Black hole in three-dimensional spacetime

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DOI10.1103/PhysRevLett.69.1849zbMath0968.83514arXivhep-th/9204099WikidataQ74517332 ScholiaQ74517332MaRDI QIDQ4492010

Máximo Bañados, Jorge Zanelli, Claudio Teitelboim

Publication date: 16 July 2000

Published in: Physical Review Letters (Search for Journal in Brave)

Full work available at URL:

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I. Local description and global examples, Conserved charges in even dimensional asymptotically locally anti-de Sitter space-times, Remarks on Hawking radiation as tunneling from the BTZ black holes, Removing singularities, Quantum black holes as holograms in AdS braneworlds, Entanglement entropy of AdS black holes, On creating mass/matter by extra dimensions in the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity, Janus black holes, Holographic subregion complexity from kinematic space, Holographic view on quantum correlations and mutual information between disjoint blocks of a quantum critical system, Note on ETH of descendant states in 2D CFT, Novel rotating hairy black hole in \((2+1)\)-dimensions and shear viscosity to entropy ratio, Thermodynamic stability of charged BTZ black holes: ensemble dependency problem and its solution, The Heisenberg algebra as near horizon symmetry of the black flower solutions of Chern-Simons-like theories of gravity, Inter-occurrence times and universal laws in finance, 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in three dimensional conformal gravity, Bekenstein-Hawking entropy as topological entanglement entropy, Black hole solutions in \(d = 5\) Chern-Simons gravity, The quantum formulation of black hole area spectrum and entropy spectrum, Nonexistence of marginally trapped surfaces and geons in \(2 + 1\) gravity, Orbits of test particles in three-dimensional Maxwell-Dilaton spacetime: exact analytical solution to the geodesic equation, Three dimensional Lifshitz-like black hole in a special class of \(F(R)\) gravity, KdV-charged black holes, Time dependence of reflected entropy in rational and holographic conformal field theories, Horizon instability of the extremal BTZ black hole, Cylinder transition amplitudes in pure \( \mathrm{AdS}_3\) gravity, Dynamics for holographic codes, Strong cosmic censorship in the BTZ black hole, Holographic probes of inner horizons, Higher-spin initial data in twistor space with complex stargenvalues, Information recovery from pure state geometries in 3D, Caustics bounding entanglement wedges, Asymptotic boundary conditions and square integrability in the partition function of AdS gravity, Quantum correction to the entropy of noncommutative BTZ black hole, Unconventional supersymmetry at the boundary of \(\mathrm{AdS}_{4}\) supergravity, Moving the CFT into the bulk with \( T\overline{T}\), Near-horizon extremal geometries: coadjoint orbits and quantization, The classical double copy in maximally symmetric spacetimes, Effective Lagrangian for quantum black holes, Quantum space and quantum completeness, Zooming in on \(\mathrm{AdS}_{3}/\mathrm{CFT}_{2}\) near a BPS bound, Phase transitions in 3D gravity and fractal dimension, Stationary strings and principal Killing triads in \(2+1\) gravity, Quasinormal modes and greybody factors of \(f(R)\) gravity minimally coupled to a cloud of strings in \({2+1}\) dimensions, Holographic complexity in Vaidya spacetimes. I., Volume and complexity for warped AdS black holes, Towards non-AdS holography via the long string phenomenon, T-duality and high-derivative gravity theories: the BTZ black hole/string paradigm, A CFT perspective on gravitational dressing and bulk locality, Complexity of formation in holography, Kinematic space and wormholes, Regular charged black hole construction in \(2+1\) dimensions, Dirac field in topologically massive gravity, Corrected entropy of BTZ Black holes, A Cardy-like formula for rotating black holes with planar horizon, Heat engine in the three-dimensional spacetime, Multi-centered \(AdS_{3}\) solutions from Virasoro conformal blocks, Degenerate operators and the \(1/c\) expansion: Lorentzian resummations, high order computations, and super-Virasoro blocks, Radiation in \((2 + 1)\)-dimensions, Calibrated entanglement entropy, Scalar field conformally coupled to a charged BTZ black hole, Classical defects in higher-dimensional Einstein gravity coupled to nonlinear \(\sigma \)-models, Thermodynamics of higher dimensional black holes with higher order thermal fluctuations, Black holes with toroidal horizons in \((d+1)\)-dimensional space-time, Born-Infeld inspired modifications of gravity, On holographic entanglement entropy with second order excitations, 2D CFT partition functions at late times, Horizon fluff, semi-classical black hole microstates -- log-corrections to BTZ entropy and black hole/particle correspondence, On the Kerr-AdS/CFT correspondence, Log corrections to entropy of three dimensional black holes with soft hair, Geodesic description of heavy-light Virasoro blocks, Subsystem eigenstate thermalization hypothesis for entanglement entropy in CFT, Fermionic wigs for BTZ black holes, Holographic entanglement entropy of a \(1+1\) dimensional \(p\)-wave superconductor, Asymptotic structure of \( \mathcal{N}=2 \) supergravity in 3D: extended super-\({\mathcal{BMS}}_3\) and nonlinear energy bounds, Surface counterterms and regularized holographic complexity, Kinematic space for conical defects, Superradiance in the BTZ black hole with Robin boundary conditions, \((2+1)\)-dimensional charged black holes with scalar hair in Einstein-Power-Maxwell theory, Topological entanglement entropy in Euclidean \(\mathrm{AdS}_{3}\) via surgery, Spectral flow in 3D flat spacetimes, Traversable wormholes via a double trace deformation, Time evolution of entanglement for holographic steady state formation, Quantum gravity effect on the Hawking radiation of charged rotating BTZ black hole, On the static Lovelock black holes, Rotating traversable wormholes in AdS, Revisiting the asymptotic dynamics of general relativity on \(\mathrm{AdS}_{3}\), Minimal AdS-Lorentz supergravity in three-dimensions, \(\mathrm{AdS}_{2}\) holography: mind the cap, Holographic duality for 3d spin-3 gravity coupled to scalar field, Binding complexity and multiparty entanglement, Entanglement of purification and multiboundary wormhole geometries, Asymptotic symmetries of three dimensional gravity and the membrane paradigm, Interior volume of Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole, The role of the cosmological constant as a pressure in the \((2 + 1)\)-dimensional black string, Entanglement of purification: from spin chains to holography, Soft hairy warped black hole entropy, Asymptotically-flat supergravity solutions deep inside the black-hole regime, Asymptotic symmetries of colored gravity in three dimensions, Holographic studies of Einsteinian cubic gravity, Bending branes for DCFT in two dimensions, Hot attractors, Wilson lines for \(\mathrm{AdS}_{5}\) black strings, Static and radiating \(p\)-form black holes in the higher dimensional Robinson-Trautman class, Poincaré series, 3D gravity and CFT spectroscopy, Journey to the center of the fuzzball, Quantization of conical spaces in 3D gravity, Nonperturbative black hole entropy and Kloosterman sums, About the phase space of \(\mathrm{SL}(3)\) black holes, Asymptotic symmetries of three-dimensional higher-spin gravity: the metric approach, Quantum gravity in \(2+1\) dimensions: the case of a closed universe, Exotic massive 3D gravity, On the universality of late-time correlators in semi-classical 2d CFTs, Area law unification and the holographic event horizon, Vacua of exotic massive 3D gravity, Bulk view of teleportation and traversable wormholes, AdS/BCFT correspondence for higher curvature gravity: an example, On asymptotically AdS-like solutions of three dimensional massive gravity, Circularly symmetric solutions in three-dimensional teleparallel, \(f(T)\) and Maxwell-\(f(T)\) gravity, The action for higher spin black holes in three dimensions, Gravitational Chern-Simons terms and black hole entropy. Global aspects, Entropy of three-dimensional asymptotically flat cosmological solutions, Thermodynamics of black hole horizons and Kerr/CFT correspondence, Exploring three-dimensional higher-spin supergravity based on \(sl (N|N- 1)\) Chern-Simons theories, Black holes in truncated higher spin \(\text{AdS}_3\) gravity, Complexity and action for warped AdS black holes, Bootstrapping the spectral function: on the uniqueness of Liouville and the universality of BTZ, Quantum dress for a naked singularity, Thermal geometry from CFT at finite temperature, Geodesic motions in \((2+1)\)-dimensional charged black holes, Higher dimensional wormhole geometries with compact dimensions, Exploring de Sitter space and holography, Three dimensional gravity in the presence of scalar fields, On regular frames near rotating black holes, Acoustic metamaterial models on the \((2+1)\)D Schwarzschild plane, Asymptotic symmetries of three-dimensional Chern-Simons gravity for the Maxwell algebra, Rindler-AdS/CFT, Thermodynamic volume product in spherically symmetric and axisymmetric spacetime, The GUP effect on tunneling of massive vector bosons from the 2+1 dimensional black hole, \((2+1)\)-dimensional regular black holes with nonlinear electrodynamics sources, Dilatonic BTZ black holes with power-law field, Holographic complexity and volume, Traversable wormholes as quantum channels: exploring CFT entanglement structure and channel capacity in holography, Topologically twisted indices in five dimensions and holography, The gravity dual of real-time CFT at finite temperature, Einstein gravity with torsion induced by the scalar field, Extended symmetries at the black hole horizon, Causal evolutions of bulk local excitations from CFT, Equivalence of emergent de Sitter spaces from conformal field theory, Action growth for AdS black holes, Most general \(\mathrm{AdS}_{3}\) boundary conditions, Conformal symmetry breaking and thermodynamics of near-extremal black holes, Holographic description of 2D conformal block in semi-classical limit, Higher spin black holes with soft hair, The weak gravity conjecture in three dimensions, The complexity of identifying Ryu-Takayanagi surfaces in \(\mathrm{AdS}_{3 }\mathrm{CFT}_{2}\), Super-\(BMS_{3}\) algebras from \( \mathcal{N}=2 \) flat supergravities, Collisions of massive particles, timelike thin shells and formation of black holes in three dimensions, Symplectic and Killing symmetries of \(\mathrm{AdS}_3\) gravity: holographic vs boundary gravitons, Asymptotic structure of the Einstein-Maxwell theory on \(\mathrm{AdS}_{3}\), Virasoro vacuum block at next-to-leading order in the heavy-light limit, Supersymmetric Rényi entropy in two dimensions, Black hole thermodynamics from a variational principle: asymptotically conical backgrounds, Near-horizon geometry and warped conformal symmetry, 3D supergravity from wrapped M5-branes, Rainbow valley of colored (anti) de Sitter gravity in three dimensions, Extremal higher spin black holes, An action for matter coupled higher spin gravity in three dimensions, New bi-gravity from new massive gravity, Massive charged BTZ black holes in asymptotically (A)dS spacetimes, The covariant action of higher spin black holes in three dimensions, On information loss in \(\mathrm{AdS}_{3 }\mathrm{CFT}_{2}\), Warped \(\mathrm{AdS}_{3}\) black holes in higher derivative gravity theories, Boundary conditions for general relativity on \(\mathrm{AdS}_{3}\) and the KdV hierarchy, Black hole collapse in the \(1/c\) expansion, Vacua of the gravitational field, Universal bounds on charged states in 2d CFT and 3d gravity, Bootstrapping 2D CFTs in the semiclassical limit, EPR pairs, local projections and quantum teleportation in holography, Short interval expansion of Rényi entropy on torus, Explicit solutions for point particles and black holes in spaces of constant curvature in \(2+1-D\) gravity, Spacetime non-commutativity corrections to the Cardy-Verlinde formula of Achúcarro-Ortiz black hole, BTZ black hole in non-commutative spaces, Noether gauge symmetry of Dirac field in (2 + 1)-dimensional gravity, Quantum probes of timelike naked singularities in \(2 + 1\)-dimensional power-law spacetimes, On the entropy of a quantum field in \((2+1)\)-dimensional spinning black holes, Eikonal approximation in AdS/CFT: from shock waves to four-point functions, Asymptotic quasinormal frequencies of \(d\)-dimensional Schwarzschild black holes, SU(2) reduction of six-dimensional \((1,0)\) supergravity, Properties of solutions in \(2+1\) dimensions, Geodesic structure of static charged black hole solutions in \(2+1\) dimensions, Zeta function expression of spin partition functions on thermal \(\mathrm{AdS}_3\), Boson stars with negative cosmological constant, Can Hawking temperatures be negative?, Global geometry of the \(2+1\) rotating black hole, Polyakov conjecture for hyperbolic singularities, Towards black hole scattering, Geometry of black hole thermodynamics, (2 + 1) BTZ black hole and multiply warped product spacetimes, Curvature in special base conformal warped products, Phantom wormholes in \((2+1)\)-dimensions, Normal-mode analysis for scalar fields in BTZ black-hole background, Quasinormal modes from potentials surrounding the charged-dilaton black hole, Truncated heat kernel and one-loop determinants for the BTZ geometry, Gauge and gravitational anomalies and Hawking radiation of rotating BTZ black holes, Black holes on thin 3-branes of codimension-2 and their extension into the bulk, Massive radiation via tunneling in a BTZ black hole, Circularly symmetric static metric in three dimensions and its Killing symmetry, Unwrapping closed timelike curves, The geometry of Schrödinger symmetry in non-relativistic CFT, Near-horizon geometry and black holes in four dimensions, Near horizon geometry of rotating black holes in five dimensions, Brane intersections, anti-de Sitter space-times and dual superconformal theories, Coupling constant dependence in the thermodynamics of \({\mathcal N}=4\) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory., Entropies of scalar fields on three-dimensional black holes, Sigma model of near-extreme rotating black holes and their microstates, Geometric holography, the renormalization group and the \(c\)-theorem, \(T\)-duality and spinning solutions in \(2+1\) gravity, Space-time of boosted \(p\)-branes, and CFT in infinite-momentum frame, Boundary dynamics and the statistical mechanics of the \((2+1)\)-dimensional black hole, Supersymmetry of anti-de Sitter black holes, \(\text{AdS}_3\) gravity and conformal field theories, Six-dimensional supergravity on \(S^3\times\text{AdS}_3\) and 2d conformal field theory, Quantum scalar fields on anti-de Sitter space-time, Decoupling limit, lens spaces and Taub-NUT: \(D=4\) black-hole microscopics from \(D=5\) black holes, Supercharges, Killing spinors and intersecting gauge five-branes, Asymptotic dynamics and asymptotic symmetries of three-dimensional extended AdS supergravity, Remarks on Noether charges and black holes entropy, Fermionic entropy in BTZ space time, Semiclassical corrections to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the BTZ black hole via self-gravitation, Dynamical behavior of dilaton in de Sitter space, Support of dS/CFT correspondence from perturbations of three-dimensional spacetime, Rotating dilaton solutions in \(2+1\) dimensions, Weyl charges in asymptotically locally \(\mathrm{AdS}_3\) spacetimes in the framework of NMG, Spontaneous radiation of black holes, Thermodynamics of multi-horizon spacetimes, Anosov representations as holonomies of globally hyperbolic spatially compact conformally flat spacetimes, Orbits of light rays in (1+2)-dimensional Einstein-Power-Maxwell gravity: exact analytical solution to the null geodesic equations, Four-dimensional regular black strings in bilocal gravity, Thermodynamics and phase transition of BTZ black hole in a cavity, Logarithmic corrections to the entropy function of black holes in the open ensemble, Generating odd-dimensional rotating black holes with equal angular momenta by using the Kerr-Schild Cartesian form of metric, Warped symmetries of the Kerr black hole, Traversable wormholes in AdS and bounds on information transfer, On subregion action complexity in \(\mathrm{AdS}_3\) and in the BTZ black hole, Horizon constraints on holographic Green's functions, Conformal field theory and the web of quantum chaos diagnostics, Orbital bifurcations and shoaling of cnoidal waves, Conceptual analysis of black hole entropy in string theory, Holographic dual to charged SYK from 3D gravity and Chern-Simons, Geometric actions and flat space holography, Probing the EVH limit of supersymmetric AdS black holes, The factorization problem in Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity, BTZ dynamics and chaos, Asymptotic dynamics of \(\mathrm{AdS}_3\) gravity with two asymptotic regions, Entwinement as a possible alternative to complexity, AdS black holes, holography and localization, Holographic entanglement entropy of the BTZ black hole, Winding modes and the reflection symmetry in \(\mathrm{AdS}_3\), Momentum/complexity duality and the black hole interior, Fermionic pole-skipping in holography, \(\langle\phi^2\rangle\) in the spacetime of a cylindrical black hole, Statistical mechanics of \((2+1)\)-dimensional black holes, Exact four-dimensional string solutions and Toda-like sigma models from null-gauged WZNW theories, Classical and semiclassical properties of extremal black holes with dilaton and modulus fields., Novel aspects of the extended first law of entanglement, Proof of the weak cosmic censorship conjecture for several extremal black holes, Liouville quantum gravity, Exact inner metric and microscopic state of \(\mathrm{AdS}_3\)-Schwarzschild BHs, New massless and massive infinite derivative gravity in three dimensions, Cauchy-compact flat spacetimes with extreme BTZ, Universal thermodynamic relations with constant corrections for rotating AdS black holes, Holographic BCFTs and communicating black holes, Chern-Simons invariants from ensemble averages, Reparameterization dependence is useful for holographic complexity, The Regge limit of \( \mathrm{AdS}_3\) holographic correlators with heavy states: towards the black hole regime, Microscopic entropy of \( \mathrm{AdS}_3\) black holes revisited, Quantum radiation of a collapsing shell in three-dimensional AdS spacetime revisited, A note on Kerr/CFT and Wald entropy discrepancy in high derivative gravities, On the Maxwell supergravity and flat limit in \(2 + 1\) dimensions, Classical and quantum equations of motion of an \(n\)-dimensional BTZ black hole, Pure gravity and conical defects, Three dimensional pure gravity and generalized Hecke operators, Horizon symmetries and hairy black holes in AdS, Black hole evaporation in Lovelock gravity with diverse dimensions, The generalized Klein-Gordon oscillator with Coulomb-type potential in (1+2)-dimensions Gürses space-time, Thermodynamics of three-dimensional black holes via charged particle absorption, Canonical structure of BHT massive gravity in warped \(\mathrm{AdS}_3\) sector, AdS black hole solutions in the extended new massive gravity, Quasi-normal modes of extremal BTZ black holes in TMG, Mimetic gravity in (2 + 1)-dimensions, The path integral of 3D gravity near extremality; \textit{or}, JT gravity with defects as a matrix integral, Unitarity of entanglement and islands in two-sided Janus black holes, Non-singular vortices with positive mass in 2+1-dimensional Einstein gravity with \( \mathrm{AdS}_3\) and Minkowski background, Most general theory of 3d gravity: covariant phase space, dual diffeomorphisms, and more, Topological shadows and complexity of islands in multiboundary wormholes, Traversability of multi-boundary wormholes, Global symmetry, Euclidean gravity, and the black hole information problem, Phases of holographic interfaces, Fisher information as a probe of spacetime structure: relativistic quantum metrology in (A)dS, \( \mathrm{AdS}_3\) gravity and the complex SYK models, The Kerr-Schild double copy in Lifshitz spacetime, Chiral massive news: null boundary symmetries in topologically massive gravity, Particle motion in a space-time of a 3D Einstein gravity with torsion, Black hole in Nielsen-Olesen vortex, Scalar quasinormal modes for \(2+1\)-dimensional Coulomb-like AdS black holes from nonlinear electrodynamics, Asymptotic flatness and nonflat solutions in the critical \(2+1\) Hořava theory, Strongly coupled heavy and light quark thermal motion from AdS/CFT, Conservation and integrability in topological massive gravity, Holographic and QFT complexity with angular momentum, Steady states of holographic interfaces, 3-dimensional \(\Lambda\)-BMS symmetry and its deformations, Chaos in CFT dual to rotating BTZ, One-loop partition function, gauge accessibility and spectra in \(\mathrm{AdS}_3\) gravity, Entanglement entropy of a superflow, Sewing spacetime with Lorentzian threads: complexity and the emergence of time in quantum gravity, Quantum backreaction on chronology horizons, Quantum tunneling from accelerating three-dimensional black hole, Corrected thermodynamics of \((2+1)D\) black hole conformally coupled to a massless scalar, Killing-Yano cotton currents, The averaged null energy condition on holographic evaporating black holes, Quantum extremal islands made easy. IV: Massive black holes on the brane, Boundary conditions for warped \(\mathrm{AdS}_3\) in quadratic ensemble, Partial reduction and cosmology at defect brane, On acceleration in three dimensions, Strong cosmic censorship conjecture for a charged BTZ black hole, Real-time holography and hybrid WKB for BTZ wormholes, Information scrambling versus quantum revival through the lens of operator entanglement, Magnetising the \(\mathcal{N} = 4\) super Yang-Mills plasma, No ensemble averaging below the black hole threshold, Lower-dimensional limits of cubic Lovelock gravity, A new class of regular black hole solutions with quasi-localized sources of matter in \((2 + 1)\) dimensions, Covariant holographic reflected entropy in \(AdS_3/CFT_2\), Phase transitions of the BTZ black hole in new massive gravity, Geometrical method for thermal instability of nonlinearly charged BTZ black holes, Fermion fields in BTZ black hole space-time and entanglement entropy, Dirac field as a source of the inflation in \(2 + 1\) dimensional teleparallel gravity, Remarks on the spectrum and truncated heat kernel of the BTZ black hole, Notes on a paper of Mess, Quantum collapse of dust shells in \(2 + 1\) gravity, The universal phase space of AdS\(_{3}\) gravity, Large \(N\) field theories, string theory and gravity, Testing quantum gravity through dumb holes, Hawking-Page phase transition in new massive gravity, On the many saddle points description of quantum black holes, A toy Penrose inequality and its proof, CFT and logarithmic corrections to the black hole entropy product formula, Rotational KMS states and type I conformal nets, Sparseness bounds on local operators in holographic \(\mathrm{CFT}_{d}\), BPS Kerr-AdS time machines, Corrections in the relative entropy of black hole microstates, On rigidity of 3d asymptotic symmetry algebras, An investigation of equivalence between the bulk-based and the brane-based approaches for anisotropic models, Quasinormal frequencies of asymptotically anti-de Sitter black holes in two dimensions, Dirac particles tunneling from BTZ black hole, Effects of modified dispersion relation on the thermodynamics of Achúcarro-Ortiz horizon and tunneling radiation probability, Dimension of quantum channel of radiation in pure Lovelock black holes, Quantum corrections to the spectroscopy of a BTZ black hole via periodicity, Real-time correlators in Kerr/CFT correspondence, What does a quantum black hole look like?, New rotating AdS/ds black holes in f(R) gravity, Contact geometry in superconductors and new massive gravity, Thermalization of horizon through asymptotic symmetry in three-dimensional massive gravity, Dynamic noncommutative BTZ black holes, The anti-Hawking effect on a BTZ black hole with Robin boundary conditions, New class of solutions in \(f(R)\)-gravity's rainbow and \(f(R)\)-gravity: exact solutions+thermodynamics+quasinormal modes, The Abrikosov vortex in curved space, The double cone geometry is stable to brane nucleation, Quasilocal energy for three-dimensional massive gravity solutions with chiral deformations of \(\mathrm{ADS}_3\) boundary conditions, BTZ black hole entropy in loop quantum gravity and in spin foam models, Is AdS stable?, Entanglement entropy and gravity/condensed matter correspondence, Chern-Simons black holes: scalar perturbations, mass and area spectrum and greybody factors, Boundary stress tensor and counterterms for weakened AdS\({}_{3}\) asymptotic in New Massive Gravity, Correlation functions and hidden conformal symmetry of Kerr black holes, BTZ black hole entropy and the Turaev-Viro model, Exact meron black holes in four dimensional \(\mathrm{SU}(2)\) Einstein-Yang-Mills theory, Holographic symmetry-breaking phases in AdS\({}_{3}\)/CFT\({}_{2}\), Field theories with anisotropic scaling in 2D, solitons and the microscopic entropy of asymptotically Lifshitz black holes, Partition functions of higher spin black holes and their CFT duals, Aspects of AdS/BCFT, Holographic renormalization and stress tensor in new massive gravity, Chronology protection in stationary 3D spacetimes, Three-dimensional \(\mathcal{N} = 2\) (AdS) supergravity and associated supercurrents, Holographic calculations of Rényi entropy, Holographic evolution of the mutual information, Holography for Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theories from generalized dimensional reduction, Phase structure of fuzzy black holes, Boundary conditions for General Relativity in three-dimensional spacetimes, integrable systems and the KdV/mKdV hierarchies, Universal lowest-twist in CFTs from holography, Higher spin fluctuations on spinless 4D BTZ black hole, Non-linear black holes in \(2+1\) dimensions as heat engines, Energy and momentum of higher dimensional black holes, Linear confinement of spin-0 relativistic quantum particles in (1+2)-dimensions Gürses space-time, Linearized Einstein's equation around pure BTZ from entanglement thermodynamics, Noncommutativity and the weak cosmic censorship, Phases of holographic Hawking radiation on spatially compact spacetimes, Solitonic metrics and harmonic maps, Thermodynamic instabilities of generalized exotic BTZ black holes, Semiclassical correlators in Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity, Simple perturbatively traversable wormholes from bulk fermions, On volume subregion complexity in Vaidya spacetime, Two-dimensional fluids and their holographic duals, Quantum corrections to the BTZ black hole extremality bound from the conformal bootstrap, The BTZ black hole violates strong cosmic censorship, Hairy BTZ black hole and its analogue model in graphene, Entropy variation of a charged (2+1)-dimensional BTZ black hole under Hawking radiation, Lifshitz scaling, microstate counting from number theory and black hole entropy, Meronic Einstein-Yang-Mills black hole in 5D and gravitational spin from isospin effect, Asymptotic symmetries of three-dimensional black strings, On the chaos bound in rotating black holes, Fast conformal bootstrap and constraints on 3d gravity, On the combinatorics of partition functions in $\mathrm{AdS}_3 / \mathrm{LCFT}_{2} $, Energy of asymptotically AdS black holes in exotic massive gravity and its log-extension, Compact chiral boson fields on the horizon of BTZ black hole, The classical double copy in three spacetime dimensions, Information transfer and black hole evaporation via traversable BTZ wormholes, Extensions of the generalized hedgehog ansatz for the Einstein-nonlinear \(\sigma\)-model system: black holes with NUT, black strings and time-dependent solutions, Subsystem complexity in warped AdS, Einstein gravity with torsion induced by the spinor, Effects of noncommutativity on the black hole entropy, Particle collisions in the lower dimensional rotating black hole space-time with the cosmological constant, Holographic Brownian motion in three-dimensional Gödel black hole, Hairy black hole entropy and the role of solitons in three dimensions, Entropy from \(\operatorname{AdS}_{3}/\operatorname{CFT}_{2}\), Aspects of three-dimensional spin-4 gravity, Higher spin quasinormal modes and one-loop determinants in the BTZ black hole, Asymptotic charged BTZ black hole solutions, Towards non-AdS holography in 3-dimensional higher spin gravity, Entanglement entropy of black holes, Classification of near-horizon geometries of extremal black holes, Deformations of three-dimensional metrics, Horizon strings and interior states of a black hole, Lorentz-diffeomorphism quasi-local conserved charges and Virasoro algebra in Chern-Simons-like theories of gravity, A note on teleparallel Killing symmetries in three dimensional circularly symmetric static spacetime, Entanglement entropy in three dimensional gravity, Collapse and revival in holographic quenches, Non-equilibrium scalar two point functions in AdS/CFT, One loop partition function of three-dimensional flat gravity, Higher spin extension of cosmological spacetimes in 3D: asymptotically flat behaviour with chemical potentials and thermodynamics, Holographic entropy of warped-\(\mathrm{AdS}_{3}\) black holes, From Lorentz-Chern-Simons to massive gravity in 2+1 dimensions, Strings from 3D gravity: asymptotic dynamics of \(\mathrm{ AdS}_3\) gravity with free boundary conditions, Scrambling time from local perturbations of the eternal BTZ black hole, Hypersymmetry bounds and three-dimensional higher-spin black holes, A rotating hairy \(\mathrm{AdS}_{3}\) black hole with the metric having only one Killing vector field, Noncommutative scalar quasinormal modes and quantization of entropy of a BTZ black hole, Spectral flow and conformal blocks in \(\mathrm{AdS}_{3}\), Killing(-Yano) tensors in string theory, Wiggling throat of extremal black holes, On a canonical quantization of 3D anti de Sitter pure gravity, Complete classification of four-dimensional black hole and membrane solutions in IR-modified Hořava gravity, Scaling symmetry and scalar hairy Lifshitz black holes, Supersymmetric backgrounds and black holes in \( \mathcal{N}=(1,1)\) cosmological new massive supergravity, Conserved charges and black holes in the Einstein-Maxwell theory on \(\mathrm{AdS}_{3}\) reconsidered, Holographic chiral induced W-gravities, Fermionic corrections to fluid dynamics from BTZ black hole, Virasoro conformal blocks and thermality from classical background fields, 1-loop partition function in \(\mathrm{AdS}_3/CFT_{2}\), EXTREMAL BLACK HOLES, HOLOGRAPHY AND COARSE GRAINING, A NEAR HORIZON CFT DUAL FOR KERR–NEWMAN AdS, COMMENTS ON ABSORPTION CROSS-SECTION FOR CHERN–SIMONS BLACK HOLES IN FIVE DIMENSIONS, HOLOGRAPHIC GEOMETRIC ENTROPY AT FINITE TEMPERATURE FROM BLACK HOLES IN GLOBAL ANTI-DE SITTER SPACES, DE SITTER MUSINGS, The averaged null energy conditions in even dimensional curved spacetimes from AdS/CFT duality, Symmetries at null boundaries: two and three dimensional gravity cases, Establishing strongly-coupled 3D AdS quantum gravity with Ising dual using all-genus partition functions, BTZ one-loop determinants via the Selberg zeta function for general spin, The first law of differential entropy and holographic complexity, Gravitational dual of averaged free CFT's over the Narain lattice, Warped flatland, Random boundary geometry and gravity dual of \(T\overline{T}\) deformation, Quantum BTZ black hole, Noncommutative correction to the entropy of BTZ black hole with GUP, Electro-magnetic energy extraction from rotating black holes in AdS, Quantum chaos in topologically massive gravity, Building bulk geometry from the tensor Radon transform, Probing phase transitions of holographic entanglement entropy with fixed area states, Scattering amplitudes and the double copy in topologically massive theories, Sliding surface charges on \(\mathrm{AdS}_3\), Black hole thermodynamics, Consistency between black hole and mimetic gravity -- case of \((2 + 1)\)-dimensional gravity, The Gravitational Equation in Higher Dimensions, Investigations of strong cosmic censorship in 3-dimensional black strings, Finite temperature corrections to black hole quasinormal modes from 2D CFT, On the time dependence of holographic complexity for charged AdS black holes with scalar hair, Violation of bound on chaos for charged probe in Kerr-Newman-AdS black hole, Long strings and quasinormal winding modes, Action-complexity in GMMG and EGMG, Effect of spacetime dimensions on quantum entanglement between two uniformly accelerated atoms, Bounds on gravitational brane couplings and tomography in \(\mathrm{AdS}_3\) black hole microstates, Stringy ER = EPR, Black holes in \(\mathrm{dS}_3\), Cosmologies inside hyperbolic black holes, Weak deflection angle, greybody bound and shadow for charged massive BTZ black hole, Localized scalar structures around static black holes, A Selberg zeta function for warped \(\mathrm{AdS}_3\) black holes, AdS/BCFT from conformal bootstrap: construction of gravity with branes and particles, Complexity equals anything. II., Holographic entanglement entropy in \(T\overline{T}\)-deformed \(\mathrm{AdS}_3\), QUANTUM CREATION OF A TOPOLOGICAL BLACK HOLE, QUANTUM DILATONIC GRAVITY IN d=2,4 AND 5 DIMENSIONS, Aspects of the BMS/CFT correspondence, Quantum fluctuations and the Unruh effect in strongly-coupled conformal field theories, Warped anti-de Sitter spaces from brane intersections in type II string theory, Horizons, constraints, and black hole entropy, Fate of three-dimensional black holes coupled to a scalar field and the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy., STRINGS IN AdS3 AND THE SL(2, R) WZW MODEL, PERTURBATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE TWO-BODY PROBLEM IN (2 + 1)-AdS GRAVITY, (2+1)-AdS GRAVITY ON RIEMANN SURFACES, Unnamed Item, BTZ black hole as a solution of a higher-spin gauge theory in three-dimensional space-time, (Anti-)de Sitter black hole thermodynamics and the generalized uncertainty principle, Static circularly symmetric perfect fluid solutions with an exterior BTZ metric, Relationship between \((2+1)\) and \((3+ 1)\)-Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmologies; linear, non-linear, and polytropic state equations, Kerr-Schild metric in topological massive \((2+1)\) gravity, H-BRANES AND CHIRAL STRINGS, Combing gravitational hair in 2 + 1 dimensions, Flat information geometries in black hole thermodynamics, Quantum gravity: A brief history of ideas and some prospects, Quantum statistic entropy of three-dimensional BTZ black hole, Warp products and (2+1) dimensional spacetimes, Entanglement entropy in a holographic Kondo model, Firewalls as artefacts of inconsistent truncations of quantum geometries, Curvature of multiply warped products, On holographic realization of logarithmic Galilean conformal algebra, Three-dimensional quantum gravity, Chern-Simons theory, and the \(A\)-polynomial, MAPPING HAWKING TEMPERATURE IN THE SPINNING CONSTANT CURVATURE BLACK HOLE SPACES INTO UNRUH TEMPERATURE, SELF-GRAVITATIONAL CORRECTIONS TO THE CARDY–VERLINDE FORMULA OF CHARGED BTZ BLACK HOLE, ON THE CFT DUALS FOR NEAR-EXTREMAL BLACK HOLES, BLACK HOLES AND COLLISION ENERGY IN THE CENTER-OF-MASS FRAME, AREA SPECTRUM OF BTZ BLACK HOLES FROM THE PERIODICITY IN EUCLIDEAN TIME, A note on entropy relations of black hole horizons, HYPERBOLIC TOPOLOGICAL INVARIANTS AND THE BLACK HOLE GEOMETRY, INTEGRABILITY OF THE N-BODY PROBLEM IN (2+1)-AdS GRAVITY, Two Fluids Cosmological Model in (2+1)-Dimensional Saez-Ballester Scalar-Tensor Theory of Gravitation, STRING THEORY ON THREE-DIMENSIONAL BLACK HOLES, NONSTATIC CHARGED BTZ-LIKE BLACK HOLES IN N+1 DIMENSIONS, QUANTIZATION OF CONFORMAL FIELDS IN THREE-DIMENSIONAL ANTI-DE SITTER BLACK HOLE SPACE–TIME, THE STRUCTURE OF ADS BLACK HOLES AND CHERN–SIMONS THEORY IN 2 + 1 DIMENSIONS, Static-fluid black hole and wormhole in three-dimensions, Quantization of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>AdS</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math>Black Holes in External Fields: Semiclassical Results from Pure Gravity, Superradiance of charged black holes in Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet gravity, Charged BTZ-type solutions in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity, (2+1)-dimensional gravity in Weyl integrable spacetime, Stability analysis of circular orbits around a charged BTZ black hole spacetime in a nonlinear electrodynamics model via Lyapunov exponents, Geodesics and bending of light around a BTZ black hole surrounded by quintessential matter, Separable wave equations for gravitoelectromagnetic perturbations of rotating charged black strings, Where are the BTZ black hole degrees of freedom?, Poisson structure of the boundary gravitons in 3D gravity with negative Λ, General Relativity solutions with stealth scalar hair in quadratic higher-order scalar-tensor theories, Adding twist to anisotropic fluids, Curvature singularity of the distributional Bañados, Teitelboim, and Zanelli black hole geometry, Exact Dynamical AdS Black Holes and Wormholes with a Klein-Gordon Field, A CFT DESCRIPTION OF THE BTZ BLACK HOLE: TOPOLOGY VERSUS GEOMETRY (OR THERMODYNAMICS VERSUS STATISTICAL MECHANICS), Quasinormal ringing on the brane, Hamiltonian Analysis of 3-Dimensional Connection Dynamics in Bondi-like Coordinates, Multiply-warped product metrics and reduction of Einstein equations, QUADRATIC GRAVITY IN (2+1)D, Tensor Fields on Self-Dual Warped AdS 3 Background, Rainich conditions in (2 + 1)-dimensional gravity, Lux in obscuro II: photon orbits of extremal AdS black holes revisited, Topological obstructions in Lagrangian field theories, with an application to 3D Chern–Simons gauge theory, Logarithmic corrections to the entropy of scalar field in BTZ black hole spacetime, Smarr formula for BTZ black holes in general three-dimensional gravity models, A family of Finch and Skea relativistic stars, GENERALIZED UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE AND THERMODYNAMIC QUANTITIES OF THE ACHUCARRO–ORTIZ BLACK HOLE, UNIVERSAL NEAR-HORIZON CONFORMAL STRUCTURE AND BLACK HOLE ENTROPY, Global monopole metric in 2 + 1 dimensions, Thin-shell wormholes in (2 + 1)-dimensional Einstein-scalar theory, A COMMENTARY ON RUPPEINER METRICS FOR BLACK HOLES, SPACE-TIME DEFORMATIONS AS EXTENDED CONFORMAL TRANSFORMATIONS, Linear stability of Mandal–Sengupta–Wadia black holes, Unnamed Item, Motion in Quantum Gravity, Symmetry operators and separation of variables in the (2 + 1)-dimensional Dirac equation with external electromagnetic field, Quantum gravity effects on scalar particle tunneling from rotating BTZ black hole, Supertranslations: redundancies of horizon data and global symmetries at null infinity, Charged anti-de Sitter BTZ black holes in Maxwell-f(T) gravity, ON SL(2, ℝ) AND AdS GRAVITY, Electric/magnetic deformations of S3 and AdS3, and geometric cosets, QUANTUM SINGULARITIES IN STATIC SPACETIMES, NAKED SINGULARITIES, TOPOLOGICAL DEFECTS AND BRANE COUPLINGS, THE CENTRAL CHARGE OF THE WARPED AdS3 BLACK HOLE, ON M-THEORY EMBEDDING OF TOPOLOGICALLY MASSIVE GRAVITY, SOLUTIONS OF DEFORMED THREE-DIMENSIONAL GRAVITY, A NOTE ON KERR/CFT AND FREE FIELDS, AN INTEGRABLE MODEL WITH SOLITON SOLUTIONS WHICH HAVE APPLICATIONS TO TWO-DIMENSIONAL GRAVITY, THEOREM TO GENERATE NON-SPHERICAL RADIATING BLACK HOLE SOLUTIONS, BLACK STRING AND VELOCITY FRAME DRAGGING, THE LOVELOCK BLACK HOLES, ON THE TIME TIMES TEMPERATURE BOUND, ENERGY AND MOMENTUM DISTRIBUTIONS OF A (2+1)-DIMENSIONAL BLACK HOLE BACKGROUND, A Zeta Function for the BTZ Black Hole, EXACT RESULTS FOR THE BTZ BLACK HOLE, Spherically symmetric AdS black holes with smeared mass distribution, Black Hole Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, THERMODYNAMICAL PROPERTIES OF TOPOLOGICAL BORN–INFELD-DILATON BLACK HOLES, All solutions of Einstein’s equations in 2+1 dimensions: Λ-vacuum, pure radiation, or gyratons, Tunnelling processes for Hadamard states through a 2+1 dimensional black hole and Hawking radiation, Entanglement amplification from rotating black holes, CONSISTENT BOUNDARY CONDITIONS FOR COSMOLOGICAL TOPOLOGICALLY MASSIVE GRAVITY AT THE CHIRAL POINT, GRAVITATIONAL ANOMALY AND HAWKING RADIATION OF BRANEWORLD BLACK HOLES, A NEAR-NHEK/CFT CORRESPONDENCE, GUP effect on thermodynamical properties of the noncommutative rotating BTZ black hole, Compact objects in pure Lovelock theory, Geometric description of BTZ black hole thermodynamics, HOLOGRAPHIC ENTANGLEMENT ENTROPY AT FINITE TEMPERATURE, ENTROPY OF EXTREMAL WARPED BLACK HOLES, THOUGHTS ON THE AREA THEOREM, BLACK HOLES AND BLACK STRING-LIKE SOLUTIONS IN CODIMENSION-2 BRANEWORLDS, Power law corrections to BTZ black hole entropy, ENERGY DISTRIBUTION OF (2+1)-DIMENSIONAL BLACK HOLES WITH NONLINEAR ELECTRODYNAMICS, CHIRAL BLACK HOLE IN THREE-DIMENSIONAL GRAVITATIONAL CHERN–SIMONS, Stability of a charged rotating BTZ thin shell with a different variable equation of state, Bañados-Teitelboim-Zanelli-Like String on Codimension-2 Braneworlds in the Thin Brane Limit, Holographic Derivation of Entanglement Entropy from the anti–de Sitter Space/Conformal Field Theory Correspondence, Casimir Effect in the Curved Background and the Black Hole in Three Dimensions, Fluid analogs for rotating black holes, A Higgs–Chern–Simons gravity model in 2  +  1 dimensions, Hairy black hole solutions in a three-dimensional Galileon model, String theory formulation of the three-dimensional black hole, Exact Four-Dimensional Dyonic Black Holes and Bertotti-Robinson Spacetimes in String Theory, Supersymmetry of the (2+1)-dimensional black holes, Geometrical Finiteness, Holography, and the Bañados-Teitelboim-Zanelli Black Hole, Black Hole Entropy from Conformal Field Theory in Any Dimension, Embeddings of the Virasoro Algebra and Black Hole Entropy, Gott Time Machines, BTZ Black Hole Formation, and Choptuik Scaling, SCALAR HAIR FOR AN AdS BLACK HOLE, Soft Degrees of Freedom, Gibbons–Hawking Contribution and Entropy from Casimir Effect, Three Partial Differential Equations in Curved Space and their Respective Solutions, Quantum scalar field in D-dimensional static black hole space–times, Inflation in Flatland, Exotic marginally outer trapped surfaces in rotating spacetimes of any dimension, Lectures on Black Holes and the AdS3/CFT2 Correspondence, Regular black holes via the Kerr-Schild construction in DHOST theories, ENERGY DISTRIBUTION IN A BTZ BLACK HOLE SPACETIME, ON THE EXTENSION OF SCALAR GRAVITY TO (2 + 1) DIMENSIONS, TWO-DIMENSIONAL DILATONIC BLACK HOLES AND HAWKING RADIATION, EXTENDED SCALAR GRAVITY TO (2 + 1) DIMENSIONS: CHARGED AND ROTATING SOLUTIONS, CONFORMAL SYMMETRY OF SUPERSTRINGS ON AdS3 × S3 × T4 AND D1/D5 System, Primordial black holes in a dimensionally oxidizing Universe, ENERGY AND MOMENTUM DISTRIBUTIONS OF THE MAGNETIC SOLUTION TO (2+1) EINSTEIN–MAXWELL GRAVITY, ON KALUZA–KLEIN SPACE–TIME IN EINSTEIN–GAUSS–BONNET GRAVITY, Higher-spin fields and charges in the periodic spinor space, Instability of super-entropic black holes in extended thermodynamics, Charged three-dimensions black holes in Weitzenböck geometry, Surface charges toolkit for gravity, Collision of particles near charged MSW black hole in 2 + 1 dimensions, Non-equilibrium Landauer transport model for Hawking radiation from a black hole, All the solutions of the form M2 × WΣd − 2 for Lovelock gravity in vacuum in the Chern-Simons case, CHARGED ROTATING BLACK HOLE FORMATION FROM THIN SHELL COLLAPSE IN THREE DIMENSIONS, Analogue gravity, Dirac quasinormal modes of MSW black holes, SAGNAC EFFECT IN (2+1)-DIMENSIONAL GRAVITATIONAL FIELD, Classical and quantum analysis of 3D electromagnetic pp-wave spacetime, Circularly symmetric solutions of minimal massive gravity at its merger point, Counting the number of Killing vectors in a 3D spacetime, Three dimensional black strings: instabilities and asymptotic charges, Propagation of a scalar field with non-minimal coupling in three dimensions: Hawking radiation and quasinormal modes, Weyl covariant theories of gravity in 3-dimensional Riemann–Cartan–Weyl space-times, De Sitter space and entanglement, Holographic heat engines as quantum heat engines, On asymptotic charges in 3D gravity, (2+1)-dimensional static cyclic symmetric traversable wormhole: quasinormal modes and causality, Studies of boundary entropy in AdS/BCFT, Quantum instability of the Cauchy horizon in Reissner–Nordström–deSitter spacetime, Gravitational anomalies in nAdS2/nCFT1, The Sagnac effect on a scale-dependent rotating BTZ black hole background, BTZ gems inside regular Born–Infeld black holes, Photon trajectories on a first order scale-dependent static BTZ black hole, Higher dimensional charged compact objects in Finch–Skea geometry, Probing pure Lovelock gravity by Nariai and Bertotti-Robinson solutions, Lee-Wald charge and asymptotic behaviors of the Weyl-invariant topologically massive gravity, Gauss–Bonnet–Chern approach to the averaged Universe, Rotating and charged Gauss–Bonnet BTZ black holes, ISCOs in AdS/CFT, Phase transition between flat space cosmology and hot flat spacetimes in GMMG and EGMG models, Compact sources and cosmological horizons in lower dimensional bootstrapped Newtonian gravity, Conformal rigidity from focusing, \((2+1)\)-dimensional charged black hole with (anti-)self dual Maxwell fields, Black holes within asymptotic safety, Static charged fluid in (2 + 1)-dimensions admitting conformal Killing vectors, \((2+1)\)-dimensional black hole with Coulomb-like field, Note on scalar fields non-minimally coupled to \((2+1)\)-gravity, Hydrostatic equilibrium of a perfect fluid sphere with exterior higher-dimensional Schwarzschild spacetime, An instability of hyperbolic space under the Yang-Mills flow, Emission of fermions from BTZ black holes, \(\text{AdS}_3\)/CFT correspondence, Poincaré vacuum state and greybody factors in BTZ black holes, Three-dimensional extreme black hole with self (anti-self) dual Maxwell field, BTZ black holes from the five-dimensional general relativity with a negative cosmological constant, Entropy of black holes in \(D=5\), \(N=2\) supergravity and AdS central charges, Monopole Chern-Simons term: charge-monopole system as a particle with spin., Boundary fluctuations of AdS string., Asymptotic symmetries from finite boxes, Black holes and Boyle's law — The thermodynamics of the cosmological constant, Numerical approaches to spacetime singularities, The Einstein-Vlasov system/kinetic theory, Critical phenomena in gravitational collapse, The Einstein-Vlasov system/kinetic theory, A simple analysis of the mixed-state information metric in AdS3/CFT2, Relativistic quantum motion of spin-0 particles with a Cornell-type potential in (1 + 2)-dimensional Gürses spacetime backgrounds, Dynamics of scalar shell for rotating and charged rotating BTZ black holes, Quantum fields as Cosmic Censors in (2 + 1)-dimensions, Interpolating the Schwarzschild and de Sitter metrics, Embedding into flat spacetime and black hole thermodynamics, Harvesting entanglement from the black hole vacuum, Vacuum polarization on topological black holes, Exact black-hole formation with a conformally coupled scalar field in three dimensions, The Kerr/CFT correspondence and its extensions, Lower-dimensional corpuscular gravity and the end of black hole evaporation, GRAVITATIONAL COLLAPSE OF MASSLESS SCALAR FIELD WITH NEGATIVE COSMOLOGICAL CONSTANT IN (2+1) DIMENSIONS, Rotating thin-shell wormholes with scalar field, Free Energy of Topologically Massive Gravity and Flat Space Holography, Aspects of the BTZ black hole interacting with fields, ON A PETROV-TYPE D HOMOGENEOUS SOLUTION, Accelerating black holes, spin-$\frac32$ fields and C-metric, Curved spacetimes and curved graphene: A status report of the Weyl symmetry approach, Stability of thin-shell wormholes from noncommutative BTZ black hole, Scalar resonances in axially symmetric spacetimes, Universal horizons and black holes in gravitational theories with broken Lorentz symmetry, Geometric creation of quantum vorticity, Three-dimensional slowly rotating black hole in Einstein-power-Maxwell theory, Geometric torsion, four-form, Riemann duals and Quintessence, Quintessence and effective AdS brane geometries, Aspects of three-dimensional higher curvature gravities, The Bañados, Teitelboim, and Zanelli spacetime as an algebraic embedding, Vector boson oscillator in the near-horizon of the BTZ black hole, Analytic approach to the formation of a three-dimensional black string from a dust cloud, Thermodynamics of BTZ black holes in gravity’s rainbow, Charged dilaton black hole in 2 + 1 dimensions as a particle accelerator, Near lightcone thermal conformal correlators and holography, Spinning dilaton black hole in 2 + 1 dimensions as a particle accelerator, Gravity coupled to a scalar field from a Chern-Simons action: describing rotating hairy black holes and solitons with gauge fields, Three-dimensional massive Kiselev AdS black hole and its thermodynamics, From Hurwitz numbers to Feynman diagrams: counting rooted trees in log gravity, Pole-skipping in rotating BTZ black holes, Effects of \((1+2)\)-dimensional circularly symmetric and static traversable wormhole with cosmic string on oscillator field, Quantum information geometry of driven CFTs, Accelerating black holes in \(2 + 1\) dimensions: holography revisited, The black hole/string transition in \(\mathrm{AdS}_3\) and confining backgrounds, Thermodynamics of the three-dimensional black hole with torsion, Entanglement Entropy Evolution under Double‐trace Deformation, Discrete Scale Invariance in Holography Revisited, The Variational Field Equations of Cosmological Topologically Massive Supergravity, Thermodynamic Stability of a New Three Dimensional Regular Black Hole, Charged Accelerating BTZ Black Holes, The thermodynamical properties of dS black holes in Einstein gravity with torsion induced by the spinor, Quasinormal modes from Penrose limits, Hawking temperature of black holes with multiple horizons, Three-dimensional energy-dependent \(C\)-metric: black hole solutions, Dirac pair in magnetized elliptic wormhole, Holographic cameras: an eye for the bulk, Vacuum transitions in two-dimensions and their holographic interpretation, Aspects of holography in conical \(\mathrm{AdS}_3\), Time-dependent strain in graphene, Internal structure of hairy rotating black holes in three dimensions, Boundary correlators and the Schwarzian mode, Crossed products, extended phase spaces and the resolution of entanglement singularities, Thermodynamic geometry of normal (exotic) BTZ black hole regarding to the fluctuation of cosmological constant, Charged black hole solutions with Toroidal horizons in f(R)-gravity surrounded by quintessence and cloud of strings: Effective potential barrier, quasinormal modes, Damped modes for a bosonic quantum oscillator in the near-horizon geometry of the BTZ black hole, Vacuum polarization on three-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time with Robin boundary conditions, Asymptotic dynamics of three dimensional supergravity and higher spin gravity revisited, Quantum Kerr-de Sitter black holes in three dimensions, A proposal for 3d quantum gravity and its bulk factorization, Island formula in Planck brane, More on torus wormholes in 3d gravity, PV criticality of Achucarro–Ortiz black hole in the presence of higher-order quantum and GUP corrections, A note on the admissibility of complex BTZ metrics, The Lamb shift in the BTZ spacetime, The Bañados-Silk-West effect with immovable particles near static black holes and its rotational counterpart, An optical analogue for rotating BTZ black holes, Semiclassical Einstein equations from holography and boundary dynamics, Statistical ensembles and logarithmic corrections to black hole entropy, Fermion-antifermion pair in magnetized optical wormhole background, Extended phase space in general gauge theories, Seeded vacuum decay with Gauss-Bonnet, Exploring accelerating hairy black holes in 2+1 dimensions: the asymptotically locally anti-de Sitter class and its holography, BMS modular covariance and structure constants, \(\mathrm{AdS}_2\) holography and effective QFT, Toward null-state equations in \(d > 2\), Modified Hawking temperatures of black holes in Lorentz violation theory, Extended kinematical 3D gravity theories, Supersymmetric localization of (higher-spin) JT gravity: a bulk perspective, 2+1-dimensional gravitational decoupled anisotropic solutions, Off-shell partition functions in 3d gravity, Stability of Einstein-power-Maxwell \((2+1)\)-dimensional wormholes, Conformal description of horizon's states, Three-dimensional black hole coupled to the Born-Infeld electrodynamics, Dilaton driven Hawking radiation in \(\text{AdS}_2\) black hole, Gauged nonlinear sigma model and boundary diffeomorphism algebra, Equivalence of Chern-Simons gauge theory and WZNW model using a BRST symmetry, Polytropic stars in three-dimensional spacetime, Two-dimensional anti-de Sitter space and discrete light cone quantization, Spinning charged solutions in \(2+1\) dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity, Entropy of extreme three-dimensional charged black holes, Massless versus massive Hawking radiation in \(\text{AdS}_2\) spacetime, Solitons, superpotentials and calibrations., \(\text{AdS}_2/\text{CFT}_1\) correspondence and near-extremal black hole entropy, Holography, degenerate horizons and entropy, Horizon states for AdS black holes, Twisted Kac-Moody algebras and the entropy of AdS\(_3\) black hole, The AdS/CFT correspondence and topological censorship, Quasinormal modes and Choptuik scaling in the near extremal Reissner-Nordström black hole, AdS/CFT in the infinite momentum frame, Superfluid analogies of cosmological phenomena, Quantum creation of BTZ black hole, BTZ black hole from \((3+1)\) gravity, Azimuthal electric field in a static rotationally symmetric \((2+1)\)-dimensional spacetime, Sectors of solutions in three-dimensional gravity and black holes, Entropy function approach to charged BTZ black hole, Quantum tunneling from three-dimensional black holes, Rotating D0-branes and consistent truncations of supergravity, The Kerr/CFT correspondence and its extensions

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