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zbMath0551.53001MaRDI QIDQ3344779

Isaac Chavel

Publication date: 1984

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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third order helicity of magnetic fields via link maps, Isospectral Riemann surfaces, Maclaurin spectral results on rank one symmetric spaces of noncompact type, Gradient estimates of Dirichlet heat semigroups and application to isoperimetric inequalities., Iterated Brownian motion in an open set., Elliptic gradient estimates for a nonlinear \(f\)-heat equation on weighted manifolds with evolving metrics and potentials, A complete conformal metric of preassigned negative Gaussian curvature for a punctured hyperbolic Riemann surface, Hessians of spectral zeta functions, Higher order PDEs and symmetric stable processes, Bernstein inequalities via the heat semigroup, Estimates for the higher eigenvalues of the drifting Laplacian on Hadamard manifolds, Graph Laplacians, nodal domains, and hyperplane arrangements, The topology of balls and Gromov hyperbolicity of Riemann surfaces, Spectral invariants of the perturbed polyharmonic Steklov problem, The closed embedded minimal surfaces in an almost positively curved three manifold, Analytical solutions of a class of fractional Lane-Emden equation: a power series method, Nodal set of monochromatic waves satisfying the random wave model, Orbital functions and heat kernels of Kleinian groups, Heat flow on 1-forms under lower Ricci bounds. Functional inequalities, spectral theory, and heat kernel, New features of the first eigenvalue on negatively curved spaces, A roughness penalty approach to estimate densities over two-dimensional manifolds, Szegö-Weinberger type inequalities for symmetric domains in simply connected space forms, Analysis on geodesic balls of sub-elliptic operators, Isoperimetric bounds for lower-order eigenvalues, On the construction of Riemannian three-spaces with smooth inverse mean curvature foliation, Coupling and harmonic functions in the case of continuous time Markov processes, Nodal sets of Laplace eigenfunctions under small perturbations, Convergence theorems for relative spectral functions on hyperbolic Riemann surfaces of finite volume, Minimising hulls, p-capacity and isoperimetric inequality on complete Riemannian manifolds, Curvature effect in the spinorial Yamabe problem on product manifolds, Lord Rayleigh's conjecture for vibrating clamped plates in positively curved spaces, The Neumann problem for elliptic equations with nonsmooth coefficients. II, Weighted Cheeger constant and first eigenvalue lower bound estimates on smooth metric measure spaces, Faber-Krahn inequalities for the Robin Laplacian on bounded domain in Riemannian manifolds, Spectral convergence of Riemannian manifolds. II, Examples of simply-connected Liouville manifolds with positive spectrum, Isoperimetric inequalities for the magnetic Neumann and Steklov problems with Aharonov-Bohm magnetic potential, Almost positive kernels on compact Riemannian manifolds, Yang-Mills fields on cylindrical manifolds and holomorphic bundles. I, Fundamental tones of clamped plates in nonpositively curved spaces, Dixmier traces and residues on weak operator ideals, On conservation of probability and the Feller property, Continuity of relative hyperbolic spectral theory through metric degeneration, On the equivalence of heat kernels of second-order parabolic operators, Green functions and the Dirichlet spectrum, Geometry of the random walk range conditioned on survival among Bernoulli obstacles, On Calabi's strong maximum principle via local semi-Dirichlet forms, Finite index operators on surfaces, The fundamental gap of simplices, Exit times, moment problems and comparison theorems, First nonzero eigenvalue of a minimal hypersurface in the unit sphere, Some remarks on diffusion distances, Large time volume of the pinned Wiener sausage, Geometric invariants of spectrum of the Navier-Lamé operator, On center of mass and foliations by constant spacetime mean curvature surfaces for isolated systems in general relativity, Mass concentration and asymptotic uniqueness of ground state for 3-component BEC with external potential in \(\mathbb{R}^2\), A note on Kuttler-Sigillito's inequalities, A Pohožaev type identity and its application to uniqueness of positive radial solutions of Brezis-Nirenberg problem on an annulus, A note on \(\varphi \)-analytic conformal vector fields, The geometry of the space of BPS vortex-antivortex pairs, Global regularity and solvability of left-invariant differential systems on compact Lie groups, Brascamp-Lieb-type inequalities on weighted Riemannian manifolds with boundary, Heat kernel upper bound on Riemannian manifolds with locally uniform Ricci curvature integral bounds, Gradient Schrödinger operators, manifolds with density and applications, Multiple positive solutions of the Emden-Fowler equation in hollow thin symmetric domains, Precise limit in Wasserstein distance for conditional empirical measures of Dirichlet diffusion processes, A dynamic Laplacian for identifying Lagrangian coherent structures on weighted Riemannian manifolds, Ergodic theorems for laminations and foliations: recent results and perspectives, Isoperimetric inequalities in Riemann surfaces and graphs, Nonisometric surface registration via conformal Laplace-Beltrami basis pursuit, Torsion type invariants of singularities, First Robin eigenvalue of the \(p\)-Laplacian on Riemannian manifolds, Regularity of optimal transport maps on locally nearly spherical manifolds, Estimates of Dirichlet heat kernels, Curvature estimates for graphs over Riemannian domains, Sharp lower bound for the first eigenvalue of the weighted \(p\)-Laplacian. I, A simplifying transformation for the Laplace-Beltrami operator in curvilinear coordinates, Characterization of Lagrangian submanifolds by geometric inequalities in complex space forms, Large Steklov eigenvalues via homogenisation on manifolds, Evolution of the first eigenvalue of the Laplace operator and the \(p\)-Laplace operator under a forced mean curvature flow, An explicit characterization of the domain of the infinitesimal generator of a symmetric diffusion semigroup on \(m_p\) of a complete positive sigma-finite measure space, Schwarz' \(P\) and \(D\) surfaces are stable, Gaussian upper bounds for the heat kernels of some second-order operators on Riemannian manifolds, On the Ashbaugh-Benguria conjecture about lower-order Dirichlet eigenvalues of the Laplacian, Curve based approximation of measures on manifolds by discrepancy minimization, Nonlinear spectrums of Finsler manifolds, One can't hear orientability of surfaces, Can one hear the structure of a Banach space?, Estimates for eigenvalues of weighted Laplacian and weighted \(p\)-Laplacian, Total curvature and the isoperimetric inequality in Cartan-Hadamard manifolds, The first eigenvalue of a homogeneous CROSS, A weighted Trudinger-Moser inequality on a closed Riemann surface with a finite isometric group action, Calabi-Yau CFTs and random matrices, Ramification of multiple eigenvalues for the Dirichlet-Laplacian in perforated domains, Fiber Brownian motion and the ``hot spots problem, Eigenvalues of the bi-drifting Laplacian on the complete noncompact Riemannian manifolds, A cascadic geometric filtering approach to subdivision., On the \(L^p\) spectrum of the Dirac operator, Functional inequalities and spectrum estimates: The infinite measure case, The relative volume growth of minimal submanifolds, Eigenvalues of the Laplacian on balls with spherically symmetric metrics, Diffusion means and heat kernel on manifolds, Genuinely sharp heat kernel estimates on compact rank-one symmetric spaces, for Jacobi expansions, on a ball and on a simplex, Helicity and the Mañé critical value, Estimates of the first Dirichlet eigenvalue from exit time moment spectra, Hölder-Lipschitz norms and their duals on spaces with semigroups, with applications to earth mover's distance, Weyl eigenvalue asymptotics and sharp adaptation on vector bundles, Extrinsic isoperimetric analysis on submanifolds with curvatures bounded from below, Iterated Brownian motion in bounded domains in \(\mathbb {R}^n\), Harmonic maps with prescribed degrees on the boundary of an annulus and bifurcation of catenoids, Universal inequalities for eigenvalues of a system of elliptic equations of the drifting Laplacian, Harmonic-counting measures and spectral theory of lens spaces, Sharp higher-order Sobolev inequalities in the hyperbolic space \(\mathbb H^n\), Spectral representations of vertex transitive graphs, Archimedean solids and finite Coxeter groups, A natural Finsler-Laplace operator, Nodal domains of Maass forms. I, Gromov hyperbolicity of planar graphs, The heat semigroup and Brownian motion on strip complexes, Maps from Riemannian manifolds into non-degenerate Euclidean cones, Sharp local estimates for the Szegő-Weinberger profile in Riemannian manifolds, The lower bound of the Ricci curvature that yields an infinite discrete spectrum of the Laplacian, Hierarchical shape segmentation and registration via topological features of Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions, Generic mean curvature flow. I: Generic singularities, Some inequalities and asymptotic formulas for eigenvalues on Riemannian manifolds, Some characterizations of spheres and elliptic paraboloids, Concentration of solutions for a singularly perturbed Neumann problem in non-smooth domains, Brownian motion on manifolds with time-dependent metrics and stochastic completeness, Two-sided estimates of heat kernels on metric measure spaces, Comparison theorems for eigenvalues of elliptic operators and the generalized Pólya conjecture, Structure theorem for Riemannian surfaces with arbitrary curvature, Eigenvalues of Euclidean wedge domains in higher dimensions, A note on lower bounds estimates for the Neumann eigenvalues of manifolds with positive Ricci curvature, Stability of compact constant mean curvature hypersurfaces in a wide class of Riemannian manifolds, An efficient tree-based computation of a metric comparable to a natural diffusion distance, The Weyl-type asymptotic formula for biharmonic Steklov eigenvalues on Riemannian manifolds, A lower bound for eigenvalues of a clamped plate problem, Heat equation and ergodic theorems for Riemann surface laminations, Estimate and monotonicity of the first eigenvalue under the Ricci flow, Folding-free global conformal mapping for genus-0 surfaces by harmonic energy minimization, On eigenvalues of a system of elliptic equations and of the biharmonic operator, Spherical symmetrization and the first eigenvalue of geodesic disks on manifolds, Volume growth, number of ends, and the topology of a complete submanifold, Comparison of exit moment spectra for extrinsic metric balls, Systole and \(\lambda_{2g-2}\) of closed hyperbolic surfaces of genus \(g\), Spectral theory for the Weil-Petersson Laplacian on the Riemann moduli space, Asymptotic behavior of the Selberg zeta functions for degenerating families of hyperbolic manifolds, On the stability of minimal cones in warped products, Lower and upper bounds of Dirichlet eigenvalues for totally characteristic degenerate elliptic operators, Transition densities and traces for invariant Feller processes on compact symmetric spaces, Fundamental solution and long time behavior of the porous medium equation in hyperbolic space, The classical Calabi-Bernstein theorem revisited, Practical shape analysis and segmentation methods for point cloud models, The Lichnerowicz and Obata first eigenvalue theorems and the Obata uniqueness result in the Yamabe problem on CR and quaternionic contact manifolds, Spectrum of the Laplacian with weights, Strong short-time asymptotics and convolution approximation of the heat kernel, On largeness and multiplicity of the first eigenvalue of finite area hyperbolic surfaces, On the mean square displacement of a random walk on a graph, Geometry of conformal vector fields, Eigenvalue inequalities for the Markov diffusion operator, On the nodal lines of Eisenstein series on Schottky surfaces, Estimates of eigenvalues of the Laplacian by a reduced number of subsets, Brown-York mass and compactly supported conformal deformations of scalar curvature, Energy gap for Yang-Mills connections. II: Arbitrary closed Riemannian manifolds, A new bound on the Morse index of constant mean curvature tori of revolution in \(\mathbb S^3\), Large and small covers of a hyperbolic manifold, A real variable characterization of Gromov hyperbolicity of flute surfaces, Centered Hardy--Littlewood maximal function on hyperbolic spaces, A spectral notion of Gromov-Wasserstein distance and related methods, Conformal vector fields and eigenvectors of Laplacian operator, Graphs and Gromov hyperbolicity of non-constant negatively curved surfaces, A spectral estimate for the Dirac operator on Riemannian flows, Flatness-based trajectory planning for diffusion-reaction systems in a parallelepipedon -- A spectral approach, A zeta function associated to the sub-Laplacian on the unit sphere in \(\mathbb{C}^N\), Evolution of harmonic maps on manifolds flat at infinity, Twists and Gromov hyperbolicity of Riemann surfaces, Convergence of spectra of graph-like thin manifolds, Uniqueness for Ricci flow with unbounded curvature in dimension 2, Inequalities for eigenvalues of elliptic operators in divergence form on Riemannian manifolds, Lower estimates for the first eigenvalue of the Laplace operator on doubly connected domains in a Riemannian manifold, \(L^ p\)-estimates on functions of the Laplace operator, Eigenvalues of the Cauchy process on an interval have at most double multiplicity, A characterization of harmonic measures on laminations by hyperbolic Riemann surfaces, The embedding dimension of Laplacian eigenfunction maps, One can hear the area of a torus by hearing the eigenvalues of the polyharmonic operators, The spectral geometry of flat disks, Manifolds with wells of negative curvature. With an appendix by Daniel Ruberman: Homology and bounded homology of universal covers, The heat kernel formula in a geodesic chart and some applications to the eigenvalue problem of the 3-sphere, Analysis and stochastic processes on metric measure spaces, Brownian loops topology, On statistical Calderón problems, Inequalities between Dirichlet, Neumann and buckling eigenvalues on Riemannian manifolds, Isospectral connections on line bundles, A lower bound for Hausdorff dimensions of harmonic measures on negatively curved manifolds, Harmonic measures and Bowen-Margulis measures, Comparison theorems for the volume of a complex submanifold of a Kaehler manifold, Estimates for the eigenvalues of Hill's equation and applications for the eigenvalues of the Laplacian on toroidal surfaces, Riemannian manifolds whose Laplacians have purely continuous spectrum, A representation formula for the inverse harmonic mean curvature flow, Gap theorems for Ricci-harmonic solitons, Curvature bounds for the spectrum of a compact Riemannian manifold of constant scalar curvature, Extension of Bochner-Lichnérowicz formula on spheres, Multivariate Bayesian function estimation, Continuous and discrete SIR-models with spatial distributions, Extremum problems of Laplacian eigenvalues and generalized Polya conjecture, Symmetrization for fractional elliptic and parabolic equations and an isoperimetric application, A remark on the Gaussian lower bound for the Neumann heat kernel of the Laplace-Beltrami operator, On Jacobi polynomials \((\mathcal {P}_k^{(\alpha, \beta)}: \alpha, \beta >-1)\) and Maclaurin spectral functions on rank one symmetric spaces, Zeta functions and periodic orbit theory: A review, Singular variation of domain and spectra of the Laplacian with small Robin conditional boundary. II, Capacity and Faber-Krahn inequality in \(\mathbb R^{n}\), A perturbation method for spinorial Yamabe type equations on \(S^m\) and its application, Discretization of compact Riemannian manifolds applied to the spectrum of Laplacian, Bounds on Faltings's delta function through covers, Mathematical and numerical analysis of a nonlinear diffusive climate energy balance model, On the first eigenvalue of the Witten-Laplacian and the diameter of compact shrinking solitons, Asymptotics of relative heat traces and determinants on open surfaces of finite area, The geometric triharmonic heat flow of immersed surfaces near spheres, On a relation between spectral theory of lens spaces and Ehrhart theory, On the critical exponent of infinitely generated Veech groups, A Feynman-Kac formula for differential forms on manifolds with boundary and geometric applications, Heinz mean curvature estimates in warped product spaces \(M\times _{e^{\psi }}N\), Equivalence of \(L_p\) diffusion approximation and a function's diffusion smoothness, Bifurcation and local rigidity of constant second mean curvature hypersurfaces in Riemannian warped products, Line-graph lattices: Euclidean and non-Euclidean flat bands, and implementations in circuit quantum electrodynamics, Geometric characterization of Lyapunov exponents for Riemann surface laminations, A geometric heat-flow theory of Lagrangian coherent structures, Functional determinant of Laplacian on Cayley projective plane \(\mathbf{P}^{2}(\text{Cay})\), Characterization of \(f\)-extremal disks, Existence and regularity of Faber-Krahn minimizers in a Riemannian manifold, Error estimates for spectral convergence of the graph Laplacian on random geometric graphs toward the Laplace-Beltrami operator, Łojasiewicz-Simon gradient inequalities for analytic and Morse-Bott functions on Banach spaces, Minimal webs in Riemannian manifolds, Sobolev spaces on multiple cones, Analytic torsion for surfaces with cusps. I: Compact perturbation theorem and anomaly formula, Collapsing to Riemannian manifolds with boundary and the convergence of the eigenvalues of the Laplacian, Geometry and topology of some overdetermined elliptic problems, Complete self-shrinkers confined into some regions of the space, Eigenvalue inequalities for the \(p\)-Laplacian on a Riemannian manifold and estimates for the heat kernel, Limits of \(\alpha\)-harmonic maps, Explicit descriptions of spectral properties of Laplacians on spheres \(\mathbb{S}^N\) \((N\ge 1)\): a review, Small eigenvalues and thick-thin decomposition in negative curvature, Reilly's type inequality for the Laplacian associated to a density related with shrinkers for MCF, The dual Cheeger constant and spectra of infinite graphs, Multi-way sparsest cut problem on trees with a control on the number of parts and outliers, A generalization of Pólya conjecture and Li-Yau inequalities for higher eigenvalues, Thomas Bayes' walk on manifolds, From Steklov to Neumann via homogenisation, Asymptotic estimates on the time derivative of \(\Phi\)-entropy on Riemannian manifolds, Stability and qualitative properties of radial solutions of the Lane-Emden-Fowler equation on Riemannian models, Criterion for the Sobolev well-posedness of the Dirichlet problem for the Poisson equation in Lipschitz domains. I, On Li-Yau heat kernel estimate, New eigenvalue estimates involving Bessel functions, A second eigenvalue bound for the Dirichlet Laplacian in hyperbolic space, On the isoperimetric problem in Euclidean space with density, Impossibility of almost extension, Log-periodic asymptotic expansion of the spectral partition function for self-similar sets, Sharp upper bound for the first eigenvalue, On the fundamental tone of minimal submanifolds with controlled extrinsic curvature, On the asymptotic behavior of the hyperbolic Brownian motion, The first eigenvalue of Finsler \(p\)-Laplacian, Lower order eigenvalues of Dirichlet Laplacian, Integral geometric properties of non-compact harmonic spaces, Least energy solutions of the Emden-Fowler equation in hollow thin symmetric domains, Spectral bounds on orbifold isotropy, Schiffer's problem and an isoperimetric inequality for the first buckling eigenvalue of domains on \(\mathbb S^2\), On the spectral expansion of hyperbolic Eisenstein series, A blowing-up branch of solutions for a mean field equation, Dixmier traces on noncompact isospectral deformations, Dirichlet boundary values on Euclidean balls with infinitely many solutions for the minimal surface system, Global existence of the harmonic map heat flow into Lorentzian manifolds, Three-manifolds with small \(L^2\)-norm of traceless-Ricci curvature pinching, Tight framelets and fast framelet filter bank transforms on manifolds, Isoperimetric inequality and Weitzenböck type formula for critical metrics of the volume, The local invariant for scale structures on mapping spaces, Multiple sets exponential concentration and higher order eigenvalues, 3D positive lattice walks and spherical triangles, Dirichlet \(p\)-Laplacian eigenvalues and Cheeger constants on symmetric graphs, Optimal Monte Carlo integration on closed manifolds, Unitarization from geometry, Stability of the volume growth rate under quasi-isometries, Some boundedness properties of solutions to the complex Yang-Mills equations on closed 4-manifolds, A Laplace operator for Poisson manifolds, Estimates for the first non-zero eigenvalue of the Hodge Laplacian acting on differential forms defined on a Riemannian manifold, Bounds for Laplace eigenvalues of Kähler metrics, Spectral asymptotics on sequences of elliptically degenerating Riemann surfaces, Nonparametric analysis of non-Euclidean data on shapes and images, On the spectral gap of spherical spin glass dynamics, Finer estimates on the \(2\)-dimensional matching problem, Positivity of simplicial volume for nonpositively curved manifolds with a Ricci-type curvature condition, The Cartan-Hadamard conjecture and the little prince, Critical domains for the first nonzero Neumann eigenvalue in Riemannian manifolds, The complex-time Segal-Bargmann transform, Dual wavelet frame transforms on manifolds and graphs, Ends, fundamental tones, and capacities of minimal submanifolds via extrinsic comparison theory, The Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities and manifolds with nonnegative weighted Ricci curvature, Eigenvalues of the Tachibana operator which acts on differential forms, The spectral theory of the Yano rough Laplacian with some of its applications, Asymptotic expansion of the trace of the heat kernel associated to the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator, Random walks in cones, Universal bounds for eigenvalues of the polydrifting Laplacian operator in compact domains in the \(\mathbb R^n\) and \(\mathbb S^n\), Reilly-type inequalities for \(p\)-Laplacian on compact Riemannian manifolds, Spectra of functionalized operators arising from hypersurfaces, An effective bound for the Huber constant for cofinite Fuchsian groups, Sparse representation on graphs by tight wavelet frames and applications, Dirichlet principal eigenvalue comparison theorems in geometry with torsion, Concentration for Coulomb gases on compact manifolds, An embedding technique for the solution of reaction-diffusion equations on algebraic surfaces with isolated singularities, Unnamed Item, Isoperimetric inequalities for eigenvalues of the Laplacian and the Schrödinger operator, Ricci curvature bounds for warped products, The heat kernels on some classical manifolds and classical domains, Convergence de variétés et convergence du spectre du laplacien, Convergence of riemannian manifolds with integral bounds on curvature. I, Movement of hot spots in Riemannian manifolds, Isoperimetric numbers of graphs, On the stability of stationary surfaces in \(S^{4}_{1}\), An optimal partition problem for eigenvalues, Poisson kernel and Green function of the ball in real hyperbolic spaces, Stable configurations of repelling points on compact manifolds, Nondegeneracy of the ground state for nonrelativistic Lee model, Fractional Brownian fields over manifolds, On quasiconformal invariance of convergence and divergence types for Fuchsian groups, An equivalence between the limit smoothness and the rate of convergence for a general contraction operator family, Bootstrap bounds on closed Einstein manifolds, Parabolicity, Brownian exit time and properness of solitons of the direct and inverse mean curvature flow, One cannot hear the shape of a drum, Convergence of riemannian manifolds with integral bounds on curvature. II, Neumann eigenvalues of the biharmonic operator on domains: geometric bounds and related results, Angles in hyperbolic lattices: The pair correlation density, Eigenvalue estimates on quaternion-Kähler manifolds, Global solvability and propagation of regularity of sums of squares on compact manifolds, On the number of bound states of point interactions on hyperbolic manifolds, The Wasserstein geometry of nonlinear σ models and the Hamilton–Perelman Ricci flow, Spectre du laplacien et écrasement d'anses, Pointwise monotonicity of heat kernels, Beyond traditional Curvature-Dimension I: New model spaces for isoperimetric and concentration inequalities in negative dimension, Limit theorems in Wasserstein distance for empirical measures of diffusion processes on Riemannian manifolds, Small-Time Asymptotics under Local-Stochastic Volatility with a Jump-to-Default: Curvature and the Heat Kernel Expansion, Staying the course: iteratively locating equilibria of dynamical systems on Riemannian manifolds defined by point-clouds, On a conjecture of Ashbaugh and Benguria about lower eigenvalues of the Neumann Laplacian, Small scale CLTs for the nodal length of monochromatic waves, Superdiffusive fractional in time Schrödinger equations: a unifying approach to superdiffusive waves, Harmonic and invariant measures on foliated spaces, Unnamed Item, Estimations de la fonction maximale de Hardy-Littlewood, FUNCTIONAL ANALYTIC (IR-)REGULARITY PROPERTIES OF SABR-TYPE PROCESSES, Hypoelliptic random heat kernels: A case study, A Brascamp-Lieb-Luttinger–type inequality and applications to symmetric stable processes, Differential Geometry for Model Independent Analysis of Images and Other Non-Euclidean Data: Recent Developments, Functional inequalities and manifolds with nonnegative weighted Ricci curvature, A universal bound for lower Neumann eigenvalues of the Laplacian, Hodge-Laplace eigenvalues of convex bodies, Universal bounds for eigenvalues of the polyharmonic operators, Intrinsic and extrinsic measurement for Brownian motion, Fractal Drum, Inverse Spectral Problems for Elliptic Operators and a Partial Resolution of the Weyl-Berry Conjecture, Determinants of Laplacians on the Space of Conical Metrics on the Sphere, On the asymptotic formula for the solution of degenerate elliptic partial differential equations, Isoperimetric estimates in products, A capture problem in Brownian motion and eigenvalues of spherical domains, Linear approximation of the first eigenvalue on compact manifolds, Topology and dynamics of laminations in surfaces of general type, The Heat Equation for Riemannian Foliations, Existence and nonexistence of global classical solutions to porous medium and plasma equations with singular sources, Solving elliptic Cauchy problems and the identification of nonlinear corrosion, Hausdorff Dimension of Harmonic Measures on Negatively Curved Manifolds, Sobolev Inequalities in Familiar and Unfamiliar Settings, Dixmier traces and extrapolation description of noncommutative Lorentz spaces, Effective limiting absorption principles, and applications, Pleijel’s nodal domain theorem for free membranes, Eigenvalue estimates for submanifolds with locally bounded mean curvature in $N \times \mathbb {R}$, Comparative analysis of spectral properties of the Hodge-de Rham and Tachibana operators, Fractional Cauchy problems on compact manifolds, Kleinian Groups, Laplacian on Forms and Currents at Infinity, On how to use drift to push the spectral gap of a diffusion on $S^{2}$ to infinity, Universal inequalities for the eigenvalues of Laplace and Schrödinger operators on submanifolds, Universal inequalities for eigenvalues of a clamped plate problem on a hyperbolic space, A Payne-Weinberger eigenvalue estimate for wedge domains on spheres, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Geometry of Riemann surfaces based on closed geodesics, Volume growth of submanifolds and the Cheeger isoperimetric constant, Metrics with harmonic spinors, Hearing Delzant polytopes from the equivariant spectrum, Unnamed Item, Two-sided eigenvalue estimates for subordinate processes in domains, The 𝑃-Laplace equation on a class of Grushin-type spaces, Multi-valued graphs in embedded constant mean curvature disks, Estimates and nonexistence of solutions of the scalar curvature equation on noncompact manifolds, A partial inverse Sturm--Liouville problem: Matching a step function potential to a finite eigenvalue list, Nontangential Maximal Functions Over Compact Riemannian Manifolds, On Poincaré Type Inequalities, Estimation of spectral gap for elliptic operators, Eigenvalues of Dirac operators for hyperbolic degenerations, The exit distribution for iterated Brownian motion in cones, Existence of Hamiltonians for some singular interactions on manifolds, The Fisher-Rao metric for projective transformations of the line, Manifolds of Almost Half of the Maximal Volume, Bessel bridge representation for the heat kernel in hyperbolic space, Singularly perturbed nonlinear elliptic problems on manifolds, Periodic perturbations of a class of resonant problems, Scaling coupling of reflecting Brownian motions and the hot spots problem, Bose–Einstein condensation on hyperbolic spaces, Payne-Polya-Weinberger, Hile-Protter and Yang's inequalities for Dirichlet Laplace eigenvalues on integer lattices, Solvability of a semilinear heat equation on Riemannian manifolds, Sobolev-type inequalities and eigenvalue growth on graphs with finite measure, On the bifurcation of spacelike hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature in spacetimes, Stability of p‐parabolicity under quasi‐isometries, Upper bounds for the Steklov eigenvalues of the p ‐Laplacian, Sharp Gaussian upper bounds for Schrödinger heat kernel on gradient shrinking Ricci solitons, 𝐿₁-distortion of Wasserstein metrics: A tale of two dimensions, Singular Weyl’s law with Ricci curvature bounded below, g‐natural symmetries on tangent bundles, Heat kernels and regularity for rough metrics on smooth manifolds, Convergence in Wasserstein distance for empirical measures of Dirichlet diffusion processes on manifolds, Sign-changing solution for an overdetermined elliptic problem on unbounded domain, Existence and symmetry of periodic nonlocal-CMC surfaces via variational methods, Scaling inequalities for spherical and hyperbolic eigenvalues, Wasserstein convergence for empirical measures of subordinated diffusions on Riemannian manifolds, A lower bound on the solutions of Kapustin-Witten equations, Harmonic representatives in homology over arbitrary fields, Classes of kernels and continuity properties of the double layer potential in Hölder spaces, Estimates for eigenvalues of the Neumann and Steklov problems, On the second Robin eigenvalue of the Laplacian, A note on eigenvalue bounds for non‐compact manifolds, Detecting the birth and death of finite‐time coherent sets, Petals and books: The largest Laplacian spectral gap from 1, On Schrödinger operators modified by \(\delta\) interactions, Dirac cohomology on manifolds with boundary and spectral lower bounds, Yet another heat semigroup characterization of BV functions on Riemannian manifolds, A Note on Stability of Parabolic Difference Equations on Torus, A mathematical study of diffusive logistic equations with mixed type boundary conditions, Lower bounds for eigenvalues of Laplacian operator and the clamped plate problem, Stable capillary hypersurfaces and the partitioning problem in balls with radial weights, Analysis of a Peaceman-Rachford ADI scheme for Maxwell equations in heterogeneous media, Spectral convergence of high-dimensional spheres to Gaussian spaces, Eigenvalue estimates for a class of elliptic differential operators in divergence form on Riemannian manifolds isometrically immersed in Euclidean space, Blow-up on metric graphs and Riemannian manifolds, The isoperimetric inequality for convex subsets of the sphere, Intrinsic dimensional functional inequalities on model spaces, Landscape approximation of the ground state eigenvalue for graphs and random hopping models, First Dirichlet eigenvalue and exit time moments: a survey, Geometry and topology of manifolds with integral radial curvature bounds, Parabolicity of invariant surfaces, Continuity of the double layer potential of a second order elliptic differential operator in Schauder spaces on the boundary, On the universality of the Nazarov-Sodin constant, Bounds for eigenfunctions of the Neumann \(p\)-Laplacian on noncompact Riemannian manifolds, Functional inequalities and applications to doubly nonlinear diffusion equations, Overdetermined elliptic problems in nontrivial contractible domains of the sphere, Evolution of the first eigenvalue along the inverse mean curvature flow in space forms, Heat diffusions on holomorphic foliations with non-degenerate singularities, Empirical measures and random walks on compact spaces in the quadratic Wasserstein metric, First Dirichlet eigenvalue and exit time moment spectra comparisons, The upper bound of the harmonic mean of the Steklov eigenvalues in curved spaces, The Morse index of minimal products of minimal submanifolds in spheres, Reverse Faber-Krahn inequality for the \(p\)-Laplacian in hyperbolic space, Singular holomorphic foliations by curves. II: Negative Lyapunov exponent, Maximizers beyond the hemisphere for the second Neumann eigenvalue, Families of singular Kähler-Einstein metrics, Determinants of Laplacians on random hyperbolic surfaces, A note on domain monotonicity for the Neumann eigenvalues of the Laplacian, The shifted wave equation on non-flat harmonic manifolds, Liouville property and quasi-isometries on negatively curved Riemannian surfaces, Weyl's law for singular Riemannian manifolds, Nonnegative solutions of the heat equation in a cylindrical domain and Widder's theorem, The functional analytic approach for quasi-periodic boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation, Some half-space theorems in the real projective space, Lee model and its resolvent analysis, A geometric Laplace method, Some recent developments on the Steklov eigenvalue problem, Lower bounds for the first eigenvalue of the \(p\)-Laplacian on quaternionic Kähler manifolds, Convexity of complements of limit sets for holomorphic foliations on surfaces, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Scalar curvature and \(Q\)-curvature of random metrics, On the stability of the behavior of random walks on groups, Inequalities for eigenvalues of a clamped plate problem, The geometry of Markov diffusion generators, Accelerating diffusion by incompressible drift on the two-dimensional torus, Orbifold spectral theory, On the nodal line of the second eigenfunction of an inhomogeneous membrane, Central Gaussian semigroups of measures with continuous density, On the stability of the behavior of random walks on groups, Weak Poincaré inequalities and \(L^2\)-convergence rates of Markov semigroups, The dynamics of Schelling-type segregation models and a nonlinear graph Laplacian variational problem, Higher order PDE’s and iterated processes, Discrete nodal domain theorems, Convergence of eigenvalues and Green functions under surgery type degeneration of Riemannian manifolds, Geographical structure and convergence: a note on geometry in spatial growth models, Lower bound estimates for the first eigenvalue of the weighted \(p\)-Laplacian on smooth metric measure spaces, Riemannian nilmanifolds and the trace formula, Bose-Einstein condensation on a manifold with non-negative Ricci curvature, On the divine clockwork: The spectral gap for the correspondence limit of the Nelson diffusion generator for the atomic elliptic state, Matrix Liberation Process II: Relation to Orbital Free Entropy, Global analytic hypoellipticity and solvability of certain operators subject to group actions, Hausdorff dimension estimates applied to Lagrange and Markov spectra, Zaremba theory, and limit sets of Fuchsian groups, Conformal upper bounds for the eigenvalues of the p‐Laplacian, Some domination inequalities for spectral zeta kernels on closed Riemannian manifolds, A sharp bound for the ratio of the first two Dirichlet eigenvalues of a domain in a hemisphere of 𝕊ⁿ, Oseledec multiplicative ergodic theorem for laminations, Spherical maximal operator on symmetric spaces of constant curvature, Two balls maximize the third Neumann eigenvalue in hyperbolic space, Power concavity for elliptic and parabolic boundary value problems on rotationally symmetric domains, Isotropic random spin weighted functions on 𝑆² vs isotropic random fields on 𝑆³, Construction of Poincaré-type Series by Generating Kernels, First stability eigenvalue characterization of Clifford hypersurfaces, Unnamed Item, On the blow up of a non-local transport equation in compact manifolds, First stability eigenvalue of singular hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature in the unit sphere, A Bootstrap Multigrid Eigensolver, Existence and characterization of regions minimizing perimeter under a volume constraint inside Euclidean cones, Unnamed Item, Small eigenvalues of closed Riemann surfaces for large genus, On the first eigenvalue of the Laplace operator for compact spacelike submanifolds in Lorentz–Minkowski spacetime 𝕃m, A half-space type property in the Euclidean sphere, Unnamed Item, Second Order Expansion for Implied Volatility in Two Factor Local Stochastic Volatility Models and Applications to the Dynamic $$\lambda $$-Sabr Model, Implied Volatility from Local Volatility: A Path Integral Approach, On the first Hodge eigenvalue of isometric immersions, Estimates for the first eigenvalue for p-Laplacian with mixed boundary conditions, First eigenvalue of the Laplacian of a geodesic ball and area-based symmetrization of its metric tensor, Gaussian random fields: with and without covariances, On the Sampson Laplacian, On the Placement of an Obstacle so as to Optimize the Dirichlet Heat Content, Unnamed Item, A LOWER ESTIMATE FOR THE FIRST DIRICHLET EIGENVALUE ON COMPACT MANIFOLDS, Commutator bounds for eigenvalues, with applications to spectralgeometry, Local 𝐿^{𝑝}-Brunn–Minkowski inequalities for 𝑝<1, Kissing numbers of closed hyperbolic manifolds, Optimal lower bounds for first eigenvalues of Riemann surfaces for large genus, On fast computation of finite-time coherent sets using radial basis functions, Composites with invisible inclusions: Eigenvalues of ℝ-linear problem, A sharp estimate for Neumann eigenvalues of the Laplace–Beltrami operator for domains in a hemisphere, Accelerating diffusion on compact Riemannian surfaces by incompressible drift, The Casimir effect for pistons with transmittal boundary conditions, Upper bounds for higher-order Poincaré constants, Solving Partial Differential Equations on Manifolds From Incomplete Interpoint Distance, Hardy-type results on the average of the lattice point error term over long intervals, Second variation of superminimal surfaces into self-dual Einstein four-manifolds, The spectrum of the Laplacian: A geometric approach, Computation of eigenvalues, spectral zeta functions and zeta-determinants on hyperbolic surfaces, New estimates for the first eigenvalue of the Jacobi operator on closed hypersurfaces in Riemannian space forms, The curl operator on odd-dimensional manifolds, Concentration of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on a closed Riemannian manifold, A probabilistic approach to the first Dirichlet eigenvalue on non-compact Riemannian manifold, Relative energy gap for harmonic maps of Riemann surfaces into real analytic Riemannian manifolds, Spectrum Estimates and Applications to Geometry, Faber–Krahn inequalities for Schrödinger operators with point and with Coulomb interactions, Comparison of Metric Spectral Gaps, Geometric approach to non-relativistic quantum dynamics of mixed states, Eigenvalue estimates for the drifting Laplacian and the p-Laplacian on submanifolds of warped products, Harmonic Measures on Covers of Compact Surfaces of Nonpositive Curvature, The motion of a vortex on a closed surface of constant negative curvature, Lower bounds for the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian on Kähler manifolds, The Weak Galerkin Method for Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems, Non-Euclidean Newtonian cosmology, On uniqueness of Riemann’s examples, Concentration phenomenon in the critical exponent problems on hyperbolic space, Degeneration of Pseudo-Laplace Operators for Hyperbolic Riemann Surfaces, Eigenvalues of Laplacians on a Closed Riemannian Manifold and Its Nets, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Convergence of Heat Kernels For Degenerating Hyperbolic Surfaces, Almost periodic functions and hyperbolic counting, Eigenvalue and gap estimates for the Laplacian acting on 𝑝-forms, Sobolev solutions of parabolic equation in a complete riemannian manifold, Deforming a map into a harmonic map, Generalised heat coefficients and associated spectral zeta functions on complex projective spaces Pn(ℂ), Unnamed Item, The sharp lower bound for the first positive eigenvalue of a sub-Laplacian on a pseudo-Hermitian manifold, Critical exponents of discrete groups and 𝐿²–spectrum, Radial symmetry of non-maximal entire solutions of a bi-harmonic equation with exponential nonlinearity, Hypersurfaces with Prescribed Boundary and Small Steklov Eigenvalues, On some aspects of oscillation theory and geometry, Łojasiewicz–Simon gradient inequalities for coupled Yang–Mills energy functions, Estimates for sums and gaps of eigenvalues of Laplacians on measure spaces, Eigenvalues, absolute continuity and localizations for periodic unitary transition operators, Diffusive instabilities and spatial patterning from the coupling of reaction–diffusion processes with Stokes flow in complex domains, The Abresch–Rosenberg shape operator and applications, Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces on manifolds: Sobolev and diffusion spaces, Unnamed Item, Moser–Trudinger–Adams inequalities and related developments, Effective bounds for Huber’s constant and Faltings’s delta function, Asymptotic behavior of u-capacities and singular perturbations for the Dirichlet-Laplacian, Spectral asymptotics of Laplacians associated with a class of higher-dimensional graph-directed self-similar measures *, Comparing heat operators through local isometries or fibrations, The heat kernel weighted Hodge Laplacian on noncompact manifolds, Oscillatory Survival Probability and Eigenvalues of the Non-Self-Adjoint Fokker--Planck Operator, Renormalized interaction of relativistic bosons with delta function potentials, On th exact asymptotics of exit time from a cone of an isotropic alpha-self-similar Markov process with a skew-product structure, A New Technique for the Study of Complete Maximal Hypersurfaces in Certain Open Generalized Robertson–Walker Spacetimes, The isoperimetric problem on surfaces of revolution of decreasing Gauss curvature, Analytic and geometric background of recurrence and non-explosion of the Brownian motion on Riemannian manifolds, Sobolev type inequalities for general symmetric forms, Multiscale Nonrigid Point Cloud Registration Using Rotation-Invariant Sliced-Wasserstein Distance via Laplace--Beltrami Eigenmap, Upper bounds for the Poincaré recurrence time in quantum mixed states, On the error term of the prime geodesic theorem