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zbMath1018.62002MaRDI QIDQ3150769
Publication date: 20 October 2002
Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.
estimationhypothesis testinglogistic regressionconfidence regionscontingency tablesgeneralized linear modelsloglinear modelscategorical datacomputational statisticslogit models
Applications of statistics to biology and medical sciences; meta analysis (62P10) Applications of statistics to social sciences (62P25) Generalized linear models (logistic models) (62J12) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to statistics (62-02) Contingency tables (62H17)
Related Items
Functional PCA and base-line logit models, Multidimensional item response theory models with collateral information as Poisson regression models, Model-based clustering for conditionally correlated categorical data, A predictive estimator of finite population proportion despite missing data, A two-step estimation approach for logistic varying coefficient modeling of longitudinal data, Extended structure preserving estimation (ESPREE) for updating small area estimates of poverty, Discrete-valued ARMA processes, What if we ignore the random effects when analyzing RNA-seq data in a multifactor experiment, Subsymmetry and asymmetry models for multiway square contingency tables with ordered categories, Power and sample size computation for Wald tests in latent class models, Divisive latent class modeling as a density estimation method for categorical data, Generalized linear latent models for multivariate longitudinal measurements mixed with hidden Markov models, Training a reciprocal-sigmoid classifier by feature scaling-space, On Rao score and Pearson \(X^2\) statistics in generalized linear models, Automatic variable selection for longitudinal generalized linear models, A conditional frequency distribution test for analyzing \(2 \times c\) tables, Book review of: A. Agresti, Categorical data analysis. 3rd ed., Poisson loglinear modeling with linear constraints on the expected cell frequencies, Residual analysis and outliers in loglinear models based on phi-divergence statistics, A lasso for hierarchical interactions, A Monte Carlo evaluation of three methods to detect local dependence in binary data latent class models, A modified EM algorithm for mixture models based on Bregman divergence, Relating recent infection prevalence to incidence with a sub-population of assay non-progressors, Minimal and minimal invariant Markov bases of decomposable models for contingency tables, Optimal designs for contingent response models with application to toxicity-efficacy studies, Sensitivity analysis to select the most influential risk factors in a logistic regression model, On generalized multinomial models and joint percentile estimation, Sample size determination for Rasch model tests, Exact inference in contingency tables via stochastic approximation Monte Carlo, On a multivariate log-gamma distribution and the use of the distribution in the Bayesian analysis, Sampling bias and class imbalance in maximum-likelihood logistic regression, A class of statistical models to weaken independence in two-way contingency tables, A longitudinal model for repeated interval-observed data with informative dropouts, Combined survival analysis of cardiac patients by a Cox PH model and a Markov chain, Computation of reference Bayesian inference for variance components in longitudinal studies, Testing equality restrictions in generalized linear models for multinomial data, Estimators for the binomial distribution that dominate the MLE in terms of Kullback-Leibler risk, Let continuous outcome variables remain continuous, Learning partial ordinal class memberships with kernel-based proportional odds models, Conditional symmetry models for three-way contingency tables, An extended random-effects approach to modeling repeated, overdispersed count data, Statistics development: statistical methods meeting the user's needs, A combined overdispersed and marginalized multilevel model, Bayesian modeling longitudinal dyadic data with nonignorable dropout, with application to a breast cancer study, The heteroscedastic graded response model with a skewed latent trait: testing statistical and substantive hypotheses related to skewed item category functions, Population size estimation based upon ratios of recapture probabilities, A combined beta and normal random-effects model for repeated, overdispersed binary and binomial data, Relational models for contingency tables, Response shrinkage estimation in multinomial logit models, Maximum likelihood estimation in log-linear models, An inductive order construction for the difference of two dependent proportions, Calibrated Bayes, for statistics in general, and missing data in particular, Discussion of ``Calibrated Bayes, for statistics in general, and missing data in particular by R. Little, Nonparametric bootstrap tests of conditional independence in two-way contingency tables, ORDANOVA: analysis of ordinal variation, Reducing bias and mean squared error associated with regression-based odds ratio estimators, Power series estimator for binary data, Tests of symmetry with one-sided alternatives in three-way contingency tables, On the index of dissimilarity for lack of fit in loglinear and log-multiplicative models, On the ERA ranking representability of pairwise bipartite ranking functions, Asymptotic infimum coverage probability for interval estimation of proportions, Approximate tail probabilities of the maximum of a chi-square field on multi-dimensional lattice points and their applications to detection of loci interactions, Tests of independence in incomplete multi-way tables using likelihood functions, Tests of ignoring and eliminating in nonsymmetric correspondence analysis, Limited-information modeling of loggerhead turtle population size, Simple correspondence analysis using adjusted residuals, A greedy feature selection algorithm for big data of high dimensionality, Goodness of fit of product multinomial regression models to sparse data, Computationally tractable approximate and smoothed Polya trees, Efficient tests for one sample correlated binary data with applications, Estimating occupational mobility with covariates, Asymmetry models for square contingency tables: exact tests via algebraic statistics, Mean and median bias reduction in generalized linear models, A note on the linearly weighted kappa coefficient for ordinal scales, Informative allocation and consistent treatment selection, Prediction of disease status: a regressive model approach for repeated measures, Dynamic association modeling in \(2\times 2\) contingency tables, Pseudo conditional maximum likelihood estimation of the dynamic logit model for binary panel data, Random generation of \(2 \times 2 \times\dots \times 2 \times J\) contingency tables, Choosing monetary sequences: theory and experimental evidence, Hierarchical overdispersed Poisson model with macrolevel autocorrelation, Constrained maximum likelihood estimation under logistic regression models based on case-control data, A Generalized Concordance Correlation Coefficient Based on the Variance Components Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Overdispersed Count Data, A note on marginalization of regression parameters from mixed models of binary outcomes, A multivariate logistic distance model for the analysis of multiple binary responses, Practical considerations when analyzing discrete survival times using the grouped relative risk model, Log-linear modeling using conditional log-linear structures, Second-order generalized estimating equations for correlated count data, Marginal analysis of longitudinal ordinal data with misclassification in both response and covariates, Weakly supervised clustering: learning fine-grained signals from coarse labels, Modeling viewpoint shifts in probabilistic choice, Parametrizations and reference priors for multinomial decomposable graphical models, Classification and clustering of sequencing data using a Poisson model, Models for paired comparison data: a review with emphasis on dependent data, A closer look at testing the ``no-treatment-effect hypothesis in a comparative experiment, Exploring dependence between categorical variables: benefits and limitations of using variable selection within Bayesian clustering in relation to log-linear modelling with interaction terms, Modelling shelter choices in a class of mixture models for ordinal responses, Some new aspects of taxicab correspondence analysis, Modeling individual migraine severity with autoregressive ordered probit models, Market segmentation using brand strategy research: Bayesian inference with respect to mixtures of log-linear models, A conditional count model for repeated count data and its application to GEE approach, Limited information estimation in binary factor analysis: a review and extension, Change point models for cognitive tests using semi-parametric maximum likelihood, Bootstrap based goodness-of-fit tests for binary multivariate regression models, Methodically unified procedures for a conditional approach to outlier detection, clustering, and classification, The lifetime analysis of the Weibull model based on generalized Type-I progressive hybrid censoring schemes, Improved approximate unbiased estimators of the measure of departure from partial symmetry for square contingency tables, Independence in multi-way contingency tables: S.N. Roy's breakthroughs and later develop\-ments, Log-linear models for mutations in the HIV genome, Three centuries of categorical data analysis: Log-linear models and maximum likelihood estima\-tion, The analysis of ordered categorical data: An overview and a survey of recent developments. (With discussion), Composite mixture of log-linear models with application to psychiatric studies, Robust distance measure to detect outliers for categorical data, Analysis of ordinal and continuous longitudinal responses using pair copula construction, Fitting double hierarchical models with the integrated nested Laplace approximation, Modifying the chi-square and the CMH test for population genetic inference: adapting to overdispersion, Mantel-Haenszel estimators of odds ratios for stratified dependent binomial data, An iterative algorithm for fitting nonconvex penalized generalized linear models with grouped predictors, Bayesian inference through encompassing priors and importance sampling for a class of marginal models for categorical data, Bayesian multi-regime smooth transition regression with ordered categorical variables, Model-based estimation of the attributable risk: a loglinear approach, Advances in the attraction model for inter-group relations, A fully Bayesian parametric approach for cytogenetic dosimetry, On exact interval estimation for the odds ratio in subject-specific table, Blankets joint posterior score for learning Markov network structures, A model of protein translation including codon bias, nonsense errors, and ribosome recycling, Properties of ideal point classification models for bivariate binary data, Bootstrapping max statistics in high dimensions: near-parametric rates under weak variance decay and application to functional and multinomial data, Generalized fiducial inference for logistic graded response models, Contemporary frequentist views of the \(2\times 2\) binomial trial, Bayesian semiparametric analysis for two-phase studies of gene-environment interaction, Partition refinement of component interaction automata, Prediction in several conventional contexts, Likelihood inference in exponential families and directions of recession, On the correspondence from Bayesian log-linear modelling to logistic regression modelling with \(g\)-priors, Partial identifiability of restricted latent class models, A tutorial on statistically sound pattern discovery, Bayesian analysis for mixture of latent variable hidden Markov models with multivariate longitudinal data, Improved model-based clustering performance using Bayesian initialization averaging, Synthesizing categorical datasets to enhance inference, Dynamic Bayesian analysis of generalized odds ratios assuming multivariate skew-normal distribution for the error terms in the system equation, Familywise decompositions of Pearson's chi-square statistic in the analysis of contingency tables, Information-based parameterization of the log-linear model for categorical data analysis, Bayesian model selection for high-dimensional Ising models, with applications to educational data, Statistical inference for the reliability of Burr-XII distribution under improved adaptive type-II progressive censoring, Limit laws for the norms of extremal samples, Variable selection methods for model-based clustering, Bayesian inference and testing of group differences in brain networks, Optimal Gaussian approximations to the posterior for log-linear models with Diaconis-Ylvisaker priors, General Gaussian estimation, Sensitivity analysis for nonignorable missing responses with application to multivariate random effect model, The IBMAP approach for Markov network structure learning, Analyzing supersaturated designs for discrete responses via generalized linear models, Orthogonal decomposition of point-symmetry for multiway tables, A PC algorithm variation for ordinal variables, Calibration of quantitative PCR assays, The order-restricted association model: two estimation algorithms and issues in testing, Two interpretations of the discrimination parameter, Representing parametric order constraints in multi-trial applications of multinomial processing tree models, The kernel Kalman rule. Efficient nonparametric inference by recursive least-squares and subspace projections, On the asymptotic distribution of Pearson's \(X^2\) in cross-validation samples, Limited information goodness-of-fit testing in multidimensional contingency tables, A baseline category logit model for assessing competing strains of \textit{Rhizobium} bacteria, Linear ordinal quasi-symmetry model and decomposition of symmetry for multi-way tables, Multivariate semi-logistic distributions, Use of primal-dual technique in the network algorithm for two-way contingency tables, Diagnostics in a simple correspondence analysis model: an approach based on Cook's distance for log-linear models, Minimum \(\phi \)-divergence estimator and hierarchical testing in loglinear models under product-multinomial sampling, Modified versions of the Bayesian information criterion for sparse generalized linear models, Three predictive power measures for generalized linear models: the entropy coefficient of determination, the entropy correlation coefficient and the regression correlation coefficient, Hybrid schemes for exact conditional inference in discrete exponential families, Semiparametric approaches for matched case-control studies with error-in-covariates, Isotonic boosting classification rules, Extending greedy feature selection algorithms to multiple solutions, A note on discrete multivariate Markov random field models, Correspondence analysis and the Freeman-Tukey statistic: a study of archaeological data, Estimation for the exponentiated Weibull model with adaptive type-II progressive censored schemes, Two algorithms for fitting constrained marginal models, Transmission dynamics of acute respiratory diseases in a population structured by age, On Benjamini-Hochberg procedure applied to mid \(p\)-values, Robust semiparametric inference for polytomous logistic regression with complex survey design, Hierarchical Aitchison-Silvey models for incomplete binary sample spaces, Stochastic modeling of in vitro bactericidal potency, Statistical analysis of multivariate discrete-valued time series, Transition models for count data: a flexible alternative to fixed distribution models, Minimum phi-divergence estimators for multinomial logistic regression with complex sample design, Dimensional reduction for latent scores modeling using recursive integration, Combining cluster sampling and link-tracing sampling to estimate the size of a hidden population: asymptotic properties of the estimators, Extensions to the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel mean scores and correlation tests, Detecting economic insecurity in Italy: a latent transition modelling approach, The use of an identifiability-based strategy for the interpretation of parameters in the 1PL-G and Rasch models, Bayesian analysis for dynamic generalized linear latent model with application to tree survival rate, Combining item response theory and diagnostic classification models: a psychometric model for scaling ability and diagnosing misconceptions, Association of zero-inflated continuous variables, The mid \(p\)-value in exact tests for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, Locally associated graphical models and mixed convex exponential families, A penalty approach to differential item functioning in Rasch models, Bayesian tests for composite alternative hypotheses in cross-tabulated data, Fibers of multi-way contingency tables given conditionals: relation to marginals, cell bounds and Markov bases, Empirical identifiability in finite mixture models, A reformulation of the aggregate association index using the odds ratio, A nonparametric measure of local association for two-way contingency tables, The fiber dimension of a graph, Simultaneous multifactor DIF analysis and detection in item response theory, Coherent forecasting for stationary time series of discrete data, Estimates for cell counts and common odds ratio in three-way contingency tables by homogeneous log-linear models with missing data, Bayesian test on equality of score parameters in the order restricted RC association model, Family of power divergence spatial scan statistics, Detection of outliers in longitudinal count data via overdispersion, Weighted kappa statistic for clustered matched-pair ordinal data, An algebraic generalisation of some variants of simple correspondence analysis, A lack-of-fit test for generalized linear models via single-index techniques, Some copula inference procedures adapted to the presence of ties, Measurement of interobserver disagreement: correction of Cohen's kappa for negative values, Random forest for ordinal responses: prediction and variable selection, Mixture-based clustering for the ordered stereotype model, Wald-based spatial scan statistics for cluster detection, Kappa statistic for clustered physician-patients polytomous data, Faithfulness and learning hypergraphs from discrete distributions, A semi-nonparametric estimator of regression discontinuity design with discrete duration outcomes, The use of uncertainty to choose matching variables in statistical matching, Saddlepoint approximations of the distribution of the person parameter in the two parameter logistic model, Ordinal regression neural networks based on concentric hyperspheres, Outlier detection in contingency tables based on minimal patterns, Stochastic approximation Monte Carlo importance sampling for approximating exact conditional probabilities, Analysis of an outcome-dependent enriched sample: hypothesis tests, Formal and informal model selection with incomplete data, Covariate balance in simple, stratified and clustered comparative studies, Construction of alternative hypotheses for randomization tests with ordinal outcomes, Latent growth curve modeling for longitudinal ordinal responses with applications, The specification of the propensity score in multilevel observational studies, Source monitoring and multivariate signal detection theory, with a model for selection., Sample size determination within the scope of conditional maximum likelihood estimation with special focus on testing the Rasch model, Simultaneous Bayesian analysis of contingency tables in genetic association studies, A family of generalized linear models for repeated measures with normal and conjugate random effects, Accurate parametric inference for small samples, Model assessment tools for a model false world, The impact of Levene's test of equality of variances on statistical theory and practice, Population structure and cryptic relatedness in genetic association studies, Reproducibility probability estimation for testing statistical hypotheses, New families of estimators and test statistics in log-linear models, Tests for the equality of multinomial parameters, Robust median estimator in logistic regression, Nonparametric analysis of blocked ordered categories data: Some examples revisited, A mathematical tool for inference in logistic regression with small-sized data sets: a practical application on ISW-ridge relationships, Generalized semiparametrically structured mixed models, A new algorithm for solving binary discrimination in conditional logistic regression, with two choices of strata, Two simple resistant regression estimators, Regression models for multivariate ordered responses via the Plackett distribution, Identification of interaction patterns and classification with applications to microarray data, Repeated measures proportional odds logistic regression analysis of ordinal score data in the statistical software package R, Determining sample size to evaluate and compare the accuracy of binary diagnostic tests in the presence of partial disease verification, A Markov basis for conditional test of common diagonal effect in quasi-independence model for square contingency tables, A latent variable regression model for capture-recapture data, Spatial scan statistics in loglinear models, Diagnostics for regression dependence in tables re-ordered by the dominant correspondence analysis solution, Trend vector models for the analysis of change in continuous time for multiple groups, Effects of ignoring baseline on modeling transitions from intact cognition to dementia, Unified generalized iterative scaling and its applications, Entropy coefficient of determination for generalized linear models, A self-consistency approach to multinomial logit model with random effects, Models of probabilistic category learning in Parkinson's disease: strategy use and the effects of L-dopa, Modeling storage and retrieval processes with clinical populations with applications examining alcohol-induced amnesia and Korsakoff amnesia, Descriptive measures for nominal categorical variables, Comparison of the accuracy of multiple binary tests in the presence of partial disease verification, Probability matrices, non-negative rank, and parameterization of mixture models, Learning intransitive reciprocal relations with kernel methods, On the statistical and theoretical basis of signal detection theory and extensions: unequal variance, random coefficient, and mixture models, Hierarchical spatial models for predicting tree species assemblages across large domains, A new latent cure rate marker model for survival data, Latent class based multiple imputation approach for missing categorical data, Convergence of adaptive mixtures of importance sampling schemes, A score test for overdispersion in Poisson regression based on the generalized Poisson-2 model, A note on bias due to fitting prospective multivariate generalized linear models to categorical outcomes ignoring retrospective sampling schemes, A new family of BAN estimators for polytomous logistic regression models based on \(\varphi\)-diver\-gence measures, Support points of locally optimal designs for nonlinear models with two parameters, Clustering objects described by juxtaposition of binary data tables, On tests of independence based on minimum \(\varphi \)-divergence estimator with constraints: An application to modeling DNA, Numerical integration in logistic-normal models, Modeling churn using customer lifetime value, Statistical inference for the risk ratio in \(2\times 2\) binomial trials with structural zero, Bowker's test for symmetry and modifications within the algebraic framework, An enhanced sign test for dependent binary data with small numbers of clusters, Flexible random intercept models for binary outcomes using mixtures of normals, The logistic regression model with response variables subject to randomized response, Quintile stratification based on a misspecified propensity score in longitudinal treatment effectiveness analyses of ordinal doses, A simulation study comparing weighted estimating equations with multiple imputation based estimating equations for longitudinal binary data, On the scalability of ordered multi-class ROC analysis, Likelihood analysis of the multivariate ordinal probit regression model for repeated ordinal responses, Efficient methods for estimating constrained parameters with applications to regularized (Lasso) logistic regression, Some properties of regression estimators in GEE models for clustered ordinal data, A family of tests to detect misspecifications in the random-effects structure of generalized linear mixed models, Optimization in a multivariate generalized linear model situation, A maximum likelihood method for an asymmetric MDS model, Model diagnostic plots for repeated measures data using the generalized estimating equations approach, Simpson's paradox in natural resource evaluation, Ideal point discriminant analysis revisited with a special emphasis on visualization, A note on goodness-of-fit test of continuation ratio logistic regression models under case-control data, Kernel-based learning methods for preference aggregation, Karl Pearson's meta-analysis revisited, Testing for Serial Independence: Beyond the Portmanteau Approach, Modeling Pregnancy Outcomes Through Sequentially Nested Regression Models, Zero-inflated generalized extreme value regression model for binary response data and application in health study, AN EVALUATION OF NON‐ITERATIVE METHODS FOR ESTIMATING THE LINEAR‐BY‐LINEAR PARAMETER OF ORDINAL LOG‐LINEAR MODELS, Unnamed Item, Mean-Minimum Exact Confidence Intervals, Hypothesis testing for panels of semi-Markov processes with parametric sojourn time distributions, Inter-rater agreement and adjusted overall degree of distinguishability for ordered categories, Constructing Flexible, Identifiable and Interpretable Statistical Models for Binary Data, Analysis of cross‐over experiments with count data in the presence of carry‐over effects, Incorporating functional response time effects into a signal detection theory model, Unconditional tests for association in 2 × 2 contingency tables in the total sum fixed design, Testing exchangeability of multivariate distributions, Type-II progressive censoring with GLM-based random removal mechanism dependent on the experimental conditions, Unnamed Item, Statistical matching of sample survey data: application to integrate Iranian time use and labour force surveys, Homogeneity test of relative risk ratios for stratified bilateral data under different algorithms, A Likelihood-Based Approach for Multivariate Categorical Response Regression in High Dimensions, A Graphical Tool for Interpreting Regression Coefficients of Trinomial Logit Models, Penguins Go Parallel: A Grammar of Graphics Framework for Generalized Parallel Coordinate Plots, Validation data-located modification for the multilevel analysis of miscategorized nominal response with covariates subject to measurement error, On the fast computation of the Dirichlet-multinomial log-likelihood function, Compositional cubes: a new concept for multi-factorial compositions, A new robust parameter estimation approach for multinomial categorical response data with outliers and mismeasured covariates, Prediction theory for multinomial proportions using two-stage cluster samples, An extension of correspondence analysis based on the multiple Taguchi's index to evaluate the relationships between three categorical variables graphically: an application to the Italian football championship, ANOVA with binary variables: the F-test and some alternatives, Logistic regression model with TreeNet and association rules analysis: applications with medical datasets, Random‐effects meta‐analysis models for the odds ratio in the case of rare events under different data‐generating models: A simulation study, Power analysis for the Wald, LR, score, and gradient tests in a marginal maximum likelihood framework: applications in IRT, The Bradley-Terry regression trunk approach for modeling preference data with small trees, Online multiple testing with super-uniformity reward, Multinomial Inverse Regression for Text Analysis, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Survival Model Predictive Accuracy and ROC Curves, Multi‐List Methods Using Incomplete Lists in Closed Populations, Multivariate Tests Comparing Binomial Probabilities, with Application to Safety Studies for Drugs, Bayesian Mixture Models for Complex High Dimensional Count Data in Phage Display Experiments, On an extended interpretation of linkage disequilibrium in genetic case-control association studies, Estimation of symmetric disagreement using a uniform association model for ordinal agreement data, Information matrix for hidden Markov models with covariates, On Models for Binomial Data with Random Numbers of Trials, A Model Framework for Mortality and Health Data Classified by Age, Area, and Time, The effect of small sample on optimal designs for logistic regression models, Joint (k, l)-hurdle random effects models for mixed longitudinal power series and normal outcomes, Accounting for matching structure in post-matching analysis of observational studies, Masking data: a solution to social desirability bias in paired comparison experiments, Optimal weighted estimation versus Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel, Big Data? Statistical Process Control Can Help!, Generalized linear models for ordered categorical data, Two Useful Reformulations of the Hazard Ratio, Multi‐stage transitional models with random effects and their application to the Einstein aging study, Capture-recapture analysis with a latent class model allowing for local dependence and observed heterogeneity, Dose-Response Curve Estimation: A Semiparametric Mixture Approach, Confidence Interval Estimation of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient for Binary Outcome Data, Modal simulation and visualization in finite mixture models, Likelihood-ratio-test methods for drug safety signal detection from multiple clinical datasets, Logistic response models with item interactions, The analysis of zero-inflated count data: Beyond zero-inflated Poisson regression., Markov bases and subbases for bounded contingency tables, Notes on interval estimation of the gamma correlation under stratified random sampling, A logistic regression point of view toward loss given default distribution estimation, Assessing interrater agreement on binary measurements via intraclass odds ratio, A class of ordinal quasi-symmetry models for square contingency tables, Meta-Analysis for Rare Events As Binary Outcomes, Estimation of a proportion in survey sampling using the logratio approach, Sample-size determination for two independent binomial experiments, ENHANCING POWER OF SCORE TESTS FOR REGRESSION MODELS VIA FISHER TRANSFORMATION, A pseudo-penalized quasi-likelihood approach to the spatial misalignment problem with non-normal data, Pooling data versus averaging model fits for some prototypical multinomial processing tree models, Limit theorems for empirical Rényi entropy and divergence with applications to molecular diversity analysis, Handling missing data in item response theory. Assessing the accuracy of a multiple imputation procedure based on latent class analysis, Gibbs posterior inference on the minimum clinically important difference, Analysis of the generalized progressive hybrid censoring from Burr type-XII lifetime model, Iterative Scaling in Curved Exponential Families, Latent class model with conditional dependency per modes to cluster categorical data, Transitional modeling of experimental longitudinal data with missing values, A latent class analysis of the public attitude towards the euro adoption in Poland, Location-adjusted Wald statistics for scalar parameters, Bayesian clustering for row effects models, Measure of departure from marginal point-symmetry for multi-way contingency tables, Model choice for regression models with a categorical response, Analysis of divergence in loglinear models when expected frequencies are subject to linear constraints, Methods for diversity and overlap analysis in T-cell receptor populations, Bayesian analysis of a 2×2 contingency table with dependent proportions and exact sample size, A note on bootstrap confidence intervals for proportions, Ranked set sampling for ordered categorical variables, Identification of local clusters for count data: a model-based Moran'sItest, Some Properties for a Simplified Cox Binary Model, A clipped latent variable model for spatially correlated ordered categorical data, Unnamed Item, A product-multinomial framework for categorical data analysis with missing responses, An improved robust association test for GWAS with multiple diseases, Markov bases and structural zeros, Global Hypothesis Test to Simultaneously Compare the Predictive Values of Two Binary Diagnostic Tests in Paired Designs: a Simulation Study, Use of latent class regression models with a random intercept to remove the effects of the overall response rating level, Parameterization and estimation of path models for categorical data, Phase-II monitoring and diagnosing of multivariate categorical processes using generalized linear test-based control charts, Conditional tests of marginal homogeneity based on \(\phi\)-divergence test statistics, Missing Exposure Data in Stereotype Regression Model: Application to Matched Case-Control Study with Disease Subclassification, Robust Estimation of Area Under ROC Curve Using Auxiliary Variables in the Presence of Missing Biomarker Values, False Discovery Rate Estimation for Frequentist Pharmacovigilance Signal Detection Methods, A Test of Independence in Two-Way Contingency Tables Based on Maximal Correlation, The linear mixed model and the hierarchical Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model: Some equivalences and differences, Statistical evidence in contingency tables analysis, Design selection criteria for discrimination/estimation for nested models and a binomial re\-sponse, Comparison of designs for multivariate generalized linear models, \(A\)-optimal designs for generalized linear models with two parameters, Grouped Dirichlet distribution: A new tool for incomplete categorical data analysis, Toric statistical models: parametric and binomial representations, Asymptotic distribution of inequality-restricted canonical correlation with application to tests for independence in ordered contingency tables, Some probabilistic models of best, worst, and best --- worst choices, Algebraic exact inference for rater agreement models, Testing Gibrat's law in Italian macro-regions: analysis on a panel of mechanical companies, On a connection between the Bradley-Terry model and the Cox proportional hazards model, Classical latent variable models for medical research, A Confidence-Limit-Based Approach to the Assessment of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, Quality improvement of rule-based gene group descriptions using information about GO terms importance occurring in premises of determined rules, Forward-Backward Selection with Early Dropping, Multivariate Markov models for the conditional probability of toxicity in phase II trials, Power of edge exclusion tests for graphical log-linear models, Assessing Toxicities in a Clinical Trial: Bayesian Inference for Ordinal Data Nested within Categories, Measures of association for nominal categorical variables, Hierarchical models with normal and conjugate random effects : a review, Analysis of Ordinal Categorical Data, 2nd edn by Alan Agresti, Logistic Regression Models by J.M. Hilbe, A GENEALOGY OF CORRESPONDENCE ANALYSIS, Type II combination questionnaire model: a new survey design for a totally sensitive binary variable correlated with another nonsensitive binary variable, A Freeway Safety Strategy for Advanced Proactive Traffic Management, Methods for Constructing Uncertainty Intervals for Queries of Bayesian Nets, Log-multiplicative association models as item response models, Taxicab correspondence analysis of contingency tables with one heavy weight column, Summary goodness-of-fit statistics for binary generalized linear models with noncanonical link functions, Estimating a Marginal Causal Odds Ratio Subject to Confounding, Multiple McNemar Tests, Estimation and Inference for the Causal Effect of Receiving Treatment on a Multinomial Outcome, Mixture Models for Estimating the Size of a Closed Population When Capture Rates Vary among Individuals, Logarithmic minimum test for independence in three-way contingency table of small sizes, Cluster Detection Based on Spatial Associations and Iterated Residuals in Generalized Linear Mixed Models, Mixed‐Effect Hybrid Models for Longitudinal Data with Nonignorable Dropout, An Extension of Generalized Linear Models to Finite Mixture Outcome Distributions, Inferences on the Outfluence – How do Missing Values Impact Your Analysis?, On the Bumpy Road to the Dominant Mode, Modeling multiple-response categorical data from complex surveys, Unnamed Item, Detection of differential item functioning in Rasch models by boosting techniques, Polynomial time perfect sampling algorithm for two-rowed contingency tables, Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Multinomial-Poisson Models: A Generalization of Birch's Numerical Invariance Results, A score test under logistic regression models based on case?control data, An Equivalence of Conditional and Unconditional Maximum Likelihood Estimators via Infinite Replication of Observations, Outliers and Patterns of Outliers in Contingency Tables with Algebraic Statistics, Power analysis of independence testing for three-way contingency tables of small sizes, Skew-mixed effects model for multivariate longitudinal data with categorical outcomes and missingness, Analysis of the importance of on-field covariates in the German Bundesliga, Some contributions to practice of 2 × 2 contingency tables, Analysis of masked competing risks data with cause and time dependent masking mechanism, A more powerful unconditional exact test of homogeneity for 2 × c contingency table analysis, Assigning scores for ordered categorical responses, Probabilistic assessment of symptomless inflammation in Crohn's Disease patients, Unnamed Item, Modeling the Factors Influencing the Evaluations of Items Through Mixture Models for Preference Datasets, Bayesian model selection using encompassing priors, Testing log‐linear models with inequality constraints: a comparison of asymptotic, bootstrap, and posterior predictive p‐values, Parameter estimation approaches to tackling measurement error and multicollinearity in ordinal probit models, Large-sample tests for comparing Likert-type scale data, Bayesian-multiplicative treatment of count zeros in compositional data sets, Analysis of mixed longitudinal (k,l)-Inflated power series, ordinal and continuous responses with sensitivity analysis to non-ignorable missing mechanism, Evaluations of small area composite estimators based on the iterative proportional fitting algorithm, Investigation of covariance structures in modelling longitudinal ordinal responses with skew normal random effect, Optimum mixture designs for the log-logistic dose–response model with mixture of two similar compounds, Partially Ordered Mixed Hidden Markov Model for the Disablement Process of Older Adults, Hidden Markov latent variable models with multivariate longitudinal data, On the bias and variance of odds ratio, relative risk and false discovery proportion, Approximate confidence intervals for the weighted kappa coefficient of a binary diagnostic test subject to a case–control design, Estimation of generalized exponential distribution based on an adaptive progressively type-II censored sample, Simulating comparisons of different computing algorithms fitting zero-inflated Poisson models for zero abundant counts, Unnamed Item, Analysis of robust design experiments with time-dependent ordinal response characteristics: a quality improvement study from the horticulture industry, Bayesian analysis for incomplete multi-way contingency tables with nonignorable nonresponse, Model selection in regression based on pre-smoothing, Estimating precision, repeatability, and reproducibility from Gaussian and non- Gaussian data: a mixed models approach, Bivariate transition model for analysing ordinal and nominal categorical responses: an application to the Labour Force Survey data, Multilevel IRT models for the university teaching evaluation, Bayesian confidence interval for the risk ratio in a correlated 2 × 2 table with structural zero, Quasi-asymmetry model for square tables with nominal categories, Likelihood estimation for longitudinal zero-inflated power series regression models, A generalized Q–Q plot for longitudinal data, Building up adjusted indicators of students’ evaluation of university courses using generalized item response models, Smooth bootstrap-based confidence intervals for one binomial proportion and difference of two proportions, Modelling small and medium enterprise loan defaults as rare events: the generalized extreme value regression model, A Bayesian approach for analysing longitudinal nominal outcomes using random coefficients transitional generalized logit model: an application to the labour force survey data, Multivariate models for correlated count data, A skew-normal random effects model for longitudinal ordinal categorical responses with missing data, Assessing influential trade effects via high-frequency market reactions, Sensitivity analysis for the identifiability with application to latent random effect model for the mixed data, Flexible latent trait aggregation to analyze employability after the Ph.D. in Italy, First-order marginalised transition random effects models with probit link function, Unnamed Item, Time series analysis of categorical data using auto-odds ratio function, Bayesian Modeling of Temporal Dependence in Large Sparse Contingency Tables, Adaptive Testing of Conditional Association Through Recursive Mixture Modeling, Bayesian Latent‐Class Mixed‐Effect Hybrid Models for Dyadic Longitudinal Data with Non‐Ignorable Dropouts, A Comparison of Marginal and Conditional Models for Capture–Recapture Data with Application to Human Rights Violations Data, Discretized and Aggregated: Modeling Dive Depth of Harbor Seals from Ordered Categorical Data with Temporal Autocorrelation, Modeling heterogeneity for count data: A study of maternal mortality in health facilities in Mozambique, Difference of two dependent sensitivities and specificities: Comparison of various approaches, Adaptive thresholding estimator for differential association structures in two independent contingency tables, Stratified doubly robust estimators for the average causal effect, Inference using attributable risk for a 2×2 case–control study, Classifying radiographic progression status in early rheumatoid arthritis patients using propensity scores to adjust for baseline differences, Markov transition models for binary repeated measures with ignorable and nonignorable missing values, Sampling for Conditional Inference on Case–Control Data, On a 2 × 2 factorial design where the use of randomized response is one of the factors, Modelling and simulation for one‐day cricket, Testing homogeneity of effect sizes in pooling 2x2 contingency tables from multiple studies: a comparison of methods, Sampling for Conditional Inference on Case–Control Data, Type I and Type II Error Under Random‐Effects Misspecification in Generalized Linear Mixed Models, Unsupervized aggregation of commensurate correlated attributes by means of the choquet integral and entropy functionals, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, A Hierarchical Framework for Correcting Under-Reporting in Count Data, All for one and one for all: Theoretical models, sociological theory, and mathematical sociology, Empirical Bayes estimators of structural distribution of words in Lithuanian texts, Improving the performance of the iterative signature algorithm for the identification of relevant patterns, Dummy covariates in CUB models, Model selection for logistic regression via association rules analysis, Comparison of clustering algorithms on generalized propensity score in observational studies: a simulation study, Transitional ideal point models for longitudinal multinomial outcomes, Asymptotic hypothesis test to simultaneously compare the weighted kappa coefficients of multiple binary diagnostic tests in the presence of ignorable missing data, GEEs for repeated categorical responses based on generalized residuals, A paired comparison approach for the analysis of sets of Likert-scale responses, Clustered binary data with random cluster sizes, Skew random effects in multilevel binomial models, Modelling multivariate, overdispersed binomial data with additive and multiplicative random effects, A model for overdispersed hierarchical ordinal data, A zero-inflated overdispersed hierarchical Poisson model, Comparison of adjusted and unadjusted marginal probabilities for estimating binomial parameters in observational studies, Managing nonignorable missing data with clustered multinomial responses, Model selection and parameter estimation of a multinomial logistic regression model, A likelihood ratio test of quasi-independence for sparse two-way contingency tables, Comparing confidence intervals for Goodman and Kruskal's gamma coefficient, Regression for skewed biomarker outcomes subject to pooling, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Missing observations in paired comparison data, A COMPARISON OF LOGISTIC REGRESSION AND MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS APPLIED TO ZERO COUNTS DATA IN CONTINGENCY TABLES, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Beneath (or beyond) the surface: Discovering voice-leading patterns with skip-grams
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