scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3189754

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zbMath0116.34904MaRDI QIDQ5726065

H. Jeffreys

Publication date: 1961

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Statistical tests of sterile neutrinos using cosmology and short-baseline data, Asymptotic expansions for the estimators of Lagrange multipliers and associated parameters by the maximum likelihood and weighted score methods, Overall objective priors, Sensitivity analysis for Bayesian hierarchical models, Objective priors for the zero-modified model, Posterior property of Student-\(t\) linear regression model using objective priors, Model selection and evaluation based on emerging infectious disease data sets including A/H1N1 and ebola, Approximation of improper priors, Adaptative significance levels using optimal decision rules: balancing by weighting the error probabilities, Bayesian stochastic search for VAR model restrictions, Editors' introduction to the special issue ``Bayes factors for testing hypotheses in psychological research: practical relevance and new developments, The philosophy of Bayes factors and the quantification of statistical evidence, Harold Jeffreys's default Bayes factor hypothesis tests: explanation, extension, and application in psychology, An evaluation of alternative methods for testing hypotheses, from the perspective of Harold Jeffreys, Error probabilities in default Bayesian hypothesis testing, Automatic Bayes factors for testing variances of two independent normal distributions, Evaluating evidence for invariant items: a Bayes factor applied to testing measurement invariance in IRT models, A Bayesian test for the hot hand phenomenon, Using Bayes factors to test the predictions of models: a case study in visual working memory, Bayesian estimation of the half-normal regression model with deterministic frontier, Bayesian model selection for a linear model with grouped covariates, Comparing fixed and collapsing boundary versions of the diffusion model, Adjusted priors for Bayes factors involving reparameterized order constraints, Introducing and analyzing the Bayesian power function as an alternative to the power function for a test, Bayesian parameter estimation and model selection for strongly nonlinear dynamical systems, Moment matching priors, Bayes and empirical-Bayes multiplicity adjustment in the variable-selection problem, Bayes spaces: use of improper distributions and exponential families, Ockham efficiency theorem for stochastic empirical methods, Asymptotic cumulants of ability estimators using fallible item parameters, Objective Bayesian analysis for autoregressive models with nugget effects, Bayesian model search and multilevel inference for SNP association studies, Decision-theoretic justifications for Bayesian hypothesis testing using credible sets, Asymptotic cumulants of the estimator of the canonical parameter in the exponential family, Modelling categorized levels of precipitation, A new method of peak detection for analysis of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography mass spectrometry data, Bayesian hypothesis testing for pattern discrimination in brain decoding, Developing a new BIC for detecting change-points, Dependence of Bayesian model selection criteria and Fisher information matrix on sample size, Objective Bayesian analysis for a spatial model with nugget effects, Generalized beta prior models on fraction defective in reliability test planning, Cognitive model decomposition of the BART: assessment and application, Properties of reverse hazard functions, Estimation of the scale parameter of the half-logistic distribution with multiply type II censored sample, Objective Bayesian analysis for the normal compositional model, The constraint rule of the maximum entropy principle, Subjective probability and quantum certainty, Test procedures based on combination of Bayesian evidences for \(H_{0}\), Higher accuracy for Bayesian and frequentist inference: large sample theory for small sample likelihood, A conversation with Seymour Geisser, Objective priors: an introduction for frequentists, Discussion on ``Objective priors: an introduction for frequentists by M. 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(With comments and a rejoinder)., Could Fisher, Jeffreys and Neyman have agreed on testing? (With comments and a rejoinder)., Estimating across-trial variability parameters of the diffusion decision model: expert advice and recommendations, A quantum probability account of individual differences in causal reasoning, Bayes factor testing of multiple intraclass correlations, Filtering algorithms for global chance constraints, A representation theorem and applications to measure selection and noninformative priors, The interplay of Bayesian and frequentist analysis, Dutch book against some `objective' priors, Testing equality of regression coefficients in heteroscedastic normal regression models, The exchangeable multinomial model as an approach to testing deterministic axioms of choice and measurement, Bayes, reproducibility and the quest for truth, Penalising model component complexity: a principled, practical approach to constructing priors, Bayesian goodness-of-fit testing using infinite-dimensional exponential families, Parameter estimation for a bivariate Pareto 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Bounded rationality and heterogeneous expectations: Euler versus anticipated-utility approach, Objective Bayesian analysis for exponential power regression models, A note on linearly constrained Bayes estimator in elliptical models, A survey of Bayesian predictive methods for model assessment, selection and comparison, Neutral noninformative and informative conjugate beta and gamma prior distributions, Inverse dispersion for an unknown number of sources: model selection and uncertainty analysis, Subsampling sequential Monte Carlo for static Bayesian models, Boolean algebras of conditionals, probability and logic, Bayesian analysis of the covariance matrix of a multivariate normal distribution with a new class of priors, Reference priors for the general location-scale model, Shannon optimal priors on independent identically distributed statistical experiments converge weakly to Jeffrey's prior, Reference priors for non-normal two-sample problems, Loss-based approach to two-piece location-scale distributions with applications to dependent data, Intrinsic priors for testing exponential means, Estimating the density of unemployment duration based on contaminated samples or small samples, A loss-based prior for variable selection in linear regression methods, Efficient Bayesian model choice for partially observed processes: with application to an experimental transmission study of an infectious disease, Consistent group selection with Bayesian high dimensional modeling, Statistical inference for Markov chains with applications to credit risk, Objective Bayesian analysis for a truncated model, Bayesian model selection and model averaging, Bayesian analysis of multivariate ordered probit model with individual heterogeneity, Mortality modeling under stochastic frailty, Hierarchical paired comparison modeling, a cultural consensus theory approach, Bayesian model selection in the \(\mathcal{M}\)-open setting -- approximate posterior inference and subsampling for efficient large-scale leave-one-out cross-validation via the difference estimator, Measuring components of the memory of order, Objective Bayesian analysis for competing risks model with Wiener degradation phenomena and catastrophic failures, Reference Bayesian analysis of inverse Gaussian degradation process, Power analysis and type I and type II error rates of Bayesian nonparametric two-sample tests for location-shifts based on the Bayes factor under Cauchy priors, Objective Bayesian analysis for the Lomax distribution, Predictive probability matching priors for a certain non-regular model, Computing tolerance limits for the lifetime of a \(k\)-out-of-\(n\):\(F\) system based on prior information and censored data, Bayesian statistical model checking with application to Stateflow/Simulink verification, What (really) accounts for the fall in hours after a technology shock?, Bayesian inference for finite mixtures of generalized linear models with random effects, Simple relation between Bayesian order-restricted and point-null hypothesis tests, Variable selection for market basket analysis, Bayesian model selection approach to the one way analysis of variance under homoscedasticity, Equivalence testing for functional data with an application to comparing pulmonary function devices, Asymptotic properties of the Bayes modal estimators of item parameters in item response theory, Bayesian analysis of semiparametric linear-circular models, A hierarchical Bayesian procedure for two-mode cluster analysis, Evolutionary preference/utility functions: a dynamic perspective, Hypothesis tests on mixture model components with applications in ecology and agriculture, Bayesian inference of Burr type VIII distribution based on censored samples, Regular probability comparisons imply the Banach-Tarski paradox, Objective Bayesian analysis of degradation model with respect to a Wiener process, Objective Bayesian inference with proper scoring rules, Heterogeneous bids in auctions with rational and boundedly rational bidders: theory and experiment, Decision-based model selection, Fully probabilistic design of hierarchical Bayesian models, Bayesian multiple change-points detection in a normal model with heterogeneous variances, Bayesian analysis of repairable systems with modulated power law process, Bayesian analysis of constant-stress accelerated life test for the Weibull distribution using noninformative priors, Correlations between random projections and the bivariate normal, We are all Bayesian, everyone is not a Bayesian, Objective Bayesian analysis accelerated degradation test based on Wiener process models, The objectivity of subjective Bayesianism, Symmetry arguments against regular probability: a reply to recent objections, Variance prior forms for high-dimensional Bayesian variable selection, A novel Bayesian approach for variable selection in linear regression models, Bayesian estimation and model selection of threshold spatial Durbin model, A Bayesian solution to the Behrens-Fisher problem, False confidence, non-additive beliefs, and valid statistical inference, On a class of objective priors from scoring rules (with discussion), On the existence of uniformly most powerful Bayesian tests with application to non-central chi-squared tests, A model selection approach for variable selection with censored data, On defining ex ante payoffs in games with diffuse prior, Objective Bayesian analysis for the accelerated degradation model based on the inverse Gaussian process, Bayesian identification of the tendon fascicle's structural composition using finite element models for helical geometries, A computational framework for Bayesian inference in plasticity models characterisation, Polynomial surrogates for Bayesian traveltime tomography, Minimax estimation for time series models, Testing randomness online, An objective Bayes factor with improper priors, Bayesian inference for multistrain epidemics with application to \textit{Escherichia coli} O157:H7 in feedlot cattle, A comparison of power-expected-posterior priors in shrinkage regression, The spillovers from US monetary policy to Asian economies, Bayesian model assessment for jointly modeling multidimensional response data with application to computerized testing, Objective Bayesian estimation for the differential entropy measure under generalized half-normal distribution, E-values: calibration, combination and applications, Bayes modal estimation in item response models, Monotonicity of rank order probabilities in signal detection models of simultaneous detection and identification, Bayesian hierarchical modeling of people's decision-making during an extreme weather event, Hierarchical multinomial modeling to explain individual differences in children's clustering in free recall, Assessing cross-modal interference in the detection response task, Bayesian hypothesis testing for Gaussian graphical models: conditional independence and order constraints, Bayesian tests for circular uniformity, Jeffreys' prior is asymptotically least favorable under entropy risk, Robust Bayesian hypothesis testing in the presence of nuisance parameters, Inferential distributions for non-Bayesian predictive fit, A comparison of three point estimators for \(P(Y<X)\) in the normal case, A firm foundation for statistical disclosure control, Reference priors via \(\alpha \)-divergence for a certain non-regular model in the presence of a nuisance parameter, Bayesian frequentist hybrid inference, Jeffreys' prior for logit models, Bayesian estimation of the parameters and reliability function of a mixture of Weibull life distributions, A Bayesian approach to the multivariate Behrens-Fisher problem under the assumption of proportional covariance matrices, Finding reliable solutions: event-driven probabilistic constraint programming, Why indeterminate probability is rational, Bayesian approach to thermostatistics, Approximate Bayesian estimates for the Weibull reliability function and hazard rate from censored data, Analysis of multisample identified and non-identified structural equation models with stochastic constraints, Optimal estimating functions, quasi-likelihood and statistical modelling, Bayesian analysis of compound loss distributions, Estimateurs efficaces et densités bayésiennes impropres. (Efficient estimators and improper Bayesian densities), Distributional properties for the generalized \(p\)-value for the Behrens-Fisher problem, Bayesian prediction based on a class of shrinkage priors for location-scale models, Default Bayesian analysis of the Behrens-Fisher problem, On priors and Bayes factors, Modeling publication bias using weighted distributions in a Bayesian framework., Approximating the Bayes factor, Nonparametric particle filtering approaches for identification and inference in nonlinear state-space dynamic systems, Confidence-based reasoning in stochastic constraint programming, Objective prior for the number of degrees of freedom of a \(t\) distribution, Equivalence between the posterior distribution of the likelihood ratio and a \(p\)-value in an invariant frame, Comparing dynamic equilibrium models to data: a Bayesian approach, A note on Bayes factor consistency in partial linear models, Linear contrasts for the one way analysis of variance: a Bayesian approach, Estimating population size using the network scale up method, Ignorance prior distribution of a hyperparameter and Stein's estimator, Harold Jeffreys's \textit{Theory of probability} revisited, Bayes, Jeffreys, prior distributions and the philosophy of statistics, A comparison of the information and posterior probability criteria for model selection, Evaluating manifest monotonicity using Bayes factors, Bayes factors based on robust TDT-type tests for family trio design, A general divergence criterion for prior selection, The Banff Challenge: statistical detection of a noisy signal, A critique of Jaynes' maximum entropy principle, A Bayesian approach to retrospective identification of change-points, Some approaches to pattern recognition problems, Stochastic relations and the problem of prior in the principle of maximum entropy, An intransitive expectations-based Bayesian variant of prospect theory, Constraining bouncing cosmology caused by the Casimir effect, Bayesian variable window scan statistics, Inductive reasoning and Kolmogorov complexity, Approximation of Bayesian posterior densities in the heteroskedastic error regression model, Automatic monitoring and intervention in multivariate dynamic linear models, Logic of likelihood, Learning Bayesian networks for discrete data, Deviance information criterion (DIC) in Bayesian multiple QTL mapping, Non-iterative sampling-based Bayesian methods for identifying changepoints in the sequence of cases of haemolytic uraemic syndrome, A two-component Weibull mixture to model early and late mortality in a Bayesian framework, Representation insensitivity in immediate prediction under exchangeability, Nonparametric Bayesian multiple testing for longitudinal performance stratification, Handling spuriosity in the Kalman filter, Statistical models: conventional, penalized and hierarchical likelihood, Scheduling internal audit activities: a stochastic combinatorial optimization problem, Nominal vs real wage rigidities in New Keynesian models with hiring costs: a Bayesian evaluation, Characterization of Matusita's measure of affinity, A note on the Bayesian estimation of Solow's distributed lag model, Some posterior distributions concerning normal samples with applications to analysis of variance model I problems, Some aspects of bivariate regression subject to linear constraints, On the complex analogue of Bayesian estimation of a multivariate regression model, Flexible modeling of conditional distributions using smooth mixtures of asymmetric Student \(t\) densities, The Neyman-Pearson theory as decision theory, and as inference theory; with a criticism of the Lindley-Savage argument for Bayesian theory, A weakly informative default prior distribution for logistic and other regression models, Bayesian testing for non-linearity in volatility modeling, Bayesian estimation of a random coefficient model, Bayes factor estimation for nonlinear dynamic state space models, Weibull inference using trimmed samples and prior information, Integral equation solutions as prior distributions for Bayesian model selection, On Bayesian principal component analysis, Bayesian \(R\)-estimates in two-sample location models, A global chance-constraint for stochastic inventory systems under service level constraints, The Bayes factor for inequality and about equality constrained models, The formal definition of reference priors, Bayesian multiple comparisons of simply ordered means using priors with a point mass, How and how not to make predictions with temporal Copernicanism, Posterior simulation and Bayes factors in panel count data models, Failure-time prediction, Reference priors for prediction, Estimation and comparison of multiple change-point models, Posterior distributions in limited information analysis of the simultaneous equations model using the Jeffreys prior, Probability distributions of thermodynamic intensive variables, Is victimization chronic? A Bayesian analysis of multinomial missing data, On obtaining invariant prior distributions, Identification of time-varying systems with abrupt parameter changes, Model selection and parameter estimation for ion channel recordings with an application to the \(K^{+}\) outward-rectifier in barley leaf, Conditional probability and defeasible inference, Objective Bayesian testing on the common mean of several normal distributions under divergence-based priors, On applying Möbius transformation to cardioid random variables, Thermodynamic Bayesian model comparison, Bayesian semiparametric model for pathway-based analysis with zero-inflated clinical outcomes, Bayesian validation assessment of multivariate computational models, Statistical analysis of composite spectra, Analysing grouping of nucleotides in DNA sequences using lumped processes constructed from Markov chains, Bayesian reference analysis for Gaussian Markov random fields, Asymptotically minimax Bayes predictive densities, Regression density estimation using smooth adaptive Gaussian mixtures, Objective Bayesian testing for the linear combinations of normal means, Bayesian Analysis of ODEs: Solver Optimal Accuracy and Bayes Factors, On universal prediction and Bayesian confirmation, Bayesian inference for the Pareto lifetime model under progressive censoring with binomial removals, Uniform distributions on the natural numbers, An introduction to the imprecise Dirichlet model for multinomial data, Objective Bayesian methods for one-sided testing, One- and two-sample prediction based on doubly censored exponential data and prior informa\-tion, On intrinsic priors for nonnested models, Bayesian-motivated tests of function fit and their asymptotic frequentist properties, Asymptotically Informative Prior for Bayesian Analysis, A new estimator for the number of species in a population, Bayesian model selection of informative hypotheses for repeated measurements, Equality and inequality constrained multivariate linear models: objective model selection using constrained posterior priors, Posterior impropriety of some sparse Bayesian learning models, Bayesian reliability models of Weibull systems: State of the art, On the prevalence of information inconsistency in normal linear models, WIKS: a general Bayesian nonparametric index for quantifying differences between two populations, A Partially Linear Model Using a Gaussian Process Prior, Bayes factors for peri-null hypotheses, History and nature of the Jeffreys-Lindley paradox, The method of forced probabilities: a computation trick for Bayesian model evidence, Bayesian analysis of proportions via a hidden Markov model, Test, estimation and model comparison for the meiosis I nondisjunction fraction in trisomies, Good, great, or lucky? Screening for firms with sustained superior performance using heavy-tailed priors, Statistical Issues in Bayesian Meta-Analysis, Structural changes in inflation dynamics: multiple breaks at different dates for different parameters, Bayes factors for goodness of fit testing, A regime switching skew-normal model of contagion, Joint genome-wide prediction in several populations accounting for randomness of genotypes: a hierarchical Bayes approach. II: Multivariate spike and slab priors for marker effects and derivation of approximate Bayes and fractional Bayes factors for the complete family of models, A tutorial on adaptive design optimization, Objective Bayesian analysis of the Fréchet stress-strength model, A bayesian alternative to the sign test in the presence of ties, On the smoothing of multinomial estimates using Liouville mixture models and applications, The use of updated robust reliability measures in stochastic dynamical systems, Fitch's paradox and probabilistic antirealism, Logic with numbers, Bayesian and Classical Approaches for Hypotheses Testing in Trisomies, A Bayesian analysis of beta testing, Alternative Bayes factors: Sample size determination and discriminatory power assessment, Approximating posterior probabilities in a linear model with possibly noninvertible moving average errors, A Bayesian approach to testing decision making axioms, Derivation of the Prior Distribution in Bayesian Analysis from the Principle of Statistical Equivalence, Bayesian kernel based classification for financial distress detection, Equation of state for the universe from similarity symmetries, Assessing a vector of clinical observations, Likelihood-based discrimination between separate scale and regression models, Analysis of Frechet Distribution Using Reference Priors, Bayes estimators for the extreme-value reliability function, A class of proper priors for Bayesian simultaneous prediction of independent Poisson observ\-a\-bles, Modeling individual differences using Dirichlet processes, Bayesian nonparametric model selection and model testing, Accumulative prediction error and the selection of time series models, An empirical study of minimum description length model selection with infinite parametric complexity, Estimation of the scale parameter of the Rayleigh distribution under general progressive censoring, Estimating a semiparametric asymmetric stochastic volatility model with a Dirichlet process mixture, A new approach to Bayesian hypothesis testing, Robust Bayesian analysis of Weibull failure model, Irreconcilability of P-value and Bayesian measure in two-sided hypothesis: Pareto distribution with the presence of nuisance parameter, Bayesian inference for the offered optical network unit load, A generalization of Jeffreys' rule for non regular models, Modeling bivariate survival data using shared inverse Gaussian frailty model, Matching pseudocounts for interval estimation of binomial and Poisson parameters, The structure of logical probabilities, A Bayesian nonparametric model for upper record data, The Poisson Maximum Entropy Model for Homogeneous Poisson Processes, Bayesian inference and the classical test theory model: Reliability and true scores, A Bayesian semi-parametric approach to the ordinal calibration problem, A Bayesian nonparametric multiple testing procedure for comparing several treatments against a control, Bayesian hypothesis testing for selected regression coefficients, Automatic Bayes factors for testing equality- and inequality-constrained hypotheses on variances, Objective Bayesian tests for Fieller-Creasy problem, SELECTION AND ASSESSMENT OF PHENOMENOLOGICAL MODELS OF TUMOR GROWTH, Consensus priors for multinomial and binomial ratios, Bayesian hypothesis testing: redux, Subjective Bayesian testing using calibrated prior probabilities, A simple method for comparing complex models: Bayesian model comparison for hierarchical multinomial processing tree models using Warp-III bridge sampling, Thermodynamic integration and steppingstone sampling methods for estimating Bayes factors: a tutorial, A general approach to prior transformation, A Powerful Bayesian Test for Equality of Means in High Dimensions, Mixtures ofg-Priors in Generalized Linear Models, Mixture of the inverse Rayleigh distribution: properties and estimation in a Bayesian framework, Objective Bayesian analysis of spatial data with uncertain nugget and range parameters, Income vulnerability of rural households in Bangladesh: a comparison between Bayesian and classical methods, Bayesian analysis of the amended Davidson model for paired comparison using noninformative and informative priors, Bayes factor consistency for unbalanced ANOVA models, Model averaging estimation of generalized linear models with imputed covariates, Influence of groups of observations on bayes factors, Bayes factor in testing precise hypotheses, Evaluating predictors of dispersion: a comparison of dominance analysis and Bayesian model averaging, TWO-SAMPLE BAYESIAN TESTS USING INTRINSIC BAYES FACTORS FOR MULTIVARIATE NORMAL OBSERVATIONS, Bayesian estimation of the dispersion matrix of a multivariate normal distribution, Bayesian autoregressive spectral analysis, A New Approach of Information Discrepancy to Analysis of Questionnaire Data, Bradley–Terry modeling with multiple game outcomes with applications to College Hockey, Bayesian estimators of the intraclass correlation coefficient in the one-way random effects model, A bayesian method in determining the order of a finite state markov chain, A Generalization of the Savage–Dickey Density Ratio for Testing Equality and Order Constrained Hypotheses, Bayesian Analysis of a New Bivariate Wiener Degradation Process, Inference Using Latent Variables for Mixtures of Distributions for Censored Data with Partial Identification, Bayesian approach to change point problems, Bayes inference for the modulated power law process, Exact Bayes Factors for the Comparison of Multinomial Distributions, Toward Replicability With Confidence Intervals for the Exceedance Probability, Bayes Factors for Testing Order Constraints on Variances of Dependent Outcomes, Bayesian Kernel Two-Sample Testing, On the choice of the prior distribution in hypergeometric sampling, Analysis of structural equation models with exact and stochastic constraints using a bayesian approach, Bias Adjustment Minimizing the Asymptotic Mean Square Error, Regularized Aggregation of One-Off Probability Predictions, ON THE TRUTH-CONVERGENCE OF OPEN-MINDED BAYESIANISM, A doubly accelerated degradation model based on the inverse Gaussian process and its objective Bayesian analysis, A Bayesian encompassing test using combined value-at-risk estimates, Perturbations in tachyon dark energy and their effect on matter clustering, Stochastic isotropic hyperelastic materials: constitutive calibration and model selection, On the Null Distribution of Bayes Factors in Linear Regression, VISION AND INFLUENCE IN ECONOMETRICS: JOHN DENIS SARGAN, On the distributions of the inner distance functions in the multivariate normal populations with unequal covariance matrices, Contextual bayesian classification of remotely sensed data, Robust Bayesian analysis for exponential parameters under generalized Type-II progressive hybrid censoring, Frequentist-Bayesian Monte Carlo testing, Measuring the degree of severity of heteroskedasticity and the choice between the ols estimator and the 2sae, The Maxwell paired comparison model under Bayesian paradigm using informative priors, The minimum Bayes factor hypothesis test for correlations and partial correlations, Two-Stage Bayesian Model Averaging in Endogenous Variable Models, Uniform Distributions on the Integers: A connection to the Bernouilli Random Walk, Bayesian Approaches to Nonparametric Estimation of Densities on the Unit Interval, Uses, Abuses and Misuses of Significance Tests in the Scientific Community: Won't the Bayesian Choice be Unavoidable?, Bayesian approach to the meta-analysis of multi-category prevalence, Bayesian estimators of the lognormal–Pareto composite distribution, An Information-Based Model for Subjective Probability, Reference Priors for Matrix-Variate Dynamic Linear Models, Lawtistics, On the choice of prior for the bayes estimation in accelerated life testing, ASYMPTOTIC CUMULANTS OF SOME INFORMATION CRITERIA, Fisher's exact test from a Bayes perspective, Unnamed 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Rayleigh distribution under a conjugate prior, Exact Likelihood Inference for Two Exponential Populations Under Joint Progressive Type-II Censoring, Inferences for Mixtures of Distributions for Centrally Censored Data with Partial Identification, Nonparametric goodness-of-fit, BAYESIAN INFERENCE, PRIOR INFORMATION ON VOLATILITY, AND OPTION PRICING: A MAXIMUM ENTROPY APPROACH, BAYESIAN MODEL SELECTION VIA FILTERING FOR A CLASS OF MICRO-MOVEMENT MODELS OF ASSET PRICE, Approximate Bayesian inference for quantiles, Use of bayesian analysis to design of clinical trials with one treatment, A bayesian approach to model adequacy, A review of modern multiple hypothesis testing, with particular attention to the false discovery proportion, Non-linear state estimation in observation noise of unknown covariance†, Properties of Bayes Factors Based on Test Statistics, Low-Rank Independence Samplers in Hierarchical Bayesian Inverse Problems, Performance of Model Selection Criteria in Bayesian Threshold VAR (TVAR) Models, A Bayesian nonparametric method for model evaluation: application to genetic studies, Unnamed Item, Bayesian model averaging in astrophysics: a review, Applications of a Kullback-Leibler divergence for comparing non-nested models, How Often Likelihood Ratios are Misleading in Sequential Trials, Exact and approximate distributions for linear contrasts of means and variances, Type I and II error rates of Bayesian two-sample tests under preliminary assessment of normality in balanced and unbalanced designs and its influence on the reproducibility of medical research, New Bayesian approaches to equivalence testing, Modeling Australian twin data using shared positive stable frailty models based on reversed hazard rate, Estimation of the scale parameter of the Rayleigh distribution with multiply type–II censored sample, Bayes estimation under exponentially weighted minimum expected loss function from multiply Type-II censored Rayleigh data, A BAYESIAN APPROACH USED TO INCREASE THE POWER IN A TEST OF HYPOTHESIS IN LINEAR REGRESSION, Computable Bayesian Compression for Uniformly Discretizable Statistical Models, Collective Choice May Tell Nothing About Anyone’s Individual Preferences, Effect of delayed observations on bayesian decisions for binary data, Comparison of linex and quadratic bayes estimators foe the rayleigh distribution, Bayesian mkta-analysis of frequentist p-values, A linear decision analysis model of optimal portfolio investments†, One-way ANOVA with Unequal Variances, DARK MATTER AND DARK ENERGY AS EFFECTS OF MODIFIED GRAVITY, Constraining the break of spatial diffeomorphism invariance with Planck data, Using simulation methods for bayesian econometric models: inference, development,and communication, Testing modified gravity at cosmological distances with LISA standard sirens, Bayesian evidence for α-attractor dark energy models, A Bayesian Framework for Persistent Homology, A simple consistent Bayes factor for testing the Kendall rank correlation coefficient, Bayesian estimation and model comparison for linear dynamic panel models with missing values, On Some Principles of Statistical Inference, What Does Objective Mean in a Dirichlet‐multinomial Process?, Methods and Tools for Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Averaging in Normal Linear Regression, Bayesian regularization for flexible baseline hazard functions in Cox survival models, Analytic posteriors for Pearson's correlation coefficient, Calibrated Bayes factors under flexible priors, Reference Priors for the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution, Bayesian Testing of Linear Versus Nonlinear Effects Using Gaussian Process Priors, Objective Bayesian analysis of accelerated degradation models based on Wiener process with correlation, Certified Dimension Reduction for Bayesian Updating with the Cross-Entropy Method, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Objective Bayesian analysis for the accelerated degradation model using Wiener process with measurement errors, Prior-based Bayesian information criterion, Discussion of ‘Prior-based Bayesian Information Criterion (PBIC)’, Bayesian analysis of series system with dependent causes of failure, Bayesian analysis for the Lomax model using noninformative priors, Bayesian Inference for Kendall’s Rank Correlation Coefficient, Characterizing Dirichlet Priors, A Simple Two-Sample Bayesian t-Test for Hypothesis Testing, Some contributions to the asymptotic theory of Bayes solutions, Standard Exponential Cure Rate Model with Informative Censoring, Accept–reject Metropolis–Hastings sampling and marginal likelihood estimation, Expected Posterior Priors in Selecting the Largest Mean of the Exponential Distributions, Numerical study of robust Bayesian analysis of generalized inverted family of distributions based on progressive type II right censoring, On Bayesian parameter estimation of beta log Weibull distribution under type-II censoring, Kullback-Leibler divergence to evaluate posterior sensitivity to different priors for autoregressive time series models, Robust Bayesian analysis of generalized inverted family of distributions, Bayesian identification of double seasonal autoregressive time series models, Bayesian beta nonlinear models with constrained parameters to describe ruminal degradation kinetics, A Note on Priors for the Multinomial Model, A Simple Analysis of the Exact Probability Matching Prior in the Location-Scale Model, A surrogate-assisted uncertainty-aware Bayesian validation framework and its application to coupling free flow and porous-medium flow, Copula modelling with penalized complexity priors: the bivariate case, Model Uncertainty Quantification in Cox Regression, Adversarial and Amiable Inference in Medical Diagnosis, Reliability and Survival Analysis, Scientific self-correction: the Bayesian way, Sensitivity and identification quantification by a relative latent model complexity perturbation in Bayesian meta‐analysis, Calibrated Bayes factors for model comparison, Bain: a program for Bayesian testing of order constrained hypotheses in structural equation models, Bayesian analysis for 3-component mixture of exponentiated Weibull distribution assuming non-informative priors, Error control of the numerical posterior with Bayes factors in Bayesian uncertainty quantification, Bayesian topological learning for classifying the structure of biological networks, The posterior predictive null, The case of the Jeffreys-Lindley-paradox as a Bayes-frequentist compromise: a perspective based on the Rao-Lovric-theorem, Non-Experimental Data, Hypothesis Testing, and the Likelihood Principle: A Social Science Perspective, The evidence interval and the Bayesian evidence value: On a unified theory for Bayesian hypothesis testing and interval estimation, Optimal reinsurance and dividend under model uncertainty, Game-theoretic statistics and safe anytime-valid inference, A Statistical Recurrent Stochastic Volatility Model for Stock Markets, Confidence and discoveries with \(e\)-values, A note on the Bayes factor for small interval hypotheses, Bayesian estimation versus maximum likelihood estimation in the Weibull-power law process, Bayesian estimation and classification for two logistic populations with a common location, Bayesian modelling of effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on child cognition based on data from multiple cohorts, Optional stopping with Bayes factors: a categorization and extension of folklore results, with an application to invariant situations, Bayesian analysis for incomplete multi-way contingency tables with nonignorable nonresponse, Joint analysis of occurrence and time to stability after entrance into the Italian labour market: an approach based on a Bayesian cure model with structured stochastic search variable selection, Unnamed Item, Bayesian age-stratified joinpoint regression model: an application to lung and brain cancer mortality, A Bayesian test of homogeneity of association parameter using transition modelling of longitudinal mixed responses, An objective Bayesian analysis of the two-parameter half-logistic distribution based on progressively type-II censored samples, Objective Bayesian analysis based on upper record values from two-parameter Rayleigh distribution with partial information, Functional Horseshoe Priors for Subspace Shrinkage, Information-Theoretic Bounds and Approximations in Neural Population Coding, On the correspondence between frequentist and Bayesian tests, Propriety of intrinsic priors in invariant testing situations, Why should clinicians care about Bayesian methods? (With discussions and response), On the Use of Bayes Factor in Frequentist Testing of a Precise Hypothesis, A discussion of parameter and model uncertainty in insurance, Bayes Factor Consistency for One-way Random Effects Model, Bayesian unmasking in linear models., Consistent fractional Bayes factor for nested normal linear models, Unnamed Item, Bayesian equivalence testing for binomial random variables, An Objective Bayesian Approach to Multistage Hypothesis Testing, A solution to separation for clustered binary data, Jeffreys priors for survival models with censored data, A note on the St. Petersburg paradox, Bayesian inference for polyhazard models in the presence of covariates., Joint specification of model space and parameter space prior distributions, The whetstone and the alum block: balanced objective Bayesian comparison of nested models for discrete data, An item response model for Likert-type data that incorporates response time in personality measurements, A design-based approximation to the Bayes Information Criterion in finite population sampling, Testing on the common mean of normal distributions using Bayesian methods, On one-sample Bayesian tests for the mean, Gamma frailty models for bivariate survival data, Evidential inference for diffusion-type processes, Intrinsic objective Bayesian estimation of the mean of the Tweedie family, Estimation and Prediction for Type-II Hybrid Censored Data Follow Flexible Weibull Distribution, Bayes Factors Based on Test Statistics, Objective Bayesian Inference for the Half-Normal and Half-tDistributions, Heterogeneous data analysis using a mixture of Laplace models with conjugate priors, Unnamed Item, Bayesian rank-based hypothesis testing for the rank sum test, the signed rank test, and Spearman's ρ, Particle Learning for Fat-Tailed Distributions, Comparing Objective and Subjective Bayes Factors for the Two-Sample Comparison: The Classification Theorem in Action, Teaching Bayes’ Theorem: Strength of Evidence as Predictive Accuracy, A Bayes Factor for Replications of ANOVA Results, Evidence From Marginally Significant t Statistics, p-Values, Bayes Factors, and Sufficiency, Multiple Perspectives on Inference for Two Simple Statistical Scenarios, Comparison of Frailty Models for Acute Leukemia Data under Gompertz Baseline Distribution, Analysis of Bivariate Survival Data using Shared Inverse Gaussian Frailty Model, Informed Bayesian t-Tests, Bayesian Causality, Assessing Bayes Factor Surfaces Using Interactive Visualization and Computer Surrogate Modeling, Predictive Inference Under Exchangeability, and the Imprecise Dirichlet Multinomial Model, Revisiting Jeffreys’ Example: Bayes Test of the Normal Mean, The numerical reconcilability of Bayesian measure and p-value in interval hypotheses is not possible in general, Estimating the Correlation in Bivariate Normal Data With Known Variances and Small Sample Sizes, A Default Bayesian Hypothesis Test for ANOVA Designs