Quantum states with Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations admitting a hidden-variable model

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DOI10.1103/PhysRevA.40.4277zbMath1371.81145WikidataQ21709049 ScholiaQ21709049MaRDI QIDQ5363839

Reinhard F. Werner

Publication date: 1 October 2017

Published in: Physical Review A (Search for Journal in Brave)

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in vacuum, There is no direct generalization of positive partial transpose criterion to the three-by-three case, <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:math>-Particle<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>N</mml, Method for Direct Detection of Quantum Entanglement, Quantum and Classical Correlations in Quantum Brownian Motion, Quantification of Entanglement by Means of Convergent Iterations, Symmetric Extensions of Quantum States and Local Hidden Variable Theories, QUANTUM CORRELATIONS IN THE ENTANGLEMENT DISTILLATION PROTOCOLS, DETECTING EINSTEIN–PODOLSKY–ROSEN STEERING FOR CONTINUOUS VARIABLE WAVEFUNCTIONS, Hilbert's projective metric in quantum information theory, Description of rank four entangled states of two qutrits having positive partial transpose, Composite parameterization and Haar measure for all unitary and special unitary groups, Local quasi hidden variable modelling and violations of Bell-type inequalities by a multipartite quantum state, Polyhedral duality in Bell scenarios with two binary observables, USEFULNESS CLASSES OF TRAVELING ENTANGLED CHANNELS IN NONINERTIAL FRAMES, Entanglement, Bell inequality and all that, Equivalence classes and canonical forms for two-qutrit entangled states of rank four having positive partial transpose, CORRELATIONS IN QUANTUM PHYSICS, ENTANGLEMENT AND ITS MULTIPARTITE EXTENSIONS, COHERENT AND INCOHERENT CONTENTS OF CORRELATIONS, INTERPLAY BETWEEN QUANTUM PHASE TRANSITIONS AND THE BEHAVIOR OF QUANTUM CORRELATIONS AT FINITE TEMPERATURES, QUANTUM DISCORD AND RELATED MEASURES OF QUANTUM CORRELATIONS IN FINITE XY CHAINS, QUENCHING DYNAMICS AND QUANTUM INFORMATION, On Symmetric Bound Entangled States of Two Qudits, Quantum correlations and distinguishability of quantum states, Frontier between separability and quantum entanglement in a many spin system, Background magnetic field and quantum correlations in the Schwinger effect, Function package for computing quantum resource measures, Revised geometric measure of entanglement in infinite dimensional multipartite quantum systems, Extremal states of qubit-qutrit system with maximally mixed marginals, Quantum process randomness, Entanglement in indistinguishable particle systems, Dynamics of nonclassical correlations via local quantum uncertainty for atom and field interacting into a lossy cavity QED, Dynamics of quantum correlation of four qubits system, Unified entropic measures of quantum correlations induced by local measurements, Time evolution of entanglement in a cavity at finite temperature, Characterization of nonlocal resources under global unitary action, Quantumness of states and unitary operations, Observable correlations in two-qubit states, Partial structural restoring of two-qubit transferred state, Lower bounds on the squashed entanglement for multi-party system, Quantum versus classical uncertainty, Separability and entanglement in tripartite states, Some aspects of separability, Separability and entanglement in the Hilbert space reference frames related through the generic unitary transform for four level system, The dynamics of quantum correlations in multi-qubit spin chains under the effect of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, Absolute non-violation of a three-setting steering inequality by two-qubit states, An approach for quantitatively analyzing the genuine tripartite nonlocality of general three-qubit states, Separable decompositions of bipartite mixed states, Generalized Choi states and 2-distillability of quantum states, Improved separability criteria via some classes of measurements, The quantum world is not built up from correlations, Ultimate data hiding in quantum mechanics and beyond, Non-destructive detection and generation of the Werner state via a dissipative process, Residual entanglement of accelerated fermions is useful, Quantum steering borders in three-qubit systems, Dynamics of quantum entanglement in de Sitter spacetime and thermal Minkowski spacetime, Quantum state merging and negative information, Bipartite qutrit local realist inequalities and the robustness of their quantum mechanical violation, Fidelity based measurement induced nonlocality, Fidelity based measurement induced nonlocality and its dynamics in quantum noisy channels, New Bell inequalities for three-qubit pure states, Some necessary and sufficient conditions for \(k\)-separability of multipartite pure states, Violation of Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality and teleportation enhanced for a class of two-qubit X-states resulting from entanglement swapping, Three-particle Bell-like inequalities under Lorentz transformations, The Bloch vector for \(N\)-level systems, Separability criteria with angular and Hilbert space averages, One-norm geometric quantum discord and critical point estimation in the XY spin chain, An easy measure of quantum correlation, Lower bound of multipartite concurrence based on sub-partite quantum systems, Rényi and Tsallis formulations of separability conditions in finite dimensions, Quantum discord of states arising from graphs, Entanglement and quantum logical gates. I., From quantum discord and quantum entanglement to local hidden variable models, Biseparability of noisy pseudopure, W and GHZ states using conditional quantum relative Tsallis entropy, Toffoli gate and quantum correlations: a geometrical approach, Generalized entropies and quantum entanglement, New separability criteria based on two classes of measurements, Entanglement and nonlocality versus spontaneous emission in two-atom systems, Exploring tripartite quantum correlations: entanglement witness and quantum discord, Characterizing quantum phase transition by teleportation, Inseparability of light and matter, Quantum information in the frame of coherent states representation, Werner states and the two-spinors Heisenberg anti-ferromagnet, Superadditivity of Wigner-Yanase-Dyson information revisited, Some characterizations of EPR steering, Nonlinear inequalities and entropy-concurrence plane, Dynamics and protection of the relative entropy of coherence via additional non-interacting qubits, Dynamics of the geometric measure of quantum discord and Bell non-locality in a ring cavity induced by spontaneous emission, Finitely correlated states on quantum spin chains, Entanglement measures based on observable correlations, Extrapolated quantum states, void states and a huge novel class of distillable entangled states, Dynamics of entanglement in two-qubit open system interacting with a squeezed thermal bath via dissipative interaction, A reversible theory of entanglement and its relation to the second law, A generalization of quantum Stein's lemma, Stochastic resonance effects in quantum channels, Controlling sudden birth and sudden death of entanglement at finite temperature, On quantum no-broadcasting, Entanglement and the Kondo effect in serially coupled double quantum dots, Simulation of \(n\)-qubit quantum systems. IV. Parametrizations of quantum states, matrices and probability distributions, QUBIT4MATLAB V3.0: A program package for quantum information science and quantum optics for MATLAB, Disentanglement, Bell-nonlocality violation and teleportation capacity of the decaying tripartite states, Complementarity relations for multi-qubit systems, Large violation of Bell inequalities with low entanglement, Faithful squashed entanglement, Entanglement and open systems in algebraic quantum field theory, A fuzzy approach to quantum logical computation, Bell inequalities and the separability criterion, A necessary and sufficient criterion for multipartite separable states, The probability of entanglement, Finite-time destruction of entanglement and non-locality by environmental influences, Nonlocality in many-body quantum systems detected with two-body correlators, Sufficient and necessary condition of separability for generalized Werner states, Entanglement and the geometry of two qubits, An algorithm based on negative probabilities for a separability criterion, A comparison of the concurrence and measurement-induced disturbance in two-qubit spin XY model with decoherence, On the geometric probability of entangled mixed states, Quantum discord of two atoms interacting with a single-mode thermal field, Entanglement measures and the Hilbert-Schmidt distance, Entanglement transmission and generation under channel uncertainty: universal quantum channel coding, Nonadditive conditional entropy and its significance for local realism, Nonadditive entropies and quantum entanglement, Convexity and the separability problem of quantum mechanical density matrices, Separability of rank two quantum states on multiple quantum spaces, Quantum entanglement and Bell inequalities in Heisenberg spin chains, Constructing separable states in infinite-dimensional systems by operator matrices, Quantum transfer energy and nonlocal correlation in a dimer with time-dependent coupling effect, Quantum 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\(\mathrm{SU}(2)\) invariant \(3\times N\) level systems, Towards measurable bounds on entanglement measures, Equation of motion for entanglement, Probing the quantum correlation and Bell non-locality for Dirac particles with Hawking effect in the background of Schwarzschild black hole, Relative commutants of finite groups of unitary operators and commuting maps, Bounds on mixedness and entanglement of quantum teleportation resources, On the ring of local unitary invariants for mixed \(X\)-states of two qubits, The spectrum and separability of mixed two-qubit X-states, Property of various correlation measures of open Dirac system with Hawking effect in Schwarzschild spacetime, Generating tripartite nonlocality from bipartite resources, Quantum coherence, correlations and nonclassical states in the two-qubit Rabi model with parametric oscillator, Effects of intrinsic decoherence on quantum correlations in a two superconducting charge qubit system, On the Brodutch and Modi method of constructing geometric measures of classical and quantum correlations, Matched witness for multipartite entanglement, Wigner-Yanase skew information and entanglement generation in quantum measurement, Construction of Bell inequalities based on the CHSH structure, A revisit to non-maximally entangled mixed states: teleportation witness, noisy channel and discord, Spin polarization-scaling quantum maps and channels, Detecting EPR steering via two classes of local measurements, Non-Markovian dynamics and quantum interference in open three-level quantum systems, Bell inequalities versus entanglement and mixedness for a class of two-qubit states, A simplification of entanglement purification, Concurrence for infinite-dimensional quantum systems, Entanglement detection and distillation for arbitrary bipartite systems, Tensor products of quantum mappings, Quantum discord for a central two-qubit system coupled to an XY spin chain with energy current, Realignment operation and CCNR criterion of separability for states in infinite-dimensional quantum systems, Information-theoretic aspects of Werner states, Separable states with unique decompositions, Everything you always wanted to know about LOCC (but were afraid to ask), On the ring of local polynomial invariants for a pair of entangled qubits, Correlations in geometric states, Lower bound of concurrence for qubit systems, Concurrence-based entanglement measure for Werner states, Entanglement of a single spin-1 object: An example of ubiquitous entanglement, Average versus maximal coherence, Role of Bell-CHSH violation and local filtering in quantum key distribution, Witnessing nonseparability of bipartite quantum operations, Generalized Bell inequality and a method for its verification, GHZ states, almost-complex structure and Yang-Baxter equation, A new constraint for all Bell inequalities, Noise-induced finite-time disentanglement in two-atomic system, Different Bell inequalities as probes to detect quantum phase transitions, Robustness of measurement-induced correlations under decoherence effect, Generalization of measurement-induced nonlocality In the bilocal scenario, Some measurement-based characterizations of separability of bipartite states, Bures distance of discord for two-qubit X-states, A note on quantum Bell nonlocality and quantum entanglement for high dimensional quantum systems, On the analytical derivation of quantum Fisher information and skew information for two qubit \(X\) states, Trade-off between squashed entanglement and concurrence in bipartite quantum states, Separability criterion and local information in separable states, Violation of Bell inequality and entanglement of decaying Werner states, Entanglement change of mixed states under canonical unitary operations in two qubits, Local invariants for a class of mixed states, Parametrization of projector-based witnesses for bipartite systems, Time invariance as an additional constraint on nonlocal realism, Necessary and sufficient condition for Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger diagonal states to be full \(N\)-partite entangled, Integral representations of separable states, Convex quantum logic, ``Local realism, Bell's theorem and quantum ``locally realistic inequalities, Hermitian tensor product approximation of complex matrices and separability, Comment on ``Criteria for separability of multipartite quantum system, Bell length in the entanglement geometry, Unbounded violation of tripartite Bell inequalities, Entanglement of positive definite functions on compact groups, Entanglement sudden death and birth effects in two qubits maximally entangled mixed states under quantum channels, Generating two-qubit Werner states using superpositions of dimer and random states in Hilbert space, Correlations for a family of two-ququart quantum states, Quantum decoherence of Gaussian steering and entanglement in Hawking radiation and thermal bath, Schmidt number entanglement measure for multipartite \(k\)-nonseparable 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strong positive partial transposes, Decoherence effect on quantum correlation and entanglement in a two-qubit spin chain, Deterministic polarization entanglement purification of cluster state in multiple degrees of freedom, A characterization of positive linear maps and criteria of entanglement for quantum states, General teleportation channel, singlet fraction, and quasidistillation, Bound entanglement and distillability of multipartite quantum systems, Decomposability of linear maps under tensor powers, NONDISTILLABLE ENTANGLEMENT GUARANTEES DISTILLABLE ENTANGLEMENT, SEPARABILITY OF RANK TWO QUANTUM STATES ON MULTIPLE QUANTUM SPACES WITH DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS, Tutorial Notes on One-Party and Two-Party Gaussian States, EXACT REMOTE STATE PREPARATION FOR MULTIPARTIES USING DARK STATES, INTRODUCTION TO THE BASICS OF ENTANGLEMENT THEORY IN CONTINUOUS-VARIABLE SYSTEMS, Contextuality of a two-qubit state in 4-cycle measurement scenarios, Entanglement–breaking indices, Matrix analysis and 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BELL-TYPE INEQUALITIES, Quantum correlation based on weak measurements, Amortized entanglement of a quantum channel and approximately teleportation-simulable channels, Unital Positive Maps and Quantum States, Keyring models: An approach to steerability, Evenly distributed unitaries: On the structure of unitary designs, ENTANGLEMENT DISTRIBUTION AND STATE DISCRIMINATION IN TRIPARTITE QUBIT SYSTEMS, SEPARABILITY OF TRIPARTITE QUANTUM SYSTEMS, New Bell inequalities for the singlet state: Going beyond the Grothendieck bound, Geometry of sets of quantum maps: A generic positive map acting on a high-dimensional system is not completely positive, The classification of multipartite quantum correlation, Converse bounds for quantum and private communication over Holevo–Werner channels, Time evolution of quantum-memory-assisted entropic uncertainty relation and quantum correlations under dissipative environment, Condition for zero and nonzero discord in graph Laplacian quantum states, Local unitary equivalence and entanglement of multipartite pure states, Geometric measure of quantum discord, Proper monogamy inequality for arbitrary pure quantum states, Separability properties of tripartite states with<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>U</mml:mi><mml:mo>⊗</mml:mo><mml:mi>U</mml:mi><mml:mo>⊗</mml:mo><mml:mi>U</mml:mi></mml:math>symmetry, Characterization of separable states and entanglement witnesses, Strong violations of Bell-type inequalities for path-entangled number states, Entanglement, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations, Bell nonlocality, and steering, Entanglement Detection by Local Orthogonal Observables, On the Relation Between Schmidt Coefficients and Entanglement, ENTROPIC MEASURES OF NON-CLASSICAL CORRELATIONS, Fidelity deviation in quantum teleportation, Dvoretzky's theorem and the complexity of entanglement detection, Multipartite Circulant States with Positive Partial Transposes, DEGREE OF ENTANGLEMENT FOR QUANTUM STATES, BEST SEPARABLE APPROXIMATION WITH SEMI-DEFINITE PROGRAMMING METHOD, ONE-PARTY QUANTUM-ERROR-CORRECTING CODES FOR UNBALANCED ERRORS: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATION TO QUANTUM DENSE CODING AND QUANTUM SECURE DIRECT COMMUNICATION, Correlations in a chain of three oscillators with nearest neighbour coupling, Direct derivation of the Peres–Horodecki criterion for the two-qubit states from the Hill–Wootters formula for the entanglement of formation, FOUR PHOTON POLARIZATION ENTANGLEMENT TESTS AND APPLICATIONS, Quantum steering with positive operator valued measures, Basic Concepts of Entangled States, Entanglement transfer from continuous variables to qubits, THE CONFLICT BETWEEN BELL–ŻUKOWSKI INEQUALITY AND BELL–MERMIN INEQUALITY, ENTANGLEMENT EVOLUTION OF A PAIR OF TWO-LEVEL SYSTEMS IN NON-MARKOVIAN ENVIRONMENT, Separable states improve protocols with finite randomness, Wigner formalism for a particle on an infinite lattice: dynamics and spin, Measurement-induced nonlocality based on the trace norm, Quantum data locking for high-rate private communication, Heisenberg-Type Quantum Steering by Continuous Weak Measurement in Circuit QED*, New spin squeezing and other entanglement tests for two mode systems of identical bosons, QUANTUM MECHANICAL TREATMENT OF THE PROBLEM OF CONSTRAINTS IN NON-EXTENSIVE FORMALISM REVISITED, ENTANGLEMENT, PURITY AND VIOLATION OF BELL INEQUALITY, A STUDY ON THE SUDDEN DEATH AND SUDDEN BIRTH OF ENTANGLEMENT IN AN OPEN SYSTEM, Witnessing entanglement with second-order interference, Entanglement in SU(2)-invariant quantum systems: The positive partial transpose criterion and others, Weakly entangled states are dense and robust, Nonmalleable encryption of quantum information, Characterizing operations preserving separability measures via linear preserver problems, All Bipartite Entangled States Display Some Hidden Nonlocality, Pure State Estimation and the Characterization of Entanglement, Steering, Entanglement, Nonlocality, and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox, Entangled Three-Qubit States without Concurrence and Three-Tangle, Relativity and Lorentz Invariance of Entanglement Distillability, Highly Entangled Ground States in Tripartite Qubit Systems, All Bipartite Entangled States Are Useful for Information Processing, Separability of Mixed Quantum States: Linear Contractions and Permutation Criteria, Direct Measurement of Nonlinear Properties of Bipartite Quantum States, Asymptotic Manipulations of Entanglement Can Exhibit Genuine Irreversibility, Nonclassical mixed states that generate zero entanglement with a beam splitter, Understanding non-classical correlation using optical hybrid states in noisy quantum channels, ENTANGLEMENT, HAAG-DUALITY AND TYPE PROPERTIES OF INFINITE QUANTUM SPIN CHAINS, Bell’s inequalities versus teleportation: What is nonlocality?, Bell's Inequalities and Density Matrices: Revealing “Hidden” Nonlocality, Separability Criterion for Density Matrices, Entangled Mixed States and Local Purification, Mixed-State Entanglement and Distillation: Is there a “Bound” Entanglement in Nature?, Bound Entanglement Can Be Activated, Rotationally Invariant Multipartite States, Bounds on localizable information via semidefinite programming, Inequalities for experimental tests of the Kochen-Specker theorem, Partial teleportation of entanglement in a noisy environment, Separability of entangled q-bit pairs, Minimal scenario facet Bell inequalities for multi-qubit states, Detection Power of Separability Criteria Based on a Correlation Tensor: A Case Study, PROPER AND IMPROPER SEPARABILITY, Combo separability criteria and lower bound on concurrence, ENTANGLEMENT OF FORMATION FOR A CLASS OF SPECIAL QUANTUM STATES, GROUP THEORETICAL APPROACH TO QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT AND TOMOGRAPHY WITH WAVELET TRANSFORM IN BANACH SPACES, Parameterized bipartite entanglement measure, Convolution algebra of superoperators and nonseparability witnesses for quantum operations, DISCORD-ENTANGLEMENT INTERPLAY IN THE THERMODYNAMIC LIMIT: THE XY-MODEL, DYNAMICAL CONTROL OF QUANTUM CORRELATIONS IN A COMMON ENVIRONMENT, Construction of genuine multipartite entangled states, Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger states: Their identifications and robust violations, DISTILLABILITY AND POSITIVITY OF PARTIAL TRANSPOSES IN GENERAL QUANTUM FIELD SYSTEMS, Entanglement Robustness in Trace Decreasing Quantum Dynamics, ENHANCING STATIONARY ENTANGLEMENT OF TWO QUBITS OR QUTRITS BY COLLECTIVELY INTERACTING WITH A COMMON THERMAL RESERVOIR, Two-qubit correlations revisited: average mutual information, relevant (and useful) observables and an application to remote state preparation, Quantum coherence of an XY spin chain with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and quantum phase transition, Comparison of Perfect and Quasi Werner States, Dynamical States and the Conventionality of (Non-) Classicality, A quantum key distribution scheme based on tripartite entanglement and violation of CHSH inequality, Squaring parametrization of constrained and unconstrained sets of quantum states, Quantum informational properties of the Landau–Streater channel, Nonlinear entanglement witnesses for four qubits in mutually unbiased bases, Linking a distance measure of entanglement to its convex roof, Smallest state spaces for which bipartite entangled quantum states are separable, Dynamics of atom–atom correlations in the Fermi problem, The simplest demonstrations of quantum nonlocality, SEPARABILITY OF PURE N-QUBIT STATES: TWO CHARACTERIZATIONS, The density matrix recursion method: genuine multisite entanglement distinguishes odd from even quantum spin ladder states, Errors in quantum tomography: diagnosing systematic versus statistical errors, Entangled states cannot be classically simulated in generalized Bell experiments with quantum inputs, Hierarchy and dynamics of trace distance correlations, Entanglement reactivation in separable environments, Creation and protection of entanglement in systems out of thermal equilibrium, Nonlocality in sequential correlation scenarios, Causal structures from entropic information: geometry and novel scenarios, Device-dependent and device-independent quantum key distribution without a shared reference frame, Quantum steering ellipsoids, extremal physical states and monogamy, Measurement-induced nonlocality based on affinity, Causality gets entangled, EXACT CALCULATION OF ROBUSTNESS OF ENTANGLEMENT VIA CONVEX SEMI-DEFINITE PROGRAMMING, Mixture of two-mode unpolarized and pure quantum light states: quantum polarization and application in quantum communication, KNOWLEDGE EXCESS DUALITY AND VIOLATION OF BELL INEQUALITIES: THEORY AND EXPERIMENT, Detecting metrologically useful entanglement in the vicinity of Dicke states, Bounding quantum correlations with indefinite causal order, OPEN QUANTUM DYNAMICS: COMPLETE POSITIVITY AND ENTANGLEMENT, Tensor Product Decomposition, Entanglement, and Bogoliubov Transformations for Two Fermion System, QUANTUM LOCKING OF CLASSICAL CORRELATIONS AND QUANTUM DISCORD OF CLASSICAL-QUANTUM STATES, NONLINEAR EFFECTS ON THE ENTANGLEMENT BETWEEN QUANTIZED ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS AND 3-LEVEL ATOMS, DYNAMICS AND EXTRACTION OF QUANTUM DISCORD IN A MULTIPARTITE OPEN SYSTEM, QUANTUMNESS OF CORRELATIONS AND ENTANGLEMENT, GAUSSIAN GEOMETRIC DISCORD, THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ASPECTS OF QUANTUM DISCORD AND RELATED MEASURES, LINEARITY OF QUANTUM PROBABILITY MEASURE AND HARDY'S MODEL, Characterization of Combinatorially Independent Permutation Separability Criteria, SINGULAR VALUE DECOMPOSITION AND MATRIX REORDERINGS IN QUANTUM INFORMATION THEORY, A Pedagogical Overview of Quantum Discord, VARIATIONAL QUANTUM TOMOGRAPHY WITH INCOMPLETE INFORMATION BY MEANS OF SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMS, Unnamed Item, Exact algebraic separability criterion for two-qubit systems, Quasi-Bell inequalities from symmetrized products of noncommuting qubit observables, The classification of two-particle spin states and generalized Bell inequalities, Separability of \(n\)-particle mixed states: necessary and sufficient conditions in terms of linear maps, A nonextensive critical phenomenon scenario for quantum entanglement, Negative entanglement measure, and what it implies, Geometry of Bloch vectors in two-qubit system, Entanglement Thresholds for Random Induced States, On the nonlocality of the quantum channel in the standard teleportation protocol, Channel estimation with noisy entanglement, Towards nonadditive quantum information theory, A simple entanglement criterion of two-qubit system, Propagation of optical orbital-angular-momentum quantum resources via maritime atmospheric turbulence, Measurement-induced qudit geometric discord, Pairwise Completely Positive Matrices and Conjugate Local Diagonal Unitary Invariant Quantum States, ON THE PROBLEM OF CONSTRAINTS IN NONEXTENSIVE FORMALISM: A QUANTUM MECHANICAL TREATMENT, DENSE CODING WITH MULTIPARTITE QUANTUM STATES, Studying quantum correlations dynamics in the phase space for continuous-variable Werner states and Bell-diagonal states, Indistinguishability and the origins of contextuality in physics, Norm duality and the cross norm criteria for quantum entanglement, Measuring outcome correlation for Bell cat state and geometric phase induced spin parity effect, Context-invariant quasi hidden variable (qHV) modelling of all joint von Neumann measurements for an arbitrary Hilbert space, New Minkowski type inequalities and entropic inequalities for quantum states of qudits, More nonlocality with less entanglement in a tripartite atom‐optomechanical system, Correlated entanglement distillation and the structure of the set of undistillable states, Building versatile bipartite probes for quantum metrology, Generating and protecting correlated quantum states under collective dephasing, Causal and causally separable processes, Entanglement without hidden nonlocality, Measurement incompatibility and Schrödinger-Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering in a class of probabilistic theories, A family of norms with applications in quantum information theory, Enhanced realignment criterion vs linear entanglement witnesses, RTNI—A symbolic integrator for Haar-random tensor networks, Quantifying asymmetry via generalized Wigner–Yanase–Dyson skew information, Nonlocality of observable algebras in quasi-Hermitian quantum theory, Distilling entanglement with noisy operations, Quantum correlations for two-qubit X states through the local quantum uncertainty, Protecting quantum correlations in presence of generalised amplitude damping channel: the two-qubit case, Conditional probability framework for entanglement and its decoupling from tensor product structure, Fermionic systems for quantum information people, Signaling between time steps does not allow for nonlocality beyond hidden nonlocality, Annihilating entanglement between cones, Werner states from diagrams, Entanglement witnessing with untrusted detectors, General quantum correlation from nonreal values of Kirkwood–Dirac quasiprobability over orthonormal product bases, Separability of evolving W state in a noise environment, Steady-state teleportation fidelity and Bell nonlocality in dissipative environments, Quantifying entanglement of two-qubit Werner states, Discrimination of quantum states under locality constraints in the many-copy setting, Intrinsic Relations of Bipartite Quantum Resources in Tripartite Systems, Entanglement and Complete Positivity: Relevance and Manifestations in Classical Scalar Wave Optics, Attainability and lower semi-continuity of the relative entropy of entanglement and variations on the theme, Positive maps and entanglement in real Hilbert spaces, Generalized phase-space techniques to explore quantum phase transitions in critical quantum spin systems, Choi matrices revisited. II, The RT formula and its discontents: spacetime and entanglement, Quantifying Quantum Correlation of Quasi‐Werner State and Probing Its Suitability for Quantum Teleportation, Manipulation of One‐Way Gaussian Steering via Quantum Correlated Microwave Fields, Quantifying Interference via Coherence, Witnessing Quantum Correlations in a Hybrid Qubit‐Qutrit System Under Intrinsic Decoherence, Multipartite concurrence of \(W\)-class states based on sub-partite quantum systems, Quantum correlation dynamics of a three-qubit XXZ spin chain with spin-orbit coupling in the presence of intrinsic decoherence, Entanglement of observables: quantum conditional probability approach, Detection of Tripartite Genuine Entanglement by Two Bipartite Entangled States, Characterizations of bilocality and \(n\)-locality of correlation tensors, Constraint Relation Between Steerability and Concurrence for Two‐Qubit States, A Characterization of Entangled Two‐Qubit States via Partial‐Transpose‐Moments, Generalized n‐Locality Inequalities in Linear‐Chain Network for Arbitrary Inputs Scenario and Their Quantum Violations, Effect of classical and quantum superposition of atomic states on quantum correlations, Seven definitions of bipartite bound entanglement, Continuous and discrete local hidden variable theories are equivalent, Characterizing coherence with dynamical entanglement, Solving the fully entangled fraction on near-term quantum devices, Quantum state tomography, entanglement detection and Bell violation prospects in weak decays of massive particles, On quantum optimal transport, Extraction of product and higher moment weak values: applications in quantum state reconstruction and entanglement detection, Steady Schrödinger cat state of a driven Ising chain, Some applications of the Hermite–Hadamard inequality for log‐convex functions in quantum divergences, Quantifying Bell nonlocality of a pure two-qudit state via its entanglement, A complex-valued gradient flow for the entangled bipartite low rank approximation, Exploring quantum properties of bipartite mixed states under coherent and incoherent basis, One-way deficit and Holevo quantity of generalized \(n\)-qubit Werner state, Separability criteria based on a class of symmetric measurements, The Tsallis relative 2-entropy of coherence under mutually unbiased bases, Multipartite entanglement detection via correlation minor norm, Absolutely separating quantum maps and channels, Measurement-device-independent nonlinear entanglement witnesses, New insights into quantum and classical correlations in XY spin models, Bell inequality in an exactly soluble spin-1/2 XX chain displaying spin-Peierls transition, Early stage disentanglement mediated by plasmons for different waveguide geometries, Resonance Interaction Due to Quantum Coherence, Quantum state-channel duality for the calculation of standard model scattering amplitudes, Multiparticle singlet states cannot be maximally entangled for the bipartitions, Nonlocal correlations of a fully entangled qubit-qutrit Bell scenario