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zbMath0547.30001MaRDI QIDQ3338499

Kurt Strebel

Publication date: 1984

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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II: Voros symbols and the \(\tau\)-function, Convex icebergs and sectorial starlike functions, Using cosmic strings to relate local geometry to spatial topology, On the monodromy of the deformed cubic oscillator, Almost isometries between Teichmüller spaces, A-branes, foliations and localization, Measure bound for translation surfaces with short saddle connections, Unnamed Item, Distance in the curve graph, Polynomial Lemniscates and Their Fingerprints: From Geometry to Topology, The monodromy of meromorphic projective structures, A journey from the Hitchin section to the oper moduli, The simple-zero conjecture for support points in Σ, Counting generalized Jenkins-Strebel differentials, Geometric Isomorphisms between Infinite Dimensional Teichmüller Spaces, On the ergodicity of flat surfaces of finite area, Periods of abelian differentials and dynamics, Volume integral means of holomorphic functions, Isolated singularities of flat metrics on Riemann surfaces, Extremal length and uniformization, Winding and unwinding and essential intersections in ℍ³, Meromorphic quadratic differentials with complex residues and spiralling foliations, Harmonic maps and wild Teichmüller spaces, Large-scale geometry of the saddle connection graph, Teichmüller geodesics that do not have a limit in \(\mathcal PMF\), A sharp inequality for holomorphic functions on the polydisc, Quantitative recurrence and large deviations for Teichmüller geodesic flow, Vertical limits of graph domains, Comparison between Teichmüller metric and length spectrum metric under partial twists, Structural Evolution of the Taylor Vortices, Estimates of gradient and of Jacobian of harmonic mappings defined in the unit disk, Moduli spaces and macromolecules, Pluripotential theory on Teichmüller space I: Pluricomplex Green function, Démonstration d'un théorème de Penner sur la composition des twists de Dehn, Phase transitions and equilibrium measures in random matrix models, How to keep a spot cool?, The supercritical regime in the normal matrix model with cubic potential, Combinatorial analysis of the period mapping: the topology of 2D fibres, Veech surfaces and their periodic points, ENUMERATION OF MEANDERS AND MASUR–VEECH VOLUMES, On computations with dessins d’enfants, On Riesz type inequalities for harmonic mappings on the unit disk, Exact WKB Analysis of Schrödinger Equations with a Stokes Curve of Loop Type, Convergence of Teichmüller deformations in the universal Teichmüller space, Geometric relations between homeomorphic Riemann surfaces, Wild globally hyperbolic maximal anti‐de Sitter structures, Unnamed Item, Extremal Lengths on Denjoy Domains, Strong asymptotics for Jacobi polynomials with varying nonstandard parameters, Unbounded components in parameter space of rational maps, Classical and quantum Teichmüller spaces, Non-commutative matrix integrals and representation varieties of surface groups in a finite group., Unnamed Item, Uniformly bounded maximal $\varphi$-disks, Bers space and harmonic maps, Sharp inequalities over the unit polydisc, On the homology of certain smooth covers of moduli spaces of algebraic curves, Asymptoticity of grafting and Teichmüller rays. II, On the geometry of flat surfaces with a single singularity, Limits of Teichmüller maps, Foliations with good geometry, Quadratic differentials as stability conditions, NONDECREASABLE AND WEAKLY NONDECREASABLE DILATATIONS, \(N\)-radial systems of points and problems for non-overlapping domains, Divergent on average directions of Teichmüller geodesic flow, Combinatorial Miller-Morita-Mumford classes and Witten cycles, Minimal sets for flows on moduli space, Increasing trees and Kontsevich cycles, Isoresidual fibration and resonance arrangements, Limits of Teichmüller mappings on trajectories, Inclusion relations between the Bers embeddings of Teichmüller spaces, The heights theorem for infinite Riemann surfaces, Teichmüller geodesics of infinite complexity., Integrability and adapted complex structures to smooth vector fields on the plane, Effective counting of simple closed geodesics on hyperbolic surfaces, Harmonic maps from surfaces to \(\mathbb{R}\)-trees, The axes in \(T_ p\), Generalized M. A. Lavrentiev's inequality, Towards a classification of connected components of the strata of \(k\)-differentials, The real hyper-elliptic subspaces of Teichmüller space and moduli space, The energy spectrum of metrics on surfaces, The Dirichlet principle for inner variations, Random walks on Teichmüller space and the mapping class group, Canonical translation surfaces for computing Veech groups, Linear invariants of complex manifolds and their plurisubharmonic variations, Constructing Strebel differentials via Belyi maps on the Riemann sphere, On realizing measured foliations via quadratic differentials of harmonic maps to \(\mathbf R\)-trees, On existence of quadratic differentials with poles of high orders, Monotone Hopf-harmonics, Edge contraction on dual ribbon graphs and 2D TQFT, Supercritical regime for the kissing polynomials, Isometric embeddings of subsets of boundaries of Teichmüller spaces of compact hyperbolic Riemann surfaces, Plotting the polyhedral geometry of a quadratic differential, Wall-crossing, Hitchin systems, and the WKB approximation, 2-parameter \(\tau\)-function for the first Painlevé equation: topological recursion and direct monodromy problem via exact WKB analysis, Teichmüller rays and the Gardiner-Masur boundary of Teichmüller space. II, Hodge and Prym tau functions, Strebel differentials and combinatorial model of \({\mathcal{M}}_{g,n} \), Refined open intersection numbers and the Kontsevich-Penner matrix model, Flat curves, BPS graphs: from spectral networks to BPS quivers, Veech surfaces and simple closed curves, Conformal invariants associated with quadratic differentials, Counting closed geodesics in strata, Use of quadratic differentials for description of defects and textures in liquid crystals and \(2+1\) gravity, Stability conditions, cluster varieties, and Riemann-Hilbert problems from surfaces, Hamilton sequences for extremal quasiconformal mappings in the unit disk, Flat grafting deformations of quadratic differentials on surfaces, Discriminant circle bundles over local models of Strebel graphs and Boutroux curves, Dipole and multipole flows with point vortices and vortex sheets, Partition functions of Chern-Simons theory on handlebodies by radial quantization, Transformations and singularities of polarized curves, Meromorphic quadratic differentials and measured foliations on a Riemann surface, Geometric compactification of moduli spaces of half-translation structures on surfaces, Symmetries of complex analytic vector fields with an essential singularity on the Riemann sphere, A geodesic-preserving map of a Euclidean cone disk is affine, Kobayashi's and Teichmüller's metrics and Bers complex manifold structure on circle diffeomorphisms, On spectral asymptotic of quasi-exactly solvable quartic potential, Compactification of strata of abelian differentials, S-curves in polynomial external fields, On the Finsler structure of Teichmüller's metric and Thurston's metric, Riemann-Hilbert analysis and uniform convergence of rational interpolants to the exponential function, Classification of rational 1-forms on the Riemann sphere up to \(\text{PSL}(2,\mathbb{C})\), Soliton surfaces in the mechanical equilibrium of closed membranes, Comparisons of metrics on Teichmüller space, Zero distribution of complex orthogonal polynomials with respect to exponential weights, Meromorphic projective structures, grafting and the monodromy map, Hyperbolic geometry and closed bosonic string field theory. I: The string vertices via hyperbolic Riemann surfaces, Hyperbolic geometry and closed bosonic string field theory. II: The rules for evaluating the quantum BV master action, Spectral curves, variational problems and the Hermitian matrix model with external source, How covariant closed string theory solves a minimal area problem, Extremal decomposition of a multidimensional complex space for five domains, Stability conditions and cluster varieties from quivers of type \(A\), Random veering triangulations are not geometric, Critical graph of a polynomial quadratic differential related to a Schrödinger equation with quartic potential, Quadratic differentials, measured foliations, and metric graphs on punctured surfaces, Möbius moduli for fingerprint orientation fields, The finite gauge transformations in closed string field theory, From symmetric product CFTs to \( \mathrm{AdS}_3\), Holomorphic mappings of once-holed tori. II., A free boundary problem associated with the isoperimetric inequality, On the existence of certain quadratic differentials on four times punctured spheres and once punctured tori, On equivalence of singularities of second order linear differential equations by point transformations, Exponential decay and geometric aspect of transition probabilities in the adiabatic limit, Quadrilateral and hexahedral mesh generation based on surface foliation theory, Computational generation and conformal fabrication of woven fabric structures by harmonic foliation, Quadrilateral and hexahedral mesh generation based on surface foliation theory. II, On square roots of meromorphic maps, The eventually distance minimizing rays in moduli spaces, Closed trajectories for quadratic differentials with an application to billiards, Polynomial quadratic differentials on the complex plane and light-like polygons in the Einstein universe, Dehn twists and pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms, Multi-trace correlators from permutations as moduli space, Quadratic differentials and signed measures, On existence of quasi-Strebel structures for meromorphic \(k\)-differentials, Nonlinear steepest descent approach to orthogonality on elliptic curves, Topological recursion and uncoupled BPS structures. I: BPS spectrum and free energies, Pell-Abel equation and applications, An infrared bootstrap of the Schur index with surface defects, Geometry and dynamics of the Schur-Cohn stability algorithm for one variable polynomials, Twistor coverings and Feynman diagrams, Compactifications of moduli spaces and cellular decompositions, Large-degree asymptotics of rational Painlevé-IV solutions by the isomonodromy method, A note on electrified droplets, Conformal surface embeddings and extremal length, Investigation of the two-cut phase region in the complex cubic ensemble of random matrices, An algebraic approach to a quartic analogue of the Kontsevich model, Regulating flows, topology of foliations and rigidity, Unnamed Item, Dynamics of singular complex analytic vector fields with essential singularities I, Existence and uniqueness of exact WKB solutions for second-order singularly perturbed linear ODEs, EXACT SOLUTIONS FOR THE SINGULARLY PERTURBED RICCATI EQUATION AND EXACT WKB ANALYSIS, Generic measures for translation surface flows, Isoperimetric type inequalities for mappings induced by weighted Laplace differential operators, Cylinder curves in finite holonomy flat metrics, Analysis of contact Cauchy–Riemann maps III: Energy, bubbling and Fredholm theory, Nilpotent Higgs bundles and families of flat connections, Pluripotential theory on Teichmüller space. II: Poisson integral formula, Critical measures on higher genus Riemann surfaces, On volumes and filling collections of multicurves, Rigidity of the saddle connection complex, An integrable road to a perturbative plateau, Topological recursion for Masur–Veech volumes, Bers' simultaneous uniformization and the intersection of Poincaré holonomy varieties, Phase diagram and topological expansion in the complex quartic random matrix model, Trajectories of a Quadratic Differential Related to a Particular Algebraic Equation, Dihedral monodromy of cone spherical metrics, A rigidity result for holomorphic quadratic differentials of finite norm in the unit disk, Differential equations for approximate solutions of Painlevé equations: application to the algebraic solutions of the Painlevé-III \((\mathrm{D}_7)\) equation, Poles of cubic differentials and ends of convex \(\mathbb{RP}^2\)-surfaces, Bootstrapping closed string field theory, Modulus of surface families and the radial stretch in the Heisenberg group, Fingerprints of closed trajectories of a Strebel quadratic differential, Schwarzian Versus a Family of Moving Parabolic Points, Exactly solvable anharmonic oscillator, degenerate orthogonal polynomials and Painlevé II, String vertices for the large \(N\) limit, Openness of regular regimes of complex random matrix models, Veech holomorphic families of Riemann surfaces, holomorphic sections, and Diophantine problems, Quadratic differentials (A(z − a)(z − b)/(z − c)2) dz 2 and algebraic Cauchy transform, Quantum field theory on noncommutative spaces, A new version of the main inequality and the uniqueness of harmonic maps, On asymptotic zero distribution of Laguerre and generalized Bessel polynomials with varying parameters, Gennadiĭ Mikhaĭlovich Goluzin and geometric function theory, Roots of generalised Hermite polynomials when both parameters are large, Computing a categorical Gromov–Witten invariant, On n-th roots of meromorphic maps, Schwarz lemma for harmonic mappings into a geodesic line in a Riemann surfaces, Affine diffeomorphism groups are undistorted, Completeness of 𝑝-Weil-Petersson distance