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zbMath0649.60001MaRDI QIDQ3794956

Patrick Billingsley

Publication date: 1986

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Functions of singular random matrices with applications, Coherent lower and upper conditional previsions defined by Hausdorff inner and outer measures to represent the role of conscious and unconscious thought in human decision making, Weak convergence of renewal shot noise processes in the case of slowly varying normalization, Approximation of improper priors, Strong and weak rarity value: resource games with complex price-scarcity relationships, On uniform nonintegrability for a sequence of random variables, A three-series theorem on Lie groups, Central limit theorems and uniform laws of large numbers for arrays of random fields, On fairness and randomness, Bayesian analysis in moment inequality models, Continuous lunches are free plus the design of optimal optimization algorithms, Random talk: Random walk and synchronizability in a moving neighborhood network, Variational approximation for Fokker-Planck equation on Riemannian manifold, Quadri-tilings of the plane, A formal mathematical framework for modeling probabilistic hybrid systems, The survival probability and \(r\)-point functions in high dimensions, Generalised shape theory via pseudo-Wishart distribution, A robust optimization approach to experimental design for model discrimination of dynamical systems, Entropic fluctuations in \(XY\) chains and reflectionless Jacobi matrices, Modeling network traffic by a cluster Poisson input process with heavy and light-tailed file sizes, Multiple imputations and the missing censoring indicator model, Central limit theorems for classical likelihood ratio tests for high-dimensional normal distributions, Distribution theory of quadratic forms for matrix multivariate elliptical distribution, Gumbel fluctuations for cover times in the discrete torus, Characteristics of some classes of space-time covariance functions, Predictive inference using latent variables with covariates, Generalizing Zeckendorf's theorem to \(f\)-decompositions, Sequential estimation in generalized linear models when covariates are subject to errors, The intersection operation in light of joint observables and Bell inequalities in operational probability theory, A note on second-order stochastic dominance constraints induced by mixed-integer linear recourse, Coherent conditional measures of risk defined by the Choquet integral with respect to Hausdorff outer measure and stochastic independence in risk management, On the weak convergence and central limit theorem of blurring and nonblurring processes with application to robust location estimation, The Fine-Gray model under interval censored competing risks data, Gamma-type operators and the Black-Scholes semigroup, Harold Jeffreys's \textit{Theory of probability} revisited, Zero Krengel entropy does not kill Poisson entropy, Set partitions and moments of random variables, Empirical likelihood inference for the accelerated failure time model, Asymptotic behavior of average \(L_p\)-discrepancies, Likelihood ratio tests for covariance matrices of high-dimensional normal distributions, Multidimensional inequality comparisons: a compensation perspective, Change-point in stochastic design regression and the bootstrap, Cournot outcomes under Bertrand-Edgeworth competition with demand uncertainty, Definitions of ambiguous events and the smooth ambiguity model, Ambiguity aversion and trade, Limit theorems for empirical Fréchet means of independent and non-identically distributed manifold-valued random variables, Models and approximations for random genetic drift, Conditional large deviations for density case, Asymptotic properties of mean cumulative function estimators from window-observation recurrence data, Estimating exogenous variables in data with more variables than observations, Trigonometric series regression estimators with an application to partially linear models, On the height of digital trees and related problems, On the probabilistic behaviour of a heuristic algorithm for maximal Hamiltonian tours, On generalized multivariate analysis of variance, Statistical modeling of causal effects in continuous time, Narrow and \(\ell_2\)-strictly singular operators from \(L_p\), Uniqueness of Fokker-Planck equations for spin lattice systems. 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estimation in reduced-rank regression, Bayesian learning in social networks., Consistency of logistic regression coefficient estimates calculated from a training sample., Permuted derivative and importance-sampling estimators for regenerative simulations., Delocalization and limiting spectral distribution of Erdős-Rényi graphs with constant expected degree, Uniqueness of optimal strategies in Captain Lotto games, Stability of switching linear systems with switching signals driven by stochastic processes, Characterization of a coherent upper conditional prevision as the Choquet integral with respect to its associated Hausdorff outer measure, Integrability of infinite weighted sums of heavy-tailed i.i.d.\ random variables., On optimal spatial subsample size for variance estimation, Waiting time distributions of runs in higher order Markov chains, A measure-theoretic approach to completeness of financial markets, Measure extension theorems for \(T_{0}\)-spaces, Convergence results for the 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in adverse selection models, Equity allocation and portfolio selection in insurance, Global convergence of the stochastic tâtonnement process, A variational principle for the Kramers equation with unbounded external forces, Parametric deconvolution of positive spike trains., Statistical estimation for multiplicative cascades., Motif statistics., Nonatomic total rewards Markov decision processes with multiple criteria, A note on estimating a non-increasing density in the presence of selection bias, Another look at the Radner--Stiglitz nonconcavity in the value of information., Unit root tests in panel data: asymptotic and finite-sample properties, Priors, posteriors and Bayes factors for a Bayesian analysis of cointegration, Estimating Bayesian credible intervals, Bayes estimates as expanders in one and two dimensions, Almost-sure uniform error bounds of general smooth estimators of quantile density functions., On the number of overflown urns and excess balls in an allocation model with limited urn capacity, Compound estimation of a monotone sequence., Optimal asymptotic quadratic errors of density estimators on random fields., A classification of the flows solutions of a SDE, A nonparametric method to estimate time varying coefficients under seasonal constraints, A NEW METHOD FOR COMPARING EXPERIMENTS AND MEASURING INFORMATION, Weak convergence of sequences from fractional parts of random variables and applications, Information, measure shifts and distribution metrics, New two-sample tests based on the integrated empirical copula processes, Coexistence of two types on a single resource in discrete time, Fluid Limits for Multiple-Input Shortest Remaining Processing Time Queues, Generalized versions of MV-algebraic central limit theorems, On finite exponential moments for branching processes and busy periods for queues, How to Construct a Random Probability Measure, Inaccuracy measures for concomitants of generalized order statistics in Morgenstern family, A note about measures, Jacobians and Moore-Penrose inverse, A weighted version of the Erdős-Kac theorem, Pricing and investments in matching markets, Lévy-Khintchine random matrices and the Poisson weighted infinite skeleton tree, Hitting times and positions in rare events, The Feynman-Kac formula for a system of parabolic equations, Unnamed Item, A study of two high-dimensional likelihood ratio tests under alternative hypotheses, Convergence of the SMC implementation of the PHD filter, Delay and information aggregation in stopping games with private information, On the notion of persistence of excitation for linear switched systems, An ANOVA-type nonparametric diagnostic test for heteroscedastic regression models, \(K\)-sample problem using strong approximations of empirical copula processes, A Lemma on Proximity of Variances and Expectations, Statistical inference of spectral estimation for continuous-time MA processes with finite second moments, Quantile estimators and covering probabilities, Super-replication price: it can be ok, Characterization of continuous t-norms compatible with Zadeh's probability of fuzzy events, Pinning dynamic systems of networks with Markovian switching couplings and controller-node set, Exact asymptotics of divide-and-conquer recurrences, Irreversible investment and Knightian uncertainty, Uniform \(L_{1}\) posterior consistency in compact Gaussian shift experiments, Heavy traffic limit for a processor sharing queue with soft deadlines, Stochastic Monotonicity and Continuity Properties of the Extinction Time of Bellman-Harris Branching Processes: An Application to Epidemic Modelling, Expected consumer's surplus as an approximate welfare measure, Statistical representation of a spray as a point process, Certain Games, Category, and Measure, Higher-order asymptotic normality of approximations to the modified signed likelihood ratio statistic for regular models, Statistical mechanics of organized structures in two-dimensional magnetofluid turbulence, Multiformity of inherent randomicity and visitation density in \(n\) symbolic dynamics, On the rate of convergence of series of banach space valued random elements, True-concurrency probabilistic models: Markov nets and a law of large numbers, Limit theorems for random transformations and processes in random environments, A note on kernel density estimation with auxiliary information, Impossibility of weak convergence of kernel density estimators to a non-degenerate law inL2(ℝd), Pareto Index Estimation Under Moderate Right Censoring, Discrete Colonel Blotto and general lotto games, Inequalities for expected extreme order statistics, Asymptotic expected number of Nash equilibria of two-player normal form games, Asymptotic theory of noncentered mixing stochastic differential equations, On the consistency of kernel density estimates under modality constraints, On the number of iterations required by Von Neumann addition, On the Relationship Between Convergence in Distribution and Convergence of Expected Extremes, Better-reply dynamics and global convergence to Nash equilibrium in aggregative games, Measures of divergence on credal sets, A GENERAL FRAMEWORK FOR PRICING CREDIT RISK, Estimation of the number of components of finite mixtures of multivariate distributions, Final coalgebras for functors on measurable spaces, A large deviation principle for bootstrapped sample means, Global prior distributions for the analysis of discrete graphical models, Taylor's law, via ratios, for some distributions with infinite mean, Dependence Estimation for High-frequency Sampled Multivariate CARMA Models, The proportional hazards regression model with staggered entries: a strong martingale ap\-proach, Wishart and pseudo-Wishart distributions under elliptical laws and related distributions in the shape theory context, Throughput analysis in wireless networks with multiple users and multiple channels, Multiscale approach for stochastic elliptic equations in heterogeneous media, Singular extended skew-elliptical distributions, Single contrast tests for detecting trends in binomial proportions, Interval estimation for a binomial proportion: a bootstrap approach, Intersection and proximity of processes of flats, Statistics of Robust Optimization: A Generalized Empirical Likelihood Approach, Testing structural changes in panel data with small fixed panel size and bootstrap, Theory of segmented particle filters, Comparing financial investments by their state dependent returns: A one-way log utility representation, Random Blaschke Products, Gaussian fluctuations from random Schrödinger equation, Branching random walks on binary search trees: convergence of the occupation measure, A note concerning the limit distribution of the quicksort algorithm, Upper Probabilities Attainable by Distributions of Measurable Selections, Random variables and integral logic, Estimating tail decay for stationary sequences via extreme values, On Symmetric Continuum Opinion 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PSL(2, Z), A Lower Bound on the Growth Exponent for Loop-Erased Random Walk in Two Dimensions, A geometric approach to the Landauer-Büttiker formula, A functional limit theorem for Erdős and Rényi's law of large numbers, On the strong law of large numbers for functionals of countable nonhomogeneous Markov chains, Present value based portfolio choice, Large deviations for vector-valued Lévy processes, Computational depth and reducibility, Maximum likelihood estimation in the multi-path change-point problem, Bayesian sequential reliability for Weibull and related distributions, A strong limit theorem under no assumption of independence, stationarity or various dependences, Persistent convergence on randomly deleted sets, Some strong limit theorems relative to the geometric average of random transition probabilities of arbitrary finite nonhomogeneous Markov chains, Some mixing conditions for stationary symmetric stable stochastic processes, On the stationary law of a nonlinear autoregressive Markov chain, Optimal contract mechanisms for principal-agent problems with moral hazard and adverse selection, Mellin transforms and asymptotics. The mergesort recurrence, Robustness of the market model, Can rational individuals keep money under their mattresses forever?, Resource allocation for a stochastic CPM-type network through perturbation analysis, The existence of optimal contracts in the principal-agent model, A class of strong laws for functionals of countable nonhomogeneous Markov chains, On the dissipation of partial sums from a stationary strongly mixing sequence, On the concept of differential of a measure, Improved invariant set estimation for general scale families, \(M\)-estimation and quantile estimation in the presence of auxiliary information, A limit theorem for the entropy density of nonhomogeneous Markov information source, Optimal asymptotic quadratic error of density estimators for strong mixing or chaotic data, A generalized variance bounds test with an application to the Holt et al. inventory model, Transformations of Lebesgue-Stieltjes integrals, Resampling: consistency of substitution estimators, On tree-growing search strategies, Consistency of maximum likelihood estimators in general random effects models for binary data, Erdös-Rényi-Shepp laws and weighted sums of independent identically distributed random variables, Learning to learn, pattern recognition, and Nash equilibrium, Expected utility without utility, Consistency of assessments in infinite signaling games, Joint consistency of nonparametric item characteristic curve and ability estimation, Approximation of measures by Markov processes and homogeneous affine iterated function systems, A note on the Ising model in high dimensions, Value of communication in agencies, Asymptotic properties of a simple random motion, Continued fraction algorithms, functional operators, and structure constants, Effective bandwidths at multi-class queues, Similarity of games with incomplete information, Spaced batch means, What do discounted optima converge to!: A theory of discount rate asymptotics in economic models, Ergodic theorems for the multitype contact process, Filtering and forecasting with misspecified ARCH models I. Getting the right variance with the wrong model, On the limiting behavior of the Bahadur-Kiefer statistic for partial sums and renewal processes when the fourth moment does not exist, Existence and nonexistence theorems of finite diameter sequential confidence regions for errors-in-variables models, The bootstrapped maximum likelihood estimator with an application, Weak limit theorems for univariate \(k\)-mean clustering under a nonregular condition, Poisson, compound Poisson and process approximations for testing statistical significance in sequence comparisons, Ergodic properties of stationary Poisson sequences, The best asymptotic constant of a class of approximation operators, Decision theoretic generalizations of the PAC model for neural net and other learning applications, On the law of large numbers for the bootstrap mean, Edgeworth expansions for \(M\)-estimators of a regression parameter, Exact convergence rates for the bounded law of the iterated logarithm in Hilbert space, Local bootstrap, A proof of the continuity theorem for characteristic functions, Inference for mixtures of symmetric distributions, The Hausdorff dimension of a class of fractals, which are determined by the distribution of dyadic digits, Accuracy of state space collapse for earliest-deadline-first queues, Error estimates for binomial approximations of game options, Towards a simultaneous Skorohod theorem, Conditional implicit mean and the law of iterated integrals, A compact condition of sequence of distribution functions, Multitask principal-agent problems: Optimal contracts, fragility, and effort misallocation, Discontinuous superprocesses with dependent spatial motion, A class of random deviation theorems and the approach of Laplace transform, \(p\)-convergence in measure of a sequence of measurable functions and corresponding minimal elements of \(c_{0}\), On the use of stochastic approximation Monte Carlo for Monte Carlo integration, A linear fit gets the correct monotonicity 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turbulence in two dimensions, Ergodic theorems arising in correlation dimension estimation., A strong limit theorem for generalized Cantor-like random sequences, Probability distributions for a surjective unimodal map, On characterization and goodness-of-fit test of some discrete distribution families, Tests in projection pursuit regression, Variations on the measure representation approach, Qualitative probabilities on \(\lambda\)-systems, Spurious regression and residual-based tests for cointegration in panel data, Testing for a unit root by frequency domain regression, Local asymptotic normality for multivariate linear processes, Monotonicity of the Fisher information and the Kullback-Leibler divergence measure, Morphological analysis of discrete random shapes, A splitting scheme for control variates, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the multivariate bootstrap of the mean, Envelope Theorems for Multistage Linear Stochastic Optimization, Controlled Diffusion Mean Field Games with Common Noise and McKean--Vlasov Second Order Backward SDEs, Estimation Entropy, Lyapunov Exponents, and Quantizer Design for Switched Linear Systems, Statistical Modeling to Inform Optimal Game Strategy: Markov Plays H-O-R-S-E, A Statistical Framework for Hypothesis Testing in Real Data Comparison Studies, Ridge estimation in linear mixed measurement error models using generalized maximum entropy, A Brief Discourse on Hausdorff Dimension and Self-similarity, APPLICATIONS OF LIKELIHOOD RATIO ORDER IN BAYESIAN INFERENCES, Robustness to Incorrect Priors and Controlled Filter Stability in Partially Observed Stochastic Control, Small sample confidence intervals for survival functions under the proportional hazards model, The geometry of Bayesian programming, On a class exhibiting trend change in average failure rate, The extremes of random walks in random sceneries, A shift-dependent generalized cumulative entropy of order n, Exponential stability of matrix-valued Markov chains via nonignorable periodic data, Some definite integrals arising from selfdecomposable characteristic functions, The central limit theorem for Markov processes that are exponentially ergodic in the bounded-Lipschitz norm, On the problem of random flights in odd dimensions, Random dual expected utility, Joint inference based on Stein-type averaging estimators in the linear regression model, Ergodic theorems and converses for PSPACE functions, Ergodic theorems with random weights for stationary random processes and fields, Ridge-GME estimation in linear mixed models, Probability theory for random groups arising in number theory, Homogenization of non-symmetric jump processes, Optimal stopping with expectation constraints, Singular matrix variate Birnbaum-Saunders distribution under elliptical models, Weighted negative cumulative extropy with application in testing uniformity, Results in Q-measure, Layered networks, equilibrium dynamics, and stable coalitions, Correction to: ``Layered networks, equilibrium dynamics, and stable coalitions, Formal modelling and verification of probabilistic resource bounded agents, An approach to the absence of price bubbles through state-price deflators, A minimax testing perspective on spatial statistical resolution in microscopy, On the Power of Restricted Monte Carlo Algorithms, An asymptotic test for a geometric process against a lattice distribution with monotone hazard, Mixed-Poisson point process with partially observed covariates: ecological momentary assessment of smoking, Deterministic and Stochastic Wireless Network Games: Equilibrium, Dynamics, and Price of Anarchy, Rarity and exponentiality: an extension of Keilson's theorem, with applications, Matchmaking and Testing for Exponentiality in the M/G/∞ Queue, Parametric continuity in dynamic programming problems, Asymmetric Distances for Approximate Differential Privacy, On Finding Large Sets of Rewards in Two-Player ETP–ESP Games, Endogenizing the Cost Parameter in Cournot Oligopoly, Density estimation under a two-sample semiparametric model, On the existence of universally convergent mechanisms, Parametric continuity in dynamic programming problems, Nonparametric notions of multivariate scatter measure and more scattered based on statistical depth functions, On local moments, The asymptotic distribution of the proportion of correct classifications for a holdout sample in logistic regression, Estimating a distribution function with truncated data, On the Asymmetric Telegraph Processes, Exploring hypergraphs with martingales, A study of ``probabilistic and ``deterministic geostatistics. Comment to: ``Spatial continuity measures for probabilistic anddeterministic geostatistics by E. H. Isaaks and R. M. Srivastava. With a reply by Srivastava and Isaaks, A modification of the stochastic ruler method for discrete stochastic optimization, Directed convergence in stable percept acquisition., Pointwise blow-up of sequences bounded in \(L^1\), Nonconventional limit theorems, Annealing evolutionary stochastic approximation Monte Carlo for global optimization, Efficiency of thin and thick markets, On random polynomials generated by a symmetric three-term recurrence relation, Stability of preemptive EDF queueing networks, Comment: ``Harold Jeffreys's \textit{Theory of probability} revisited, The limit distribution of the maximum probability nearest-neighbour ball, Path-dependent martingale problems and additive functionals, Partially Observed Stochastic Evolution Equations on Banach Spaces and Their Optimal Lipschitz Feedback Control Law, Gaussian Quadrature and Polynomial Approximation for One-Dimensional Ridge Functions, Stochastic representation of solutions to degenerate elliptic and parabolic boundary value and obstacle problems with Dirichlet boundary conditions, Unnamed Item, Privacy Aware Learning, Weak Convergence of Finite-Dimensional Distributions of the Number of Empty Boxes in the Bernoulli Sieve, Annealing evolutionary stochastic approximation Monte Carlo for global optimization, Parameter estimation and inference with spatial lags and cointegration, Detecting multiple equilibria for continuous dependent variables, Stochastic Life Annuities, Periods of iterated rational functions, The electrostatic equilibrium problem for classical discrete orthogonal polynomials