The assignment game. I: The core

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DOI10.1007/BF01753437zbMath0236.90078WikidataQ57442293 ScholiaQ57442293MaRDI QIDQ2552452

Lloyd S. Shapley, Martin Shubik

Publication date: 1971

Published in: International Journal of Game Theory (Search for Journal in Brave)

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coalitions: The model and some results, Matching markets and cultural selection, Traveling salesman games with the Monge property, Matching with ownership, Stable cores in information graph games, The general graph matching game: approximate core, Shapley value for TU-games with multiple memberships and externalities, On the population monotonicity of independent set games, On cores and indivisibility, On the core of semi-infinite transportation games with divisible goods, The core of a strategic game, A competitive market model for indivisible commodities., Local stability constraints, Axioms for the optimal stable rules and fair-division rules in a multiple-partners job market, Bipartite choices, Deferred acceptance algorithm with retrade, The package assignment model., On the nucleolus of neighbor games, An algorithm for finding the nucleolus of assignment games, Rationing, bargaining, and voting in 2-sided markets, The existence and computation of competitive equilibria in markets with an indivisible commodity, Equilibrium and matching under price controls, The nonatomic assignment model, Inessentiality of large groups and the approximate core property: An equivalence theorem, On the stability of couples, Identification of efficient equilibria in multiproduct trading with indivisibilities and non-monotonicity, Operations research games: A survey. (With comments and rejoinder), On Vickrey-type auction procedures, The reactive bargaining set: Structure, dynamics and extension to NTU games, On the core of routing games, Existence of an equilibrium in a competitive economy with indivisibilities and money, Balanced externalities and the Shapley value, Shapley value based pricing for auctions and exchanges, Entry and structures of interest groups in assignment games, From the bankruptcy problem and its concede-and-divide solution to the assignment problem and its fair division solution, The stable fixtures problem with payments, Strategy-proofness of worker-optimal matching with continuously transferable utility, Shapley's conjecture on the cores of abstract market games, On a class of vertices of the core, Competitive pricing and the core: with reference to matching, Restricted housewapping games, Core stability and core selection in a decentralized labor matching market, Evolutionary game theory: a renaissance, Communication and its cost in graph-restricted games, Consistent bargaining conjectures in marriage and matching, Interior points in the core of two-sided matching markets, On a dynamic auction mechanism for a bilateral assignment problem, Competitive equilibrium in an exchange economy with indivisibilities, Bargaining in cooperative games, The complexity of egalitarian mechanisms for linear programming games, Implementability, Walrasian equilibria, and efficient matchings, Continuum economies with finite coalitions: Core, equilibria, and widespread externalities, A multi-item auction with budget-constrained bidders and price controls, Perfect competition in the continuous assignment model, Competition in a posted-salary matching market under private information, On the 1-nucleolus, The intermediate set and limiting superdifferential for coalitional games: between the core and the Weber set, An extension of the Nash bargaining problem and the Nash social welfare function, Efficient and non-deteriorating choice., Strategic behavior and partial cost sharing., The pairwise egalitarian solution., Characterization of the extreme core allocations of the assignment game., A discrete fixed point theorem and its applications., Paths to stability in the assignment problem, Why do stable clearinghouses work so well? -- Small sets of stable matchings in typical environments, and the limits-on-manipulation theorem of Demange, Gale and Sotomayor, Stable schedule matching under revealed preference., Walrasian equilibrium in an exchange economy with indivisibilities., A search model of two-sided matching under nontransferable utility., Some further remark on the core structure of the assignment game., The central assignment game and the assignment markets, Cores of partitioning games, Inventory games., Core structure and comparative statics in a hybrid matching market, Approximately fair cost allocation in metric traveling salesman games, The \textit{ex ante} incentive compatible core of the assignment game., Application of M-convex submodular flow problem to mathematical economics, Comparative statics in matching markets, A polynomial-time algorithm for a stable matching problem with linear valuations and bounded side payments, Cooperative games arising from network flow problems, Labour market recruiting with intermediaries, Necessary and sufficient conditions for balancedness in partitioning games, The core of some location games, Strongly balanced cooperative games, Two-sided matching with incomplete information about others' preferences, Coalition formation under limited communication, Decentralized matching markets with endogenous salaries, On the dimension of the core of the assignment game, Population monotonic allocation schemes for cooperative games with transferable utility, The core of an \(m\)-sided assignment game, Auctioning Böhm-Bawerk's horses, A note on the multiple partners assignment game, The strategy structure of some coalition formation games, Production-inventory games: A new class of totally balanced combinatorial optimization games, Shapley value and disadvantageous monopolies, Existence and efficiency of a stationary subgame-perfect equilibrium in coalitional bargaining models with nonsuperadditive payoffs, The \({\mathcal B}\)-nucleolus of TU-games, Multi-item Vickrey-Dutch auctions, Bargaining sets and the core in partitioning games, Two-sided matching with spatially differentiated agents, Competitive equilibrium with indivisibilities, The supplier-firm-buyer game and its \(m\)-sided generalization, Stable families of coalitions and normal hypergraphs, The core of a further \(m\)-sided assignment game, An alternative proof of an equilibrium existence theorem in exchange economies with indivisibilities, Equilibrium in an exchange economy with multiple indivisible commodities and money, A glove-market partitioned matrix related to the assignment game, On core stability, vital coalitions, and extendability, Modeling cooperation on a class of distribution problems, A pairwise-monotonic core selection for permutation games, Characterization of the Owen set of linear production processes, Buying several indivisible goods, Balancedness of permutation games and envy-free allocations in indivisible good economies, Sequential auctions on Boehm-Bawerk's horse market, Combinatoric classes of the transportation problem and their properties, A simple selling and buying procedure, Random competitive exchange: Price distributions and gains from trade, Price indeterminacy and bargaining in a market with indivisibilities, The auction algorithm: A distributed relaxation method for the assignment problem

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