zbMath1321.14048MaRDI QIDQ5251430
Diane MacLagan, Bernd Sturmfels
Publication date: 20 May 2015
Full work available at URL: https://homepages.warwick.ac.uk/staff/D.Maclagan/papers/TropicalBook20.4.14.pdf
Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.
On the tropicalization of D-ideals,
Sharp Bounds for the Number of Regions of Maxout Networks and Vertices of Minkowski Sums,
Generalized Permutahedra and Optimal Auctions,
Bayesian Integrals on Toric Varieties,
A unifying approach to tropicalization,
Matroid Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson cycles and Tutte activities,
Lagrangian geometry of matroids,
The anticanonical complex for non-degenerate toric complete intersections,
A polyhedral homotopy algorithm for real zeros,
The Tropical Nullstellensatz and Positivstellensatz for Sparse Polynomial Systems,
Generalised cone complexes and tropical moduli in polymake,
Exploring tropical differential equations,
Stellahedral geometry of matroids,
Generalising Kapranov's theorem for tropical geometry over hyperfields,
Tropical Feynman integration in the Minkowski regime,
Tropical Monte Carlo quadrature for Feynman integrals,
Toric degenerations of low-degree hypersurfaces,
The polyhedral geometry of truthful auctions,
Tropical positivity and determinantal varieties,
Seshadri stratifications and standard monomial theory,
Mini-workshop: Topological and differential expansions of o-minimal structures. Abstracts from the mini-workshop held November 27 -- December 3, 2022,
Computing Solution Space Properties of Combinatorial Optimization Problems Via Generic Tensor Networks,
Towards Lower Bounds on the Depth of ReLU Neural Networks,
Tropical Linear Regression and Mean Payoff Games: Or, How to Measure the Distance to Equilibria,
Submodule codes as spherical codes in buildings,
Subdivisions of generalized permutahedra,
Tautological classes of matroids,
Smooth tropical complete intersection curves of genus 3 in \(\mathbb{R}^3\),
Plücker coordinates of the best-fit Stiefel tropical linear space to a mixture of Gaussian distributions,
A tropical count of real bitangents to plane quartic curves,
Finiteness of Spatial Central Configurations with Fixed Subconfigurations,
Tropical moduli spaces of rational graphically stable curves,
The geometry of geometries: matroid theory, old and new,
Log-concavity of matroid \(h\)-vectors and mixed Eulerian numbers,
The Grassmannian of 3-planes in \(\mathbb{C}^8\) is schön,
Representability of orthogonal matroids over partial fields,
A general framework for tropical differential equations,
The core of a transferable utility game as the solution to a public good market demand problem,
On intersections and stable intersections of tropical hypersurfaces,
Tropical medians by transportation,
Exponential sums equations and tropical geometry,
Presentations of transversal valuated matroids,
Nonlinear algebra and applications,
On the birational geometry of matroids,
Essence of independence: Hodge theory of matroids since June Huh,
Convexity in Tree Spaces,
Reduction of Chemical Reaction Networks with Approximate Conservation Laws,
Initial degenerations of spinor varieties,
The moduli space of the tropicalizations of Riemann surfaces,
Motivic zeta functions of hyperplane arrangements,
Point line geometry in the tropical plane,
From Singularities to Graphs,
Jacobi's bound: Jacobi's results translated in Kőnig's, Egerváry's and Ritt's mathematical languages,
Massively parallel computation of tropical varieties, their positive part, and tropical Grassmannians,
On the solution of a two-sided vector equation in tropical algebra,
Monomial Tropical Cones for Multicriteria Optimization,
Tropical Fano schemes,
Tropical Poincaré duality spaces,
Convergent Hahn series and tropical geometry of higher rank,
Bounding the Betti numbers of real hypersurfaces near the tropical limit,
Adjacency for scattering amplitudes from the Gröbner fan,
The entropy of the radical ideal of a tropical curve,
Identities and bases in the Sylvester and Baxter monoids,
Tropical Geometry,
On endomorphisms of arrangement complements,
What Tropical Geometry Tells Us about the Complexity of Linear Programming,
Uniform bounds for the number of rational points on symmetric squares of curves with low Mordell–Weil rank,
Approximating the volume of tropical polytopes is difficult,
Association schemes and hypergroups,
Embeddings and immersions of tropical curves,
A geometric method for model reduction of biochemical networks with polynomial rate functions,
Stable intersections of tropical varieties,
Faithful tropicalisation and torus actions,
Divisors on matroids and their volumes,
Tropical ideals do not realise all Bergman fans,
Divisors on matroids and their volumes,
Twenty-seven questions about the cubic surface,
Tropical ideals do not realise all Bergman fans,
Unnamed Item,
Towards classifying toric degenerations of cubic surfaces,
Matrix Analysis and Omega Calculus,
An Octanomial Model for Cubic Surfaces,
On realizability of lines on tropical cubic surfaces and the Brundu-Logar normal form,
Galois actions on analytifications and tropicalizations,
Unnamed Item,
Khovanskii Bases, Higher Rank Valuations, and Tropical Geometry,
The Tropical Cayley--Menger Variety,
An informal overview of triples and systems,
Approximating amoebas and coamoebas by sums of squares,
Rational Complexity-One $\boldsymbol{T}$-Varieties Are Well-Poised,
Brownian motion tree models are toric,
Categories of Layered Semirings,
Distributivity relations on the binary operations over a fixed set,
Parametric Shortest-Path Algorithms via Tropical Geometry,
Rational function semifields of tropical curves are finitely generated over the tropical semifield,
Computing tropical varieties over fields with valuation using classical standard basis techniques,
Morphological Perceptrons: Geometry and Training Algorithms,
Algebraic solution to box-constrained bi-criteria problem of rating alternatives through pairwise comparisons,
The universal tropicalization and the Berkovich analytification,
Skeletons and tropicalizations,
Amoebas, nonnegative polynomials and sums of squares supported on circuits,
Non-archimedean valuations of eigenvalues of matrix polynomials,
On a tropical version of the Jacobian conjecture,
Weighted digraphs and tropical cones,
Upper bounds on Betti numbers of tropical prevarieties,
Newton polyhedra and good compactification theorem,
Tropical algebra based framework for error propagation analysis in systolic arrays,
Almost-toric hypersurfaces,
Do most polynomials generate a prime ideal?,
Higher convexity for complements of tropical varieties,
Symmetric and \(r\)-symmetric tropical polynomials and rational functions,
Second main theorem in the tropical projective space,
Hyperfield Grassmannians,
Tropicalization of del Pezzo surfaces,
Matrix-F5 algorithms and tropical Gröbner bases computation,
The tropical commuting variety,
Constructing polynomial systems with many positive solutions using tropical geometry,
Standard bases in mixed power series and polynomial rings over rings,
Norms of roots of trinomials,
Complete algebraic solution of multidimensional optimization problems in tropical semifield,
Morphological counterparts of linear shift-invariant scale-spaces,
Tropical differential equations,
Prime congruences of additively idempotent semirings and a Nullstellensatz for tropical polynomials,
The intersection ring of matroids,
Parallel enumeration of triangulations,
Number of common roots and resultant of two tropical univariate polynomials,
Arithmetics and combinatorics of tropical Severi varieties of univariate polynomials,
Amoebas of genus at most one,
Algebraic geometry over hyperrings,
Supertropical quadratic forms. I.,
Supertropical monoids: basics and canonical factorization,
Computing mixed volume and all mixed cells in quermassintegral time,
The tropical semiring in higher dimensions,
Pairwise ranking: choice of method can produce arbitrarily different rank order,
The Newton polygon of a planar singular curve and its subdivision,
Amoeba basis of zero-dimensional varieties,
Computing linear systems on metric graphs,
Tropical analytic geometry, Newton polygons, and tropical intersections,
On the tropical Torelli map,
Combinatorics of tropical Hurwitz cycles,
On the tropicalization of the Hilbert scheme,
Hadamard products of linear spaces,
Tropical linear spaces and tropical convexity,
Real radical initial ideals,
Spherical tropical geometry: a survey of recent developments,
Polyhedra and parameter spaces for matroids over valuation rings,
Matroids over partial hyperstructures,
Isotropical linear spaces and valuated Delta-matroids,
When do the recession cones of a polyhedral complex form a fan?,
Tropical coordinates on the space of persistence barcodes,
Tropicalization of classical moduli spaces,
Geometry of tropical moduli spaces and linkage of graphs,
Tropical curves with a singularity in a fixed point,
Symmetric polynomials in tropical algebra semirings,
One-sided orthogonality, orthomodular spaces, quantum sets, and a class of Garside groups,
Distortion varieties,
Tropical principal component analysis and its application to phylogenetics,
Stiefel tropical linear spaces,
Algebraic matroids and set-theoretic realizability of tropical varieties,
Valuations of semirings,
Tropical spectrahedra,
A Grassmann algebra for matroids,
A tropical isoperimetric inequality,
Tropical effective primary and dual Nullstellensätze,
Tropical Hopf manifolds and contracting germs,
Resultants over commutative idempotent semirings. I: Algebraic aspect,
The tropical Nullstellensatz for congruences,
Metric estimates and membership complexity for Archimedean amoebae and tropical hypersurfaces,
The realizability of curves in a tropical plane,
Tropical geometry of genus two curves,
Computing tropical points and tropical links,
Faithful tropicalization of Mumford curves of genus two,
Algebraic geometry for \(\ell \)-groups,
Algorithms for tight spans and tropical linear spaces,
Beyond polyhedral homotopies,
Imaginary projections of polynomials,
Signs of the leading coefficients of the resultant,
Tropical compactification and the Gromov-Witten theory of \(\mathbb {P}^1\),
Typical ranks in symmetric matrix completion,
Cryptography from the tropical Hessian pencil,
Phase tropical hypersurfaces,
On the geometry of chemical reaction networks: Lyapunov function and large deviations,
Incidence geometry and universality in the tropical plane,
Toric degenerations of \(\mathrm{Gr}(2, n)\) and \(\mathrm{Gr}(3, 6)\) via plabic graphs,
Geometric monodromy around the tropical limit,
Direct solution to constrained tropical optimization problems with application to project scheduling,
Using tropical optimization to solve constrained minimax single-facility location problems with rectilinear distance,
A generalization of lifting non-proper tropical intersections,
Computing resolutions of quotient singularities,
Tropical totally positive matrices,
On transcendental functions arising from integrating differential equations in finite terms,
The Schläfli Fan,
Computing tropical bitangents to smooth quartic curves in polymake,
Moduli of tropical plane curves,
\(S\)-hypersimplices, pulling triangulations, and monotone paths,
Coordinate-wise powers of algebraic varieties,
Soliton cellular automata associated with infinite reduced words,
Tropical varieties for exponential sums,
Tropical complexes,
Multivariate orthogonal Laurent polynomials and integrable systems,
Matroids arising from electrical networks,
Characterization of tropical projective quadratic plane curves in terms of the eigenvalue problem,
A determinantal formula for circuits of integer lattices,
Tree topologies along a tropical line segment,
Invariants for trees of non-Archimedean polynomials and skeleta of superelliptic curves,
Moduli spaces of codimension-one subspaces in a linear variety and their tropicalization,
Iterated Gilbert mosaics,
Computing zero-dimensional tropical varieties via projections,
A monoid structure on the set of all binary operations over a fixed set,
Codeterminantal graphs,
Tropical optimal transport and Wasserstein distances,
Max-plus convexity in Archimedean Riesz spaces,
Computation of Dressians by dimensional reduction,
Book review of: M. Michałek and B. Sturmfels, Invitation to nonlinear algebra,
Orders and polytropes: matrix algebras from valuations,
Higher connectivity of tropicalizations,
Tropical geometric variation of tree shapes,
A walk on max-plus algebra,
Extreme rays of the \(\ell^\infty\)-nearest ultrametric tropical polytope,
Faithful tropicalizations of elliptic curves using minimal models and inflection points,
On the Hadamard product of degenerate subvarieties,
Using tropical optimization techniques in bi-criteria decision problems,
A characterization of bases of tropical kernels in terms of Cramer's rule,
Decomposing tropical rational functions,
Weak Hadamard star configurations and apolarity,
Constructing smooth and fully faithful tropicalizations for Mumford curves,
Tropical combinatorial Nullstellensatz and sparse polynomials,
Computing tropical varieties over fields with valuation,
Simplicial generation of Chow rings of matroids,
On affine tropical F5 algorithms,
The case for algebraic biology: from research to education,
Tropical curves and covers and their moduli spaces,
Cooperativity, absolute interaction, and algebraic optimization,
Numerical software to compute Newton polytopes and tropical membership,
Lorentzian polynomials,
On the vectors associated with the roots of max-plus characteristic polynomials.,
Convex lattice polygons with all lattice points visible,
Chow rings of heavy/light Hassett spaces via tropical geometry,
Computing unit groups of curves,
Standard monomial theory and toric degenerations of Schubert varieties from matching field tableaux,
Collider physics at the precision frontier,
Recursive max-linear models with propagating noise,
Discriminant amoebas and lopsidedness,
Tropical flag varieties,
Gröbner fans of Hibi ideals, generalized Hibi ideals and flag varieties,
Families of Gröbner degenerations, Grassmannians and universal cluster algebras,
Polytropes and tropical eigenspaces: cones of linearity,
Tropical dynamics of area-preserving maps,
Hadamard star configurations,
The method of Gauss-Newton to compute power series solutions of polynomial homotopies,
Tropical compound matrix identities,
Lifting tropical self intersections,
Positively hyperbolic varieties, tropicalization, and positroids,
Backward error measures for roots of polynomials,
Forbidden patterns in tropical plane curves,
Computing min-convex hulls in the affine building of \(\mathrm{SL}_d\),
Spines for amoebas of rational curves,
Tropical hyperelliptic curves in the plane,
Detecting tropical defects of polynomial equations,
Toric degenerations of Grassmannians from matching fields,
On powers of Plücker coordinates and representability of arithmetic matroids,
Lagrangian cobordism and tropical curves,
Homological mirror symmetry for generalized Greene-Plesser mirrors,
Generic tropical initial ideals of Cohen-Macaulay algebras,
Complexity of deciding whether a tropical linear prevariety is a tropical variety,
Tropicalization, symmetric polynomials, and complexity,
Tropical differential Gröbner bases,
Tropical implementation of the analytical hierarchy process decision method,
Initial degenerations of Grassmannians,
Global spherical tropicalization via toric embeddings,
Algebras and varieties,
Birational sequences and the tropical Grassmannian,
Spherical tropicalization,
Entropy of tropical holonomic sequences,
Mustafin varieties, moduli spaces and tropical geometry,
Sigma-invariants and tropical varieties,
Tropical recurrent sequences,
Gröbner theory and tropical geometry on spherical varieties,
Projective systemic modules,
Tropical limits of decimated polynomials,
Newton-Okounkov bodies, cluster duality, and mirror symmetry for Grassmannians,
Tropical schemes, tropical cycles, and valuated matroids,
On facets of the Newton polytope for the discriminant of the polynomial system,
Lattices, spectral spaces, and closure operations on idempotent semirings,
The moduli space of tropical curves with fixed Newton polygon,
Lefschetz section theorems for tropical hypersurfaces,
Curve valuations and mixed volumes in the implicitization of rational varieties,
Degenerated Calabi-Yau varieties with infinite components, moduli compactifications, and limit toroidal structures,
Filtrations on combinatorial intersection cohomology and invariants of subdivisions,
Tropical degenerations and stable rationality,
C-space analysis using tropical geometry,
Varieties of tropical ideals are balanced,
Equilateral chains and cyclic central configurations of the planar five-body problem,
Tropical bisectors and Voronoi diagrams,
Neurons on amoebae,
Invariant factors as limit of singular values of a matrix,
Qualitative dynamics of chemical reaction networks: an investigation using partial tropical equilibrations,
Tropically planar graphs,
Moduli dimensions of lattice polygons,
Positive Plücker tree certificates for non-realizability,
Ultradiscrete hungry Toda equation and eigenvalues over min-plus algebra,
Real tropicalization and negative faces of the Newton polytope,
Hadamard products and binomial ideals,
Semiring systems arising from hyperrings,
Buildings, valuated matroids, and tropical linear spaces,
Tropical invariants for binary quintics and reduction types of Picard curves,
Combinatorics and Hodge theory,
Combinatorial geometry takes the lead,
Asymmetric tropical distances and power diagrams,
Tropical and non-Archimedean Monge-Ampère equations for a class of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces,
Refined Selmer equations for the thrice-punctured line in depth two,
Tropical Support Vector Machines: Evaluations and Extension to Function Spaces,
Matroids from hypersimplex splits,
The Algebraic Boundary of the Sonc-Cone,
Real Tropical Hyperfaces by Patchworking in polymake,
Enumeration of algebraic and tropical singular hypersurfaces,
Model Reduction of Biochemical Reactions Networks by Tropical Analysis Methods,
Tropical Time Series, Iterated-Sums Signatures, and Quasisymmetric Functions,
Secondary fans and tropical Severi varieties,
Degenerations of amoebae and Berkovich spaces,
Tropical tangents for complete intersection curves,
Reconstructibility of Matroid Polytopes,
Limit sets for modules over groups onCAT(0) spaces: from the Euclidean to the hyperbolic,
The quasi-algebraic ring of conditions of,
Tropical Computations in polymake,
Bergman Complexes of Lattice Path Matroids,
Amoebas and Coamoebas of Linear Spaces,
Amoebas and their Tropicalizations – a Survey,
Algebraic solution of tropical optimization problems via matrix sparsification with application to scheduling,
The Number of Realizations of a Laman Graph,
Log-Barrier Interior Point Methods Are Not Strongly Polynomial,
Tropical Fermat--Weber Points,
Tropicalization of facets of polytopes,
Tropical convexity in Riesz spaces,
(Symplectic) leaves and (5d Higgs) branches in the poly(go)Nesian tropical rain forest,
Completion of tree metrics and rank 2 matrices,
Tropical limit in statistical physics,
Tropical superelliptic curves,
\(K3\) polytopes and their quartic surfaces,
Tropical approach to Nagata's conjecture in positive characteristic,
Skeletons of stable maps. II: Superabundant geometries,
Finding binomials in polynomial ideals,
Solving generic nonarchimedean semidefinite programs using stochastic game algorithms,
Gelfand-Tsetlin degenerations of representations and flag varieties,
Tropical Newton-Puiseux polynomials. II,
Tropicalization of graph profiles,
Geometry and algorithms for upper triangular tropical matrix identities,
Tropical limit and a micro-macro correspondence in statistical physics,
Amoeba-shaped polyhedral complex of an algebraic hypersurface,
Toward a sparsity theory on weighted lattices,
Dynamical tropicalisation,
Tropical homology,
Product-Mix Auctions and Tropical Geometry,
Uniform semimodular lattices and valuated matroids,
Tropical representations and identities of the stylic monoid,
Likelihood degenerations,
Unnamed Item,
Solution of a two-facility location problem in a space with Chebyshev distance,
Combinatorics and real lifts of bitangents to tropical quartic curves,
Combining realization space models of polytopes,
Towards tropically counting binodal surfaces,
Enumerative geometry of surfaces. Abstracts from the workshop held June 13--19, 2021 (hybrid meeting),
Mini-workshop: Scattering amplitudes, cluster algebras, and positive geometries. Abstracts from the mini-workshop held December 5--11, 2021 (hybrid meeting),
Interpretation of artificial neural network overtraining using tropical geometry,
Lectures on Tropical Curves and Their Moduli Spaces,
Flat extensions of groups and limit varieties of additively idempotent semirings,
Robust Persistence and Permanence of Polynomial and Power Law Dynamical Systems,
Computing tropical resultants,
Weighted PBW degenerations and tropical flag varieties,
Detecting non-displaceable toric fibers on compact toric manifolds via tropicalizations,
Positive semifields and their ideals,
Symplectic topology of $K3$ surfaces via mirror symmetry,
Tropical ideals,
Kernels in tropical geometry and a Jordan–Hölder theorem,
Divisibility and groups in one-generated semirings,
The Martin Gardner Polytopes,
Gröbner bases over fields with valuations,
Zeros and amoebas of partition functions,
Zeros of random tropical polynomials, random polygons and stick-breaking,
Conifold transitions via affine geometry and mirror symmetry,
Correspondence theorems via tropicalizations of moduli spaces,
How to Repair Tropicalizations of Plane Curves Using Modifications,
Generic tropical varieties on subvarieties and in the non-constant coefficient case,
Effective faithful tropicalizations associated to linear systems on curves,
Tropical planar networks,
Computing All Space Curve Solutions of Polynomial Systems by Polyhedral Methods,
Pruning Algorithms for Pretropisms of Newton Polytopes,
Cluster partitions and fitness landscapes of the Drosophila fly microbiome,
Cycles, cocycles, and duality on tropical manifolds,
DGD Gallery: Storage, Sharing, and Publication of Digital Research Data,
Semi-inverted linear spaces and an analogue of the broken circuit complex,
Analytification and Tropicalization Over Non-archimedean Fields,
Introduction to Adic Tropicalization,
Degeneration of Linear Series from the Tropical Point of View and Applications,
The geometry of gaussoids,
Computing complex and real tropical curves using monodromy,
A module-theoretic approach to matroids,
String cone and superpotential combinatorics for flag and Schubert varieties in type A,
Two-player incentive compatible outcome functions are affine maximizers,
Well-poised hypersurfaces,
Min-plus eigenvalue of tridiagonal matrices in terms of the ultradiscrete Toda equation,
The degree of a tropical basis,
Intersection theory on linear subvarieties of toric varieties,
Tropical images of intersection points,
The ultimate rank of tropical matrices,
Tropical spectral theory of tensors,
Lossy gossip and composition of metrics,
Identities and bases in the hypoplactic monoid,
Tropical Lines on Cubic Surfaces,
Tropical geometry and Newton–Okounkov cones for Grassmannian of planes from compactifications