scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3339023

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zbMath0213.46202MaRDI QIDQ5615833

Peter C. Fishburn

Publication date: 1970

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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The case of certainty, Recent developments in modeling preferences: Uncertainty and ambiguity, Savage's theorem with a finite number of states, Utility theory with probability-dependent outcome valuation, State-independent subjective expected lexicographic utility, A comparative study of interactive tradeoff cutting plane methods for MOMP, A transitivity approach to preference relational systems, Multiattribute expected utility without the Archimedean axiom, Multisymmetric structures and non-expected utility, Numerical representations of imperfectly ordered preferences (A unified geometric exposition), Joint pseudo-utility representations, Additive representations on rank-ordered sets. II: The topological approach, Utility functions on chains, Decision analysis model: An extension of the states of nature concept, On the extension of additive utilities to infinite sets, Seven independence concepts and continuous multiattribute utility functions, Sufficient conditions for preference optimality, Complementary properties of binary relations, Separation theorems and expected utilities, Semicontinuous extension of a partial order, A theory of subjective expected utility with vague preferences, Confidence structures in decision making, Binary choice probabilities between gambles: Interlocking expected utility models, Comparability graphs and a new matroid, Axioms for expected utility in \(n\)-person games, Noncompensatory preferences, Compromise solutions, domination structures, and Salukvadze's solution, Rating and ranking of multiple-aspect alternative using fuzzy sets, Complementary relations in the theory of preference, On optimal decisions under complete ignorance. 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I: Continuous case, A foundation for competence set analysis, Unique nontransitive additive conjoint measurement on finite sets, A behavioral foundation for fuzzy measures, Measurable value functions for ranking and selection of groups of alternatives, Measurable multiattribute value functions defined on binary attributes, SSB utility theory: An economic perspective, SSB utility theory and decision-making under uncertainty, Unbounded expected utility and continuity, Archimedean qualitative probabilities, The (sub-)optimality of the majority rule, New types of aggregation functions for interval-valued fuzzy setting and preservation of pos-\(B\) and nec-\(B\)-transitivity in decision making problems, A general theory of subjective mixtures, Utility functions on ordered convex sets, Cardinal utility, utilitarianism, and a class of invariance axioms in welfare analysis, On Harsanyi's utilitarian cardinal welfare theorem, Cardinal coordinate independence for expected utility, The so-called expected utility theory is inadequate, Risk sensitivity in bargaining with more than two participants, On interpersonal utility comparisons, A folk meta-theorem in the foundations of utility theory, The value of information -- an axiomatic approach, Representability of binary relations through fuzzy numbers, Multitiered supply chain networks: multicriteria decision -- making under uncertainty, The shortest path problem with two objective functions, An axiomatic theory of conjoint, expected risk, Some remarks on the notion of compensation in MCDM, Group decision making under uncertainty. A note on the aggregation of ordinal probabilities, More on Harsanyi's utilitarian cardinal welfare theorem, On methods for generating random partial orders, An outline of a fuzzy sets apprach to decision making with interdependent goals, A linguistic approach to decision-making problems, Conditions for universal reducibility of a two-stage extremization problem to a one-stage problem, Do local majorities force a global majority?, Recent developments in modelling preferences under risk, Pseudo-orders: Definition, properties and numerical representation, A verification theorem of preference separability for additive value functions, Expected utility with purely subjective non-additive probabilities, Two optimality tests for differentiable concave value functions in linear multi-objective programming problems, Continuous semiorder representations, On relationships between numerical representations of interval orders and semiorders, Continuous representation of a preference relation on a connected topological space, Measurement of inequality: An attempt at unification and generalization, Some general theorems on the existence of order-preserving functions, The structure of SSB utilities for decision under uncertainty, A combination of expected utility and maxmin decision criteria, Algorithms for nonlinear integer bicriterion problems, Indefinite preference structures and decision analysis, Unique finite conjoint measurement, Non-transitive measurable utility for decision under uncertainty, Maxmin expected utility with non-unique prior, On a possible continuous analogue of the Szpilrajn theorem and its strengthening by Dushnik and Miller, Continuous representability of interval orders and biorders, Multi-criteria analysis with partial information about the weighting coefficients, Utility theory based on rational probabilities, Collective rationality and dictatorship: The scope of the Arrow theorem, Ranking multidimensional alternatives and uncertain prospects, On the redundancy of the implicit welfarist axiom in bargaining theory, Variational Bewley preferences, The dependency of automatically designed multicriterion decisions on scale transformations, Lexicographic additive differences, Notes in decision theory: Optimality and efficiency. II, Utility theory, A conditional expected utility model for myopic decision makers, Advances in multiattribute utility theory, Subjective independence and concave expected utility, Characterization of satisficing decision criterion, Algebraic properties of satisficing decision criterion, State-dependent SSB utility, Intransitive indifference and incomparability, Approximating the admissible set in stochastic dominance, Utility representations for partial orders, Inverted orders for monotone scoring rules, Subjective expected utility: A review of normative theories, Probability dominance in random outcomes, A multiple criteria method for choosing among discrete alternatives, Scheduling of project networks, Continuous representability of semiorders, Ranking sets additively in decisional contexts: an axiomatic characterization, Common agency games: Indifference and separable preferences, Cognitive constraints, contraction consistency, and the satisficing criterion, On uncertainty problems in decision-making, Stochastic applications of media theory: Random walks on weak orders or partial orders, Optimization with multivariate stochastic dominance constraints, A method for threshold aggregation of three-grade rankings, A linear implementation of PACMAN, Learning intransitive reciprocal relations with kernel methods, Coordination of supply chains by option contracts: a cooperative game theory approach, Simple methods for evaluating and comparing binary experiments, On the non-equivalence of weak and strict preference, Discernibility matrix simplification for constructing attribute reducts, Preference as fulfilment of desires, Supermodularity and preferences, Imprecise probabilistic beliefs as a context for decision-making under ambiguity, When is there state independence?, The ignorant observer, On the representation of incomplete preferences over risky alternatives, Preference for equivalent random variables: A price for unbounded utilities, Optimality conditions in preference-based spanning tree problems, Estimating allocations for value-at-risk portfolio optimization, Fair welfare maximization, Living without state-independence of utilities, Subjective states: a more robust model, Is the market price of risk infinite?, Risk optimization with \(p\)-order conic constraints: a linear programming approach, Ambiguity through confidence functions, Maximizing the net present value of a project under uncertainty, A nonlinear compromise scheme in multicriteria evaluation and optimization problems, Additive conjoint measurement with ordered categories, A dual to the von Neumann-Morgenstern theorem, Factorizable automorphisms in solvable conjoint structures. I, Approximations of rational criteria under complete ignorance and the independence axiom, Analysis of multiobjective decision problems by the indifference band approach, Dimensions of election procedures: Analyses and comparisons, Transitive measurable utility, Research in decision theory: A personal perspective, Foundations of risk measurement. II. Effects of gains on risk, Individual autonomy in organizations, The foundations of decision theory: an intuitive, operational approach with mathematical extensions, An axiomatic basis for multiattribute value functions defined on binary attributes, Dynamic multiobjective optimization: A framework with application to regional water and mining management, Complete ignorance and independence axiom: optimism, pessimism, indecisiveness, Decision making in a case of mixed uncertainty: A normative model, Analysis of multicriteria decision aid in Europe, A simple framework for the axiomatization of exponential and quasi-hyperbolic discounting, Purely subjective variational preferences, Understanding the nonadditive probability decision model, Statistical mechanics of choice: MaxEnt estimation of population heterogeneity, Revealed preference and linear utility, Subjective probabilities on ``small domains, Utilitarianism for infinite utility streams: a new welfare criterion and its axiomatic characterization, Symposium: Logic and economics -- interactions between subjective thinking and objective worlds, Expected utility theory from the frequentist perspective, A decision-theoretic approach to robust optimization in multivalued graphs, Quasi-arithmetic means and ratios of an interval induced from weighted aggregation operations, Congestion games revisited, Continuous nontransitive additive conjoint measurement, Database querying under changing preferences, Utility function of fuzzy preferences on a countable set under max-\(*\)-transitivity, On the maximization of menu-dependent interval orders, Scaling-invariant maximum margin preference learning, Axioms for parametric continuity of utility when the topology is coarse, An expected utility theory for state-dependent preferences, A fuzzy multiple-attribute decision making model to evaluate new product pricing strategies, Incremental elicitation of Choquet capacities for multicriteria choice, ranking and sorting problems, Cost-sensitive three-way recommendations by learning pair-wise preferences, Aggregation of Bayesian preferences: unanimity vs monotonicity, Updating variational (Bewley) preferences, Betting against the Zen monk: on preferences and partial belief, Social preference under twofold uncertainty, Confidence and decision, Financial networks with socially responsible investing, Uniform expected utility criteria for decision making under ignorance or objective ambiguity, A two-parameter model of dispersion aversion, Aggregate risk and the Pareto principle, Spherical preferences, Integer solutions to interval linear equations and unique measurement, A systematic approach to multiobjective optimization, A simpler and more realistic subjective decision theory, On representation of monotone preference orders in a sequence space, Fair allocation of indivisible goods: the two-agent case, On expected utility theorems on mixture sets, Constraint-based optimization and utility elicitation using the minimax decision criterion, A variational approach to the maximization of preferences without numerical representation, Equal-quantile rules in resource allocation with uncertain needs, Risk attributes theory: Decision making under risk, On the concept of decision aiding process: an operational perspective, Optimal guidance strategy for crowd evacuation with multiple exits: a hybrid multiscale modeling approach, Decision-making through dominance plausible rule: new characterizations, Reference-dependent utility with shifting reference points and incomplete preferences, Unit representation of semiorders. II: The general case, Some classes of preference choice rules for decision-making problems, Underestimation of probabilities modifications: characterization and economic implications, Rational agents are the quickest, Preferences with grades of indecisiveness, Decision making in phantom spaces, A characterization of concordance relations, Separable discrete preferences, Decision-making problems with money incomes (losses) based on the combination of the principles of guaranteed and best results, Paradoxes of two-length interval orders, Lexicographically-ordered constraint satisfaction problems, On a strong continuous analogue of the Szpilrajn theorem and its strengthening by Dushnik and Miller, On some ordinal models for decision making under uncertainty, Multiagent resource allocation in \(k\)-additive domains: preference representation and complexity, Ordered sets with interval representation and \((m,n)\)-Ferrers relation, Computer science and decision theory, Equilibrium formulations of relative optimization problems, The news of the death of welfare economics is greatly exaggerated, Justifiable choice, Nontransitive preferences in decision theory, Homothetic interval orders, EXTRA: An expert system for multicriteria decision making, Subjective foundation of possibility theory: Anscombe-Aumann approach, Preference structures: qualitative judgements based on smooth t-conorms, An additive model of decision making under risk and ambiguity, Strategic cautiousness as an expression of robustness to ambiguity, Koopmans' constant discounting for intertemporal choice: A simplification and a generalization, Savage for dummies and experts, Measuring poverty in multidimensional contexts, Modeling agent's conditional preferences under objective ambiguity in Dempster-Shafer theory, Betweenness, orders and interval graphs, Additive representations of real-valued functions on subsets of product sets, Interdependent preferences on finite sets, On the foundations of game theory: the case of non-archimedean utilities, Minimal preferences on lotteries, What if utility functions do not exist?, Conditional expected, extensive utility, Even-chance lotteries in social choice theory, Fair social decision under uncertainty and belief disagreements, Subjective contingencies and limited Bayesian updating, Interval representations for interval orders and semiorders, Using the Borda rule for ranking sets of objects, On the extension of binary relations in economic and game theories, Representations of preferences with pseudolinear utility functions, A generic multi-attribute analysis system, Satisficing behavior with a secondary criterion, Generalization of extensive structures and its representation, An algebra of database preferences, On weighted utilitarianism and an application, Equilibrium routing under uncertainty, Aggregation of utility-based individual preferences for group decision-making, Non-dominance and potential optimality for partial preference relations, Cross-efficiency aggregation in DEA models using the evidential-reasoning approach, Multi-criteria semantic dominance: a linguistic decision aiding technique based on incomplete preference information, Non-binary choice in a non-deterministic model, Convex MV-algebras: many-valued logics meet decision theory, The structure of incomplete preferences, Revealed votes, A model for ordinally constructing additive objective functions, A comment on the axiomatics of the maxmin expected utility model, On the cardinal utility equivalence of biseparable preferences, Aggregation and the law of large numbers in large economies, Axioms for preferences revealing subjective uncertainty and uncertainty aversion, A note on Wakker's cardinal coordinate independence, Preferences for multi-attributed alternatives: traces, dominance, and numerical representations, On Wold's approach to representation of preferences, Belief consistency and invariant risk preferences, Homothetic and weakly homothetic preferences, Concepts for decision making under severe uncertainty with partial ordinal and partial cardinal preferences, A flexible framework for group decision support: WINGDSS version 3.0, Representing preferences with nontransitive indifference by a single real-valued function, Duality theory for preferences in multiobjective decisionmaking, Fuzzy integral in multicriteria decision making, A multiobjective genetic algorithm based on a discrete selection procedure, Signed orders in linear and nonlinear utility theory, Utility theory with probability dependent outcome valuation: Extensions and applications, Bounded rationality and control, A representation of partially ordered preferences, Investigating consumer decision strategies with systems factorial technology, Coherent orders, Decision theory and discrete mathematics, On minquantile and maxcovering optimisation, Regret theory: a new foundation, Monotonicity-based consensus states for the monometric rationalisation of ranking rules and how they are affected by ties, ZAPROS-LM -- a method and system for ordering multiattribute alternatives, Application of multiattribute theory in a safety monitor for the planning of maintenance jobs, The use of quasi-concave value functions in MCDM: some theoretical results, Binary choice probabilities: on the varieties of stochastic transitivity, Optimal expected utility risk measures, Eliminating disjunctions by disjunction elimination, A generalized extensive structure that is equipped with a right action and its representation, Additive utility without restricted solvability on every component., Towards a theory of MCDM: Stepping away from social choice theory, An axiomatization of continuous quasilinear utility, Correlated beliefs: predicting outcomes in \(2\times 2\) games, On the spatial representation of preference profiles, Preferences over consumption and status, Second-order ambiguous beliefs, Do bets reveal beliefs? 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I: Investigation in the framework of measurement theory, Remarks on the Dyer-Saaty controversy, Threshold models for comparative probability on finite sets, Dynamically consistent objective and subjective rationality, Axiomatic analysis of non-transitivity of preference and of indifference, Convex stochastic dominance with finite consequence sets, Upper semicontinuous extensions of binary relations, Reverse Bayesianism: a generalization, Why linear expressions in discounting and in empathy: a symmetry-based explanation, Theoretical justifications for the empirically successful VIKOR approach to multi-criteria decision making, Even in simple economic systems, equilibrium can be non-unique: an example, Determining the accuracy for fuzzy logic technology foresight model, Cancellation conditions for finite two-dimensional additive measurement, Time preference for health: a test of stationarity versus decreasing timing aversion, Mean utility in the assurance region model, A novel multi-objective approach for link selection in aeronautical telecommunication networks, Multicriteria network equilibrium modeling with variable weights for decision-making in the Information Age with applications to telecommuting and teleshopping, Numerical representability of semiorders, Semimetric thresholds for finite posets, Nontransitive decomposable conjoint measurement., Consistency stability intervals for a judgement in AHP decision support systems, Maximum Semiorders in Interval Orders, WEIGHTED QUASI-ARITHMETIC MEANS AND A RISK INDEX FOR STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTS, PARTITION OF SYSTEMS' BEHAVIORS, A THEORETICAL STUDY ON ADAPTIVE QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEMS, Aplicacion de las submedidasC a las probabilidades comparativas, DOLLAR COST AVERAGING RETURNS ESTIMATION, INTERVAL-VALUED REPRESENTABILITY OF QUALITATIVE DATA: THE CONTINUOUS CASE, Unnamed Item, Context-Dependent Utilities, An Algebra of Layered Complex Preferences, DYNAMICAL SYSTEM MODEL OF DECISION MAKING AND PROPAGATION, On the Origins of Imperfection and Apparent Non-rationality, Theory of evidence ? A survey of its mathematical foundations, applications and computational aspects, Decision Making Under Interval Uncertainty (and Beyond), Two-valued measures on a semialgebra of sets and some applications to infinite-dimensional mathematical programming problems, Decisions under risk and uncertainty: A survey of recent developments, ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PREFERENCE RELATIONAL SYSTEMS IN A COMPUTER-AIDED DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM, Fuzzy algorithms for planning the maintenance of large systems with insufficient resources, Preference Decomposition and the Expressiveness of Preference Query Languages, An approach to the solution of a conflict situation with $n$ participants, Stochastic scheduling problems I — General strategies, An Information-Based Model for Subjective Probability, Interactive multicriterial choice of variants in problems with weak constraints, Making decisions with evidential probability and objective Bayesian calibration inductive logics, Complex portfolio selection via convex mixed‐integer quadratic programming: a survey, Many objective robust decision‐making model for agriculture decisions (MORDMAgro), Optimization with Multivariate Stochastic Dominance Constraints, Conditional decisions under objective and subjective ambiguity in Dempster-Shafer theory, A new axiomatization of discounted expected utility, Multiattribute regret: theory and experimental study, An Extension of the MOON2/MOON2R Approach to Many-Objective Optimization Problems, Measuring well-being and lives worth living, Mixture independence foundations for expected utility, Combining Interval and Probabilistic Uncertainty: What Is Computable?, Expected utility theory, Jeffrey's decision theory, and the paradoxes, Aggregation of meta-technology ratio in DEA framework using the evidential reasoning approach, Service center location problems with decision dependent utilities and a pandemic case study, Semiorders and continuous Scott-Suppes representations. Debreu's open gap lemma with a threshold, A test of (weak) certainty independence, Subjective expected utility with signed threshold, A characterization of the existence of succinct linear representation of subset-valuations, Partial orders of dimension 2, Beyond uncertainty aversion, Problems and methods with multiple objective functions, Characterization of coalitionally ordered games, Decision Theory Without “Independence” or Without “Ordering”, Ambiguity and the Bayesian Paradigm, State-Dependent Utilities, An axiomatic approach to noncompensatory sorting methods in MCDM. II: M ore than two categories, Unnamed Item, Linguistic multi-criteria decision-making with representing semantics by programming, Topological separability and axioms of countability in GPO-spaces, Arrow's Theorem of the Deductible with Heterogeneous Beliefs, Aggregated Mean Ratios of an Interval Induced from Aggregation Operations, Zur Entscheidungstheorie bei mehrfacher Zielsetzung, On the characterization of efficient points by means of monotone functionals, Granular Structures Induced by Interval Sets and Rough Sets, Portfolio Optimization with Risk Control by Stochastic Dominance Constraints, Supply chain disruption risk management through strategic information acquisition and sharing and risk-sharing contracts, On the St. Petersburg Paradox, Leximax Relations in Decision Making through the Dominance Plausible Rule, Constructive decision theory, Threshold-Bounded Interval Orders and a Theory of Picycles, A property of linear forms of independent random variables related to uniqueness of linear structure, Constructing a monotonic quadratic objective function in \(n\) variables from a few two-dimensional indifferences., Multi-attribute decision-making in individual and social choice, Stopped decision processes in conjunction with general utility, Higher moment coherent risk measures, A note on linear utility, MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING WITH FUZZY CONSTRAINTS AND A PREFERENCE ON THE OBJECTIVE, A NOTE ON THE ESTIMATION OF MISSING PAIRWISE PREFERENCE VALUES: A UNINORM CONSISTENCY BASED METHOD, Utility Functions on Partially Ordered Topological Groups, Modeling users' preferences in systems for information access, A Model of User-Oriented Reduct Construction for Machine Learning, Co-op advertising models in manufacturer-retailer supply chains: A game theory approach, Dynamic MCDM, Habitual Domains and Competence Set Analysis for Effective Decision Making in Changeable Spaces, Data-Based Dominance, DECISIONS WITH ORDINAL PREFERENCES AND IMPORTANCES, Una aplicacion de la teoria de la utilidad de Von Neumann a la probabilidad subjetiva, Problemas de decision en ambiente difuso, The value of information and the value of awareness, Choice under aggregate uncertainty, The Anscombe-Aumann representation and the independence axiom: a reconsideration, Multiple-attribute decision making with partial information: The comparative hypervolume criterion, A Defuzzification Method of Fuzzy Numbers Induced from Weighted Aggregation Operations, Peter C. Fishburn (1936--2021), Obituary: Peter C. Fishburn (1936--2021), Peter C. Fishburn (1936--2021), CHARACTERIZATION OF A LINEAR DECISION RULE, Unnamed Item, A multi‐attribute motivational model of consumer choice based on a new outranking relation, Global regulation of individual decision making, A STRUCTURE OF RATIONAL DECISION PRINCIPLES, Implications of constant risk aversion, On the General Utility of Discounted Markov Decision Processes, Optimization in decision analysis, marketing and financial investments, Decisiones en incertidumbre con multiatributos, PRECOORDINATION IN QUALITY CONTROL, Axiomatic approach to statistical models and their use in multimodal optimization theory, Stochastic scheduling problems II-set strategies-, The Role of Cardinal Utilities in Multiple Objective Programming, Experiments comparing qualitative approaches to rank ordering of multiattribute alternatives, Unnamed Item, REPRESENTATION, PROPAGATION AND COMBINATION OF UNCERTAIN INFORMATION, Multiattribute signed orders, Weakened Transitive Rationality: Invariance of Numerical Representations of Preferences, Dynamics of international financial networks with risk management, Risk Management with Stochastic Dominance Models in Energy Systems with Dispersed Generation, Beyond p-Boxes and Interval-Valued Moments: Natural Next Approximations to General Imprecise Probabilities, A Quick Proof of the Order-Extension Principle, A new weighted rank coefficient of concordance, The Existence and the Non-existence of Utility Functions in Order-Theoretic, Algebraic and Topological Environments, Open Questions in Utility Theory, Searching for a Debreu’s Open Gap Lemma for Semiorders, Chain Representations of Nested Families of Biorders, Transforming continuous utility into additive utility using kolmogorov's theorem, Aspiration/reservation‐based decision support—a step beyond goal programming, A multiple‐objective dispersion problem, Semantic dominance analysis for multicriteria decision‐making problems with unbalanced linguistic scale, Learning utility functions from preference relations on graphs, Semi-infinite probabilistic optimization: first-order stochastic dominance constrain, Maximizing Expected Utility for Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, A foundation for probabilistic beliefs with or without atoms, Analysis of the error tolerance of stochastic methods to find the most preferred element, Approximating SP-orders through total preorders: incomparability and transitivity through permutations, Algorithmic approaches to preselective strategies for stochastic scheduling problems, Need for Diversity in Elected Decision-Making Bodies: Economics-Related Analysis, Ranking-Based Voting Revisited: Maximum Entropy Approach Leads to Borda Count (and Its Versions), The Notion of Pre-aggregation Function, Weighted Quasi-Arithmetic Means on Two-Dimensional Regions: An Independent Case, Outranking Relations: Do They Have Special Properties?, On an Asymptotic Property of a Simplicial Statistical Model of Global Optimization