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zbMath Open teo.kok-layMaRDI QIDQ481063

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
A control parameterization method for solving combined fractional optimal parameter selection and optimal control problems2025-01-22Paper
A discretization method for a class of copositive programming problems2025-01-16Paper
Two inertial proximal coordinate algorithms for a family of nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization problems2025-01-08Paper
Exact SDP reformulations for adjustable robust quadratic optimization with affine decision rules2024-12-27Paper
Improved stability criteria for systems with time-varying delay via a novel integral inequality2024-11-13Paper
Improved negativity condition for a quadratic function and its application to systems with time-varying delay2024-09-20Paper
A gradient-based optimization algorithm to solve optimal control problems with conformable fractional-order derivatives2024-08-26Paper
Bi-level programming for emergency blood transshipment-allocation considering substitution against public health events2024-07-18Paper
A duality-based approach for linear parabolic optimal control problems2024-07-02Paper
A new computational approach for optimal control of switched systems2024-06-08Paper
On the correlation of local collocation and control parameterization methods2024-06-04Paper
Variable selection using axis-aligned random projections for partial least-squares regression2024-05-31Paper
On necessary and sufficient conditions for finite-time control of positive stochastic Poisson jump systems2024-05-30Paper
Numerical optimal control for switched nonlinear systems with inequality path constraints2024-04-05Paper
On semidefinite programming relaxations for a class of robust SOS-convex polynomial optimization problems2024-03-22Paper
Discrete gain scheduling control approach to elliptical orbit rendezvous system with actuator saturation2024-02-06Paper
A numerical algorithm for constrained optimal control problems2023-11-02Paper
Generalized Nash equilibrium problem over a fuzzy strategy set2023-10-27Paper
Numerical solution of delay fractional optimal control problems with free terminal time2023-07-06Paper
Characterizing a class of robust vector polynomial optimization via sum of squares conditions2023-06-27Paper
Numerical computation of optimal control problems with Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivatives2023-06-27Paper
Dynamic gain scheduling control design for linear multiagent systems subject to input saturation2023-06-21Paper
A distributionally robust optimization model for batch nonlinear switched time-delay system considering uncertain output measurements2023-04-05Paper
A new switching time optimization technique for multi-switching systems2023-03-29Paper
Mean-variance portfolio selection with random investment horizon2023-03-29Paper
Robust suboptimal feedback control for a fed-batch nonlinear time-delayed switched system2023-02-16Paper
A new uncertain random portfolio optimization model for complex systems with downside risks and diversification2023-01-12Paper
Exponential stability of integral time-varying delay system2022-12-08Paper
An optimistic value-variance-entropy model of uncertain portfolio optimization problem under different risk preferences2022-11-21Paper
Sequential adaptive switching time optimization technique for optimal control problems2022-11-14Paper
Design of probabilistic \(l_2\)-\(l_\infty\) filter for uncertain Markov jump systems with partial information of the transition probabilities2022-10-26Paper
An extensible multi-block layout warehouse routing optimization model2022-10-17Paper
Pricing strategy and coordination mechanism of dual-channel supply chain based on reference quality effect2022-09-15Paper
Multi-objective optimization of a nonlinear batch time-delay system with minimum system sensitivity2022-07-13Paper
Pricing and energy efficiency decisions by manufacturer under channel coordination2022-06-09Paper
An analytic solution for multi-period uncertain portfolio selection problem2022-05-25Paper
Optimal control of nonlinear fractional systems with multiple pantograph-delays2022-05-19Paper
Optimal control of nonlinear fractional-order systems with multiple time-varying delays2022-05-17Paper
Robust optimality, duality and saddle points for multiobjective fractional semi-infinite optimization with uncertain data2022-05-16Paper
A computational study of optimal control of Markov jump systems2022-05-16Paper
Monotone-delay-interval-based Lyapunov functionals for stability analysis of systems with a periodically varying delay2022-04-08Paper
Optimal state-delay control in nonlinear dynamic systems2021-12-14Paper
Robust optimal control for a batch nonlinear enzyme-catalytic switched time-delayed process with noisy output measurements2021-11-19Paper
Optimal control computation for nonlinear fractional time-delay systems with state inequality constraints2021-11-18Paper
Some characterizations of approximate solutions for robust semi-infinite optimization problems2021-11-18Paper
Numerical solution of free final time fractional optimal control problems2021-11-11Paper
Portfolio optimization in real financial markets with both uncertainty and randomness2021-11-03Paper
Modelling and optimal state-delay control in microbial batch process2021-09-21Paper
Event-triggered mixed \(H_\infty\) and passive control for Markov jump systems with bounded inputs2021-09-10Paper
Optimal design of window functions for filter window bank2021-09-10Paper
$\mathcal{KL}_*$ -stability for a class of hybrid dynamical systems2021-08-19Paper
Optimal train control via switched system dynamic optimization2021-07-06Paper
Robust parameter estimation for constrained time-delay systems with inexact measurements2021-06-09Paper
Characterizations of robustε-quasi optimal solutions for nonsmooth optimization problems with uncertain data2021-04-27Paper
Applied and Computational Optimal Control2021-04-13Paper
Control and synchronization of hyperchaos in digital manufacturing supply chain2021-04-01Paper
On approximate solutions and saddle point theorems for robust convex optimization2021-02-17Paper
Dynamic variational inequality in fuzzy environments2021-01-18Paper
Stabilization of supply networks with a varying manager-reaction time delay2020-12-31Paper
Sampled-data stabilization of chaotic systems based on a T-S fuzzy model2020-11-24Paper
Hierarchical stability conditions for time-varying delay systems via an extended reciprocally convex quadratic inequality2020-10-07Paper
Robust approximate optimal solutions for nonlinear semi-infinite programming with uncertainty2020-09-19Paper
Optimal minimal variation control with quality constraint for fed-batch fermentation processes involving multiple feeds2020-09-15Paper
Dynamic optimization of open-loop input signals for ramp-up current profiles in tokamak plasmas2020-09-11Paper
CVaR-based robust models for portfolio selection2020-06-18Paper
A multi-stage method for joint pricing and inventory model with promotion constrains2020-05-26Paper
Asynchronous \(H_\infty\) control for nonhomogeneous higher-level Markov jump systems2020-05-19Paper
Mixed-integer minimax dynamic optimization for structure identification of glycerol metabolic network2020-04-27Paper
Stability strategies of demand-driven supply networks with transportation delay2020-04-07Paper
Uncertain portfolio optimization problem under a minimax risk measure2020-04-07Paper
Distributionally robust parameter identification of a time-delay dynamical system with stochastic measurements2020-04-06Paper
Sampled-data-based dissipative control of t-s fuzzy systems2020-03-27Paper
New insights on stability of sampled-data systems with time-delay2020-02-12Paper
Robust parameter estimation for nonlinear multistage time-delay systems with noisy measurement data2020-02-12Paper
Multi-period portfolio selection problem under uncertain environment with bankruptcy constraint2020-02-12Paper
A model of distributionally robust two-stage stochastic convex programming with linear recourse2020-02-12Paper
Sparsity-promoting distributed charging control for plug-in electric vehicles over distribution networks2020-02-12Paper
A sequential computational approach to optimal control problems for differential-algebraic systems based on efficient implicit Runge-Kutta integration2020-02-12Paper
Maximizing lifetime of a wireless sensor network via joint optimizing sink placement and sensor-to-sink routing2020-02-05Paper
A binary differential search algorithm for the 0-1 multidimensional knapsack problem2020-01-06Paper
Multi-objective optimization of nonlinear switched time-delay systems in fed-batch process2020-01-06Paper
Robust parameter identification using parallel global optimization for a batch nonlinear enzyme-catalytic time-delayed process presenting metabolic discontinuities2020-01-06Paper
Horizontal well's path planning: an optimal switching control approach2019-12-10Paper
Event-triggered \(\varepsilon\) level \(H_ \infty\) probabilistic control of uncertain systems2019-12-05Paper
A hybrid chaos firefly algorithm for three-dimensional irregular packing problem2019-11-21Paper
Robust optimization for a nonlinear switched time-delay system with noisy output measurements using hybrid optimization algorithm2019-11-07Paper
Dual approaches to characterize robust optimal solution sets for a class of uncertain optimization problems2019-09-04Paper
On boundedness and attractiveness of nonlinear switched delay systems2019-08-16Paper
Dynamic optimal decision making for manufacturers with limited attention based on sparse dynamic programming2019-07-23Paper
Probabilistic control of Markov jump systems by scenario optimization approach2019-07-23Paper
Distributionally robust \(L_1\)-estimation in multiple linear regression2019-07-10Paper
Dynamic optimization for robust path planning of horizontal oil wells2019-03-19Paper
Optimal Joint Design of Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform Matrices and Mask Coefficients for Multichannel Filtering in Fractional Fourier Domains2019-02-12Paper
Disturbance attraction domain estimation for saturated Markov jump systems with truncated Gaussian process2019-02-08Paper
Necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for regular-singular stochastic differential games with asymmetric information2018-11-27Paper
A new Lyapunov functional approach to sampled-data synchronization control for delayed neural networks2018-11-19Paper
Dynamic Optimization for Switched Time-Delay Systems with State-Dependent Switching Conditions2018-10-08Paper
Event‐triggered constrained control of positive systems with input saturation2018-10-05Paper
Bi-objective dynamic optimization of a nonlinear time-delay system in microbial batch process2018-09-05Paper
Efficient output solution for nonlinear stochastic optimal control problem with model-reality differences2018-08-27Paper
Optimal Design of Cosine Modulated Nonuniform Linear Phase FIR Filter Bank via Both Stretching and Shifting Frequency Response of Single Prototype Filter2018-08-22Paper
Maximally Decimated Paraunitary Linear Phase FIR Filter Bank Design via Iterative SVD Approach2018-08-22Paper
A Parallel Low Complexity Zero-Forcing Beamformer Design for Multiuser MIMO Systems Via a Regularized Dual Decomposition Method2018-08-22Paper
Allpass VFD Filter Design2018-07-09Paper
Two-Channel Linear Phase FIR QMF Bank Minimax Design via Global Nonconvex Optimization Programming2018-07-09Paper
A Discrete Filled Function Method for the Design of FIR Filters With Signed-Powers-of-Two Coefficients2018-06-27Paper
Global Optimum Design of Uniform FIR Filter Bank With Magnitude Constraints2018-06-27Paper
FRM-Based FIR Filters With Optimum Finite Word-Length Performance2018-06-12Paper
Chance-constrained optimization for pension fund portfolios in the presence of default risk2018-05-24Paper
Event‐triggered probabilistic robust control of linear systems with input constrains: By scenario optimization approach2018-02-09Paper
FIR Variable Digital Filter With Signed Power-of-Two Coefficients2017-11-20Paper
Digital Laguerre filter design with maximum passband-to-stopband energy ratio subject to peak and Group delay constraints2017-11-20Paper
Transformations for nonideal uniform circular arrays operating in correlated signal environments2017-10-30Paper
Optimal design of complex FIR filters with arbitrary magnitude and group delay responses2017-10-30Paper
A unified approach to multistage frequency-response masking filter design using the WLS technique2017-10-30Paper
Optimal Design of Magnitude Responses of Rational Infinite Impulse Response Filters2017-10-30Paper
Design of Interpolative Sigma Delta Modulators Via Semi-Infinite Programming2017-10-30Paper
Efficient Algorithm for Solving Semi-Infinite Programming Problems and Their Applications to Nonuniform Filter Bank Designs2017-10-30Paper
Minimax optimal control of linear system with input-dependent uncertainty2017-10-19Paper
A new looped-functional for stability analysis of sampled-data systems2017-10-11Paper
Robust multi-objective optimal switching control arising in 1,3-propanediol microbial fed-batch process2017-10-04Paper
Some New Results on Integral-Type Backstepping Method for a Control Problem Governed by a Linear Heat Equation2017-09-21Paper
Design of nonuniform near allpass complementary FIR filters via a semi-infinite programming technique2017-09-20Paper
Optimal design of nonuniform FIR transmultiplexer using semi-infinite programming2017-09-20Paper
Global convergence analysis for the NIC flow2017-09-08Paper
Exponential Stability With $L_{2}$-Gain Condition of Nonlinear Impulsive Switched Systems2017-08-25Paper
Computational Method for a Class of Switched System Optimal Control Problems2017-08-08Paper
On a refinement of the convergence analysis for the new exact penalty function method for continuous inequality constrained optimization problem2017-06-16Paper
Dynamic pricing of network goods in duopoly markets with boundedly rational consumers2017-06-15Paper
Minimizing control variation in nonlinear optimal control2017-06-02Paper
Robust real-time optimization for blending operation of alumina production2017-05-22Paper
Min-max optimal control of linear systems with uncertainty and terminal state constraints2017-04-19Paper
A novel approach to fault detection for fuzzy stochastic systems with nonhomogeneous processes2017-02-08Paper
An optimal machine maintenance problem with probabilistic state constraints2017-02-07Paper
A New Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for the Estimation of Archie Parameters2017-01-17Paper
The Worst-Case DFT Filter Bank Design with Subchannel Variations2017-01-17Paper
A robust optimal control problem with moment constraints on distribution: theoretical analysis and an algorithm2016-11-23Paper
A stochastic fleet composition problem2016-11-11Paper
A new computational strategy for optimal control problem with a cost on changing control2016-10-25Paper
Dynamic Optimization of Trajectory for Ramp-up Current Profile in Tokamak Plasmas2016-08-10Paper
A hybrid time-scaling transformation for time-delay optimal control problems2016-07-01Paper
Time optimal Zermelo's navigation problem with moving and fixed obstacles2016-04-27Paper
Coordination arrival control for multi-agent systems2016-04-15Paper
A new full Nesterov-Todd step feasible interior-point method for convex quadratic symmetric cone optimization2016-01-19Paper
Filtering for discrete-time nonhomogeneous Markov jump systems with uncertainties2016-01-14Paper
Parameter estimation for nonlinear time-delay systems with noisy output measurements2015-12-21Paper
Variable fractional delay filter design with discrete coefficients2015-12-18Paper
Optimal control problems with stopping constraints2015-12-16Paper
Constrained MPC design of nonlinear Markov jump system with nonhomogeneous process2015-11-30Paper
Visual MISER: an efficient user-friendly visual program for solving optimal control problems2015-10-22Paper
A New Exact Penalty Function Approach to Semi-infinite Programming Problem2015-10-05Paper
Some interesting properties for zero-forcing beamforming under per-antenna power constraints in rural areas2015-09-22Paper
Minimizing control variation in discrete-time optimal control problems2015-09-09Paper
A gradient algorithm for optimal control problems with model-reality differences2015-08-31Paper
A global optimization approach to fractional optimal control2015-07-31Paper
Cooperative enclosing control for multiple moving targets by a group of agents2015-07-29Paper
RobustL2Lfiltering for a class of dynamical systems with nonhomogeneous Markov jump process2015-07-28Paper
Portfolio optimization using a new probabilistic risk measure2015-06-23Paper
An optimal control approach to spacecraft rendezvous on elliptical orbit2015-04-27Paper
Polymorphic uncertain nonlinear programming approach for maximizing the capacity of V-belt driving2015-02-04Paper
On the Hölder continuity of approximate solution mappings to parametric weak generalized Ky Fan Inequality2015-02-03Paper
A penalty-based method from reconstructing smooth local volatility surface from American options2015-02-03Paper
Switching time and parameter optimization in nonlinear switched systems with multiple time-delays2014-12-12Paper
Robust \(H_{\infty}\) control of spacecraft rendezvous on elliptical orbit2014-11-24Paper
A computational method for solving time-delay optimal control problems with free terminal time2014-10-23Paper
Observer-basedH ∞ control on nonhomogeneous Markov jump systems with nonlinear input2014-10-20Paper
Closed-form solutions of a fishery harvesting model with state constraint2014-10-20Paper
Optimal parameter selection for nonlinear multistage systems with time-delays2014-09-18Paper
A primal-dual interior point method for optimal zero-forcing beamformer design under per-antenna power constraints2014-09-18Paper
Global stabilization of switched control systems with time delay2014-08-08Paper
Second-order Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions for set-valued optimization2014-07-04Paper
A full-Newton step feasible interior-point algorithm for \(P_\ast(\kappa)\)-linear complementarity problems2014-07-03Paper
Time-delay estimation for nonlinear systems with piecewise-constant input2014-06-06Paper
A neighboring extremal solution for an optimal switched impulsive control problem2014-05-16Paper
Robust fault detection for discrete‐time stochastic systems with non‐homogeneous jump processes2014-05-08Paper
New BFGS method for unconstrained optimization problem based on modified Armijo line search2014-05-02Paper
Optimal feedback control for dynamic systems with state constraints: an exact penalty approach2014-04-30Paper
Higher-order Mond-Weir converse duality in multiobjective programming involving cones2014-03-21Paper
Optimal soft landing control for moon lander2014-03-19Paper
Hybrid method for a general optimal sensor scheduling problem in discrete time2014-03-19Paper
Non-fragile robustHcontrol for uncertain spacecraft rendezvous system with pole and input constraints2014-01-30Paper
A new exact penalty method for semi-infinite programming problems2014-01-08Paper
A smoothing approach for the optimal parameter selection problem with continuous inequality constraint2013-12-19Paper
Optimal control of nonlinear switched systems: computational methods and applications2013-11-27Paper
A unified parameter identification method for nonlinear time-delay systems2013-11-14Paper
Optimal investment-consumption problem with constraint2013-11-14Paper
The control parameterization method for nonlinear optimal control: a survey2013-11-14Paper
Differential properties and optimality conditions for generalized weak vector variational inequalities2013-09-19Paper
Convergence analysis of power penalty method for American bond option pricing2013-08-07Paper
Optimal discrete-valued control computation2013-08-02Paper
An iterative algorithm based on model-reality differences for discrete-time nonlinear stochastic optimal control problems2013-03-13Paper
A class of optimal state-delay control problems2013-03-06Paper
Optimal control computation for nonlinear systems with state-dependent stopping criteria2013-03-01Paper
An exact penalty function method for nonlinear mixed discrete programming problems2013-02-07Paper
Nonnegative Polynomial Optimization over Unit Spheres and Convex Programming Relaxations2013-01-04Paper
Subdifferential and optimality conditions for the difference of set-valued mappings2013-01-03Paper
Erratum to: higher-order optimality conditions for weakly efficient solutions in nonconvex set-valued optimization2012-12-11Paper
Optimal control problems arising in the zinc sulphate electrolyte purification process2012-12-07Paper
A converse duality theorem on higher-order dual models in nondifferentiable mathematical programming2012-11-30Paper
An exact penalty method for free terminal time optimal control problem with continuous inequality constraints2012-11-26Paper
Control parameterization for optimal control problems with continuous inequality constraints: New convergence results2012-11-13Paper
Filtering solution of nonlinear stochastic optimal control problem in discrete-time with model-reality differences2012-08-30Paper
Transient image principles for anisotropic diffusion with basic concepts and 2D linear analytical solutions2012-08-07Paper
Continuity of second-order adjacent derivatives for weak perturbation maps in vector optimization2012-06-22Paper
Nonlinear optimal feedback control for lunar module soft landing2012-05-23Paper
A suboptimal feedback control for nonlinear time-varying systems with continuous inequality constraints2012-05-14Paper
New generalized second-order contingent epiderivatives and set-valued optimization problems2012-05-08Paper
Non-fragile guaranteed cost control for robust spacecraft orbit transfer with small thrust2012-04-27Paper
Stabilizability of discrete chaotic systems via unified impulsive control2012-04-02Paper
An exact penalty function method for continuous inequality constrained optimal control problem2012-01-12Paper
An optimal PID controller design for nonlinear constrained optimal control problems2011-12-13Paper
Necessary and sufficient conditions for stability of impulsive switched linear systems2011-12-13Paper
A numerical method for an optimal control problem with minimum sensitivity on coefficient variation2011-11-22Paper
Optimality conditions for approximate solutions of vector optimization problems2011-07-19Paper
Hölder continuity and upper estimates of solutions to vector quasiequilibrium problems2011-04-29Paper
Global synchronization of dynamical networks with coupling time delays2011-04-19Paper
Robust suboptimal control of nonlinear systems2011-03-28Paper
Conjugate Duality in Constrained Set-Valued Vector Optimization Problems2011-03-22Paper
An integrated optimal control algorithm for discrete-time nonlinear stochastic system2011-02-10Paper
A new exact penalty function method for continuous inequality constrained optimization problems2011-01-19Paper
Optimal Feedback Control for Stochastic Impulsive Linear Systems Subject to Poisson Processes2010-12-08Paper
A Superlinearly Convergent Method for a Class of Complementarity Problems with Non-Lipschitzian Functions2010-12-03Paper
Global exponential stability of impulsive discrete-time neural networks with time-varying delays2010-10-25Paper
A new hybrid descent method with application to the optimal design of finite precision FIR filters2010-10-12Paper
Numerical performance of penalty method for American option pricing2010-10-12Paper
Higher-order optimality conditions for weakly efficient solutions in nonconvex set-valued optimization2010-10-04Paper
A dual parametrization approach to Nyquist filter design2010-09-27Paper
Higher order weak epiderivatives and applications to duality and optimality conditions2010-05-16Paper
Global exponential stability of impulsive high-order Hopfield type neural networks with delays2010-05-16Paper
Asymptotic stability of impulsive high-order Hopfield type neural networks2010-05-16Paper
A general approach to nonlinear multiple control problems with perturbation consideration2010-05-06Paper
Time delayed optimal control problems with multiple characteristic time points: computation and industrial applications2010-03-22Paper
Optimal control of piecewise affine systems with piecewise affine state feedback2010-03-22Paper
A numerical approach to infinite-dimensional linear programming in \(L_1\) spaces2010-03-11Paper
Optimal control problems with a continuous inequality constraint on the state and the control2010-01-08Paper
The Hölder continuity of solutions to generalized vector equilibrium problems2009-12-07Paper
Solution semicontinuity of parametric generalized vector equilibrium problems2009-11-16Paper
A robust transform domain echo canceller employing a parallel filter structure2009-10-29Paper
A hybrid method for the design of oversampled uniform DFT filter banks2009-10-29Paper
A filled function method for optimal discrete-valued control problems2009-09-01Paper
A computational method for a class of non-standard time optimal control problems involving multiple time horizons2009-07-21Paper
Well-posedness for set optimization problems2009-07-10Paper
Optimal switching instants for a switched-capacitor DC/DC power converter2009-06-11Paper
A smoothing approach for semi-infinite programming with projected Newton-type algorithm2009-04-20Paper
\(H_{\infty}\) optimal stabilization of a class of uncertain impulsive systems: An LMI approach2009-04-20Paper
Painlevé-Kuratowski convergences for the solution sets of set-valued weak vector variational inequalities2009-03-30Paper
A power penalty approach to American option pricing with jump diffusion processes2009-03-30Paper
Higher-order symmetric duality in multiobjective programming with invexity2009-03-30Paper
A LMI approach to stability analysis and synthesis of impulsive switched systems with time delays2009-03-09Paper
Control parametrization enhancing transform to optimal control problems2009-02-04Paper
Optimal control problems with multiple characteristic time points in the objective and constraints2009-01-20Paper
Extrapolated impulse response filter and its application in the synthesis of digital filters using the frequency-response masking technique2008-11-25Paper
Well-posedness of bimodal state-based switched systems2008-11-06Paper
Robust stabilization of uncertain impulsive switched systems with delayed control2008-10-22Paper
Convergence analysis of a monotonic penalty method for American option pricing2008-10-22Paper
Optimal piecewise state feedback control for impulsive switched systems2008-10-21Paper
Some geometrical aspects of efficient points in vector optimization2008-09-23Paper
Switching control of linear systems for generating chaos2008-08-22Paper
Levitin-Polyak well-posedness for equilibrium problems with functional constraints2008-08-19Paper
Higher-order optimality conditions for set-valued optimization2008-07-25Paper
Tracking control of linear switched systems2008-06-18Paper
Numerical method for a class of optimal control problems subject to nonsmooth functional constraints2008-06-17Paper
Higher-order Mond-Weir duality for set-valued optimization2008-06-17Paper
Chaos synchronization for continuous chaotic systems by inertial manifold approach2008-03-13Paper
Robust exponential stabilization for large-scale uncertain impulsive systems with coupling time-delays2008-03-06Paper
Delay independent stability criteria of impulsive switched systems with time-invariant delays2008-02-26Paper
Existence and stability of solutions for generalized strong vector quasi-equilibrium problem2008-02-26Paper
On the existence and convergence of approximate solutions for equilibrium problems in Banach spaces2008-02-19Paper
A smoothing scheme for optimization problems with max-min constraints2008-02-11Paper
Solving 0-1 programming problems by a penalty approach.2008-01-25Paper
An optimal control problem involving impulsive integrodifferential systems2008-01-18Paper
A numerical method for a class of mixed switching and impulsive optimal control problems2007-11-01Paper
Robust envelope-constrained filter with orthonormal bases and semi-definite and semi-infinite programming2007-10-16Paper
Vector equilibrium problems with elastic demands and capacity constraints2007-10-12Paper
A remark on a standard and linear vector network equilibrium problem with capacity constraints2007-10-05Paper
Lower-order penalization approach to nonlinear semidefinite programming2007-09-10Paper
Razumikhin-type theorems on exponential stability of impulsive delay systems2007-07-02Paper
Optimal control of switched systems with time delay2007-06-29Paper
Power penalty method for a linear complementarity problem arising from American option valuation2007-06-21Paper
Feedback stabilization of dissipative impulsive dynamical systems2007-05-18Paper
Some properties on quadratic infinite programs of integral type2007-05-04Paper
Global impulsive optimal control computation2007-04-05Paper
Erratum to ``Huard type second-order converse duality for nonlinear programming2007-02-19Paper
Convergence analysis of a class of penalty methods for vector optimization problems with cone constraints2007-01-11Paper
Super-efficiency of vector optimization in Banach spaces2007-01-09Paper
Sharp minima for multiobjective optimization in Banach spaces2007-01-08Paper
Calmness and exact penalization in vector optimization with cone constraints2006-11-17Paper
Augmented Lagrangian method applied to American option pricing2006-10-05Paper
Approximate augmented Lagrangian functions and nonlinear semidefinite programs2006-10-04Paper
A relaxed cutting plane method for semi-infinite semi-definite programming2006-09-13Paper
A unified quadratic semi-infinite programming approach to time and frequency domain constrained digital filter design2006-09-11Paper
Partial augmented Lagrangian method and mathematical programs with complementarity constraints2006-09-04Paper
The existence results for optimal control problems governed by a variational inequality2006-07-20Paper
Gap functions and existence of solutions to generalized vector quasi-equilibrium problems2006-06-26Paper
Semi-infinite quadratic optimization method using dual parametrization with application to antenna array2006-06-16Paper
Optimal control problems governed by a variational inequality via nonlinear Lagrangian methods2006-06-16Paper
A Truncated Projected Newton-Type Algorithm for Large-Scale Semi-infinite Programming2006-05-30Paper
Second-order directional derivatives of spectral functions2006-02-16Paper
Solving an identification problem as an impulsive optimal parameter selection problem2006-02-02Paper
Kalman filtering for multiple time-delay systems2005-12-08Paper
Generalized vector quasi-equilibrium problems2005-11-24Paper
Converse duality in nonlinear programming with cone constraints2005-11-16Paper
Duality for Semi-Definite and Semi-Infinite Programming with Equality Constraints2005-11-02Paper
Oscillation of solutions of parabolic differential equations of neutral type2005-10-24Paper
Absolute stability of impulsive control systems with time delay2005-08-05Paper
Huard type second-order converse duality for nonlinear programming2005-08-01Paper
Robust H stabilisation with definite attenuance of an uncertain impulsive switche system2005-07-05Paper
Oscillation properties for even order neutral equations with distributed deviating arguments2005-06-30Paper
A new quadratic semi-infinite programming algorithm based on dual parametrization2005-06-23Paper
New modified function method for global optimization2005-06-09Paper
Airfoil design via optimal control theory2005-06-07Paper
Smooth convex approximation to the maximum eigenvalue function2005-05-17Paper
An approximation approach to non-strictly convex quadratic semi-infinite programming2005-05-17Paper
Two properties of semistrictly preinvex functions2005-04-26Paper
Robust global exponential synchronization of general Lur'e chaotic systems subject to impulsive disturbances and time delays2005-04-18Paper
Mixed type converse duality in multiobjective programming problems2005-04-18Paper
A hybrid descent method for global optimization2005-04-07Paper
Criteria for generalized invex monotonicities2005-02-09Paper
Some remarks on the Minty vector variational inequality2005-01-19Paper
A solution method for combined semi-infinite and semi-definite programming2005-01-03Paper
Dynamical behavior and singularities of a single-machine infinite-bus power system2004-11-05Paper
Higher-order generalized convexity and duality in nondifferentiable multiobjective mathematical programming2004-10-01Paper
Support vector learning with quadratic programming and adaptive step size barrier-projection.2004-08-26Paper
A dual parameterization algorithm for linear quadratic semi-infinite programming problems.2004-08-26Paper
Stability analysis of impulsive control systems2004-08-06Paper
Mixed symmetric duality in nondifferentiable mathematical programming.2004-06-22Paper
A sequential quadratic penalty method for nonlinear semidefinite programming2004-06-15Paper
Duality for semi-definite and semi-infinite programming2004-06-09Paper
Some properties of prequasinvex functions2004-05-27Paper
On properties of semipreinvex functions2004-05-27Paper
On application of an alternating direction method to Hamilton--Jacobin--Bellman equations.2004-03-29Paper
Duality and saddle-point type optimality for generalized nonlinear fractional programming.2004-01-26Paper
Generalized invexity and generalized invariant monotonicity2003-10-29Paper
Control parametrization enhancing technique for solving a special ODE class with state dependent switch2003-09-15Paper
Multivariate polynomial minimization and its application in signal processing2003-08-21Paper
Generalized minimax inequalities for set-valued mappings2003-07-30Paper
An adaptive dual parametrization algorithm for quadratic semi-infinite programming problems2003-06-18Paper
A unified gradient flow approach to constrained nonlinear optimization problems2003-06-09Paper
Non-differentiable second order symmetric duality in mathematical programming with \(F\)-convexity2003-04-10Paper
Numerical solution of optimal control problems with discrete-valued system parameters2003-03-23Paper
Optimal finite-precision approximation of FIR filters2003-01-21Paper
Symmetric duality for a class of nonlinear fractional programming problems2002-11-28Paper
Approximation methods for non-convex curves2002-11-17Paper
A matrix trace inequality2002-10-23Paper
A new approach to frequency weightedL2optimal model reduction2002-10-16Paper
On the stability of generalized vector quasivariational inequality problems2002-10-08Paper
Explicitly \(B\)-preinvex functions2002-09-17Paper
Sensor scheduling in continuous time2002-08-24Paper
H/sub 2/ near-optimal model reduction2002-07-21Paper
On initial jumps for singular systems in connection with LQ optimal control2002-06-23Paper
Nonlinear Lagrangian functions and applications to semi-infinite programs2002-03-26Paper
An optimal control approach to manpower planning problem.2002-03-18Paper
Continuous-time envelope-constrained filter design via Laguerre filters and ℋ/sub ∞/ optimization methods2002-02-07Paper
The dual parameterization approach to optimal least square FIR filter design subject to maximum error constraints2001-12-13Paper
Portfolio selection problem with minimax type risk function2001-10-31Paper
Duality for a class of nondifferentiable multiobjective programming problems2001-10-23Paper
Semi-infinite programming approach to continuously-constrained linear-quadratic optimal control problems2001-08-28Paper
A dual parametrization method for convex semi-infinite programming2001-06-14Paper
Iterative algorithms for envelope constrained recursive filter design via Laguerre functions2001-05-01Paper
Solving Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations by a modified method of characteristics2001-04-23Paper
On the conversion of optimization problems with max-min constraints to standard optimization problems2001-01-01Paper
Characterizations and applications of prequasi-invex functions.2001-01-01Paper
Near-optimal controls of a class of Volterra integral systems2000-11-07Paper
A dual approach to continuous-time envelope-constrained filter design via orthonormal filters2000-09-26Paper
Control parametrization enhancing technique for optimal discrete-valued control problems2000-08-21Paper
An optimal control approach to nonlinear mixed integer programming problems2000-08-07Paper
An optimization approach to numerical integration in two dimensions2000-06-25Paper
A characterization of convex function2000-06-04Paper
Perturbation feedback control in general multiple linear-quadratic control problems2000-05-23Paper
An optimization approach to a finite dimensional parameter estimation problem in semiconductor device design2000-02-03Paper
Suboptimal local feedback control for a class of constrained discrete time nonlinear control problems2000-01-20Paper
Optimal recharge and driving strategies for a battery-powered electric vehicle1999-11-21Paper
A bridging method for global optimization1999-09-07Paper
A dual parameterization approach to linear-quadratic semi-infinite programming problems1999-09-05Paper
The control parameterization enhancing transform for constrained optimal control problems1999-05-24Paper
Necessary optimality conditions for bicriterion discrete optimal control problems1999-05-24Paper
Computing optimal control With a hyperbolic partial differential equation1999-04-13Paper
Computation of optimal production plans for manufacturing systems1999-03-07Paper
Model reduction for state-space symmetric systems1999-01-12Paper
Sensitivity Reduction of Constraint Forces and Position Control for Mechanical Descriptor Systems1998-09-21Paper
On optimal control of multi-link vertical planar robot arms systems moving under the effect of gravity1998-07-19Paper
Improvement on stability bounds for singularly perturbed systems via state feedback1998-07-05Paper
Applications of H∞ optimization method to envelope-constrained IIR filter design1998-03-31Paper
Envelope constrained filter with linear interpolator1998-02-25Paper
Tracking control for nonlinear affine systems1998-02-11Paper
A frequency domain approach to control of singular systems1998-02-10Paper
Mixed Strategy Global Sub-Optimal Feedback Control for Chaotic Systems1998-02-04Paper
Suboptimal feedback control for a class of nonlinear systems using spline interpolation1997-08-17Paper
A new computational method for the functional inequality constrained minimax optimization problem1997-08-03Paper
Directing orbits of chaotic systems in the presence of noise: Feedback correction1997-05-29Paper
Neighbouring extremals for nonlinear systems with control constraints1997-05-20Paper
Solutions to the combined sensitivity and complementary sensitivity problem in control systems1997-03-13Paper
Comments on the characterizations of fixed modes for decentralized control systems1997-01-22Paper
Linear-nonquadratic optimal control problems with terminal inequality constraints1997-01-01Paper
Initial and transient response improvement for singular systems1996-11-20Paper
Optimal simultaneous stabilization of descriptor systems via output feedback1996-11-20Paper
Optimal and suboptimal feedback controls for a class of nonlinear systems1996-11-12Paper
Optimal control of singular systems with a cost on changing control1996-09-04Paper
On initial instantaneous jumps of singular systems1996-02-13Paper
On control of chaos: Higher periodic orbits1996-01-22Paper
Suboptimal stabilizing control for a class of nonlinear systems1995-03-19Paper
Optimal simultaneous stabilization of linear single-input systems via linear state feedback control1994-10-26Paper
Trajectory-following algorithms for min-max optimization problems1994-10-25Paper
Computing eigenvalues of Sturm-Liouville problems via optimal control theory1994-08-07Paper
A linear programming approach to on‐line constrained optimal terrain‐tracking systems1994-04-05Paper
A gradient flow approach to computing lq optimal output feedback gains1994-04-05Paper
A suboptimal feedback stabilizing controller for a class of nonlinear regulator problems1994-03-14Paper
A new computational algorithm for functional inequality constrained optimization problems1993-07-21Paper
A numerical approach to computing eigenvalues in a turbulent dispersion model1993-06-29Paper
Optimal control of tumor size used to maximize survival time when cells are resistant to chemotherapy1993-01-16Paper
Low-intensity combination chemotherapy maximizes host survival time for tumors containing drug-resistant cells1993-01-16Paper
Optimal control problems with fuzzy system parameters1993-01-16Paper
A computational procedure for suboptimal robust controls1993-01-16Paper
A computational method for a general class of optimal control problems involving integrodifferential equations1993-01-16Paper
Convergence rate for an approximation approach to \(H_ \infty\)-norm optimization problems with an application to controller order reduction1992-10-20Paper
MISER3:Solving optimal control problems—an update1992-09-26Paper
A constrained H smooth optimization technique1992-06-25Paper
Optimum FIR array filters1992-06-25Paper
Optimal control with a cost on changing control1991-01-01Paper
Alternative algorithms for solving nonlinear function and functional inequalities1991-01-01Paper
Nonlinearly constrained optimal control problems involving piecewise smooth controls1990-01-01Paper
A mathematical model of cancer chemotherapy with an optimal selection of parameters1990-01-01Paper
A computational algorithm for functional inequality constrained optimization problems1990-01-01Paper
Nonlinearly constrained discrete-time optimal-control problems1990-01-01Paper
On constrained stochastic optimal parameter selection problems1990-01-01Paper
A minimum trapping time problem in optimal control theory1990-01-01Paper
A computational method for a class of optimal relaxed control problems1989-01-01Paper
Nonlinear optimal control problems with continuous state inequality constraints1989-01-01Paper
Species preservation in an optimal harvest model with random prices1989-01-01Paper
A stochastic optimal control approach to a mathematical drug administration model1989-01-01Paper
A computational method for combined optimal parameter selection and optimal control problems with general constraints1989-01-01Paper
A Computational Method for a Class of Dynamical Optimization Problems in which the Terminal Time is Conditionally Free1989-01-01Paper
Mean-square stability of stochastic differential time-lag systems1989-01-01Paper
On minimax eigenvalue problems via constrained optimization1988-01-01Paper
Control parametrization: a unified approach to optimal control problems with general constraints1988-01-01Paper
On constrained optimization problems with nonsmooth cost functionals1988-01-01Paper
Time optimal control computation with application to ship steering1988-01-01Paper
General pole restriction controller design1988-01-01Paper
Further extensions of a student-related optimal control problem1987-01-01Paper
A simple computational procedure for optimization problems with functional inequality constraints1987-01-01Paper
Convergence of a feasible directions algorithm for a distributed optimal control problem of parabolic type with terminal inequality constraints1986-01-01Paper
Smoothing as an improvement on filtering in high noise1986-01-01Paper
Convergence in mean for ELS-based adaptive control1985-01-01Paper
Convergence of a strong variational algorithm for relaxed controls involving a distributed optimal control problem of parabolic type11984-01-01Paper
Convergence of a conditional gradient algorithm for relaxed controls involving first boundary value problems of parabolic type1983-01-01Paper
Necessary conditions for optimal controls for systems governed by parabolic partial delay-differential equations in divergence form with first boundary conditions1982-01-01Paper
First-order strong variation algorithm for optimal control problems involving parabolic systems1982-01-01Paper
On the existence of optimal controls for quasilinear parabolic partial differential equations1981-01-01Paper
Necessary conditions for optimality of Cauchy problems for parabolic partial delay-differential equations1981-01-01Paper
Existence and uniqueness of solutions of system governed by second order quasilinear integro-partial differential equation of parabolic type1980-01-01Paper
Existence of optimal controls for systems governed by parabolic partial differential equations with Cauchy boundary conditions1980-01-01Paper
Suboptimal decision making of a production firm1980-01-01Paper
Existence and uniqueness of weak solutions of the Cauchy problem for parabolic delay-differential equations1980-01-01Paper
Stochastic optimal control theory and its computational methods1980-01-01Paper
On a computational algorithm for time-laǵ optimal control problems with restricted phase coordinates1980-01-01Paper
Optimal Parameter Selection of Parabolic Systems1980-01-01Paper
Hitting a target with maximum probability1980-01-01Paper
On the optimal controls of a class of systems governed by second order parabolic partial delay-differential equations with first boundary conditions1979-01-01Paper
Optimal control of systems governed by time-delayed, second-order, linear, parabolic partial differential equations with a first boundary condition1979-01-01Paper
On the system governed by parabolic partial delay-differential equations with first boundary conditions1979-01-01Paper
Existence of optimal controls for systems governed by second order linear parabolic partial delay-differential equations with first boundary conditions1979-01-01Paper
On the computational methods of optimal control problems1979-01-01Paper
Optimal control of systems governed by a class of nonlinear evolution equations in a reflexive Banach space1978-01-01Paper
On directional derivative methods for solving optimal parameter selection problems1978-01-01Paper
On a computational algorithm for a class of optimal control problems involving discrete time delayed arguments1978-01-01Paper
Optimal control of a two-class national economic model1978-01-01Paper
Necessary conditions for optimality for control problems with time delays appearing in both state and control variables1977-01-01Paper
On the optimal control of systems governed by quasilinear integro-partial differential equations of parabolic type1977-01-01Paper
\(L^p(R_0)\;(p\geq 1)\) stability in the mean \(m(m\geq 1)\) of a class of stochastic Volterra integral equations1977-01-01Paper
On the optimal control of a manufacturing firm1977-01-01Paper
Optimal feedback control of a class of stochastic systems permitting jumps in the diffusion processes1977-01-01Paper
An existence theorem for optimal controls of non-linear vector delay-differential equations with time-lag controls1977-01-01Paper
Comments on a selector theorem in Banach spaces1976-01-01Paper
Optimal control of systems governed by stochastic McShane differential equations with fixed terminal time1976-01-01Paper
Necessary Conditions for Optimality of Cauchy Problems for Parabolic Partial Differential Systems1975-01-01Paper
On the existence and uniqueness of solutions of parabolic equations1975-01-01Paper
Optimal control of stochastic Ito differential systems by fixed terminal time1975-01-01Paper
On optimal parameter selection for stochastic Ito differential systems1975-01-01Paper
Optimal feedback control of stochastic McShane differential systems1974-01-01Paper
Optimal feedback control for a class of stochastic systems1974-01-01Paper
Stochastic bang-bang control1974-01-01Paper
On optimal parameter selection for parabolic differential systems1974-01-01Paper
An Existence Theorem on Optimal Control of Partially Observable Diffusions1974-01-01Paper
Weak compactness of conditional probability measures and its application to stochastic linear control problems1974-01-01Paper
On the almost sure and almost uniform Lp(p ≥ 1) stability1973-01-01Paper
On the stability of a class of nonlinear stochastic systems1972-01-01Paper

Research outcomes over time

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