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zbMath1158.68538MaRDI QIDQ3619797

Ronald L. Rivest, Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Clifford Stein

Publication date: 9 April 2009

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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revisited, Estimating the range of a function in an online setting, Path-based depth-first search for strong and biconnected components, Updating \(\leqslant, <\)-chains, Code optimization in FORM, Similarity based deduplication with small data chunks, Optimal partitioning of data chunks in deduplication systems, Resource loading with time windows, On a class of decision diagrams, An approach to solution of the movements routing problem with several participants, An algorithmic view of gene teams, Parametric search made practical, Adaptive meshing in a mixed regime hydrologic simulation model, Finding monotone paths in edge-ordered graphs, Algorithms for partition of some class of graphs under compaction and vertex-compaction, Multi-postpath-based lookahead multiconstraint QoS routing, Sparse approaches for the exact distribution of patterns in long state sequences generated by a Markov source, The topology aware file distribution problem, New perspectives in VLSI design automation: deterministic packing by sequence pair, On the weak prefix-search problem, Local MST computation with short advice, A greedy algorithm for combined scheduling of computations and data exchanges in real-time systems, Scheduling modular projects on a bottleneck resource, Shortest path and maximum flow problems in networks with additive losses and gains, The simplified partial digest problem: approximation and a graph-theoretic model, Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by topologically constrained isometric embedding, Geometric latent Dirichlet allocation on a matching graph for large-scale image datasets, SIRALINA: Efficient two-steps heuristic for storage optimisation in single period task scheduling, On flows in simple bidirected and skew-symmetric networks, Mismatch sampling, A binary-tree based model for rate-independent polycrystals, The complexity of flood-filling games on graphs, Detecting low-rank clusters via random sampling, A faster circle-sweep Delaunay triangulation algorithm, A graph-based analysis of the cyclic scheduling problem with time constraints: schedulability and periodicity of the earliest schedule, Complexity results for weighted timed event graphs, Proof pearl: a formal proof of Dally and Seitz' necessary and sufficient condition for deadlock-free routing in interconnection networks, Reconcilable differences, Integer merging on EREW PRAM, Algorithms for computing best coverage path in the presence of obstacles in a sensor field, On aggregation of normed structures, A survey on multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for many-objective problems, Efficiency issues in the KBMAG procedure, Maximizing the set of recurrent states of an MDP subject to convex constraints, Developing the branch and bound method in the problem of searching for the optimal cyclic route (cyclic rural postman problem), The stability of barycentric interpolation at the Chebyshev points of the second kind, Estimates for eigenvalues of stochastic matrices, Computing the probabilities of HLA-like matching, Effective preconditioning through minimum degree ordering interleaved with incomplete factorization, Improved filtering for weighted circuit constraints, On the source switching problem of peer-to-peer streaming, On cluster resource allocation for multiple parallel task graphs, Efficient polynomial-time algorithms for the constrained LCS problem with strings exclusion, Spanning trees and the complexity of flood-filling games, A polynomial-time approximation scheme for the Euclidean problem on a cycle cover of a graph, Approximability of the problem about a minimum-weight cycle cover of a graph, Amortized complexity verified, Improving deduplication techniques by accelerating remainder calculations, How the character comparison order shapes the shift function of on-line pattern matching algorithms, Matching nuts and bolts faster, A fundamental restriction on fully dynamic maintenance of bin packing, Precise interprocedural dataflow analysis with applications to constant propagation, An incremental algorithm for Betti numbers of simplicial complexes on the 3-sphere, The smallest networks on which the Ford-Fulkerson maximum flow procedure may fail to terminate, Parallel algorithms for priority queue operations, Multiple matching of parameterized patterns, Efficient management of multiple outstanding timeouts, Complexities of efficient solutions of rectilinear polygon cover problems, New algorithms for mimizing the longest wire length during circuit compaction., Geometric pattern matching under Euclidean motion, A new approach for solving the network problems, Performance analysis of statistical optimal data fusion algorithms, Designing optimal- and fast-on-average pattern matching algorithms, An upper bound for conforming Delaunay triangulations, On similarity of polynomial configurations, Asymptotic behavior of eigenvalues and random updating schemes, Finding quasi core with simulated stacked neural networks, Visibility drawings of plane 3-trees with minimum area, The Baire partial quasi-metric space: a mathematical tool for asymptotic complexity analysis in computer science, Maximizing sharing of protected information, Quasi-interpretations. A way to control resources, Approximation algorithms for the graph orientation minimizing the maximum weighted outdegree, The extended global cardinality constraint: an empirical survey, Computability in linear algebra, A simple tabu search for warehouse location, Efficient methods for grouping vectors into low-rank clusters, Integrated task assignment and path optimization for cooperating uninhabited aerial vehicles using genetic algorithms, A black box for online approximate pattern matching, A discrete-continuous routing problem with precedence constraints, Faster algorithms for computing the R* consensus tree, The cache complexity of multithreaded cache oblivious algorithms, Pursuit and synchronization in hydrodynamic dipoles, Selectors make set-based analysis too hard, The hierarchical hub labeling is non-efficient, The consensus string problem and the complexity of comparing hidden Markov models., Efficient algorithms for locating the length-constrained heaviest segments with applications to biomolecular sequence analysis., Translating a regular grid over a point set, Approximation algorithms for NMR spectral peak assignment., An efficient \(k\) nearest neighbors searching algorithm for a query line., Representation and management of MOEA populations based on graphs, A simple and effective evolutionary algorithm for the vehicle routing problem, Impact of performance considerations on formal specification design, Expected time analysis for Delaunay point location, A heuristic improvement of the Bellman-Ford algorithm, Edge insertion for optimal triangulations, A multi-dimensional approach to force-directed layouts of large graphs, The complexity of Boolean matrix root computation, Precise interprocedural dependence analysis of parallel programs, Probabilistic quickest path algorithm, Competitive analysis of incentive compatible on-line auctions, Verifying persistent security properties, Object recognition based on image sequences by using inter-feature-line consistencies, \(k\)-configurations, Combinatorial characterization of the null spaces of symmetric H-matrices, The union of balls and its dual shape, Low-degree minimum spanning trees, Separation and approximation of polyhedral objects, A robust model for finding optimal evolutionary tree, Geometric spaces and efficient codes, Ockham's razor in interval identification, Upward planarity testing, Efficient piecewise-linear function approximation using the uniform metric, Almost optimal set covers in finite VC-dimension, Intelligent transportation systems -- Enabling technologies, Searching among intervals and compact routing tables, Maximum entropy and interval computations (September notes on summer impressions), On a scheduling problem in a robotized analytical system, Algorithms for dense graphs and networks on the random access computer, Connected component and simple polygon intersection searching, Shortest paths algorithms: Theory and experimental evaluation, A quadratic-time algorithm for smoothing interval functions, Optimal interval enclosures for fractionally-linear functions, and their application to intelligent control, If we measure a number, we get an interval. What if we measure a function or an operator?, Centers of complex networks, All-pairs-shortest-length on strongly chordal graphs, Discovering state constraints for planning with conditional effects in \textsc{Discoplan}. I, Improved algorithms for placing undesirable facilities, Beyond independence: an extension of the a contrario decision procedure, Combinatorial \(n\)-fold integer programming and applications, Random sampling with removal, Formal verification based on Boolean expression diagrams, A fast distributed approximation algorithm for minimum spanning trees, Robust certified numerical homotopy tracking, Relational characterisations of paths, An extremal constrained routing problem with internal losses, On the fastest Vickrey algorithm, A fast algorithm and software for analysis of FT-ICR data, Algorithms for optimal dyadic decision trees, Improving spanning trees by upgrading nodes, Elimination of negative circuits in certain neural network structures to achieve stable solutions, Drawing a tree on parallel lines, An element-free Galerkin method for simulation of stationary two-dimensional shallow water flows in rivers, Scheduling tree-like task systems with non-uniform deadlines subject to unit-length communication delays, Exponential splittings of products of matrices and accurately computing singular values of long products, Balancing sparse matrices for computing eigenvalues, From generic partition refinement to weighted tree automata minimization, Combinatorial two-stage minmax regret problems under interval uncertainty, Verifying minimum spanning tree algorithms with Stone relation algebras, Analysis of critical damage in the communication network. II: Guaranteed functional performance estimates, On clustering procedures and nonparametric mixture estimation, Dynamic programming in the routing problem with complex dependence of costs on the list of jobs, Some algorithms of solving minimax multiprocessor scheduling problem, Inducing finite state machines from training samples using ant colony optimization, Error calculation of the HOSVD-based rule base reduction in hierarchical fuzzy systems, Communication contention in APN list scheduling algorithm, Solving coalitional resource games, An algorithm for constructing single machine schedules based on ant colony approach, Graph approach to job assignment in distributed real-time systems, Robust preliminary analysis of large-scale linear model for optimal industrial investments, Characterization of graphs and digraphs with small process numbers, Minimum \(k\)-path vertex cover, Optimal deployment of vehicles with circular formation for bearings-only multi-target localization, Kruskal with embedded C-semirings to solve MST problems with partially-ordered costs, P systems with proteins: a new frontier when membrane division disappears, Characterization of some convergent bivariate subdivision schemes with nonnegative masks, Euclidean bottleneck bounded-degree spanning tree ratios, A survey on the problems and algorithms for covering arrays via set covers, Incrementally closing octagons, Correctness of substring-preprocessing in Boyer-Moore's pattern matching algorithm, Piecemeal graph exploration by a mobile robot., Computation of approximate polynomial GCDs and an extension, Incremental convex planarity testing, Efficient and flexible matching of recursive types, On complexity of easy predictable sequences, Efficient algorithms for qualitative reasoning about time, A fast exact pricing algorithm for the railway crew scheduling problem, A decomposition-based approach to layered manufacturing, On embedding an outer-planar graph in a point set, Complexity results for extensions of median orders to different types of remoteness, Characterizing the common prior assumption., ALua: Flexibility for parallel programming, A simple greedy algorithm for finding functional relations: Efficient implementation and average case analysis, Divide-and-conquer recurrences associated with generalized heaps, optimal merge, and related structures, Compiling dyadic first-order specifications into map algebra, Efficient timed model checking for discrete-time systems, Bijective counting of Kreweras walks and loopless triangulations, Boolean operations on 3D selective Nef complexes: data structure, algorithms, optimized implementation and experiments, On \(\alpha \)-greedy expansions of numbers, Separation, dimension, and facet algorithms for node flow polyhedra, On the relation between equations with max-product composition and the covering problem, A quadratic time algorithm to maximize the number of just-in-time jobs on identical parallel machines, Mechanisms for a spatially distributed market, Roll cutting in the curtain industry, or: a well-solvable allocation problem, Heuristics for planning with penalties and rewards formulated in logic and computed through circuits, Generalised arc consistency for the AllDifferent constraint: an empirical survey, Longest common subsequence between run-length-encoded strings: a new algorithm with improved parallelism, A simple algorithm for the constrained sequence problems, The quasi-uniformity condition for reproducing kernel element method meshes, Optimal guessing of an object by expert system, Secondary constructions of Boolean functions with maximum algebraic immunity, On numerical solution of positional differential games with nonterminal payoff, A PTAS for MIN-\(k\)-SCCP in Euclidean space of arbitrary fixed dimension, Continuous and discrete zeroing dynamics models using JMP function array and design formula for solving time-varying Sylvester-transpose matrix inequality, A general framework for diagnosis of discrete event systems subject to sensor failures, Robust recoverable and two-stage selection problems, Components and acyclicity of graphs. An exercise in combining precision with concision, Theoretical lower bound for border length minimization problem, Decentralized diagnosis of discrete event systems subject to permanent sensor failures, A probabilistic analysis of propositional STRIPS planning, Hierarchical means clustering, Red-black trees with constant update time, Depletable channels: dynamics, behaviour, and efficiency in network design, Discounted MEAN bound for the optimal searcher path problem with non-uniform travel times, A linear algorithm for the random sampling from regular languages, Predicting the labels of an unknown graph via adaptive exploration, Distributed disk-based algorithms for model checking very large Markov chains, Detecting objects in images in real-time computer vision systems using structured geometric models, Morse connection graphs for piecewise constant vector fields on surfaces, Identifying codes of corona product graphs, Path constraints in semistructured data, A simple randomized scheme for constructing low-weight \(k\)-connected spanning subgraphs with applications to distributed algorithms, Polynomial algorithms for guillotine cutting of a rectangle into small rectangles of two kinds, Automated reformulation of specifications by safe delay of constraints, Incremental qualitative temporal reasoning: Algorithms for the point algebra and the ORD-Horn class, Sensor networks and distributed CSP: communication, computation and complexity, A note on the complexity of minimum dominating set, Constrained-storage multistage vector quantization based on genetic algorithms, A constraint-based approach for annotating music scores with gestural information, Computing the prefix of an automaton, Discrete optimization algorithms and problems of decision making in a fuzzy environment, Fast linear algebra is stable, Heuristic for a new multiobjective scheduling problem, A memetic algorithm for the job-shop with time-lags, Single- and multi-objective defensive location problems on a network, Symbolic graphs: Linear solutions to connectivity related problems, AFSCN scheduling: how the problem and solution have evolved, Pebble game algorithms and sparse graphs, Mean shift spectral clustering, Adaptive sampling for geometric problems over data streams, DESIGN OF A PARALLEL INTERCONNECT BASED ON COMMUNICATION PATTERN CONSIDERATIONS, LINEAR ARRAY FOR A CLASS OF NON UNIFORM RECURRENCE EQUATIONS, Computing the pessimism of inclusion functions, Competitive graph searches, A combinatorial approach to cartograms., A faster algorithm for betweenness centrality*, A study of a generalization of a card problem, Structural filtering: a paradigm for efficient and exact geometric programs, The vertex separator problem: a polyhedral investigation, New heuristics for packing unequal circles into a circular container, Farthest-point queries with geometric and combinatorial constraints, Level of repair analysis and minimum cost homomorphisms of graphs, Weighted path queries on semistructured databases, Solving the multidimensional multiple-choice knapsack problem by constructing convex hulls, Fully dynamic all pairs shortest paths with real edge weights, Some computations on the spectra of Pisot and Salem numbers, A probabilistic analysis of some tree algorithms, Dynamical modeling and analysis of large cellular regulatory networks, Solving a gas-lift optimization problem by dynamic programming, An efficient algorithm to find a double-loop network that realizes a given L-shape, Fast string matching by using probabilities: on an optimal mismatch variant of Horspool's algorithm, Efficient approximation algorithms for the achromatic number, Boolean expression diagrams, Dual effect free stochastic controls, Coverage and exposure paths in wireless sensor networks, Qualitative criteria of admissibility for enforced agreements, Algorithms of discrete optimization and their application to problems with fuzzy coefficients, Table design in dynamic programming, Diagnosability of discrete event systems subject to permanent sensor failures, RNA folding pathways and kinetics using 2D energy landscapes, Alarm systems and catastrophes from a diverse point of view, Relational Abstract Domain of Weighted Hexagons, Morse Chain Complex from Forman Gradient in 3D with $$\mathbb {Z}_2$$ Coefficients, Automatic Functional Correctness Proofs for Functional Search Trees, COMPLEX DYNAMICAL BEHAVIORS OF DEFLECTION ROUTING ON GRID NETWORKS, Path problems in skew-symmetric graphs, Temporal stratification tests for linear and branching-time deductive databases, Efficient algorithms to solve the link-orientation problem for multi-square, convex-bipartite, and convex-split networks, Bucket brigades on in-tree assembly networks, Enhancing stochastic search performance by value-biased randomization of heuristics, Quasi-linear algorithms for the topological watershed, Simultaneous fuzzy segmentation of multiple objects, A combinatorial algorithm to construct 3D 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matrices, Relation-Algebraic Verification of Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm, The interaction of representations and planning objectives for decision-theoretic planning tasks, PHASE TRANSITIONS OF EXPSPACE-COMPLETE PROBLEMS: A FURTHER STEP, A PARALLEL METAHEURISTIC FRAMEWORK BASED ON HARMONY SEARCH FOR SCHEDULING IN DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING SYSTEMS, Searching among intervals and compact routing tables, Understanding retiming through maximum average-delay cycles, Rank-Sensitive Priority Queues, Exact Bounds for Distributed Graph Colouring, Robust Dictionary Attack of Short Simple Substitution Ciphers, Reachability in Succinct and Parametric One-Counter Automata, C-semiring Frameworks for Minimum Spanning Tree Problems, Path Problems in Complex Networks, Graphical Models and Message-Passing Algorithms: Some Introductory Lectures, An I/O Efficient Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Trees, ON THE EXPECTED EXECUTION TIME FOR A CLASS OF NON UNIFORM RECURRENCE EQUATIONS MAPPED ONTO 1D REGULAR ARRAYS, A QUEUEING MODELLING APPROACH TO CLUSTERED HETEROGENEOUS DISCRETE EVENT DYNAMIC SYSTEMS, SORTING AND SELECTION ON DISTRIBUTED MEMORY BUS COMPUTERS, FAST, EFFICIENT MUTUAL AND SELF SIMULATIONS FOR SHARED MEMORY AND RECONFIGURABLE MESH, Unnamed Item, A model variant of the problem about radiation sources utilization (iterations based on optimization insertions), The scattering number of thorn graphs, Unnamed Item, An improved master theorem for divide-and-conquer recurrences, Verified Solutions of Systems of Nonlinear Polynomial Equations, Reliable Representations of Strange Attractors, Dynamic Merging of Frontiers for Accelerating the Evaluation of Betweenness Centrality, Combinatorial-topological framework for the analysis of global dynamics, Amortized Complexity Verified, OPTIMAL VORONOI DIAGRAM CONSTRUCTION WITH n CONVEX SITES IN THREE DIMENSIONS, Linear-Time Model Checking: Automata Theory in Practice, A Black Box for Online Approximate Pattern Matching, OPTIMAL PATH AND MINIMAL SPANNING TREES IN RANDOM WEIGHTED NETWORKS, Unnamed Item, A Preemptive Algorithm for Maximizing Disjoint Paths on Trees, On Trade-Offs in External-Memory Diameter-Approximation, An automata-theoretic approach to the study of the intersection of two submonoids of a free monoid, A new algorithm for minimum spanning tree using depth-first-search in an undirected graph, Detecting the morphic images of a word : improving the general algorithm, Network Applications of Graph Bisimulation, Exact asymptotics of divide-and-conquer recurrences, Optimal two-dimensional compressed matching, GRAPH ORIENTATION TO MAXIMIZE THE MINIMUM WEIGHTED OUTDEGREE, The first coefficient of Homflypt and Kauffman polynomials: Vertigan proof of polynomial complexity using dynamic programming, Fractal geometry, Turing machines and divide-and-conquer recurrences, Spanning-Tree Games., STATE COMPLEXITY AND APPROXIMATION, Comparison of the Exact and Approximate Algorithms in the Random Shortest Path Problem, On the Weak Prefix-Search Problem, Graphbots: Mobility in discrete spaces, Finding real-valued single-source shortest paths in o(n 3) expected time, A supermodular relaxation for scheduling with release dates, Inductive Complexity of P versus NP Problem, Two-variable linear programming in parallel, On the difficulty of finding walks of length k, Surrogate data: A novel approach to object detection, SOME REMARKS ON THE HAIRPIN COMPLETION, Algorithm of Balance Equations Decomposition and Investigation of Poisson Flows in Jackson Networks, Machine-aided turbulence theory, Model-based learning of interaction strategies in multi-agent systems, Solving a Routing Problem with the Aid of an Independent Computations Scheme, PHASE TRANSITIONS OF EXPSPACE-COMPLETE PROBLEMS, On one routing problem modeling movement in radiation fields, Оptimization of the Start Point in the Gtsp with the Precedence Conditions, The Diophantine Equation 𝑥⁴+2𝑦⁴=𝑧⁴+4𝑤⁴, Kardar–Parisi–Zhang universality in first-passage percolation: the role of geodesic degeneracy, P SYSTEMS WITH INPUT IN BINARY FORM, Cryptanalysis of MDC-2, Solving Time-Tabling Problems Using Evolutionary Algorithms and Heuristics Search, DESIGNING RELEVANT FEATURES FOR CONTINUOUS DATA SETS USING ICA, A New String Matching Algorithm, Improving DPA by Peak Distribution Analysis, Constrained overlapping clusters: minimizing the negative effects of bridge‐nodes, Via Detours to I/O-Efficient Shortest Paths, Learning Unknown Graphs, The complete-tree-like matching mc-DFA and their implementation, An algorithm for constructing all supercharacter theories of a finite group, Decomposing a $k$-valued transducer into $k$ unambiguous ones, A practical method for design of hybrid-type production facilities, Simultaneous Fuzzy Segmentation of Multiple Objects, Two-Levels-Greedy: a generalization of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm, Optimally fast shortest path algorithms for some classes of graphs, Modelling Multicast QoS Routing by using Best-Tree Search in And-or Graphs and Soft Constraint Logic Programming, A graph theoretical approach to monotonicity with respect to initial conditions II, On the Height of a Random Set of Points in a d-Dimensional Unit Cube, Loop invariants, exploration of regularities, and mathematical games, Network analysis using transitive closure: New methods for exploring networks, INTERVAL-BASED TRACING OF STRANGE ATTRACTORS, On condorcet and median points of simple rectilinear polygons, Average-case analysis via incompressibility, Parametric problems on graphs of bounded tree-width, Experiments on the practical I/O efficiency of geometric algorithms: Distribution sweep vs. plane sweep, Exact site-percolation probability on the square lattice, Fast algorithms for one-dimensionsal compaction with jog insertion, Multi-Valued Reasoning about Reactive Systems, One task of routing jobs in high radiation conditions, A Bi-Level Programming Model for Protecting an Important Node in a Network, Shortest Path and Maximum Flow Problems in Networks with Additive Losses and Gains, Separation and Witnesses, Confidence intervals based on the deviance statistic for the hyperparameters in state space models, The finest homophonic partition and related code concepts, Lower bounds for the matrix chain ordering problem, Pattern matching in hypertext, Efficient breakout routing in printed circuit boards, Verifying the Correctness of Disjoint-Set Forests with Kleene Relation Algebras, Percolation on Triangulations: A Bijective Path to Liouville Quantum Gravity, The complexity of mean payoff games, An efficient orthogonal grid drawing algorithm for cubic graphs, Two-stage dynamic programming in the routing problem with decomposition, Runtime analysis of discrete particle swarm optimization applied to shortest paths computation, A broadcasting algorithm on the arrangement graph, Controller placement problem in software‐defined networking: A survey, Porous exponential domination number of some graphs, Optimizing multi-inserts in routing problems with constraints, On the question of the optimization of permutations in the problem with dynamic constraints, Unnamed Item, On Sparse Discretization for Graphical Games, An efficient parallel algorithm for shortest paths in planar layered digraphs, On one routing task with the optimization of the start-finish point, The routing problems with optimization of the starting point: dynamic programming, On the critical exponent α of the 5D random-field Ising model, Fast Algorithms for Diameter-Optimally Augmenting Paths and Trees, Counting networks with arbitrary fan-out, Linearizable counting networks, Simpler and Incremental Consistency Checking and Arc Consistency Filtering Algorithms for the Weighted Spanning Tree Constraint, COMPUTING SHORTEST, FASTEST, AND FOREMOST JOURNEYS IN DYNAMIC NETWORKS, On Source-Based Route Computation for Quickest Paths under Dynamic Bandwidth Constraints, LINEAR-TIME PRIME DECOMPOSITION OF REGULAR PREFIX CODES, Voting Procedures, Complexity of, Analysis and synthesis of controlled delay lines for fast digital devices, To the question of optimization of the starting point in the routing problem with restrictions, On Fixed Point Theory in Partially Ordered (Quasi-)metric Spaces and an Application to Complexity Analysis of Algorithms, A simple GAP-canceling algorithm for the generalized maximum flow problem, Selective Memoization with Box Types, A fuzzy max-flow min-cut theorem., A generalization of maximal independent sets, An approach to hierarchical clustering via level surfaces and convexity, Parallel algorithms for priority queue operations, Lower bounds and algorithms for the 2-dimensional vector packing problem, Stratified negation in temporal logic programming and the cycle-sum test, Min-max Computation Tree Logic, Efficient randomized algorithms for robust estimation of circular arcs and aligned ellipses, Robust model-based signal analysis and identification, Algorithms for particle-field simulations with collisions, Euler is standing in line dial-a-ride problems with precedence-constraints, Fast differential eleminination in C: The CDiffElim environment, On a minimum linear classification problem, An efficient network flow code for finding all minimum cost \(s-t\) cutsets, Hybrid symbiotic genetic optimisation for robust edge-based stereo correspondence, On the Construction of (n, k)-schemes of Visual Cryptography Using a Class of Linear Hash Functions Over a Binary Field, Unnamed Item, Accelerating a particle-in-cell simulation using a hybrid counting sort, Program transformation system based on generalized partial computation, Graph orientation with splits, Disparity maps for dynamic stereo, Minimizing roundoff errors of prefix sums via dynamic construction of Huffman trees, Parallel algorithms for red--black trees, Algorithm for optimal winner determination in combinatorial auctions, Surface reconstruction using umbrella filters, Two-variable linear programming in parallel, A fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining the transitive closure, On the primer selection problem in polymerase chain reaction experiments, Local multiple alignment via subgraph enumeration, Solving Numerical NP-Complete Problems with Spiking Neural P Systems, Cardinality of relations and relational approximation algorithms, Automata-Theoretic Model Checking Revisited, An Abstract Domain Extending Difference-Bound Matrices with Disequality Constraints, An Improved Tight Closure Algorithm for Integer Octagonal Constraints, On the Domination Integrity, Model-Checking ω-Regular Properties of Interval Markov Chains, Efficient Approximation Algorithms for Shortest Cycles in Undirected Graphs, Undirected Graphs of Entanglement 2, First Results for 3D Image Segmentation with Topological Map, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Connected component and simple polygon intersection searching, AUTOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE FOR 3D MODELING: AN EXTENSIVE REVIEW, Dynamic programming in the generalized bottleneck problem and the start point optimization, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Global distribution center number of some graphs and an algorithm, K-Dominance in Multidimensional Data: Theory and Applications, An exact method for solving the bi-objective Minimum Diameter-Cost Spanning Tree Problem, Randomized Approximation Schemes for Cuts and Flows in Capacitated Graphs, A Bird’s-Eye View of Modern Symmetric Cryptography from Combinatorial Designs, Visibility Graphs of Anchor Polygons, Packing trees, Sometimes travelling is easy: The master tour problem, Reachability games and parity games, Minimax routing problem with a system of priority tasks, On the Application of the Minimax Traveling Salesman Problem in Aviation Logistics, Identities and periodic oscillations of divide-and-conquer recurrences splitting at half, Introducing the Localized Genetic Algorithm for Small Scale Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems, A Column Generation Model for Truck Routing in the Chilean Forest Industry, A bottleneck routing problem with a system of priority tasks, Decomposition of a decision-making problem into levels of preference of the majority graph, Quantitative analysis of flow distributions in a multiuser telecommunication network, String matching algorithms and automata