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zbMath1115.92047MaRDI QIDQ5486447

Martin A. Nowak

Publication date: 6 September 2006

92D15: Problems related to evolution

05C90: Applications of graph theory

91A80: Applications of game theory

91A22: Evolutionary games

92-01: Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to biology

Related Items

From discrete to continuous evolution models: a unifying approach to drift-diffusion and replicator dynamics, Mutation-selection equilibrium in games with mixed strategies, Role of memory effect in the evolution of cooperation based on spatial prisoner's dilemma game, Martingales and the fixation probability of high-dimensional evolutionary graphs, Sequential interactions -- in which one player plays first and another responds -- promote cooperation in evolutionary-dynamical simulations of single-shot prisoner's dilemma and snowdrift games, Existence and computation of solutions to the initial value problem for the replicator equation of evolutionary game defined by the Dixit-Stiglitz-Krugman model in an urban setting: concentration of workers motivated by disparity in real wages, Control of cell fraction and population recovery during tissue regeneration in stem cell lineages, Cooperation in public goods games: stay, but not for too long, The impact of initial cooperation fraction on the evolutionary fate in a spatial Prisoner's dilemma game, Robustness of linkage strategy that leads to large-scale cooperation, Exploiting fast-variables to understand population dynamics and evolution, Risk and interaction aversion: screening mechanisms in the prisoner's dilemma game, On arbitrarily long periodic orbits of evolutionary games on graphs, Strong bounds for evolution in networks, A golden point rule in rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock game, Geometry of `standoffs' in lattice models of the spatial prisoner's dilemma and snowdrift games, Cautious strategy update promotes cooperation in spatial prisoner's dilemma game, Cycle frequency in standard rock-paper-scissors games: evidence from experimental economics, Heterogeneous preference selection promotes cooperation in spatial prisoners' dilemma game, On the stochastic evolution of finite populations, Evolution of cooperation in the spatial public goods game with adaptive reputation assortment, Moran-type bounds for the fixation probability in a frequency-dependent Wright-Fisher model, Historical payoff promotes cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma game, Coevolution of game strategy and link weight promotes cooperation in structured population, Coveting the successful neighbor promotes the cooperation for the spatial public goods game on two-layered lattices, Evolutionary dynamics and the evolution of multiplayer cooperation in a subdivided population, Fitness potentials and qualitative properties of the Wright-Fisher dynamics, Spatial evolutionary dynamics produce a negative cooperation-population size relationship, Evolution of cooperation in rotating indivisible goods game, Stochastic dynamics in the fitness-based process which can be on behalf of the standard Moran, local and Wright-Fisher processes, Evolutionary game dynamics of the Wright-Fisher process with different selection intensities, Natural selection and veridical perceptions, Cooperation in two-person evolutionary games with complex 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I. The nondiagonalizable metadynamics of prediction, Biodiversity in the cyclic competition system of three species according to the emergence of mutant species, A non-local rare mutations model for quasispecies and prisoner's dilemma: Numerical assessment of qualitative behaviour, Effect of information transmission on cooperative behavior, A Stochastic Model of Language Change Through Social Structure and Prediction-Driven Instability, Evolutionary Dynamics of Collective Action, Non-Archimedean replicator dynamics and Eigen’s paradox, A Hierarchical Probability Model of Colon Cancer, EVOLUTIONARY STRATEGY DYNAMICS FOR TAG-BASED COOPERATION AND DEFECTION IN THE SPATIAL AND ASPATIAL SNOWDRIFT GAME, HETEROGENEOUS LINK WEIGHT PROMOTES THE COOPERATION IN SPATIAL PRISONER'S DILEMMA, Traffic, crowds, and dynamics of self-organized particles: New trends and challenges, Unnamed Item, Enhancement of cooperation by giving high-degree neighbors more help, Reactive learning strategies for iterated games, A Stochastic Model of Active Cyber Defense Dynamics, Effect of memory, intolerance, and second-order reputation on cooperation, From particles to firms: on the kinetic theory of climbing up evolutionary landscapes, Co-evolution of strategies and update rules in the prisoner's dilemma game on complex networks, Selection pressure transforms the nature of social dilemmas in adaptive networks, Evolutionary Game Theory, Evolutionary games on graphs and discrete dynamical systems, Dynamic Selection Systems and Replicator Equations, Toward a mathematical theory of Keller–Segel models of pattern formation in biological tissues, Mathematical models of self-propelled particles, Euler-type equations and commutators in singular and hyperbolic limits of kinetic Cucker–Smale models, Emerging Behavioral Consensus of Evolutionary Dynamics on Complex Networks, Dynamics of Information and Optimal Control of Mutation in Evolutionary Systems, WKB theory of large deviations in stochastic populations, Critical population and error threshold on the sharp peak landscape for a Moran model, Limit Cycles Sparked by Mutation in the Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma, Unnamed Item, Nonlinear Deterministic Equations in Biological Evolution, Formal properties of the probability of fixation: identities, inequalities and approximations, Competition of tolerant strategies in the spatial public goods game, Taxis-driven Formation of Singular Hotspots in a May--Nowak Type Model for Virus Infection, Reputation preferences resolve social dilemmas in spatial multigames, Quasi-stationary states of game-driven systems: A dynamical approach, Cooperation, competition, organization: The dynamics of interacting living populations, Toward a mathematical theory of behavioral-social dynamics for pedestrian crowds, Evolutionary dynamics on small-order graphs, Evolutionary Selection of Socially Sensitive Preferences in Random Matching Environments, Fuzzy Genome Sequence Assembly for Single and Environmental Genomes, From a systems theory of sociology to modeling the onset and evolution of criminality, Spatial Moran models. II: Cancer initiation in spatially structured tissue, Population dynamics under selection and mutation: long-time behavior for differential equations in measure spaces, Understanding microbial cooperation, Prosperity is associated with instability in dynamical networks, Dark matters: exploitation as cooperation, Multigame effect in finite populations induces strategy linkage between two games, On the evolution of coarse categories, HIV evolution and progression of the infection to AIDS, Modes of migration and multilevel selection in evolutionary multiplayer games, Game theoretic treatments for the differentiation of functional roles in the transition to multicellularity, Evolutionary dynamics of a smoothed war of attrition game, The institution as a blunt instrument: cooperation through imperfect observability, Lumping evolutionary game dynamics on networks, Bio-inspired feedback-circuit implementation of discrete, free energy optimizing, winner-take-all computations, Strategizing 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Incorporating the information from direct and indirect neighbors into fitness evaluation enhances the cooperation in the social dilemmas, Mutual punishment promotes cooperation in the spatial public goods game, Evolutionary stability in continuous nonlinear public goods games, Considering individual satisfaction levels enhances cooperation in a spatial prisoner's dilemma game, Correlated asynchronous behavior updating with a mixed strategy system in spatial prisoner's dilemma games enhances cooperation, Adding population structure to models of language evolution by iterated learning, Determining majority in networks with local interactions and very small local memory, Data based identification and prediction of nonlinear and complex dynamical systems, Statistical physics of vaccination, Fixation probabilities of strategies for bimatrix games in finite populations, Finite-size effects and switching times for Moran process with mutation, Possilibity of estimating payoff matrix from model for hit phenomena, Power-law connections: from Zipf to Heaps and beyond, When will evolution lead to deceptive signaling in the Sir Philip Sidney game?, An overview of recent applications of game theory to bioinformatics, Evolutionary dynamics of a system with periodic coefficients, On the modelling of genetic mutations and immune system competition, Robustness against indirect invasions, Evolutionary games under incompetence, An extended Moran process that captures the struggle for fitness, On selection in finite populations, Evolutionary games with affine fitness functions: applications to cancer, Evolutionary games on star graphs under various updating rules, Stochasticity and time delays in evolutionary games, Is there switching for replicator dynamics and bimatrix games?, Heterogeneous fitness promotes cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game, Inferring to individual diversity promotes the cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game, Bifurcation analysis of the Nowak-Bangham model in CTL dynamics, Spatial prisoner's dilemma games with increasing neighborhood size and individual diversity on two interdependent lattices, The mutation-drift balance in spatially structured populations, Statistical properties and error threshold of quasispecies on single-peak Gaussian-distributed fitness landscapes, Stem cell regulation: implications when differentiated cells regulate symmetric stem cell division, Toward a unifying framework for evolutionary processes, Environmental evolutionary graph theory, Overpunishing is not necessary to fix cooperation in voluntary public goods games, Evolution of a collusive price in a networked market, Fixation probabilities for the Moran process with three or more strategies: general and coupling results, Approximating the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of birth and death matrices, Swarms dynamics approach to behavioral economy: theoretical tools and price sequences, Measuring evolutionary cancer dynamics from genome sequencing, one patient at a time, Chris Cannings: a life in games, Steady-state analysis of a continuum model for super-infection, Conditions for cooperation to be more abundant than defection in a hierarchically structured population, A general framework for analysing multiplayer games in networks using territorial interactions as a case study, A study of the dynamics of multi-player games on small networks using territorial interactions, Random and non-random mating populations: evolutionary dynamics in meiotic drive, On Bertrand duopoly game with differentiated goods, Fixation in large populations: a continuous view of a discrete problem, Motion of influential players can support cooperation in prisoner's dilemma, Collaborate, compete and share, Promoting cooperation in social dilemmas via simple coevolutionary rules, Anomalous finite-size effects in the battle of the sexes, A waiting time problem arising from the study of multi-stage carcinogenesis, How the indirect reciprocity with co-evolving norm and strategy for \(2\times 2\) prisoner's dilemma game works for emerging cooperation, Stochastic Lotka-Volterra equations: a model of lagged diffusion of technology in an interconnected world, Evolution of cooperation in spatial iterated prisoner's dilemma games under localized extremal dynamics, Promotion of cooperation induced by discriminators in the spatial multi-player donor-recipient game, Enhancement of cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma with a coherence-resonance effect through annealed randomness at a cooperator-defector boundary; comparison of two variant models, Global oscillations in the optional public goods game under spatial diffusion, Directionality of contact networks suppresses selection pressure in evolutionary dynamics, Effects of asynchronism on evolutionary games, A condition for cooperation in a game on complex networks, Evolutionary dynamics of biological auctions, Multi-player games on the cycle, Evolutionary equilibrium in Bayesian routing games: specialization and niche formation, An introduction to \textit{ABED}: agent-based simulation of evolutionary game dynamics, Reputation-based adaptive adjustment of link weight among individuals promotes the cooperation in spatial social dilemmas, Modelling biological evolution: developing novel approaches, From fixation probabilities to \(d\)-player games: an inverse problem in evolutionary dynamics, Generalized social dilemmas: the evolution of cooperation in populations with variable group size, Reputation-based popularity promotes cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game, Evolutionary dynamics of a 3-strategy game: cooperator, defector and costly cooperative loner strategic types, Synergistic effects of self-optimization and imitation rules on the evolution of cooperation in the investor sharing game, Mutation-selection equilibrium in finite populations playing a hawk-dove game, How do mutative events modify moments evolution in thermostatted kinetic models?, Fixation properties of rock-paper-scissors games in fluctuating populations, Environmental policy regulation and corporate compliance in evolutionary game models with well-mixed and structured populations, Evolutionary dynamics on graphs -- the effect of graph structure and initial placement on mutant spread, Indirect reciprocity with optional games and monitoring of interactions between defectors, Modeling vaccination decision making process in a finite population, Nonlinear microscale interactions in the kinetic theory of active particles, Coevolution of cooperation, response to adverse social ties and network structure, Evolutionary games on the lattice: payoffs affecting birth and death rates, Dominance hierarchies induce a population's full cooperation, Evolutionary multiplayer games, Stochastic stability in three-player games with time delays, Competitive intransitivity, population interaction structure, and strategy coexistence, Commitment versus persuasion in the three-party constrained voter model, Hamilton's rule, Population genetics with fluctuating population sizes, Stable polymorphism of cooperators and punishers in a public goods game, A genetic approach to the rock-paper-scissors game, String networks with junctions in competition models, An improved public goods game model with reputation effect on the spatial lattices, Bistability of evolutionary stable vaccination strategies in the reinfection SIRI model, Impact of self interaction on the evolution of cooperation in social spatial dilemmas, A model for the control of malaria using genetically modified vectors, The challenges and scope of theoretical biology, Optional games on cycles and complete graphs, Computer simulations of cellular group selection reveal mechanism for sustaining cooperation, Population genetics on islands connected by an arbitrary network: an analytic approach, Modelling bistable tumour population dynamics to design effective treatment strategies, Effects of compassion on the evolution of cooperation in spatial social dilemmas, Coevolution of cooperation and network structure in social dilemmas in evolutionary dynamic complex network, Neighbor-considered migration facilitates cooperation in prisoner's dilemma games, Sampling HIV intrahost genealogies based on a model of acute stage CTL response, Reaction networks and evolutionary game theory, Measures of success in a class of evolutionary models with fixed population size and structure, On an initial value problem modeling evolution and selection in living systems, Stability of solutions of kinetic equations corresponding to the replicator dynamics, The frequency-dependent Wright-Fisher model: diffusive and non-diffusive approximations, Evolutionary dynamics in finite populations with zealots, Asymmetric evaluation of fitness enhances spatial reciprocity in social dilemmas, Evolutionary dynamics of synergistic and discounted group interactions in structured populations, Phenotype adjustment promotes adaptive evolution in a game without conflict, Heterogeneity in background fitness acts as a suppressor of selection, Bargaining models of depression and evolution of cooperation, Ideal cost-free distributions in structured populations for general payoff functions, Evolutionary game in an androdioecious population: coupling of outcrossing and male production, Eco-evolutionary dynamics of cooperation in the presence of policing, Conditional cooperator enhances institutional punishment in public goods game, Evolutionary compromise game on assortative mixing networks, A limited mobility of minorities facilitates cooperation in social dilemmas, Interaction between populations promotes cooperation in voluntary prisoner's dilemma, The role of pairwise nonlinear evolutionary dynamics in the rock-paper-scissors game with noise, Mathematics, complexity and multiscale features of large systems of self-propelled particles, Lengths of Attractors and Transients in Neuronal Networks with Random Connectivities, Stochastic evolutionary differential games toward a systems theory of behavioral social dynamics, Evolutionary games defined at the network mesoscale: The Public Goods game, From a multiscale derivation of nonlinear cross-diffusion models to Keller–Segel models in a Navier–Stokes fluid, An Evolutionary Model of Tumor Cell Kinetics and the Emergence of Molecular Heterogeneity Driving Gompertzian Growth, COMPLEX SYSTEMS: NEW CHALLENGES WITH MODELING HEADACHES, Evolutionary Dynamics of the Spatial Prisoner’s Dilemma with Single and Multi-Behaviors: A Multi-Agent Application, Growing Networks Driven by the Evolutionary Prisoner’s Dilemma Game, On a discrete selection–mutation model, On the mathematical theory of post-Darwinian mutations, selection, and evolution, Introduction to Complex Networks: Structure and Dynamics, Macroscopic First Order Models of Multicomponent Human Crowds with Behavioral Dynamics, Modeling behavioral social systems, iNet-EGT: An Evolutionarily Stable Adaptation Framework for Network Applications, ENDOGENOUS VERSUS EXOGENOUS ORIGINS OF DISEASES, Modeling altruism and selfishness in welfare dynamics: The role of nonlinear interactions, Local interactions promote cooperation in cooperator-defector systems, Exact solution of a two-type branching process: clone size distribution in cell division kinetics, Large fluctuations and fixation in evolutionary games, Fixation and escape times in stochastic game learning, Spatial effect on stochastic dynamics of bistable evolutionary games, Mutant number distribution in an exponentially growing population, Quasispecies dynamics on a network of interacting genotypes and idiotypes: formulation of the model, Dynamic noise from action errors enhances network reciprocity in the prisoner's dilemma game, Emergence of cooperation in phenotypically heterogeneous populations: a replicator dynamics analysis, Relative species abundance of replicator dynamics with sparse interactions, Prisoner’s dilemma on directed networks, Cooperation, competition and the emergence of criticality in communities of adaptive systems, Population aging through survival of the fit and stable, Equilibria, information and frustration in heterogeneous network games with conflicting preferences, Promoting cooperation by reputation-driven group formation, Large fluctuations in anti-coordination games on scale-free graphs, The effect of hubs and shortcuts on fixation time in evolutionary graphs, Discrete evolutionary population models: a new approach