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Magdi S. Mahmoud - MaRDI portal

Magdi S. Mahmoud

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zbMath Open mahmoud.magdi-sadik-mostafaMaRDI QIDQ236889

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Integral reinforcement learning solutions for a synchronisation system with constrained policies2024-09-05Paper
An online adaptive policy iteration-based reinforcement learning for a class of a nonlinear 3D overhead crane2023-04-21Paper
Stabilization of distributed cyber physical systems subject to denial-of-service attack2022-04-07Paper
Secure control of cyber physical systems subject to stochastic distributed DoS and deception attacks2022-02-08Paper
𝕃1 adaptive networked controller for islanded distributed generation systems in a microgrid2022-02-07Paper
Coordination control strategies for multivehicle systems2020-12-31Paper
On LQG control design for network systems with/without acknowledgments using a particle filtering technology2019-12-12Paper
Feedback fuzzy control for quantized networked systems with random delays2019-03-21Paper
Robust packet-based nonlinear fuzzy networked control systems2019-02-06Paper
Dynamic feedback triggering fuzzy control for Takagi-Sugeno discrete systems2018-10-17Paper
Robust mixed \(H_2/H_\infty\) control of networked control systems with random delays and partially known transition matrix2018-08-16Paper
Leader-following discrete consensus control of multi-agent systems with fixed and switching topologies2018-08-16Paper
Asynchronous sampled-data approach for event-triggered systems2018-02-12Paper
Modeling and control of microgrid: an overview2017-10-19Paper
Robust control for Markovian jump linear discrete-time systems with unknown nonlinearities2017-08-25Paper
Robust kalman filtering for continuous time-lag systems with markovian jump parameters2017-08-25Paper
New results on delay-dependent control of time-delay systems2017-07-12Paper
Dissipativity analysis for discrete stochastic neural networks with Markovian delays and partially known transition matrix2017-06-09Paper
Aperiodic triggering mechanisms for networked control systems2017-05-16Paper
Event triggered of microgrid control with communication and control optimization2016-10-11Paper
Networked control of microgrid system of systems2016-09-30Paper
Adaptive PI secondary control for smart autonomous microgrid systems2016-03-17Paper
filtering for switched discrete‐time systems under asynchronous switching: A dwell‐time dependent Lyapunov functional method2016-02-08Paper
Discrete-time dynamic graphical games: model-free reinforcement learning solution2015-10-28Paper
Observer-based fault-tolerant control for a class of nonlinear networked control systems2015-07-31Paper
LQG control design over lossy communication links2015-07-31Paper
Remote optimal state estimation over communication channels with random delays2015-07-27Paper
Dynamic output feedback of networked control systems with partially known Markov chain packet dropouts2015-06-08Paper
Robust H  reliable control for uncertain switched neutral systems with distributed delays2015-04-17Paper
Networked feedback control for systems with quantization and non-stationary random delays2015-04-17Paper
A generalized approach to stabilization of linear interconnected time-delay systems2015-01-13Paper
Robust control design of autonomous bicycle kinematics2014-12-05Paper
Networked event-triggered control: an introduction and research trends2014-11-19Paper
Robust dissipative control for internet-based switching systems2014-11-06Paper
Dynamic feedback control over unreliable communication channels2014-08-25Paper
Model prediction-based approach to fault-tolerant control with applications2014-08-25Paper
Decentralized \(\mathcal H_\infty\) controller design for a multi-zone space heating system2014-08-15Paper
Robust cooperative control for a group of mobile robots with quantized information exchange2014-08-13Paper
Resilient decentralized filtering of interconnected discrete-time systems2014-08-12Paper
Discussion on: ``Positive real control for uncertain singular time-delay systems via output feedback controllers2014-08-07Paper
Networked feedback control for nonlinear systems with random varying delays2014-06-25Paper
Dissipativity analysis and design for uncertain Markovian jump systems with time-varying delays2014-06-20Paper
Distributed estimation for adaptive sensor selection in wireless sensor networks2014-05-16Paper
Expectation maximization approach to data-based fault diagnostics2014-04-16Paper
Quantized filter design of interconnected continuous‐time delay systems2014-04-08Paper
Simultaneous ℋ︁2/ℋ︁∞ control of uncertain jump systems with functional time‐delays2014-04-03Paper
Robust estimation of interconnected systems subject to sensor nonlinearities2014-01-30Paper
Interconnected jumping time-delay systems: Mode-dependent decentralized stability and stabilization2013-11-26Paper
Finite-time analysis and \(H_\infty\) control for switched stochastic systems2013-11-12Paper
Robust \(H_\infty\) filtering for switched stochastic systems under asynchronous switching2013-11-12Paper
Estimator design for networked control systems with nonstationary packet dropouts2013-10-23Paper
Optimal state estimation over communication channels with random delays2013-07-31Paper
Robust \(l_2-l_\infty\) filtering for switched time-delay systems with missing measurements2013-07-11Paper
H∞filtering for nonlinear singular Markovian jumping systems with interval time-varying delays2013-03-12Paper
Improved approach for passive stability of discrete‐time Markovian jump linear systems via mode‐dependent time‐delayed controllers2013-03-07Paper
Improved digital tracking controller design for pilot-scale unmanned helicopter2012-12-28Paper
A regular H  filter for uncertain discrete-time singular systems with time-varying delays2012-12-10Paper
New predictive control scheme for networked control systems2012-09-27Paper
Control design of linear systems with saturating actuators: a survey2012-09-14Paper
Decentralized sliding-mode output-feedback control of interconnected discrete-delay systems2012-08-27Paper
Reliable decentralized control of interconnected discrete delay systems2012-08-27Paper
Global stability results of discrete recurrent neural networks with interval delays2012-07-30Paper
Improved networked-control systems approach with communication constraint2012-07-30Paper
Robust finite-time \(H_{\infty }\) control for a class of uncertain switched neutral systems2012-06-21Paper
Decentralized state-estimation of interconnected systems with unknown nonlinearities2012-05-08Paper
Applied Control Systems Design2012-05-02Paper
Persistent bounded disturbance rejection for discrete-time delay systems2011-06-10Paper
Switched state feedback for uncertain continuous-time systems with interval delays2011-05-18Paper
Quantized feedback stabilization of interconnected continuous time-delay systems2011-05-06Paper
Interconnected switched discrete-time systems: robust stability and stabilization2011-05-06Paper
Improved exponential stability analysis for delayed recurrent neural networks2011-03-22Paper
Decentralized output-feedback stabilization for interconnected discrete systems with unknown delays2011-03-15Paper
Resilient decentralized stabilization of interconnected time-delay systems with polytopic uncertainties2011-03-15Paper
A generalized \({\mathcal{H}}_{2}\) filtering of uncertain discrete-time singular systems with time-varying delays2011-02-18Paper
Delay-dependent dissipativity analysis and synthesis of switched delay systems2011-02-17Paper
Decentralized Systems with Design Constraints2011-02-15Paper
New filter design for linear time-delay systems2011-02-09Paper
Decentralized Control and Filtering in Interconnected Dynamical Systems2011-02-02Paper
Switched Time-Delay Systems2010-12-28Paper
Tracking policies for a class of dynamic production-inventory systems2010-12-23Paper
Decentralized reliable control of interconnected time-delay systems against sensor failures2010-12-21Paper
Improved results on robust exponential stability criteria for neutral-type delayed neural networks2010-12-20Paper
Passivity and passivation of interconnected time-delay models of reheat power systems2010-12-01Paper
Improved stability and stabilization approach to linear interconnected time-delay systems2010-11-24Paper
Rejection of persistent-bounded disturbances in continuous time-delay systems using observer-based feedback2010-11-24Paper
New stability and stabilization methods for nonlinear systems with time-varying delays2010-11-24Paper
Rejection of persistent-bounded disturbances in linear time-delay systems by output-feedback2010-11-24Paper
Robust exponential stability for discrete-time interval BAM neural networks with delays and Markovian jump parameters2010-11-24Paper
Decentralized stabilization approach for interconnected discrete-time delay systems with bounded non-linearities2010-10-20Paper
Interconnected continuous-time switched systems: robust stability and stabilization2010-10-11Paper
Resilient decentralized stabilization for interconnected discrete-time systems2010-07-24Paper
Persistent bounded disturbance rejection for discrete time-delay systems using output feedback2010-07-02Paper
Robust filter design for piecewise discrete-time systems with time-varying delays2010-04-15Paper
Improved robust stability and feedback stabilization criteria for time-delay systems2010-04-06Paper
Improved results for non-linear discrete-time systems with time-varying delays2010-04-06Paper
Robust stability and stabilization methods for a class of nonlinear discrete-time delay systems2010-03-31Paper
Decentralized reliable control of interconnected systems with time-varying delays2010-02-15Paper
Decentralized stabilization of interconnected systems with time-varying delays2010-01-27Paper
Stability and implementable \(\mathbb H_{\infty }\) filters for singular systems with nonlinear perturbations2009-12-04Paper
Robust stability and stabilization of a class of nonlinear switched discrete-time systems with time-varying delays2009-11-27Paper
New \(\mathcal H_{2}\) filter for uncertain singular systems using strict LMIs2009-11-13Paper
Switched discrete-time delay systems: Delay-dependent analysis and synthesis2009-11-13Paper
Dissipativity analysis and synthesis of a class of nonlinear systems with time-varying delays2009-08-19Paper
Mixed \(\mathcal H_2/\mathcal H_{\infty }\) control of uncertain jumping time-delay systems2009-08-07Paper
Switched discrete-time systems with time-varying delays: A generalized \(\mathcal H_2\)-approach2009-07-14Paper
Robust filtering for jumping systems with mode-dependent delays2009-07-01Paper
Generalized \(\mathcal H_2\) control of switched discrete-time systems with unknown delays2009-06-08Paper
Delay-dependent dissipativity of singular time-delay systems2009-05-06Paper
Delay-dependent \(\mathcal H_{\infty}\) filtering of a class of switched discrete-time state delay systems2009-01-20Paper
Resilient control of nonlinear discrete-time state-delay systems2009-01-14Paper
Robust adaptive control of uncertain discrete-time state-delay systems2008-09-11Paper
Resilient feedback stabilization of discrete-time systems with delays2008-07-25Paper
Robust adaptive sliding-mode control for continuous time-delay systems2007-11-12Paper
Resilient adaptive control of polytopic delay systems2007-08-07Paper
Analysis and synthesis of uncertain switched discrete-time systems2007-07-23Paper
Robust observers for neutral jumping systems with uncertain information2006-12-07Paper
Passivity and passification of jump time-delay systems2006-06-26Paper
Simultaneous output feedback stabilization of time-delay systems2006-06-26Paper
Variable structure adaptive control for a class of continuous time-delay systems2006-06-26Paper
Worst case control of uncertain jumping systems with multi-state and input delay information2005-12-05Paper
Optimal guaranteed cost filtering for Markovian jump discrete-time systems2005-10-11Paper
Robust performance analysis and synthesis of multi-state-delay jumping systems2005-08-23Paper
\(H_\infty\) and robust control of interconnected systems with Markovian jump parameters2005-07-01Paper
New results on linear parameter-varying time-delay systems2005-04-07Paper
State transformation for H  control of uncertain jumping delayed systems2005-04-05Paper
Output Feedback Stabilization and Disturbance Attenuation of Time-Delay Systems with Markovian Jump Parameters2005-03-21Paper
Robust Adaptive Output Feedback Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems2005-03-18Paper
Robust Output Feedback Control for Nonlinear Systems Including Actuators2005-03-18Paper
Linear Parameter-Varying State-Delay (LPVSD) Systems: Stability and L2-Gain Controllers2005-03-18Paper
Resilient linear filtering of uncertain systems2005-01-31Paper
Resilient control of uncertain dynamical systems.2004-11-25Paper
A descriptor approach to simulataneous H2/H  control of jumping time-delay systems2004-10-25Paper
LMI approach to robust stability and H  control of uncertain neutral jumping systems2004-10-25Paper
Robust $ {\cal H}_{\infty}$ Control of a Class of Nonlinear Uncertain Time-Delay Systems2004-08-31Paper
Robust Kalman filtering for discrete-time Markovian jump systems with parameter uncertainty2004-08-16Paper
Passivity and passification of time-delay systems2004-08-06Paper
Adaptive Identification and Control for a Class of Interconnected Systems2004-06-08Paper
Guaranteed cost observer-based control of uncertain time-lag systems2004-05-27Paper
Uncertain jumping systems with strong and weak functional delays.2004-03-14Paper
Interconnected jumping time delay systems: robust and H  control schemes2004-02-23Paper
Robust stability, stabilization and ?? control of time-delay systems with Markovian jump parameters2003-07-31Paper
Output feedback stabilization and disturbance attenuation of time-delay jumping systems2003-01-01Paper
Robust stability and \({\mathcal H}_{\infty}\)-estimation for uncertain discrete systems with state-delay2002-12-10Paper
Stabilizing controllers using observers for uncertain systems with delays2002-12-09Paper
Passivity analysis and synthesis for uncertain time-delay systems2002-11-27Paper
Linear parameter-varying discrete time-delay systems: Stability and l 2-gain controllers2002-08-11Paper
Robust ℋ/sub ∞/ filtering for a class of linear parameter-varying systems2002-07-21Paper
Robust \({\mathcal H}_{\infty}\) control of linear neutral systems2002-07-14Paper
Discrete-time systems with linear parameter-varying: Stability and \({\mathcal H}_\infty\)-filtering2002-07-08Paper
Robustness of high-gain observer-based nonlinear controllers to unmodeled acutators and sensors2002-05-22Paper
Control of uncertain state-delay systems: guaranteed cost approach2002-03-10Paper
Robust Kalman filtering for continuous time-lag systems2002-03-03Paper
Passive control synthesis for uncertain systems with multiple-state delays.2002-01-01Paper
Output feedback design for uncertain systems with delays2002-01-01Paper
Modelling and control of high-voltage AC-DC power systems2001-12-13Paper
Delay-dependent robust stability and stabilization for systems with mismatched uncertainties2001-11-29Paper
Design of delay observer-based controllers for uncertain time-lag systems2001-02-15Paper
Coordination and control of multi-fingered robot hands with rolling and sliding contacts2001-01-03Paper
Stability and positive realness of time-delay systems2000-09-12Paper
Robust performance of a class of uncertain systems2000-07-11Paper
Guaranteed cost control of uncertain discrete systems with delays2000-06-12Paper
Output feedback stabilization of systems with non-linear actuators2000-06-12Paper
Adaptive stabilization of delay differential systems with unknown uncertainty bounds2000-06-12Paper
Robust design of stabilizing controllers for interconnected time-delay systems2000-05-03Paper
Robust \(\mathcal {H_\infty}\) control of discrete systems with uncertain parameters and unknown delays2000-04-27Paper
\(H_\infty\)-control design for systems with multiple delays2000-02-03Paper
Robust stability and stabilization of a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with delays2000-01-25Paper
Quadratic stabilization of continuous time systems with state-delay and norm-bounded time-varying uncertainties1999-11-08Paper
\(H_{\infty}\)-controllers for time-delay systems using linear matrix inequalities1999-09-13Paper
Robust performance results for discrete-time systems1999-04-23Paper
Bounds of robustness for singularly perturbed feedback systems1999-02-01Paper
Observer-based positive real control of uncertain linear systems1999-01-01Paper
Robust performance of uncertain systems by output feedback1998-07-22Paper
Stabilization of dynamical systems with nonlinear actuators1997-04-22Paper
Some robustness measures for a class of discrete-time systems1997-02-04Paper
Neuro-short-term load forecast of the power system in Kuwait1997-01-01Paper
Optimal inventories in group technology production systems for a continuous consumption pattern1996-11-07Paper
Adaptive control of a class of time-delay systems with uncertain parameters1996-10-07Paper
Dynamic control of systems with variable state-delay1996-06-16Paper
Sensitivity analysis of machine interference in manufacturing systems1995-10-17Paper
Guaranteed stabilization of interconnected discrete-time uncertain systems1995-08-20Paper
Robustness measures for a class of discrete-time systems1995-08-09Paper
Dynamic controllers for systems with actuators1995-05-11Paper
A computational algorithm for robust control system design1995-04-02Paper
Stabilizing control for a class of uncertain interconnected systems1995-03-22Paper
A design approach to adaptive model-following control of robotic manipulators1995-03-16Paper
Adaptive model-following controller for robotic manipulators1994-10-13Paper
Design of robust controllers for time-delay systems1994-09-28Paper
A globally convergent adaptive controller for robot manipulators1994-05-10Paper
Indirect discrete-time adaptive algorithm for manipulator control1994-02-07Paper
Microcontroller-based real-time digital control of slow processes with dead time1993-08-23Paper
Control of partially-known dynamical systems1993-06-05Paper
An algorithm for dynamic routing in FMS under an unpredicted failure1993-05-16Paper
Robust control of robot arms including motor dynamics1993-01-01Paper
Reduced-order adaptive control scheme1992-09-27Paper
Decentralised and hierarchical control of interconnected uncertain systems1992-06-26Paper
Adaptive model-following control based on variable structure systems1991-01-01Paper
Variable structure control of non-linear adaptive model-following systems1991-01-01Paper
Limitations of integral-action in control systems design1991-01-01Paper
Sensitivity analysis of productive inventories under modelling errors1990-01-01Paper
Kinematics of multiple-arm robots with symmetric tasks1990-01-01Paper
Optimal lot-sizing in multi-item production inventories1990-01-01Paper
Microcomputer-based robust control for slow time-delay processes: pole placement approach1989-01-01Paper
Uncertain discrete systems: uniform ultimate bounded stabilization1989-01-01Paper
Microcomputer based on-line control for DC motors1989-01-01Paper
Dynamic decentralized stabilization for a class of multi-stage processes1989-01-01Paper
Linear feedback approach to the stabilisation of uncertain discrete systems1989-01-01Paper
Group technology inventories with optimal production costs1989-01-01Paper
Asymptotic stability for a class of linear discrete systems with bounded uncertainties1988-01-01Paper
Optimization of freeway traffic control problems1988-01-01Paper
Design of an on-line controller for microcomputer implementation1988-01-01Paper
Stabilization of discrete adaptive systems with bounded disturbances1988-01-01Paper
Hybrid technique for decentralized water-quality control†1987-01-01Paper
Computational experience with adaptive model-reference identification schemes1987-01-01Paper
Performance analysis of two-level structures on finite-precision machines1986-01-01Paper
Implementation of two-level algorithms using fixed-point arithmetic1986-01-01Paper
Two-level optimization algorithm for the megawatt-frequency control problem1986-01-01Paper
Discrete two-time-scale systems1986-01-01Paper
A two-stage output feedback design1986-01-01Paper
Stabilization of discrete systems with multiple-time scales1986-01-01Paper
Reduced-order performance of adaptive control systems1986-01-01Paper
Discrete regulators with time-scale separation1985-01-01Paper
On the use of reduced-order models in output feedback design of discrete systems1985-01-01Paper
Regulation of water quality standards in streams by decentralized control†1985-01-01Paper
On eigenvalue assignment in discrete systems with fast and slow modes1985-01-01Paper
Decentralized structures for stream water quality control problems1985-01-01Paper
Control of power systems by constrained tracking methods1985-01-01Paper
Discrete systems. Analysis, control and optimization1984-01-01Paper
An iterative block-diagonalization procedure for decentralized optimal control1984-01-01Paper
On the hierarchical algorithms for nonlinear systems with bounded control1984-01-01Paper
Design of feedback controllers by two-stage methods1983-01-01Paper
Linear multilevel estimators for stabilization of discrete systems1983-01-01Paper
Design of observer-based controllers for a class of discrete systems1982-01-01Paper
Hierarchical computation of decentralized gains for interconnected systems1982-01-01Paper
A two-level parameter estimation algorithm using the multiple projection approach1982-01-01Paper
Dynamic modelling and control in water resources systems†1982-01-01Paper
A computational procedure to stabilize nonlinear sampled-data systems1980-01-01Paper
Dynamic feedback methodology for interconnected control systems1979-01-01Paper
Decomposition and coordination methods for constrained optimization1979-01-01Paper
Dynamic multilevel optimization for a class of non-linear systems1979-01-01Paper
A quantitative comparison between two decentralized control approaches1978-01-01Paper
Hierarchical dynamic optimization for induction motors regulation1978-01-01Paper
Optimal control of constrained problems by the costate coordination structure1978-01-01Paper
Closed-loop multilevel control of large nonlinear systems via invariant imbedding techniques1977-01-01Paper
Linear estimator stabilization of nonlinear sampled-data systems1977-01-01Paper
Multilevel Systems Control and Applications: A Survey1977-01-01Paper
Multilevel control and optimization using generalized gradients technique1977-01-01Paper
A class of optimization techniques for linear state-regulators1977-01-01Paper

Research outcomes over time

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