
From MaRDI portal

zbMath0726.20030MaRDI QIDQ3999894

Armand Borel

Publication date: 17 September 1992

20G15: Linear algebraic groups over arbitrary fields

22E46: Semisimple Lie groups and their representations

20-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to group theory

Related Items

Numerically flat principal bundles, Invariant analytic domains in complex semisimple groups, Polynomial identities for orbit numbers of general linear and unitary groups over finite fields, On extensions of the Baer-Suzuki theorem, Products of conjugacy classes in Chevalley groups. I: Extended covering numbers, Products of conjugacy classes in Chevalley groups. II: Covering and generation, Existence of \(F\)-crystals with supplementary structures, Compactification of the Bruhat-Tits building of PGL by seminorms., Geometric non-vanishing, Remarks on symplectic twistor spaces, The base change fundamental lemma for central elements in parahoric Hecke algebras, Vinberg's \(\theta \)-groups in positive characteristic and Kostant-Weierstrass slices, Algebraic group actions on noncommutative spectra., On some deterministic dictionaries supporting sparsity, The Ruziewicz problem and distributing points on homogeneous spaces of a compact Lie group, On the Galois and flat cohomology of unipotent algebraic groups over non-perfect fields, Zero assignment of matrix pencils by additive structured transformations, Dynamical systems for rational normal curves, Poisson structures on affine spaces and flag varieties. I: Matrix affine Poisson space., Bounded generation of \(S\)-arithmetic subgroups of isotropic orthogonal groups over number fields., Matrices of linear forms and curves, Automorphism groups of polycyclic-by-finite groups and arithmetic groups., A notion of rank for unitary representations of reductive groups based on Kirillov's orbit method, The Toda flows preserving small cells of the flag variety \(G/B\) and Kazhdan's \(x_{0}\)-grading, Group actions and invariants in algebras of generic matrices., Alternating forms and self-adjoint operators, Cohomology of Deligne-Lusztig varieties., Finiteness properties of arithmetic groups over function fields., Parameterizing conjugacy classes of maximal unramified tori via Bruhat-Tits theory, Configurations in abelian categories. II: Ringel-Hall algebras, Another proof of the global \(F\)-regularity of Schubert varieties, Relative property (T) and linear groups., Counting conjugacy classes in Sylow \(p\)-subgroups of Chevalley groups., Aspherical Kähler manifolds with solvable fundamental group, Uniform boundedness of torsion subgroups of linear groups., Zeta functions that hear the shape of a Riemann surface, Automorphisms of \(p\)-compact groups and their root data, Birational geometry and deformations of nilpotent orbits, Is the Luna stratification intrinsic?, Partial flag varieties and preprojective algebras., Topological Jordan decompositions, On the uniqueness of semistable embedding and domain of semistable attraction for probability measures on \(p\)-adic groups, Tori and essential dimension, Singular loci of Bruhat-Hibi toric varieties, On the Galois and flat cohomology of unipotent algebraic groups over local and global function fields. I, On an analog of Serre's conjectures, Galois cohomology and defining equation of unipotent algebraic groups, On the density of unnormalized Tamagawa numbers of orthogonal groups. I., A path model for geodesics in Euclidean buildings and its applications to representation theory, Uniform independence in linear groups., Algebraic cycles and completions of equivariant \(K\)-theory, The fundamental group of period domains over finite fields, Affineness of Deligne-Lusztig varieties for minimal length elements., A simple proof of Pommerening's theorem., Quantization of projective homogeneous spaces and duality principle., Malnormal subgroups of lattices and the Pukánszky invariant in group factors, Zero cycles on homogeneous varieties, The Zassenhaus variety of a reductive Lie algebra in positive characteristic, Graded Brauer tree algebras., On geometric density of Hecke eigenvalues for certain cusp forms, On the Hecke algebra of a type for unramified \(p\)-adic unitary groups, Modular Lie algebras and the Gelfand-Kirillov conjecture, An invariant theory approach for the unramified computation of Rankin-Selberg integrals for quasi-split \(\text{SO}_{2n} \times \text{GL}_n\), Homogeneous principal bundles over the upper half-plane, Logarithmic trace and orbifold products, Conformal actions of nilpotent groups on pseudo-Riemannian manifolds, Bertrand's postulate and subgroup growth., Values of decomposable forms at \(S\)-integral points and orbits of tori on homogeneous spaces, Lattices of minimum covolume in Chevalley groups over local fields of positive characteristic, Prescribing valuations of the order of a point in the reductions of abelian varieties and tori, A tropical toolkit, Torus of moderate inertia, Compactification of Deligne-Lusztig varieties, Nilpotent centralizers and Springer isomorphisms., Anti-affine algebraic groups, Nilpotent subalgebras of semisimple Lie algebras, Characters of finite reductive Lie algebras, From Bruhat intervals to intersection lattices and a conjecture of Postnikov, Optimal subgroups and applications to nilpotent elements, Weakly commensurable arithmetic groups and isospectral locally symmetric spaces, An explicit integral polynomial whose splitting field has Galois group \(W(E_8)\), A new approach to rank one linear algebraic groups., An embedding theorem for automorphism groups of Cartan geometries, Applications of patching to quadratic forms and central simple algebras, A note on the diagonalization of the discrete Fourier transform, Principal bundles, quasi-abelian varieties and structure of algebraic groups, On some reductive group actions on affine space. II, The structure of complete left-symmetric algebras, Discrete subgroups generated by lattices in opposite horospherical subgroups, Squarefree polynomials over finite fields and regular semisimple classes of certain classical groups, Finite dimensional representations and subgroup actions on homogeneous spaces, Compact subgroups of linear algebraic groups, Actions of algebraic groups on the spectrum of rational ideals. II, On normal Abelian subgroups in parabolic groups, \(R\)-equivalence and special unitary groups, The multiplicative Jordan decomposition in group rings, Remarks on Gelfand pairs associated to non-type-I solvable Lie groups, Note on rational points in nilpotent orbits of semisimple groups, Isotropic trialitarian algebraic groups, Simple groups of finite Morley rank and Tits buildings, Defining \(k\) in \(G(k)\), HIGHER DEGREE HYPERBOLIC FORMS, The tensor product of exceptional representations on the general linear group, On Discrete Zariski-Dense Subgroups of Algebraic Groups, Fundamental theorem of prehomogeneous vector spaces of characteristic p, Galois rigidity of pro-𝑙 pure braid groups of algebraic curves, Groups and Fields Interpretable in Separably Closed Fields, Cartan-decomposition subgroups of 𝑆𝑂(2,𝑛), The Hardy-Littlewood property of flag varieties, Poincaré series of resolutions of surface singularities, A generalization of a result of Kazhdan and Lusztig, The number of subgroups with trivial unipotent radicals in finite groups of Lie type, Galois theory of fuchsian q-difference equations, Simple algebraic and semialgebraic groups over real closed fields, Algebraic Frobenius groups, Subnormal subgroups of the groups of rational points of reductive algebraic groups, Isogenies of Hecke algebras and a Langlands correspondence for ramified principal series representations, On the quantum product of Schubert classes, Asymptotic properties of convolution operators and limits of triangular arrays on locally compact groups, The Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence in quantum coordinate rings and quantized Weyl algebras, Double coset density in classical algebraic groups, Algebraic groups over finite fields, a quick proof of Lang’s theorem, The classification problem for torsion-free abelian groups of finite rank, Lefschetz classes on abelian varieties, Constructing arithmetic subgroups of unipotent groups., Partial symmetry, reflection monoids and Coxeter groups., The essential spectrum of the Laplacian on manifolds with ends, Asymptotic geometry of arithmetic quotients of symmetric spaces, Examples of Lie foliations, Relative versions of theorems of Bogomolov and Sukhanov over perfect fields, Divergent trajectories and \({\mathbb Q}\)-rank, Relative Springer isomorphisms., Representation theory on the open Bruhat cell., A tropical approach to secant dimensions, Around the numeric-symbolic computation of differential Galois groups, Galois cohomology and forms of algebras over Laurent polynomial rings, The multiplicative Jordan decomposition in group rings. II., On equivariant quantum cohomology of homogeneous spaces: Chevalley formulae and algorithms, Configurations in abelian categories. IV: Invariants and changing stability conditions, Isotriviality and étale cohomology of Laurent polynomial rings, Quasi-isometric rigidity of higher rank \(S\)-arithmetic lattices., On the generic Krammer representations., Groups of tree-expanded series., Local differental Galois group and adjoint representation., The recursive nature of cominuscule Schubert calculus, On parameterizations of rational orbits of some forms of prehomogeneous vector spaces, Walks on groups, counting reducible matrices, polynomials, and surface and free group automorphisms, A geometric approach to complete reducibility., On semigroups of matrices with eigenvalue 1 in small dimensions, New strings for old Veneziano amplitudes. III: Symplectic treatment, Involutions of \(\text{SL}(n,k)\), (\(n>2\))., Weakly closed unipotent subgroups in Chevalley groups., Complements of connected subgroups in algebraic groups., Geometries, the principle of duality, and algebraic groups, On \(G_2(\mathbb{F}_q)\)-invariants of representations of \(D_4(\mathbb{F}_q)\)., Measure rigidity for almost linear groups and its applications, Torsion of Abelian varieties over large algebraic fields, Principal bundles whose restriction to curves are trivial, Moduli spaces and formal operads, On growth, recurrence and the Choquet-Deny theorem for \(p\)-adic Lie groups, A Gröbner basis for the \(2\times 2\) determinantal ideal mod \(t^2\), Nonabelian localization in equivariant \(K\)-theory and Riemann --- Roch for quotients, Functional equations of spherical functions on \(p\)-adic homogeneous spaces, Deligne-Lusztig restriction of Gelfand-Graev characters., The orbit structure of Dynkin curves., Maximal multihomogeneity of algebraic hypersurface singularities, Gradings on the Albert algebra and on \(\mathfrak{f}_4\), Varieties of uniserial representations IV. Kinship to geometric quotients, Reductive and semisimple algebraic monoids, 𝑅-equivalence in spinor groups, GROUPS OF TYPEE7OVER ARBITRARY FIELDS, Geometry of chain complexes and outer automorphisms under derived equivalence, Polytopal linear retractions, Block representation type of reduced enveloping algebras, Convexes divisibles III, Simultaneous Ping-Pong Partners inPSLn(ℤ), Coxeter Orbits and Modular Representations, Crystalline boundedness principle, On the restriction of Deligne-Lusztig characters, Classifying representations by way of Grassmannians, Group-theoretic compactification of Bruhat–Tits buildings, A Basis of Bideterminants for the Coordinate Ring of the Orthogonal Group, On Cocharacters Associated to Nilpotent Elements of Reductive Groups, The Centralizer of a Nilpotent Section, Free Groups in Central Simple Algebras without Tits' Theorem, Restricting the Rost invariant to the center, Level 𝑚 stratifications of versal deformations of 𝑝-divisible groups, Ekedahl-Oort strata contained in the supersingular locus and Deligne-Lusztig varieties, Complete reducibility and separability, Mod p classification of Shimura F ‐crystals, A brief remark on orbits of SL(2,ℤ) in the Euclidean plane, The generalised Jacobson-Morosov theorem, Actions of large semigroups and random walks on isometric extensions of boundaries, Sums of squares and moment problems in equivariant situations, On the Classification of Orbits of Symmetric Subgroups Acting on Flag Varieties of SL(2,k), The decomposition theorem, perverse sheaves and the topology of algebraic maps, Unnamed Item, On the subgroup structure of exceptional groups of Lie type, Topological superrigidity and anosov actions of lattices, Complex analytic geometry of complex parallelizable manifolds, Left-symmetric algebras for 𝔤𝔩(𝔫), Unnamed Item, Connectedness extensions for abelian varieties, Lie algebras and separable morphisms in pro-affine algebraic groups, The Aubert involution and R-groups, Pure Picard-Vessiot extensions with generic properties, Flat holomorphic connections on principal bundles over a projective manifold, Varieties of tori and Cartan subalgebras of restricted Lie algebras, Spécialisation de la $R$-équivalence pour les groupes réductifs, A note on principal parts on projective space and linear representations, CAT(-1)-spaces, divergence groups and their commensurators, Isomorphisms of adjoint Chevalley groups over integral domains, Factorizations of simple algebraic groups, The geometry of fixed point varieties on affine flag manifolds, Constant term of smooth $H_\psi $-spherical functions on a reductive $p$-adic group, Birational geometry of quadrics, Euler characteristics of the real points of certain varieties of algebraic tori, Homology stability for orthogonal groups over algebraically closed fields, Support varieties for modules over Chevalley groups and classical Lie algebras, Holomorphic continuation of generalized Jacquet integrals for degenerate principal series, A Kleiman–Bertini theorem for sheaf tensor products, Cayley groups, Products of conjugacy classes in Chevalley groups over local rings, Quantifier elimination for algebraic $D$-groups, A note on the special unitary group of a division algebra, Examples and counterexamples for existence of categorical quotients, Computing orbits of minimal parabolic \(k\)-subgroups acting on symmetric \(k\)-varieties, Lie algebras generated by extremal elements., A criterion for exponentiality in certain Lie groups, Spherical orbits and Abelian ideals, A conjecture on arithmetic fundamental groups, Involutions, classical groups, and buildings, The basic character table of the unitriangular group, Symplectic manifolds and isomonodromic deformations, Classification of Manin triples for complex reductive Lie algebras. (With an appendix by Guillaume Macey), Rational curves on homogeneous varieties., The Rost invariant has trivial kernel for quasi-split groups of low rank, Linear groups definable in o-minimal structures, Abelian unipotent subgroups of reductive groups, On a property of special groups, The isomorphism and isogeny theorems for reductive algebraic groups, On the classification of toric Fano 4-folds, Polytopal linear groups, Groups definable in local fields and pseudo-finite fields, \(p\)-adic \(L\)-functions for \(\text{GL}(2n)\), Unrefined minimal \(K\)-types for \(p\)-adic groups, Reduction theory over global fields, Parabolic exhaustions and analytic coverings, Complements to `The Bruhat order on symmetric varieties', Generic splitting of reductive groups, Right distributive quasigroups on algebraic varieties, Galois cohomology of special orthogonal groups, Schubert varieties, toric varieties and ladder determinantal varieties, Generalized Levi factor actions on the Lie algebra of an algebraic group, Representation theory and sheaves on the Bruhat-Tits building, Nonlinear equivariant automorphisms. -- Appendix: Equivariant automorphisms and the linearization problem, Character sums and intersection cohomology complexes associated to the space of square matrices, Excellent algebraic groups. I, The number of regular semisimple classes of special linear and unitary groups, Constructing irreducible representations of discrete groups, The \(R\)-equivalence on reductive algebraic groups defined over a global field, A generalization of Brauer's theorem on splitting fields to semigroups, An identification theorem for groups of finite Morley rank and even type., Homogeneous coordinates for algebraic varieties., Character variety and étale slice of the representation space of a group., Idempotent lattices, Renner monoids and cross section lattices of the special orthogonal algebraic monoids., Random generation in semisimple algebraic groups over local fields., Free resolutions for polynomial functors., Linear independence of intertwining operators., The Connes-Kasparov conjecture for almost connected groups and for liner \(p\)-adic groups, Constructing Lie algebras of first order differential operators., Closed orbits for actions of maximal tori on homogeneous spaces, Solvable-by-finite groups as differential Galois groups, Riemann-Roch for equivariant Chow groups, Normality of certain nilpotent varieties in positive characteristic, On the classification of \(k\)-involutions, Superrigidity theorems in positive characteristic, Singular loci of ladder determinantal varieties and Schubert varieties, Subgroups of type \(A_1\) containing a fixed unipotent element in an algebraic group, Mixed ladder determinantal varieties, Matrices for affine Hecke modules, LS algebras and application to Schubert varieties, On cocommutative Hopf algebras of finite representation type, Auslander-Reiten components for Lie algebras of reductive groups, \(p\)-adic uniformization of unitary Shimura varieties, Uniqueness questions in real algebraic transformation groups, Characteristic cycles of certain character sheaves, Brauer diagrams, updown tableaux and nilpotent matrices, Global degree bounds and the transfer principle for invariants, On two theorems for flat, affine group schemes over a discrete valuation ring, Motivic decomposition of isotropic projective homogeneous varieties, On uniform exponential growth for linear groups., Algorithmic testing for dense orbits of Borel subgroups, Reality properties of conjugacy classes in \(G_2\)., Singular principal \(G\)-bundles on nodal curves, On the equations relating a three-dimensional object and its two-dimensional images, Asymptotic cones of finitely presented groups, Growth of homogeneous spaces, density of discrete subgroups and Kazhdan's property \((T)\), On the algebraic \(K\)-theory of twisted flag varieties, The action of the symplectic group associated with a quadratic extension of fields, Covering numbers for Chevalley groups, A remark on local-global principles for conjugacy classes, Hopf down-up algebras., A non-split torsor with trivial fixed point obstruction., Chevalley groups over commutative rings. I: Elementary calculations, Index reduction formulas for twisted flag varieties. I, Intégrales orbitales sur \(GL(N)\) et corps locaux proches. (Orbital integrals on \(GL(N)\) and close local fields.), Reduction theorems for groups of matrices, Generic noncommutative surfaces., Arakelov intersection indices of linear cycles and the geometry of buildings and symmetric spaces., Jordan decompositions in alternative loop rings, Integral Jordan decomposition of matrices, Fourier coefficients of modular forms on \(G_2\)., Limits of rank 4 Azumaya algebras and applications to desingularization., Poisson morphisms and reduced affine Poisson group actions, Reductive subgroups of reductive groups in nonzero characteristic., Regular points in system spaces., On polyhedral retracts and compactifications of locally symmetric spaces, Peripheral separability and cusps of arithmetic hyperbolic orbifolds, Prehomogeneous spaces for the coadjoint action of a parabolic group, Finiteness properties of soluble arithmetic groups over global function fields., Locally trivial principal homogeneous spaces and conjugacy theorems for Lie algebras, Arithmetical birational invariants of linear algebraic groups over two-dimensional geometric fields, Prehomogeneous spaces for parabolic group actions in classical groups., Isomorphic Chevalley groups over integral domains, Cosets of centralizers in the general linear group contain regular elements, A vanishing theorem for generalized flag manifolds, Automorphisms of simple Chevalley groups over \(Q\)-algebras, Raghunathan's conjectures for Cartesian products of real and \(p\)-adic Lie groups, Heights and Tamagawa measures on Fano varieties, Generalised Tits alternative for linear semigroups, Zeta functions of Jordan algebra representations, On integrality of Eisenstein liftings, Classification of Hermitian forms and semisimple groups over fields of virtual cohomological dimension one, Representation varieties of the fundamental groups of compact orientable surfaces, On Ramis's solution of the local inverse problem of differential Galois theory, Geodesic rays in locally symmetric spaces, Isoperimetric inequalities for lattices in semisimple Lie groups of rank 2, Algebraic hulls and the Følner property, Restriction of the holomorphic cohomology of a Shimura variety to a smaller Shimura variety.