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zbMath0108.33103MaRDI QIDQ3844775

George B. Dantzig

Publication date: 1963

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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I: Characterization results, Homotopy techniques in linear programming, A subgradient selection method for minimizing convex functions subject to linear constraints, Resource allocation among competing activities: A lexicographic minimax approach, The telephonic switching centre network problem: Formalization and computational experience, On some optimization problems under uncertainty, Karmarkar's algorithm and the ellipsoid method, Evolution, games theory and polyhedra, A new family of exponential LP problems, A new algorithm for quadratic programming, A linear-time algorithm for finding a minimum spanning pseudoforest, Karmarkar's projective algorithm: A null space variant for multi- commodity generalized networks, A new approach for crew pairing problems by column generation with an application to air transportation, On the constrained linear least-squares problem: A personal view, A simplex variant solving an m\(\times d\) linear program in O(min(m 2,d 2)) expected number of pivot steps, A note on the partitioning shortest path algorithm, The general problem solving algorithm and its implementation, A degenerate extreme point strategy for the classification of linear constraints as redundant or necessary, Weighting factor extensions for finite multiple objective vector minimization problems, The effect of semantic freedom in the logic of natural language, An accelerated successive orthogonal projections method for solving large-scale linear feasibility problems, An improved general Phase-I method in linear programming, Emerging paradigms in applied mathematical modelling - an introduction, Recent developments in constrained optimization, An analysis of an available set of linear programming test problems, Conjugate duality for convex programs: A geometric development, A note on solving quadratic programs using mixed-integer programming, An algorithm for the detection and construction of Monge sequences, Computing complex chemical equilibria by generalized linear programming, Solution of parametrized linear inequalities by Fourier elimination and its applications, Quadratic programming problems and related linear complementarity problems, Linear programming brings marital bliss, Subspaces with well-scaled frames, Lagrangian dual ascent by generalized linear programming, A dual projective simplex method for linear programming, Search-hide games on trees, An O(n) algorithm for discrete n-point convex approximation with applications to continuous case, Worst case behavior of the steepest edge simplex method, An efficient curvilinear method for the minimization of a nonlinear function subject to linear inequality constraints, A property of certain multistage linear programs and some applications, Location of a discrete resource and its allocation according to a fractional objective, Existence of optimal Lagrange multipliers for certain nonconvex allocation problems, Optimal simplex tableau characterization of unique and bounded solutions of linear 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I, Some methods for the numerical solution of variational inequalities with two obstacles, A tutorial history of least squares with applications to astronomy and geodesy, Fair transfer price and inventory holding policies in two-enterprise supply chains, Symbiosis between linear algebra and optimization, Approximating separable nonlinear functions via mixed zero-one programs, Piecewise linear methods for nonlinear equations and optimization, Pivot versus interior point methods: Pros and cons, Advances in design and implementation of optimization software, Operational planning of district heating and cooling plants through genetic algorithms for mixed 0-1 linear programming, An asymptotic simplex method for singularly perturbed linear programs, On an approach to the modelling of problems connected with conflicting economic interests, Measuring inconsistency, Entropic perturbation method for solving a system of linear inequalities, Sensitivity analysis of linear programming in the presence of correlation among right-hand side parameters or objective function coefficients, New LP-based local and global algorithms for continuous and mixed-integer nonconvex quadratic programming, GENGUB: A generator for linear programs with generalized upper bound constraints, Flexible contingency plans in optimal linear designs, An efficient envelope-based branch and bound algorithm for non-convex combined heat and power production planning, A faster combinatorial approximation algorithm for scheduling unrelated parallel machines, A polynomial local optimality condition for the concave piecewise linear network flow problem, Construction of the largest sensitivity region for general linear programs, An experimental study of newly proposed initial basic feasible solution methods for a transportation problem, Best \(k\)-digit rational bounds for irrational numbers: pre- and super-computer era, Pivoting in linear complementarity: Two polynomial-time cases, A simple direct cosine simplex algorithm, A comparison index for interval ordering based on generalized Hukuhara difference, Estimates of generalized hessians for optimal value functions in mathematical programming, Limit laws for empirical optimal solutions in random linear programs, Heights of convex polytopes, Robust min-max regret covering problems, The implementation of linear programming algorithms based on homotopies, On-line gasoline blending optimization with in-flow blend quality analysis, Core theory for multiple-sided assignment games, Nonrevisiting paths on surfaces, A sublinear-time randomized approximation algorithm for matrix games, Modified fictitious play for solving matrix games and linear-programming problems, Infinite networks: Minimal cost flows, A linear programming primer: from Fourier to Karmarkar, A dominant-strategy asset market mechanism, The \(s\)-monotone index selection rules for pivot algorithms of linear programming, Harsanyi's utilitarianism via linear programming, Line 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Computational results with a primal-dual subproblem simplex method, A direct heuristic algorithm for linear programming, A note on primal-dual stability in infinite linear programming, A projective simplex algorithm using LU decomposition, Two new bidirectional search algorithms, An SMT-based approach for verifying binarized neural networks, Computation and efficiency of potential function minimizers of combinatorial congestion games, Global sensitivity analysis via a statistical tolerance approach, Quantile regression neural networks: a Bayesian approach, On the circuit diameter conjecture, On OM-decomposable sets, Partitioned EDF scheduling on a few types of unrelated multiprocessors, A sufficient criterion for control of some generalized error rates in multiple testing, Solving large-scale optimization problems related to Bell's theorem, Multi-criteria decision analysis for emergency medical service assessment, Two curve Chebyshev approximation and its application to signal 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I. multiparametric model, The enumeration of minimal phylograms, Two combinatorial properties of a class of simplicial polytopes, VTOP. An improved software for design optimization of prestressed concrete beams, The almost surely shrinking yolk, On average control generating families for singularly perturbed optimal control problems with long run average optimality criteria, Robust preliminary analysis of large-scale linear model for optimal industrial investments, ETSAP-TIAM: The TIMES integrated assessment model. I: Model structure, Bayesian quantile regression for analyzing ordinal longitudinal responses in the presence of non-ignorable missingness, Gaddum's test for symmetric cones, Klee-Minty's LP and upper bounds for Dantzig's simplex method, A trading mechanism contingent on several indices, The stochastic transportation problem with single sourcing, Ordinal network representation: Representing proximities by graphs, New method for solving fuzzy transportation problems with \textit{LR} flat fuzzy numbers, A new algorithm for solving a special matching problem with a general form value function under constraints, Iterative computation of security strategies of matrix games with growing action set, Steepest-edge rule and its number of simplex iterations for a nondegenerate LP, Deciding probabilistic bisimilarity distance one for probabilistic automata, A triangulation and fill-reducing initialization procedure for the simplex algorithm, On convergence of scatter search and star paths with directional rounding for 0--1 mixed integer programs, Values for level structures with polynomial-time algorithms, relevant coalition functions, and general considerations, Optimal spatial monitoring of populations described by reaction-diffusion models, Pseudo polynomial size LP formulation for calculating the least core value of weighted voting games, Learn to relax: integrating \(0-1\) integer linear programming with pseudo-Boolean conflict-driven search, Lagrange's interpolating polynomial approach to solve multi-choice transportation problem, An asymptotically improved upper bound on the diameter of polyhedra, Optimal solutions for group matrix games involving interval-valued fuzzy numbers, A combinatorial model to optimize air traffic flow management problems, Bi-objective multistage stochastic linear programming, A characterization theorem and an algorithm for a convex hull problem, Consistency techniques for polytime linear global cost functions in weighted constraint satisfaction, Data-driven modeling of \(\mathrm{CO}_2\) emission-allowance compensation for wood-purchasing optimization toward carbon-neutral forest industry, Increasing the semantic storage density of sparse distributed memory, Bipartite choices, Averaging and linear programming in some singularly perturbed problems of optimal control, Optimization and sustainable development, A truck scheduling problem arising in intermodal container transportation, A fuzzy set-based approach to origin-destination matrix estimation in urban traffic networks with imprecise data, Mixed-integer linear methods for layout-optimization of screening systems in recovered paper production, Conductive rings of nonpolytopal fans, q-analogue of de Rham cohomology associated with Jackson integrals. II, General representation theorems for efficient population behavior, Linear programming and simple associative memories, Shadow method for convex programming with application for Navy credit sea/shore rotation problem, Extension of the Hansen-Bliek method to right-quantified linear systems, On extreme forms in dimension 8, The origins of the mean-variance approach in finance: revisiting de Finetti 65 years later, The role of pivoting in proving some fundamental theorems of linear algebra, Complexity of evolution in maximum cooperative P systems, Investigating the impact of behavioral factors on supply network efficiency: insights from banking's corporate bond networks, Fuzzy fractional stochastic transportation problem involving exponential distribution, Stochastic debt sustainability analysis for sovereigns and the scope for optimization modeling, Mathematical programming based heuristics for the 0--1 MIP: a survey, Optimization for financial engineering: a special issue, On the existence of a short pivoting sequence for a linear program, A new index for measuring seasonality: a transportation cost approach, Distributionally robust optimization under endogenous uncertainty with an application in retrofitting planning, Modular strategic SMT solving with \textbf{SMT-RAT}, Global optimization of separable objective functions on convex polyhedra via piecewise-linear approximation, Pairwise solutions and the core of transportation situations, Build-pack planning for hard disk drive assembly with approved vendor matrices and stochastic demands, On the communication complexity of approximate Nash equilibria, Variable selection via combined penalization for high-dimensional data analysis, SLAP: specification logic of actions with probability, Sequential stochastic core of a cooperative stochastic programming game, Incremental and encoding formulations for mixed integer programming, On stable least squares solution to the system of linear inequalities, A sensitivity analysis algorithm for hierarchical decision models, A largest-distance pivot rule for the simplex algorithm, Modified Fourier's method of solving linear programming problems., A linear fractional program with homogeneous constraints., Lagrangian relaxation based algorithm for trigeneration planning with storages, The bounds of feasible space on constrained nonconvex quadratic programming, Chemical equation balancing: an integer programming approach, On the integer solutions of the generalized transportation problem under fuzzy environment., A primal deficient-basis simplex algorithm for linear programming, Linearly constrained global optimization via piecewise-linear approximation, Complexity and algorithms for nonlinear optimization problems, Itemset frequency satisfiability: complexity and axiomatization, An algorithm for portfolio optimization with variable transaction costs. II: Computational analysis, A fresh view on the tolerance approach to sensitivity analysis in linear programming, Computer-based algorithms for multiple criteria and multiple constraint level integer linear programming, Adaptive methods for solvings minimax problems, A new framework for the solution of DEA models, A soft approach for hard continuous optimization, Searching for mutually orthogonal Latin squares via integer and constraint programming, Phenotypic deconstruction of gene circuitry, Fuzzy stochastic linear programming: survey and future research directions, The empirical behavior of sampling methods for stochastic programming, Über das Transportproblem mit beliebigen zusätzlichen linearen Nebenbedingungen, Chebyshev solution of large linear systems, A comparison of primal and dual methods of linear programming, On the continuity of the minimum set of a continuous function, Discrete search and the Neyman-Pearson lemma, Complementary pivot theory of mathematical programming, A duality theory for abstract mathematical programs with applications to optimal control theory, Some remarks on a Markovian decision problem with an absorbing state, The \(d\)-step conjecture for polyhedra of dimension \(d<6\), A dynamic programming solution to integer linear programs, A decision rule in the simplex method that avoids cycling, Special simplex algorithm for multi-sector problems, Some duality relationships for the generalized Neyman-Pearson problem, Algorithms for some minimax problems, Linear programming algorithms for semi-Markovian decision processes, An economic interpretation of duality in linear programming, On the optimum synthesis of statistical communication nets - pseudo parametric techniques, A combinatorial approach to convex quadratic programming, Numerical computational methods of optimisation in control, The longest path in a network, Heuristically guided search and chromosome matching, Analysis and design of communication networks with memory, An interval programming algorithm for discrete linear \(L_ 1\) approximation problems, A simplex method for zero-one mixed integer linear programs, Existence theory for the complex linear complementarity problem, A suboptimization method for interval linear programming: A new method for linear programming, Limit analysis of continuous media with piecewise linear yield condition, Perron-Frobenius properties of \(Ax-\lambda Bx\), Optimal quasi-stationary periodic processes, Cutting plane algorithms and state space constrained linear optimal control problems, Generalized Benders decomposition, Linear programs in topological vector spaces, The assignment game. I: The core, Bounds for the error of linear systems of equations using the theory of moments, Limit analysis of plates with piecewise linear yield surface, On the number of solutions to the complementarity problem and spanning properties of complementary cones, Duality theorems for a class of nonconvex programming problems, The simplex algorithm with the pivot rule of maximizing criterion improvement, A numerically stable form of the simplex algorithm, Approximate solutions and error bounds for quasilinear elliptic boundary value problems, Optimization of Space Station components using design code CometBoards, Stochastic programming approaches to stochastic scheduling, Duality in mathematics and linear and integer programming, An efficient linear model and optimisation algorithm for multi-site combined heat and power production, The allocation of shared fixed costs, Sensitivity analysis in linear optimization: invariant support set intervals, Minimum-distance controlled perturbation methods for large-scale tabular data protection, Mixed integer models for the stationary case of gas network optimization, George B. Dantzig: a legendary life in mathematical programming, Game-theoretic analysis of an ancient Chinese horse race problem, Network design and dynamic routing under queueing demand, Adjacency on the Postman Polyhedron, Solving systems of equations with multi-stage Monte Carlo optimization, A convergent criss-cross method, A finite descent theory for linear programming, piecewise linear convex minimization, and the linear complementarity problem, A Polynomial Method of Weighted Centers for Convex Quadratic Programming, The threshold weight of a graph, Multivariable gain margin, Stochastic linear programming method for right-hand sides random vector, A Variable-Complexity Norm Maximization Problem, On the efficiency of algorithms of analysis, Risk Averse Stackelberg Security Games with Quantal Response, Solving the Linear Transportation Problem by Modified Vogel Method, A Complementary Pivot Algorithm for Market Equilibrium under Separable, Piecewise-Linear Concave Utilities, Optimization in Designing Complex Communication Networks, A note on degeneracy in linear programming, A forward network simplex algorithm for solving multiperiod network flow problems, Connections between generalized, inexact and semi-infinite linear programming, Anti-stalling pivot rules for the network simplex algorithm, Least Absolute Regression Revisited, Smoothed Analysis of the Minimum-Mean Cycle Canceling Algorithm and the Network Simplex Algorithm, Generalized Markovian decision processes, Stability enhancement and traction control of road vehicles, Component commonality in assemble-to-order systems: Models and properties, An operator theory of parametric programming for the transportation problem-I, Minimum-cost flow algorithms: an experimental evaluation, A POINT BASIS FOR MULTIVARIABLE PIECEWISE LINEAR INTERPOLATION AND DESIGN CENTERING, Complementarity in Oriented Matroids, Some Transportation Problems Under Uncertain Environments, On the convergence of a generalized Reduced gradient algorithm for nonlinear programming problems, Application of linear and dynamic programming to the optimization of the production of hydroelectric power, On the Number of Solutions Generated by the Simplex Method for LP, Modeling Disjunctive Constraints with a Logarithmic Number of Binary Variables and Constraints, Inequalities and Target Objectives for Metaheuristic Search – Part I: Mixed Binary Optimization, A fast method for a class of one-stage bounded variables and single constrained linear programming problems, An analysis of degeneracy, Optimal design of FIR linear phase digital filters via convex quadratic programming method, Decision algorithms for some fragments of analysis and related areas, FUZZY METHOD FOR SOLVING GRAY PARAMETER LINEAR PROGRAMMING, Interplay between polarisation and plurality in a decision-making process with continuous opinions, Optimal module sizing in VLSI floorplanning by nonlinear programming, A Subexponential Lower Bound for Zadeh’s Pivoting Rule for Solving Linear Programs and Games, Extended VIKOR as a new method for solving Multiple Objective Large-Scale Nonlinear Programming problems, Scheduling Players in Team Competitions: Theory and Computational Results, Minimum norm solutions to linear elastic analysis problems, Computational Optimization: An Overview, A class of parametric properties of transportation problems, On decomposition in bilinear programming, A steepest edge active set algorithm for solving sparse linear programming problems, On scaling linear programs—some experimental results, A method for quadratic programming, A dynamic model for the headquarters-subsidiary relationship in MNCs, Linearized simplicial decomposition methods for computing traffic equilibria on networks, New results on the average behavior of simplex algorithms, Generating random points in a polytope, Plastic straining, unstressing and branching in large displacement perturbation analysis, A revised iterative algorithm for decomposition goal programming, On the generation and optimization of equivalent ladder networks, Equivalence of some quadratic programming algorithms, An extended model and a column generation algorithm for the planar multicommodity flow problem, A computational analysis of alternative algorithms and labeling techniques for finding shortest path trees, An exposition of the (linear) complementarity problem, Determinacy in Linear Systems and Networks, Une nouvelle méthode d'initialisation pour le problème de transport, Primal transportation and transshipment algorithms, Graph Implementations for Nonsmooth Convex Programs, A bump triangular dynamic factorization algorithm for the simplex method, Stable commutator length is rational in free groups, Probability logic in the twentieth century, A Compressive Sensing Based Analysis of Anomalies in Generalized Linear Models, The cyclic method of solving the transshipment problem with an additional linear constraint, An economic interpretation of stochastic programs, Computational experience on an algorithm for the transportation problem with nonlinear objective functions, Un algoritmo para el problema de maxima entropia en el caso discreto, Multirate digital filters, Aplicabilidad de la programacion matematica en la estimacion de funciones discriminantes, Stochastic programming and stochastic control, A decomposition principle for a generalized linear and piece-wise linear program, Reformulations in Mathematical Programming: Definitions and Systematics, Equalities in transportation problems and characterizations of optimal solutions, A parallel approach for determining confidence intervals of variable statistics in large and sparse linear equations with RHS ranges, Characterization of facets for multiple right-hand choice linear programs, Analisis de estrategias en el ajuste lineal de funciones no-lineales en problemas de optimizacion, Support and separation properties of convex sets in finite dimension, Engineering Route Planning Algorithms, A linear programming model for design of communications networks with time varying probabilistic demands, Duality relationships between a class of graphs and linear programs, Complex Root Finding Algorithm Based on Delaunay Triangulation, A Generalised Branch-and-Bound Approach and Its Application in SAT Modulo Nonlinear Integer Arithmetic, Entropy in linear programs, Symbolic Worst Case Execution Times, A solution procedure for the hierarchical coordination of constrained optimizing systems, A duality theory for quasiconcave programs, Rate of convergence for the `square root formula' in the Internet transmission control protocol, The steepest-ascent method for the linear programming problem, The Stable Evaluation of Multivariate Simplex Splines, Procedures for optimization problems with a mixture of bounds and general linear constraints, Unnamed Item, Hill Climbing with Multiple Local Optima, Unnamed Item, Formulae for theL0,L1andLNorms, Toward faster algorithms for dynamic traffic assignment. I. Parametric quickest‐path trees, A simplex-like method with bisection for linear programming1, LINEAR PROGRAMMING AND RECURRENT ASSOCIATIVE MEMORIES, Tabu Search for Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs), A NEW APPROACH TO FINDING OPTIMAL LINEAR SCHEDULES FOR UNIFORM DEPENDENCE ALGORITHMS†, Solution and investigation of one class of inexact integer programming problems, A quasi-polynomial bound for the diameter\\of graphs of polyhedra, An unconstrained convex programming view of linear programming, Satisfiability Checking: Theory and Applications, Basis characterisation for linear multicommodity network programs, Survey of linear programming for standard and nonstandard Markovian control problems. Part I: Theory, On the Hull of the Solution Sets of Interval Linear Equations, Dual contingency plans in optimal generalized linear designs, On Linear Semi-Infinite Programming Problems: An Algorithm, Clingo goes linear constraints over reals and integers, A Variant of the Dual Pivoting Rule in Linear Programming, Generalized cross decomposition applied to nonlinear integer programming problems: duality gaps and convexification in parts, Some generalizations of the criss-cross method for quadratic programming, On the existence of optimal solutions to integer and mixed-integer programming problems, ALGORITHMS FOR OPTIMIZATION OF POWER SYSTEMS SCHEDULES BASED ON THE SIMPLEX METHOD, Efficient computational devices for the capacitated transportation problem, Nested decomposition for dynamic models, Survey of the Theory of Extremal Problems, On the application of deterministic and stochastic programming methods to problems of economics;Mathematische Programmierung und ihre Anwendung auf die Wirtschaft, Solution of generalized geometric programs, Bifurcation of Limit Cycles in a 12-Degree Hamiltonian System Under Thirteenth-Order Perturbation, An Operator Theory for a Class of Linear Fractional Programming Problems — I, Disjoint paths in a network, A mean cost approximation for transportation problems with stochastic demand, Parametric studies in transportation-type problems, Break minimization, An operator theory of parametric programming for the generalized transportation problem: I. Basic theory, An operator theory of parametric programming for the generalized transportation problem: II Rim, cost and bound operators, An operator theory of parametric programming for the generalized transportation problem-III-weight operators, An operator theory of parametric programming for the generalized transportation problem—IV—global operators, An improved version of the out-of-kilter method and a comparative study of computer codes, Optimal production growth for the machine loading problem, The travelling salesman problem and a class of polyhedra of diameter two, A central cutting plane algorithm for the convex programming problem, A guide to conic optimisation and its applications, A finite algorithm to maximize certain pseudoconcave functions on polytopes, An efficient scaling procedure for gain networks, On Markov games, Improving a primal–dual simplex-type algorithm using interior point methods, Personnel assignment by multiobjective programming, Optimal design of a multi‐item, multi‐location, multi‐repair type repair and supply system, Maximum flow in probabilistic graphs-the discrete case, POSITIVE SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING, On the application of degree theory to the analysis of resistive nonlinear networks, Concepts of optimality and their uses, Optimal antithetic sampling plans, A dual decomposition algorithm, Approximate cutting planes in nonlinear programming, The zero pivot phenomenon in transportation and assignment problems and its computational implications, Linear complementarity problems solvable by A single linear program, Stress-unilateral analysis of discretized cable and membrane structure in the presence of large displacements, A note on the primal-dual and out-of-kilter algorithms for network optimization problems, A generalized upper bounding algorithm for large-scale generalized goal programming problems, Compact LP bases for a class of IP problems, The general quadratic optimization problem, Homotopies for computation of fixed points, On pricing and backward transformation in linear programming, A primal‐dual interior-point method for linear optimization based on a new proximity function, Scheduling and routing algorithms for AGVs: A survey, The ABACUS system for branch-and-cut-and-price algorithms in integer programming and combinatorial optimization, Computing bounds for the optimal value in linear programming, On some relations between a dual pair of multiple objective linear programs, Decomposition of arborescent linear programs, Optimal flows in nonlinear gain networks, Network topology and integral multicommodity flow problems, Solving the Generalized Transportation Problem with Constraints, The simplex method for integral multicommodity networks, Solving the Generalized Transportation Problem with Constraints, A New Algorithm for the Chebyshev Solution of Overdetermined Linear Systems, Variance Reduced Value Iteration and Faster Algorithms for Solving Markov Decision Processes, Constructive bounds and exact expectations for the random assignment problem, A streamlined simplex approach to the singly constrained transportation problem, The enumeration of all efficient solutions for a linear multiple-objective transportation problem, Fourier-Motzkin elimination method in MOLP problems, Minimum energy problem for discrete linear admissible control systems, A New Algorithm To Solve Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs), Column-Generation in Integer Linear Programming, Queuing effects in the solution of constrained store-and-forward network flow problems, Variants of the Hungarian method for solving linear programming problems, Techniques of linear programming based on the theory of convex cones, Support prices of activities in linear programming1,2, Comments on ‘ An efficient algorithm for a time-suboptimal regulator problem for systems with delay in state ’, Optimality conditions and an algorithm for linear-quadratic bilevel programs$fr1:1$f:1partially supported by nsfc and madis. this paper was prepared during the first author's visiting universitat de barcelona. he is grateful to the financial support provided by universitat de barcelona. the authors are very grateful to the referees for their valuable suggestions and comments, A decomposition procedure for large‐scale optimum plastic design problems, Input design for linear dynamic systems using maxmin criteria, The theory of linear programming:skew symmetric self-dual problems and the central path*, Die Behandlung von Entscheidungsproblemen mit Hilfe des Dynamischen Programmierens, Mathematical programming applied to load flow calculations, Implementation and computational comparisons of primal, dual and primal-dual computer codes for minimum cost network flow problems, An extension of the frank and Wolfe method of feasible directions, On the two-level planning procedure under a Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition†, Extreme point linear fractional functional programming, ON A THEOREM OF NEGISHI, A column generation algorithm for nonlinear programming, Statistical decision analysis of stochastic linear programming problems, Reverse 1-centre problem on trees under convex piecewise-linear cost function, A Bayesian conditional model for bivariate mixed ordinal and skew continuous longitudinal responses using quantile regression, Causal Bounds for Outcome-Dependent Sampling in Observational Studies, Linear programming under uncertainty: A basic property of the optimal solution, Bayesian quantile regression for longitudinal count data, Qualitative Aussagen zu einigen Problemen der stochastischen Programmierung, Linear programming with entropic perturbation, Unnamed Item, More bounds on the diameters of convex polytopes, Disjoint Bilinear Optimization: A Two-Stage Robust Optimization Perspective, Diameter and Curvature: Intriguing Analogies, Smoothed Analysis of the Minimum-Mean Cycle Canceling Algorithm and the Network Simplex Algorithm, ON THE PROPERTIES OF ∊-SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS FOR LINEAR PROGRAMMING, Shortest Path and Maximum Flow Problems in Networks with Additive Losses and Gains, Robust Learning of Consumer Preferences, THE USE OF PRIOR INFORMATION IN ESTIMATING THE PARAMETERS OF ECONOMIC RELATIONSHIPS, Iterative Deepening Dynamically Improved Bounds Bidirectional Search, Function restoration using linear programming†, Zurückführung eines sortenproblems auf das dreidimensionale transportproblem, Basic feasible solutions and decomposition principle for linear fractional functionals programming problem, Programming under uncertainty: The complete problem, Propositional calculus problems in CHIP, Sensitivity analysis revisited: changing input-output coefficients of a basic activity, From Duels to Battlefields: Computing Equilibria of Blotto and Other Games, Dynamic transshipment networks: An algorithm and its application to the distribution of empty containers, Nota sobre programacion lineal estocastica: Evolucion y estado actual. (I), Hybrid programs: Linear and least-distance, An efficient algorithm for minimizing barrier and penalty functions, On the solution of linear equation/inequality systems, A fundamental problem in linear inequalities with applications to the travelling salesman problem, Quadratic programming with quadratic constraints, High-Dimensional Convex Sets Arising in Algebraic Geometry, The payment scheduling problem, Hybrid metabolic network completion, Sortie aspects of stochastic economics, Some continuous functions related to corner polyhedra, II, A projective method for structured nonlinear programs, A squared‐variable transformation approach to nonlinear programming optimality conditions, Determining optimal growth paths in logistics operations, A generalized upper bounding algorithm for multicommodity network flow problems, Unnamed Item, Duality in Quadratic Programming, Deux algorithmes de programmation mathématique, A mathematical programming approach to identification and optimization of a class of unknown systems, On the equivalence of some generalized network problems to pure network problems, Robust Dual Dynamic Programming, Unnamed Item, ARITHMETIC ASPECTS OF SYMMETRIC EDGE POLYTOPES, Easy Affine Markov Decision Processes, Parametric analysis of linear programs with upper bounded variables, A simple modification of dantzig-wolfe decomposition, On the length of primal-dual projection of potential reduction algorithm, A Dynamic Programming Approach to Power Consumption Minimization in Gunbarrel Natural Gas Networks with Nonidentical Compressor Units, Unnamed Item, Solving Two Stage Transportation Problems, An Iterative Solution Technique to Minimize the Average Transportation Cost of Capacitated Transportation Problem with Bounds on Rim Conditions, ON EXTREME JOINT PROBABILITIES OF k EVENTS CHOSEN FROM n EVENTS, Some Results on Sparse Matrices, Um modelo híbrido (CLP-MILP) para scheduling de operações em polidutos, A simple GAP-canceling algorithm for the generalized maximum flow problem, Unnamed Item, The complexity of linear programming, The complexity of linear programming, Unnamed Item, Shortest-path queries in static networks, Strict linear prices in non-convex European day-ahead electricity markets, Numerical treatment of a class of semi‐infinite programming problems, Juegos parametricos, Lower bounds for symmetricK-peripatetic salesman problems, Anstreicher–Terlaky type monotonic simplex algorithms for linear feasibility problems, Unnamed Item, Deterministic min-cost matching with delays, A Solution Strategy for a Class of Nonlinear Knapsack Problems, Stochastic Programming, Tractability frontiers in probabilistic team semantics and existential second-order logic over the reals, Peer‐to‐peer distributed text classifier learning in PADMINI, Adjustable Robust Optimization via Fourier–Motzkin Elimination, Linear programing formulations and algorithms for radiotherapy treatment planning, A pivoting procedure for a class of second-order cone programming, A hybrid direction algorithm for solving linear programs, Low-Complexity Method for Hybrid MPC with Local Guarantees, Book Review: The basic George B. Dantzig, A Multiple Perspective Approach to History of Mathematics: Mathematical Programming and Rashevsky’s Early Development of Mathematical Biology in the Twentieth Century, Fast Algorithms for Rank-1 Bimatrix Games, An ADMM-based interior-point method for large-scale linear programming, Soft OR and Practice: The Contribution of the Founders of Operations Research, Risk Management for Sustainable Sovereign Debt Financing, Revenue Sharing in Airline Alliance Networks, Bilevel Linear Optimization Under Uncertainty, Theorems of Alternatives for Substructural Logics, Error control in the simplex-technique, A Simple Algorithm for Finding a Non-negative Basic Solution of a System of Linear Algebraic Equations, Solving Linear Programming Problems by Reducing to the Form with an Obvious Answer, Multi-period Efficiency Measurement with Fuzzy Data and Weight Restrictions, Das zweistufige Problem der stochastischen linearen Programmierung, On stochastic linear programming distribution problems, stochastic technology matrix, A New Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers: Ranking Methodology and Application, Robust auto tool change for industrial robots using visual servoing, Signposts and contributions of Leonid Kantorovich, An exponential lower bound for Zadeh's pivot rule, A three-phase matheuristic algorithm for the multi-day task assignment problem, Upper and lower bounds for topological indices on unicyclic graphs, Graph fragmentation problem: analysis and synthesis, The Polyhedral Geometry of Pivot Rules and Monotone Paths, A dynamical neural network approach for solving stochastic two-player zero-sum games, MG-CNN: a deep CNN to predict saddle points of matrix games, Distance to a constitutive tensor isotropy stratum by the Lasserre polynomial optimization method, A canonical game -- 75 years in the making -- showing the equivalence of matrix games and linear programming, Avoiding unnecessary demerging and remerging of multi‐commodity integer flows, Jointly Optimizing Selection of Fuel Treatments and Siting of Forest Biomass-Based Energy Production Facilities for Landscape-Scale Fire Hazard Reduction, Foundations of operations research: from linear programming to data envelopment analysis, A two-stage data envelopment analysis approach to solve extended transportation problem with non-homogenous costs, Reluplex: a calculus for reasoning about deep neural networks, Neural Network Verification Using Residual Reasoning, The Benders by batch algorithm: design and stabilization of an enhanced algorithm to solve multicut Benders reformulation of two-stage stochastic programs, Adaptive solution prediction for combinatorial optimization, Revisiting degeneracy, strict feasibility, stability, in linear programming, A linear complementarity approach to the time integration of dynamic elastic-plastic structural problems, Intuitionistic fuzzy knapsack problem trough the index matrices prism, Can fast food eating patterns be healthy? An optimization-based analysis of popular US fast-food chains, Some Perspectives on Strategic Forest Management Models and the Forest Products Supply Chain, Simple and fast algorithm for binary integer and online linear programming, Étude de cas: un porcin dans un environnement sain, The projector algorithm: a simple parallel algorithm for computing Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay graphs, A faster algorithm for determining the linear feasibility of systems of BTVPI constraints, Infeasibility Detection with Primal-Dual Hybrid Gradient for Large-Scale Linear Programming, On the Combinatorial Diameters of Parallel and Series Connections, A new geometric approach to multiobjective linear programming problems, A quadratic simplex algorithm for primal optimization over zero-one polytopes, A General Method for Deriving Tight Symbolic Bounds on Causal Effects, Unnamed Item, A contextualized historical analysis of the Kuhn-Tucker theorem in nonlinear programming: The impact of World War II, Positively regular vague matrices, A determinantal lower bound, On the core of transportation games, Measuring conformability of probabilities, Analysis of the potential for spatial redistribution of freight using mathematical programming, Fractional programming approach to fuzzy weighted average., A model for the global optimization of water prices and usage for the case of spatially distributed sources and consumers, On mixed-integer zero-one representations for separable lower-semicontinuous piecewise-linear functions, A method of transferring polyhedron between the intersection-form and the sum-form, The emergence of nonlinear programming: interactions between practical mathematics and mathematics proper., Single machine batch scheduling with resource dependent setup and processing times, Transportation interval situations and related games