scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3276736

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zbMath0173.35703MaRDI QIDQ5561219

M. R. Hestenes

Publication date: 1966

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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El principio de maximo puntual, Un problème issu de l'étude numérique d'un fil sans raideur soumis au frottement sec, Variance etable r-estimators, Discrete calculus of variations, A sufficient condition in the calculus of variations, Optimization of non-linear systems with inequality constraints explicitly containing the control†, Second-Order Necessary Optimality Conditions for the Mayer Problem Subject to a General Control Constraint, The lagrange-newton method for infinite-dimensional optimization problems, Unnamed Item, Observer path planning for maximum information, Navigationsformel zu A. Busemanns Variationsproblem der Raumfahrt, Essential boundedness and singularity in optimal control, A General Sufficiency Theorem for Nonsmooth Nonlinear Programming, Search for the optima of stochastic functions†, The Euler-Lagrange equations and classical transversality conditions for the general control problem†, On performance sensitivity of optimal control systems†, Regularization and the computation of optimal trajectories, A sufficient condition for local controllability of a Caputo type fractional differential inclusion, Improved second-order methods for solving constrained parameter optimization problems arising in control†, A Hamiltonian Formulation and a Direct Numerical Scheme for Fractional Optimal Control Problems, Sufficient Conditions for the Generalized Problem of Bolza, Unnamed Item, Admissible directions and generalized coupled points for optimal control problems, On the notion of tangent cone in mathematical programming, Unnamed Item, Numerical methods for extremal problems in the calculus of variations and optimal control theory, On the notion of Jacobi fields in constrained calculus of variations, Optimierung verschiedener Steuerungsprobleme mit einem funktionalanalytischen Maximumprinzip, Positive Lösungen unendlicher Gleichungs‐ und Ungleichungssysteme und Lagrange‐Multiplikatoren für infinite differenzierbare Optimierungsprobleme, Data-driven optimal control of a SEIR model for COVID-19, [ Zur numerischen Behandlung von elastischen St�\en in Mehrk�rpersystemen], Metric sub-regularity in optimal control of affine problems with free end state, Discontinuous Integral Control for Systems with Relative Degree Two, Nearest-neighbour rules for emergency services, Optimal control for dynamic versions of the leontief and other matrix models, Local Controllability of a Class of Fractional Differential Inclusions via Derived Cones, Optimal Control of Rigid-Link Manipulators by Indirect Methods, Tent Method, optimization and robustness, Conjugate points and shocks in nonlinear optimal control, Some basic properties of the pay-offs defined by closed-loop strategies†, DYNAMIC DUAL PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS AND THEIR ECONOMIC INTERPRETATION, On the weak maximum principle for optimal control problems with state dependent control constraints, Application of the epsilon method and the method of multipliers to a non-linear optimal control problem, INTRODUCTION TO OPTIMAL CONTROL THEORY, Two-level optimization for decentralized production and advertising planning, On Control Problems for a Quasilinear Second Order Ordinary Differential Equation, Stability results for constrained calculus of variations problems: an analysis of the twisted elastic loop, Target selection in lanchester combat: Heterogeneous forces and time-dependent attrition-rate coefficients, Multiplier rules for weak pareto optimization problems, Multiplier functions and duality for non-linear programmes having a set constraint, Intersection Properties of Tangent Cones and Generalized Multiplier Rules, Investigation of regularity conditions in optimal control problems with geometric mixed constraints, The Clebsch and Jacobi conditions for singular extremals†, Exact differentiator with varying gains, Sufficient conditions for strong local minima: The case of $C^{1}$ extremals, Fractional neutral stochastic differential equations with Caputo fractional derivative: Fractional Brownian motion, Poisson jumps, and optimal control, Necessary optimality conditions for minimax optimal control problems with mixed constraints, Approximation operators in optimization theory, Numerical solvability of nonlinear problems of the calculus of variations, Existence of an optimal feedback control in a control problem, Control problems with intermediate constraints, Necessary Optimality Conditions for Optimal Control Problems with Equilibrium Constraints, An optimum settling problem for time lag systems, Approximation of the classical isoperimetric problem, A method for solving a quadratic optimal control problems, Nichtlineare Optimierung mit unendlich vielen Nebenbedingungen. (Nonlinear programming with a infinite number of side conditions.), New classes of stochastic control processes, Sequential gradient-restoration algorithm for optimal control problems with bounded state variables. I, An acceptance region theory for chance-constrained programming, Some fundamental qualifications of optimal strategies and transition surfaces in differential games, Summary and comparison of several gradient-restoration algorithms for optimal control problems, Singular quadratic functionals, Optimal Control Problems with Mixed and Pure State Constraints, A survey of conical approximations used in the optimization, A theory of numerical approximation for elliptic forms associated with second order differential systems: Application to eigenvalue problems, Lineare Optimierung in unendlichdimensionalen Vektorräumen, A NEW SYSTEMATIC METHOD FOR EFFICIENTLY SOLVING HOLONOMIC (AND NONHOLONOMIC) CONSTRAINT PROBLEMS, Modified quasilinearization algorithm for optimal control problems with bounded state, Numerical focal point and focal interval problems, An optimization problem related to the regulation of influent nutrients in aquatic ecosystems, A maximum principle for an optimal control problem with integral constraints, On sensitivity in optimal control problems, On the cones of tangents with applications to mathematical programming, Numerical differentiation procedures for non-exact data, A formal theory of lobbying behaviour, An Approximation Theory for Generalized Fredholm Quadratic Forms and Integral-Differential Equations, A Central Difference Numerical Scheme for Fractional Optimal Control Problems, Analysis of optimal production and advertising policies, A Nonlinear Optimal Control Minimization Technique, Control and optimal response problems for quasilinear impulsive integrodifferential equations, On local convergence of an algorithm for optimal control, Geometric constrained variational calculus I: Piecewise smooth extremals, Adjacent and tangent regularity, Sufficient conditions for optimal controls—use of generalized convexity†, Optimal production and maintenance decisions when a system experience age-dependent deterioration, Coupled Points in the Calculus of Variations and Applications to Periodic Problems, Unnamed Item, A consequence of necessary conditions for optimal control problems involving differential equations with delays, On an optimization problem with min-constraints, Unnamed Item, Anticipation in leisure—Effects on labor‐leisure choice, Robust global stabilization of a class of underactuated mechanical systems of two degrees of freedom, Variations of $v$-change of time in an optimal control problem with state and mixed constraints, On the Herglotz variational problem, High‐order sliding‐mode control design homogeneous in the bi‐limit, Lyapunov‐based finite‐time control of robot manipulators, Constrained controlled optimization problems involving second-order derivatives, Controlled nonlinear dynamics generated by isoperimetric constrained optimization problems involving second-order partial derivatives, Douglas–Rachford algorithm for control-constrained minimum-energy control problems, Optimal control of a global model of climate change with adaptation and mitigation, On the strong local optimality for state-constrained control-affine problems, Calculus of variations and optimal control with generalized derivative, Optimal Control Duality and the Douglas–Rachford Algorithm, The non-holonomic Herglotz variational problem, A general multiplier rule, A general multiplier rule, Geometric constrained variational calculus. II: The second variation (Part I), High-speed switch-on of a semiconductor gas discharge image converter using optimal control methods., Dual formulations of optimal control problems, Duality in complex homogeneous programming, Dual formulations of optimal control problems, Duality in complex homogeneous programming, Singular extremals inL1-optimal control problems: sufficient optimality conditions, Discontinuous Integral Control for Systems with Arbitrary Relative Degree, Mixed constrained control problems, The genesis of geometric algebra: a personal retrospective, Sufficient conditions for variational problems with variable endpoints: Coupled points, Sufficiency for singular trajectories in the calculus of variations, Strong and weak measurable optimal controls, Minimizing the transition time in lasers by optimal control methods: single-mode semiconductor laser with homogeneous transverse profile, A direct approach to second order conditions for mixed equality constraints, Weak maximum principle for optimal control problems with mixed constraints, The supporting role of the Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification in calculus of variations, Lagrange-Hamilton approach in optimization problems with isoperimetric-type constraints, Necessary conditions for optimal control problems involving nonlinear differential algebraic equations, In optimal control problem in economics with four linear controls, The importance of being normal, regular and proper in the calculus of variations, Normality and uniqueness of Lagrange multipliers, Deformation of piecewise differentiable curves in constrained variational calculus, The linear quadratic optimal control problem for linear descriptor systems with variable coefficients, Derived sets for weak multiobjective optimization problems with state and control variables, Homogeneous high order sliding mode design: a Lyapunov approach, Constrained retarded nonlinear optimal control problems in Banach state space, The solvability and optimal controls for impulsive fractional stochastic integro-differential equations via resolvent operators, Barriers and potentially safe sets in hybrid systems: pendulum with non-rigid cable, A new Legendre operational technique for delay fractional optimal control problems, Optimal control of normalized SIMR models with vaccination and treatment, Sequential conjugate gradient-restoration algorithm for optimal control problems. I: Theory, Discontinuous integral action for arbitrary relative degree in sliding-mode control, Synthesis of optimal bang-bang control for cooperative collision avoidance for aircraft (ships) with unequal linear speeds, Optimal control of the double integrator with minimum total variation, First order conditions for generalized variational problems over time scales, Conjugate intervals for the linear fixed-endpoint control problem, Calculus of variations on time scales: Weak local piecewise \(C_{\text{rd}}^{1}\) solutions with variable endpoints., Static and dynamic stability results for a class of three-dimensional configurations of Kirchhoff elastic rods, Optimal control problems with time delays: two case studies in biomedicine, Indefinite LQ optimal control with process state inequality constraints for discrete-time uncertain systems, Necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality for a damped hyperbolic equation in one-space dimension, The broken link between normality and regularity in the calculus of variations, Discrete optimal control: The accessory problem and necessary optimality conditions, Is our breathing optimal? Solving a piecewise linear model with constraints, Normality, controllability and properness in optimal control, Euler discretization and inexact restoration for optimal control, Extensions to Chen's minimizing equal mass parallelogram solutions, A multiplier rule on a metric space, A proof of a general maximum principle for optimal controls via a multiplier rule on metric space, Self-adjoint differential-algebraic equations, Constrained extremum problems with infinite dimensional image. Selection and saddle point, A Sturm-Liouville approach applicable to different notions of conjugacy., Smooth dependence on parameters of solutions of variational inequalities, On the combination of the multiplier method of Hestenes and Powell with Newton's method, Nondominated decisions and cone convexity in dynamic multicriteria decision problems, On necessary conditions for optimality in a Banach space, A computational approach to the maximum principle, A general formulation and solution scheme for fractional optimal control problems, Pointwise maximum principle for convex optimal control problems with mixed control-phase variable inequality constraints, Treibstoffoptimale Störungen von Satellitenbahnen im Raum eines anziehenden Zentrums. II: Störungsdifferentialgleichungen bei Raketenschub als Indikatrix eines Variationsproblems, Life cycle consumption and homeownership, Optimal harvesting of structured populations, Necessary conditions for problems with higher derivative bounded state variables, Calcul sous-différentiel et optimisation, On some necessary conditions for optimality in a Banach space, Variational and optimal control problems with delayed argument, On the closed-form solution of an endogenous growth model with anticipated consumption, Minimizing the natural fuel requirement for nuclear reactor power systems: A nonstandard optimal control problem, On a new computing technique in optimal control and its application to minimal-time flight profile optimization, A survey on regularity conditions for state-constrained optimal control problems and the non-degenerate maximum principle, An existence theorem for optimal controls, Disconnected optimal trajectories, Optimal control problems with retardations and restricted phase coordinates, The Cauchy problem for a nonlinear first order partial differential equation, A simple optimal control problem involving approximation by monotone functions, On problems with bounded state variables, Boundary arcs for a class of differential games, A new type of approximation leading to reduction of dimensionality in control processes, An embedding theorem for differential equations, Optimal endpoints, Optimal control problems that test for envelope contacts, Sequential gradient-restoration algorithm for optimal control problems, On general problems with bounded state variables, Optimization of nonlinear characteristics, An embedding theorem for functional equations, Sufficient conditions for a class of investment problems, A class of periodic orbits in classical mechanics, Sufficiency conditions with minimal regularity assumptions, Optimal feedback stabilization policy with asymmetric loss functions, Stability of solutions to control constrained nonlinear optimal control problems, Calculus of variations and optimal control for generalized functions, Normality and uniqueness of multipliers in isoperimetric control problems, Local minimality properties of circular motions in \(1/r^\alpha\) potentials and of the figure-eight solution of the 3-body problem, Dual sufficient optimality conditions for the generalized problem of Bolza., Modified quasilinearization algorithm for optimal control problems with nondifferential constraints, Convergence and duality for the multiplier and penalty methods, An appreciation of Professor M. R. Hestenes, Convergence of learning algorithms without a projection facility, A new definition of oscillation; application to control and abnormal second order differential equations, An embedding theorem for integral equations, Formulation of Euler-Lagrange equations for fractional variational problems, An optimal control problem governed by the potential of a linear Schrödinger equation, Jacobi's condition for singular extremals: An extended notion of conjugate points, Local stability of solutions to differentiable optimization problems in Banach spaces, In memory of Magnus R. Hestenes, New proof and some generalizations of the minimum principle in optimal control, Regularity conditions for constrained extremum problems via image space