Parameterized Algorithms

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DOI10.1007/978-3-319-21275-3zbMath1334.90001OpenAlexW2914414140WikidataQ56805475 ScholiaQ56805475MaRDI QIDQ5502162

Daniel Lokshtanov, Fedor V. Fomin, Michał Pilipczuk, Łukasz Kowalik, Dániel Marx, Marek Cygan, Marcin Pilipczuk, Saket Saurabh

Publication date: 17 August 2015

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for linear spanners in directed graphs, A relaxation of the directed disjoint paths problem: a global congestion metric helps, Optimal tree decompositions revisited: a simpler linear-time FPT algorithm, The complexity of finding temporal separators under waiting time constraints, Spanning tree constrained determinantal point processes are hard to (approximately) evaluate, Upper and lower degree-constrained graph orientation with minimum penalty, The complexity of dependency detection and discovery in relational databases, Structurally parameterized \(d\)-scattered set, Tournaments and the strong Erdős-Hajnal property, Three notes on scheduling unit-length jobs with precedence constraints to minimize the total completion time, Reflections on kernelizing and computing unrooted agreement forests, The complexity of mixed-connectivity, Incompressibility of \(H\)-free edge modification problems: towards a dichotomy, On the complexity of solution extension of optimization problems, On some FPT problems without polynomial Turing compressions, Univariate ideal membership parameterized by rank, degree, and number of generators, On knot-free vertex deletion: fine-grained parameterized complexity analysis of a deadlock resolution graph problem, Defensive alliances in graphs, Computation and algorithm for the minimum \(k\)-edge-connectivity of graphs, Target set selection parameterized by vertex cover and more, Refined parameterizations for computing colored cuts in edge-colored graphs, Present-biased optimization, \(\mathsf{W[1}\)-hardness of the \(k\)-center problem parameterized by the skeleton dimension], Parameterized complexity of multi-node hubs, Colored cut games, On subgraph complementation to \(H\)-free Graphs, Parameterized complexity of maximum edge colorable subgraph, On the complexity of singly connected vertex deletion, Structural parameterizations of Tracking Paths problem, MUL-tree pruning for consistency and optimal reconciliation -- complexity and 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Simultaneous feedback edge set: a parameterized perspective, A historical note on the 3/2-approximation algorithm for the metric traveling salesman problem, The \(k\)-path coloring problem in graphs of bounded treewidth: an application in integrated circuit manufacturing, Finding a maximum minimal separator: graph classes and fixed-parameter tractability, Fixed-parameter tractability of crossover: steady-state GAs on the closest string problem, Parameterized complexity of fair feedback vertex set problem, Towards a polynomial kernel for directed feedback vertex set, Packing arc-disjoint cycles in tournaments, Computing the largest bond and the maximum connected cut of a graph, Diversity of solutions: an exploration through the lens of fixed-parameter tractability theory, Treewidth-aware reductions of normal \textsc{ASP} to \textsc{SAT} - is normal \textsc{ASP} Harder than \textsc{SAT} after all?, No-idle parallel-machine scheduling of unit-time jobs with a small number of distinct release dates and deadlines, Parameterized complexity of configuration integer programs, Gerrymandering on graphs: computational complexity and parameterized algorithms, Globally minimal defensive alliances, Preprocessing to reduce the search space: antler structures for feedback vertex set, On the parameterized complexity of the connected flow and many visits TSP problem, FPT algorithms to compute the elimination distance to bipartite graphs and more, On subgraph complementation to \(H\)-free graphs, Odd cycle transversal in mixed graphs, Preventing small \(\mathbf{(s,t)} \)-cuts by protecting edges, Can Romeo and Juliet meet? Or rendezvous games with adversaries on graphs, On the parameterized complexity of grid contraction, Discriminantal subset convolution: refining exterior-algebraic methods for parameterized algorithms, The homogeneous broadcast problem in narrow and wide strips. II: Lower bounds, Analyzing read-once cutting plane proofs in Horn systems, Computing the best-case energy complexity of satisfying assignments in monotone circuits, Multiwinner analogues of the plurality rule: axiomatic and algorithmic perspectives, On the computational complexity of the bipartizing matching problem, Further parameterized algorithms for the \(\mathcal{F}\)-free edge deletion problem, \(p\)-edge/vertex-connected vertex cover: parameterized and approximation algorithms, Building large \(k\)-cores from sparse graphs, On the parameterized complexity of the Maximum Exposure Problem, Computing densest \(k\)-subgraph with structural parameters, Solving projected model counting by utilizing treewidth and its limits, Fair and efficient allocation with few agent types, few item types, or small value levels, Parameterized complexity of envy-free resource allocation in social networks, Structural parameters, tight bounds, and approximation for \((k, r)\)-center, Improved kernels for tracking paths, Safe Sets in Graphs: Graph Classes and Structural Parameters, On the (Parameterized) Complexity of Recognizing Well-Covered $$(r,\ell )$$ -graphs, Improved PTAS for the constrained \(k\)-means problem, On the complexity of restoring corrupted colorings, Parameterized complexity of computing maximum minimal blocking and hitting sets, On the optimality of pseudo-polynomial algorithms for integer programming, Twins in Subdivision Drawings of Hypergraphs, On the parameterized complexity of clustering problems for incomplete data, Domination and its variants in split graphs \(-\text{P}\) versus NPC dichotomy, Invited talks, FPT and kernelization algorithms for the induced tree problem, A tight lower bound for edge-disjoint paths on planar DAGs, On 2-clubs in graph-based data clustering: theory and algorithm engineering, A multistage view on 2-satisfiability, Circumventing connectivity for kernelization, Fixed parameterized algorithms for generalized feedback vertex set problems, Constrained hitting set problem with intervals, Allocating indivisible items with minimum dissatisfaction on preference graphs, Parameterized and Exact Algorithms for Class Domination Coloring, A PTAS for the Cluster Editing Problem on Planar Graphs, On Structural Parameterizations of Graph Motif and Chromatic Number, Exact and Parameterized Algorithms for (k, i)-Coloring, Perfectly matched sets in graphs: parameterized and exact computation, A single exponential-time FPT algorithm for cactus contraction, On the exact amount of missing information that makes finding possible winners hard, Parameterised temporal exploration problems, Parameterized complexity of graph planarity with restricted cyclic orders, Bounds on half graph orders in powers of sparse graphs, On computing the Hamiltonian index of graphs, Tight FPT approximation for constrained \(k\)-center and \(k\)-supplier, Preference swaps for the stable matching problem, Grundy Coloring and friends, half-graphs, bicliques, Parameterized study of Steiner tree on unit disk graphs, Solving vertex cover in polynomial time on hyperbolic random graphs, Group activity selection with few agent types, The complexity of routing problems in forbidden-transition graphs and edge-colored graphs, Fair allocation of indivisible items with conflict graphs, On Guarding Orthogonal Polygons with Sliding Cameras, Hitting Forbidden Minors: Approximation and Kernelization, Large Independent Sets in Subquartic Planar Graphs, On the Solvability Problem for Restricted Classes of Word Equations, Finding Cactus Roots in Polynomial Time, On the Complexity of Computing the k-restricted Edge-connectivity of a Graph, Algorithmic Aspects of Upper Domination: A Parameterised Perspective, Parameterized Complexity of Team Formation in Social Networks, A Multivariate Approach for Checking Resiliency in Access Control, Problems on Finite Automata and the Exponential Time Hypothesis, The Mixed Chinese Postman Problem Parameterized by Pathwidth and Treedepth, Destroying Bicolored $P_3$s by Deleting Few Edges, Parameterized Complexity of $$(A,\ell )$$-Path Packing, On the Complexity of Broadcast Domination and Multipacking in Digraphs, A Parameterized Perspective on Attacking and Defending Elections, Parameterized Algorithms for Partial Vertex Covers in Bipartite Graphs, Parameterized Analysis of Art Gallery and Terrain Guarding, On the Parameterized Complexity of the Expected Coverage Problem, On Computing the Hamiltonian Index of Graphs, Kernelization of Arc Disjoint Cycle Packing in $$\alpha $$-Bounded Digraphs, Lower Bounds for Dominating Set in Ball Graphs and for Weighted Dominating Set in Unit-Ball Graphs, As Time Goes By: Reflections on Treewidth for Temporal Graphs, Crossing Paths with Hans Bodlaender: A Personal View on Cross-Composition for Sparsification Lower Bounds, Efficient Graph Minors Theory and Parameterized Algorithms for (Planar) Disjoint Paths, Algorithms for NP-Hard Problems via Rank-Related Parameters of Matrices, A Survey on Spanning Tree Congestion, Computing Tree Decompositions, A Retrospective on (Meta) Kernelization, Synthesis of Pure and Impure Petri Nets with Restricted Place-environments: Complexity Issues, Some Basic Techniques Allowing Petri Net Synthesis: Complexity and Algorithmic Issues, Lower Bounds for the Graph Homomorphism Problem, Maximum Minimal Vertex Cover Parameterized by Vertex Cover, Kernelization of Cycle Packing with Relaxed Disjointness Constraints, On the Fine-Grained Complexity of Rainbow Coloring, Consensus Patterns (Probably) Has no EPTAS, Fast Algorithms for Parameterized Problems with Relaxed Disjointness Constraints, A Randomized Polynomial Kernelization for Vertex Cover with a Smaller Parameter, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Harmonious Coloring: Parameterized Algorithms and Upper Bounds, On Directed Steiner Trees with Multiple Roots, A Faster Parameterized Algorithm for Group Feedback Edge Set, Designing FPT Algorithms for Cut Problems Using Randomized Contractions, Covering Vectors by Spaces: Regular Matroids, Structured Connectivity Augmentation, The complexity of speedrunning video games, On Structural Parameterizations of the Bounded-Degree Vertex Deletion Problem, New Results on Directed Edge Dominating Set, Constant Congestion Routing of Symmetric Demands in Planar Directed Graphs, Small Resolution Proofs for QBF using Dependency Treewidth, Evaluation and Enumeration Problems for Regular Path Queries, Parameterized Single-Exponential Time Polynomial Space Algorithm for Steiner Tree, Approximation and Kernelization for Chordal Vertex Deletion, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Fractals for Kernelization Lower Bounds, Unnamed Item, How Bad is the Freedom to Flood-It?, Algorithmic Aspects of the Maximum Colorful Arborescence Problem, On the Maximum Weight Minimal Separator, FPT Algorithms for FVS Parameterized by Split and Cluster Vertex Deletion Sets and Other Parameters, Parameterized Complexity of Synthesizing b-Bounded (m, n)-T-Systems, Refined Parameterizations for Computing Colored Cuts in Edge-Colored Graphs, The Constant Inapproximability of the Parameterized Dominating Set Problem, How hard is it to satisfy (almost) all roommates, Orthogonal Tree Decompositions of Graphs, Parameterized Intractability of Even Set and Shortest Vector Problem from Gap-ETH, Odd Multiway Cut in Directed Acyclic Graphs, Parameterized Low-Rank Binary Matrix Approximation, Reducing CMSO model checking to highly connected graphs, Computing $k$-Atomicity in Polynomial Time, On Algorithms Employing Treewidth for $L$-bounded Cut Problems, Matrix Rigidity from the Viewpoint of Parameterized Complexity, Dual parameterization of Weighted Coloring, Computing the Chromatic Number Using Graph Decompositions via Matrix Rank, Parameterized Complexity of Independent Set in H-Free Graphs., Multi-Budgeted Directed Cuts, Practical Access to Dynamic Programming on Tree Decompositions, On the Optimality of Pseudo-polynomial Algorithms for Integer Programming, Exploring the Kernelization Borders for Hitting Cycles, On the Complexity of Solving Restricted Word Equations, Parameterized Complexity of the Workflow Satisfiability Problem, Lossy Kernels for Connected Dominating Set on Sparse Graphs, Parameterized Complexity of Conflict-Free Graph Coloring, Finding Detours is Fixed-Parameter Tractable, A Framework for Exponential-Time-Hypothesis--Tight Algorithms and Lower Bounds in Geometric Intersection Graphs, Bidimensionality and Kernels, Empirical Evaluation of Approximation Algorithms for Generalized Graph Coloring and Uniform Quasi-wideness, Finding Hamiltonian Cycle in Graphs of Bounded Treewidth, Kernelization of Graph Hamiltonicity: Proper $H$-Graphs, Kernelization of Whitney Switches, Basic Terminology, Notation and Results, More Applications of the $d$-Neighbor Equivalence: Acyclicity and Connectivity Constraints, Parameterized Approximation Algorithms for Bidirected Steiner Network Problems, Parameterized Algorithms for Queue Layouts, Synchronizing series-parallel deterministic finite automata with loops and related problems, On the complexity of the identifiable subgraph problem, revisited, Acyclicity in edge-colored graphs, Parameterized complexity classes beyond para-NP, Parameterized counting of trees, forests and matroid bases, Parameterized complexity of the MinCCA problem on graphs of bounded decomposability, On approximability of optimization problems related to red/blue-split graphs, A parameterized complexity view on non-preemptively scheduling interval-constrained jobs: few machines, small looseness, and small slack, A linear kernel for finding square roots of almost planar graphs, Polynomial fixed-parameter algorithms: a case study for longest path on interval graphs, A polynomial-time algorithm for outerplanar diameter improvement, Rank-width: algorithmic and structural results, The graph motif problem parameterized by the structure of the input graph, A tight lower bound for vertex planarization on graphs of bounded treewidth, Editing to a connected graph of given degrees, On the complexity of multi-parameterized cluster editing, On kernelization and approximation for the vector connectivity problem, Parameterized and approximation algorithms for the load coloring problem, Quick but odd growth of cacti, Parameterized complexity dichotomy for \((r, \ell)\)-\textsc{Vertex Deletion}, Parameterized complexity of secluded connectivity problems, On the vertex cover \(P_3\) problem parameterized by treewidth, Computing square roots of graphs with low maximum degree, Faster parameterized algorithm for pumpkin vertex deletion set, Improved parameterized algorithms for network query problems, Longest common substring with approximately \(k\) mismatches, New reduction rules for the tree bisection and reconnection distance, On the universal steganography of optimal rate, Parameterized low-rank binary matrix approximation, Reducing the domination number of graphs via edge contractions and vertex deletions, The \textsc{Maximum Colorful Arborescence} problem: how (computationally) hard can it be?, Parameterized \(k\)-clustering: tractability island, Maximum parsimony distance on phylogenetic trees: a linear kernel and constant factor approximation algorithm, Parameterized dynamic cluster editing, On structural parameterizations of the bounded-degree vertex deletion problem, Polynomial treedepth bounds in linear colorings, The minimum tollbooth problem in atomic network congestion games with unsplittable flows, Fixed-parameter tractability for the Tree Assembly problem, The Small Set Vertex expansion problem, Succinct certification of monotone circuits, The envy-free matching problem with pairwise preferences, Waypoint routing on bounded treewidth graphs, On the parameterized complexity of the synthesis of Boolean nets with restricted place environments, Edge-disjoint branchings in temporal digraphs, A short note on graphs with long Thomason chains, Refined notions of parameterized enumeration kernels with applications to matching cut enumeration, Coloring temporal graphs, Time complexity analysis of evolutionary algorithms for 2-hop \((1,2)\)-minimum spanning tree problem, Approximation and hardness of shift-Bribery, The complexity landscape of decompositional parameters for ILP: programs with few global variables and constraints, Kernels for packing and covering problems, A fixed-parameter perspective on \#BIS, Optimal data reduction for graph coloring using low-degree polynomials, Generalized feedback vertex set problems on bounded-treewidth graphs: chordality is the key to single-exponential parameterized algorithms, Routing with congestion in acyclic digraphs, Complete colourings of hypergraphs, On the parameterized complexity of \([1,j\)-domination problems], Complexity of independency and cliquy trees, Partitioning graphs into induced subgraphs, Mim-width. II. The feedback vertex set problem, Alternative parameterizations of \textsc{Metric Dimension}, Improved approximation algorithms for two-stage flowshops scheduling problem, New kernels for several problems on planar graphs, Robustness of approval-based multiwinner voting rules, On the parameterized complexity of party nominations, A new approximate cluster deletion algorithm for diamond-free graphs, On the computational complexity of length- and neighborhood-constrained path problems, On the parameterized tractability of the just-in-time flow-shop scheduling problem, On the parameterized complexity of graph modification to first-order logic properties, Quadratic vertex kernel for rainbow matching, Hitting minors on bounded treewidth graphs. III. Lower bounds, Minimum fill-in: inapproximability and almost tight lower bounds, The directed 2-linkage problem with length constraints, Hitting minors on bounded treewidth graphs. II. Single-exponential algorithms, Subset feedback vertex set on graphs of bounded independent set size, Using decomposition-parameters for QBF: mind the prefix!, A multivariate analysis of the strict terminal connection problem, Faster algorithms for cograph edge modification problems, Stable matchings with covering constraints: a complete computational trichotomy, Consensus strings with small maximum distance and small distance sum, A complexity dichotomy for critical values of the \(b\)-chromatic number of graphs, FPT-algorithm for computing the width of a simplex given by a convex hull, On approximate preprocessing for domination and hitting subgraphs with connected deletion sets, Parameterized dichotomy of choosing committees based on approval votes in the presence of outliers, A multiparametric view on answer set programming, Deleting vertices to graphs of bounded genus, Backdoors to planning, Revisiting connected vertex cover: FPT algorithms and lossy kernels, Parameterised algorithms for deletion to classes of DAGs, Polynomial kernels for vertex cover parameterized by small degree modulators, The parameterized complexity of the minimum shared edges problem, How much does a treedepth modulator help to obtain polynomial kernels beyond sparse graphs?, Minimizing machine assignment costs over \(\Delta\)-approximate solutions of the scheduling problem \(P||C_{\max}\), Inductive \(k\)-independent graphs and \(c\)-colorable subgraphs in scheduling: a review, The parameterized complexity landscape of finding 2-partitions of digraphs, Parameterized resiliency problems, Computing the chromatic number using graph decompositions via matrix rank, Computing the numbers of independent sets and matchings of all sizes for graphs with bounded treewidth, Tractability of König edge deletion problems, On the maximum weight minimal separator, Finding, hitting and packing cycles in subexponential time on unit disk graphs, Bridge-Depth Characterizes which Minor-Closed Structural Parameterizations of Vertex Cover Admit a Polynomial Kernel, Exploiting $c$-Closure in Kernelization Algorithms for Graph Problems, Parameterized Algorithms for Queue Layouts, Computing L(p,1)-Labeling with Combined Parameters, Parameterized Complexity of Geodetic Set, Odd Multiway Cut in Directed Acyclic Graphs, On Treewidth and Stable Marriage: Parameterized Algorithms and Hardness Results (Complete Characterization), Counting Small Induced Subgraphs Satisfying Monotone Properties, A Subexponential Parameterized Algorithm for Directed Subset Traveling Salesman Problem on Planar Graphs, A Fixed-Parameter Tractable Algorithm for Elimination Distance to Bounded Degree Graphs, Sum-of-Products with Default Values: Algorithms and Complexity Results, Parameterized Algorithms for Power-Efficiently Connecting Wireless Sensor Networks: Theory and Experiments, On the fixed-parameter tractability of the partial vertex cover problem with a matching constraint in edge-weighted bipartite graphs, Learning Bayesian Networks Under Sparsity Constraints: A Parameterized Complexity Analysis, Grundy Distinguishes Treewidth from Pathwidth, Adapting the Directed Grid Theorem into an FPT Algorithm, Elimination Distances, Blocking Sets, and Kernels for Vertex Cover, Data Reduction for Maximum Matching on Real-World Graphs, Parameterized (Approximate) Defective Coloring, Finding Cliques in Social Networks: A New Distribution-Free Model, Tight Lower Bounds for the Complexity of Multicoloring, Parameterized Complexity of Safe Set, Graph Motif Problems Parameterized by Dual, Tight Hardness Results for Consensus Problems on Circular Strings and Time Series, The Parameterized Complexity of Motion Planning for Snake-Like Robots, Hitting Minors on Bounded Treewidth Graphs. I. General Upper Bounds, Finer Tight Bounds for Coloring on Clique-Width, Going Far from Degeneracy, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The HOMFLY-PT polynomial is fixed-parameter tractable, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On Geometric Set Cover for Orthants, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, A Relaxation of the Directed Disjoint Paths Problem: A Global Congestion Metric Helps., Computing a Minimum-Cost k-Hop Steiner Tree in Tree-Like Metrics, A deterministic polynomial kernel for odd cycle transversal and vertex multiway cut in planar graphs, Elimination Distance to Bounded Degree on Planar Graphs, How to Secure Matchings Against Edge Failures, Connecting the dots (with minimum crossings), Approximation in (Poly-) Logarithmic Space, On the Parameterized Complexity of [1,j-Domination Problems], Hitting Forbidden Induced Subgraphs on Bounded Treewidth Graphs, Modification to Planarity is Fixed Parameter Tractable, Fine-Grained Complexity Theory (Tutorial), Approximate Counting of k-Paths: Deterministic and in Polynomial Space, Decomposition of Map Graphs with Applications., Cluster Editing in Multi-Layer and Temporal Graphs., Parameterized Dynamic Cluster Editing, Packing Arc-Disjoint Cycles in Tournaments, A complexity dichotomy for critical values of the b-chromatic number of graphs, Algorithmic Applications of Tree-Cut Width, Unnamed Item, Optimal Data Reduction for Graph Coloring Using Low-Degree Polynomials, Subexponential parameterized algorithms for graphs of polynomial growth, Fine-Grained Complexity of Rainbow Coloring and its Variants., Improving TSP Tours Using Dynamic Programming over Tree Decompositions., Communication Complexity of Pairs of Graph Families with Applications, Path-Contractions, Edge Deletions and Connectivity Preservation, Lossy Kernels for Hitting Subgraphs, On the Parameterized Complexity of Contraction to Generalization of Trees., Parameterized Algorithms and Kernels for Rainbow Matching, On the Exact Amount of Missing Information that Makes Finding Possible Winners Hard, On the Complexity of Bounded Context Switching., Computing treewidth on the GPU, The Parameterized Hardness of the k-Center Problem in Transportation Networks, Tight Lower Bounds for List Edge Coloring, An Efficient Fixed-Parameter Algorithm for the 2-Plex Bipartition Problem, Subexponential Parameterized Algorithms for Planar and Apex-Minor-Free Graphs via Low Treewidth Pattern Covering, Paths to Trees and Cacti, Assessing the Computational Complexity of Multi-layer Subgraph Detection, Parameterized Resiliency Problems via Integer Linear Programming, Fine-Grained Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Graph Coloring Problems, On the Exact Complexity of Hamiltonian Cycle and q-Colouring in Disk Graphs, Spotting Trees with Few Leaves, On the pathwidth of hyperbolic 3-manifolds, Dichotomy Results on the Hardness of $H$-free Edge Modification Problems, Structure of Graphs with Locally Restricted Crossings, Hitting Selected (Odd) Cycles, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Treewidth in Non-Ground Answer Set Solving and Alliance Problems in Graphs, Parameterized Algorithms for Book Embedding Problems, Why Is Maximum Clique Often Easy in Practice?, Chordless Cycle Packing Is Fixed-Parameter Tractable, First-Order Model-Checking in Random Graphs and Complex Networks, A Polynomial Kernel for Line Graph Deletion, The Maximum Binary Tree Problem., Exploiting c-Closure in Kernelization Algorithms for Graph Problems, Quadratic vertex kernel for split vertex deletion, Linear Kernels for Edge Deletion Problems to Immersion-Closed Graph Classes, How to Secure Matchings against Edge Failures, Finding Large $H$-Colorable Subgraphs in Hereditary Graph Classes, A Deterministic Polynomial Kernel for Odd Cycle Transversal and Vertex Multiway Cut in Planar Graphs, Self-Verifying Pushdown and Queue Automata, Robustness among multiwinner voting rules, Completing Partial Schedules for Open Shop with Unit Processing Times and Routing, Graph Editing to a Given Degree Sequence, Parameterized Traveling Salesman Problem: Beating the Average, Slightly Superexponential Parameterized Problems, Temporal graph classes: a view through temporal separators, On the relation of strong triadic closure and cluster deletion, Strong triadic closure in cographs and graphs of low maximum degree, On the number of labeled graphs of bounded treewidth, Inserting an edge into a geometric embedding, An improved FPT algorithm for independent feedback vertex set, Ruling out FPT algorithms for weighted coloring on forests, Default logic and bounded treewidth, Inserting an edge into a geometric embedding, Parameterized Complexity of Directed Steiner Tree on Sparse Graphs, NP-completeness results for partitioning a graph into total dominating sets, On the complexity of finding internally vertex-disjoint long directed paths, On cycle transversals and their connected variants in the absence of a small linear forest, Constructing tree decompositions of graphs with bounded gonality, The Parameterized Complexity of Graph Cyclability, Complexity of fall coloring for restricted graph classes, Fixed-parameter tractability of \((n-k)\) list coloring, Your rugby mates don't need to know your colleagues: triadic closure with edge colors, On the complexity of finding large odd induced subgraphs and odd colorings, Parameterized complexity of conflict-free set cover, Minimum reload cost graph factors, Balanced stable marriage: how close is close enough?, The double exponential runtime is tight for 2-stage stochastic ILPs, Fixed parameter approximation scheme for min-max \(k\)-cut, Dynamic programming approach to the generalized minimum Manhattan network problem, Parameterised complexity of model checking and satisfiability in propositional dependence logic, Parameterized complexity of satisfactory partition problem, Graph square roots of small distance from degree one graphs, Backbone coloring of graphs with galaxy backbones, Backbone coloring of graphs with galaxy backbones, Parameterized algorithms for finding highly connected solution, Edge exploration of temporal graphs, Minimum eccentricity shortest path problem with respect to structural parameters, Exploring the gap between treedepth and vertex cover through vertex integrity, Structural parameterizations of budgeted graph coloring, Fast exact algorithms for survivable network design with uniform requirements, Walking through waypoints, Maximum cuts in edge-colored graphs, The Maximum Colorful Arborescence problem parameterized by the structure of its color hierarchy graph, Solving Partition Problems Almost Always Requires Pushing Many Vertices Around, Tight Bounds for Planar Strongly Connected Steiner Subgraph with Fixed Number of Terminals (and Extensions), Packing Cycles Faster Than Erdos--Posa, Rank Vertex Cover as a Natural Problem for Algebraic Compression, Treewidth of display graphs: bounds, brambles and applications, A Tight Kernel for Computing the Tree Bisection and Reconnection Distance between Two Phylogenetic Trees, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Lossy Kernels for Connected Dominating Set on Sparse Graphs, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The Parameterized Complexity of Finding a 2-Sphere in a Simplicial Complex, Kernelization of Whitney Switches, Unnamed Item, Parameterized Approximation Schemes for Steiner Trees with Small Number of Steiner Vertices, Parameterized Pre-Coloring Extension and List Coloring Problems, Fine-Grained Complexity of the Graph Homomorphism Problem for Bounded-Treewidth Graphs, Remarks on k-Clique, k-Independent Set and 2-Contamination in Complementary Prisms, On Covering Segments with Unit Intervals, On Hop-Constrained Steiner Trees in Tree-Like Metrics, Matrices of Optimal Tree-Depth and a Row-Invariant Parameterized Algorithm for Integer Programming, Defective Coloring on Classes of Perfect Graphs, Faster 3-Coloring of Small-Diameter Graphs, Metric Dimension of Bounded Tree-length Graphs, Finding Hamiltonian Cycle in Graphs of Bounded Treewidth: Experimental Evaluation, Disconnected matchings, \(k\)-apices of minor-closed graph classes. I: Bounding the obstructions, Parameterized complexity of perfectly matched sets, On the parameterized complexity of the acyclic matching problem, Kernelization of arc disjoint cycle packing in \(\alpha\)-bounded digraphs, Problems hard for treewidth but easy for stable gonality, Finding \(k\)-secluded trees faster, Parameterized complexity of weighted multicut in trees, Some results on connected vertex separators, Fixed-parameter algorithms for graph constraint logic, On the lossy kernelization for connected treedepth deletion set, Generalized \(k\)-center: distinguishing doubling and highway dimension, A polynomial kernel for 3-leaf power deletion, On the complexity of the cable-trench problem, Parameterized complexity of multicut in weighted trees, Spined categories: generalizing tree-width beyond graphs, Fair allocation algorithms for indivisible items under structured conflict constraints, Independent set under a change constraint from an initial solution, Dynamic coloring on restricted graph classes, Enumeration of minimal tropical connected sets, Parameterizing path partitions, Grouped domination parameterized by vertex cover, twin cover, and beyond, On the parameterized complexity of the structure of lineal topologies (depth-first spanning trees) of finite graphs: the number of leaves, Perfect forests in graphs and their extensions, How hard is safe bribery?, Streaming deletion problems Parameterized by vertex cover, Exploiting Database Management Systems and Treewidth for Counting, Fixed interval scheduling with third‐party machines, Even more effort towards improved bounds and fixed-parameter tractability for multiwinner rules, Hedonic diversity games: a complexity picture with more than two colors, Parameterized algorithms and data reduction for the short secluded st‐path problem, Treelength of series-parallel graphs, Immunization in the threshold model: a parameterized complexity study, Structural parameterization of cluster deletion, Parity permutation pattern matching, Further Exploiting c-Closure for FPT Algorithms and Kernels for Domination Problems, Metric Dimension Parameterized by Feedback Vertex Set and Other Structural Parameters, Polynomial Kernel for Interval Vertex Deletion, A parameterized algorithm for subset feedback vertex set in tournaments, Colouring a dominating set without conflicts: \(q\)-subset square colouring, Parameterized Complexity for Finding a Perfect Phylogeny from Mixed Tumor Samples, (Theta, triangle)‐free and (even hole, K4)‐free graphs—Part 1: Layered wheels, Neighbourhood complexity of graphs of bounded twin-width, First-order Logic with Connectivity Operators, Optimizing concurrency under Scheduling by Edge Reversal, Parameterized complexity of finding a spanning tree with minimum reload cost diameter, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, In)approximability of Maximum Minimal FVS, A Polynomial Kernel for Funnel Arc Deletion Set., Complexity of Scheduling Few Types of Jobs on Related and Unrelated Machines, On the Parameterized Complexity of Clique Elimination Distance, Diverse Pairs of Matchings, Finding Temporal Paths Under Waiting Time Constraints., Parameterized Complexity of Directed Spanner Problems., Parameterized algorithms for the happy set problem, The parameterized complexity of \(s\)-club with triangle and seed constraints, Path cover problems with length cost, Component order connectivity in directed graphs, Conflict free version of covering problems on graphs: classical and parameterized, Parameterized algorithms for module map problems, Enumeration and maximum number of maximal irredundant sets for chordal graphs, Parameterized complexity of graph planarity with restricted cyclic orders, On \(H\)-topological intersection graphs, Imbalance parameterized by twin cover revisited, Independent set reconfiguration parameterized by modular-width, The complexity of tree partitioning, Lower bounds for the happy coloring problems, Vertex deletion on split graphs: beyond 4-hitting set, Fine-grained complexity of safety verification, Subgraph isomorphism on graph classes that exclude a substructure, On rectangle intersection graphs with stab number at most two, Fixed parameter approximation scheme for min-max \(k\)-cut, The double exponential runtime is tight for 2-stage stochastic ILPs, Recognizing \(k\)-clique extendible orderings, Parameterized inapproximability of independent set in \(H\)-free graphs, Edge exploration of temporal graphs, Minimum eccentricity shortest path problem with respect to structural parameters, Non-preemptive tree packing, Exploring the gap between treedepth and vertex cover through vertex integrity, Parameterized complexity of geometric covering problems having conflicts, A polynomial sized kernel for tracking paths problem, Subset feedback vertex set in chordal and split graphs, On the upward book thickness problem: combinatorial and complexity results, Structural parameterizations of budgeted graph coloring, The parameterized complexity of cycle packing: indifference is not an issue, On structural parameterizations of firefighting, Upper dominating set: tight algorithms for pathwidth and sub-exponential approximation, Upper dominating set: tight algorithms for pathwidth and sub-exponential approximation, Disconnected matchings, Parameterized algorithms for finding highly connected solution, On the Parameterized Approximability of Contraction to Classes of Chordal Graphs, Hitting Topological Minor Models in Planar Graphs is Fixed Parameter Tractable, A Faster Exponential Time Algorithm for Bin Packing With a Constant Number of Bins via Additive Combinatorics, Parameterized complexity of path set packing, Recognizing when a preference system is close to admitting a master list, On the parameterized complexity of compact set packing, On the complexity of coloring ‐graphs, Degree sequence optimization in bounded treewidth, Reducing the vertex cover number via edge contractions, Galactic token sliding, Deletion to scattered graph classes. II: Improved FPT algorithms for deletion to pairs of graph classes, Finding \(k\)-secluded trees faster, The complexity landscape of claim-augmented argumentation frameworks, On fair division with binary valuations respecting social networks, Parameterized intractability of defensive alliance problem, On the approximability of path and cycle problems in arc-dependent networks, Essentially tight kernels for (weakly) closed graphs, Equitable scheduling on a single machine, Grouped domination parameterized by vertex cover, twin cover, and beyond, Induced subgraphs and tree decompositions. IV: (Even hole, diamond, pyramid)-free graphs, Structural parameterizations for equitable coloring: complexity, FPT algorithms, and kernelization, Computing dense and sparse subgraphs of weakly closed graphs, Reachability in choice networks, A parameterized approximation algorithm for the multiple allocation \(k\)-hub center, Gehrlein stable committee with multi-modal preferences, Target set selection with maximum activation time, Kernelization for feedback vertex set via elimination distance to a forest, Recognizing when a preference system is close to admitting a master list, Almost optimal query algorithm for hitting set using a subset query, Detours in directed graphs, An Isomorphism-Invariant Distance Function on Propositional Formulas in CNF, Fair division with minimal withheld information in social networks, Hitting Minors on Bounded Treewidth Graphs. IV. An Optimal Algorithm, Fair division with minimal withheld information in social networks, Packing arc-disjoint cycles in oriented graphs, A theoretical and computational analysis of full strong-branching, Parameterized complexity for iterated type partitions and modular-width, Parameterised and fine-grained subgraph counting, modulo 2, On structural parameterizations of star coloring, Algorithms and complexity of strongly stable non-crossing matchings, Structural parameterization of alliance problems, Deletion to scattered graph classes. I: Case of finite number of graph classes, A multivariate complexity analysis of the material consumption scheduling problem, How to find a good explanation for clustering?, Faster algorithms for cycle hitting problems on disk graphs, A parameterized approximation scheme for generalized partial vertex cover, Dominator coloring and CD coloring in almost cluster graphs, Maximum weight t-sparse set problem on vector-weighted graphs, Convex Characters, Algorithms, and Matchings, Induced subgraphs and tree decompositions. II: Toward walls and their line graphs in graphs of bounded degree, Treewidth versus clique number. II: Tree-independence number, Stability, vertex stability, and unfrozenness for special graph classes, Disentangling the computational complexity of network untangling, On the partial vertex cover problem in bipartite graphs -- a parameterized perspective, Deep kernelization for the tree bisection and reconnection (TBR) distance in phylogenetics, FPT algorithms for packing \(k\)-safe spanning rooted sub(di)graphs, CSP beyond tractable constraint languages, Counting Small Induced Subgraphs with Hereditary Properties, Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for the Kneser and Schrijver Problems, An ETH-Tight Exact Algorithm for Euclidean TSP, Grid recognition: classical and parameterized computational perspectives, Allocation of indivisible items with individual preference graphs, Parameterized Counting and Cayley Graph Expanders, A Tight Lower Bound for Edge-Disjoint Paths on Planar DAGs, A survey of parameterized algorithms and the complexity of edge modification, Tight FPT approximation for socially fair clustering, What Is Known About Vertex Cover Kernelization?, Cutting a tree with subgraph complementation is hard, except for some small trees, Weighted connected matchings, List homomorphism: beyond the known boundaries, On the thinness of trees, Computing maximum matchings in temporal graphs, Two generalizations of proper coloring: hardness and approximability, More effort towards multiagent knapsack, Parameterized approaches to orthogonal compaction, Balanced substructures in bicolored graphs, Multi-parameter analysis of finding minors and subgraphs in edge-periodic temporal graphs, Hamiltonian Cycle Parameterized by Treedepth in Single Exponential Time and Polynomial Space, Using a Geometric Lens to Find \(\boldsymbol{k}\)-Disjoint Shortest Paths, Planarizing graphs and their drawings by vertex splitting, Unit read-once refutations for systems of difference constraints, Finding geometric representations of apex graphs is \textsf{NP}-hard, Linear-size formulations for connected planar graph partitioning and political districting, Recognizing map graphs of bounded treewidth, Burn and win, Parameterized algorithms for eccentricity shortest path problem, Priority-based bin packing with subset constraints, Small vertex cover helps in fixed-parameter tractability of graph deletion problems over data streams, Extended MSO model checking via small vertex integrity, On parameterized complexity of binary networked public goods game, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Parameterized complexity of categorical clustering with size constraints, On structural parameterizations of load coloring, Parameterized Complexity of Graph Burning, On the Parameterized Complexity of Maximum Degree Contraction Problem., Parameterized complexity of minimum membership dominating set, From symmetry to asymmetry: generalizing TSP approximations by parametrization, 1-extendability of independent sets, Computing a minimum subset feedback vertex set on chordal graphs parameterized by leafage, Lossy kernelization of same-size clustering, Can Romeo and Juliet meet? Or rendezvous games with adversaries on graphs, Isomorphism Testing Parameterized by Genus and Beyond, The parameterized complexity of guarding almost convex polygons, FPT approximation and subexponential algorithms for covering few or many edges, Space limited linear-time graph algorithms on big data, Space efficient algorithm for solving reachability using tree decomposition and separators, Filling crosswords is very hard, Maximizing Social Welfare in Score-Based Social Distance Games, Constrained hitting set problem with intervals: hardness, FPT and approximation algorithms, An FPT algorithm for node-disjoint subtrees problems parameterized by treewidth, Diverse collections in matroids and graphs, One-sided terrain guarding and chordal graphs, Gorenstein braid cones and crepant resolutions, Offensive alliances in graphs