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From MaRDI portal

zbMath1015.90077MaRDI QIDQ3151174

Dimitri P. Bertsekas

Publication date: 22 October 2002

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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grid stack, Low order-value optimization and applications, A scalable FETI-DP algorithm for a semi-coercive variational inequality, Subgradient methods for saddle-point problems, On solvability of convex noncoercive quadratic programming problems, Cost minimization of a multiple section power cable supplying several remote telecom equipment, Rank adaptive tensor recovery based model reduction for partial differential equations with high-dimensional random inputs, Solving large-scale reactive optimal power flow problems by a primal-dual \(\mathrm{M}^2\mathrm{BF}\) approach, Two-sided space-time \(L^1\) polynomial approximation of hypographs within polynomial optimal control, Support vector machine classification with indefinite kernels, Sparse polynomial chaos expansions using variational relevance vector machines, An active-set algorithmic framework for non-convex optimization problems over the simplex, On the resolution of misspecified convex optimization and monotone variational 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algorithm for risk minimization, An accelerated coordinate gradient descent algorithm for non-separable composite optimization, A dynamic alternating direction of multipliers for nonconvex minimization with nonlinear functional equality constraints, Multi-stream \((Q,r)\) model and optimization for data prefetching, Douglas-Rachford splitting and ADMM for nonconvex optimization: accelerated and Newton-type linesearch algorithms, An optimization model and method for supply chain equilibrium management problem, A geometric proximal gradient method for sparse least squares regression with probabilistic simplex constraint, A frequency-domain analysis of inexact gradient methods, Estimation and computations for Gaussian mixtures with uniform noise under separation constraints, Non-convex low-rank representation combined with rank-one matrix sum for subspace clustering, Comparison of active-set and gradient projection-based algorithms for box-constrained quadratic programming, Certifying the 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II: Algorithms and experiments, An alternating nonmonotone projected Barzilai-Borwein algorithm of nonnegative factorization of big matrices, Large-scale dynamic system optimization using dual decomposition method with approximate dynamic programming, Using gradient directions to get global convergence of Newton-type methods, Differential equation method based on approximate augmented Lagrangian for nonlinear programming, Estrogen receptor expression on breast cancer patients' survival under shape-restricted Cox regression model, Optimality conditions for maximizing a function over a polyhedron, Efficient formulations for pricing under attraction demand models, Nonnegative rank factorization -- a heuristic approach via rank reduction, Incrementally updated gradient methods for constrained and regularized optimization, An inexact and nonmonotone proximal method for smooth unconstrained minimization, Conditional gradient Tikhonov method for a convex optimization problem in image 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steelmaking-continuous casting process based on the Lagrangian heuristic algorithm, Nonlinear reduced-order observer-based predictive control for diving of an autonomous underwater vehicle, Nonconvex and nonsmooth optimization with generalized orthogonality constraints: an approximate augmented Lagrangian method, A nonlinear programming model with implicit variables for packing ellipsoids, An approximate bundle method for solving nonsmooth equilibrium problems, Solving the maximum clique problem with symmetric rank-one non-negative matrix approximation, When does OMP achieve exact recovery with continuous dictionaries?, Graph Fourier transform based on \(\ell_1\) norm variation minimization, The modified accelerated Bregman method for regularized basis pursuit problem, How to solve a design centering problem, An alternating maximization method for approximating the hump of the matrix exponential, Model uncertainty, recalibration, and the emergence of delta-vega hedging, Optimality conditions for nonlinear semidefinite programming via squared slack variables, Enhanced Fritz John stationarity, new constraint qualifications and local error bound for mathematical programs with vanishing constraints, Stochastic dual dynamic integer programming, A parallelizable augmented Lagrangian method applied to large-scale non-convex-constrained optimization problems, Alternating direction method of multipliers for nonconvex fused regression problems, Proximal gradient methods for multiobjective optimization and their applications, A strong Lagrangian relaxation for general discrete-choice network revenue management, PAL-Hom method for QP and an application to LP, Spectral analysis of the preconditioned system for the \(3 \times 3\) block saddle point problem, Stepsize domain confirmation and optimum of zead formula for future optimization, Augmented Lagrangian method with alternating constraints for nonlinear optimization problems, An unexpected connection between Bayes \(A\)-optimal designs and the group Lasso, M-eigenvalue inclusion intervals for a fourth-order partially symmetric tensor, A sequential quadratic Hamiltonian method for solving parabolic optimal control problems with discontinuous cost functionals, A second-order convergence augmented Lagrangian method using non-quadratic penalty functions, Blessing of massive scale: spatial graphical model estimation with a total cardinality constraint approach, Enhanced proximal DC algorithms with extrapolation for a class of structured nonsmooth DC minimization, Distributed nonconvex constrained optimization over time-varying digraphs, Two-stage time-optimal formation reconfiguration strategy, MM algorithms for geometric and signomial programming, On the mixed even-spin Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model with ferromagnetic interaction, A boundary integral formulation for particle trajectories in Stokes waves, Calibrating nonconvex penalized regression in ultra-high dimension, Outlier detection and robust covariance estimation using mathematical programming, Qualitative properties of \(\alpha\)-fair policies in bandwidth-sharing networks, A scenario decomposition algorithm for 0-1 stochastic programs, Iteration complexity of randomized block-coordinate descent methods for minimizing a composite function, A spatially continuous max-flow and min-cut framework for binary labeling problems, Constraint-softening in model predictive control with off-line-optimized admissible sets for systems with additive and multiplicative disturbances, D-optimal design of a monitoring network for parameter estimation of distributed systems, An optimal algorithm for a class of equality constrained quadratic programming problems with bounded spectrum, Self-concordant functions for optimization on smooth manifolds, Optimal control of two-stage discrete event systems with real-time constraints, Pathwise coordinate optimization, Breast tumor susceptibility to chemotherapy via support vector machines, An improved gradient projection-based decomposition technique for support vector machines, Nonmonotone projected gradient methods based on barrier and Euclidean distances, Box-constrained minimization reformulations of complementarity problems in second-order cones, A geometric framework for nonconvex optimization duality using augmented Lagrangian functions, An approximate subgradient algorithm for unconstrained nonsmooth, nonconvex optimization, Basis function adaptation in temporal difference reinforcement learning, Bregman distances, totally convex functions, and a method for solving operator equations in Banach spaces, Robust game theory, Fast linear iterations for distributed averaging, Non-negative matrix factorization under equality constraints -- a study of industrial source identification, Blended coarse gradient descent for full quantization of deep neural networks, Conical regularization for multi-objective optimization problems, Optimal multivariate Gaussian fitting with applications to PSF modeling in two-photon microscopy imaging, Mixture augmented Lagrange multiplier method for tensor recovery and its applications, On linear convergence of non-Euclidean gradient methods without strong convexity and Lipschitz gradient continuity, A nonlinear state marginal price vector model for the task of business valuation. A case study: the dimensioning of IT-service companies under nonlinear synergy effects, Quantile regression approach to conditional mode estimation, Distributed coordination for nonsmooth convex optimization via saddle-point dynamics, Derivative free methodologies for circuit worst case analysis, Optimization problems involving group sparsity terms, Rapid, robust, and reliable blind deconvolution via nonconvex optimization, The use of bigrams to enhance text categorization, An unconstrained smooth minimization reformulation of the second-order cone complementarity problem, Proximal iterative Gaussian smoothing algorithm for a class of nonsmooth convex minimization problems, On the convergence properties of non-Euclidean extragradient methods for variational inequalities with generalized monotone operators, Derivative-free methods for mixed-integer constrained optimization problems, A family of multi-path congestion control algorithms with global stability and delay robustness, Recursive algorithms for parameter estimation with adaptive quantizer, Eigenvalue conditions for induced subgraphs, A flexible inexact-restoration method for constrained optimization, A globally convergent incremental Newton method, An artificial fish swarm algorithm based hyperbolic augmented Lagrangian method, Splitting methods with variable metric for Kurdyka-Łojasiewicz functions and general convergence rates, Large-scale unit commitment under uncertainty, Algorithmically generated rodent hepatic vascular trees in arbitrary detail, SymNMF: nonnegative low-rank approximation of a similarity matrix for graph clustering, A modified Newton projection method for \(\ell _1\)-regularized least squares image deblurring, An efficient optimization procedure for designing a capacitated distribution network with price-sensitive demand, Strict convex regularizations, proximal points and augmented lagrangians, A Linearly Convergent Algorithm for Solving a Class of Nonconvex/Affine Feasibility Problems, The Cyclic Block Conditional Gradient Method for Convex Optimization Problems, Dual Techniques for Scheduling on a Machine with Varying Speed, The boundedness of penalty parameters in an augmented Lagrangian method with constrained subproblems, Successive Rank-One Approximations for Nearly Orthogonally Decomposable Symmetric Tensors, MAGMA: Multilevel Accelerated Gradient Mirror Descent Algorithm for Large-Scale Convex Composite Minimization, Convergence, stability and robustness analysis of the OFEX controller for high-speed networks, Descent Methods for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, Distributed Block Coordinate Descent for Minimizing Partially Separable Functions, An Augmented Lagrangian Method for $\ell_{1}$-Regularized Optimization Problems with Orthogonality Constraints, Reduction of a Minimization Problem of a Separable Convex Function Under Linear Constraints to a Fixed Point Problem, A Cone-Continuity Constraint Qualification and Algorithmic Consequences, Rank-1 Tensor Properties with Applications to a Class of Tensor Optimization Problems, An Efficient Algorithm for Video Superresolution Based on a Sequential Model, Optimizing Image Quality, Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for Semi-Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, On the Stabilizing Properties of Energy-Momentum Integrators and Coordinate Projections for Constrained Mechanical Systems, A Projected Gradient and Constraint Linearization Method for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Sparsest representations and approximations of an underdetermined linear system, Globally Solving the Trust Region Subproblem Using Simple First-Order Methods, New convergence results for the inexact variable metric forward-backward method, Model structure selection for switched NARX system identification: a randomized approach, Cluster-based distributed augmented Lagrangian algorithm for a class of constrained convex optimization problems, Distributed constraint-coupled optimization via primal decomposition over random time-varying graphs, On consistency of the monotone NPMLE of survival function under the mixed case interval-censored model with left truncation, Design of biased random walks on a graph with application to collaborative recommendation, Block Stochastic Gradient Iteration for Convex and Nonconvex Optimization, On constraint qualifications for second-order optimality conditions depending on a single Lagrange multiplier, Dynamic marketing policies with rating-sensitive consumers: a mean-field games approach, Existence and Approximation for Variational Problems Under Uniform Constraints on the Gradient by Power Penalty, On convexification for a class of global optimization problems, Optimal non-asymptotic analysis of the Ruppert-Polyak averaging stochastic algorithm, Dynamic optimization of state-dependent switched systems with free switching sequences, Ubiquitous algorithms in convex optimization generate self-contracted sequences, Novel Algorithm for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization, An exact penalty approach for optimization with nonnegative orthogonality constraints, Convergence rates analysis of a multiobjective proximal gradient method, Stochastic first-order methods for convex and nonconvex functional constrained optimization, On High-order Model Regularization for Constrained Optimization, Pattern search in the presence of degenerate linear constraints, Optimal capital allocation for individual risk model using a mean-variance principle, Linearized proximal algorithms with adaptive stepsizes for convex composite optimization with applications, Proximal Mapping for Symmetric Penalty and Sparsity, An abstract convergence framework with application to inertial inexact forward-backward methods, Inexact gradient projection method with relative error tolerance, A subgradient method with non-monotone line search, On global convergence of alternating least squares for tensor approximation, A two-level distributed algorithm for nonconvex constrained optimization, A smoothing proximal gradient algorithm with extrapolation for the relaxation of \({\ell_0}\) regularization problem, A complementarity model for a supply chain network equilibrium problem with electronic commerce, Noncausal Optimal Tracking of Linear Switched Systems, Sequential constant rank constraint qualifications for nonlinear semidefinite programming with algorithmic applications, Optimal Planning of Distributed Generation via Nonlinear Optimization and Genetic Algorithms, A general solution method for moral hazard problems, Oracle Inequalities for Local and Global Empirical Risk Minimizers, Value Function Calculus and Applications, Recent Advances in Stochastic Riemannian Optimization, A three-field augmented Lagrangian formulation of unilateral contact problems with cohesive forces, Sequential Convex Programming for the Efficient Verification of Parametric MDPs, 3/4-Discrete Optimal Transport, Nonparametric Imputation by Data Depth, Global Optimization in Practice:State of the Art and Perspectives, Risk-Constrained Reinforcement Learning with Percentile Risk Criteria, Efficient Learning with a Family of Nonconvex Regularizers by Redistributing Nonconvexity, A Computationally Efficient Method for Nonparametric Modeling of Neural Spiking Activity with Point Processes, Proportionally fair flow control mechanism for best effort traffic in network-on-chip architectures, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Robust Control of Smart Material-based Actuators, Convergence of the linearized Bregman iteration for ℓ₁-norm minimization, Configuring A Sensor Network for Fault Detection in Distributed Parameter Systems, An analytical fuzzy-based approach to -gain optimal control of input-affine nonlinear systems using Newton-type algorithm, Optimal Kullback–Leibler approximation of Markov chains via nuclear norm regularisation, Deniable Functional Encryption, Variable Metric Inexact Line-Search-Based Methods for Nonsmooth Optimization, Block Coordinate Descent Methods for Semidefinite Programming, An Augmented Lagrangian Based Algorithm for Distributed NonConvex Optimization, Bounded Matrix Low Rank Approximation, Computational Methods for Solving Nonconvex Block-Separable Constrained Quadratic Problems, On Convergence Rates of Linearized Proximal Algorithms for Convex Composite Optimization with Applications, Low-Rank Spectral Optimization via Gauge Duality, Modular proximal optimization for multidimensional total-variation regularization, Derivative-free nonlinear optimization filter simplex, A projected gradient method for optimization over density matrices, A Feasible Active Set Method with Reoptimization for Convex Quadratic Mixed-Integer Programming, Projection onto a Polyhedron that Exploits Sparsity, An Alternating Semiproximal Method for Nonconvex Regularized Structured Total Least Squares Problems, Efficient algorithm for locating and sizing series compensation devices in large power transmission grids: I. Model implementation, A Block Successive Upper-Bound Minimization Method of Multipliers for Linearly Constrained Convex Optimization, Variance Regularization in Sequential Bayesian Optimization, Resource Allocation in Communication Networks with Large Number of Users: The Dual Stochastic Gradient Method, A symmetric rank-one quasi-Newton line-search method using negative curvature directions, Concave programming for finding sparse solutions to problems with convex constraints, Convergence Analysis of Approximate Primal Solutions in Dual First-Order Methods, Graphs and Algorithms in Communication Networks on Seven League Boots, Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Their Applications in Bankruptcy Prognosis, The convex and monotone functions associated with second-order cone, A non-monotonic method for large-scale non-negative least squares, On high-order model regularization for multiobjective optimization, Lifting the Convex Conjugate in Lagrangian Relaxations: A Tractable Approach for Continuous Markov Random Fields, Sparse Approximations with Interior Point Methods, Subgradient method with feasible inexact projections for constrained convex optimization problems, Revisiting Landscape Analysis in Deep Neural Networks: Eliminating Decreasing Paths to Infinity, On the Complexity Analysis of the Primal Solutions for the Accelerated Randomized Dual Coordinate Ascent, A Comprehensive Approach for Camera/LIDAR Frame Alignment, A Columnwise Update Algorithm for Sparse Stochastic Matrix Factorization, A Closest Benders Cut Selection Scheme for Accelerating the Benders Decomposition Algorithm, An Optimal Control Framework for Online Job Scheduling with General Cost Functions, Route-reduction-based dynamic programming for large-scale satellite range scheduling problem, An Algorithm for Maximizing a Convex Function Based on Its Minimum, A Pseudo-Likelihood Approach to Linear Regression With Partially Shuffled Data, Unnamed Item, Error bound conditions and convergence of optimization methods on smooth and proximally smooth manifolds, Finite Convergence of Sum-of-Squares Hierarchies for the Stability Number of a Graph, A new nonlocal low-rank regularization method with applications to magnetic resonance image denoising, DYNAMIC OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEMS IN HAMILTONIAN AND LAGRANGIAN SYSTEMS, Efficient projection onto the intersection of a half-space and a box-like set and its generalized Jacobian, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Beetle swarm optimization algorithm: Theory and application, Modeling Defender-Attacker Problems as Robust Linear Programs with Mixed-Integer Uncertainty Sets, Accelerated Stochastic Algorithms for Convex-Concave Saddle-Point Problems, First- and second-order optimality conditions in optimistic bilevel set-valued programming, First-Order Methods for Problems with $O$(1) Functional Constraints Can Have Almost the Same Convergence Rate as for Unconstrained Problems, Simple and Optimal Methods for Stochastic Variational Inequalities, I: Operator Extrapolation, Solution uniqueness of convex piecewise affine functions based optimization with applications to constrained 1 minimization, Multiunit Facility Location Games, A General Regularized Continuous Formulation for the Maximum Clique Problem, Optimality Conditions for Minimizers at Infinity in Polynomial Programming, A Subgradient-Based Approach for Finding the Maximum Feasible Subsystem with Respect to a Set, Spectral Properties of Barzilai--Borwein Rules in Solving Singly Linearly Constrained Optimization Problems Subject to Lower and Upper Bounds, An Inverse-Adjusted Best Response Algorithm for Nash Equilibria, MultiComposite Nonconvex Optimization for Training Deep Neural Networks, A Proximal Alternating Direction Method of Multiplier for Linearly Constrained Nonconvex Minimization, A Privacy-Preserving Method to Optimize Distributed Resource Allocation, Active Set Complexity of the Away-Step Frank--Wolfe Algorithm, A Trust Region Method for Finding Second-Order Stationarity in Linearly Constrained Nonconvex Optimization, Adaptive fitness landscape for replicator systems: to maximize or not to maximize, Optimization-Based Calibration of Simulation Input Models, Static Routing in Stochastic Scheduling: Performance Guarantees and Asymptotic Optimality, POD-Based Mixed-Integer Optimal Control of Evolution Systems, S<i>l</i><sub>1</sub>QP Based Algorithm with Trust Region Technique for Solving Nonlinear Second-Order Cone Programming Problems, Portfolio Optimization with Nonparametric Value at Risk: A Block Coordinate Descent Method, Networked Parallel Algorithms for Robust Convex Optimization via the Scenario Approach, TEMPORAL SHAPING OF SIMULATED TIME SERIES WITH CYCLICAL SAMPLE PATHS, Globally Solving Nonconvex Quadratic Programs via Linear Integer Programming Techniques, Universal Regularization Methods: Varying the Power, the Smoothness and the Accuracy, A Sequential Optimality Condition Related to the Quasi-normality Constraint Qualification and Its Algorithmic Consequences, Allee optimal control of a system in ecology, A sharp augmented Lagrangian-based method in constrained non-convex optimization, Mathematical programs with vanishing constraints: constraint qualifications, their applications, and a new regularization method, Whitney differentiability of optimal-value functions for bound-constrained convex programming problems, The Analysis of Alternating Minimization Method for Double Sparsity Constrained Optimization Problem, On stability of solutions to parametric generalized affine variational inequalities, Inexact primal–dual gradient projection methods for nonlinear optimization on convex set, On Regularization and Active-set Methods with Complexity for Constrained Optimization, A Priori Error Estimates for Space-Time Finite Element Discretization of Parabolic Time-Optimal Control Problems, Multi-Instance Dimensionality Reduction via Sparsity and Orthogonality, Optimality Conditions and Constraint Qualifications for Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems and Their Practical Implications, Unnamed Item, A projected gradient dynamical system modelling the dynamics of bargaining, Unnamed Item, Taylor Approximation for Chance Constrained Optimization Problems Governed by Partial Differential Equations with High-Dimensional Random Parameters, A unified approach for topology optimization with local stress constraints considering various failure criteria: von Mises, Drucker–Prager, Tresca, Mohr–Coulomb, Bresler– Pister and Willam–Warnke, Locally adaptive activation functions with slope recovery for deep and physics-informed neural networks, Unnamed Item, An Optimal Scanning Sensor Activation Policy for Parameter Estimation of Distributed Systems, Unnamed Item, Inertial Variable Metric Techniques for the Inexact Forward--Backward Algorithm, Total Variation Regularization Strategies in Full-Waveform Inversion, A Two-Phase Gradient Method for Quadratic Programming Problems with a Single Linear Constraint and Bounds on the Variables, A forward–backward penalty scheme with inertial effects for monotone inclusions. Applications to convex bilevel programming, Generalized Sinkhorn Iterations for Regularizing Inverse Problems Using Optimal Mass Transport, First- and Second-Order Methods for Online Convolutional Dictionary Learning, Towards price-based predictive control of a small-scale electricity network, A design technique for fast sampled-data nonlinear model predictive control with convergence and stability results, Nesterov perturbations and projection methods applied to IMRT, A Smoothing Active Set Method for Linearly Constrained Non-Lipschitz Nonconvex Optimization, On the Convergence to Stationary Points of Deterministic and Randomized Feasible Descent Directions Methods, Analysis of the gradient method with an Armijo–Wolfe line search on a class of non-smooth convex functions, Informational Braess’ Paradox: The Effect of Information on Traffic Congestion, Monotonicity of Optimal Contracts Without the First-Order Approach, Robust Analysis in Stochastic Simulation: Computation and Performance Guarantees, MIN-MAX SOLUTIONS FOR PARAMETRIC CONTINUOUS STATIC GAME UNDER ROUGHNESS (PARAMETERS IN THE COST FUNCTION AND FEASIBLE REGION IS A ROUGH SET), Unnamed Item, Multiplicative Updates for NMF with $\beta$-Divergences under Disjoint Equality Constraints, Efficient and Convergent Preconditioned ADMM for the Potts Models, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Weak subgradient method for solving nonsmooth nonconvex optimization problems, A WAVELET BASED ALTERNATIVE ITERATION METHOD FOR THE ORIENTATION REFINEMENT OF CRYO-ELECTRON MICROSCOPY 3D RECONSTRUCTION, Infeasibility and Error Bound Imply Finite Convergence of Alternating Projections, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Initialization and Curing Policies for Pólya Contagion Networks, Data-driven optimal control of switched linear autonomous systems, Control analysis and design via randomised coordinate polynomial minimisation, Dynamic online convex optimization with long-term constraints via virtual queue, Combining penalty‐based and Gauss–Seidel methods for solving stochastic mixed‐integer problems, A modulus iteration method for non-negatively constrained TV image restoration, Augmented Lagrangian tracking for distributed optimization with equality and inequality coupling constraints, Optimal control‐decision strategy for wireless networked control systems with structural variation and packet dropout, Linearized Douglas-Rachford method for variational inequalities with Lipschitz mappings, Estimating pollution spread in water networks as a Schrödinger bridge problem with partial information, Sparse Laplacian shrinkage for nonparametric transformation survival model, A unified analysis of convex and non-convex \(\ell_p\)-ball projection problems, Convergence of Gradient-Based Block Coordinate Descent Algorithms for Nonorthogonal Joint Approximate Diagonalization of Matrices, Accelerated sparse recovery via gradient descent with nonlinear conjugate gradient momentum, A dual active set method for \(\ell1\)-regularized problem, Inertial projected gradient method for large-scale topology optimization, A new Lagrangian-based first-order method for nonconvex constrained optimization, Latency vs precision: stability preserving perception scheduling, Optimal decision strategy for discrete-time Markovian jump linear systems, Accelerated smoothing hard thresholding algorithms for \(\ell_0\) regularized nonsmooth convex regression problem, Duality and sensitivity analysis of multistage linear stochastic programs, A Fenchel dual gradient method enabling regularization for nonsmooth distributed optimization over time-varying networks, Training very large scale nonlinear SVMs using alternating direction method of multipliers coupled with the hierarchically semi-separable kernel approximations, A large neighborhood search-based matheuristic for the load-dependent electric vehicle routing problem with time windows, A Newton-CG Based Augmented Lagrangian Method for Finding a Second-Order Stationary Point of Nonconvex Equality Constrained Optimization with Complexity Guarantees, Approximation hierarchies for copositive cone over symmetric cone and their comparison, Haar-like wavelets on hierarchical trees, A neurodynamic algorithm for sparse signal reconstruction with finite-time convergence, Robust self‐triggered control for nonlinear cyber‐physical systems with state constraints under DoS attacks, Shifted inverse power method for computing the smallest M-eigenvalue of a fourth-order partially symmetric tensor, Symbolic homogenization and structure optimization for a periodically perforated cylindrical shell, An integrated design method for active fault diagnosis and control, Equilibrium modeling and solution approaches inspired by nonconvex bilevel programming, A fast inertial primal-dual algorithm to composite optimization models with application to image restoration problems, Iteration-Complexity of First-Order Augmented Lagrangian Methods for Convex Conic Programming, On the fulfillment of the complementary approximate Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions and algorithmic applications, A block triangular preconditioner for a class of three-by-three block saddle point problems, Adaptive constraint satisfaction for Markov decision process congestion games: application to transportation networks, Controller design on a new 2DOF PID structure for different processes having integrating nature for both the step and ramp type of signals, An inexact projected gradient method with rounding and lifting by nonlinear programming for solving rank-one semidefinite relaxation of polynomial optimization, A proximal trust-region method for nonsmooth optimization with inexact function and gradient evaluations, A DCA-Newton method for quartic minimization over the sphere, A rigorous deterministic global optimization approach for the derivation of secondary information in digital maps, Random Coordinate Descent Methods for Nonseparable Composite Optimization, Chilled sampling for uncertainty quantification: a motivation from a meteorological inverse problem *, Mean‐standard deviation model for minimum cost flow problem, Learning shared and non-redundant label-specific features for partial multi-label classification, An inexact primal-dual smoothing framework for large-scale non-bilinear saddle point problems, Deviance matrix factorization, A study of progressive hedging for stochastic integer programming, Estimates of the size of the domain of the implicit function theorem: a mapping degree-based approach, On the behaviour of the underrelaxed Hildreth's row-action method for computing projections onto Polyhedra, Analysis of a variable metric block coordinate method under proximal errors, Reexamining low rank matrix factorization for trace norm regularization, MONOTONICITY FOR MULTIOBJECTIVE ACCELERATED PROXIMAL GRADIENT METHODS, Digital model of natural cores using geometric design, Non-diagonal critical central sections of the cube, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Sequential profile Lasso for ultra-high-dimensional partially linear models, Neural blind deconvolution with Poisson data, On the Behavior of the Risk of a LASSO-Type Estimator, Active-set algorithm-based statistical inference for shape-restricted generalized additive Cox regression models, A Global Convergence Analysis for Computing a Symmetric Low-Rank Orthogonal Approximation, Randomized Shortest-Path Problems: Two Related Models, Mobile Sensor Routing for Parameter Estimation of Distributed Systems Using the Parallel Tunneling Method, An Extension of the Projected Gradient Method to a Banach Space Setting with Application in Structural Topology Optimization, Interpolation of Functions with Parameter Dependent Jumps by Transformed Snapshots, Linear convergence of an alternating polar decomposition method for low rank orthogonal tensor approximations, Difference-of-Convex Learning: Directional Stationarity, Optimality, and Sparsity, Bilevel Polynomial Programs and Semidefinite Relaxation Methods, Circumcentric directions of cones, On the effective Putinar's Positivstellensatz and moment approximation, Second-order enhanced optimality conditions and constraint qualifications, Portfolio construction as linearly constrained separable optimization, An accelerated proximal gradient method for multiobjective optimization, A trust-region LP-Newton method for constrained nonsmooth equations under Hölder metric subregularity, ALADIN‐—An open‐source MATLAB toolbox for distributed non‐convex optimization, Convergence analysis of AdaBound with relaxed bound functions for non-convex optimization, Stochastic momentum methods for non-convex learning without bounded assumptions, Generalized Nash equilibrium problem over a fuzzy strategy set, Robust practical output regulation of rational nonlinear systems via numerical approximations to the regulator equations, A Weaker Sufficient Condition for the Chaoticity of Extended Perturbation-Based Updating System for Global Optimization, Vanishing Price of Decentralization in Large Coordinative Nonconvex Optimization, Incremental Majorization-Minimization Optimization with Application to Large-Scale Machine Learning, A limited memory BFGS method for a nonlinear inverse problem in digital breast tomosynthesis, A Multilevel Proximal Gradient Algorithm for a Class of Composite Optimization Problems, Faster convergence of a randomized coordinate descent method for linearly constrained optimization problems, Spike-Based Probabilistic Inference in Analog Graphical Models Using Interspike-Interval Coding, A pattern search and implicit filtering algorithm for solving linearly constrained minimization problems with noisy objective functions, Foundations of Support Constraint Machines, Support Vector Algorithms for Optimizing the Partial Area under the ROC Curve, Gradient projection methods for the $n$-coupling problem, Continuous adaptive control with zero hysteresis constant and no chatter, Consensus and Information Cascades in Game-Theoretic Imitation Dynamics with Static and Dynamic Network Topologies, Alternating Proximal Regularized Dictionary Learning, Performance of Some Approximate Subgradient Methods over Nonlinearly Constrained Networks, A First Order Method for Solving Convex Bilevel Optimization Problems, A Simple Parallel Algorithm with an $O(1/t)$ Convergence Rate for General Convex Programs, Least squares estimation techniques for position tracking of radioactive sources, Nonlinear optimization and support vector machines, Nonlinear optimization and support vector machines, Group descent algorithms for nonconvex penalized linear and logistic regression models with grouped predictors, Constrained Stress Majorization Using Diagonally Scaled Gradient Projection, Inscribed ball and enclosing box methods for the convex maximization problem, Bounded perturbation resilience of projected scaled gradient methods, Every Local Minimum Value Is the Global Minimum Value of Induced Model in Nonconvex Machine Learning, Safe Triplet Screening for Distance Metric Learning, Adaptive sequential machine learning, Risk-Averse Models in Bilevel Stochastic Linear Programming, Strict Constraint Qualifications and Sequential Optimality Conditions for Constrained Optimization, Optimality Conditions for Problems over Symmetric Cones and a Simple Augmented Lagrangian Method, Polytope Conditioning and Linear Convergence of the Frank–Wolfe Algorithm, On the Nonergodic Convergence Rate of an Inexact Augmented Lagrangian Framework for Composite Convex Programming, Greedy approximate projection for magnetic resonance fingerprinting with partial volumes, Optimization limits in improving system reliability, Abstract convergence theorem for quasi-convex optimization problems with applications, A Computational Framework for Multivariate Convex Regression and Its Variants, BinaryRelax: A Relaxation Approach for Training Deep Neural Networks with Quantized Weights, Solving inverse problems using data-driven models, Duality for Optimization Problems with Infinite Sums, First-order Methods for the Impatient: Support Identification in Finite Time with Convergent Frank--Wolfe Variants, Stochastic (Approximate) Proximal Point Methods: Convergence, Optimality, and Adaptivity, On Lipschitz-Like Property for Polyhedral Moving Sets, Variational Image Regularization with Euler's Elastica Using a Discrete Gradient Scheme, Convergence Rate of Incremental Gradient and Incremental Newton Methods, Strict Complementarity in Semidefinite Optimization with Elliptopes Including the MaxCut SDP, An Iterative Rank Penalty Method for Nonconvex Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programs, A unified neurofuzzy model for classification, Fair resource allocation and stability for communication networks with multipath routing, Computing non-negative tensor factorizations, Approximate Optimal Order Batch Sizes in a Parallel aisle Warehouse, An Accelerated Linearized Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers, The Supporting Halfspace--Quadratic Programming Strategy for the Dual of the Best Approximation Problem, Kalman-Based Stochastic Gradient Method with Stop Condition and Insensitivity to Conditioning, Robust Accelerated Gradient Methods for Smooth Strongly Convex Functions, A Scaled Gradient Projection Method for Bayesian Learning in Dynamical Systems, A Superlinearly Convergent Smoothing Newton Continuation Algorithm for Variational Inequalities over Definable Sets, Tractable minor-free generalization of planar zero-field Ising models, A Riemannian Newton Algorithm for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems, A Regularized Affine-Scaling Trust-Region Method for Parametric Imaging of Dynamic PET Data, A fast method for simultaneous reconstruction and segmentation in X-ray CT application, Portfolio selection in non-stationary markets, Convergence of quasi-Newton methods for solving constrained generalized equations, Continuum Model and Numerical Method for Dislocation Structure and Energy of Grain Boundaries, B-Subdifferentials of the Projection onto the Generalized Simplex, An AO-ADMM Approach to Constraining PARAFAC2 on All Modes, On Optimality Conditions for Nonlinear Conic Programming, Penalty and Augmented Lagrangian Methods for Constrained DC Programming, Asymptotically Optimal Sequential Design for Rank Aggregation, On the Convergence Rate of Incremental Aggregated Gradient Algorithms, A Global Dual Error Bound and Its Application to the Analysis of Linearly Constrained Nonconvex Optimization, Nonregular mixed-constrained optimization problems, Hölderian Error Bounds and Kurdyka-Łojasiewicz Inequality for the Trust Region Subproblem, On second-order optimality conditions in nonlinear optimization, Globally convergent homotopy algorithm for solving the KKT systems to the principal-agent bilevel programming, Model Development and Optimization for Space Engineering: Concepts, Tools, Applications, and Perspectives, Practical Direct Collocation Methods for Computational Optimal Control, LSOS: Line-search second-order stochastic optimization methods for nonconvex finite sums