scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3029581

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zbMath0018.32106MaRDI QIDQ5768532

I. G. Petrovskij, N. Piscounov, A. N. Kolmogorov

Publication date: 1937

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Existence and qualitative properties of travelling waves for an epidemiological model with mutations, Fully discrete finite element approximations of the forced Fisher equation, Travelling wave profiles in some models with nonlinear diffusion, Travelling waves, spreading and extinction for Fisher-KPP propagation driven by a line with fast diffusion, The shape of expansion induced by a line with fast diffusion in Fisher-KPP equations, On uniform decay of the entropy for reaction-diffusion systems, New patterns of travelling waves in the generalized Fisher-Kolmogorov equation, Diffusive and inviscid traveling waves of the Fisher equation and nonuniqueness of wave speed, Asymptotic behaviour of solutions to one-dimensional reaction diffusion cooperative systems involving infinitesimal generators, Habitat fragmentation: simple models for local persistence and the spread of invasive species, Two boundedness and monotonicity preserving methods for a generalized Fisher-KPP equation, Gene drive through a landscape: reaction-diffusion models of population suppression and elimination by a sex ratio distorter, Reproducibility of scratch assays is affected by the initial degree of confluence: experiments, modelling and model selection, Traveling fronts in space-time periodic media, Multilocus selection in subdivided populations. I: Convergence properties for weak or strong migration, Monotonicity and uniqueness of traveling waves for a reaction-diffusion model with a quiescent stage, The Fokker-Planck law of diffusion and pattern formation in heterogeneous environments, Varying the direction of propagation in reaction-diffusion equations in periodic media, Existence of homoclinic solutions for nonlinear second-order problems, A simple path to asymptotics for the frontier of a branching Brownian motion, On the speed of spread for fractional reaction-diffusion equations, Generalized fronts in reaction-diffusion equations with mono-stable nonlinearity, Traveling waves for a nonlocal anisotropic dispersal equation with monostable nonlinearity, Traveling waves in a convolution model with infinite distributed delay and non-monotonicity, The extremal process of branching Brownian motion, Stability of standing waves for monostable reaction-convection equations in a large bounded domain with boundary conditions, 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differential vs. difference, Traveling wave solutions for a diffusive three-species intraguild predation model, Traveling waves for a nonlocal KPP equation and mean-field game models of knowledge diffusion, Existence and non-existence of transition fronts in mixed ignition-monostable media, Exponential stability of the traveling fronts for a viscous Fisher-KPP equation, Asymptotic behaviour of travelling waves for the delayed Fisher-KPP equation, Lattice-free models of cell invasion: discrete simulations and travelling waves, Chemical Front Propagation in Periodic Flows: FKPP versus G, An estimation of level sets for non local KPP equations with delay, Attractors in a density-dependent diffusion-reaction model, The wavelet methods to linear and nonlinear reaction-diffusion model arising in mathematical chemistry, Multidimensional stability of traveling fronts in monostable reaction-diffusion equations with complex perturbations, Classification of the types of instability of vertical flows in geothermal systems, Phase portrait control for 1D monostable and bistable reaction–diffusion equations, Multidimensional transition fronts for Fisher–KPP reactions, Pulsating fronts for nonlocal dispersion and KPP nonlinearity, The spreading front of invasive species in favorable habitat or unfavorable habitat, Waiting times for particles in a branching Brownian motion to reach the rightmost position, A skew symmetry-preserving computational technique for obtaining the positive and the bounded solutions of a time-delayed advection-diffusion-reaction equation, Anomalous spreading in a system of coupled Fisher-KPP equations, On the vol'pert theory of travelling-wave solutions for parabolic systems, Front Propagation and Quasi-Stationary Distributions: Two Faces of the Same Coin, Discontinuous transition in a boundary driven contact process, Singular Traveling Waves and Non-linear Reaction-Diffusion Equations, Imperfect transcritical and pitchfork bifurcations, Multiscale analysis of compartment models with dispersal, A modified exponential method that preserves structural properties of the solutions of the Burgers–Huxley equation, Center manifolds without a phase space, Collapsing heat waves, Mathematical analysis of the optimal habitat configurations for species persistence, Laplace asymptotics for generalized K.P.P. equation, Vector shock soliton and the Hirota bilinear method, A pseudospectral method of solution of Fisher's equation, Evolution of a semilinear parabolic system for migration and selection without dominance, On the principal eigenvalue of elliptic operators in \(\mathbb R^N\) and applications, Brownian first exit from and sojourn over one sided moving boundary and application, Analyse régionale des systèmes distribués, The Existence of Steady Wave Solutions to a Non‐Local Version of the K.P.P. Equation, Spatial dynamics for a model of epidermal wound healing, Stability of traveling wave solutions to delayed evolution equation, Catastrophic transition to instability of evaporation front in a porous medium, On the long-time behaviour of a class of parabolic SPDE's: monotonicity methods and exchange of stability, ON STABLE SOLUTIONS OF BOUNDARY REACTION-DIFFUSION EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS TO NONLOCAL PROBLEMS WITH NEUMANN DATA, A Geometric Approach to Stationary Defect Solutions in One Space Dimension, From Spin Glasses to Branching Brownian Motion—and Back?, Diffusive and nondiffusive population models, Fisher wave fronts for the Lotka-Volterra competition model with diffusion, Vanishing diffusion limits for planar fronts in bistable models with saturation, Transition fronts for inhomogeneous Fisher-KPP reactions and non-local diffusion, Transition fronts for the Fisher-KPP equation, Nagumo's equation, Reduction to a Single Closed Equation for 2-by-2 Reaction-Diffusion Systems of Lotka--Volterra Type, Asymptotic Stability of Critical Pulled Fronts via Resolvent Expansions Near the Essential Spectrum, Spreading speeds as slowest wave speeds for cooperative systems, Unnamed Item, Singular measure traveling waves in an epidemiological model with continuous phenotypes, Pushed travelling waves in an initial-boundary value problem for fisher type equations, Analysis of the periodically fragmented environment model. II: Biological invasions and pulsating travelling fronts, Hybrid PDE solver for data-driven problems and modern branching, Bifurcation and stability for a nonlinear parabolic partial differential equation, Existence of Traveling Wave Solutions for a Model of Tumor Invasion, Special issue: Virtual tissue engineering of cardiac muscle. Proceedings of an EPSRC workshop, Leeds, GB, June 2000, A note on branching Lévy processes, A comparison of homogenization and large deviations, with applications to wavefront propagation, Sharp asymptotics for the multidimensional KPP equation, Discrete-time growth-dispersal models, Effect of stochastic perturbations for front propagation in Kolmogorov Petrovskii Piscunov equations, Travelling waves in an SI endemic model, A structure-preserving computational method in the simulation of the dynamics of cancer growth with radiotherapy, Lattice-free models of directed cell motility, Mesoscopic models in biology, The propagation of travelling waves for stochastic generalized KPP equations. Appendix by J. G. Gaines, Recolonisation by diffusion can generate increasing rates of spread, Gene-culture waves of advance, Travelling waves in a tissue interaction model for skin pattern formation, Gradient estimates for the Fisher-KPP equation on Riemannian manifolds, On the stability of the state 1 in the non-local Fisher-KPP equation in bounded domains, Entire solutions for the classical competitive Lotka-Volterra system with diffusion in the weak competition case, Pulsating fronts for Fisher-KPP systems with mutations as models in evolutionary epidemiology, Existence and nonexistence of traveling waves for a nonlocal monostable equation, Sharp asymptotics for KPP pulsating front speed-up and diffusion enhancement by flows, Homogenization analysis of invasion dynamics in heterogeneous landscapes with differential bias and motility, Modeling biological invasions into periodically fragmented environments, Singular perturbation theory of traveling waves in excitable media (A review), Power series solutions for the KPP equation, New \(Q\)-conditional symmetries and exact solutions of some reaction-diffusion-convection equations arising in mathematical biology, Reaction-diffusion problems in cylinders with no invariance by translation. I: Small perturbations, The asymptotic critical wave speed in a family of scalar reaction-diffusion equations, Global stability of V-shaped traveling fronts in combustion and degenerate monostable equations, Reaction-diffusion problems in cylinders with no invariance by translation. II: Monotone perturbations, Solution of pattern waves for diffusive Fisher-like non-linear equations with adaptive methods, A reaction-diffusion-advection equation with mixed and free boundary conditions, Role of fibroblast migration in collagen fiber formation during fetal and adult dermal wound healing, Wave features of a hyperbolic model for the within-season dynamics of insect pathogens, Spreading speeds for a two-species competition-diffusion system, Solitary wave solution of nonlinear multi-dimensional wave equation by bilinear transformation method, Laminar flame theory and the steady, linear burning of a monopropellant, A proof of anomalous invasion speeds in a system of coupled Fisher-KPP equations, A Hamilton-Jacobi approach for front propagation in kinetic equations, Nonsharp travelling wave fronts in the Fisher equation with degenerate nonlinear diffusion, Interacting particles, the stochastic Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piscounov equation, and duality, Travelling waves for reaction--diffusion equations with time depending nonlinearities, Stefan problem, traveling fronts, and epidemic spread, The Stampacchia maximum principle for stochastic partial differential equations and applications, Numerical computation of an Evans function for travelling waves, Bivariate spline solution of time dependent nonlinear PDE for a population density over irregular domains, An exactly solvable travelling wave equation in the Fisher-KPP class, Clines in the presence of asymmetric migration, Non-sharp travelling waves for a dual porous medium equation, The logistic equation with a diffusionally coupled delay, The asymptotic behavior of solutions of a system of reaction-diffusion equations which models the Belousov-Zhabotinskii chemical reaction, Biological growth and spread modeled by systems of recursions. I: Mathematical theory, Nonlocal anisotropic dispersal with monostable nonlinearity, Travelling waves and finite propagation in a reaction-diffusion equation, Existence and uniqueness of traveling waves for a monostable 2-D lattice dynamical system, The existence and the asymptotic behavior of traveling waves solutions for a strongly nonlinear equation, Dependence of epidemic and population velocities on basic parameters, On the nonlinear dynamics of travelling fronts, Pulsating traveling fronts in space-time periodic media, Biological invasions: Deriving the regions at risk from partial measurements, A Fisher-Kolmogorov equation with finite speed of propagation, Asymptotic behavior for solutions of a one-dimensional parabolic equation with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions, Existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behavior of traveling wave fronts for a vector disease model, L'equazione di J. Nagumo, S. Arimoto e S. Yoshizawa, On two types of moving front in quasilinear diffusion, Spreading speeds and traveling waves for abstract monostable evolution systems, Existence and nonexistence of monotone traveling waves for the delayed Fisher equation, Large deviations of the front in a one-dimensional model of \(X+Y\rightarrow 2X\), On the stability of waves of nonlinear parabolic systems, A boundedness-preserving finite-difference scheme for a damped nonlinear wave equation, Asymptotics of the KPP minimal speed within large drift, Nonlinear diffusion in population genetics, Existence and uniqueness of the solution of a space-time periodic reaction-diffusion equation, Liouville-type results for semilinear elliptic equations in unbounded domains, Asymptotic spreading in heterogeneous diffusive excitable media, Persistence and stability of single-species and prey-predator systems in spatially heterogeneous environments, Front-type solutions of fractional Allen-Cahn equation, Nonlinear diffusion waveshapes generated by possibly finite initial disturbances, Multidimensional nonlinear diffusion arising in population genetics, Perturbation effects in nonlinear eigenvalue problems, Population models with diffusion, strong Allee effect and constant yield harvesting, Tightness for a family of recursion equations, Partial differential equations in the 20th century, Stability of fronts for a KPP-system, II: The critical case, Nonlinear evolution equations with a fractional derivative on a half-line, Pulse-like spatial patterns described by higher-order model equations, Min-max formulas for the speeds of multidimensional progressive waves, Decreasing and fast solutions for a second-order difference equation related to Fisher-Kolmogorov's equation, Min-Max formulae for the speeds of pulsating travelling fronts in periodic excitable media, Global travelling waves in reaction-convection-diffusion equations, Exact integration of reduced Fisher's equation, reduced Blasius equation, and the Lorenz model, Travelling fronts for multidimensional nonlinear transport equations, Convergence to traveling waves in two model systems related to the dynamics of liquid-vapor phase changes, Wavefront propagation for reaction-diffusion systems and backward SDEs, The evolution of nonlinear waves in active media, The ``deterministic simple epidemic unmasked, On the nonlinear diffusion equation of Kolmogorov, Petrovskij, and Piscunov, Location of the travelling wave for the Kolmogorov equation, Qualitative results for solutions of the steady Fisher-KPP equation., The speed of corneal epithelial wound healing, Nonclassical symmetry reductions of nonlinear partial differential equations, Non-local competition slows down front acceleration during dispersal evolution, One-dimensional reaction-diffusion dynamics in spatially bounded domains, Propagation speed for reaction-diffusion equations in general domains, A local domain boundary element method for solving the nonlinear Fisher KPP diffusion-reaction equation, On the modelling of spatially heterogeneous nonlocal diffusion: deciding factors and preferential position of individuals, Traveling wave solutions in a model for tumor invasion with the acid-mediation hypothesis, Reaction-advection random motions in inhomogeneous media, Gradient estimates for weighted \(p\)-Laplacian equations on Riemannian manifolds with a Sobolev inequality and integral Ricci bounds, Multitransition kinks and pulses for fourth order equations with a bistable nonlinearity, Annealed large deviations for diffusions in a random Gaussian shear flow drift., Dynamic properties of a forest fire model, Forced waves of the Fisher-KPP equation in a shifting environment, Existence and non-existence of transition fronts for bistable and ignition reactions, Fisher-KPP with time dependent diffusion is able to model cell-sheet activated and inhibited wound closure, Fujita blow up phenomena and hair trigger effect: the role of dispersal tails, Global stability of travelling fronts for a damped wave equation, The stability of traveling wave solutions for a diffusive competition system of three species, Invasions slow down or collapse in the presence of reactive boundaries, Existence and asymptotics of traveling waves for nonlocal diffusion systems, Sufficient conditions for the preservation of the boundedness in a numerical method for a physical model with transport memory and nonlinear damping, Generalized traveling waves in disordered media: existence, uniqueness, and stability, The genealogy of branching Brownian motion with absorption, Large time monotonicity of solutions of reaction-diffusion equations in \(\mathbb R^N\), Existence and asymptotic of traveling wave fronts for the delayed Volterra-type cooperative system with spatial diffusion, Fisher-KPP equations and applications to a model in medical sciences, Fast propagation for KPP equations with slowly decaying initial conditions, Traveling wave and aggregation in a flux-limited Keller-Segel model, Wave pinning in competition-diffusion models in variable environments, Nonlinear Loewy factorizable algebraic ODEs and Hayman's conjecture, A note on a nonautonomous O.D.E. related to the Fisher equation, Invading wave fronts and their oscillatory wakes are linked by a modulated travelling phase resetting wave, High points of branching Brownian motion and McKean's Martingale in the Bovier-Hartung extremal process, Front propagation and quasi-stationary distributions for one-dimensional Lévy processes, Invasions with density-dependent ecological parameters, The stability of curved fronts in a periodic shear flow, Bifurcation analysis of gene propagation model governed by reaction-diffusion equations, Stability of pyramidal traveling fronts in the degenerate monostable and combustion equations. II., Stochastic homogenization for reaction-diffusion equations, On wavelet fundamental solutions to the heat equation -- heatlets, Monotone wave fronts for \((p, q)\)-Laplacian driven reaction-diffusion equations, Fluctuation effects in metapopulation models: percolation and pandemic threshold, Entire solutions and traveling wave solutions of the Allen-Cahn-Nagumo equation, Hindrances to bistable front propagation: application to \textit{Wolbachia} invasion, The existence of solutions for a free boundary problem modeling the spread of ecosystem engineers, Fast propagation for reaction-diffusion cooperative systems, Two-locus clines on the real line with a step environment, Ecocultural range-expansion scenarios for the replacement or assimilation of Neanderthals by modern humans, A heteroclinic orbit connecting traveling waves pertaining to different nonlinearities, Travelling wavefronts in nonlocal diffusion equations with nonlocal delay effects, A heteroclinic orbit connecting traveling waves pertaining to different nonlinearities in a channel with decreasing cross section, Review of wavelet methods for the solution of reaction-diffusion problems in science and engineering, Entire solution in cylinder-like domains for a bistable reaction-diffusion equation, Stability of semi-trivial wavefronts in reaction-diffusion systems, Stability of the travelling front of a decaying brane, Entire solutions originating from monotone fronts to the Allen-Cahn equation, Invasion fronts on graphs: the Fisher-KPP equation on homogeneous trees and Erdős-Réyni graphs, A two-species weak competition system of reaction-diffusion-advection with double free boundaries, Travelling waves in a wound healing assay., Pulsating waves and entire solutions for a spatially periodic nonlocal dispersal system with a quiescent stage, Existence of traveling waves for the generalized F-KPP equation, Attractor bifurcation for extended Fisher-Kolmogorov equation, Approximate symmetry analysis of a class of perturbed nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations, Freezing and decorated Poisson point processes, Existence and uniqueness of entire solutions for a reaction-diffusion equation, Indirect Allee effect, bistability and chaotic oscillations in a predator--prey discrete model of logistic type, Rescaling limits of the spatial Lambda-Fleming-Viot process with selection, Modeling and analysis of the forced Fisher equation, Positive feedback in the akt/mTOR pathway and its implications for growth signal progression in skeletal muscle cells: an analytical study, Invasions in heterogeneous habitats in the presence of advection, The extremal process of super-Brownian motion, Asymptotic behavior of entire solutions to reaction-diffusion equations in an infinite star graph, Propagation phenomena for a criss-cross infection model with non-diffusive susceptible population in periodic media, The speed of traveling waves in a FKPP-Burgers system, The spreading speed of solutions of the non-local Fisher-KPP equation, Blocking and invasion for reaction-diffusion equations in periodic media, Spatio-temporal games of voluntary vaccination in the absence of the infection: the interplay of local versus non-local information about vaccine adverse events, Mathematical modeling of corneal epithelial wound healing, Singular limit for a reaction-diffusion-ODE system in a Neolithic transition model, Selection in the Saffman-Taylor finger problem and the Taylor-Saffman bubble problem without surface tension, Gradient estimates for a class of semilinear parabolic equations and their applications, Demographic feedbacks can hamper the spatial spread of a gene drive, Design and numerical analysis of a logarithmic scheme for nonlinear fractional diffusion-reaction equations, When fast diffusion and reactive growth both induce accelerating invasions, Long time dynamics for combustion in random media, A reaction-diffusion-advection two-species competition system with a free boundary in heterogeneous environment, Optimal cyclic harvesting of a distributed renewable resource with diffusion, Fisher-KPP equation with small data and the extremal process of branching Brownian motion, Spreading speeds of nonlocal KPP equations in heterogeneous media, Threshold phenomenon and traveling waves for heterogeneous integral equations and epidemic models, Product solutions and asymptotic behavior for age-dependent, dispersing populations, Genealogies in bistable waves, Sharp large time behaviour in \(N\)-dimensional reaction-diffusion equations of bistable type, Analysis of a scheme which preserves the dissipation and positivity of Gibbs' energy for a nonlinear parabolic equation with variable diffusion, On an upper bound for the spreading speed, On the growth of solutions of nonlinear diffusion equation \(u_t=\Delta u +F(u)\), Spatial propagation for a reaction-diffusion SI epidemic model with vertical transmission, Spatial ecology, optimal control and game theoretical fishing problems, Monotone reducing mechanism in delayed population model with degenerate diffusion, Control of reaction-diffusion models in biology and social sciences, Propagation and blocking in a two-patch reaction-diffusion model, The Fisher-KPP problem with doubly nonlinear ``fast diffusion, Convergence to a single wave in the Fisher-KPP equation, Branching Brownian motion with absorption and the all-time minimum of branching Brownian motion with drift, The dynamics of growth-factor-modified immune response to cancer growth: One dimensional models, A diffusive SI model with Allee effect and application to FIV, Existence of additional unstable equilibria for some monostable systems, A Luenberger observer for reaction-diffusion models with front position data, Traveling wave solutions for nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations as dynamical systems problems, Speed-up of combustion fronts in shear flows, Propagation of CaMKII translocation waves in heterogeneous spiny dendrites, Existence of S-shaped type bifurcation curve with dual cusp catastrophe via variational methods, Existence and uniqueness of steady state solutions of a nonlocal diffusive logistic equation, On discontinuous travelling wave solutions for a class of hyperbolic reaction-diffusion models, Spreading sets and one-dimensional symmetry for reaction-diffusion equations, Propagation of KPP equations with advection in one-dimensional almost periodic media and its symmetry, Solving partial fractional differential equations by using the Laguerre wavelet-Adomian method, Stability of traveling wave fronts for a modified vector disease model, New exact solutions for a generalised Burgers-Fisher equation, Bistability induced by generalist natural enemies can reverse pest invasions, Spatial versus non-spatial dynamics for diffusive Lotka-Volterra competing species models, The effect of random dispersal on competitive exclusion - a review, Study on monostable and bistable reaction-diffusion equations by iteration of travelling wave maps, The Fisher-KPP problem with doubly nonlinear diffusion, Convergence to travelling waves in Fisher's population genetics model with a non-Lipschitzian reaction term, Reaction front propagation of actin polymerization in a comb-reaction system, Exponential propagation for fractional reaction-diffusion cooperative systems with fast decaying initial conditions, Mathematical modelling of non-local spore dispersion of wind-borne pathogens causing fungal diseases, Travelling wave behaviour arising in nonlinear diffusion problems posed in tubular domains, Determining the optimal coefficient of the spatially periodic Fisher-KPP equation that minimizes the spreading speed, Quenched invariance principles for the maximal particle in branching random walk in random environment and the parabolic Anderson model, Modeling the invasion of recessive Bt-resistant insects: an impact on transgenic plants, Asymptotic propagations of asymptotical monostable type equations with shifting habitats, On the numerical and structural properties of a logarithmic scheme for diffusion-reaction equations, Existence, multiplicity, shape and attractivity of heterogeneous steady states for bistable reaction-diffusion equations in the plane, Conservation laws, symmetries, and exact solutions of the classical Burgers-Fisher equation in two dimensions, On a positivity-preserving numerical model for a linearized hyperbolic Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovski-Piscounov equation, Bistable reaction equations with doubly nonlinear diffusion, An exponential time differencing method of lines for Burgers-Fisher and coupled Burgers equations, A first-order asymptotic preserving scheme for front propagation in a one-dimensional kinetic reaction-transport equation, Qualitative properties of monostable pulsating fronts: Exponential decay and monotonicity, Evolving gene frequencies in a population with three possible alleles at a locus, Propagation dynamics for monotone evolution systems without spatial translation invariance, Spreading speeds of nonlocal KPP equations in almost periodic media, Catalyst-induced growth with limited catalyst lifespan and competition, Conciliating efficiency and dynamical consistency in the simulation of the effects of proliferation and motility of transforming growth factor \(\beta\) on cancer cells, Invasion of pests resistant to Bt toxins can lead to inherent non-uniqueness in genetically modified Bt-plant dynamics: mathematical modeling, Learning equations from biological data with limited time samples, Global boundedness, hair trigger effect, and pattern formation driven by the parametrization of a nonlocal Fisher-KPP problem, On a population model in discrete periodic habitat. I. Spreading speed and optimal dispersal strategy, Quantitative inequality for the eigenvalue of a Schrödinger operator in the ball, Transition fronts in unbounded domains with multiple branches, Influence of a road on a population in an ecological niche facing climate change, Control under constraints for multi-dimensional reaction-diffusion monostable and bistable equations, Existence of optimal stationary states of exploited populations with diffusion, Stacked invasion waves in a competition-diffusion model with three species, Travelling wave solutions in a negative nonlinear diffusion-reaction model, On the dissipativity of some Caputo time-fractional subdiffusion models in multiple dimensions: theoretical and numerical investigations, Oscillatory states and patterns formation in a two-cell cubic autocatalytic reaction-diffusion model subjected to the Dirichlet conditions, The Bramson delay in a Fisher-KPP equation with log-singular nonlinearity, Asymptotic spreading of interacting species with multiple fronts. II: Exponentially decaying initial data, Travelling waves in the Fisher-KPP equation with nonlinear degenerate or singular diffusion, A study of nonlocal spatially heterogeneous logistic equation with harvesting, An unconditionally stable positivity-preserving scheme for the one-dimensional Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piskunov equation, From invasion to extinction in heterogeneous neural fields, Oscillatory traveling waves of polytropic filtration equation with generalized Fisher-KPP sources, Modulated traveling fronts for a nonlocal Fisher-KPP equation: a dynamical systems approach, Monotone traveling waves for reaction-diffusion equations involving the curvature operator, Exact solutions in front propagation problems with superdiffusion, Numerical treatment of the spherically symmetric solutions of a generalized Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piscounov equation, Transition semi-wave solutions of reaction diffusion equations with free boundaries, Propagation and heterogeneous steady states in a delayed nonlocal R-D equation without spatial translation-invariance, Conditional full stability of positivity-preserving finite difference scheme for diffusion-advection-reaction models, Analytical and numerical solutions to some one-dimensional relativistic heat equations, Accelerated front propagation for monostable equations with nonlocal diffusion: multidimensional case, Propagation in a Fisher-KPP equation with non-local advection, Optimal location of resources maximizing the total population size in logistic models, Accelerating invasions along an environmental gradient, On stability of traveling wave solutions for integro-differential equations related to branching Markov processes, Asymptotic spherical shapes in some spectral optimization problems, On the stability and convergence of an implicit logarithmic scheme for diffusion equations with nonlinear reaction, Effective particle methods for Fisher-Kolmogorov equations: theory and applications to brain tumor dynamics, Liouville type result and long time behavior for Fisher-KPP equation with sign-changing and decaying potentials, Asymptotic spreading of interacting species with multiple fronts. I: A geometric optics approach, Propagation of solutions of the porous medium equation with reaction and their travelling wave behaviour, Logarithmic corrections in Fisher-KPP type porous medium equations, Spreading speeds for multidimensional reaction-diffusion systems of the prey -- predator type, Large deviations for level sets of a branching Brownian motion and Gaussian free fields, Semi-wave solutions of KPP-Fisher equations with free boundaries in spatially almost periodic media, Nonlocal dispersal cooperative systems: acceleration propagation among species, Ray expansions and identification questions for Navier-Stockes equations, Diffusive logistic equation with constant yield harvesting and negative density dependent emigration on the boundary, Gene-culture shock waves, Spatial dynamics for lattice differential equations with a shifting habitat, Travelling wave solutions of the reaction-diffusion mathematical model of glioblastoma growth: an Abel equation based approach, Assessing the ability of the 2D Fisher-KPP equation to model cell-sheet wound closure, Propagation in a kinetic reaction-transport equation: travelling waves and accelerating fronts, Wave speeds for the FKPP equation with enhancements of the reaction function, The effect of competition on the neutral intraspecific diversity of invasive species, Spatial point processes and moment dynamics in the life sciences: a parsimonious derivation and some extensions, On extreme events for non-spatial and spatial branching Brownian motions, Yaglom-type limit theorems for branching Brownian motion with absorption, A note on control of one-dimensional heterogeneous reaction-diffusion equations, Invariance principle for the maximal position process of branching Brownian motion in random environment, Branching Brownian motion in a periodic environment and existence of pulsating traveling waves, Constrained control of gene-flow models, Singular integral equations with applications to travelling waves for doubly nonlinear diffusion, Large‐scale asymptotics of velocity‐jump processes and nonlocal Hamilton–Jacobi equations, Stochastic solutions and singular partial differential equations, Convergence in relative error for the porous medium equation in a tube, Discontinuous Galerkin methods for Fisher-Kolmogorov equation with application to \(\alpha\)-synuclein spreading in Parkinson's disease, Propagation phenomena in periodic patchy landscapes with interface conditions, Clusters in the critical branching Brownian motion, The distance between the two BBM leaders, Asymptotic Spreading for General Heterogeneous Fisher-KPP Type Equations, A limit theorem of a pulse-like wave form for a Markov process, Construction of branching Markov processes with age and sign, Mathematical Modeling of Cell Collective Motion Triggered by Self-Generated Gradients, Spatially inhomogeneous population dynamics: beyond the mean field approximation, The asymptotic speed of reaction fronts in active reaction–diffusion systems, Modeling Spatial Waves of Wolbachia Invasion for Controlling Mosquito-Borne Diseases, Analysis of spreading speeds for monotone semiflows with an application to CNNs, Invasion fronts and adaptive dynamics in a model for the growth of cell populations with heterogeneous mobility, Center manifolds without a phase space for quasilinear problems in elasticity, biology, and hydrodynamics, Haar wavelet iteration method for solving time fractional Fisher's equation, Unnamed Item, Populations facing a nonlinear environmental gradient: Steady states and pulsating fronts, A probabilistic treatment of semi-linear parabolic equations, On branching semi-groups, I, Optimisation of the total population size for logistic diffusive equations: bang-bang property and fragmentation rate, Diameters of the level sets for reaction-diffusion equations in nonperiodic slowly varying media, Existence of multi-dimensional pulsating fronts for KPP equations: a new formulation approach, Global dynamics of evolution systems with asymptotic annihilation, The velocity diagram for traveling waves, Spectral instability of small-amplitude periodic waves for hyperbolic non-Fickian diffusion advection models with logistic source, EXACT SOLUTIONS OF HYPERBOLIC REACTION-DIFFUSION EQUATIONS IN TWO DIMENSIONS, Spreading properties for non-autonomous Fisher-KPP equations with non-local diffusion, Qualitative analysis of certain reaction-diffusion systems of the FitzHugh-Nagumo type, The speed of invasion in an advancing population, The logarithmic Bramson correction for Fisher-KPP equations on the lattice ℤ, Ahead of the Fisher–KPP front, Pushed-to-pulled front transitions: continuation, speed scalings, and hidden monotonicty, On the fast spreading scenario, Universal selection of pulled fronts, Agent-based and continuum models for spatial dynamics of infection by oncolytic viruses, Homogenization for space-time-dependent KPP reaction-diffusion equations and G-equations, Quantitative steepness, semi-FKPP reactions, and pushmi-pullyu fronts, Optimal estimates on the propagation of reactions with fractional diffusion, Incompressible Limit of a Porous Media Equation with Bistable and Monostable Reaction Term, Propagation dynamics of two-species competition models in a periodic discrete habitat, On stabilization of solutions of second-order semilinear parabolic equations on closed manifolds, Unnamed Item, Voting models and semilinear parabolic equations, Analysis of travelling waves and propagating supports for a nonlinear model of flame propagation with a p-Laplacian operator and advection, Propagation phenomena with nonlocal diffusion in presence of an obstacle, Traveling Waves in Degenerate Diffusion Equations, Forced waves of saturation type for Fisher-KPP equation in a shifting environment, Existence of an extinction wave in the Fisher equation with a shifting habitat, Propagation properties in a multi-species SIR reaction-diffusion system, On a difference scheme for the growth-propagation equation, The stochastic Fisher-KPP equation with seed bank and on/off branching coalescing Brownian motion, Natural selection in spatially structured populations, Branching stable processes and motion by mean curvature flow, Looking forwards and backwards: dynamics and genealogies of locally regulated populations, Traveling waves for a Fisher-type reaction–diffusion equation with a flux in divergence form, Acceleration of propagation in a chemotaxis‐growth system with slowly decaying initial data, Propagation dynamics for a class of integro-difference equations in a shifting environment, A return-to-home model with commuting people and workers, Large deviations and the emergence of a logarithmic delay in a nonlocal linearised Fisher-KPP equation, The trichotomy of solutions and the description of threshold solutions for periodic parabolic equations in cylinders, Unconditionally stable Monte Carlo simulation for solving the multi-dimensional Allen-Cahn equation, One Limit Theorem for Branching Random Walks, Orbital instability of periodic waves for scalar viscous balance laws, Propagation dynamics of degenerate monostable equations in space-time periodic media, Branching Brownian motion in a periodic environment and uniqueness of pulsating traveling waves, Heteroclinic traveling fronts for reaction-convection-diffusion equations with a saturating diffusive term, Propagating Terraces and the Dynamics of Front-Like Solutions of Reaction-Diffusion Equations on ℝ, Unnamed Item, A Fragmentation Phenomenon for a Nonenergetic Optimal Control Problem: Optimization of the Total Population Size in Logistic Diffusive Models, On the fragmentation phenomenon in the population optimization problem, On the crest factor for dissipative partial differential equations, The behavior of solutions of the equation of Kolmogorov-Petrovsky- Piskunov, The behavior of solutions of the equation of Kolmogorov-Petrovsky- Piskunov, Precise asymptotics for Fisher–KPP fronts, Branching random motions, nonlinear hyperbolic systems and travellind waves, Speeds of invasion in a model with strong or weak Allee effects, On the FKPP equation with Gaussian shear advection, F-KPP Scaling limit and selection principle for a Brunet-Derrida type particle system, Global existence for a free boundary problem of Fisher–KPP type, Growth, decay and bifurcation of shock amplitudes under the type-II flux law, Existence and stability of traveling fronts in the extended Fisher-Kolmogorov equation., Pulsating fronts for bistable on average reaction-diffusion equations in a time periodic environment, A statistical-reaction-diffusion approach for analyzing expansion processes, Transition between extinction and blow-up in a generalized Fisher-KPP model, Long-range dispersal, stochasticity and the broken accelerating wave of advance, Spreading in kinetic reaction–transport equations in higher velocity dimensions, On spatial-temporal dynamics of a Fisher-KPP equation with a shifting environment, Certain Aspects of Problems with Non Homogeneous Reactions, Spreading speeds of KPP-type lattice systems in heterogeneous media, Generalized principal eigenvalues for heterogeneous road–field systems, Analysis of Propagation for Impulsive Reaction-Diffusion Models, Компактные и монотонные разностные схемы для параболических уравнений, Refined long-time asymptotics for Fisher–KPP fronts, Tightness for the minimal displacement of branching random walk, Existence and spectral instability of bounded spatially periodic traveling waves for scalar viscous balance laws, Unnamed Item, Interplay of nonlinear diffusion, initial tails and Allee effect on the speed of invasions, Propagation acceleration in reaction diffusion equations with anomalous diffusions, Exact asymptotic behavior of pulsating traveling waves for a periodic monostable lattice dynamical system, Delayed blow-up by transport noise, BOUNDS ON THE CRITICAL TIMES FOR THE GENERAL FISHER–KPP EQUATION, Equivalence of mean-field avalanches and branching diffusions: from the Brownian force model to the super-Brownian motion