
From MaRDI portal

zbMath1188.68291MaRDI QIDQ3651576

Judea Pearl

Publication date: 11 December 2009

03B48: Probability and inductive logic

68T30: Knowledge representation

68T37: Reasoning under uncertainty in the context of artificial intelligence

03-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to mathematical logic and foundations

68-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to computer science

68T20: Problem solving in the context of artificial intelligence (heuristics, search strategies, etc.)

03A99: Philosophical aspects of logic and foundations

Related Items

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Doolittle's Measures of Association, With a Note on Bayes’ Theorem, Toward Causal Inference for Spatio-Temporal Data: Conflict and Forest Loss in Colombia, Causal Bounds for Outcome-Dependent Sampling in Observational Studies, Reversals of Least-Square Estimates and Model-Invariant Estimation for Directions of Unique Effects, A General Method for Deriving Tight Symbolic Bounds on Causal Effects, Nonparametric Causal Effects Based on Longitudinal Modified Treatment Policies, Unnamed Item, Complier Stochastic Direct Effects: Identification and Robust Estimation, Transporting stochastic direct and indirect effects to new populations, Logical perspectives on the foundations of probability, Matrix‐based introduction to multivariate data analysis, by KoheiAdachi2nd edition. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2020. pp. 457., Nonparametric Estimation of the Causal Effect of a Stochastic Threshold-Based Intervention, Forecasting with jury-based probabilistic argumentation, Causal inference: Critical developments, past and future, Modern Extreme Value Theory at the Interface of Risk Management, Bayesian Networks and Heavy-Tailed Time Series, Treatment and Control Groups in a Dynamic Setting, Combined cause inference: definition, model and performance, The impacts of innovation and trade openness on bank market power: the proposal of a minimum distance cost function approach and a causal structure analysis, Approximating counterfactual bounds while fusing observational, biased and randomised data sources, On the logic of collapsibility for causal effect measures, Discussion on ‘Correct and logical causal inference for binary and time‐to‐event outcomes in randomized controlled trials', Causal structure learning: a combinatorial perspective, Connecting simple and 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James Robins, Marginalization and conditioning for LWF chain graphs, Bayesian selection of graphical regulatory models, A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for enhancing Bayesian networks hybrid-based modeling, Identifiability of intermediate variables on causal paths, Completing causal networks by meta-level abduction, A peculiarity in Pearl's logic of interventionist counterfactuals, The logic of Simpson's paradox, Bounds on the complier average causal effect in randomized trials with noncompliance, A note on bounds for the causal infectiousness effect in vaccine trials, Markovian acyclic directed mixed graphs for discrete data, Sparse regression and support recovery with \(\mathbb{L}_2\)-boosting algorithms, The structure of symmetric \(n\)-player games when influence and independence collide, Causality and chance in relativistic quantum field theories, Of miracles and interventions, Identification of causal effects in linear models: beyond instrumental variables, The three faces of faithfulness, Conditioning, intervening, and decision, Approximate Bayesian inference for doubly robust estimation, The algorithmization of counterfactuals, A causal framework for surrogate endpoints with semi-competing risks data, Identification and sensitivity analysis for average causal mediation effects with time-varying treatments and mediators: investigating the underlying mechanisms of kindergarten retention policy, Causal discovery in heavy-tailed models, The causal closure of physics in real world contexts, Extending the agent in QBism, Heterogeneous indirect effects for multiple mediators using interventional effect models, Causal network learning with non-invertible functional relationships, A new variant of the parallel regression model with variable selection in surveys with sensitive attribute, Causal measures of the treatment effect captured by candidate surrogate endpoints, Some models and methods for the analysis of observational data, Rejoinder: ``Robust Bayesian graphical modeling using Dirichlet \(t\)-distributions, On a nonparametric notion of residual and its applications, Incremental causal network construction over event streams, Ceteris paribus and ceteris rectis laws: content and causal role, Causal inference in statistics: an overview, Causal analysis with chain event graphs, The effect of the prior distribution in the \textit{Bayesian Adjustment for Confounding} algorithm, Accounting for data architecture on structural equation modeling of feedlot cattle performance, Consistent and asymptotically normal PLS estimators for linear structural equations, Individual-level social influence identification in social media: a learning-simulation coordinated method, On the role of latent variable models in the era of big data, Data-driven algorithms for dimension reduction in causal inference, Causal effect identification in acyclic directed mixed graphs and gated models, Causes for query answers from databases: datalog abduction, view-updates, and integrity constraints, Sparse causality network retrieval from short time series, Safe probability, Inferring large graphs using \(\ell_1\)-penalized likelihood, A multiply qualified conditional analysis of disposition ascription: mapping the conceptual topography of ceteris paribus, Interventionist decision theory, A logic for the discovery of deterministic causal regularities, Max-linear models on directed acyclic graphs, The complexity of Bayesian networks specified by propositional and relational languages, Split-door criterion: identification of causal effects through auxiliary outcomes, Computation of maximum likelihood estimates in cyclic structural equation models, Smooth, identifiable supermodels of discrete DAG models with latent variables, Linear regression for uplift modeling, A predicate/state transformer semantics for Bayesian learning, On negative outcome control of unobserved confounding as a generalization of difference-in-differences, What does ``propensity add?, A conversation with Jeff Wu, Faithfulness, coordination and causal coincidences, Goals and the informativeness of prior probabilities, Sequences of regressions and their independences, Counterfactual analyses with graphical models based on local independence, Identifying the consequences of dynamic treatment strategies: a decision-theoretic overview, On the definition of a confounder, Demand forecasting of individual probability density functions with machine learning, Intervening on structure, Margins of discrete Bayesian networks, Causal inference in partially linear structural equation models, High-dimensional consistency in score-based and hybrid structure learning, Model selection and local geometry, Evaluating the impact of a HIV low-risk express care task-shifting program: a case study of the targeted learning roadmap, Skilled migration and business cycle dynamics, Quality analysis in acyclic production networks, What should I believe about what would have 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Cost-sensitive causal classification with individual treatment effect estimates, Logic of causal inference from data under presence of latent confounders, Nonparametric and high-dimensional functional graphical models, Aspects of superdeterminism made intuitive, Half-trek criterion for identifiability of latent variable models, GINNs: graph-informed neural networks for multiscale physics, A local method for identifying causal relations under Markov equivalence, Exact parametric causal mediation analysis for a binary outcome with a binary mediator, Non-technical losses detection in energy consumption focusing on energy recovery and explainability, Counterfactual inference with latent variable and its application in mental health care, Monosynaptic inference via finely-timed spikes, Entanglement, complexity, and causal asymmetry in quantum theories, Time to intervene: a continuous-time approach to network analysis and centrality, Probabilistic causes in Markov chains, Sufficient dimension reduction for average causal effect estimation, Doubly debiased Lasso: high-dimensional inference under hidden confounding, Better information from survey data: filtering out state dependence using eye-tracking data, Distributional anchor regression, Dissecting cell fate dynamics in pediatric glioblastoma through the lens of complex systems and cellular cybernetics, Estimating causal effects with optimization-based methods: a review and empirical comparison, Markov equivalence of marginalized local independence graphs, A synthetic approach to Markov kernels, conditional independence and theorems on sufficient statistics, The magnitude and direction of collider bias for binary variables, Instrumental variable estimation with the R package \texttt{vtools}, Models as approximations. II. A model-free theory of parametric regression, Rejoinder: Models as approximations, Nested covariance determinants and restricted trek separation in Gaussian graphical models, Probabilistic reasoning about epistemic action narratives, Identification of structures and causation in flow graphs, Sharp instruments for classifying compliers and generalizing causal effects, Conditional probability logic, lifted Bayesian networks, and almost sure quantifier elimination, Invariance, causality and robustness, Comment: Invariance, causality and robustness, Outcome-wide longitudinal designs for causal inference: a new template for empirical studies, Causal impact of masks, policies, behavior on early Covid-19 pandemic in the U.S., Exogeneity tests, incomplete models, weak identification and non-Gaussian distributions: invariance and finite-sample distributional theory, Model free estimation of graphical model using gene expression data, Recursive max-linear models with propagating noise, Variance formulas for estimated mean response and predicted response with external intervention based on the back-door criterion in linear structural equation models, The identification region of the potential outcome distributions under instrument independence, Graphoid properties of concepts of independence for sets of probabilities, Logics of imprecise comparative probability, A decomposition-based algorithm for learning the structure of multivariate regression chain graphs, Information graphs and their use for Bayesian network graph construction, Some thoughts on knowledge-enhanced machine learning, Explaining individual predictions when features are dependent: more accurate approximations to Shapley values, A simple logic of functional dependence, Bayesian network semantics for Petri nets, Physics informed topology learning in networks of linear dynamical systems, Inverse problems, The in-principle inconclusiveness of causal evidence in macroeconomics, Defining causal mediation with a longitudinal mediator and a survival outcome, A theory of consciousness: computation, algorithm, and neurobiological realization, Separators and adjustment sets in causal graphs: complete criteria and an algorithmic framework, Mediation analysis with attributable fractions, Propensity score estimation using classification and regression trees in the presence of missing covariate data, Automated versus do-it-yourself methods for causal inference: lessons learned from a data analysis competition, Comment: strengthening empirical evaluation of causal inference methods, Two-sample instrumental variable analyses using heterogeneous samples, Learning causal structure from mixed data with missing values using Gaussian copula models, Surrogate outcomes and transportability, Compensation and amplification of attenuation bias in causal effect estimates, On the causal interpretation of acyclic mixed graphs under multivariate normality, Lifted graphical models: a survey, Measuring association via lack of co-monotonicity: the loc index and a problem of educational assessment, A generalized back-door criterion, Refining a Bayesian network using a chain event graph, Same-decision probability: a confidence measure for threshold-based decisions, Estimating bounds on causal effects in high-dimensional and possibly confounded systems, Representing independence models with elementary triplets, Composition operator for densities of continuous variables, Causation entropy identifies indirect influences, dominance of neighbors and anticipatory couplings, Causal discovery through MAP selection of stratified chain event graphs, Causal gene identification using combinatorial V-structure search, Geometric and long run aspects of Granger causality, Bias results for nondifferential mismeasurement of a binary confounder, Convex non-parametric least squares, causal structures and productivity, Overlap weight and propensity score residual for heterogeneous effects: a review with extensions, Fast causal orientation learning in directed acyclic graphs, Applied harmonic analysis and data science. Abstracts from the workshop held November 28 -- December 4, 2021 (hybrid meeting), Transitions in evolution: a formal analysis, The Identification of Direct and Indirect Effects in Studies with an Unmeasured Intermediate Variable, A Simple Method for Testing Independencies in Bayesian Networks, On the Estimation Accuracy of Causal Effects using Supplementary Variables, Graphs for Margins of Bayesian Networks, Bounds on the average causal effects in randomized trials with noncompliance by covariate adjustment, A New Criterion for Confounder Selection, Controlled Direct and Mediated Effects: Definition, Identification and Bounds, Statistical Analysis of ‘Probabilities of Causation’ Using Co-variate Information, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Computational tameness of classical non-causal models, Front-Door Versus Back-Door Adjustment With Unmeasured Confounding: Bias Formulas for Front-Door and Hybrid Adjustments With Application to a Job Training Program, Causation entropy from symbolic representations of dynamical systems, Computational tools for solving a marginal problem with applications in Bell non-locality and causal modeling, Direction of dependence in measurement error models, Hawkes Graphs, Analysing causal structures with entropy, Complete Graphical Characterization and Construction of Adjustment Sets in Markov Equivalence Classes of Ancestral Graphs, Detecting causality using symmetry transformations, Faithfulness of Probability Distributions and Graphs, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, PLS-Based Multivariate Metamodeling of Dynamic Systems, Unnamed Item, Relating causal and probabilistic approaches to contextuality, Graphical Models for Processing Missing Data, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Multi-Trek Separation in Linear Structural Equation Models, Unnamed Item, Fast Tests for Probing the Causal Structure of Quantum Processes, Information transfer between turbulent boundary layers and porous media, A Numerical Efficiency Analysis of a Common Ancestor Condition, Estimating school effectiveness with student growth percentile and gain score models, Switching Regression Models and Causal Inference in the Presence of Discrete Latent Variables, Shrinkage Bayesian Causal Forests for Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Estimation, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect, On Semiparametric Instrumental Variable Estimation of Average Treatment Effects through Data Fusion, Causal inference in genetic trio studies, MODES OF CONVERGENCE TO THE TRUTH: STEPS TOWARD A BETTER EPISTEMOLOGY OF INDUCTION, Econometric Mediation Analyses: Identifying the Sources of Treatment Effects from Experimentally Estimated Production Technologies with Unmeasured and Mismeasured Inputs, Linear algebra and multivariate analysis in statistics: development and interconnections in the twentieth century, Adjustment with three continuous variables, Handbook of Graphical Models, Iterated Integrals and Population Time Series Analysis, Optimizing a control plan using a structural equation model with an application to statistical process analysis, Medical diagnostic test based on the potential test result approach: bounds and identification, Beyond Bell's theorem: correlation scenarios, Systematic handling of missing data in complex study designs – experiences from the Health 2000 and 2011 Surveys, Nonlocality in sequential correlation scenarios, Causal structures from entropic information: geometry and novel scenarios, Hidden Markov models for stochastic thermodynamics, Reversible time travel with freedom of choice, Superdeterministic hidden-variables models I: non-equilibrium and signalling, Superdeterministic hidden-variables models II: conspiracy, Estimating a treatment effect under uncertainty with application to a high‐speed railway system, CAUSAL ANALYSIS AFTER HAAVELMO, TRYGVE HAAVELMO AND THE EMERGENCE OF CAUSAL CALCULUS, Downstream Effects of Upstream Causes, The Blessings of Multiple Causes, Kernel Balancing: A flexible non-parametric weighting procedure for estimating causal effects, Structural Models for Williamson’s Modal Epistemology, Sensitivity analysis of violations of the faithfulness assumption, Nonparametric Causal Effects Based on Incremental Propensity Score Interventions, A financially justifiable and practically implementable approach to coherent stress testing, Robust Causal Structure Learning with Some Hidden Variables, Invariant Causal Prediction for Sequential Data, Modelling last-act attempted crime in criminal law, Causality of energy-containing eddies in wall turbulence, A Formal Semantics of Influence in Bayesian Reasoning, A Proof of Bell's Inequality in Quantum Mechanics Using Causal interactions, Study Design in Causal Models, On model selection and model misspecification in causal inference, Mediation and Spillover Effects in Group-Randomized Trials: A Case Study of the 4Rs Educational Intervention, Unnamed Item, A new notion of convexity in digraphs with an application to Bayesian networks, Estimating the average treatment effect on survival based on observational data and using partly conditional modeling, Computation in Causal Graphs, Toward a Multisubject Analysis of Neural Connectivity, Structural Intervention Distance for Evaluating Causal Graphs, A Causal Perspective on the Analysis of Signal and Noise Correlations and Their Role in Population Coding, STRUCTURAL EQUATIONS AND BEYOND, Veridical data science, Quantum causal modelling, Causal and causally separable processes, Cause-and-effect of linear mechanisms sustaining wall turbulence, Spatio-temporal parse network-based trajectory modeling on the dynamics of criminal justice system, On Causal Inferences for Personalized Medicine: How Hidden Causal Assumptions Led to Erroneous Causal Claims About the D-Value, Bounds on causal interactions for binary outcomes, Truths about Simpson’s Paradox: Saving the Paradox from Falsity, On computations with causal compositional models, Bell scenarios with communication, Reducing Mean Squared Error in the Analysis of Binary Paired Data, Mediation Analysis with Multiple Mediators, GRANGER CAUSALITY AND STRUCTURAL CAUSALITY IN CROSS-SECTION AND PANEL DATA, Non-Markovian quantum control as coherent stochastic trajectories, Experimental Design Issues in Big Data: The Question of Bias, Order-Independent Structure Learning of Multivariate Regression Chain Graphs, Theory-independent limits on correlations from generalized Bayesian networks, The lesson of causal discovery algorithms for quantum correlations: causal explanations of Bell-inequality violations require fine-tuning

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