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zbMath0673.55001MaRDI QIDQ3827224

James R. Munkres

Publication date: 1984

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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combinatorics of Weyl groupoids., Conical and spherical graphs, Homology for higher-rank graphs and twisted \(C^*\)-algebras, Buchsbaum\(^*\) complexes, A remark on the generalized Hodge conjecture, A novel technique for cohomology computations in engineering practice, Persistence stability for geometric complexes, A simple characterization of asynchronous computations, Automatic generation of cuts on large-sized meshes for the \(T-\Omega \) geometric eddy-current formulation, RR photons, On the (non-)contractibility of the order complex of the coset poset of a classical group., Kakeya configurations in Lie groups and homogeneous spaces, A counterexample to Wegner's conjecture on good covers, Dual complexes of cubical subdivisions of \({\mathbb{R}}^{n}\), Thick Spanier groups and the first shape group, Simplicial complexes satisfying Serre's condition: a survey with some new results, An equivariance theorem with applications to renaming, On the distribution of distances in homogeneous compact metric spaces, Topological data analysis and cosheaves, On thick diagonals and their complements, An incremental algorithm for Betti numbers of simplicial complexes on the 3-sphere, Algebraic decision trees and Euler characteristics, On Garland's vanishing theorem for \(\mathrm{SL}_n\), Hilbert complexes of nonlinear elasticity, Computable neighbourhoods of points in semicomputable manifolds, Random geometric complexes in the thermodynamic regime, The number of holes in the union of translates of a convex set in three dimensions, Knots in electromagnetism, Upscaling a model for the thermally-driven motion of screw dislocations, A combinatorial decomposition of acyclic simplicial complexes, Group actions on finite acyclic simplicial complexes, On topological actions of finite, non-standard groups on spheres, On the topology of the double spherical pendulum, A broad class of shellable lattices, The integer cohomology algebra of toric arrangements, Two-dimensional weak 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varieties. II: Classical homology, Many triangulated odd-dimensional spheres, Relative interleavings and applications to sensor networks, Using interval arithmetic to prove that a set is path-connected, Strong collapse and persistent homology, A TOPOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION OF THE COLOR CHARGE, THE SYMMETRIC SIGNATURE OF A WITT SPACE, On the predictability of discrete dynamical systems II, Persistent topological features of dynamical systems, Efficient Construction of 2-Chains with a Prescribed Boundary, Generalised spectral dimensions in non-perturbative quantum gravity, Elements of higher homotopy groups undetectable by polyhedral approximation, Canonical equivariant cohomology classes generating zeta values of totally real fields, Distributing persistent homology via spectral sequences, Poincaré duality for posets, Generalised cone complexes and tropical moduli in polymake, Weighted Tutte-Grothendieck polynomials of graphs, Discrete differential calculus on simplicial complexes and constrained homology, A hybrid discrete exterior calculus and finite difference method for Boussinesq convection in spherical shells, Simplicial complexes in Macaulay2, Large deviations for subcomplex counts and Betti numbers in multiparameter simplicial complexes, The realization problem of non-connected compacta as attractors, NP-Hardness of Computing PL Geometric Category in Dimension 2, A directed persistent homology theory for dissimilarity functions, Tverberg's theorem for cell complexes, A cohomological Seiberg–Witten invariant emerging from the adjunction inequality, Approximate inverse limits and (m,n)-dimensions, Stirling complexes, Frobenius non-stability of nilpotent groups, What Are Higher-Order Networks?, Topology of complements of skeletons, Random hypergraphs, random simplicial complexes and their Künneth-type formulae, Homotopy equivalent boundaries of cube complexes, Thermodynamics of massless particles in curved spacetime, Orbifold Euler characteristics of non‐orbifold groupoids, A Spatial Logic for Simplicial Models, Topological data analysis of Korean music in Jeongganbo: a cycle structure, Separating notions in effective topology, Quantum gases on a torus, Lefschetz duality for local cohomology, A unified view on the functorial nerve theorem and its variations, Parallel homological calculus for 3D binary digital images, Reflection representations of Coxeter groups and homology of Coxeter graphs, Extremal event graphs: a (stable) tool for analyzing noisy time series data, Delaunay and regular triangulations as lexicographic optimal chains, A heuristic for short homology basis of digital objects, Discrete exterior calculus discretization of two-phase incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with a conservative phase field method, Quadratic relations between periods of connections, On the Simplicial Complexes Associated to the Cyclotomic Polynomial, Shellable tilings on relative simplicial complexes and their \(h\)-vectors, COMPUTABLY COMPACT METRIC SPACES, Weighted spectra on a weighted geometric realization of 2-simplexes and 3-simplexes, Good covers for vortex nerve cell complexes. free group presentation of intersecting nested cycles in planar CW spaces, Large deviation principle for geometric and topological functionals and associated point processes, Poincaré duality for a class of posets, Positive Plücker tree certificates for non-realizability, Persistent pairs and connectedness in discrete Morse functions on simplicial complex. I, Two Conjectures on the Stokes Complex in Three Dimensions on Freudenthal Meshes, Differential calculus on manifolds with boundary applications, Simplifying Inclusion–Exclusion Formulas, Linear syzygies, hyperbolic Coxeter groups and regularity, Unnamed Item, Random Čech complexes on Riemannian manifolds, Persistent Homology of Morse Decompositions in Combinatorial Dynamics, A cellular structure of the space of branched coverings for the two-dimensional sphere, Semi-algebraic chains on projective varieties and the Abel-Jacobi map for higher Chow cycles, Persistent homology for low-complexity models, On the poset of partitions of an integer, Chaos in the Lorenz equations: A computer assisted proof. III: Classical parameter values, On commuting and noncommuting complexes, A classification of \(h\)-connected 2-complexes, On modular homology of simplicial complexes: Shellability, Simplicial Homology of Random Configurations, Cellular morphism and bivariant Chern classes, Boundary Nevanlinna--Pick Interpolation with Prescribed Peak Points. Application to Impedance Matching, A homotopy equivalence for partition posets related to liftings of \(S_{n-1}\)-modules to \(S_n\), Weighted Triangulations for Geometry Processing, Global dynamics of neural nets with infinite gain, On traces of \(d\)-stresses in the skeletons of lower dimensions of piecewise-linear \(d\)-manifolds, A cellular model for multi-objects multi-dimensional homotopic deformations, On modular homology in the Boolean algebra. III, Local cohomology of Stanley-Reisner rings with supports in general monomial ideals, Pseudocycles and integral homology, O-minimal spectra, infinitesimal subgroups and cohomology, 3-manifolds fibering over the Klein bottle and codimension 2 orientable fibrators, Recognition of collapsible complexes is NP-complete, Stability of depths of powers of edge ideals, The facial weak order on hyperplane arrangements, Some properties of the parking function poset, TETRAHEDRON TOPOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION WITH APPLICATION IN VOLUMETRIC RECONSTRUCTION, A new singularity theorem for black holes which allows chronology violation in the interior, Homology of Smooth Splines: Generic Triangulations and a Conjecture of Strang, The discrete yet ubiquitous theorems of Carathéodory, Helly, Sperner, Tucker, and Tverberg, An Alexander-type duality for valuations, On the Vanishing of Discrete Singular Cubical Homology for Graphs, Consensus on simplicial complexes: Results on stability and synchronization, Unsupervised Features Learning for Sampled Vector Fields, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, τ-Cluster morphism categories and picture groups, Spatial fuzzy topological space, Simplicial Multivalued Maps and the Witness Complex for Dynamical Analysis of Time Series, Gromov’s Theory of Multicomplexes with Applications to Bounded Cohomology and Simplicial Volume, The embedded homology of hypergraph pairs, An Equivariance Theorem with Applications to Renaming, New Advances in Meshless Methods: Coupling Natural Element and Moving Least Squares Techniques, Algorithms and Complexity for Turaev-Viro Invariants, Explicit simplicial discretization of distributed-parameter port-Hamiltonian systems, Small $f$-vectors of 3-spheres and of 4-polytopes, Measuring the Distance Between Merge Trees, Order complexes of coset posets of finite groups are not contractible., The Connectedness of Symmetric and Skew-Symmetric Degeneracy Loci: Even Ranks, Efficient Computation of Persistent Homology for Cubical Data, Convex hulls, oracles, and homology, Rule-based programming for integrative biological modeling. Application to the modeling of the \(\lambda\) phage genetic switch, On the embeddability of skeleta of spheres, Representations of automorphism groups on the homology of matroids, WDVV-type relations for disk Gromov-Witten invariants in dimension 6, Graded Betti numbers of balanced simplicial complexes, On the connectivity of manifold graphs, Powers of monomial ideals with characteristic-dependent Betti numbers, Configuration spaces of labeled points on a circle with two anchors, Partitioning the projective plane and the dunce hat, Cellularization for exceptional spherical space forms and the flag manifold of \(\mathsf{SL}_3 (\mathbb{R})\), Analogical Arguments in Mathematics, The topology of boundaries, ABSTRACT AND CLASSICAL HODGE–DE RHAM THEORY, Models for classifying spaces for \({\mathbb {Z}\rtimes \mathbb {Z}}\), Periods of Homeomorphisms on Closed Surfaces, Discrete cubical and path homologies of graphs, Asymptotic measures and links in simplicial complexes, Large Monochromatic Components in Two-colored Grids, Spatial tightness at the edge of Gibbsian line ensembles, Tchebyshev triangulations of stable simplicial complexes, Distances between immersed graphs: metric properties, Using the FES framework to derive new physical degrees of freedom for finite element spaces of differential forms, The signed monodromy group of an Adinkra, Action of the symmetric groups on the homology of the hypertree posets, Higher dimensional electrical circuits, A stochastic simplicial SIS model for complex networks, Combinatorics and Algebra of Geometric Subdivision Operations, Extendability of continuous maps is undecidable, Helly numbers of acyclic families, On geometric discretization of elasticity, Rigid monomial ideals, Simplification techniques for maps in simplicial topology, Betti splitting from a topological point of view, Applications of Algebraic Topology in Elasticity, Cup Products on Polyhedral Approximations of 3D Digital Images, Combinatorial Stokes formulae, On the predictability of discrete dynamical systems. III, Collapsing along monotone poset maps, A combinatorial proof of a theorem of Freund, The flow complex: a data structure for geometric modeling, Finding the homology of submanifolds with high confidence from random samples, A combinatorial approach to cartograms., On Steinhaus sets, Discrete Morse theory for cellular resolutions, Counting complexity classes for numeric computations. II: Algebraic and semialgebraic sets, Algebraic shifting and basic constructions on simplicial complexes, Diamond elements: a finite element/discrete-mechanics approximation scheme with guaranteed optimal convergence in incompressible elasticity, Limit sets of typical continuous functions, Small rational model of subspace complement, On the predictability of discrete dynamical systems, On the Euler characteristic of measured foliations, A classification of 2-complexes with nontrivial self-covers, Polyspherical coordinate systems on orbit spaces with applications to biomolecular shape, Toda lattice, cohomology of compact Lie groups and finite Chevalley groups, Special manifolds and shape fibrator properties, On a twisted Reidemeister torsion, Arcs, balls and spheres that cannot be attractors in $\mathbb {R}^3$, Bipartite rigidity, Computational topology of equivariant maps from spheres to complements of arrangements, Contractible Hamiltonian cycles in triangulated surfaces, Inapproximability for metric embeddings into $\mathbb{R}^{d}$, Unitary equivalence of normal matrices over topological spaces, Almgren and topological minimality for the set \(Y\times Y\), Reconstructing functions from random samples, A dynamical condition for differentiability of Mather's average action, On the homotopy groups of the self-equivalences of linear spheres, Fracture and fragmentation of simplicial finite element meshes using graphs, An Axiomatic Approach to Computing the Connectivity of Synchronous and Asynchronous Systems, Topological Properties of Event Structures, On finite arithmetic simplicial complexes, Morse Chain Complex from Forman Gradient in 3D with $$\mathbb {Z}_2$$ Coefficients, Fast, Simple and Separable Computation of Betti Numbers on Three-Dimensional Cubical Complexes, Regular CW-Complexes and Poset Resolutions of Monomial Ideals, A CATEGORIFICATION FOR THE PENROSE POLYNOMIAL, Revenue Maximization in Customer-to-Customer Markets, Discrete Morse theory for manifolds with boundary, Singular chain intersection homology for traditional and super-perversities, The topological Tverberg theorem and winding numbers, d-collapsibility is NP-complete for <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mo>⩾</mml:mo><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:math>, Discrete crystal elasticity and discrete dislocations in crystals, A categorification for the chromatic polynomial, On the computation of stable sets for bimatrix games, Partially periodic point free self-maps on surfaces, graphs, wedge sums and products of spheres, Group actions on arrangements of linear subspaces and applications to configuration spaces, CASIMIR EFFECT WITH A HELIX TORUS BOUNDARY CONDITION, A degree formula for equivariant cohomology, Combinatorial triangulations of homology spheres, Time reversal and n-qubit canonical decompositions, Classification of Constructible Cosheaves, Shifted simplicial complexes are Laplacian integral, Random connection models in the thermodynamic regime: central limit theorems for add-one cost stabilizing functionals, Simplicial degree in complex networks. Applications of topological data analysis to network science, Topology of augmented Bergman complexes, On the set of wild points of attracting surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^3\), Homotopy types of random cubical complexes, Computing persistent Stiefel-Whitney classes of line bundles, Hurewicz fibrations, almost submetries and critical points of smooth maps, The role of the dual grid in low-order compatible numerical schemes on general meshes, The topological structure of the set of fuzzy numbers with \(L_p\) metric, Discrete stratified Morse theory. Algorithms and a user's guide, Tree-cotree decomposition of isogeometric mortared spaces in H(curl) on multi-patch domains, Bifurcations for quasilinear Schrödinger equations. I, Intersection homology of stratified fibrations and neighborhoods, Cyclotomic and simplicial matroids, Persistence landscapes of affine fractals, Aspects of topological approaches for data science, Robustness and percolation of holes in complex networks, No skew branes on non-degenerate hyperquadrics, A Jordan-Brouwer separation theorem for polyhedral pseudomanifolds, Linear-size approximations to the Vietoris-Rips filtration, Homological connectivity in random Čech complexes, Phase transition in cohomology groups of non-uniform random simplicial complexes, A homomorphism between circuit cobordism groups and pseudohomology groups over configuration space \(\mathcal B\), Allowing cycles in discrete Morse theory, Vanishing polyhedron and collapsing map, Partially ordered sets of non-trivial nilpotent \(\pi\)-subgroups. II., Barcodes of towers and a streaming algorithm for persistent homology, A proof of the orbit conjecture for flipping edge-labelled triangulations, Centrality measures in simplicial complexes: applications of topological data analysis to network science, Computability of pseudo-cubes, The Pfaffian property of graphs on the Möbius strip based on topological resolution, Local computation of homology variations over a construction process, \(g\)-vectors of manifolds with boundary, Multiscale crystal defect dynamics: a coarse-grained lattice defect model based on crystal microstructure, Computing multiparameter persistent homology through a discrete Morse-based approach, Tri-partitions and bases of an ordered complex, Weakly well-composed cell complexes over nD pictures, Signature morphisms from the Cremona group over a non-closed field, Structure on the top homology and related algorithms, Operator-adapted wavelets for finite-element differential forms, Thresholds for vanishing of `isolated' faces in random Čech and Vietoris-Rips complexes, Creating semiflows on simplicial complexes from combinatorial vector fields, Improved approximate Rips filtrations with shifted integer lattices and cubical complexes, Regularity 3 in edge ideals associated to bipartite graphs, Some homology representations for Grassmannians in cross-characteristics., Shellability and regularity of chain complexes over a principal ideal domain, Computation of cubical homology, cohomology, and (co)homological operations via chain contraction, Tubular parametric volume objects: thickening a piecewise smooth 3D stick figure, Explicit geometric construction of \textit{sparse inverse mass matrices} for arbitrary tetrahedral grids, Sheaf-theoretic stratification learning from geometric and topological perspectives, Bergman spaces under maps of monomial type, On the optimal prediction of the stress field associated with discrete element models, On connectivity of the facet graphs of simplicial complexes, Envy-free cake division without assuming the players prefer nonempty pieces, Linear strands of edge ideals of multipartite uniform clutters, A decomposition for plane domains with the quasihyperbolic metric, A pairing on the cuspidal eigenvariety for \(\text{GSp}_{2g}\) and the ramification locus, Natural discrete differential calculus in physics, Dense computability structures, Discrete Morse theory for weighted simplicial complexes, Modular symbols for Teichmüller curves, A dynamic epistemic logic analysis of equality negation and other epistemic covering tasks, Computational tools in weighted persistent homology, Self-closeness numbers of finite cell complexes, Local conditions for triangulating submanifolds of Euclidean space, A Lefschetz fixed point theorem for multivalued maps of finite spaces, Two-hidden-layer feed-forward networks are universal approximators: a constructive approach, Markov-like set-valued functions on finite graphs and their inverse limits, 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\(d\)-manifold subcomplexes of cubes from their \((\lfloor d/2\rfloor+1)\)-skeletons, Continuous and discrete radius functions on Voronoi tessellations and Delaunay mosaics, Holes and dependences in an ordered complex, Different versions of the nerve theorem and colourful simplices, Spectral gap bounds for the simplicial Laplacian and an application to random complexes, Convex equipartitions via equivariant obstruction theory, Topology of random geometric complexes: a survey, An algorithmic approach to the asynchronous computability theorem, Limit theorems for Betti numbers of extreme sample clouds with application to persistence barcodes, Sorting equilibrium in a multi-jurisdiction model, The combinatorics of the bar resolution in group cohomology, Variational modeling of dislocations in crystals in the line-tension limit, Noncommutative knot theory, Triangulations of 3-dimensional pseudomanifolds with an application to state-sum invariants, Length bounds for cycle bases of graphs, Homology and chaotic unfolding of chaos manifolds, Computing the Betti numbers of arrangements via spectral sequences, Efficient construction of 2-chains representing a basis of \(H_{2}(\overline {\Omega }, \partial {\Omega }; \mathbb {Z})\), The union of balls and its dual shape, Conservative polytopal mimetic discretization of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, Piecewise linear paths among convex obstacles, Singular levels and topological invariants of Morse-Bott foliations on non-orientable surfaces, Mutually contiguous translates of a plane disk, Skeletal rigidity of simplicial complexes. I, Simploidal sets: a data structure for handling simploidal Bézier spaces, State sum models and simplicial cohomology, Manifolds that induce approximate fibrations in the PL category, An infinite family of nearly neighborly centrally symmetric 3-spheres, Polyharmonic \(k\)-Hessian equations in \(\mathbb{R}^N\), Factorization of topology changing amplitudes in the Regge calculus approach to quantum cosmology, Simplicial networks and effective resistance, Strong connectivity of polyhedral complexes, A computationally intractable problem on simplicial complexes, On Dijkgraaf-Witten-type invariants, An entropy-based persistence barcode, Permutohedral structures on \(E_2\)-operads, Topology on digital label images, On the Möbius function of a lower Eulerian Cohen-Macaulay poset, On generalized Heawood inequalities for manifolds: a van Kampen-Flores-type nonembeddability result, Torsion in the cohomology of torus orbifolds, Morse matchings on polytopes, On finite simple groups acting on homology spheres, Non-homogeneous combinatorial manifolds, Functions, measures, and equipartitioning convex \(k\)-fans, Conley-Morse-Forman theory for generalized combinatorial multivector fields on finite topological spaces, Distances and isomorphism between networks: stability and convergence of network invariants, Equivariant Nerve Lemma, simplicial difference, and models for configuration spaces on simplicial complexes, Good coverings of proximal Alexandrov spaces. Path cycles in the extension of the Mitsuishi-Yamaguchi good covering and Jordan Curve Theorems, Geometric and combinatorial properties of well-centered triangulations in three and higher dimensions, A remark on the convergence of Betti numbers in the thermodynamic regime, \(K\)-Witt bordism in characteristic 2, Semicomputable manifolds in computable topological spaces, The K-theoretic formulation of D-brane Aharonov-Bohm phases, Multiscale persistent functions for biomolecular structure characterization, False discovery rate control with multivariate \(p\)-values, Non total-unimodularity neutralized simplicial complexes, Tight bounds for \(k\)-set agreement with limited-scope failure detectors, Homology in electromagnetic boundary value problems, Homology representations arising from the half cube. II, Pfaffian polyominos on the Klein bottle, An Euler relation for valuations on polytopes, Spaces and maps approximation and fixed points, \(T-\Omega\) formulation with higher-order hierarchical basis functions for nonsimply connected conductors, Extremal Betti numbers and applications to monomial ideals, The \(L\)-homology fundamental class for IP-spaces and the stratified Novikov conjecture, Strong law of large numbers for Betti numbers in the thermodynamic regime, On the equivalence of the norms of the discrete differential forms in discrete exterior calculus, Polynomial-sized topological approximations using the permutahedron, Strong discrete Morse theory and simplicial L-S category: a discrete version of the Lusternik-Schnirelmann theorem, On the links of vertices in simplicial \(d\)-complexes embeddable in the Euclidean \(2d\)-space, Topological tracking of connected components in image sequences, The Cohen-Macaulayness of the bounded complex of an affine oriented matroid, Möbius coinvariants and bipartite edge-rooted forests, Algorithms for tight spans and tropical linear spaces, Central limit theorem for exponentially quasi-local statistics of spin models on Cayley graphs, Non-commutative resolutions of toric varieties, A primer on persistent homology of finite metric spaces, The causal set approach to quantum gravity, On the homotopy type of the Quillen complex of finite soluble groups, Saturated simplicial complexes, Zero divisor graphs of semigroups., Discrete Poincaré lemma, On the cohomology of 3D digital images, Intersection homology of regular and cylindrical neighborhoods, The topology of the coloring complex, Consensus formation on a simplicial complex of opinions, A Vietoris-Smale mapping theorem for the homotopy of hyperdefinable sets, Representing geometric structures in \(d\) dimensions: Topology and order, Some properties of a higher-order coboundary operator, Complexes of directed trees, The spread of the potential on a homogeneous tree, Digital homotopy with obstacles, On modular homology in projective space, A general homotopy complementation formula., A homological interpretation of skeletal ridigity, Syzygies of oriented matroids, Optimal regularity for \(\overline\partial_b\) on CR manifolds, Generating cubical complexes from image data and computation of the Euler number, Homotopy in digital spaces, On modular homology of simplicial complexes: Saturation, On finite simple groups acting on homology 3-spheres, Quotient complexes and lexicographic shellability, Homology of Newtonian coalgebras., Polygraph arrangements, A classification of wait-free loop agreement tasks, Lower bounds on entropy via the Conley index with application to time series