scientific article; zbMATH DE number 781821

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zbMath0832.65046MaRDI QIDQ4841246

Carl. T. Kelley

Publication date: 6 August 1995

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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efficient solver for the fully coupled solution of large-displacement fluid-structure interaction problems., A continuation/GMRES method for fast computation of nonlinear receding horizon control, A note on the convergence of the secant method for simple and multiple roots, A higher-order blended compact difference (BCD) method for solving the general 2D linear second-order partial differential equation, Offset-assisted factored solution of nonlinear systems, High-order implicit finite difference schemes for the two-dimensional Poisson equation, On the absolute stability of a two-step third order method on a graded mesh for an initial-value problem, Local convergence of Newton-HSS methods with positive definite Jacobian matrices under generalized conditions, An inexact Newton method for solving complementarity problems in hydrodynamic lubrication, Structure preserving schemes for nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations and applications, An accelerated technique for solving one type of discrete-time algebraic Riccati equations, Varying the \(s\) in your \(s\)-step GMRES, Smart finite elements: a novel machine learning application, A new augmented singular transform and its partial Newton-correction method for finding more solutions to nonvariational quasilinear elliptic PDEs, A spectral Newton-Schur algorithm for the solution of symmetric generalized eigenvalue problems, Levenberg-Marquardt methods with strong local convergence properties for solving nonlinear equations with convex constraints, A fast Nyström-Broyden solver by Chebyshev compression, Sinc-Galerkin method for solving nonlinear boundary-value problems, On the numerical solution of some semilinear elliptic problems. II, Effective simulation of a macroscopic model for stationary micromagnetics, Numerical simulation of contaminant biodegradation by higher order methods and adaptive time stepping, Equation-free/Galerkin-free POD-assisted computation of incompressible flows, A new high order compact off-step discretization for the system of 3D quasi-linear elliptic partial differential equations, Multiphase modelling of vascular tumour growth in two spatial dimensions, A dual-purpose high order compact approach for pattern formation using gray-Scott model, Sliding-MOMP based channel estimation scheme for ISDB-T systems, Finite element models of hyperelastic materials based on a new strain measure, Calculating initial data for the conformal Einstein equations by pseudo-spectral methods, A parallel block multi-level preconditioner for the 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations., Kinetic derivation of a finite difference scheme for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, A numerical study on large-scale nonlinear solvers, Mathematical modelling of syneresis of cheese curd, Multigrid on the interface for mortar mixed finite element methods for elliptic problems, An explicit integration method for realtime simulation of multibody vehicle models, Theoretical efficiency of an inexact Newton method, Inexact methods: Forcing terms and conditioning, A tutorial history of least squares with applications to astronomy and geodesy, The theory of Newton's method, Practical quasi-Newton methods for solving nonlinear systems, Nonlinear orthomin\((k)\) methods, A computationally implementable criterion for the solvability of boundary value problems on an infinite domain, The Newton-arithmetic mean method for the solution of systems of nonlinear equations., Linearly constrained global optimization: a general solution algorithm with applications., Inexact overlapped block Broyden methods for solving nonlinear equations, An implicit, nonlinear reduced resistive MHD solver, An affine scaling trust-region approach to bound-constrained nonlinear systems, Additive Runge-Kutta schemes for convection-diffusion-reaction equations, On a class of new and practical performance indexes for approximation of fold bifurcations of nonlinear power flow equations, Solving finite difference schemes arising in trivariate option pricing., The parametric path method: an alternative to Fair--Taylor and L--B--J for solving perfect foresight models., Efficient iterative method for SOAV minimization problem with linear equality and box constraints and its linear convergence, Effect of straining on spiral wave dynamics in excitable media, Heterogeneous Stefan problem and permafrost models with P0-P0 finite elements and fully implicit monolithic solver, Numerical simulation of influence of surface features on the elastohydrodynamic lubrication of sliding line contact using Krylov subspace method, Nonlinear iterative projection methods with multigrid in photon frequency for thermal radiative 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for semilinear problems, Method of hyperelastic nodal forces for deformation of nonlinear membranes, A reliable Givens-LU approach for solving opposite-bordered tridiagonal linear systems, Multipoint flux mixed finite element methods for slightly compressible flow in porous media, Heterogeneous animal group models and their group-level alignment dynamics: an equation-free approach, Operator-based preconditioning for the 2-D 3-T energy equations in radiation hydrodynamics simulations, Effect of boundary location on the steady flow past an impulsively started circular cylinder, Approximation of hysteresis functional, A reduced fracture model for two-phase flow with different rock types, Deflated preconditioned conjugate gradient methods for noise filtering of low-field MR images, Comparison of nonlinear solvers within continuation method for steady-state variably saturated groundwater flow modelling, Novel high-order compact approach for dynamics of spiral waves in excitable media, Compact higher order discretization of 3D generalized convection diffusion equation with variable coefficients in nonuniform grids, On the convergence of conjugate direction algorithm for solving coupled Sylvester matrix equations, Nonlinear extension of multiproduct expansion schemes and applications to rigid bodies, Theoretical and numerical analysis of a class of quasilinear elliptic equations, The preconditioned Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov methods for nonequilibrium radiation diffusion equations, A nonlinearity lagging method for non-steady diffusion equations with nonlinear convection terms, Stability analysis of Jacobian-free iterative methods for solving nonlinear systems by using families of \(m\)th power divided differences, Moffatt eddies in the driven cavity: a quantification study by an HOC approach, An approximate Jacobian nonlinear solver for multiphase flow and transport, A derivative free iterative method for the implementation of Lavrentiev regularization method for ill-posed equations, On some Krylov subspace based methods for large-scale nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati problems, Third-order derivative-free methods in Banach spaces for nonlinear ill-posed equations, Finite element method for 3D deformation of hyperelastic materials, A class of two- and three-level implicit methods of order two in time and four in space based on half-step discretization for two-dimensional fourth order quasi-linear parabolic equations, A generalization of the optimal diagonal approximate inverse preconditioner, An inexact modified subgradient algorithm for nonconvex optimization, A modified conjugate gradient method for monotone nonlinear equations with convex constraints, Riemannian inexact Newton method for structured inverse eigenvalue and singular value problems, A posteriori estimates distinguishing the error components and adaptive stopping criteria for numerical approximations of parabolic variational inequalities, Properties of the delayed weighted gradient method, A unified framework for high-order numerical discretizations of variational inequalities, An implicit-explicit Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev finite element method for the nonlinear Lithium-ion battery equations, A modified trapezoidal Broyden's method for nonlinear equations, An analysis of thermal performance and entropy generation in a wavy enclosure with moving walls, A penalty decomposition method for rank minimization problem with affine constraints, Spectral modified Polak-Ribiére-Polyak projection conjugate gradient method for solving monotone systems of nonlinear equations, A biharmonic approach for the global stability analysis of 2D incompressible viscous flows, Unconditionally stable high accuracy compact difference schemes for multi-space dimensional vibration problems with simply supported boundary conditions, 3D mathematical model and numerical simulation for laying marine cable along prescribed trajectory on seabed, A modified Broyden-like quasi-Newton method for nonlinear equations, Spatial pattern formation in reaction-diffusion models: a computational approach, Nonlinear force density method for the form-finding of minimal surface membrane structures, Analysis of continuous collocation solutions for nonlinear functional equations with vanishing delays, Nonlinear Kaczmarz algorithms and their convergence, A global hybrid derivative-free method for high-dimensional systems of nonlinear equations, Global inexact quasi-Newton method for nonlinear system of equations with constraints, Modified Newton-PHSS method for solving nonlinear systems with positive definite Jacobian matrices, A two-step improved Newton method to solve convex unconstrained optimization problems, High accuracy compact operator methods for two-dimensional fourth order nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations, Shear decoupled parallel scalable preconditioners for nonlinear thermo-mechanical coupled contact applications, Nonsmooth exact penalization second-order methods for incompressible bi-viscous fluids, On the semigroup property for some structured iterations, High resolution operator compact implicit half-step approximation for 3D quasi-linear hyperbolic equations and ADI method for 3D telegraphic equation on an irrational domain, Iterative schemes for solving the Chandrasekhar \(H\)-equation using the Bernstein polynomials, On the order of convergence of Broyden's method. Faster convergence on mixed linear-nonlinear systems of equations and a conjecture on the q-order, An implicit surface tension model for the analysis of droplet dynamics, Domain decomposition and partitioning methods for mixed finite element discretizations of the Biot system of poroelasticity, Triangular decomposition of CP factors of a third-order tensor with application to solving nonlinear systems of equations, Strictly contractive Peaceman-Rachford splitting method to recover the corrupted low rank matrix, The convergence analysis of an accelerated iteration for solving algebraic Riccati equations, A new Jacobi-type iteration method for solving M-matrix or nonnegative linear systems, Local convergence analysis for Chebyshev's method, Extended Newton-type iteration for nonlinear ill-posed equations in Banach space, Efficient unequal probability resampling from finite populations, A finite element method for simulating soft active non-shearable rods immersed in generalized Newtonian fluids, On two conjectures about Dennis-Moré conditions, A hybrid parareal Monte Carlo algorithm for parabolic problems, A genetic algorithm with a self-reproduction operator to solve systems of nonlinear equations, Local convergence analysis of two iterative methods, High-resolution half-step compact numerical approximation for 2D quasilinear elliptic equations in vector form and the estimates of normal derivatives on an irrational domain, Nonlinear greedy relaxed randomized Kaczmarz method, A new modified Newton iteration for computing nonnegative \(Z\)-eigenpairs of nonnegative tensors, The virtual element method for the coupled system of magneto-hydrodynamics, A numerical method for the approximation of stable and unstable manifolds of microscopic simulators, Riemannian Trust-Region Method for the Maximal Correlation Problem, Inexact Newton methods for model simulation, On SOR-like iteration methods for solving weakly nonlinear systems, Globally convergent Jacobian-free nonlinear equation solvers based on non-monotone norm descent conditions and a modified line search technique, Semilocal and global convergence of the Newton-HSS method for systems of nonlinear equations, Multivariate Encryption Schemes Based on Polynomial Equations over Real Numbers, On the Convergence of Decoupled Optimal Power Flow Methods, An efficient block preconditioner for Jacobian-free global-local multiscale methods, Direct computation of critical equilibrium states for spatial beams and frames, Newton's method for optimal temperature-tracking of glass cooling processes, Fourth-Order Numerical Scheme Based on Half-Step Non-Polynomial Spline Approximations for 1D Quasi-Linear Parabolic Equations, Numerical solutions of AXB = C for centrosymmetric matrix X under a specified submatrix constraint, Robust Fault Detection with a Distributed and Decentralized State-Set Observer, Randomized Iterative Methods for Linear Systems, Modulating Functions Based Algorithm for the Estimation of the Coefficients and Differentiation Order for a Space-Fractional Advection-Dispersion Equation, Viscous sheet retraction, A Positivity Preserving Inverse Iteration for Finding the Perron Pair of an Irreducible Nonnegative Third Order Tensor, SELCIE: a tool for investigating the chameleon field of arbitrary sources, A Coupled FEM-BEM Approach for the Solution of the Free-Boundary Axi-Symmetric Plasma Equilibrium Problem, Optimal Control for Semiconductor Diode Design based on the MEP Energy-Transport Model, A Hybrid Deterministic/Monte Carlo Method for Solving thek-Eigenvalue Problem with a Comparison to Analog Monte Carlo Solutions, Moment-Based Acceleration for Neutral Gas Kinetics with BGK Collision Operator, A New Fast Algorithm Based on Half-Step Discretization for 3D Quasilinear Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations, The inexact, inexact perturbed, and quasi-Newton methods are equivalent models, Computational and Design Aspects in Multibody Software Development, A New Fast Numerical Method Based on Off-Step Discretization for Two-Dimensional Quasilinear Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations, A Second-Order IMEX Method for Multi-Phase Flow Problems, Heat and mass source effect on MHD double-diffusive mixed convection and entropy generation in a curved enclosure filled with nanofluid, PARALLEL ALGORITHM FOR CALCULATING GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM IN MULTIREGION ECONOMIC GROWTH MODELS, Generalized SOR-like iteration method for solving weakly nonlinear systems, Discrete orthogonal polynomials reduced models based on shift-transformation and discrete Walsh functions, Constrained pseudo-transient continuation, Solving quasi‐static equations with the material‐point method, Nonlinear model reduction via a locally weighted POD method, Deblurring and denoising of images with minimization of variation and negative norms, Nonlinear Iterative Hard Thresholding for Inverse Scattering, Fixed-Point-like method for a new Total variation-based image restoration model, Computing Covariance Matrices for Constrained Nonlinear Large Scale Parameter Estimation Problems Using Krylov Subspace Methods, Preconditioning indefinite systems in interior point methods for large scale linear optimisation, A staggered grid‐based explicit jump immersed interface method for two‐dimensional Stokes flows, Non-Darcy natural convection flow for non-Newtonian nanofluid over cone saturated in porous medium with uniform heat and volume fraction fluxes, Numerical study of magnetohydrodynamics generalized Couette flow of Eyring-Powell fluid with heat transfer and slip condition, Variational Gaussian approximation for Poisson data, An apriori parameter choice strategy and a fifth order iterative scheme for Lavrentiev regularization method, Global Sensitivity Analysis for Statistical Model Parameters, Convergence of the EDIIS Algorithm for Nonlinear Equations, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, An accelerated primal-dual iterative scheme for the L 2 -TV regularized model of linear inverse problems, Improving ultimate convergence of an augmented Lagrangian method, Optimalr-order of an adjoint Broyden method without the assumption of linearly independent steps, High accuracy two-level implicit compact difference scheme for 1D unsteady biharmonic problem of first kind: application to the generalized Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation, Radiative Heat Transfer and Applications for Glass Production Processes, Revisiting the matrix‐free solution of Markov regenerative processes, A Note on Adaptive Nonlinear Preconditioning Techniques, An iterative method for solving the stable subspace of a matrix pencil and its application, Iterative solvers within sequences of large linear systems in non-linear structural mechanics, A modified modulus method for symmetric positive-definite linear complementarity problems, Existence of time periodic solutions for the Nicholson's blowflies model with Newtonian diffusion, Implicit time integration of hyperbolic conservation laws via discontinuous Galerkin methods, Truly monolithic algebraic multigrid for fluid-structure interaction, Ridge structural equation modelling with correlation matrices for ordinal and continuous data, Nonmonotone Spectral Methods for Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems, Newton-like method with modification of the right-hand-side vector, Computational experience with globally convergent descent methods for large sparse systems of nonlinear equations, Unnamed Item, An improved inexact Newton's method for unary optimization, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Iterative algorithm for minimal norm least squares solution to general linear matrix equations, An efficient implementation of a numerical method for a chemotaxis system, Globalization of SQP-Methods in Control of the Instationary Navier-Stokes Equations, ANALYSIS OF THE INEXACT UZAWA ALGORITHMS FOR NONLINEAR SADDLE-POINT PROBLEMS, On solving a special class of weakly nonlinear finite-difference systems, Improving Triangular Preconditioner Updates for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems, A Higher Order Finite Difference Method for Numerical Solution of the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky Equation, Numerical analysis and iteration acceleration of a fully implicit scheme for nonlinear diffusion problem with second-order time evolution, A Low-Rank Solver for the Navier--Stokes Equations with Uncertain Viscosity, Composing Scalable Nonlinear Algebraic Solvers, Numerical nonlinear observers using pseudo-Newton-type solvers, Iterative solvers for the Maxwell–Stefan diffusion equations: Methods and applications in plasma and particle transport, A Newton-Krylov-FETI-DP Method with an Adaptive Coarse Space Applied to Elastoplasticity, Globally and superlinearly convergent inexact Newton-Krylov algorithms for solving nonsmooth equations, Preconditioner updates for solving sequences of linear systems in matrix-free environment, Numerical simulation of laminar flames at low Mach number by adaptive finite elements, Convergence Analysis for the Multiplicative Schwarz Preconditioned Inexact Newton Algorithm, Considerations on the Implementation and Use of Anderson Acceleration on Distributed Memory and GPU-based Parallel Computers, Lagrangian mechanics and variational integrators on two-spheres, A transformation-free HOC scheme for incompressible viscous flows on nonuniform polar grids, Semi-implicit Krylov deferred correction methods for differential algebraic equations, Nonlinear hybrid procedures and fixed point iterations, A comparison of regularizations for an ill-posed problem, FIXED POINT THEOREM FOR AN INFINITE TOEPLITZ MATRIX, Performance of LCD iterative method in the finite element and finite difference solution of convection-diffusion equations, A new damage model based on non-local displacements, How Many Steps Still Left to $x$*?, PRECONDITIONED ITERATIVE METHOD FOR REACTIVE TRANSPORT WITH SORPTION IN POROUS MEDIA, A real-time algorithm for nonlinear infinite horizon optimal control by time axis transformation method, Newton's Method in Mixed Precision, Efficient non-linear model reduction via a least-squares Petrov-Galerkin projection and compressive tensor approximations, Mixed precision algorithms in numerical linear algebra, A Space-Time Multiscale Mortar Mixed Finite Element Method for Parabolic Equations, Hybrid Multiscale Finite Volume Method for Advection-Diffusion Equations Subject to Heterogeneous Reactive Boundary Conditions, Coupling strategies for biomedical fluid–structure interaction problems, Unnamed Item, A New Stopping Criterion for Krylov Solvers Applied in Interior Point Methods, Enhancing the practicality of Newton-Cotes iterative method, Partial Newton-correction method for multiple fixed points of semi-linear differential operators by Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto pseudospectral method, Model predictive emissions control of a diesel engine airpath: Design and experimental evaluation, A derivative-free scaling memoryless DFP method for solving large scale nonlinear monotone equations, A method of lower and upper solutions for control problems and application to a model of bone marrow transplantation, Resolving entropy growth from iterative methods, Third (fourth) order accurate two-step super-stable cubic spline polynomial approximation for the second order non-linear initial-value problems, Explaining breakthrough behaviour in shale rock: influence of capillary effects and geomechanics, SOMAFOAM: an OpenFOAM based solver for continuum simulations of low-temperature plasmas, Thermogravitational magnetonanofluid flow in a square cavity with isotropic heat flow field and viscous dissipation: a compact approach, Longitudinal wall motion during peristalsis and its effect on reflux, Reduced-order state-space models for two-dimensional discrete systems via bivariate discrete orthogonal polynomials, Parallelizing spectral deferred corrections across the method, High-order compact finite difference methods for solving the high-dimensional Helmholtz equations, Newton-MR: inexact Newton method with minimum residual sub-problem solver, An inverse free Broyden's method for solving equations, Methods of continuation and their implementation in the COCO software platform with application to delay differential equations, On the convergence of open Newton's method, Computation of the self-diffusion coefficient with low-rank tensor methods: application to the simulation of a cross-diffusion system, nlTGCR: A Class of Nonlinear Acceleration Procedures Based on Conjugate Residuals, How accurate does Newton have to be?, Unified a priori analysis of four second-order FEM for fourth-order quadratic semilinear problems, Analysis of steady-state nonlinear problems via gradual introduction of nonlinearity, An arbitrary order time-stepping algorithm for tracking particles in inhomogeneous magnetic fields, Residual-based error correction for neural operator accelerated Infinite-dimensional Bayesian inverse problems, TransROTA: a code for solving collisionality-extended Braginskii's closure formalism for toroidally-rotating Plasmas with nonlinear successive overrelaxation, A Recursively Recurrent Neural Network (R2N2) Architecture for Learning Iterative Algorithms, Physics-based adaptivity of a spectral method for the Vlasov-Poisson equations based on the asymmetrically-weighted Hermite expansion in velocity space, Devlin-like approach to a spin-1 transverse XY model with biquadratic exchange and single-ion anisotropy, PFASST-ER: combining the parallel full approximation scheme in space and time with parallelization across the method, Noda iteration for computing generalized tensor eigenpairs, On the Preconditioned Delayed Weighted Gradient Method, One-Dimensional Short-Range Nearest-Neighbor Interaction and Its Nonlinear Diffusion Limit, DNN-MG: a hybrid neural network/finite element method with applications to 3D simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations, High-order half-step compact numerical approximation for fourth-order parabolic PDEs, Overlapping multiplicative Schwarz preconditioning for linear and nonlinear systems, Vortex breakdown, linear global instability and sensitivity of pipe bifurcation flows, Cascadic Newton’s method for the elliptic Monge–Ampère equation, Secant Acceleration of Sequential Residual Methods for Solving Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems of Equations, A Class of Preconditioned TGHSS-Based Iteration Methods for Weakly Nonlinear Systems, Accelerated GPMHSS Method for Solving Complex Systems of Linear Equations, Semilocal Convergence Analysis for MMN-HSS Methods under Hölder Conditions, Local Improvement Results for Anderson Acceleration with Inaccurate Function Evaluations, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Block Jacobi Preconditioning for Solving Dynamic General Equilibrium Models, Inexact Newton-type methods based on Lanczos orthonormal method and application for full waveform inversion, A New Diagonal Quasi-Newton Updating Method With Scaled Forward Finite Differences Directional Derivative for Unconstrained Optimization, A new accelerated diagonal quasi-Newton updating method with scaled forward finite differences directional derivative for unconstrained optimization, A high accuracy compact semi-constant mesh off-step discretization in exponential form for the solution of non-linear elliptic boundary value problems, Comparison of Preconditioning Strategies in Energy Conserving Implicit Particle in Cell Methods, Fully-Coupled Multi-Physical Simulation with Physics-Based Nonlinearity-Elimination Preconditioned Inexact Newton Method for Enhanced Oil Recovery, A Numerical Approach for a System of Transport Equations in the Field of Radiotherapy, Sensitivity analysis of large-scale time dependent PDEs, A parser for the interval evaluation of analytical functions and its application to engineering problems, On consistent time-integration methods for radiation hydrodynamics in the equilibrium diffusion limit: Low-energy-density regime, Nonlinear boundary integral equations for harmonic problems, Computing positive fixed-points of decreasing Hammerstein operators by relaxed iterations, The numerical solution of a nonlinear hypersingular boundary integral equation, Inexact perturbed Newton methods and applications to a class of Krylov solvers, Application of the Cramer rule in the solution of sparse systems of linear algebraic equations, Analysis of the accuracy and convergence of equation-free projection to a slow manifold, Lattice-Boltzmann type relaxation systems and high order relaxation schemes for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, The nearness problems for symmetric centrosymmetric with a special submatrix constraint, Solving sparse linear systems of equations using the modified digraph approach, Domain decomposition and multiscale mortar mixed finite element methods for linear elasticity with weak stress symmetry, Spectral residual method without gradient information for solving large-scale nonlinear systems of equations, Unnamed Item, Compact half step approximation in exponential form for the system of 2D second-order quasi-linear elliptic partial differential equations, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Two new Newton-type methods for the nonlinear equations, Une procédure de purification pour les problèmes de complémentarité linéaire, monotones, Numerical methods for nonlinear equations, Newton's Method for Monte Carlo--Based Residuals, A streamfunction–velocity approach for 2D transient incompressible viscous flows, A Global Jacobian Method for Mortar Discretizations of a Fully Implicit Two-Phase Flow Model, Convergence Analysis for Anderson Acceleration, Taylor mapping method for solving and learning of dynamic processes, Coreline Criteria for Inertial Particle Motion, Convergence of quasi-Newton methods for solving constrained generalized equations

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