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zbMath0666.13002MaRDI QIDQ3992979


Publication date: 17 September 1992

14A05: Relevant commutative algebra

13-01: Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to commutative algebra

13-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to commutative algebra

13Axx: General commutative ring theory

Related Items

Étale neighbourhoods and the normal crossings locus, On an algebra associated to a ternary cubic curve., Inverse systems and regular representations, The determination of integral closures and geometric applications, Comparison of Morava \(E\)-theories, Positivity and Kleiman transversality in equivariant \(K\)-theory of homogeneous spaces, Flat ideals and stability in integral domains, On the vanishing of homology for modules of finite complete intersection dimension, The subregular variety to the variety of special lattices, Self-dual codes over commutative Frobenius rings, Indecomposable and noncrossed product division algebras over function fields of smooth \(p\)-adic curves., Quaternion algebras, Heegner points and the arithmetic of Hida families, Homology of Artinian and Matlis reflexive modules. I., Global Springer theory, On some definable sets over fields with analytic structure, Clifford algebras from quotient ring spectra, On exact categories and applications to triangulated adjoints and model structures, Erratum: ``Boundedness of families of canonically polarized manifolds: a higher dimensional analogue of Shafarevich's conjecture, Boundedness of families of canonically polarized manifolds: a higher dimensional analogue of Shafarevich's conjecture, On Hausdorff completions of commutative rings in rigid geometry, Distributive and multiplication modules, On the Krull dimension of noetherian rings, Berkovich spaces are excellent, Non-commutative Henselian rings., \(I\)-adic towers in topology, \(\tau\)-categories. III: Auslander orders and Auslander-Reiten quivers., Duality in algebra and topology, Variation of Iwasawa invariants in Hida families, Covering data and higher dimensional global class field theory, The core of ideals in arbitrary characteristic, Multi-ideal-adic completions of Noetherian rings, Transfer of Gorenstein dimensions along ring homomorphisms, Maps on divisor class groups induced by ring homomorphisms of finite flat dimension, Canonical integral structures on the de Rham cohomology of curves, On Gorenstein projective, injective and flat dimensions -- a functorial description with applications, Algebraic properties of stably numerical polynomials, On the Jacobian ring of a complete intersection, Variation of Heegner points in Hida families, Factorial properties of the enveloping algebra of a nilpotent Lie algebra in prime characteristic, Higher-dimensional Auslander-Reiten theory on maximal orthogonal subcategories., Auslander correspondence., Counting solutions to binomial complete intersections, Fourier--Mukai transforms for Gorenstein schemes, Algebraic properties of separated power series, The automorphism group of certain factorial threefolds and a cancellation problem, Computing the core of ideals in arbitrary characteristic, Simplicial join via tensor product, On universally catenarian pairs, Fundamental group in positive characteristic, Noncoherence of a causal Wiener algebra used in control theory, On the \(p\)-dimension of fields, Desingularization of quasi-excellent schemes in characteristic zero, Prolongations in differential algebra, Arithmetic Laplacians, Adjoint computation for hypersurfaces using formal desingularizations, Generators and defining relations for the ring of differential operators on a smooth affine algebraic variety, The pinched Veronese is Koszul, Koszul duality in deformation quantization and Tamarkin's approach to Kontsevich formality, Compactly generated \(t\)-structures on the derived category of a noetherian ring, Topology of generalized complex quotients, Good formal structures for flat meromorphic connections. I: Surfaces, MDS codes over finite principal ideal rings, On Ext-indices of ring extensions, Note on Diophantine inequality and linear Artin approximation over a local ring, Lower bounds for Auslander's representation dimension., Separating invariants and finite reflection groups, On certain families of Drinfeld quasi-modular forms, Serre's modularity conjecture. II, On the existence of star products on quotient spaces of linear Hamiltonian torus actions, On the notion of Cohen-Macaulayness for non-Noetherian rings, Purely inseparable extensions of unique factorization domains, Injective envelopes and flat covers of Matlis reflexive modules, Local rings of finite Cohen-Macaulay type, A note on self-dual modules and Dedekind rings, The dimension of tensor products of \(k\)-algebras arising from pullbacks, A uniform property of affine domains, Smooth points of \(p\)-adic subanalytic sets, Diophantine approximations on projective spaces, Tensor products of modules and the rigidity of Tor, Excellent rings, Henselian rings and the approximation property, Flatness and smooth points of \(p\)-adic subanalytic sets, On isomorphisms between deformation rings and Hecke rings (with an Appendix by Gebhard Böckle), Deformation of singular Lagrangian subvarieties, String cohomology of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces via mirror symmetry. Appendix: \(G\)-polynomials, The limiting behavior on the restriction of divisor classes to hypersurfaces., Gorenstein differential graded algebras, Squarefree values of multivariable polynomials, Finite representation type and direct-sum cancellation., Frobenius splitting in characteristic zero and the quantum Frobenius map, Mixed ladder determinantal varieties, Residually reducible representations and modular forms, The blowup closure of a set of ideals with applications to \(TI\) closure., Tilting modules over small Dedekind domains, Depth formulas, restricted Tor-dimension under base change, Approximate liftings in local algebra and a theorem of Grothendieck, Tensor products of Cohen-Macaulay rings: Solution to a problem of Grothendieck, Foxby equivalence, complete modules, and torsion modules, On maps of Grothendieck groups induced by completion., A criterion for exactness of a complex of length two., Monoids and direct-sum decompositions over local rings., \(R\)-equivalence of \(G\)-coverings over non-Archimedean local fields, The product of an integrally closed ideal with its inverse, Some change of ring theorems for matlis reflexive modules, Improving ideals by means of quadratic transformations, Complexity of tensor products of modules and a theorem of Huneke-Wiegand, Virtual moduli cycles and Gromov-Witten invariants of algebraic varieties, Frobenius functors and invariant factors, Baxter algebras and Hopf algebras, Prime Ideals in Polynomial Rings Over One-Dimensional Domains, The $T^1$-lifting theorem in positive characteristic, Large Schubert varieties, Unnamed Item, Thomason’s theorem for varieties over algebraically closed fields, ON SOME TYPES OF NOETHERIAN MODULES, Integral closure of a filtration relative to a module, Vanishing of tor and torsion in tensor products, Cohomological detection and regular elements in group cohomology, Stable modification of relative curves, ON GENERALIZATION OF NAKAYAMA'S LEMMA, Birational extensions of a noetherian UFD, On the quotient between length and multiplicity, On Macaulayfication of Noetherian schemes, Characterizing Local Rings via Test Modules, A Gieseker type degeneration of moduli stacks of vector bundles on curves, Bloch–Ogus Sequence in Degree Two, Homogeneous Hilbert scheme, Quantum generalization of the Horn conjecture, A surjectivity theorem for differential operators on spaces of regular functions, Uniform properties of rigid subanalytic sets, Expansive Subdynamics, \(\Phi\)-\(\Gamma\)-modules for families of Galois representations, Adjoint Selmer groups as Iwasawa modules, Solution of a conjecture of C. Berenstein - A. Yger and invariants of contact at infinity, First coefficient ideals and the \(S_2\)-ification of a Rees algebra, Acyclicity of Tate constructions., On the prime ideal structure of tensor products of algebras, Some non-Gorenstein Hecke algebras attached to spaces of modular forms., Compact moduli of plane curves, Numerical equivalence defined on Chow groups of Noetherian local rings, Restriction of divisor classes to hypersurfaces in characteristic \(p\), On local properties of non-Archimedean analytic spaces. II, Algebraic approximations in analytic geometry, Bounds of traces in complete intersections and degrees in the Nullstellensatz, Local triviality of proper \(G_a\) actions, Geometry of \((0,2)\) Landau-Ginzburg orbifolds., Relations among discriminant, different, and conductor of an order, Direct images in non-archimedean Arakelov theory, The Hilbert function of a maximal Cohen-Macaulay module. II., On the geometry of polar varieties, Generalizations of the image conjecture and the Mathieu conjecture, Moduli of twisted sheaves, Gorenstein ring of sections and complete intersections in codimension two, The Drinfeld modular Jacobian \(J_1 (N)\) has connected fibers, Formal desingularization of surfaces: The Jung method revisited, A generalization of Whitehead's problem and its independence, Solving parametric polynomial systems, Reflexive modules on normal surface singularities and representations of the local fundamental group, Equivariant \(K\)-theory of smooth toric varieties, The Lichtenbaum-Hartshorne theorem for modules which are finite over a ring homomorphism, Domains of dimension 1 with infinitely many singular maximal ideals, Lefschetz extensions, tight closure and big Cohen-Macaulay algebras, Dominant rational maps in the category of log schemes, Generic fiber rings of mixed power series/polynomial rings, Characterizing local rings via homological dimensions and regular sequences, Hurwitz spaces of triple coverings of elliptic curves and moduli spaces of abelian threefolds, The Goto numbers of parameter ideals, Norm-graphs and bipartite Turán numbers, Prime ideals in birational extensions of two-dimensional polynomial rings, Invertible modules for commutative \(\mathbb S\)-algebras with residue fields, On finite generation of kernels of locally nilpotent \(R\)-derivations of \(R[X,Y,Z\)], The new intersection theorem and descent of flatness for integral extensions, Monomial sequences of linear type, Algorithmic equiresolution of deformations of embedded varieties, Notes on flatness and the quot functor on rings, On the commutation of the test ideal with localization and completion, Compactifying the space of stable maps, Congruences for newforms and the index of the Hecke algebra, On Saltman’s p-Adic Curves Papers, Lifting $D$-modules from positive to zero characteristic, Numerical criteria for integral dependence, Rings that are Homologically of Minimal Multiplicity, Galois theory for iterative connections and nonreduced Galois groups, An irreducibility criterion for group representations, with arithmetic applications, On a result of Faltings via tight closure, Poincaré duality and Steinberg’s Theorem on rings of coinvariants, Modules Having Very Few Zero-Divisors, Good formal structures for flat meromorphic connections, II: Excellent schemes, F-Pure Homomorphisms, StrongF-regularity, andF-injectivity, Smooth PI algebras with finite divisor class group, Valuations and differential Galois groups, ON RADICAL FORMULA IN MODULES, Generalized Local Cohomology Modules and Homological Gorenstein Dimensions, Moduli of complexes on a proper morphism, Reflexivity and Ring Homomorphisms of Finite Flat Dimension, Uniformizable families of $t$-motives, On Dedekind Modules, STRONGLY IRREDUCIBLE IDEALS, Analysing All Polynomial Equations in ${\mathbb Z_{2^w}}$, Dimension, multiplicity, holonomic modules, and an analogue of the inequality of Bernstein for rings of differential operators in prime characteristic, ON MAXIMAL NON-UNIVERSALLY CATENARIAN SUBRINGS, Gröbner Bases for the Polynomial Ring with Infinite Variables and Their Applications