples of \(q\)-Racah type,
Nonassociativity of the Norton algebras of some distance regular graphs,
On tight 4-designs in Hamming association schemes,
The Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem for twisted Grassmann graphs,
More on the Terwilliger algebra of Johnson schemes,
An explicit example of polynomials orthogonal on the unit circle with a dense point spectrum generated by a geometric distribution,
A characterization of bipartite Leonard pairs using the notion of a tail,
A linear map acts as a Leonard pair with each of the generators of \(U(s l_2)\),
Distance-regular graphs of \(q\)-Racah type and the universal Askey-Wilson algebra,
Schur rings over a product of Galois rings,
Krein duality, positive 2-algebras, and the dilation of comultiplications.,
Classification of spherical 2-distance \(\{4,2,1\}\)-designs by solving Diophantine equations,
Optimal distortion embeddings of distance regular graphs into Euclidean spaces,
Reconstructing a generalized quadrangle from the Penttila-Williford 4-class association scheme,
Doubly transitive lines. I: Higman pairs and roux,
Triangle-free distance-regular graphs,
The subconstituent algebra of a bipartite distance-regular graph; thin modules with endpoint two,
Nonsymmetric primitive translation schemes of prime power order,
Every 3-equivalenced association scheme is Frobenius,
The Terwilliger algebras of Grassmann graphs,
General balance and treatment permutations,
A spectral version of the Moore problem for bipartite regular graphs,
Complex Hadamard matrices attached to a 3-class nonsymmetric association scheme,
Augmented quasigroups and character algebras,
Classification of distance-transitive orbital graphs of overgroups of the Jevons group,
Frame numbers, splitting fields, and integral adjacency algebras of commutative association schemes,
Quadratic and symmetric bilinear forms over finite fields and their association schemes,
The higher rank \(q\)-deformed Bannai-Ito and Askey-Wilson algebra,
New code upper bounds for the folded \(n\)-cube,
Anzahl theorems of matrices over the residue class ring modulo \(p^sq^{t}\) and their applications,
Quasi-thin weakly distance-regular digraphs,
Computing distance-regular graph and association scheme parameters in \texttt{SageMath} with \texttt{sage}-\texttt{drg},
Spherical embeddings of symmetric association schemes in 3-dimensional Euclidean space,
The Terwilliger algebra of the Grassmann scheme \(J_q(N,D)\) revisited from the viewpoint of the quantum affine algebra \(U_q(\hat{\mathfrak{sl}}_2)\),
Tight \(t\)-designs on one shell of Johnson association schemes,
The Terwilliger algebra of the Johnson scheme \(J(N, D)\) revisited from the viewpoint of group representations,
Bipartite distance-regular graphs and taut pairs of pseudo primitive idempotents,
Energy bounds for codes in polynomial metric spaces,
Linked systems of symmetric group divisible designs of type. II,
A new distance-regular graph of diameter 3 on 1024 vertices,
Camina triples and the wedge product of association schemes,
Perfect quantum state transfer on the Johnson scheme,
Harmonicity and invariance on slices of the Boolean cube,
Hypercube and tetrahedron algebra,
Mackey's theory of \(\tau\)-conjugate representations for finite groups.,
Appendix: On some Gelfand pairs and commutative association schemes.,
On the ideal of the shortest vectors in the Leech lattice and other lattices,
Weighted association schemes, fusions, and minimal coherent closures,
Perfect state transfer on distance-regular graphs and association schemes,
Association schemoids and their categories,
Association schemes based on singular linear spaces and its applications,
Association schemes on general measure spaces and zero-dimensional abelian groups,
Weight distributions of geometric Goppa codes,
Intersection Matrices Revisited,
The Classification of Leonard Triples of Bannai/Ito Type with Even Diameters,
On a Class of Non-commutative Imprimitive Association Schemes of Rank 6,
Twice \(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graphs of diameter 4,
OnP-Polynomial Table Algebras and Applications to Association Schemes,
The Leonard triples with quantum parameter being not a unit root,
An orthogonal basis for functions over a slice of the Boolean hypercube,
On table algebras, c-algebras, and applications to finite group theory∗,
Numerical invariants of strongly regular graphs,
Negative Latin square type partial difference sets and amorphic association schemes with Galois rings,
Distance-regular graphs of Hamming type,
Intersection diagrams of distance-biregular graphs,
A Lloyd theorem in weakly metric association schemes,
Regular representations of finite-dimensional separable semisimple algebras and Gröbner bases,
A note on the stability number of an orthogonality graph,
Association schemes on 28 points as mergings of a half-homogeneous coherent configuration,
Two theorems concerning the Bannai-Ito conjecture,
Mutually Unbiased Biangular Vectors and Association Schemes,
Bannai-Ito polynomials and dressing chains,
On association schemes with multiplicities 1 or a prime p,
Classification of partially metric Q-polynomial association schemes with \(m_1=4\),
Three-class association schemes from partial geometric designs,
An Inversion Formula for Krawtchcuk Polynomials with Applications to Coding Theory,
Motifs, coherent configurations and second order network generation,
The Terwilliger algebra of symplectic dual polar graphs, the subspace lattices and \(U_q(\mathrm{sl}_2)\),
The Minimum Distance of Some Narrow-Sense Primitive BCH Codes,
Quasi-unbiased Hadamard matrices and weakly unbiased Hadamard matrices: A coding-theoretic approach,
A family of balanced generalized weighing matrices,
Exceptional graphs with smallest eigenvalue -2 and related problems,
Entanglement of free fermions on Hamming graphs,
A Family of Partial Geometric Designs from Three-Class Association Schemes,
Stein's method and random character ratios,
Computing zeta functions of table algebra orders using local zeta integrals,
Fusions of Character Tables and Schur Rings of Abelian Groups,
The covering radius of permutation designs,
Tridiagonal pairs, alternating elements, and distance-regular graphs,
Class dimension of association schemes in singular linear spaces,
Spectral properties of the exponential distance matrix,
Implications of vanishing Krein parameters on Delsarte designs, with applications in finite geometry,
Morphisms and Functor kerf in C-Algebras,
On symmetric association schemes and associated quotient-polynomial graphs,
On pseudofrobenius imprimitive association schemes,
The Paulus–Rozenfeld–Thompson Graph on 26 Vertices Revisited and Related Combinatorial Structures,
Step Size in Stein's Method of Exchangeable Pairs,
Primitive bicirculant association schemes and a generalization of Wielandt’s theorem,
Nilpotent schemes and group-like schemes,
Generalized Bochner theorem: Characterization of the Askey-Wilson polynomials,
On maximal actions and \(w\)-maximal actions of finite hypergroups,
Exactly solvable birth and death processes,
Upper bounds given by equitable partitions of a primitive association scheme,
Algebraic structure of association schemes of prime order,
Table algebras with multiple P-polynomial structures,
Taut distance-regular graphs and the subconstituent algebra,
A combinatorial approach to transitive extensions of generously unitransitive permutation groups,
On isomorphisms of integral table algebras.,
The construction of association schemes by parameter amendment,
Algebraic characterizations of regularity properties in bipartite graphs,
Coset closure of a circulant S-ring and schurity problem,
Relaxations of Combinatorial Problems Via Association Schemes,
Invariant Semidefinite Programs,
On Perfect P-polynomial Table Algebras,
Mutually unbiased bush-type Hadamard matrices and association schemes,
A note on triangle-free distance-regular graphs with \(a_2\neq 0\),
Finite geometries,
On imprimitive multiplicity-free permutation groups the degree of which is the product of two distinct primes.,
Some matrices associated with the split decomposition for a \(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graph,
\(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graphs with \(a_1=0\) and \(a_2\neq 0\),
On finite simply reducible groups,
Circulant association schemes on triples,
A four-class association scheme derived from a hyperbolic quadric in PG(3,q),
A Class of Imprimitive Association Schemes,
Maximizing the Order of a Regular Graph of Given Valency and Second Eigenvalue,
On spherical designs obtained from Q-polynomial association schemes,
The Dual Morphisms inC-Algebras,
On the Action of the Sporadic Simple Baby Monster Group on its Conjugacy Class 2B,
The non-symmetric Wilson polynomials are the Bannai–Ito polynomials,
The Group is a CI-Group,
Alpha-determinant cyclic modules and Jacobi polynomials,
Recursive calculation of effective resistances in distance-regular networks based on Bose–Mesner algebra and Christoffel–Darboux identity,
A limit $q=-1$ for the big $q$-Jacobi polynomials,
Nonvanishing Elements in Table Algebras,
A note on the spherical embeddings of strongly regular graphs,
On the cut-off phenomenon for the transitivity of randomly generated subgroups,
On dualization of double frobenius algebras,
Two linear transformations each tridiagonal with respect to an eigenbasis of the other; the TD-D canonical form and the LB-UB canonical form,
Leonard Pairs and Leonard Triples ofq-Racah Type from the Quantum AlgebraUq(sl2),
Jordan algebras and orthogonal polynomials,
Main eigenvalues and automorphisms of a graph,
Time to absorption in discounted reinforcement models.,
On generalized semidirect product of association schemes,
The Terwilliger algebra of a Hamming scheme \(H(d,q)\),
A bispectral q-hypergeometric basis for a class of quantum integrable models,
Association schemes of conjugate matrices,
Unnamed Item,
The search for small association schemes with noncyclotomic eigenvalues,
Note on the permutation group associated to E-polynomials,
On some p-transitive association schemes,
Positivity of Gibbs states on distance-regular graphs,
Packings and Steiner systems in polar spaces,
Charting the 𝑞-Askey scheme,
Non-associative Frobenius algebras for simply laced Chevalley groups,
(𝑛+1,𝑚+1)-hypergeometric functions associated to character algebras,
Tight relative t-designs on two shells in hypercubes, and Hahn and Hermite polynomials,
Compatibility and companions for Leonard pairs,
A compact presentation for the alternating central extension of the positive part of Uq(sl^2),
Unnamed Item,
Saturated Majorana representations of 𝐴₁₂,
Towards an algebraic combinatoric description of closed systems,
Orders of torsion units of integral reality-based algebras with rational multiplicities,
Unnamed Item,
Association schemes all of whose symmetric fusion schemes are integral,
Finding Planted Subgraphs with Few Eigenvalues using the Schur--Horn Relaxation,
On the Terwilliger algebra of certain family of bipartite distance-regular graphs with Δ_2 = 0,
An analogue of Vosper's theorem for extension fields,
Dualities in the q‐Askey Scheme and Degenerate DAHA,
A new approach to the theory of classical hypergeometric polynomials,
The Racah algebra as a commutant and Howe duality,
The Heun–Racah and Heun–Bannai–Ito algebras,
An algebraic description of the bispectrality of the biorthogonal rational functions of Hahn type,
The algebra of dual −1 Hahn polynomials and the Clebsch-Gordan problem of sl−1(2),
Noncommutative reality-based algebras of rank 6,
The Bannai-Ito polynomials as Racah coefficients of the $sl_{-1}(2)$ algebra,
Structures of commutative table algebras determined by their character tables and applications to finite groups,
Entries of the group inverse of the Laplacian matrix for generalized Johnson graphs,
Bivariate Bannai-Ito polynomials,
On the incidence maps of incidence structures,
On few-class Q-polynomial association schemes: feasible parameters and nonexistence results,
Dual $-1$ Hahn polynomials: “Classical” polynomials beyond the Leonard duality,
On quasi-thin association schemes,
Metrically regular square of metrically regular bipartite graphs of diameter $D = 7$,
Bordered Complex Hadamard Matrices and Strongly Regular Graphs,
On small world non-Sunada twins and cellular Voronoi diagrams,
The covering radius of doubled 2-designs in \(2O_ k\),
On the Calculation of Multiplicities forP-PolynomialC-Algebras,
On Noncommutative Integral Standard Generalized Table Algebras of Dimension 6,
A generalization of the Terwilliger algebra,
Distance-regular graphs related to the quantum enveloping algebra of \(sl(2)\),
General form of non-symmetric spin models,
Graphs, algebras, conformal field theories and integrable lattice models,
Distance-transitive graphs of valency 5, 6 and 7,
Deterministic polynomial factoring and association schemes,
An inequality on the cosines of a tight distance-regular graph,
Some classes of four-weight spin models,
Non-symmetric association schemes of symmetric matrices,
Boundary conditions in rational conformal field theories.,
Anzahl theorems in geometry oft-singular classical groups and their applications,
Spin models and strongly hyper-self-dual Bose-Mesner algebras,
The many faces of Ocneanu cells,
An elementary Abelian group of rank 4 is a CI-group,
Fissioned triangular schemes via the cross-ratio,
Spin models constructed from Hadamard matrices,
On quasi-thin association schemes with odd number of points,
Two linear transformations each tridiagonal with respect to an eigenbasis of the other,
Asymptotic spectral analysis of growing regular graphs,
Isometric embeddings of finite-dimensional $\ell_p$-spaces over the quaternions,
On the optimum of Delsarte's linear program,
Dual polar graphs, a nil-DAHA of rank one, and non-symmetric dual \(q\)-Krawtchouk polynomials,
Dual polar graphs, a nil-DAHA of rank one, and non-symmetric dual \(q\)-Krawtchouk polynomials,
Association schemes of quadratic forms over a finite field of characteristic two,
TD-pairs and the $q$-Onsager algebra,
Generating function for the Bannai-Ito polynomials,
Type-II matrices in weighted Bose-Mesner algebras of ranks 2 and 3,
Classification of Homogeneous Fourier Matrices,
Bialgebra structures on table algebras,
Harmonic index \(t\)-designs in the Hamming scheme for arbitrary \(q\),
Harmonic index \(t\)-designs in the Hamming scheme for arbitrary \(q\),
How to recognize a Leonard pair,
A diagram associated with the subconstituent algebra of a distance-regular graph,
Survey of Spectra of Laplacians on Finite Symmetric Spaces,
Unnamed Item,
Computing spectral bounds of the Heisenberg ferromagnet from geometric considerations,
𝔬𝔰𝔭(1,2) and generalized Bannai–Ito algebras,
Convolution identities for Dunkl orthogonal polynomials from the osp(1|2) Lie superalgebra,
On a certain class of 1-thin distance-regular graphs,
The q‐Bannai–Ito algebra and multivariate (−q)‐Racah and Bannai–Ito polynomials,
On Isomorphisms Between Integral Table Algebras and Applications to Finite Groups and Association Schemes,
A Class ofP-polynomial Table Algebras with and without Integer Multiplicities,
Association schemes with a certain type of p-subschemes,
Thin coherent configurations and groupoids,
Multiple big q-Jacobi polynomials,
Commutative Standard Table Algebras with at Most One Nontrivial Multiplicity,
A superintegrable model with reflections onSn−1and the higher rank Bannai–Ito algebra,
Centralizers of the superalgebra $\mathfrak{osp}(1|2)$ : the Brauer algebra as a quotient of the Bannai–Ito algebra,
Evaluations of certain Catalan-Hankel Pfaffians via classical skew orthogonal polynomials,
The Askey–Wilson algebra and its avatars,
Fusions of tensor powers of Johnson schemes,
Circular bidiagonal pairs,
A connection behind the Terwilliger algebras of \(H(D,2)\) and \(\frac{ 1}{ 2} H(D,2)\),
Quantum walks on simplexes and multiple perfect state transfer,
Para-Bannai-Ito polynomials,
Self‐dual association schemes, fusions of Hamming schemes, and partial geometric designs,
Classifying the globally rigid edge‐transitive graphs and distance‐regular graphs in the plane,
Distinguishing threshold of graphs,
Difference sets in pseudocyclic association schemes,
On standard bases of irreducible modules of Terwilliger algebras of Doob schemes,
Cameron–Liebler sets for maximal totally isotropic flats in classical affine spaces,
Construction of rank 4 self‐dual association schemes inducing three partial geometric designs,
Linear codes and cyclic codes over finite rings and their generalizations: a survey,
On Terwilliger \(\mathbb{F}\)-algebras of quasi-thin association schemes,
Character groups of dihedral and generalized quaternion groups,
Optimal and extremal graphical designs on regular graphs associated with classical parameters,
A survey on association schemes on triples,
Entanglement of free fermions on Johnson graphs,
A \(Q\)-polynomial structure associated with the projective geometry \(L_N (q)\),
A \(Q\)-polynomial structure for the attenuated space poset \(\mathcal{A}_q (N, M)\),
Strongly regular graphs from pseudocyclic association schemes,
Synchronising primitive groups of diagonal type exist,
A bivariate \(Q\)-polynomial structure for the non-binary Johnson scheme,
Quantum isomorphism of graphs from association schemes,
Partial geometric designs with block sizes three and four,
On strongly regular designs admitting fusion to strongly regular decomposition,
Uniqueness of an association scheme related to the Witt design on 11 points,
Intersection theorems for finite general linear groups,
Twisting finite-dimensional modules for the \(q\)-Onsager algebra \(\mathcal{O}_q\) via the Lusztig automorphism,
On the multiplicities of digraph eigenvalues,
\(P\)-polynomial weakly distance-regular digraphs,
Approximation of integration over finite groups, difference sets and association schemes,
Hypercontractivity on the symmetric group,
Partial geometric designs having circulant concurrence matrices,
Euclidean designs obtained from spherical embedding of coherent configurations,
The Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of \(U(\mathfrak{sl}_2)\) and the Terwilliger algebras of Johnson graphs,
A census of small Schurian association schemes,
Wreath products and projective system of non-Schurian association schemes,
Near-bipartite Leonard pairs,
Unnamed Item,
A two-fold cover of strongly regular graphs with spreads and association schemes of class five,
On the Terwilliger algebra of bipartite distance-regular graphs with \(\Delta_{2}=0\) and \(c_{2}=1\)