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zbMath0271.33001MaRDI QIDQ3215519

N. N. Lebedev

Publication date: 1972

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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review of the methods for signal estimation in stochastic diffusion leaky integrate-and-fire neuronal models, Growth properties of Fourier transforms via moduli of continuity, Infinite divisibility of solutions to some self-similar integro-differential equations and exponential functionals of Lévy processes, Some penalisations of the Wiener measure, Coagulation and fragmentation with discrete mass loss, Large deviations for statistics of the Jacobi process, Lah numbers, Laguerre polynomials of order negative one, and the \(n\)th derivative of \(\exp(1/x)\), Perturbation analysis of an \(M/M/1\) queue in a diffusion random environment, Fractional diffusion equations and processes with randomly varying time, Constant \(Q\)-curvature metrics near the hyperbolic metric, A few remarks on the supremum of stable processes, Law of the exponential functional of one-sided Lévy processes and Asian options, Random linear-quadratic mathematical models: Computing explicit solutions and applications, The second moment of the central values of the symmetric square \(L\)-functions, The multi-dimensional pencil phenomenon for Laguerre heat-diffusion maximal operators, A local central limit theorem on the Laguerre hypergroup, Laguerre expansions of tempered distributions and generalized functions, Approximation schemes for functional optimization problems, Riesz transform characterization of \(H^1\) spaces associated with certain Laguerre expansions, Discrete harmonic analysis associated with ultraspherical expansions, Ruelle-Pollicott resonances of stochastic systems in reduced state space. Part II: Stochastic Hopf bifurcation, Noneuclidean harmonic analysis, the central limit theorem, and long transmission lines with random inhomogeneities, Summing \(P_ n(\cos \,\theta)/p(n)\) for certain polyonomials p(n), Harmonic analysis on constant curvature surfaces with point singularities, Hyperfunctional weights for orthogonal polynomials, Semigroups of measures in non-commutative harmonic analysis, L\({}^ p\) harmonic analysis and Radon transforms on the Heisenberg group, Verification of goal-oriented hp-adaptivity, The complementary error matrix function and its role solving coupled diffusion mathematical models, Existence and cost of boundary controls for a degenerate/singular parabolic equation, Potential operators associated with Hankel and Hankel-Dunkl transforms, Quadrature error estimates for layer potentials evaluated near curved surfaces in three dimensions, Poisson summation formulas involving the sum-of-squares function, Sharp Hardy's type inequality for Laguerre expansions, Identities involving 3-variable Hermite polynomials arising from umbral method, Local multiple traces formulation for electromagnetics: stability and preconditioning for smooth geometries, Wave diffraction from the PEC finite wedge, Expansion for a fundamental solution of Laplace's equation in flat-ring cyclide coordinates, On the stability of a degenerate wave equation under fractional feedbacks acting on the degenerate boundary, Linear stability and enhanced dissipation for the two-jet Kolmogorov type flow on the unit sphere, Rate of the enhanced dissipation for the two-jet Kolmogorov type flow on the unit sphere, Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities for a class of non-symmetric and non-doubling hypoelliptic semigroups, Boundary controllability for a coupled system of parabolic equations with singular potentials, On generalized Bessel-Maitland function, Hardy type inequalities for the fractional relativistic operator, Exponential integrability and exit times of diffusions on sub-Riemannian and metric measure spaces, Sharp \(L^p\) estimates for Schrödinger groups on spaces of homogeneous type, Precise estimates for biorthogonal families under asymptotic gap conditions, Bellman functions and dimension free \(L^p\)-estimates for the Riesz transforms in Bessel settings, Uncertainty principles for the Hankel-Stockwell transform, Averaging Gaussian functionals, The anisotropic Calderón problem for singular metrics of warped product type: the borderline between uniqueness and invisibility, \(L^p\)-\(L^q\) time-scale localization operator for the continuous Hankel wavelet transform, Classical orthogonal polynomials via a second-order linear differential operators, On some identities in law involving exponential functionals of Brownian motion and Cauchy random variable, A family of Hardy-type spaces on nondoubling manifolds, Asymptotic stability for the Lamé system with fractional boundary damping, Blow-up for Strauss type wave equation with damping and potential, Special functions associated with \(K\)-types of degenerate principal series of \(\mathrm{Sp}(n,\mathbb{C})\), On Selberg's central limit theorem for Dirichlet \(L\)-functions, Heating long pipes, Linear statistics of random matrix ensembles at the spectrum edge associated with the Airy kernel, Navier-Stokes equations paradox, Telegraph random evolutions on a circle, Maximum likelihood estimation for an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model for neural activity, Averaging 2D stochastic wave equation, Fourier-Hankel solution of the Robin problem for the Helmholtz equation in supershaped annular domains, On Fourier-Jacobi expansions of real analytic Eisenstein series of degree 2, Exact solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations via Leray's scheme, On the eigenfunctions of the complex Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators, The Laguerre-Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials, Littlewood-Paley-Stein \(g_k\)-functions for Fourier-Bessel expansions, Weyl transforms on the upper half plane, Analytical solution of Graetz problem in pipe flow with periodic inlet temperature variation, Symmetry problems for the Helmholtz equation, Resolvent estimates in \(L ^{p }\) for the Stokes operator in Lipschitz domains, Modelling of a continuously inhomogeneous coating of an elastic sphere by a system of homogeneous elastic layers in the problem of sound scattering, On the stochastic equation \(\mathcal{L}(Z) = \mathcal{L} [V(X + Z)\) and properties of Mittag-Leffler distributions], Asymptotics of the solution of the Cauchy problem for the evolutionary Airy equation at large times, Hypergeometric solutions to a three dimensional dissipative oscillator driven by aperiodic forces, Stability analysis of a bulk-surface reaction model for membrane protein clustering, \(L^p\)-boundedness of Stein's square functions associated with Fourier-Bessel expansions, Construction of copulas with hairpin support, Gabor multipliers associated with the Bessel-Kingman hypergroup, Resolvent and spectral measure for Schrödinger operators on flat Euclidean cones, Semi-classical Jacobi polynomials, Hankel determinants and asymptotics, On derivatives, Riesz transforms and Sobolev spaces for Fourier-Bessel expansions, Hardy's and Miyachi's theorems for the first Hankel-Clifford transform, Flexible models for overdispersed and underdispersed count data, Hardy spaces associated to critical functions and applications to \(T1\) theorems, Dispersion estimates for the discrete Hermite operator, A scheme for solving two models of the two-dimensional inverse problem, On extension problem, trace Hardy and Hardy's inequalities for some fractional Laplacians, Variation operators for semigroups associated with Fourier-Bessel expansions, Generalized-hypergeometric solutions of the biconfluent Heun equation, Local Riesz transform and local Hardy spaces on Riemannian manifolds with bounded geometry, Asymptotic behavior of Bernoulli-Dunkl and Euler-Dunkl polynomials and their zeros, On the first positive and negative excursion exceeding a given length, Limit theorems for additive functionals of random walks in random scenery, Thin-shell theory for rotationally invariant random simplices, Diffraction by semi-infinite cone formed with electric and magnetic surfaces: analytical regularization and Wiener-Hopf techniques, The Hausdorff-Young inequality on Lie groups, On Doney's striking factorization of the arc-sine law, A transformation for spectrally negative Lévy processes and applications, Sharp multiplier theorem for multidimensional Bessel operators, The cost of boundary controllability for a parabolic equation with inverse square potential, Recovery of an infinite rough surface by a nonlinear integral equation method from phaseless near-field data, Estimation of rates of non-neutral mutations when bacteria are exposed to subinhibitory levels of antibiotics, Convergences of the rescaled Whittaker stochastic differential equations and independent sums, Spatial asymptotics and equilibria of heat flow on \(\mathbb{R}^d\), The Stokes operator in two-dimensional bounded Lipschitz domains, On the flows associated to selfadjoint operators on metric measure spaces, Boundary controllability for a coupled system of degenerate/singular parabolic equations, An note on uncertainty inequalities for deformed harmonic oscillators, Renewal sums under mixtures of exponentials, Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces of polyanalytic functions of infinite order, Space-like strong unique continuation for some fractional parabolic equations, On the transition of Charlier polynomials to the Hermite function, \(\mathcal{H}\)-harmonic Bergman projection on the real hyperbolic ball, Resonances and \(\Omega\)-results for exponential sums related to Maass forms for \(\mathrm{SL}(n, \mathbb{Z})\), Dual variational methods and nonvanishing for the nonlinear Helmholtz equation, Asymptotic analysis of synchrosqueezing transform -- toward statistical inference with nonlinear-type time-frequency analysis, On weak solutions to a fractional Hardy-Hénon equation. II: Existence, Higher-order Laplace equations and hyper-Cauchy distributions, A note on fractional Bessel equation and its asymptotics, Discrete Hölder spaces and their characterization via semigroups associated with the discrete Laplacian and kernel estimates, On the Keldysh problem for a mixed-type equation with two singular lines, Ginibre-type point processes and their asymptotic behavior, Integral representations for the Hartman-Watson density, Morera and mean-value type theorems in the hyperbolic disk, Bilateral generating functions and operational methods, Theory of generalized Hermite polynomials, Laguerre matrix polynomials and systems of second-order differential equations, Positivity of a system of differential operators, Some extensions of the arc sine law as partial consequences of the scaling property of Brownian motion, The hazard rate of the power-quadratic exponential family of distributions, Image representation using Hermite functions, Modified classical orthogonal polynomials associated with oscillating functions -- open problems, Hardy's inequality for the fractional powers of a discrete Laplacian, The theta correspondence and harmonic forms. II, A note on the mean value of the zeta and L-functions. VIII, Moving punch on a highly orthotropic elastic layer, Elastic and inelastic collisions: A microstructural analysis for solitary waves, Nonlocal discrete diffusion equations and the fractional discrete Laplacian, regularity and applications, An incomplete Lipschitz-Hankel integral of \(K_ 0\), Local harmonic analysis on spheres, Characterization of abrupt nonlinearity by the Volterra-Fourier method, Dissolving a cusp form in the presence of multiplicities, On the solution of a partial differential equation arising in Stokes flow, Gram-Charlier processes and applications to option pricing, Particle creation in a cosmological anisotropic universe, Stochastic integrals: A combinatorial approach, Some Brownian functionals and their laws, Hölder-Lebesgue regularity and almost periodicity for semidiscrete equations with a fractional Laplacian, Numerically implemented perturbation method for the nonlinear magnetic moment of an anisotropic superconductor, Characterization by invariance under length-biasing and random scaling, Bernoulli-Dunkl and Apostol-Euler-Dunkl polynomials with applications to series involving zeros of Bessel functions, Bernstein-gamma functions and exponential functionals of Lévy processes, Le problème de Pompeiu local. (Local Pompeiu problem), A theorem for finding maximum temperature in wet grinding, Calculation of some integrals arising in the samara-Valencia solution for dry flat grinding, A characterization theorem for the Fourier transform on \(R^ n\), On the spectra of infinite-dimensional Jacobi matrices, An infinite family of zeta functions indexed by Hermite polynomials, Pointwise Fourier inversion on rank one symmetric spaces and related topics, The generalized discrete Legendre transformation, Scattering problems for perturbations of the multidimensional biharmonic operator, Parabolic cylinder functions of integer and half-integer orders for nonnegative arguments, Brownian motion normalized by maximum local time, Pointwise Fourier inversion: A wave equation approach, Fredholm-Volterra integral equation with singular kernel., Invariant algebraic curves linear in one variable for planar real quadratic systems., Poisson integrals and Riesz transforms for Hermite function expansions with weights., On a new family of Hermite polynomials associated to parabolic cylinder functions, New upper bounds on sphere packings. II, A new method of solving Hermite's differential equation using the \(\mathcal L_2\)-transform., Generalized exponential operators in the continuation of the confluent hypergeometric functions, Automorphic Green functions associated with the secondary spherical functions, Perpetual options and Canadization through fluctuation theory, Estimating the spectral measure of a multivariate stable distribution via spherical harmonic analysis., The Müntz-Szasz theorem and the closure of translates, Essential unitarization of symplectics and applications to field quantization, Asymptotics of the modified Bessel and the incomplete gamma matrix functions, Distribution of deficit at ruin for a PDMP insurance risk model, Slow growth of an isolated disk-shaped bubble of constant eccentricity in the presence of a distributed gas source, Asymptotic expansions for a class of Fourier integrals and applications to the Pompeiu problem, Remarks on the Whittaker functions, Molecular Hartree-Fock equations for iteration-variation calculations in momentum space, The determination of incomplete gamma functions through analytic integration, Advances on the theory of generalized Bessel functions and applications to multiphoton processes, Berezin transforms on the \(2\times 2\) matrix space related to the \(U(2)\times U(2)\)-action, Inverse spectral problem for the Laguerre differential operator, Algebraic properties of beta and gamma distributions, and applications, Comparison of cusp forms on \(\text{GL}(3,{\mathbb Z})\), Positive solutions of Yamabe type equations on complete manifolds and applications, Exponential functional of a new family of Lévy processes and self-similar continuous state branching processes with immigration, An integral transformation and its applications to harmonic analysis on the space of solutions of heat equation, A test for the Riemann hypothesis, Laguerre polynomials of arbitrary (fractional) orders., On the range of the Fourier transform connected with Riemann-Liouville operator, Weighted transplantation for Fourier-Bessel series, Computing toroidal functions for wide ranges of the parameters, The wave equation on homogeneous trees, Planar Yang-Mills theory: Hamiltonian, regulators and mass gap, Brownian motion on the hyperbolic plane and Selberg trace formula, A multi-dimensional Hausdorff moment problems regularization by finite moments, Hypergeometric diffusion, Polynomial chaos representation of spatio-temporal random fields from experimental measurements, Valuing time-dependent CEV barrier options, Regularity and stability for the scattering map of a linearized inverse medium problem, On Hardy spaces associated with Bessel operators, Maximal operators, Riesz transforms and Littlewood-Paley functions associated with Bessel operators on BMO, Generalized Besov type spaces on the dual of the Laguerre hypergroup, On positive and negative moments of the integral of geometric Brownian motions, Fisher information of orthogonal polynomials. I., Nonparametric estimation for pure jump Lévy processes based on high frequency data, A trace formula for Weyl transforms with radial symbols, Decomposition of Laguerre polynomials with respect to the cyclic group of order \(n\), On the hypergeometric matrix function, A code to evaluate prolate and oblate spheroidal harmonics, Evaluation of Legendre functions of argument greater than one, An extension of maximum and anti-maximum principles to a Schrödinger equation in \(\mathbb{R}^2\), Closed form general solution of the hypergeometric matrix differential equation, Evaluation of the modified Bessel function of the third kind of imaginary orders, From planar Brownian windings to Asian options, On sums of Hecke series in short intervals, On the Epstein-Hubbell generalized elliptic-type integral, Harmonic coordinates for Kerr's metric, Admissible estimation, Dirichlet principles and recurrence of birth-death chains on \({\mathbb{Z}}^ p_+\), On connections between Hankel, Laguerre and Jacobi transplantations., Weyl transforms associated with Laguerre functions, On a conjecture regarding the extrema of Bessel functions and its generalization, Asymptotic expansion of the Krawtchouk polynomials and their zeros, The twelfth moment of central values of Hecke series, Distributions and analytic continuation of Dirichlet series, Hyperbolic geometry and local Dirichlet-Neumann map, On Riesz transforms for Laguerre expansions, Green's formula, planar Brownian bridge, and Lévy's area, A new class of relativistic stellar models, Sojourns and future infima of planar Brownian motion, Some remarks on spectral approximation, The convergence of iterative solutions to the electric field integral equation, On the distribution of a randomly discounted compound Poisson process, The solution of a partial differential equation arising in fluid flow theory, \(p\)-adic interpolation of square roots of central values of Hecke \(L\)-functions, Maximal operators in the spherical mean setting, An alternative explanation for the logit form probabilistic choice model from the equal likelihood hypothesis, Fluctuations of the total number of critical points of random spherical harmonics, Solutions of the three-dimensional radial Dirac equation from the Schrödinger equation with one-dimensional Morse potential, Random walks with occasionally modified transition probabilities, Asymptotic approximations for pure bending of thin cylindrical shells, Smoothness of continuous state branching with immigration semigroups, \(\gamma \)-Radonifying operators and UMD-valued Littlewood-Paley-Stein functions in the Hermite setting on BMO and Hardy spaces, The eigenfunctions of the Hilbert matrix, On the pointwise convergence to initial data of heat and Poisson problems for the Bessel operator, Optimal liquidation under stochastic liquidity, A note on Ramanujan's identities involving the hypergeometric function \({_{2}}F_{1}(\frac{1}{6},\frac{5}{6};1;z)\), Asymptotic gap probability distributions of the Gaussian unitary ensembles and Jacobi unitary ensembles, Uncertainty inequalities on Laguerre hypergroup, Exponential functionals of Brownian motion and class-one Whittaker functions, The Littlewood-Paley \(g\)-function associated with the spherical mean operator, Bougerol's identity in law and extensions, Series expansion and asymptotic formulas for heat transfer of an inclined moving heat source, Near-sphere lattices with constant nonlocal mean curvature, A method for fractional Volterra integro-differential equations by Laguerre polynomials, Some Sonine-Gegenbauer type integrals, Approximation of Fresnel integrals with applications to diffraction problems, A boundary integral method applied to a convection-diffusion problem, Quantizing a rotating wave, Present value distributions with applications to ruin theory and stochastic equations, Favourite sites of transient Brownian motion, Progress of a half century in the study of the Luria-Delbrück distribution, A comparison of approximate boundary conditions and infinite element methods for exterior Helmholtz problems, Analysis of the superconvergent patch recovery technique and a posteriori error estimator in the finite element method. II, Sobolev-Hermite versus Sobolev nonparametric density estimation on \(\mathbb{R}\), Fractal properties of Bessel functions, Quantitative unique continuation for operators with partially analytic coefficients. Application to approximate control for waves, Some specific density functions of aggregated discounted claims with dependent risks, Boundedness of partial difference transforms for heat semigroups generated by discrete Laplacian, Calderón's reproducing formulas and extremal functions for the Riemann-Liouville \(L^2\)-multiplier operators, Two-dimensional inverse scattering for quasi-linear biharmonic operator, On sums involving Fourier coefficients of Maass forms for \(\mathrm{SL}(3,\mathbb Z)\), On Hardy's inequality for Hermite expansions, Remarks about a generalized pseudo-relativistic Hartree equation, Pole-skipping of scalar and vector fields in hyperbolic space: conformal blocks and holography, Explicit formula for the reproducing kernels for some weighted Fock spaces, Probabilistic analysis of the single particle Wigner Monte-Carlo method, Toeplitz operators for wavelet transform related to the spherical mean operator, On optimal stopping of multidimensional diffusions, Multivariate spectral multipliers for tensor product orthogonal expansions, Uncertainty principles and time frequency analysis related to the Riemann-Liouville operator, Overlapping solution finite element method-higher order approximation and implementation, Hardy's inequality for Laguerre expansions of Hermite type, A semigroup approach to American options, Brownian analogues of Burke's theorem., Generalization of Weierstrass canonical integrals, Uniformly convex and smooth Banach spaces and \(L^p\)-boundedness properties of Littlewood-Paley and area functions associated with semigroups, Extrapolation algorithms for filtering series of functions, and treating the Gibbs phenomenon, Uniform two-weight norm inequalities for Hankel transform Bochner-Riesz means of order one, On a one-parameter generalization of the Brownian bridge and associated quadratic functionals, The fractional Bessel equation in Hölder spaces, Utility maximization with a stochastic clock and an unbounded random endowment, UMD-valued square functions associated with Bessel operators in Hardy and BMO spaces, Bessel identities in the Waldspurger correspondence over the real numbers, Higher order Riesz transforms, fractional derivatives, and Sobolev spaces for Laguerre expansions, On fundamental harmonic analysis operators in certain Dunkl and Bessel settings, Large time behaviour for the heat equation on \(\mathbb{Z} \), moments and decay rates, An interpretation and some generalizations of the Anderson-Darling statistics in terms of squared Bessel bridges, Some results for the windowed Fourier transform related to the spherical mean operator, Uncertainty principles for spherical mean \(L^2\)-multiplier operators, The Hardy-Littlewood operator associated with the Riemann-Liouville transform, Multifractal diffusion entropy analysis: optimal bin width of probability histograms, Analytical representations for the basic affine jump diffusion, A Liouville theorem on asymptotically Calabi spaces, Spectral properties of ordinary differential operators admitting special decompositions, On the spectrum of Hilbert matrix operator, Monotonicity of generalized frequencies and the strong unique continuation property for fractional parabolic equations, Maximum temperature in dry surface grinding for high Peclet number and arbitrary heat flux profile, Eigenfunction expansions for the Stokes flow operators in the inverted oblate coordinate system, Gauss hypergeometric representations of the Ferrers function of the second kind, Multiple yield curve modelling with CBI processes, Laguerre polynomial solutions of linear fractional integro-differential equations, A convexity enforcing \(C^0\) interior penalty method for the Monge-Ampère equation on convex polygonal domains, Comments on monomiality, ordinary polynomials and associated bi-orthogonal functions, Inequalities for weighted polynomials, Semiclassical limits for the hyperbolic plane, The periodic Schrödinger operators with potentials in the Morrey class, Some elementary distribution theory for an autoregression fitted to a random walk., A frequency domain approach to some results on fractional Brownian motion, Spectral multiplier theorems and averaged \(R\)-boundedness, A technique for developing complete orthonormal basis sets using general solutions of Bessel's differential equation, Graf-type theorem for Laguerre and Legendre functions, A Hermite spectral method for the computation of homoclinic orbits and associated functionals, On the asymptotics of Laguerre matrix polynomials for large \(x\) and \(n\), Factor ordering and path integral measure for quantum gravity in \((1+1)\) dimensions, Existence and asymptotic behavior of standing waves of the nonlinear Helmholtz equation in the plane, An \(L^p\)-\(L^q\) version of Miyachi's theorem for the Riemann-Liouville operator, Option pricing with Legendre polynomials, Long memory and long run variation, Lie-algebraic approach for pricing zero-coupon bonds in single-factor interest rate models, On Humbert matrix functions, On the stationary distribution of the block counting process for population models with mutation and selection, A note on Appell sequences, Mellin transforms and Fourier series, Generalized Fresnel integrals and fractal properties of related spirals, Indefinite fractional elliptic problem and Liouville theorems, Riesz transforms for multi-dimensional Laguerre function expansions, Coexistence of analytic and distributional solutions for linear differential equations. I, Calculation of Fourier transforms of a Brownian motion on the Heisenberg group using splitting formulas, Jacobi transplantation revisited, The submartingale problem for a class of degenerate elliptic operators, Motion trapping structures in the three-dimensional water-wave problem, Algebraic approach to the Hulthen potential, Feeling the heat in a group of Heisenberg type, Maximal operators of exotic and non-exotic Laguerre and other semigroups associated with classical orthogonal expansions, Reconstruction of annular bi-layered media in cylindrical waveguide section, Mapping properties of fundamental harmonic analysis operators in the exotic Bessel framework, Harnack inequality for the fractional nonlocal linearized Monge-Ampère equation, On fractional order Mellin transform and some of its properties, Generalized functions and Laguerre expansions, Harmonic analysis associated with a discrete Laplacian, Combining fast inertial dynamics for convex optimization with Tikhonov regularization, Harmonic analysis and integral transforms associated with a class of a system of partial differential operators, Functions of exponential growth in a half-plane, sets of uniqueness, and the Müntz-szász problem for the Bergman space, A direct solution method for pricing options involving the maximum process, On the paper ``On an identity for the zeros of Bessel functions by Baricz et al., Distributed order fractional diffusion equation with fractional Laplacian in axisymmetric cylindrical configuration, Asymptotic property of ground states for a class of quasilinear Schrödinger equation with \(H^1\)-critical growth, On the images of Dunkl-Sobolev spaces under the Schrödinger semigroup associated to Dunkl operators, Some algebraic structures in KPZ universality, Adaptive modal filters based on artificial and spectral viscosity techniques, Computational geometric and boundary value properties of oblate spheroidal quaternionic wave functions, Boundedness of composition operator on several variable Paley-Wiener space, Discrete Hardy spaces and heat semigroup associated with the discrete Laplacian, Some Appell-Dunkl sequences, Local time penalizations with various clocks for Lévy processes, Carleman type inequalities for fractional relativistic operators, A comparative study of the numerical approximation of the random Airy differential equation, Sharp Li-Yau inequalities for Dunkl harmonic oscillators, On the polyanalytic short-time Fourier transform in the quaternionic setting, Analytical solutions for modelling the evaporation of sessile drops, Transport properties in directed quantum walks on the line, Some remarks on a paper by L. Carlitz, Some two-dimensional extensions of Bougerol's identity in law for the exponential functional of linear Brownian motion, Hypergeometric fractional derivatives formula of shifted Chebyshev polynomials: tau algorithm for a type of fractional delay differential equations, Strichartz estimates on the quaternion Heisenberg group, UMD Banach spaces and the maximal regularity for the square root of several operators, Stationary distributions for a class of generalized Fleming-Viot processes, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes time changed with additive subordinators and their applications in commodity derivative models, On Bessel distributions for quasi-split groups, Bounds on differences of adjacent zeros of Bessel functions and iterative relations between consecutive zeros, Convergence to a singular steady state of a parabolic equation with gradient blow-up, Comparative analysis of multiscale Gaussian random field simulation algorithms, Large solutions to the \(p\)-Laplacian for large \(p\), A generalization of the Lipschitz summation formula and some applications, The Laguerre process and generalized Hartman-Watson law, Asymptotic analysis of an elasticity equation for a finger-like hydraulic fracture, The \(\overline \delta\)-theory for inverse problems associated with Schödinger operators on hyperbolic spaces, Inversion formulas for Riemann-Liouville transform and its dual associated with singular partial differential operators, A result on the first-passage time of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, Transference between Laguerre and Hermite settings, PROPRIÉTÉ D'INDICE EN THÉORIE HÖLDÉRIENNE POUR LE PROBLÈME EXTÉRIEUR DE DIRICHLET, Laguerre polynomials and the inverse Laplace transform using discrete data, Christoffel-Darboux formula for zonal spherical functions for the Gelfand pair \((U(n),U(n - 1))\), On the approximation of the Jacobi polynomials, On exponential sums with Hecke series at central points, Towards a characterization of Markov processes enjoying the time-inversion property, Evaluation of Fresnel integrals based on the continued fractions method, Infinitely divisible Wald's couples. Examples linked with the Euler gamma and the Riemann zeta functions., On a martingale associated to generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes and an application to finance, On quadratic functionals of the Brownian sheet and related processes, Uniform bound for Hecke \(L\)-functions, Quantum mechanics of Klein-Gordon fields. II: Relativistic coherent states, A Whittaker-Plancherel inversion formula for \(\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb R)\)., On a version of quaternionic function theory related to Chebyshev polynomials and modified Sturm-Liouville operators, On contingent-claim valuation in continuous-time for volatility models of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type, Transient stochastic response of quasi-partially integrable Hamiltonian systems, Discrete-time approximation of functionals in models of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type, with applications to finance, Clausen's theorem and hypergeometric functions over finite fields, A Wiener-Tauberian and a Pompeiu type theorems on the Laguerre hypergroup, Heat transfer between a gas and an ultralow thermal conductivity porous structure, Dirichlet series with functional equations and arithmetical identities, A connection between Laguerre's and Hermite's matrix polynomials, Generalized Besov type spaces on the Laguerre hypergroup, Exact solutions of the Fokker-Planck equations with moving boundaries, A transplantation theorem for the Hankel transform on the Hardy space, Large deviations for squared radial Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes., Representations of fractional Brownian motion using vibrating strings, A functionally fitted three-stage explicit singly diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta method, Methods for evaluating density functions of exponential functionals represented as integrals of geometric Brownian motion, Present value of some insurance portfolios, Orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle associated with the Laguerre polynomials, On some integrals involving certain number-theoretic error terms, Reverse inequalities in μ-deformed Segal-Bargmann analysis, The S&P 500 Index as a Sato Process Travelling at the Speed of the VIX, An infinite family of summation identities, The Distribution of a Perpetuity, with Applications to Risk Theory and Pension Funding, GLOBAL CARLEMAN ESTIMATES FOR DEGENERATE PARABOLIC OPERATORS WITH APPLICATIONS, Two Parallel Queues with Infinite Servers andJoin the Shortest QueueDiscipline, THE TERM STRUCTURE OF IMPLIED VOLATILITY IN SYMMETRIC MODELS WITH APPLICATIONS TO HESTON, Нелокальная задача для уравнения смешанного типа с сингулярным коэффициентом в области, гиперболическая часть которой - вертикальная полуполоса, Optimal pair-trading strategy over long/short/square positions—empirical study, A Phenomenological Spatial Model for Macro-Ecological Patterns in Species-Rich Ecosystems, An other uncertainty principle for the Hankel transform, Chromatic expansions in function spaces, Probability Distribution in the SABR Model of Stochastic Volatility, A PROOF OF HOBSON'S FORMULA WITH THE EULER OPERATOR, KERNEL FUNCTIONS OF THE TWISTED SYMMETRIC SQUARE OF ELLIPTIC MODULAR FORMS, The Hankel determinant associated with a singularly perturbed Laguerre unitary ensemble, On the cauchy problems for systems of partial differential equations with a distinguished variable, Forced oscillations of solutions of second order elliptic equations, A Neumann series of Bessel functions representation for solutions of perturbed Bessel equations, SU(1,1) solution for the Dunkl–Coulomb problem in two dimensions and its coherent states, Harmonic maps on spaces with conical singularities, Maximal function characterizations for new local Hardy-type spaces on spaces of homogeneous type, The structure of harmonizable isotropic random fields, Stokes flow applied to the sedimentation of a red blood cell, Optimal Heat Transfer and Optimal Exit Times, Rate of growth of the coalescent set in a coalescing stochastic flow, A convolution for the Hankel-Kontorovich-Lebedev transformation, Relating transplantation and multipliers for Dunkl and Hankel transforms, Asymptotic expansions for generalized gamma and incomplete gamma functions, Discrete observability of the heat equation on bounded domains, Infinite-dimensional representations of the rotation group and Dirac monopole problem, Two classical properties of the Bessel quotient 𝐼_{𝜈+1}/𝐼_{𝜈} and their implications in pde’s, Theorems on Restriction of Fourier–Bessel and Multidimensional Bessel Transforms to Spherical Surfaces, Random flights connecting porous medium and Euler–Poisson–Darboux equations, Joint law of an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process and its supremum, Phase separation and interface structure in two dimensions from field theory, Heat fluctuations and fluctuation theorems in the case of multiple reservoirs, The Beta Product Distribution with Complex Parameters, A NEW BOUND FOR THE SMALLEST x WITH π(x) > li(x), Estimating Quantiles of Normal Populations with a Common Mean, 𝐿^{𝑝} and operator norm estimates for the complex time heat operator on homogeneous trees, Derivative superconvergent points in finite element solutions of Poisson’s equation for the serendipity and intermediate families - a theoretical justification, SHORT RANGE POTENTIAL SCHRÖDINGER SCATTERING, Linear stability of a doubly periodic array of vortices to three-dimensional perturbations, Volume of the set of unistochastic matrices of order 3 and the mean Jarlskog invariant, Unnamed Item, On the derivation of asymptotic expansions for special functions from the corresponding differential equations, Parabolic approximation of nonlocal boundary conditions for elastic seabeds, Local uncertainty principle for the Hankel transform, A capture problem in Brownian motion and eigenvalues of spherical domains, Evaluating Jacquet’s $\mathbf {{\rm GL}(n)}$ Whittaker function, Theory of an ideal fluid jet, Delaunay type domains for an overdetermined elliptic problem inn× ℝ and ℍn× ℝ, Univalent Functions and the Pompeiu Problem, Plasmon Resonance with Finite Frequencies: a Validation of the Quasi-static Approximation for Diametrically Small Inclusions, Extension Problem and Harnack's Inequality for Some Fractional Operators, Asymptotic relations among Fourier coefficients of automorphic eigenfunctions, On constructive complex analysis in finance: Explicit formulas for Asian options, Analytic properties of Laguerre-type orthogonal polynomials, Localization operators of the wavelet transform associated to the Riemann–Liouville operator, Approximating Spectral Densities of Large Matrices, On the number of divisors of a quaternary quadratic form, Distributions of ratios of random variables from the power-quadratic exponential family and applications, Optimized Schwarz Method for the Fluid-Structure Interaction with Cylindrical Interfaces, Frailty models based on Lévy processes, The Fourier extension operator of distributions in Sobolev spaces of the sphere and the Helmholtz equation, Lipschitz–Hankel identities and integral representations of toroidal functions, Longer Than Average Intervals Containing No Primes, Local limit theorems for Brownian additive functionals and penalisation of Brownian paths, IX, On the Laguerre transform in two variables, Fractional transformations of generalized functions, The Schrödinger model for the minimal representation of the indefinite orthogonal group 𝑂(𝑝,𝑞), ON THE THEORETICAL JUSTIFICATION OF POCKLINGTON'S EQUATION, Logarithmic uncertainty principle for the Hankel transform, Torsion of an elastic sphere by elastic punches, WEYL TRANSFORMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE SPHERICAL MEAN OPERATOR, The classical Hankel transform in the Kirillov model of the discrete series, Localization operators associated with the spherical mean operator, Unnamed Item, On ladder height densities and Laguerre series in the study of stochastic functionals. I. Basic methods and results, On ladder height densities and Laguerre series in the study of stochastic functionals. II. Exponential functionals of Brownian motion and Asian option values, The probability distributions of the first hitting times of Bessel processes, Estimates for functions of the Laplace operator on homogeneous trees, On three methods for analytic Laplace inversion in the framework of Brownian motion and their excursions, Null Controllability for Parabolic Operators with Interior Degeneracy and One-Sided Control, Density of the Ratio of Two Normal Random Variables and Applications, On the zeros ofJν″′(x), On the Yor integral and a system of polynomials related to the Kontorovich–Lebedev transform, BECKNER LOGARITHMIC UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE FOR THE RIEMANN–LIOUVILLE OPERATOR, Finite heat kernel expansions on the real line, Continuous-time methods in the study of discretely sampled functionals of Lévy processes. I. The positive process case, Covariant symbolic calculus for Toeplitz operators on the sphere, On Shannon entropies in μ-deformed Segal-Bargmann analysis, Direct and inverse scattering for nonlinear Schrödinger equation in 2D, The recovery of the acoustic stiffness coefficient, Derivative superconvergent points in finite element solutions of harmonic functions--- A theoretical justification, Asymptotic formulas for perturbations in the electromagnetic fields due to the presence of inhomogeneities of small diameter, Marcinkiewicz-type multipliers on products of noncompact symmetric spaces, Some integral representations for the Faxén function, Asian Options Under One-Sided Lévy Models, First passage time moments of asymmetric Lévy flights, On the space-like analyticity in the extension problem for nonlocal parabolic equations, Experimental investigation of steady buoyant-thermocapillary convection near an evaporating meniscus, Spectral expansions of non-self-adjoint generalized Laguerre semigroups, Lebedev identities and integral representations of products of Hermite functions, Uniqueness of asymptotic limit of ground states for a class of quasilinear Schrödinger equation with H1-critical growth in ℝ3, Algebraic solution and coherent states for the Dirac oscillator interacting with the Aharonov–Casher system in the cosmic string background, Exact solutions of the 2D Dunkl–Klein–Gordon equation: The Coulomb potential and the Klein–Gordon oscillator, Pricing path-dependent options in a Black-Scholes market from the distribution of homogeneous Brownian functionals, Brownian excursions and Parisian barrier options: a note, First passage time density of an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process with broken drift, A new representation of the risk-neutral distribution and its applications, SOBOLEV INEQUALITIES WITH SYMMETRY, Separation of variables and exact solution of the Klein–Gordon and Dirac equations in an open universe, Holography and SL(2,ℝ) symmetry in 2D Rindler space–time, THE μ-DEFORMED SEGAL–BARGMANN TRANSFORM IS A HALL TYPE TRANSFORM, Energy decay for a degeneratewave equation under fractional derivative controls, Critical points of Laplace eigenfunctions on polygons, Gibbs Phenomenon for Dispersive PDEs on the Line, Mixed norm estimates for the Cesàro means associated with Dunkl–Hermite expansions, Unnamed Item, On the zeros of the Macdonald functions, Sticky reflecting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck diffusions and the Vasicek interest rate model with the sticky zero lower bound, The cost of controlling strongly degenerate parabolic equations, Moments and oscillations of exponential sums related to cusp forms, Unnamed Item, Comments on an Orthogonal Family of Monogenic Functions on Spheroidal Domains, Boundary-induced autophoresis of isotropic colloids: anomalous repulsion in the lubrication limit, On complete monotonicity of certain special functions, L p -spectrum of the Schrödinger operator with inverted harmonic oscillator potential, Spherical Fourier transform on the quaternionic Heisenberg group, Macdonald's identities and integral representations of products of Airy functions, Optimized Schwarz methods for the coupling of cylindrical geometries along the axial direction, Spontaneous Slow Oscillations and Sequential Patterns Due to Short-Term Plasticity in a Model of the Cortex, Uniform asymptotic expansion of Legendre functions, Local Price uncertainty principle and time-frequency localization operators for the Hankel–Stockwell transform, Regularity of the solution to 1-D fractional order diffusion equations, The Fourier transform of thick distributions, Multiple barrier-crossings of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck diffusion in consecutive periods, Swings and roundabouts: optical Poincaré spheres for polarization and Gaussian beams, On a semi-spectral method for pricing an option on a mean-reverting asset, Unnamed Item, Asymptotic expansions for the first hitting times of Bessel processes, Nilpotent structures and collapsing Ricci-flat metrics on the K3 surface, Central factorials under the Kontorovich–Lebedev transform of polynomials, Mixture of the Riesz Distribution with Respect to a Multivariate Poisson, The log-normal approximation in financial and other computations, On the Existence of Maass Cusp Forms on Hyperbolic Surfaces with Cone Points, Unnamed Item, Selfsimilar Perturbation near a Corner: Matching Versus Multiscale Expansions for a Model Problem, BOX DIMENSION AND MINKOWSKI CONTENT OF THE CLOTHOID, Optimal pair-trading strategy over long/short/square positions—empirical study, Scattering by a periodic tube in R3  : part i. The limiting absorption principle*, Asymptotic Results for Semigroups of Order-Preserving Partial Transformations, Special matrix functions: characteristics, achievements and future directions, Inverse medium problem for a singular contrast, Corrigendum: A New Convergent Algorithm to Approximate Potentials from Fixed Angle Scattering Data, An introduction to hypergeometric functions for economists, Some Inverse Scattering Problems for Perturbations of the Biharmonic Operator, RANKIN–SELBERG CONVOLUTIONS OF NONCUSPIDAL HALF-INTEGRAL WEIGHT MAASS FORMS IN THE PLUS SPACE, Connection formulas and representations of Laguerre polynomials in terms of the action of linear differential operators, Inverse random source problems for time-harmonic acoustic and elastic waves, Optimized Schwarz Methods for Spherical Interfaces With Application to Fluid-Structure Interaction, Universal bounds and monotonicity properties of ratios of Hermite and parabolic cylinder functions, Exponential sums related to Maass forms, Higher order Riesz transforms for the Dunkl Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator, On some aspects of oscillation theory and geometry, Hardy-Type Inequalities for Fractional Powers of the Dunkl–Hermite Operator, Orthonormal sequences and time frequency localization related to the Riemann-Liouville operator, Marangoni circulation by UV light modulation on sessile drop for particle agglomeration, Generalized homogeneous Besov spaces associated with the Riemann–Liouville operator, Unnamed Item, Harnack Inequalities and Hölder Estimates for Master Equations, On the use of the axially symmetric paraboloidal coordinate system in deriving some properties of Stark states of hydrogenic atoms and ions, Uncertainty principles for the windowed Hankel transform, Landau levels for the (2 + 1) Dunkl–Klein–Gordon oscillator, Born approximation for the magnetic Schrödinger operator, Revisiting linear and lognormal stochastic volatility models, Fractional thoughts, Some new results on H summability of Fourier series, On the cohen-sackrowitz estimator of a common mean, Almost everywhere convergence of Bochner–Riesz means on Heisenberg‐type groups, Inverse Elastic Scattering for a Random Source, Equivalent measure changes for subordinate diffusions, Analysis of passive scalar advection in parallel shear flows: Sorting of modes at intermediate time scales, The Dirac Operator on Spaces with Conical Singularities and Positive Scalar Curvatures, Asymptotics of the largest eigenvalue distribution of the Laguerre unitary ensemble, Properties of a pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonian for harmonic oscillator decorated with Dirac delta interactions, Oscillation criteria for nonlinear Bianchi equations, The Harnack inequality for a class of nonlocal parabolic equations, Stieltjes–Calogero–Gil’ relations associated to entire functions of finite order, Unnamed Item, Local Smoothing of Fourier Integral Operators and Hermite Functions, ANALYTIC CONTINUATION OF GENERALIZED NON-HOLOMORPHIC EISENSTEIN SERIES, Stochastic Life Annuities, Unnamed Item, Square roots of the Bessel operators and the related Littlewood–Paley estimates, Some perpetual integral functionals of the three-dimensional Bessel process, Maximal operators, Littlewood-Paley functions and variation operators associated with nonsymmetric Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators, Beckner logarithmic uncertainty principle for the Stockwell transform associated with the singular partial differential operators, Equiconvergence for perturbed Jacobi polynomial expansions, Fractionalization of a discrete Hankel transform based on an involutory symmetric kernel matrix, Holomorphic function spaces on the Hartogs triangle, Unnamed Item, Maximal regularity of parabolic equations associated with a discrete Laplacian, Eigenvalues of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on a prolate spheroid, Phase spaces, parity operators, and the Born-Jordan distribution, Sampling numbers of smoothness classes via \(\ell^1\)-minimization, Commuting Toeplitz operators on Fock-Sobolev spaces of negative orders, Sufficient conditions for the weighted integrability of Fourier–Laguerre transforms, Comparison results for a nonlocal singular elliptic problem, Exact controllability of wave equations with interior degeneracy and one-sided boundary control, Isoperimetric sets for weighted twisted eigenvalues, Time-step heat problem on the mesh: asymptotic behavior and decay rates, Discrete harmonic analysis associated with Jacobi expansions. III: The Littlewood-Paley-Stein \(g_k\)-functions and the Laplace type multipliers, Negative eigenvalues of non-local Schrödinger operators with sign-changing potentials, On spectral polar fractional Laplacian, The Poisson convolution associated with the spherical mean operator, Generalized Bessel matrix functions, The Wigner transformation associated with the Hankel multidimensional operator, The Gaussian convolution and reproducing kernels associated with the Hankel multidimensional operator, CBI-time-changed Lévy processes, Duality of generalized Hardy and BMO spaces associated with singular partial differential operator, Bernstein's inequalities and Jackson's inverse theorems in the Laguerre hypergroup, On (global) unique continuation properties of the fractional discrete Laplacian, Some functional properties on Cartan-Hadamard manifolds of very negative curvature, Global and local scaling limits for linear eigenvalue statistics of Jacobi \(\beta\)-ensembles, A variation of uncertainty principles for the continuous wavelet transform connected with the Riemann-Liouville operator, Variation inequalities for Riesz transforms and Poisson semigroups associated with Laguerre polynomial expansions, Duality of one-variable multiple polylogarithms and their \(q\)-analogues, On trajectories of complex-valued interior transmission eigenvalues, Discrete time heat kernel and UV modified propagators with dimensional deconstruction, Toeplitz operators for Stockwell transform related to the spherical mean operator, Eigenvalue spacing for 1D singular Schrödinger operators, Hadamard product of series with special numbers, On the forward in time propagation of zeros in fractional heat type problems, Inversion formula and uncertainty inequalities for the Weinstein-type Segal–Bargmann transform, On generalized Hardy spaces associated with singular partial differential operators, On infinitely divisible distributions related to the Riemann hypothesis, Comparative analysis for fractional Laplace and Helmholtz equations on sphere with mixed boundary conditions, Variation and oscillation for semigroups associated with discrete Jacobi operators, Some inequalities for the Fourier transform and their limiting behaviour, Bitsadze-Samarskii type problem for a mixed type equation that is elliptic in the first quadrant of the plane, On isolated singular solutions of semilinear Helmholtz equation, On non-centered maximal operators related to a non-doubling and non-radial exponential measure, Sharp Hardy's inequality for orthogonal expansions in \(H^p\) spaces, LAGUERRE SERIES IN CONTINGENT CLAIM VALUATION, WITH APPLICATIONS TO ASIAN OPTIONS, DIRECT AND REVERSE LOG-SOBOLEV INEQUALITIES IN μ-DEFORMED SEGAL–BARGMANN ANALYSIS, On the transition densities for reflected diffusions, Representations of the First Hitting Time Density of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process1, so(3) algebraic approach to the Morse potential, Application of polynomial su(1, 1) algebra to Pöschl-Teller potentials, A family of random walks with generalized Dirichlet steps, ON A FAMILY OF CONVEX SOLUTIONS TO A HYPERBOLIC PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION, Existence of guided cylindrical TM-modes in a homogeneous self-focusing dielectric, The growth of Laguerre matrix polynomials on bounded intervals., Relating multipliers and transplantation for Fourier-Bessel expansions and Hankel transform, The windowed Fourier transform and Gabor multipliers associated with the Riemann-Liouvlle transform, Generalized harmonic numbers, Jacobi numbers and a Hankel determinant evaluation, Blocks World revisited, Asymptotic behavior of the hitting time, overshoot and undershoot for some Lévy processes, Bessel integrals and fundamental solutions for a generalized Tricomi operator, Hyperbolic and fractional hyperbolic Brownian motion, Regularity properties of wave propagation on conic manifolds and applications to spectral multipliers, On interpolation series related to the Abel-Goncharov problem, Asymptotic analysis of the Hermite polynomials from their differential–difference equation, The correlation of the maxima of correlated Brownian motions, The Schrödinger system \(H=-\frac 1 2(\frac {t_0}{t})^a\partial_{xx}+\frac 1 2\omega^2(\frac{t}{t_0})^bx^2\), Values of Brownian intersection exponents. I: Half-plane exponents, The additive divisor problem and its analogs for Fourier coefficients of cusp forms. I, Sharp estimates for potential operators associated with Laguerre and Dunkl-Laguerre expansions, Uncertainty principle in terms of entropy for the Riemann-Liouville operator, Approximating the Dirac distribution for Fourier analysis, Approximating the Dirac distribution for Fourier analysis, Transplantation and multiplier theorems for Fourier-Bessel expansions, Large-time asymptotics for the density of a branching Wiener process, Ranges and inversion formulas for the Dunkl intertwining operator and its dual, Some Properties of CIR Processes, DYNAMO EFFECTS IN MAGNETIZED IDEAL PLASMA COSMOLOGIES, Penalisations of multidimensional Brownian motion, VI, Filtering the Wright-Fisher diffusion, ON THE ERROR TERM IN THE APPROXIMATE FUNCTIONAL EQUATION FOR EXPONENTIAL SUMS RELATED TO CUSP FORMS, Laguerre operator and its associated weighted Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces, Nodal deficiency of random spherical harmonics in presence of boundary, Uncertainty principles for the continuous wavelet transform in the Hankel setting, Heat fluctuations in equilibrium, The Gregory–Laflamme instability of the Schwarzschild black string exterior, The unconditional distributions of the OLS, TSLS and LIML estimators in a simple structural equations model, Uncertainty principles in term of supports in Hankel wavelet setting, Reduced forms and weak instrumentation, Mehler-Fock, Legendre Integral Transforms with Applications, Remarks on the Bernstein inequality for higher order operators and related results, Nonlinear stability of the two-jet Kolmogorov type flow on the unit sphere under a perturbation with nondissipative part, On the Pasternack–Sternheimer theorem for bound states in hydrogenic atoms and ions derived by operator calculus, Aspects of the disordered harmonic chain, On the Biot–Savart law of electromagnetism applied to the atomic circulation current *, The 𝒫(𝜑)₂ Model on de Sitter Space, Molecular decompositions of homogeneous Besov type spaces for Laguerre function expansions and applications