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zbMath0423.10001MaRDI QIDQ3856819

G. H. Hardy, E. M. Wright

Publication date: 1979

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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On the period length of generalized inversive pseudorandom number generators, An optimal lower bound for nonregular languages, Existence of Abelian group code partitions, \(Z\)-cyclic whist tournaments with a patterned starter initial round, Zero measure spectrum for the almost Mathieu operator, A scaling property of Farey fractions. IV: Mean value formulas, Some new formulas for the products of the Frobenius-Euler polynomials, Asymptotics for the late arrivals problem, The conjugacy action of \(S_n\) and modules induced from centralisers, Directed \(s\)-\(t\) numberings, rubber bands, and testing digraph \(k\)-vertex connecitivity, On the defect of vertex-transitive graphs of given degree and diameter, Almost periodic functions in terms of Bohr's equivalence relation, Chiral polytopes from hyperbolic honeycombs, Weights for total division orderings on strings, Small black holes and near-extremal CFTs, No polynomial bound for the period of the parallel chip firing game on graphs, A finiteness theorem for imaginary abelian number fields, Arithmetic statistics of modular symbols, Parametric Möbius inversion formulas, Poincaré series of Drinfeld type, Quadratic Lagrange spectrum. I, On a conjecture of Chalk, Feedback shift registers, 2-adic span, and combiners with memory, Some remarks on Vinogradov's mean value theorem and Tarry's problem, Dynamic behavior of cyclic automata networks, On the value distribution of arithmetic functions, Quasi-affine transformations: Tilings by reciprocal images, Directed graphs, 2D state models, and characteristic polynomials of irreducible matrix pairs, Different quality indexes for lattice rules, Groups without faithful transitive permutation representations of small degree, The combinatorics of discrete self-similarity, The nef cone of the moduli space of sheaves and strong Bogomolov inequalities, Erased arrangements of linear and convex decompositions of polyhedra, A scaling property of Farey fractions. III: Representation formulas, Efficient oblivious branching programs for threshold and mod functions, On the distribution of the leading digit of \(a^n\): a study via \(\chi^2\) statistics, On the metric theory of the nearest integer continued fraction expansion, A local-sparing design methodology for fault-tolerant multiprocessors, Automaticity of double sequences generated by one-dimensional linear cellular automata, Quasi-invariant Gaussian measures for the cubic fourth order nonlinear Schrödinger equation, On the factors of automatic words, Characterization of polynomials as solutions of certain functional equations, Summation formulas for the products of the Frobenius-Euler polynomials, On the excess of vertex-transitive graphs of given degree and girth, Cyclotomy and Ramanujan sums in quantum phase locking, On the simulation of quantum Turing machines., On continuum incidence problems related to harmonic analysis., An iterative computation of approximations on Korobov-like spaces., Topology of unitary groups and the prime orders of binomial coefficients, On the ground states of the one-dimensional Falicov-Kimball model., A Salem generalised function, Drawing graphs using a small number of obstacles, Algorithms for commutative algebras over the rational numbers, Continued fractions and irrational rotations, Fault-tolerant modular reconstruction of rational numbers, Elements of class groups and Shafarevich-Tate groups of elliptic curves, Note on integral distances, Squarefree values of multivariable polynomials, Convergence of PPC-continued fraction approximants in frequency analysis, Crosscap numbers of torus knots., Distributions of regular branched surface coverings., Distinct distances and arithmetic progressions, The Tutte polynomial modulo a prime, On the \(L^1\) norm of an exponential sum involving the divisor function, Asymptotics for the Fourier coefficients of eta-quotients, A simple model of growth cycles with technology choice, On the rank of universal quadratic forms over real quadratic fields, \(abc\) triples, Trace of products in finite fields, Prescribing digits in finite fields, Volumes and distributions for random unimodular complex and quaternion lattices, Stochastic dominance for shift-invariant measures, A character theoretic criterion for a \(p\)-closed group., Complementing unary nondeterministic automata, Möbius inversion formula for the trace group, On totally real cubic orders whose unit groups are of type \(\langle a\theta+b,c\theta+d\rangle\), Dirichlet series whose partial sums of coefficients have regular variation, Exact asymptotics in log log laws for random fields, A spectral analysis of automorphic distributions and Poisson summation formulas., On Erdős and Graham's \(X\) function., Reconstructing subsets of \(\mathbb{Z}_n\), Good rotations, Repeller structure in a hierarchical model. 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II, On the \(\pmod{p^7}\) determination of \({2p-1\choose p-1}\), Crossings in grid drawings, Almost sure well-posedness of the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation below \(L^{2}(\mathbb{T})\), Twin-float arithmetic, Natural density of rectangular unimodular integer matrices, Remarks on the Fourier coefficients of modular forms, On the 3-rank of tame kernels of certain pure cubic number fields, On the Euler function of the Catalan numbers, A localized Jarník-Besicovitch theorem, Jarník's convex lattice \(n\)-gon for non-symmetric norms, Farey graphs as models for complex networks, Additive properties of subgroups of finite index in fields, On the \(\mathbb Q\)-linear independence of the sums \(\sum^{\infty}_{n=1} \sigma_k (n)/n!\), Partial linear spaces and identifying codes, Continued fractions without fractions: Lagrange theorem and Pell equations, Is the sequence of the sum of digits of prime numbers bounded?, Conjugacy growth in polycyclic groups., Testing degenerate polynomials, Some lattice attacks on DSA and ECDSA, The prime-pair conjectures of Hardy and Littlewood, Natural density distribution of Hermite normal forms of integer matrices, Sums of squares and orthogonal integral vectors, Dense 2-generator subsemigroups of \(2 \times 2\) matrices, Hyperdeterminants associated with multiple even functions, The Cayley plane and string bordism, Arithmetic of higher dimensional Dedekind-Rademacher sums, On systems of dilated functions, Inequalities for full rank differences of 2-marked Durfee symbols, A convergence-divergence test for series of nonnegative terms, 8-ranks of class groups of quadratic number fields and their densities, Minimum clique partition in unit disk graphs, Symmetry and stability of asymptotic profiles for fast diffusion equations in annuli, On the distribution of \(k\)-th power free integers, The probability that a convex body intersects the integer lattice in a \(k\)-dimensional set, On the restricted divisor function in arithmetic progressions, Random walks, bisections and gossiping in circulant graphs, Scalable algorithms for estimating flow length distributions from sampled data, A space-efficient fast prime number sieve, Frequencies of factors of Sturmian sequences, Which weighted circulant networks have perfect state transfer?, Distribution of polynomial discriminants modulo a prime, A family of singular functions and its relation to harmonic fractal analysis and fuzzy logic, Philip Hall's ``rather curious formula for abelian \(p\)-groups, Primitive divisors of Lucas and Lehmer sequences. II, Some consequences of Masser's counting theorem on elliptic curves, The Lambert series factorization theorem, Structural properties of Dirichlet series with harmonic coefficients, Ergodic theorems with arithmetical weights, Asymptotic stability estimates near an equilibrium point, Nodal intersections for random waves against a segment on the 3-dimensional torus, Algorithmic complexity of weakly semiregular partitioning and the representation number, Factorization with a logarithmic energy spectrum of a two-dimensional potential, On small solutions to quadratic congruences, Nil graded self-similar algebras, A generalization of the Jacobi triple product formula and some applications, Further results on the perfect state transfer in integral circulant graphs, On the greatest common divisor of a number and its sum of divisors, Another proof on the existence of Mertens's constant, Cohomological equations and invariant distributions for minimal circle diffeomorphisms, Distributional Wiener-Ikehara theorem and twin primes, Diophantine approximations and Sturmian numbers, Some examples of application of the metric entropy method, A cyclotomic generalization of the sequence \(\gcd(a^n-1, b^n-1)\), On the compositum of all degree \(d\) extensions of a number field, On the exceptional set of Lagrange's equation with three prime and one almost-prime variables, Lattice paths and submonoids of \(\mathbb{Z}^2\), Further results on a curious arithmetic function, A generalization of Bauer's identical congruence, On stars and Steiner stars, On the uniformity of distribution of the decryption exponent in fixed encryption exponent RSA, Cryptographic key assignment schemes for any access control policy, On similarity classes of well-rounded sublattices of \(\mathbb Z^2\), The continuing story of zeta, Fraction interpolation walking a Farey tree, Perfect state transfer in integral circulant graphs, Jebelean-Weber's algorithm without spurious factors, On the minimal number of matrices which form a locally hypercyclic, non-hypercyclic tuple, Partition bijections, a survey, A transform involving Chebyshev polynomials and its inversion formula, Complex group algebras of finite groups: Brauer's problem 1., Mathematical method and proof, Continued fractions and numeration in the Fibonacci base, Polynomial almost periodic solutions for a class of Riemann-Hilbert problems with triangular symbols, The complexity of membership problems for circuits over sets of integers, Upper bounds for Euclidean minima of algebraic number fields, Fixed point indices and periodic points of holomorphic mappings, Regimes of stability of accelerator modes, Minimal zero-sum sequences in \(C_{n}\oplus C_{n}\), The origins of combinatorics on words, A parity problem on the free path length of a billiard in the unit square with pockets, Asymptotic expected number of base pairs in optimal secondary structure for random RNA using the Nussinov--Jacobson energy model, A radial analogue of Poisson's summation formula with applications to powder diffraction and pinwheel patterns, On the convergence rate of the component-by-component construction of good lattice rules, Convolution identities and lacunary recurrences for Bernoulli numbers, The twisted group \(\mathrm {GL}_N\) over a \(p\)-adic field. II, Eigenvalue amplitudes of the Potts model on a torus, Digital lines with irrational slopes, Size of the peripheral point spectrum under power or resolvent growth conditions, A proof of maximum contention-free property of interleavers for turbo codes using permutation polynomials over integer rings, Rank and crank analogs for some colored partitions, Wave packet transforms over finite cyclic groups, On the elements of sets with even partition function, Analyzing ultimate positivity for solvable systems, Zeros of Dirichlet series, Automated conjecturing. I: Fajtlowicz's Dalmatian heuristic revisited, On the order of magnitude of some arithmetical functions under digital constraint. I, On half-discrete Hilbert's inequality, An elementary proof for the equidistribution theorem, A discrete logarithm implementation of perfect zero-knowledge blobs, Analysis of resonances in the spin-orbit problem in celestial mechanics. I: The synchronous resonance, Parametric stable marriage and minimum cuts, Asymptotic mass degeneracies in conformal field theories, Chvátal closures for mixed integer programming problems, Complete asymptotic expansions associated with Epstein zeta-functions, The invariants of modular indecomposable representations of \({\mathbb Z}_{p^2}\), Zeta functions that hear the shape of a Riemann surface, Arithmetical properties of a sequence arising from an arctangent sum, Best \(k\)-digit rational approximation of irrational numbers: pre-computer versus computer era, Card shuffling and Diophantine approximation, Hausdorff dimension of certain sets arising in continued fraction expansions, Hypercyclic tuples of operators and somewhere dense orbits, The Skolem-Bang theorems in ordered fields with an IP, A chaos-based approach to the design of cryptographically secure substitutions, Quotients of values of the Dedekind eta function, Partitioning posets, Difference equations and continued fractions, On the index of fractions with square-free denominators in arithmetic progressions, Partitions, Durfee symbols, and the Atkin-Garvan moments of ranks, On discrepancies of irrational rotations: an approach via rational rotation, An upper estimate for the discrepancy of irrational rotations, On cusp regions associated to screw-parabolic maps, On the Diophantine equation \(a^{3}+b^{3}+c^{3}+d^{3}=0\), On orbits of \(\text{SL}(2,\mathbb Z)_{+}\) and values of binary quadratic forms on positive integral pairs, Ramanujan's ``Lost notebook. VIII: The entire Rogers-Ramanujan function, On deterministic finite automata and syntactic monoid size, Lamé operators with finite monodromy -- a combinatorial approach, Cyclicity of elliptic curves modulo \(p\) and elliptic curve analogues of Linnik's problem, Maps admitting trialities but not dualities, On integral well-rounded lattices in the plane, Growth in free groups (and other stories) -- twelve years later, Monotone loop models and rational resonance, Primitive zonotopes, Zero Hausdorff dimension spectrum for the almost Mathieu operator, Cryptanalysis of a knapsack-based probabilistic encryption scheme, Some classes of integral circulant graphs either allowing or not allowing perfect state transfer, On some properties of modular polynomials for the lambda function, Integers with a given number of divisors, A note on the real projection of the zeros of partial sums of Riemann zeta function, Ergodicity of \(N\)-continued fraction expansions, Logarithmic moving averages, \(\sin (\omega x)\) can approximate almost every finite set of samples, Resonances and transport in the sawtooth map, Chaos and continued fractions, Management of periodic demands in distribution systems, Deterministic recurrent communication in restricted sensor networks, Distinct distances in planar point sets with forbidden 4-point patterns, Ramanujan's theorem and highest abundant numbers, The density of supersingular Fermat varieties, Invariant subspaces for Bishop-type operators, Sequential machines realized by group representations, The number of steps in the Euclidean algorithm over complex quadratic fields, Sparsest cuts and bottlenecks in graphs, Abelian and Tauberian results on Dirichlet series, Arithmetical properties of Wendt's determinant, Maxima of partial sums indexed by geometrical structures, Disjointly representing set systems, Discrete mean square of the coefficients of symmetric square \(L\)-functions on certain sequence of positive numbers, Early termination in sparse interpolation algorithms, On the maximal difference between an element and its inverse modulo \(n\), Class numbers of \(p\)-groups of a given order., The cyclic sieving phenomenon, Two-dimensional pattern matching with rotations, Characterisations of balanced words via orderings, Subset sum ``cubes and the complexity of primality testing, A theorem related to Marcinkiewicz-Salem conjecture, Gaps in \(\sqrt{n}\bmod 1\) and ergodic theory, Teichmüller geodesics of infinite complexity., Partitions modulo \(n\) and circulant matrices, The overpartition function modulo small powers of 2, Difference equations associated with groups, representative functions., Distribution of exponential functions with squarefull exponent in residue rings., On Grzegorczyk induction, Very odd sequences, Continued fractions for finite sums, Point sets with distinct distances, Strange non-chaotic attractor in a quasiperiodically forced circle map, Complete latin squares of order \(2^ k\), On the exponent average of integer sequences, Neural networks, rational functions, and realization theory, Cutting planes, connectivity, and threshold logic, Primes of the form \([c^ p\)], Metric subgraphs of the chamfer metrics and the Melter-Tomescu path generated metrics, On the combinatorial structure of \(3N+1\) predecessor sets, Theta functions, root systems and 3-manifold invariants, Random generation of finite Sturmian words, The generic \(q\)-enumeration of a species: Existence and computing method, Wave-trace invariants, Concerning the series \(\sum_{n=1}^{+\infty} {x^ n\over q^ n-1}\), Singular functions with applications to fractal dimensions and generalized Takagi functions, Characterization of quantum circulant networks having perfect state transfer, Greene's residue criterion for the breakup of invariant tori of volume-preserving maps, A note on proving the strong NP-hardness of a scheduling problem with position dependent job processing times, Randomness of the square root of 2 and the giant leap. I, Randomness of the square root of 2 and the giant leap. II, Almost everywhere convergence of convolution powers on compact Abelian groups, Density of rational curves on \(K3\) surfaces, The amplified quantum Fourier transform: solving the local period problem, Finite groups whose maximal subgroups of Sylow \(p\)-subgroups admit a \(p\)-solvable supplement., Scaling of intermittent behaviour of a strange nonchaotic attractor, Self-similarity of a family of binary quasiperiodic sequences associated with quadratic irrationals, On the intersections of localized Jarník sets and localized uniformly Jarník sets in continued fractions, Bar code for monomial ideals, NLS in the modulation space \(M_{2,q}({\mathbb {R}})\), Random partitions and Cohen-Lenstra heuristics, Equisum partitions of sets of positive integers, Lucas numbers as sums of two repdigits, \(X\)-coordinates of Pell equations which are Lucas numbers, Central limit theorems for simultaneous Diophantine approximations, Universal state transfer on graphs, On certain orbits of geodesic flow and \((a,b)\)-continued fractions, Melvin models and Diophantine approximation, Decomposition orders -- another generalisation of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, Finding small solutions of the equation \(Bx-Ay=z\) and its applications to cryptanalysis of the RSA cryptosystem, On the representation of \(k\)-free integers by binary forms, Finite time stabilization of the waves on an infinite network, On quadratic numbers and forms, and Markoff theory, On the sum of digits of special sequences in finite fields, Characterization of bijective digitized rotations on the hexagonal grid, The number of distinct subset sums of a finite set of vectors, Signed posets, Normal form approach to the one-dimensional periodic cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation in almost critical Fourier-Lebesgue spaces, Asymptotics for the Taylor coefficients of certain infinite products, On Ohtsuki's invariants of integral homology 3-spheres, An algorithmic view of pseudochaos, Asymptotics of the number of 2-threshold functions, On the Waring-Goldbach problem for squares, cubes and higher powers, Entire functions having a concordant value sequence, A note on Hurwitzian numbers, Unstable manifolds for the MacKay approximate renormalisation, Unimodality and Young's lattice, On the degree of transitivity of permutation groups: A short proof, On the ergodic Waring-Goldbach problem, Analysis of certain lattice sums, On Farey sequence and quadratic Farey sums, Harmonic and gold Sturmian words, On the denominators of harmonic numbers. IV, Birkhoff averages and the breakdown of invariant tori in volume-preserving maps, On coprime percolation, the visibility graphon, and the local limit of the GCD profile, Tauberian and Mercerian theorems for systems of kernels, Counting problems relating to a theorem of Dirichlet, A detailed study on a solvable system related to the linear fractional difference equation, Semiclassical limits for the hyperbolic plane, On the limited increment parallel chip-firing game, Geometric algebra and algebraic geometry of loop and Potts models, A theta identity of Gauss connecting functions from additive and multiplicative number theory, Irrationality and transcendence of alternating series via continued fractions, Symmetries of decimation invariant sequences and digit sets., A \(p\times p\) bit fraction model of binary floating point division and extremal rounding cases., The linear Boltzmann equation with inelastic scattering, Piercing all translates of a set of axis-parallel rectangles, The Dirac-Ramond operator on loops in flat space, Pillai's conjecture revisited., On the maximum number of non-attacking rooks on a high-dimensional simplicial chessboard, A Monte Carlo computation of polynomial approximations on a hypercube, Lattice point simplices, Enumeration of platonic maps on the torus, A \(U(n)\) generalization of Ramanujan's \(_1\Psi_1\) summation, Devil's staircase in a one-dimensional mapping, Length and denominators of Egyptian fractions, An improved bound for prime solutions of some ternary equations, Every Abelian \(\ell\)-group with two positive generators is ultrasimplicial, Boundary circles for area-preserving maps, On divisors of sums of integers. I, Sur un problème extrémal en arithmétique. (On an extremal problem in arithmetic), Reductions among number theoretic problems, Lattice parallelotopes and disjoint covering systems, Boolean delay equations. II: Periodic and aperiodic solutions, Discrete observability and Dirichlet series, Digraphs admitting sharply edge-transitive automorphism groups, Scattering of radiation by a quasiperiodic two-dimensional medium, Invariant circles and rotation bands in monotone twist maps, Partitions with ``d(a) copies of a, On admissible constellations of consecutive primes, On the practical solution of the Thue equation, Graham's conjecture under Riemann hypothesis, Zeta-functions of binary Hermitian forms and special values of Eisenstein series, Saturated chains of subsets and a random walk, Minimal covers of \(S_ n\) by Abelian subgroups and maximal subsets of pairwise noncommuting elements, The generation of random numbers that are probably prime, Farey stellar subdivisions, ultrasimplicial groups, and \(K_ 0\) of AF \(C^*\)-algebras, Non-trivial zeroes for quadratic twists of Hasse-Weil \(L\)-functions, On the degrees of primitive permutation groups, Factoring polynomials with rational coefficients, Explicit constructions of graphs without short cycles and low density codes, On computing logarithms over GF(2**p), Kloosterman sums for Clifford algebras and a lower bound for the positive eigenvalues of the Laplacian for congruence subgroups acting on hyperbolic spaces, New modular properties of Bell numbers, Lower bounds for arithmetic problems, Combinatorial principles in elementary number theory, Grandes déviations pour certaines fonctions arithmétiques. (Large deviations for certain arithmetic functions), Universally \(L^1\) good sequences with gaps tending to infinity, Oriented aligned rectangle packing problem, Functions and polynomials over Galois rings, Linear independence of values of Tschakaloff functions with different parameters, On iterated integer product, Flux-minimizing curves for reversible area-preserving maps, A stochastic theory of adiabatic invariance, On some \(d\)-dimensional dual hyperovals in \(\text{PG}(2d,2)\), On the Littlewood cyclotomic polynomials, Quadratic residues and the combinatorics of sign multiplication, Communication complexity of two decision problems, A multidimensional continued fraction and some of its statistical properties, Deterministic approach to the kinetic theory of gases, A note on four-variable reciprocity theorem, A relation between a.c. spectrum of ergodic Jacobi matrices and the spectra of periodic approximants, Reductions of points on elliptic curves, Square-free integers as ideal norms, A probabilistic algorithm for verifying matrix products using \(O(n^ 2)\) time and \(\log_ 2n+O(1)\) random bits, Explicit estimate on primes between consecutive cubes, Counting irreducible factors of polynomials over a finite field, Holomorphic solutions to functional differential equations, Perfect state transfer in integral circulant graphs of non-square-free order, The numbers of periodic orbits hidden at fixed points of 2-dimensional holomorphic mappings, Divergent square averages, On a problem of Gelfond: the sum of digits of prime numbers, On the period of the Naor-Reingold sequence, An analogue of the Siegel-Walfisz theorem for the cyclicity of CM elliptic curves mod \(p\), Partitions into two Lehmer numbers, Extensions and refinements of some properties of sums involving Pell numbers, Oscillation of Mertens' product formula, On the ubiquity of trivial torsion on elliptic curves, An explicit height bound for the classical modular polynomial, On the arithmetic of phase locking: coupled neurons as a lattice on \(\mathbb{R}^{2}\), Nontrivial lower bounds for the least common multiple of some finite sequences of integers, Sturmian morphisms, the braid group \(B_4\), Christoffel words and bases of \(F_2\), On distinct distances and \(\lambda \)-free point sets, Strict self-assembly of discrete Sierpinski triangles, Bilateral Bailey lemma and Rogers-Ramanujan identities, Formulas giving prime numbers under Cramér's conjecture, A parallel extended GCD algorithm, Self-similarity of Siegel disks and Hausdorff dimension of Julia sets, Martingale differences and the metric theory of continued fractions, On distribution of well-rounded sublattices of \(\mathbb Z^2\), Directional complexity of the hypercubic billiard, Multivariate matching polynomials of cyclically labelled graphs, Molecular graphs and the inverse Wiener index problem, On weak generalized stability and \((c,d)\)-pseudostable random variables via functional equations, Detecting palindromes, patterns and borders in regular languages, Variations on a theme by Akl and Taylor: security and tradeoffs, Deterministic and probabilistic discrepancies, Intersection numbers and automorphisms of stable curves, The story of majorizability as Karamata's condition of convergence for Abel summable series, Halving circular arcs in normed planes, Asymptotic behavior of the irrational factor, On the supremum of some random Dirichlet polynomials, On distinct distances among points in general position and other related problems, On exponential sums studied by Indlekofer and Kátai, The distribution of values of the partition function in residue classes, The enumeration of akempic triangulations, On the addressing problem for directed graphs, On the number of polynomials over \(\mathrm{GF}(2)\) that factor into \(2, 3\) or \(4\) prime polynomials, An elementary proof of the Macdonald identities for \(A_{\ell}^{(1)}\), Big primes and character values for solvable groups, On irregularities of distribution in shifts and dilations of integer sequences. I, Nodal intersections of random eigenfunctions against a segment on the 2-dimensional torus, The analysis of mode-locking topology in an SIR epidemic dynamics model with impulsive vaccination control: infinite cascade of Stern-Brocot sum trees, Model checking QCTL plus on quantum Markov chains, On Schneider's continued fraction map on a complete non-Archimedean field, On Popoviciu-Ionescu functional equation, Birkhoff averages and rotational invariant circles for area-preserving maps, Sieve algorithms for perfect power testing, Balance and pattern distribution of sequences derived from pseudorandom subsets of \(\mathbb{Z}_q\), Fuzzy congruences on AG-group, Brjuno numbers and the symbolic dynamics of the complex exponential, The two-dimensional Prouhet-Tarry-Escott problem, Prime divisors in Beatty sequences, Partial sums of multiple zeta value series, Enlarged symmetry algebras of spin chains, loop models, and \(S\)-matrices, Computational analysis of a 9D model for a small DRG neuron, Spike statistics, Cutoff on graphs and the Sarnak-Xue density of eigenvalues, Classical attacks on a variant of the RSA cryptosystem, Robin's inequality and the Riemann hypothesis, Dimensions of Copeland-Erdös sequences, The Kodaira dimension of the moduli of \(K3\) surfaces, Cryptanalysis of RSA variants with primes sharing most significant bits, Bilinear space-time estimates for linearised KP-type equations on the three-dimensional torus with applications, Best \(k\)-digit rational bounds for irrational numbers: pre- and super-computer era, Sums of two unlike powers in arithmetic progressions, Entropy and diffraction of the \(k\)-free points in \(n\)-dimensional lattices, Poincaré-Dulac normal form reduction for unconditional well-posedness of the periodic cubic NLS, A variation of the \(q\)-Wolstenholme theorem, On a variant of Pillai's problem involving \(S\)-units and Fibonacci numbers, Asymptotic expansion of certain power series with multiplicative coefficients near the unit circle, The Sato-Tate distribution in families of elliptic curves with a rational parameter of bounded height, Matrices with multiplicative entries are tensor products, Private computation of polynomials over networks, The upper bound estimate of the number of integer points on elliptic curves \(y^2=x^3+p^{2r}x\), On the shortest weakly prime-additive numbers, Generalization of Erdős-Kac theorem, Billiards on Pythagorean triples and their Minkowski functions, Special forms and the distribution of practical numbers, Higher level vertex operators for \(U_q \left( \widehat{\mathfrak {sl}}_2\right)\), Abelian periods of factors of Sturmian words, Existential Diophantine definability of string length, A note on the conjugacy from Farey map to the skew tent map, Balancing non-Wieferich primes in arithmetic progressions, An asymptotic formula for the logarithm of generalized partition functions, The partition function \(p(n)\) in terms of the classical Möbius function, Lucas non-Wieferich primes in arithmetic progressions, Means of some arithmetical functions on shifted smooth numbers in arithmetic progression, Divisors of a quadratic form with primes, An improved algorithm for checking the injectivity of 2D toric surface patches, On the asymptotic regularity of a family of matrices, Distribution of periodic orbits for the Casati-Prosen map on rational lattices, Diophantine quadratic equation and Smith normal form using scaled extended integer Abaffy-Broyden-Spedicato algorithms, Metric properties of the product of consecutive partial quotients in continued fractions, A quasianalyticity property for monogenic solutions of small divisor problems, Computing the endomorphism ring of an ordinary elliptic curve over a finite field, On the \(\chi^2\) statistics of leading digits of irrational rotations with a large first or second partial quotient, Cauchy distributions for the integrable standard map, The first Pontrjagin classes of homotopy complex projective spaces, Divisibility properties of random samples of integers, Generalized Lambert series and Euler's pentagonal number theorem, On the dynamical system generated by the Möbius transformation at prime times, Kloosterman sums with primes and solvability of a congruence with inverse residues, Coefficients and higher order derivatives of cyclotomic polynomials: old and new (with an appendix by Pedro García-Sánchez), Efficient prime counting and the Chebyshev primes, A new look on the generating function for the number of divisors, Ramanujan sums as supercharacters, Euclidean farthest-point Voronoi diagram of a digital edge, Perfect Reeb flows and action-index relations, Estimates for the norms of products of sines and cosines, A sparser matrix representation of the Mertens function, Realistic analysis of some randomized algorithms, Another Wolstenholme-type congruence, Dimensional lower bounds for Falconer type incidence theorems, Critical invariant circles in asymmetric and multiharmonic generalized standard maps, Problems on track runners, A note on isotropic discrepancy and spectral test of lattice point sets, Bohr's equivalence relation in the space of Besicovitch almost periodic functions, First moment of distances between centres of Ford spheres, On transcendental entire functions mapping \(\mathbb{Q}\) into itself, Tropical formulae for summation over a part of \(\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z})\), Nodal intersections for arithmetic random waves against a surface, Meromorphic solution of the degenerate third Painlevé equation vanishing at the origin, Nonlinear Schrödinger equation, differentiation by parts and modulation spaces, On the eigenstructure of sparse matrices related to the prime number theorem, Combinatorial properties of Farey graphs, How long does it take for all users in a social network to choose their communities?, On the transport of Gaussian measures under the one-dimensional fractional nonlinear Schrödinger equations, On the functional equation \(x+f(y+f(x))=y+f(x+f(y))\). II, Lack of exponential stability in Timoshenko systems with flat memory kernels, \((2, 2)\)-colourings and clique-free \(\sigma\)-hypergraphs, On the greatest common divisor of shifted sets, Chinese remainder theorem for cyclotomic polynomials in \(\mathbb Z[X\)], Basis partition polynomials, overpartitions and the Rogers-Ramanujan identities, Proof techniques in quasi-Monte Carlo theory, Systems of distant representatives in Euclidean space, Some algebraic differential equations with few transcendental solutions, Some new results on products of Apostol-Bernoulli and Apostol-Euler polynomials, On a generalization of Kloosterman sums, Two-way automata characterizations of L/poly versus NL, Arithmetic exponents in piecewise-affine planar maps, Trigonometric series and special values of \(L\)-functions, Asymptotic behaviors of class number sums associated with Pell-type equations, A singular function with a non-zero finite derivative on a dense set, Remarks on Euclidean minima, On the structure of bispecial Sturmian words, Cranks and t-cores, Sign changes of error terms related to arithmetical functions, Certified dense linear system solving, On algorithmically checking whether a Hilbert series comes from a complete intersection, A new geometrical perspective on Bohr-equivalence of exponential polynomials, Several new product identities in relation to Rogers-Ramanujan type sums and mock theta functions, Uniqueness of minimizer for countable Markov shifts and equidistribution of periodic points, On the distribution of the order and index for the reductions of algebraic numbers, Hausdorff dimensions of certain sets in terms of the Sylvester series, Linear extension numbers of \(n\)-element posets, Almost 3-regular overpartitions, In search of hyperpaths, Optimal lifting for the projective action of \(\mathrm{SL}_3(\mathbb{Z})\), Heuristics of the Cocks-Pinch method, Nonexistence of almost Moore digraphs of degrees 4 and 5 with self-repeats, Refined partition functions for open superstrings with 4, 8 and 16 supercharges, On the nonexistence of almost Moore digraphs, Isometric reflection vectors and characterizations of Hilbert spaces, On the products \((1^\ell +1)(2^\ell +1)\cdots (n^\ell +1)\), Primes in Elliptic Divisibility Sequences, Permutation polynomials and their differential properties over residue class rings, Divisibility of class numbers of imaginary quadratic fields whose discriminant has only three prime factors, Addendum to Sidel'nikov sequences over nonprime fields, On the quadratic Lagrange spectrum, Complex Brjuno functions, Classification of rotations on the torus \(\mathbb T^2\), On the probability distribution of singular varieties of given corank, m-Wielandt series in infinite groups, Magic numbers in the state hierarchy of finite automata, A partition bijection related to the Rogers-Selberg identities and Gordon's theorem, Möbius inversion formulas for flows of arithmetic semigroups, Frequency Locking on the Boundary of the Barycentre Set, Bertrand's postulate, the prime number theorem and product anti-magic graphs, On the spectral gap for finitely-generated subgroups of \(\text{SU}(2)\), Generalized Farey trees, transfer operators and phase transitions, On maximal convex lattice polygons inscribed in a plane convex set, Fractional parts of Linear polynomials and an application to hypergeometric functions, Groups generated by elements of small breadth, Factorization formulas for Macdonald polynomials, Cobham-Semenov theorem and \(\mathbb N^d\)-subshifts, Periodic binary harmonic functions on lattices, On Wolstenholme's theorem and its converse, Mean lattice point discrepancy bounds. II: Convex domains in the plane, Diophantine approximation, Bessel functions and radially symmetric periodic solutions of semilinear wave equations in a ball, The Gaussian primes contain arbitrarily shaped constellations, Bounds for special values of Selberg zeta functions of Riemann surfaces, Sufficient conditions for zero-one laws, On the primality of $n! \pm 1$ and $2 \times 3 \times 5 \times \dotsm \times p \pm 1$, Small divisor problem for an analytic \(q\)-difference equation, Invertibility of Toeplitz operators and corona conditions in a strip, Ubiquitous systems and metric number theory, Equivariant compactification of a torus (after Brylinski and Künnemann), The distribution of geodesic excursions out the end of a hyperbolic orbifold and approximation with respect to a Fuchsian group, Universal characters from the MacDonald identities, Distributional properties of the largest prime factor, The braiding for representations of q-deformed affine sl2, A new approach to factorization of a class of almost-periodic triangular symbols and related Riemann--Hilbert problems, Arithmetic properties of the Ramanujan function, Distribution of generalized Fermat prime numbers, On a family of singular measures related to Minkowski's \(?(x)\) function, Asymptotic results for weighted means of random variables which converge to a Dickman distribution, and some number theoretical applications, On the mathematics of quantum computers, Character sums with exponential functions over smooth numbers, Coarse equivalences between warped cones, On integral Apollonian circle packings, Composition operators on Bohr-Bergman spaces of Dirichlet series, Asymptotic resonance, interaction of modes and subharmonic bifurcation, On the order of magnitude of the divisor function, Extremal effective divisors on \(\overline{\mathcal M}_{1,n}\), Squarefree parts of discriminants of trinomials, Computation of the Infimum in the Littlewood Conjecture, Linear congruences with ratios, On the distribution of zeros of a sequence of entire functions approaching the Riemann zeta function, Equivelar maps on the torus, New identities for 7-cores with prescribed BG-rank, Infinite product exponents for modular forms, Large gaps between consecutive prime numbers containing square-free numbers and perfect powers of prime numbers, On the subset sums of exponential type sequences, Minimal Stencils for Discretizations of Anisotropic PDEs Preserving Causality or the Maximum Principle, On product sets of rationals, METRIC RESULTS ON THE DISCREPANCY OF SEQUENCES MODULO ONE FOR INTEGER SEQUENCES OF POLYNOMIAL GROWTH, A generalization of the Jarník–Besicovitch theorem by continued fractions, ON BILINEAR EXPONENTIAL AND CHARACTER SUMS WITH RECIPROCALS OF POLYNOMIALS, Continuous distributions arising from the Three Gap Theorem, A NEW COMPLEXITY FUNCTION FOR WORDS BASED ON PERIODICITY, Quasirandom arithmetic permutations, An additive problem about powers of fixed integers, Limit shape of convex lattice polygons with minimal perimeter, Cryptanalysis of and improvement on the Hwang-Chen multi-proxy multi-signature schemes, Second-order bounds for linear recurrences with negative coefficients, Nontrivial lower bounds for the least common multiple of some sequences of integers., Teichmüller curves in genus two: Discriminant and spin, Spatial design matrices and associated quadratic forms: structure and properties, The set of common fixed points of an \(n\)-parameter continuous semigroup of mappings, A note on the Ádám conjecture for double loops., ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF PSEUDORANDOM NUMBERS AND VECTORS DERIVED FROM EULER–FERMAT QUOTIENTS, ON STABLE QUADRATIC POLYNOMIALS, On Group Structures Realized by Elliptic Curves over a Fixed Finite Field, ON TSFASMAN–VLĂDUŢ INVARIANTS OF INFINITE GLOBAL FIELDS, SUM–PRODUCT ESTIMATES AND MULTIPLICATIVE ORDERS OFγANDγ+γ−1IN FINITE FIELDS, NOTES ON A CURIOUS ARITHMETIC FUNCTION, NEW CONGRUENCES FOR SUMS INVOLVING APÉRY NUMBERS OR CENTRAL DELANNOY NUMBERS, Global behaviour of the rational Riccati difference equation of order two: the general case, Generalised arnold numbers and series, EXPONENTIAL AND CHARACTER SUMS WITH MERSENNE NUMBERS, Two compact incremental prime sieves, DENOMINATORS OF BERNOULLI POLYNOMIALS, EFFICIENT ALGORITHMS FOR THE BASIS OF FINITE ABELIAN GROUPS, On an effective variation of Kronecker’s approximation theorem avoiding algebraic sets, Unnamed Item, ON MINIMAL ASYMPTOTIC -ADIC BASES, Computing the Mertens and Meissel–Mertens Constants for Sums over Arithmetic Progressions, UNIVERSAL QUADRATIC FORMS AND ELEMENTS OF SMALL NORM IN REAL QUADRATIC FIELDS, Optimal ancilla-free Pauli+V circuits for axial rotations, Unnamed Item, Enumeration of certain varieties over a finite field, A Tail Quantile Approximation for the StudenttDistribution, SPECIAL POINT PROBLEMS WITH ELLIPTIC MODULAR SURFACES, Bases for finite fields and a canonical decomposition for a normal basis generator, Multidimensional Discrete Hilbert-Type Inequalities, Operators and Compositions, On the geometry of bifurcation currents for quadratic rational maps, D-Wave and predecessors: From simulated to quantum annealing, A Multidimensional Hilbert-Type Integral Inequality Related to the Riemann Zeta Function, Equivariant spectral decomposition for flows with a ℤ-action, Stochastic service systems, random interval graphs and search algorithms, Strichartz estimates for Schrödinger equations on irrational tori, Asymptotic normality and greatest common divisors, ON THE ASYMPTOTIC FORMULA IN WARING'S PROBLEM: ONE SQUARE AND THREE FIFTH POWERS, Torsion sections of Abelian fibrations, Lang–Trotter and Sato–Tate distributions in single and double parametric families of elliptic curves, Multidimensional Hilbert-Type Integral Inequalities and Their Operators Expressions, Curve diagrams, laminations, and the geometric complexity of braids, Finding meaning in error terms, Aq-Identity Related to a Comodule, A role for generalized Fermat numbers, Strong pseudoprimes to twelve prime bases, On arithmetic lattices in the plane, A Note on the Number of General 4-holes in (Perturbed) Grids, Non-Wieferich primes in arithmetic progressions, Census algorithms for chinese remainder pseudorank, The square lattice Ising model on the rectangle I: finite systems, Products of Farey Fractions, Learning Rational Stochastic Tree Languages, Multi-modal Periodic Trajectories in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Chains, Some counterexamples in topological dynamics, Lower bounds for the height in Galois extensions, Non-isotopic symplectic surfaces in product 4-manifolds, Minimal relative generating sets of some partial transformation semigroups, THE BENFORD-NEWCOMB DISTRIBUTION AND UNAMBIGUOUS CONTEXT-FREE LANGUAGES, A devil's staircase from rotations and irrationality measures for Liouville numbers, Spectra of phase point operators in odd prime dimensions and the extended Clifford group, STOCHASTIC NONLINEAR SCHRÖDINGER EQUATION WITH ALMOST SPACE–TIME WHITE NOISE, Rigorous dimension estimates for Cantor sets arising in Zaremba theory, Irrationality of values of L‐functions of Dirichlet characters, On the Divergence of Lagrange Interpolation with Equidistant Nodes, Metrical Theory for Small Linear Forms and Applications to Interference Alignment, Fractal Functions and the Dragon’s Mountain: A Functional Equations Perspective, $p$-adic $L$-functions and classical congruences, A Practical Analysis of the Elliptic Curve Factoring Algorithm, Continued Fractions and Linear Recurrences, Counting dihedral and quaternionic extensions, BOUNDS OF MULTIPLICATIVE CHARACTER SUMS WITH FERMAT QUOTIENTS OF PRIMES, An Algorithm for Computing a Basis of a Finite Abelian Group, Unnamed Item, Diophantine approximation with square-free integers, On the coefficients of the transformation polynomials for the elliptic modular function, The construction of good extensible rank-1 lattices, Fast fault-tolerant parallel communication and on-line maintenance for hypercubes using information dispersal, Completely multiplicative functions taking values in ${-1,1}$, The Diagonal Poisson Transform and its application to the analysis of a hashing scheme, TERMINATION ANALYSIS OF LINEAR LOOPS, LAGRANGE'S FOUR SQUARES THEOREM WITH VARIABLES OF SPECIAL TYPE, On the number of solutions of the congruence $xy\equiv l\pmod {q}$ under the graph of a twice continuously differentiable function, Joint and double coboundaries of commuting contractions, Analytical methods for fast converging lattice sums for cubic and hexagonal close-packed structures, Zionist Internationalism through Number Theory: Edmund Landau at the Opening of the Hebrew University in 1925, Constructing maximal subgroups of orthogonal groups, Block diagonalization and $2$-unit sums of matrices over Prüfer domains, Reciprocal of infinite series and partition functions, Shorter addition chain for smooth integers using decomposition method, Quantization revisited: a mathematical and computational model, FOURIER ANALYSIS AND THE KINETIC THEORY OF GASES, NORM-EUCLIDEAN CYCLIC FIELDS OF PRIME DEGREE, Generalization of an Invertible Transformation and Examples of its Applications, Quasi-diagonality and the finite section method, A small secret exponent attack on cryptosystems using Dickson polynomials, Sequences of consecutive smooth polynomials over a finite field, On an optimality property of Ramanujan sums, Mating a Siegel disk with the Julia set of a real quadratic polynomial, A GENERALIZATION OF CHEN'S THEOREM ON THE ERDŐS–TURÁN CONJECTURE, Breakdown of Lindstedt expansion for chaotic maps, Rokhlin towers and closing for flows on T2, Some decidable results on reachability of solvable systems, Game values of arithmetic functions, Almost Primality of Group Orders of Elliptic Curves Defined over Small Finite Fields, Cycle indices for the finite classical groups, Cyclotomic integers and finite geometry, On an identity of Ramanujan, Diophantine approximation with almost‐primes and sums of two squares, Non-vanishing of symmetric square $L$-functions, Lower bounds for the absolute value of random polynomials on a neighborhood of the unit circle, On a class number formula for real quadratic number fields, Arithmetic on curves, The Number of Real Quadratic Fields Having Units of Negative Norm, Geometry and Dynamics of Quadratic Rational Maps, Explicit linearization of one-dimensional germs through tree-expansions, Sur un problème de crible et ses applications, A Partition Identity Related to Stanley’s Theorem, An optimal regularity result on the quasi-invariant Gaussian measures for the cubic fourth order nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Some remarks on the Lagrange interpolation with equidistant nodes, Global spacetime similarity, Power moments and value distribution of functions, On multiplicatively dependent vectors of algebraic numbers, A Rate for the Erdős-Turán Law, Goldbach's Pigeonhole, NP-Hardness of Reed--Solomon Decoding, and the Prouhet--Tarry--Escott Problem, Sets generated by finite sets of algebraic numbers, A highly specific test for periodicity, A lower bound for $P(x^4 +1)$, On dynamics of graph maps with zero topological entropy, Characterization of functions whose forward differences are exponential polynomials, Theoretical frame properties of wave-packet matrices over prime fields, LARGE BIAS FOR INTEGERS WITH PRIME FACTORS IN ARITHMETIC PROGRESSIONS, Rotation intervals for a family of degree one circle maps, A general theory of identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan type, The depth of a finite simple group, The Selberg trace formula for congruence subgroups, Tensor products of unitarizable representations of the virasoro algebra with central charge, Fossicking for Finite Fields, Discrete observability of the heat equation on bounded domains, A problem in additive number theory, Metric Diophantine approximation with two restricted variables I. Two square-free integers, or integers in arithmetic progressions, Metric Diophantine approximation with two restricted variables II: A prime and a square‐free integer, Vanishing of the coefficients of a half Lerch sum, The numbers of periodic orbits hidden at fixed points of n-dimensional holomorphic mappings, ON THE NUMBER OF SIGN CHANGES OF HECKE EIGENVALUES OF NEWFORMS, SO(3) quantum invariants are dense, Derangements in finite classical groups for actions related to extension field and imprimitive subgroups and the solution of the Boston–Shalev conjecture, Seven consecutive primes in arithmetic progression, ℬ-free sets and dynamics, GLOBAL WELL-POSEDNESS OF THE PERIODIC CUBIC FOURTH ORDER NLS IN NEGATIVE SOBOLEV SPACES, Arithmetic Properties of Integers in Chains and Reflections of g-ary Expansions, The homology core of matchbox manifolds and invariant measures, The strongest facets of the acyclic subgraph polytope are unknown, NUMERATORS OF DIFFERENCES OF NONCONSECUTIVE FAREY FRACTIONS, THE NUMBERS OF PERIODIC ORBITS HIDDEN AT FIXED POINTS OF THREE-DIMENSIONAL HOLOMORPHIC MAPPINGS, The Distribution of Lucas and Elliptic Pseudoprimes, The 1/2-Complex Bruno Function and the Yoccoz Function: A Numerical Study of the Marmi-Moussa-Yoccoz Conjecture, Exceptional units in a family of quartic number fields, On the Number of Solutions of Polynomial Congruences and Thue Equations, MULTIPLE PERIODIC PATTERNS VIA DISCRETE NEURAL NETS WITH DELAYED FEEDBACK LOOPS, Ducci sequences and cyclotomic fields, SQUARES IN (22 - 1)…(n2 - 1) AND p-ADIC VALUATION, MULTIPLICATIVE ORDER OF GAUSS PERIODS, Computations of class numbers of real quadratic fields, New results in equal sums of like powers, On the nonexistence of $2$-cycles for the $3x+1$ problem, Telescoping, rational-valued series, and zeta functions, On Generalized Inversive Congruential Pseudorandom Numbers, Lagranges four squares theorem with one prime and three almost-prime variables, Complex group algebras of finite groups: Brauer’s Problem 1, On Khintchine exponents and Lyapunov exponents of continued fractions, Heegner zeros of theta functions, Approximation of real numbers with rational number sequences, Numerical methods for kinetic equations, Finite Exponential Series and Newman Polynomials, Distribution of Partial Sums of the Taylor Development of Rational Functions, All square chiliagonal numbers, Partitions Approximated by Finite Cosine-Series, Some Problems Concerning the Test Functions in the Szegö and Avram-Parter Theorems, Linearization of germs: regular dependence on the multiplier, Some sequences arising from continued fraction expansions, Dynamics of tuples of matrices, ON SOME WEIGHTED AVERAGE VALUES OF L-FUNCTIONS, THE CONTINUING SEARCH FOR LARGE ELITE PRIMES, Pseudoprime reductions of elliptic curves, New results on the least common multiple of consecutive integers, Prime sieves using binary quadratic forms, Automorphic forms and differentiability properties, ON THE LARGEST PRIME FACTOR OF THE MERSENNE NUMBERS, Rotation orbits and the Farey tree, Rook theory, compositions, and zeta functions, ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF COUNTER-DEPENDENT NONLINEAR CONGRUENTIAL PSEUDORANDOM NUMBER GENERATORS IN RESIDUE RINGS, Two new proofs of the Erdös–Kac Theorem, with bound on the rate of convergence, by Stein's method for distributional approximations, TWISTED MELLIN TRANSFORMS OF A REAL ANALYTIC RESIDUE OF SIEGEL–EISENSTEIN SERIES OF DEGREE 2, SOME SUBGROUPS OF THE NORMALIZER OF Γ0(μ) IN ${\bf PSL}(2, {\mathbb C})$, ON THE UBIQUITY OF THE LÉVY INTEGRAL — ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE GENERALIZED EULER-JACOBI SERIES AND THEIR ASYMPTOTICS BEYOND ALL ORDERS, Kinetic theory with inelastic interactions, Reflecting the pascal matrix about its main antidiagonal, The dynamics of linearized polynomials, Unnamed Item, Liouville numbers, Rajchman measures, and small Cantor sets, Prime Percolation, Inertial Manifolds for Reaction Diffusion Equations in Higher Space Dimensions, Asymptotic relations among Fourier coefficients of real-analytic Eisenstein series, On the Lehmer conjecture and counting in finite fields, Many Frobenius complements have even order, AF 𝐶*-algebras from non-AF groupoids, The natural density of some sets of square-free numbers, Unnamed Item, Attacking RSA Using an Arbitrary Parameter, On the distribution of characteristic parameters of words II, On Generalized Harmonic Numbers, From Gehrlein-Fishburn’s Method on Frequency Representation to a Direct Proof of Ehrhart’s extended Conjecture, Generalized Engel elements of groups, Nests and chains of Hofstadter butterflies, On the integer solutions of quadratic equations, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Partial factorizations of products of binomial coefficients, A note on the roots of trinomials over a finite field, DENSITY AND DISTRIBUTION OF PRIMES, A RECURSIVE FORMULA CONCERNING THE GREATEST PRIME NUMBER LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO AN ODD NUMBER n, Mixed-Integer Convex Representability, Bers embedding of the Teichmüller space of a once-punctured torus, Cusps in complex boundaries of one-dimensional Teichmüller space, On the distribution of the digits of quotients of integers and primes, Cyclic automata networks on finite graphs, Counting basis extensions in a lattice, Constructing Prime-Field Planar Configurations, Separable integer partition classes, Unnamed Item, Numbers badly approximate by fractions with prime denominator, Sums of squares in real quadratic fields and Hilbert modular groups, HAUSDORFF DIMENSIONS OF SOME EXCEPTIONAL SETS IN THE FIRST OSTROGRADSKY SERIES, Random generation of the special linear group, The diameter of lattice zonotopes, Divisor sums representable as the sum of two squares, Generalized wavelet transforms over finite fields, Unnamed Item, A Farey tree organization of locking regions for simple circle maps, The algebra of almost periodic functions has infinite topological stable rank, Large Sophie Germain primes, A new algorithm for constructing large Carmichael numbers, On a class of aperiodic sum-free sets, Large deviations for denominators of continued fractions, Iterated Spectra of Numbers—Elementary, Dynamical, and Algebraic Approaches, Arbitrarily long gaps between the values of positive‐definite cubic and biquadratic diagonal forms, The distribution of $k$-free numbers, Null Controllability of the Structurally Damped Wave Equation on the Two-Dimensional Torus, On intrinsic and extrinsic rational approximation to Cantor sets, Primitive Points in Rational Polygons, Compact Grid Representation of Graphs, Unnamed Item, ROOTS OF UNITY AS QUOTIENTS OF TWO ROOTS OF A POLYNOMIAL, ASYMPTOTIC FORMULAS FOR CLASS NUMBER SUMS OF INDEFINITE BINARY QUADRATIC FORMS ON ARITHMETIC PROGRESSIONS, ON WELL-ROUNDED IDEAL LATTICES II, The existence of Siegel disks for the Cremona map, TORSION POINTS ON ELLIPTIC CURVES WITH COMPLEX MULTIPLICATION (WITH AN APPENDIX BY ALEX RICE), On conjugacy growth of linear groups, Unnamed Item, PRIME NUMBERS, QUANTUM FIELD THEORY AND THE GOLDBACH CONJECTURE, THE RIEMANN ZETA FUNCTION AS AN EQUIVARIANT DIRAC INDEX, Accelerating the CM method, Primitive Recursiveness of Real Numbers under Different Representations, Two theorems concerning rational approximations, On Minkowski constants of Veech surfaces, The selection of mixed-mode oscillations in a Hodgkin-Huxley model with multiple timescales, Unnamed Item, A FINITENESS PROPERTY FOR PREPERIODIC POINTS OF CHEBYSHEV POLYNOMIALS, On the periodicity of some Farhi arithmetical functions, Sieving for Pseudosquares and Pseudocubes in Parallel Using Doubly-Focused Enumeration and Wheel Datastructures, Improved Primality Proving with Eisenstein Pseudocubes, Multifractal analysis of the Lyapunov exponent for the backward continued fraction map, BALANCED WORDS AND MAJORIZATION, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, New insight into results of Ostrowski and Lang on sums of remainders using Farey sequences, The systems of primitive roots the degree and rank of prime numbers, On Ranks of Twists of Elliptic Curves and Power-Free Values of Binary Forms, Complexity of Leading Digit Sequences, Nonarchimedean quadratic Lagrange spectra and continued fractions in power series fields, Fourier analysis for Denjoy–Carleman classes on the torus, Unconditional uniqueness of higher order nonlinear Schrödinger equations, On Sets Closed Under the Cross Product and a Property of the Octahedron, Two algorithms to find primes in patterns, Polynomial Roots with Common Tails, JARNÍK’S THEOREM WITHOUT THE MONOTONICITY ON THE APPROXIMATING FUNCTION, Encoding of Rational Numbers and Their Homomorphic Computations for FHE-Based Applications, Unnamed Item, Sequences, modular forms and cellular integrals, The Periodic Joint Replenishment Problem Is Strongly 𝒩𝒫-Hard, Faster Pseudopolynomial Time Algorithms for Subset Sum, Equal sums of four seventh powers, Even ascending powers, Integral points on the elliptic curve $y^2=x^3-4p^2x$, Sós Permutations, Static analysis of arithmetical congruences, On the sequences ri, si, ti ∈ ℤ related to extended Euclidean algorithm and continued fractions, Equal sums of two cubes of quadratic forms, A Couple of Transcendental Prime-Representing Constants, An Efficient Brute Force Approach to Fit Finite Mixture Distributions, On the Average Value of a Function of the Residual Index, Dold sequences, periodic points, and dynamics, EXACT DIMENSIONS OF EXCEPTIONAL SETS IN LÜROTH EXPANSIONS, On Error Sum Functions for Approximations with Arithmetic Conditions, Idempotents and Congruence $$\boldsymbol{ax}\boldsymbol{ \equiv b\pmod n}$$, Digging for roots using the Pascal spade, Hyperdissipative Navier–Stokes Equations Driven by Time-Dependent Forces: Invariant Manifolds, Planar coincidences for N-fold symmetry, PARAMETERS OF INTEGRAL CIRCULANT GRAPHS AND PERIODIC QUANTUM DYNAMICS, Abelian Repetitions in Sturmian Words, The mathematical significance of proof theory, ON THE DIOPHANTINE EQUATION, A simple proof of a curious congruence by Zhao, Power maps in finite groups, On sequences $(a_n \xi )_{n \ge 1}$ converging modulo $1$, THE DENSITY OF SUBGROUP INDICES, The affine sieve, The Extension of Integrable Mappings to Non-Commuting Variables, The square lattice Ising model on the rectangle II: finite-size scaling limit, Periodic Lorentz gas with small scatterers, A Frobenius problem suggested by prime \(k\)-tuplets, Finite equal norm Parseval wavelet frames over prime fields, The invariant manifold approach applied to global long-time dynamics of FitzHugh-Nagumo systems, A note on spike localization for line spectrum estimation, SCALLOP: scaling the CSI-FiSh, Number fields without n-ary universal quadratic forms, Quaternionic Artin representations of ℚ, The Heron parameters of a triangle, Euler-Maclaurin, harmonic sums and Stirling's formula, Prescribing the binary digits of squarefree numbers and quadratic residues, Unnamed Item, A NOTE ON SCHMIDT’S CONJECTURE, Unnamed Item, Many odd zeta values are irrational, Continued fraction expansions of real algebraic numbers, Intersections of maximal subgroups in prosolvable groups, Invertible weighted composition operators, On the number of isogeny classes of pairing-friendly elliptic curves and statistics of MNT curves, Constructing Maximal Subgroups of Classical Groups, Cycle indices for finite orthogonal groups of even characteristic, On the Erdős-Turán conjecture, Well-rounded zeta-function of planar arithmetic lattices, BOUNDING THE NUMBER OF IRREDUCIBLE CHARACTER DEGREES OF A FINITE GROUP IN TERMS OF THE LARGEST DEGREE, Uniform distribution of the fractional part of the average prime divisor, An explicit zero-free region for the Riemann zeta-function, A generalization of a conjecture of Hardy and Littlewood to algebraic number fields, On a problem in simultaneous Diophantine approximation: Littlewood's conjecture, PROOF OF A CONJECTURE OF FARHI, Supersingular Abelian varieties over finite fields, On the Erdős-Turán conjecture, Empirical verification of the even Goldbach conjecture and computation of prime gaps up to 4⋅10¹⁸, On the mean value of Dedekind sums, An Invertible Transformation and Some of its Applications, Analysis of Rippling in Incommensurate One-Dimensional Coupled Chains, Notes on Fibonacci Partitions, Counting Co-Cyclic Lattices, Products of binomial coefficients and unreduced Farey fractions, Multifractal analysis of Birkhoff averages for countable Markov maps, Learning logic programs with structured background knowledge, The Lucas-Pratt primality tree, Three counterexamples in the theory of inertial manifolds, Computational arithmetic geometry. I: Sentences nearly in the polynomial hierarchy, How to play MetaSquares, Exact spectra of conformal supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models in two dimensions, A class of combinatorial identities, Dirichlet inversion and lattice inversion problem, Applications of the Brauer complex: card shuffling, permutation statistics, and dynamical systems, On sums of powers of inverse complete quotients, An embedding of the Farey web in the parameter space of simple families of circle maps, Analogies and differences between quantum and stochastic automata, Entropy and the canonical height, Sets with large intersection and ubiquity, Bipartite graphs of small readability, On the non-isolation of the real projections of the zeros of exponential polynomials, Connected components of the graph generated by power maps in prime finite fields, On Waring's problem for cubes, Asymptotics for push on the complete graph, An Exact, Non-iterative Mojette Inversion Technique Utilising Ghosts, On the effects of firing memory in the dynamics of conjunctive networks, On the representation of integers by binary forms, Random Generators and Normal Numbers, Vanishing and non-vanishing of traces of Hecke operators, Unnamed Item, Nodal area distribution for arithmetic random waves, VARIATIONS ON A THEME OF CASSELS FOR ADDITIVE BASES, COMBINATORIAL PROPERTIES OF STURMIAN PALINDROMES, On generalised Möbius inversion formulas, AF Embeddings and the Numerical Computation of Spectra in Irrational Rotation Algebras, Knocking Out Teeth in One-Dimensional Periodic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation, An improved sieve of Eratosthenes, The classification of \frac{3}2-transitive permutation groups and \frac{1}2-transitive linear groups, An explicit dense universal Hilbert set, Computing prime divisors in an interval, On invariants of elliptic curves on average, On sets of integers which contain no three terms in geometric progression, Counting composites with two strong liars, Cyclic wave packet transform on finite Abelian groups of prime order, Congruences for Wolstenholme primes, Half-Discrete Hilbert-Type Inequalities, Operators and Compositions, An arithmetical question related to perfect numbers, Fibonacci periods and multiples, The doubling map with asymmetrical holes, Mersenne numbers as a difference of two Lucas numbers, Multiplicative functions with sum zero over Beurling generalized prime number systems, Solution to a problem of Luca, Menares and Pizarro-Madariaga, Theory of Invariant Manifolds for Infinite-Dimensional Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems and Applications, Interference as a computational resource: a tutorial, Circular Costas maps: a multidimensional analog of circular Costas sequences, Quantum multi-party private set union protocol based on least common multiple and Shor’s algorithm, Fermat's last theorem, Schur's theorem (in Ramsey theory), and the infinitude of the primes, Framed instanton homology and concordance, Interview with Peter Paule, Badly approximable numbers, Kronecker's theorem, and diversity of Sturmian characteristic sequences, A Tannaka–Krein extension theorem for topological semigroups, The constant of point-line incidence constructions, On the d-representation of integers, Self-similar measures with product-form digit sets and their spectra, Continued fractions applied to a family of RSA-like cryptosystems, An Evans function for the linearised 2D Euler equations using Hill's determinant, Archimedean toroidal maps and their edge covers, Minimum weight Euclidean \((1+\varepsilon)\)-spanners, Randomness as an invariant for number representations, A certain modification of classical singular function, Computers as a novel mathematical reality. II: Waring's problem, A structural Szemerédi-Trotter theorem for Cartesian products, Small cycles property of some Cremer rational maps and polynomials, On the dynamic geometry of Kasner triangles with complex parameter, Composition operators on Hilbert spaces of Dirichlet series, On Sarnak’s Density Conjecture and Its Applications, Combinatorial Etudes and Number Theory, Representaciones de los números naturales positivos, Wolstenholme's theorem revisited, The Tutte polynomial of a class of compound graphs and its applications, Divisors of Fourier coefficients of two newforms, Compact linear combinations of composition operators on Hilbert spaces of Dirichlet series, Applications of timed-release encryption with implicit authentication, On integers of the form \(p + 2^{k_1^{r_1}} + \cdots + 2^{k_t^{r_t}}\), Ramanujan sums and rectangular power sums, Reversible primes, Asymptotic distribution of nodal intersections for ARW against a surface, Non-planarity of Markoff graphs \(\mod p\), Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Piercing all translates of a set of axis-parallel rectangles